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#102 Feb 23 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts

look guys and gals that hate me

No one said anything about hating you. Just that you are a liar and a thief.


Yea because your in a hnm ls and are still broke.

I am to new to be in a hnm ls. You’re the one that said you applied and were turned down for reasons that we were supposed to all know. I was just curious.

I was just pointing out the obvious. You must be a liar and a thief.


As for a theif and a liar ive never stole anything or lied about anything ive been real honest i would say. The ige acount thing well hey they needed that if you ask me and if u think it was wrong then i woul dcall u a customer of theirs and say you should go @#%^ yourself..

Steal - To take (the property of another) without right or permission.

I suspect you had gotten payment when you sold your account. So you broke the law by stealing the account back and admitted to it on a public web site. Also sounds like you are not too bright. I wonder what IGE or SE would do if they found out? Hmmmm….


Yea so i wont get into any NA hnm ls do i care naw, ill join a jp 1 but thanks oh and yes i have already been in the works with some and i can speak japanese so dont worry i know what they are saying. When my nin is 75 and using all the best gear and owning ill let my job do the talking if u dont want me becuase of rl events and not what my job can do for the team then u are selfish and picky and a elitist. If i do my job thats all that counts. Bah im done lol enjoy checking my gear and crying somemore hopefully this update gives me more toys to throw in the moghouse.

Blah… Blah… Blah… Blah… Blah… Yawn.
#103 Feb 23 2005 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
762 posts
It irates me when people use "feelings" to back up their arguments.

"Zariko" wrote:
I'm pretty sure half the reasons Hip wasn't admitted into AD were false

Hi! You're not in AD. Don't be sure of yourself when you can't read our private forums.

"Hiptaru" wrote:
I said that i RESPECT THE DECISION OF THE LS. I just dont respect the reasons, but like everybody knows, there is nothing i can do about it

Let's "modify" to say what you really mean, not what you want people to hear to make AD seem like the bad guys. If you don't "respect" the reasons, then you don't "respect" the decision. It seems that you "accept" the decision, which I'm still finding hard to believe too. "Logic" was a great college course.
"Hip-enough-to-think-he-knows-it-all-taru" wrote:
So i guess, why dont all the other people just let it die.. All i was asking was what do people on the server think of me....
Its really funny, i knew exactly who was gonna talk the most **** , and its just brings a smile to my face to know that i know this server like the back of my hand.

Again your unbearable "ego" shines through. If you know this server like the back of your hand, then why the hell did you make this post? Fishing for "compliments" = stupid. Fishing for "acceptance" = more stupid. When you create a post like this, don't cheapen the "opinion" of others by making them look like this is all they care about. I think I can get some people to agree with me that my "disgust" of you doesn't go beyond the time I spend replying to this post. I bet this post has done "wonders" to your "reputation." When you "let it go," and stop putting yourself up for "criticism," then we'll start "gawking and staring" at other sideshow attractions.
I am going to put up what I wrote in the public AD forums, for those who do not visit our forum regularly.
"Lui" wrote:
Taking offense to being declined from a linkshell isn't something we can control. However, for the record, in almost every post I've ever seen you make, there is an undeniable ego that I cannot bear to be around. I've never seen one person think so much of himself, yet not really be as impressive as he makes himself out to be. I've been watching your posts on Allakhazam for a long time, and have always kept my reactions to myself, no reason to really express them. But when you come into my home turf and call us shallow for reasons a couple of reasons that everyone already knows about (which in my guess aren't the only reasons), then it is no wonder that a personality type like yours would not mesh well with the people I call my friends and family. If it's any consolation, it doesn't matter to me how you make your gil, that wasn't a huge factor in my decision. What matters is are you someone who I want to share experiences with in the game? Are you someone that I feel I could get along with? The answer on my part was no.

Not that any of what I say matters. I don't think you really had a feel for the type of relationships the membership of AD has with each other, as you are quick to find a grass greener than ours. Good luck to you in your adventures.

You may now return to your regular scheduled flame war.
#104 Feb 23 2005 at 3:09 PM Rating: Default
anyhow if your not happy with me please feel free to report me thanks goodbye.
#105 Feb 23 2005 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
It appears that this thread is home to lots of aggression. I see that several of the ArchDominus LS has made it out to post. Most of them have had very legitimate arguments and have presented them well. Those members should serve as an example to the less polite members of that LS that have posted within this thread. If your LS is concerned with its reputaion (which I will assume that it is based upon the amount of you that have posted to protect that reputation) then you should really counsel the members that come to public message boards with high amounts of negativity. Those members' negative attitudes reflect poorly upon your group as a whole. While I have seen some most excellent retorts from some of ArchDominus, I have also noticed that some of your members lash out and make nonsensical posts in this very thread. I do not feel that the original flavor of this topic was to defame your LS, but at this point I have come to the conclusion that you were indeed called out, but not in the slanderous way that is being proposed by some of the posters here.

Allow me to illustrate this topic as I see it. Please be aware that this is just my opinion and I am open to debate about it.

When fraternity of any sort exists, there will always be rejection. You cannot have a fraternity that requires membership and accept all petitioners, or there would be no point in such a fraternity. However, as a fraterity of sort ArchDominus has made the apllication process public, and when you have a publicly known faucet of entry into your club and you make rejections (which I am not saying you are wrong for doing, although I may disagree with the reasoning it is not my fraternity and ultimately of little effect to me who you allow and disallow into your group) in a publicly known process, then it is within the rights of the public to make such judgments known. Hey, everyone in your LS knew and Hip (and your LS members) was going to tell people in game that his application had been denied, so it is ultimately inconsequential that the alla boards knows that he was rejected. If you would like to avoid situations like this in the future perhaps you should seek out your members instead of having an application process. People get rejected from fraternities all the time and they get pissed about it. Does it hurt the reputation of the group: No not really. I would just like you guys to be aware that by having your own public forums and a public application process, that you are subject to the comments and critisisms of the same public you have opened your doors to. Yes thats a crappy concept, but all publicly known organizations are subject to the same circumstance, so dont take it so personally, it is just a game after all.

I have some general advice for your LS. I dont mean this in a negative way and my best intentions for you guys are in mind so please try not to be offended. Perhaps you should have a spokesperson for your LS whenever your name is brought to forums that are not your own. Maybe the person that I debated with previously in this post could do it. They were well mannered and very non aggressive. Because some of the posters from your LS have been down right mean and rude in a topic that really had no need of those sort of mannerisms. So if you have a designated speaker you can avoid members showing up and making asses of themselves and possibly actually defaming your LS. I think those members have done more damage to your reputation than Hip could have ever done by posting this topic. (Hip if this was your are purely evil ^^). If this advice offends you, so be it. Offending you is not my intent, the advice I offer is genuine and I feel it is applicable and good advice in the case of your fraternity.

And as for the anger at Hiptaru for him posting this information here after he posted it there..well this is just silly to me. Think about that statment before you get mad at him. Those are your message boards whose primary focus is your LS. I can imagine that his dissappointment at your rejection would be quite unpopular speech in that particular forum. You cannot get a real veiw of an issue from a biased informaton source. Its like posting topics on why you think abortion is ok in a christian fanatic forum. Everyones opinion will be the same. Are you really that angry with him for reaching out to another medium and seeking a second opinion? And regardless as to wether or not he passivly called out your LS (and I feel he did, but so what?) he was quite literally asking our opinions on the aggrevated topics. Yes maybe there was a similar thread on your forums. I bet that it was prety one sided there (and I may be wrong as I have never been to ArchDominus' forums and read the topic), and why wouldnt it be, they are the forums that belong to your LS, they should be one sided. One sided LS forums are the sign of a well structured and similar minded LS, which is not a bad thing.

I veiw this topic as Hiptaru trying to get a second opinion. Is that so wrong? It appears that like and dislike for him appears to be split down the middle. While I personally have no quarrels with him for the things he has done (I actually find most of them amusing), some of you do, and it is within the realms of reason for you to feel this way. It is not wrong for a person to ask others for their opinions on his/her actions. Of course that means that Hip also opened the door to himself to be critisized as well. But I think he took it well, better than most people who have been critisized openly in these boards, I would say. Half of the formula for successfully partipating in debate is how you carry the message you intend to deliver. Often times this factor moreso than who is actually right and wrong will determine who has the upper hand in an arguement.

If I was Hip and all this drama was created as a result of a simple question I would be immensly pleased. While it may or may not have been his intent to create such drama, please observe the drama that has been wraught upon these boards (and your LS boards as well I will assume). The question he posed to this forum could have probably been answered in a sentence or two from each poster. But then again wheres the fun in that? Forums are like circus side shows, but you all already know about that. In fact I feel that is part of the reason everyone reads them and continues to post in them (Of course they do server several other less dramatic, more informative purposes as well).

Anyways this thread is long overdue for extinction. No one is actually adressing the topic of the original poster. Its all about secret codes, fashion vs. class, and dull minded monkies, and other non topic insults and debasements. I would reccomend that unless you actually have something to add that responds to the questions posed by the thread starter that you let sleeping dogs lie. I have had a good time discussing this issue with this community, but I am done with this topic (unless of course someone offers rebuttal to my conversation, in which case I must resrver my right to retort). Thanks for reading me.

(pardon me for any grammar or spelling mistakes)
#106 Feb 23 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Default
I suspect you had gotten payment when you sold your account. So you broke the law by stealing the account back and admitted to it on a public web site.

Technically he didn't just break the law when he stole it back, he broke it when he sold the account in the first place.

Contrary to what you might think you don't own your account. SE does. The only thing you own is the right to log onto your account and the game CDs themselves. Anything else belongs to SE. Gil, items, everything.

And as much as I might hate IGE, stealing something back that you received payment for is despicable.
#107 Feb 23 2005 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
8,507 posts
xArmyofONEx wrote:
Yea so i wont get into any NA hnm ls do i care naw, ill join a jp 1 but thanks oh and yes i have already been in the works with some and i can speak japanese so dont worry i know what they are saying.
Well that's good, because it seems to me you're still having some trouble with English.
#108 Feb 23 2005 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts

anyhow if your not happy with me please feel free to report me thanks goodbye.


Your name, a brief description and the url to your confession was sent to IGE and SE.
#109 Feb 23 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Good
353 posts

Your post makes very good points. As a member of the greek system at my university, your analogy is fitting and this, dealing with a disgruntled rejection, is not unfamiliar territory for me. However, I will make another point - for every 20+ applications we have to turn down, this happens *maybe* once. Overall, it isn't a problem.

However, keep in mind that we, the members of AD, aren't just defending out decision - we don't need to. We're also defending, to some extent, the operations of a multitude of HNM linkshells. Again, I will point out the appropriateness (sp?) of your fraternity analogy, you really can't understand when you're on the outside looking in.

The majority of this board is not at the HNM stage. We all take a beating every now and then by someone is sad at having lost a friend or two to an HNM linkshell, etc. I agree that retorts should be more organized, but if we believed we had a need to police our members, why would we have let them in to start with? We all have our outspoken types, that say what they think quickly because it comes from the heart. We have those that will take the time to construct an argument once their own feelings have subsided. This thread is a testament to just that.
#110 Feb 23 2005 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
Your post makes very good points. As a member of the greek system at my university, your analogy is fitting and this, dealing with a disgruntled rejection, is not unfamiliar territory for me. However, I will make another point - for every 20+ applications we have to turn down, this happens *maybe* once. Overall, it isn't a problem.

However, keep in mind that we, the members of AD, aren't just defending out decision - we don't need to. We're also defending, to some extent, the operations of a multitude of HNM linkshells. Again, I will point out the appropriateness (sp?) of your fraternity analogy, you really can't understand when you're on the outside looking in.

The majority of this board is not at the HNM stage. We all take a beating every now and then by someone is sad at having lost a friend or two to an HNM linkshell, etc. I agree that retorts should be more organized, but if we believed we had a need to police our members, why would we have let them in to start with? We all have our outspoken types, that say what they think quickly because it comes from the heart. We have those that will take the time to construct an argument once their own feelings have subsided. This thread is a testament to just that.

Overall, I would say we are agreed then. I have a few minor disagreances (sp?) with your post, however they are nothing worth reporting at this point. Except for one. I do understand the concept of fraternity. I am a member of an LS and we are most excellent friends. We even send each other postcards when we go on vacation, and I know some of them in real life. However on that same note I will also say that all fraternities are different and rest my case on the subject. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post! Perhaps we should all just lighten up about the subject and let Hiptaru receive the assessment byis fellow players that he initially requested?. Well my version update is now complete so I'm off. Have a nice day.

{Grammar} {Can I Have It}?
#111 Feb 23 2005 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
YukioOfBismarck wrote:
Well I for one have never had any problems with Hip. He always says hello and asks how I am doing. I see his ingame business ventures as just ventures in a game. It is no worse than real life or anything that happens in the real world of business. He just happens to be business minded in certain areas.

As for the denial into a HNMLS...well I bet when I get to that level I won't get accepted either. I like to have fun in this game and am not hardcore enough to spend my time hunting mythical monsters with a group. Yes I ocassionally hunt NMs, but rarely... And yes I want to see the whole FFXI story... However I think getting a LS of friends is the best way to go to reach those goals. I have nothing against HNMLS' really... Except that they seem to cause a lot of drama, not all of them mind you, but I see a lot of posts and complaints about "this HNMLS stole our HNM..."

Anyways, I don't see anything wrong with Hip's actions ingame, I think the guy trying to get the teleporting prices raised and the people who play a WHM and charge for a Raise are much much much worse.

Well there's my 2 gil, take it or leave it as you want

To be fair, AD is a group of friends. I know just a few people from AD and I won't name them here, but from what I gather they're the best sort of people; and those that I know in AD are perfect examples of that. They all have joined together to form one of the least controversial and one of the nicest HNM LSes on the server, to the point where as far as I'm aware, this is the first negative thing said about them. They're always courteous and nice to everyone deserving of it, regardless of level. As an example, I did the Promyvions when they had just opened with a group that was primarily AD players and future members of AD. I was a level 41 RNG at the time, and most if not all were well past AF, and at 75. Yet they took my opinions seriously, and included me in everything they did. They didn't even have to ask me back for later missions, but they did their best to include this newbie RNG.

AD has always included some of my favorite people. There are some I don't see eye-to-eye with, but for the most part they're great people. If they chose not to accept Hip, then there was a reason for that, and it's really none of anyone else's business, as they're a private linkshell who has an application process in order to join. It's common knowledge that when you apply to something, you may not always get in. That was proved true when Hip was denied. I can see their reasons, and even moreso I can understand not wanting him in their LS if they think that he wouldn't mesh well.

As for the rest of the points people are making, see Trizz and Vimes' posts. They've said pretty much everything I wanted to, but without mentioning knowing AD members, which was all I had to add.
#112 Feb 23 2005 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
145 posts
They couple times I have dealt with Hip; I have found him to be a very kind and helpful person :). Hell I even have a pearl still, just cannot seem to find time to get there due my other LS.

I personally see no need for HNM type of LS (my opinion. I do understand the reasons for wanting to have those who want to join apply. I am in two Linkshells and I like both of em alot. However, one of them allows anyone to join, which in itself is a recipe for disaster sometimes. We get many new people who have no idea what they are doing and instead of looking for some answers on their own (so they can learn abit about the game) they automatically beg for help. This can get tiring sometimes lol. Though this is a pain, I have met some great people because of our easy entry into the LS.

I will commend the few AD people who have posted very well worded and thought out posts. They never had to defend themselves, nor should they have to. However, the couple of members who have chosen to be rude and obnoxious about this situation do not help make AD look good. Remember a mistake by one can affect all those around. Not fair but that is how it works :(
Retired July 2009

#113 Feb 23 2005 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
340 posts
This topic doesnt go anywhere, there is no ending.

Can we close it? =/
#114 Feb 23 2005 at 6:48 PM Rating: Good
75 posts
Sticking with the OP, I'll say that since I've never pt'd with you in game, only read about you in the posts here, I'd be a bit hesitant if I was the LS owner. But neither would I "deny your application". Everyone has bad days or bad ideas. I've been on this game since release, and I never heard your casino shouting (heard plenty of ripoffs of it though). I think your reputation is probably one of the most exaggerated, too. You wouldn't be at lvl 75 if you were such a horrible person, considering no one would pt with you if you were such a jerk. That to me should be enough to say that you're prolly an alright guy who knew when and where to make a quick buck early on in the game. Props to you for that. If you're ever leveling a job in the 30's where I'm at, I wouldn't hesitate to invite you. Any further opinions I would make here are gonna have to wait on something like that happening, though. And who knows, maybe you used to be a jerk ingame, and now you've had a change of heart. No one's perfect, and I agree that the LS you "applied" to definately takes itself way too seriously. I'm obviously not in an HNM LS, but this game should be about having fun, which it seems is your intent for wanting to join them, so you should've been let in. There's plenty of others, so shop around. If they all turn you down, start your own!

Oh, and if you've really got more money than you know what to do with... send LLEW a Seer's Tunic +1, a Pluto Staff, and 2 Morion Earrings+1. Thanks!
#115 Feb 23 2005 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
LlewTheTaruRage wrote:
Sticking with the OP, I'll say that since I've never pt'd with you in game, only read about you in the posts here, I'd be a bit hesitant if I was the LS owner. But neither would I "deny your application". Everyone has bad days or bad ideas. I've been on this game since release, and I never heard your casino shouting (heard plenty of ripoffs of it though). I think your reputation is probably one of the most exaggerated, too. You wouldn't be at lvl 75 if you were such a horrible person, considering no one would pt with you if you were such a jerk. That to me should be enough to say that you're prolly an alright guy who knew when and where to make a quick buck early on in the game. Props to you for that. If you're ever leveling a job in the 30's where I'm at, I wouldn't hesitate to invite you. Any further opinions I would make here are gonna have to wait on something like that happening, though. And who knows, maybe you used to be a jerk ingame, and now you've had a change of heart. No one's perfect, and I agree that the LS you "applied" to definately takes itself way too seriously. I'm obviously not in an HNM LS, but this game should be about having fun, which it seems is your intent for wanting to join them, so you should've been let in. There's plenty of others, so shop around. If they all turn you down, start your own!

Oh, and if you've really got more money than you know what to do with... send LLEW a Seer's Tunic +1, a Pluto Staff, and 2 Morion Earrings+1. Thanks!

Some of the dumbest people you can meet in the game can make it past 60, even past 70. Case in point: Beatdown and Infamouskiller.
#116 Feb 23 2005 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
This topic doesnt go anywhere, there is no ending.
Can we close it? =/

Agreed. For once, though, I won't be doing the policing. So head over here:
And let them know we've yet another flamewar on our hands.
#117 Feb 23 2005 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
Ok, once again, i am not going to start calling people childish names, which it seems alot of people have done to me..

Once again, i am not going to point any fingers.. Which alot of fingers have been pointed at me..

I totally expected every single rude comment that i got, and i can live with it.. Thats life.. and it doesnt bother me in the least..

I have not one problem with any of the members of AD. I actually hope that there are no hard feelings. I did not mention thier name in the OP, and i was very civil.. I still respect everysingle person in this game that has talked sh[Black][/Black]it about me, and if any of them were in need.. oh lets say, for some reason they needed a cure in a pinch.. of course i would throw one thier way..

Its just really sad to see that this turned into a huge flame war. Oh well, like i said before. I respect the decision that they have made, and no matter what there are going to be people who see this entire thread as a chance to vent out some sort of aggresion they have, and thats what its here for i guess..

I will see you all in game, and hope that everybody sticks around for a long long time.. Thank you Bismarck for your feedback..

And thanks to all of the wonderful people who sent me the PM's and told me the very very uplifting words that you did, i really appreciate that, This thread has shown me that the friends you make in this game are there for you no matter what, no matter what side you are on..

Now everybody, just move on, this thread just proves alot of points to alot of people, and most of them didnt post a darn thing, just read it. I get alot of /tell in game from those people..

So, whatever, you know what i say about the whole thing..


#118 Feb 23 2005 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
Byaina the Tulip wrote:
This topic doesnt go anywhere, there is no ending.
Can we close it? =/

Agreed. For once, though, I won't be doing the policing. So head over here:
And let them know we've yet another flamewar on our hands.

there you go.
#119 Feb 23 2005 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Gonna say this before it's locked. I've never been a person to hold grudges. Yes some of the things you have done are annoying and could be considered wrong. As long as you are willing to accept what you've done, apologize, and not repeat anything then there's no problems. Just have to start over and set a new image for yourself.
#120 Feb 23 2005 at 7:52 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Locked by request from several people. Though I personally would have left it alone otherwise.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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