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I want your Honest opinion..Follow

#77 Feb 22 2005 at 10:45 PM Rating: Excellent
883 posts
I'm not judging him, Nyan, and you might want to re-read the post if you think I am. I said he has his reputation for a reason. I didn't say he's the same as any of those other people; there's been a lot of talk lately of why people get the reputations that they do and whether it's fair or not. Hiptaru has done some things that people don't like him for; that's why he has the reputation that he does. I do not have any particular opinion of him whatsoever, but I am aware of his reputation and the events that led to it.

I don't have the greatest reputation myself, and I know why, too - because I'm a raging bi[b][/b]tch on these boards. :) If I can accept that a reputation follows from your actions, why can't you?

By the way, from Hip's first post:
So, i want your honest opinion Bismark.. The 3 reasons that were given.. . Does most of the Server see me that way? Am i really that terrible of a person? Do i not help enough people out?

I answered that question, did I not? Didn't a lot of other people in this thread? Then accept the answer and walk away. Hip did ask, and he got his answer. You may not like it, but it's what he asked for. Your hostility is misplaced.

Edited, Tue Feb 22 22:48:27 2005 by Byaina
#78 Feb 22 2005 at 11:45 PM Rating: Good
Recently heard of a "Classy" HNM ls on the Bismarck Server.. So i decided to apply.. i am not gonna name names, because that would not be "Classy"

As for the term "Classy" let me look around here on the Allakhazam forums, and find the Signature of the person who actually puts that in it.. I might be incorrect but i believe its around her somewhere

Edit: i stand corrected.. it wasnt "Classy" it was "Fashionable" so please accept my apologies

Just wanted to mark out some quotes for those that think Hip was only seeking comments on how hated/loved he is without naming names. He was trying to do it surreptitiously, thus the quotes. Ever see someone say 'not naming names' while conspicuously pointing at the person they are talking about? That's what he was doing. I didn't know who he was talking about (til his edited post) but I knew I could figure it out. I just figured the folks that still played would know since it was obvious he was pointing at em with the quotes.

Don't be fooled, he wanted people to know who he was talking about. His feelings were hurt (understandably, no one likes being rejected) and he wanted to accomplish a few goals with this post. I'm sure he actually wanted to see what people thought of him, he also wanted sympathy, and he wanted people to be angry at the LS that turned him down. Well...goals accomplished.
#79 Feb 23 2005 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
Wow, look at all this sh[/Black]it.. looks like i ruffled a few feathers here didnt i?

well, In my OP i stated at the very beginning, i am not going to get my feelings hurt by anything that was said, and i am not going to flame anybody, and i am going to stick true to my word..

I now see what some people think about me, and its nice to know where the line has been drawn.. I obviously pissed off alot of people with my Astral Rings, and of course, i expected that..

It looks as if people didnt like the Casinos back in the day, i remember all the crap i took because of that.. Its just really sad that the people who spoke up for me were all bashed, and had stones thrown at them, and the people who like to jump on the Bandwagon of course showed thier faces..

People keep saying that i need to let it go.. but for some reason, i dont see any posts past my 2nd one? Hmm, looks like some others need to let it go.. I am not going to point any fingers, or name any names, i think it is evident who here has problems.. I said that i RESPECT THE DECISION OF THE LS. I just dont respect the reasons, but like everybody knows, there is nothing i can do about it, so oh well..

This is a Public forum, and i can post what i want, and other people can post what they want as well, I have no problem with anything that was said about me, geez, i mean, its all true in thier minds, and i can live with that..

So i guess, why dont all the other people just let it die.. All i was asking was what do people on the server think of me, and I got what i wanted, and i am not Naming names, or pointing fingers.. I mean, they were the ones who were so quick to jump up and start justifying themselves, not me... So are the days of our lives on the Bismarck Server, Glad i could entertain everybody for another day, and i hope nobodies feelings were hurt..

Its really funny, i knew exactly who was gonna talk the most sh[Black]
it , and its just brings a smile to my face to know that i know this server like the back of my hand..

So take it easy Bismarck.. Rate me down if thats how you get your rocks off.. As for me.. I am gonna go


#80 Feb 23 2005 at 12:25 AM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
I still don't think Hip is a bad guy, and if that makes me a dull minded monkey Trizz then I suppose I am.

Just saying Win that I cannot comprehend whatsoever how people cannot see how him doing the Astral ring thing was just not cool. Nobody ever seems to ever reply to this one comment I make over and over about this.

Think of the poor guy or gal who just farmed for an entire week to buy one of these, only to find out some jerk bumped the price up 350k for no good reason only to fill his pockets. Then stop and think of how "not a bad guy" he is. He only thinks of himself. People like that suck. Period.

I'm just saying people need to open their eyes and look past his buying people crap to make friends and whatever else he helps with from time to time to try and salvage some kind of reputation. If he would quit this crap it would die, but he loves the attention. Hell, he created this post. Just wake up is all I am saying. You don't like mean drama on the boards? Tired of it? Well, tell Hip. He started this thread. He asked opinions knowing some would not be so nice. He loves the attention. The title "I want your honest opinion" should be "I want to find a bunch of people to back me up." Because if he ever wanted anyone's honest opinion he would have stopped the sketchy crap a long time ago. I'm guilty of one thing, giving him what he wants, attention. I should have never replied to this retarded thread, but he asked.
#81 Feb 23 2005 at 1:16 AM Rating: Good
50 posts
I know my opinion 1. is largely irrelevant, since I'm only a 57 BRD, and 2. seems to be in the minority, but I don't like Hiptaru. At all. One word: sleazy. Everything I hear about in relation to him just feels ethically questionable. Casinos, lotterys, an attempted monopoly on Astral Rings...these aren't at all things I'd associate with someone respectable or reputable. It all feels very greedy and slimy to me. So, I'd feel that any LS that would accept a person like that would be tainted, like they're condoning his past actions.
#82 Feb 23 2005 at 1:58 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts
Hiptaruu wrote:

I now see what some people think about me, and its nice to know where the line has been drawn.. I obviously pissed off alot of people with my Astral Rings, and of course, i expected that..

Just out of can you honestly say that and then ask, and expect us to view it as a serious question, if or why you have a bad reputation?

Just a few months ago, Hip was rank 5 and level 75. I'm not saying that as an insult, I'm pointing out that his game goals obviously had nothing to do with completing missions. I don't doubt that now that he's made what he calls nearly unlimited gil that he's bored and would love to do more than just make more gil. Unfortunately, he's admitted that he expected to **** people off. To put in a quote that basically agrees with what a lot of people have said, "It takes a lifetime to build a good reputation and five minutes to destroy it." In this case, he expected to **** people off, he did, and now he supposedly can't understand why they're pissed off.

Like I said before, I've never had a problem with Hip's personality, but some of his actions have definitely left a bit of a stink. A lot of people have talked about how generous Hip is, and that may be true. I'd like to know if any of these same people have complained about rising prices at the auction house, whether it be by gilsellers or just average players. Let's face it, the auction strategies between Hip and a gilseller aren't really so different. The major difference I see between a gift from Hip and buying gil is whether you used your credit card number.

Now, just to keep people from thinking I'm being too harsh, I will add in that I doubt many people on this thread, regardless of whether they be pro- or anti-Hip, would sell an Astral Ring for 150k again. I can say with fair certainty that I wouldn't.

Finally, I want to apologize for even posting on this thread to begin with. I think it was an obvious attempt to start a flame war, and, judging from his last post, Hip was all too willing to sit back and let others do the work.

Hiptaruu wrote:

Its really funny, i knew exactly who was gonna talk the most sh[Black][/Black]it , and its just brings a smile to my face to know that i know this server like the back of my hand..

Well, Hip, congratulations then. You started a thread saying you wanted to know what people thought about you, then admitted you knew exactly who was going to say what. Everyone played right into your hand, I guess.

Again, I should probably add that I doubt I take the moral high road and boycott this thread, either. Now that it has started, it has become like train wreck with monkeys and balloons and I just can't look away.

Edited, Wed Feb 23 02:15:49 2005 by Vimesrdm
#83 Feb 23 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Default
282 posts
People keep saying that i need to let it go.. but for some reason, i dont see any posts past my 2nd one? Hmm, looks like some others need to let it go.. I am not going to point any fingers, or name any names, i think it is evident who here has problems.

Just wanted to mark out some quotes for those that think Hip was only seeking comments on how hated/loved he is without naming names. He was trying to do it surreptitiously, thus the quotes. Ever see someone say 'not naming names' while conspicuously pointing at the person they are talking about? That's what he was doing. I didn't know who he was talking about (til his edited post) but I knew I could figure it out. I just figured the folks that still played would know since it was obvious he was pointing at em with the quotes.

Don't be fooled, he wanted people to know who he was talking about. His feelings were hurt (understandably, no one likes being rejected) and he wanted to accomplish a few goals with this post. I'm sure he actually wanted to see what people thought of him, he also wanted sympathy, and he wanted people to be angry at the LS that turned him down. Well...goals accomplished.

I couldn't explain it any clearer my self, thank you Grimina.
#84REDACTED, Posted: Feb 23 2005 at 3:13 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) woa im a totally different breed now i guess lol, dont hate me becuase i farm better or differently then you. :)~
#85REDACTED, Posted: Feb 23 2005 at 3:13 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) woa im a totally different breed now i guess lol, dont hate me becuase i farm better or differently then you. :)~
#86 Feb 23 2005 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
194 posts
woa im a totally different breed now i guess lol, dont hate me becuase i farm better or differently then you. :)~

Mmmhmm, IGE is a very lucrative farming spot.

Edited, Wed Feb 23 08:34:09 2005 by Apocpink
#87 Feb 23 2005 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
510 posts
And that, Chicken, Is the reason no one would've known Hip was talking about AD. Now, Go get me a bucket and no more of your lip.

Hip, Bro, Anyone telling you that you leeched anything in your FFXI playing time doesn't know their *** from their elbow. We did a lot of things together, and I don't remember once that you were considered the leech. That was usually a BRD or RDM.

Ya know, Most of the people in AD I have no problem with and are usually half decent people save for Calien, and Ellata. Goobers. But, Ya know Bowser, In my own personal experiences with you you've seemed to be a real jerk-off. I'm pretty sure half the reasons Hip wasn't admitted into AD were false, But hell, You're the ones missing out on a good BLM. Not like you don't already have them(Chicken.) One more never hurt.

Then again, When talking about leeching anything, Let's all have a word with Draken.
#88 Feb 23 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
test sorry. can't seem to make a new post ;;
#89 Feb 23 2005 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
154 posts
Hmmmm going back a bit, but if your refering to me "telling them to hand him a trial pearl". Frankly your talking rubbish, I was offering an opinion on how I would handle the situation IF i was the leader of a guild and a player wanted to join who members felt might be disruptive. And anyway i've seen positive as well as negative opinions of hiptaru, so why would I judge him on the say so of people like you, yeah he drove up the price on an item but lets not be naive and accept it would have happened anyway, everything was going through the roof at that time, hiptaru just took advantage of that to make some gil for himself and at least it went in the pocket of a real player and not straight to the gil sellers or ebayers of this world.

I'm sorry if my supporting of Hiptaru is so offensive I get rated down by you all, but frankly get over it he ran a casino for a while, and played the AH for his advantage. I bet theres thousands of players who would have done the same if they'd had the brains and chance to do what he did.

Ok flame me away and rate me down if you like, but frankly all i've done is offer an opinion different from yours, if you cant handle that its you with the problem.
#90 Feb 23 2005 at 10:53 AM Rating: Default
374 posts
Well I for one have never had any problems with Hip. He always says hello and asks how I am doing. I see his ingame business ventures as just ventures in a game. It is no worse than real life or anything that happens in the real world of business. He just happens to be business minded in certain areas.

As for the denial into a HNMLS...well I bet when I get to that level I won't get accepted either. I like to have fun in this game and am not hardcore enough to spend my time hunting mythical monsters with a group. Yes I ocassionally hunt NMs, but rarely... And yes I want to see the whole FFXI story... However I think getting a LS of friends is the best way to go to reach those goals. I have nothing against HNMLS' really... Except that they seem to cause a lot of drama, not all of them mind you, but I see a lot of posts and complaints about "this HNMLS stole our HNM..."

Anyways, I don't see anything wrong with Hip's actions ingame, I think the guy trying to get the teleporting prices raised and the people who play a WHM and charge for a Raise are much much much worse.

Well there's my 2 gil, take it or leave it as you want
#91 Feb 23 2005 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
25 posts

woa im a totally different breed now i guess lol, dont hate me becuase i farm better or differently then you. :)~

Well from the looks of your own application it looks pretty obvious why you were not accepted.

In your own words you admit to being a liar and a thief.

You admit to selling your account to IGE then stealing it back.

Why would they trust you?

Edited, Wed Feb 23 11:02:42 2005 by CheeseBalls
#92 Feb 23 2005 at 12:53 PM Rating: Default
282 posts
Zariko, Calien was right when he called you a donkey. Did you not read the post of Grimina pointing out Hiptaru's little trick. Stop using that tired old excuse of him not naming names kplease? Also please inform me of any personal encounters you might've had with me cause I sure as hell don't remember jack. I tend to stay away from self righteous Dragoons who think they're god just cause a couple of allkhazam low levels worshiped them. KFCC's also not your friend, so stop name dropping. Just cause you don't remembered that Hiptaru Leeched doesn't mean other people didn't, what are you? Has all the allakhazam back patting gone to your head? I guessed if I spent my time eternally sucking up to allakhazam people that they'll think I'm Dragoon coffer key papyrus God too. Your personal experiences with hiptaru > mine? I Dunno why Draken was even dragged into this? What are you trying to pull? Disgrunted that he (a dragoon like your self) now owns a Barone+relics while you were rejected because you're an ***?

Edited, Wed Feb 23 14:38:11 2005 by Bowser
#93 Feb 23 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Default
25 posts
Seems to me that the only ones mostly sticking up for Hip are the ones that benefited from him financially, thus they need to defend their gravy train.
#94 Feb 23 2005 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
258 posts
Trizzoro wrote:
"Leave him alone let him play his game his way."

Well, touché mother fu[/b]ckers. Leave AD alone. Let them play the game their way. Obviously someone cares about your little schemes even if the dull minded monkeys here do not.
Trizz, I want to have your man-babies. XD

Seriously folks, whether you agree with it or not, it was our decision. I promise you the reasons Hiptaru laid out were [b]NOT
our sole reasons for denying him. Whether these were omitted by choice or he simply doesn't know why remains to be seen.

Oh yeah Hip, and remember when you told me to go suck a co[b][/b]ck and that I had no friends in the Bismarck chat during last maintenance? And then came back to defend yourself under a different name? Yeah....those friends that I supposedly don't have didn't take very well to that.
#95 Feb 23 2005 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
[/quote] I doubt you are the best player in the server. None of us are[quote]

/em Raises hand to be nominated for that position.

( all joking aside )

I have never personally benefited from Hiptaru ... he's never given me an astral ring, bought me a spell, or camped anything for/with me. In saying that I am not trying to protect the gravy train.

I do however know of many people in our LS that he does help and get stuff for (usually when he's been drinking) ... he does offer to help anyone that he can that he knows and respects. He opened the LS to Infamous, whom is a douschebag, and even though most of the LS hated him from the start, we all respected Hip enough to give him a try.

I know the karma camping is coming on this one, but since I don't play alla post for more then 5 hours a day I don't really care how many rate downs I get.

I understand the LS's position about turning it to a vote, but in my humble opinion, you guys lost out on that vote. I respect your decision tho guys, and since I am not planning on ever apping to your LS, i suppose my opinion doesn't mean much, so let's leave it at that.

Hippy: Even though I just joined a smaller HNMLS, I will forever keep and log into my Hipnotik Nation pearl. I have been there since day 1 whm lvl 1 no subjob, all the way till now as a 67 bard. You have always listened and tried to be helpful with your advice. ... besides, it's just a game, and **** em if they can't take a joke.
#96 Feb 23 2005 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
You admit to selling your account to IGE then stealing it back.

Why would they trust you?

I don't know, maybe because he ADMITTED it after the fact or something? And if that's true, nice one.

I really don't see the problem here, but that's from my "limited" viewpoint. We all know you have to be level 75 and rich to understand these things. Don't see why Hip wasn't let in, but don't see why he's gotta ***** about it either.
#97 Feb 23 2005 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts

You admit to selling your account to IGE then stealing it back.

Why would they trust you?

I don't know, maybe because he ADMITTED it after the fact or something? And if that's true, nice one.

I really don't see the problem here, but that's from my "limited" viewpoint. We all know you have to be level 75 and rich to understand these things. Don't see why Hip wasn't let in, but don't see why he's gotta ***** about it either.

This was not concerning Hip this was concerning ArmyOfOne.
#98 Feb 23 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Default
they where refering to me fourtytwo, look guys and gals that hate me guess what im not going anywhere soon. You can complain all you want about me im still gonna be here and buying up all the good gear i want does that **** you off? Yea because your in a hnm ls and are still broke. I have fun doing what i do so if u think for 1 bit i care what you think your in for a rude awakening. Ppl shout in jeuno all day long about me and my gear and my gil. Ive learned to just ignore it and go on with my biz, you should to im not asking for anything im not raising ah prices im just doing my thing u should try that and quit worrying about how much gil i got or how i spend it if i wanted a broker id hire 1. As for a theif and a liar ive never stole anything or lied about anything ive been real honest i would say. The ige acount thing well hey they needed that if you ask me and if u think it was wrong then i woul dcall u a customer of theirs and say you should go **** yourself. Yea so i wont get into any NA hnm ls do i care naw, ill join a jp 1 but thanks oh and yes i have already been in the works with some and i can speak japanese so dont worry i know what they are saying. When my nin is 75 and using all the best gear and owning ill let my job do the talking if u dont want me becuase of rl events and not what my job can do for the team then u are selfish and picky and a elitist. If i do my job thats all that counts. Bah im done lol enjoy checking my gear and crying somemore hopefully this update gives me more toys to throw in the moghouse.
#99 Feb 23 2005 at 2:20 PM Rating: Default
148 posts
Let me just say I know hip and from my honest opinon i think that the ppl that dident wnt him in the shell are is a nice way to put this? We will just say lame for their reasons granted it is your shell and all but hip is not by no chance as you said members clamed all out for him and what can he get from him or her or this shell and that, hell tell them to look around maybe do a shout for help on something and ill bet he is the first in line to help.
All and all hip i consider you 1 of the best and most fun ppl to be around on this game and if ppl dont like you big deal who needs them.
Don't get me wrong im not picking on the shell that rejected you, just giveing my opinion on what i think of you.
#100 Feb 23 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
2 muffins are in an oven, one muffins goes and says: Hey what's up? The second muffin turns around and goes OMG A TALKING MUFFIN!!!!

sup 42 :)

little taru w/ a big mouth.... sophistimacated that one is.

btw can some1 post AD's website? i forget the url, i know its something like:

thx :)
#101 Feb 23 2005 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
Switch Valkurm and archdominus around :p
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