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#52 Feb 22 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Good
Whats a cat ranger?

Edit: Smiley: jester Claimed.

Edited, Tue Feb 22 15:36:55 2005 by JoLOveS
#53 Feb 22 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
8,507 posts
kfcc wrote:
It's so simple even some cat ranger would be able to figure it out.

I don't know if I'd go that far.

/em waves to Butterball.
#54 Feb 22 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Good
762 posts
[Lui uses Call Beast. SoapboxSheep appears. Lui gets on top.]

To start, I love you all, and this is not directed as a personal attack to everyone, but my summation of attitudes about peoples' opinions of HNMLS's and response to Hiptaru's decision to make this post.

Hiptaru's application is posted in a public forum at ArchDynamis, anyone can go read it, and his reaction to being denied. It would be pretty obvious to anyone who comes to our forums that this post is a direct reaction to him being declined. The reply is not off-topic, because he is (in my opinion) coming back to his "safe" friends in Allakhazam to back up his opinions so he can feel justified in his reaction. That is not to say there is anything wrong with the people who post on Allakhazam, but a majority of them are not in HNMLS's, and do not understand the processes that a linkshell goes through in accepting members to their fold and maintaining a membership that will ensure the welfare and continuing prosperity of the linkshell. This is probably a really bad example, but it's like when you were a kid and the church told you that all of these things were bad and you shouldn't do them, but when you grow up? You realize that it was an opinion of one person, and you cannot understand the consequences of your actions until you experience them yourself. When I was a low level, I never thought highly of the higher level linkshells because I never thought I would qualify to participate in one. So they're bad bad bad bad bad, but lo and behold, I eventually reached a level where I can make a contribution, and what did I learn? If anything, the people who have reached this level in the game have a devoted respect to it, and most every one of them has a maturity that draws me in. I can't speak for others, but FFXI is a hobby of mine that I like spending time on, and want to be able to mature within it to the best of my ability. I've been on both sides of the coin, and I can say that until you've truly been involved in a HNMLS experience, then you have no right to say anything bad [This of course, will not stop people from saying bad things who do not meet this critiera]. Sure there are the bad eggs out there who aren't understanding enough to cope with this level of playing(anyone remember Calima?), every group of people is going to have them. To the poster who said that applying for linkshell's is stupid, then you must have by some act of God been allowed into a linkshell that magically has a good group of people.

My reaction to Hiptaru's post can be seen in the AD forums. All I can say is that someone who has to seek the opinions of others to know more about themself, probably doesn't know himself well enough to begin with. We all strive to seek who we truly are, but if you listen to what everyone tells you, then you're never going to know who to believe. That is why you must believe in yourself and work for yourself, and remember that the only opinion that matters is your own, as long as you respect the rights of others. It is hard for me to believe that Hiptaru is posting this solely to identify what people think of him. If he wanted to know that, he didn't even need to list the reasons he was declined. Furthermore, I doubt this post is going to have a direct effect on anything he ever does. Just as he will be better to apply to other LS's to further goals, so to will we look to better applicants in the future. It's a two-way street.

[Lui casts Fire IV on the SoapboxSheep]
#55 Feb 22 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Default
478 posts
Unless your HNM shell is called "wehatecasions,astralringincidents,&badreps" Then I fail to see where he clues us in on the name of your HNM shell in the original post. Can you please point out these clues to me?
As for talking smack on your board. Thats pretty messed up. I cant stand up for hip on that.
He lists Reasons why he was denied access to your HNM and asks our opinion of his rep.
I can see where a post could lead to confrontation yes but I see nothing in his post that calls you out in the first place. Well unless calling deniend reason #1 "silly" is provocation. He does say he respects your decisons but states he doesnt agree with why.
#56 Feb 22 2005 at 3:51 PM Rating: Default
478 posts
If you would please go check out our forum, there's a very similar post hiptaru made on his application thread. Connect the damn dot. It's so simple even some cat ranger would be able to figure it out.

Oh it all makes sense now. The secret code that Bow is refering to. Why didnt I see it in the oringinal post on allakhazams forum. Now i feel sheepish the secret code that Bow mentions in Hiptaruus posts are found on the AD forums. Not the allakhazam fourm. Omg theres the connection!
Im gonna get a huge rate down on this aren't I? I sense it.

Edited, Tue Feb 22 15:51:59 2005 by johnma
#57 Feb 22 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
353 posts
No, Hiptaru did not name AD in his post. We named ourselves. We're not a linkshell to look the otherway. Several of you on here are registered on our own forum. Wouldn't take long for the rest to fall into place.

Now will the person that said Vicodin was really good for pain please go die. I just had my wisdom teeth cut out and I feel like someone is stabbing my jaw with a butcher knife.
#58 Feb 22 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
johnma wrote:
Unless your HNM shell is called "wehatecasions,astralringincidents,&badreps" Then I fail to see where he clues us in on the name of your HNM shell in the original post. Can you please point out these clues to me?
As for talking smack on your board. Thats pretty messed up. I cant stand up for hip on that.
He lists Reasons why he was denied access to your HNM and asks our opinion of his rep.
I can see where a post could lead to confrontation yes but I see nothing in his post that calls you out in the first place. Well unless calling deniend reason #1 "silly" is provocation. He does say he respects your decisons but states he doesnt agree with why.

johnma - i read lunie's, bluesteel's, and aurora's forums every few days, and id probably read irons to if i had it, but im to lazy to look for it. i do this to see who is applying to them and what they are up too. i have friends in these ls's and i like to see how there doing. im positive i am not the only one who does this. just because you are in the dark about whats going on in the higher level community doesn't mean other people are. and i don't mean that to sound superior or anything. i just know when i was level 50 its not something i kept track of either. weither you like it or not, hiptaru made it perfectly clear which ls he was talking about to a lot of people.
#59 Feb 22 2005 at 4:08 PM Rating: Excellent
1,041 posts
Casino Spam: If people still have ME on Blist for casino spam, that is just hilarious, because it has been like 6 months since i have spammed my casino, prolly longer, why dont you go Blist Drebond, or Casinotaru aka Longshanks for the Casinos Spam. Everybody knows i dont shout out for casinos anymore, and if they are that Shallow that they dont like me just because i ran a casino, then oh well, i dont need people like them around me in the first place..

Personally, I don't know Hiptaru and don't care one way or another if some LS or another doesn't or does let him in -- but this is a lie. I saw him raffling Astral Rings not three weeks ago in Port Jeuno. I rarely blacklist people because you miss some real gems that way.

This means nothing to me, as casino spam is pretty commonplace, and though it's annoying, I'm used to it. I just dislike when people outright lie. :P
#60 Feb 22 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Funny, because for the longest time I had Hip blacklisted, as well as Drebond and I think those others that you mentioned. I took Hip off blacklist when I heard he quit doing the casinos and I took Drebond off blacklist when I was in a coffer party with him once, and couldn't understand why I couldn't see what the hell he was saying. I took him off the blacklist then and I've left him off since. The casino thing is old and really doesn't bother me too much anymore, but that might be because I still have all those people on my blacklist. Heh heh.

Edited, Tue Feb 22 16:17:23 2005 by Xanoxonax
#61 Feb 22 2005 at 4:23 PM Rating: Default
478 posts
Lanzer Ya know thats true. I am in the dark because I dont read everyones forums. And Its true Im not at a high enough level to really care. Not everyone does, and then again some people do. I had no idea wtf AD was until this damned post came up. i had really only heard of the lunarians.
HOWEVER had it been originally stated by one of the AD members that hips post linking the linkshell in question was on a completely seperate forum (their own nonetheless) Some of us wouldnt have been confused by this "secret code" Bowser was refering to. If you read hips Post here and this is the only forum you really visit how in the hell are you supposed to make that connection. Its like saying you watch WWE so you automatically must know whats going on in TNA.
#62 Feb 22 2005 at 4:34 PM Rating: Default
478 posts
Lol, Lanzer I just worte a post and it still hasnt shown up so in the case that it does pop up after I post this 1 Ill just edit this.

And there it is 11 minutes later lmao.

Edited, Tue Feb 22 16:35:05 2005 by johnma
#63 Feb 22 2005 at 4:34 PM Rating: Default
AD turned me down too hiptaru but u didnt see me cry? We all know why i was turned down lol.
#64 Feb 22 2005 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
935 posts
Not sure where the secret code is to finger AD....

Although he chose not to mention Archdominus on the forums for some reason, I have a few other social pearls, and he has had no problem sharing the faults of AD from what I have heard in those shells.

I get the feeling you wouldn't know without asking him, but he would be more than pleased to tell anyone what LS it would be in game. I could be wrong though.
#65 Feb 22 2005 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts
Ok the non existant CLue

For those that DO READ other forums, Hiptaru posts on our Ls forum is the exact same post minus the Compliment fishing.

For the others, Hiptaru's misquote of Raynil's signature.

In case any of you were wondering, "Classy LS" was actually a misquote from Raynil's Alla signature:

"ArchDominus: Bismarck's Most Fashionable End-game Linkshell"

Oh and the last thing you need, awareness of what's going on on your own server not of alla source. If so you would've put two and two together already. If you are going to comment on stuff not of concern to you, please do some homework. If you are writing in reply to whether Hiptaru is your hero or the devil, I see no problem with that. If you are commenting on the "shalowness" or "elitist-tendency" of the Mystery LS to support your claim? well then yeah, at least anticipate responses like mine.

AD officers (most refrained from commenting) are serious about how the server view the LS. They are probably shaking their heads at me speak thinking "that fool Bowser, what have he gone and done now?" And well I really must appologize but after the Calima post (which I did not participate in), thread like this are just uncessary. well seriously, you are telling me there was no ill intention in this thread towards AD for totally uncessary reason? So we just sat back and watch others with absolutely no knowledge of what happened judge us?
#66 Feb 22 2005 at 5:22 PM Rating: Good
I thought you were a ok guy till this thread....not real sure why your taking it to heart so much. Like Amryofone said he was denied to AD as well and instead of feeling the need to post about it he did something about it and started his own HNM LS.

Did you need some kind of ego boost after being rejected? I'm not trying to be a jerk just curious to why its such a big deal if you got accepted to another HNM LS.
#67 Feb 22 2005 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
Good is all I really have to say. Good.

Wait, that's not all. You asked, so I will deliver, Hip.

You apply to any LS, HNM or not, and they have the choice to turn you down for any reason they so choose. ANY REASON. It is THEIR LS, not your LS, not every person with an a[/b]sshole and an opinion's LS, but their LS. They said, "No." Live with it, just like every person who worked their a[b]ss off to buy and Astral Ring to come to Jeuno and see you had douched the prices way up. What would you tell them? "It's just a smart way to make gil. I'm playing the market, cause I'm so fu[/b]ckin' cool. Hell I have 'Hip' in my name for God's sake. I'm teh kewlest!1!!"

Then so many people come here with the "I don't mind casinos" and "So Hip played the econmoy big deal" horsesh[b]

"Leave him alone let him play his game his way."

Well, touché mother fu[b][/b]ckers. Leave AD alone. Let them play the game their way. Obviously someone cares about your little schemes even if the dull minded monkeys here do not.

#68 Feb 22 2005 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
kfcc wrote:
Not sure where the secret code is to finger AD....

If you would please go check out our forum, there's a very similar post hiptaru made on his application thread. Connect the damn dot. It's so simple even some cat ranger would be able to figure it out.

No offence kfcc but I don't read your forums, no clue where they are honestly, and I could care even less as to who's applying to your LS.

I guess I'll reiterate one last time that I think AD was well within their rights as a LS to deny or approve anyone they want, it's their shell, their home, and they choose to include only those they wish. I wouldn't have had a clue who the LS he was talking about was until Bowser posted but it seems that some would have so I guess I'll stand by what I also said originally that this post was in bad form.

I still don't think Hip is a bad guy, and if that makes me a dull minded monkey Trizz then I suppose I am.

I suppose that view makes me unworthy in people's eyes here so if someone would care to take over the helpful posts thread I'll bow out of participating in the Server Forums here. Send me a PM if you would like to take it over and we'll figure out how to transfer it over.

Edited, Tue Feb 22 18:50:00 2005 by Wintaru
#69 Feb 22 2005 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
199 posts
Everyone is entitled to their own people it or not.. if someone will judge me cuz i like someone who knows how to play the game and is helpful, then hey, kiss my ***. rate down, /blist, i dont give a ****. this thread in my eyes, since i have a opinion, has gone far enough. people dont like this person, cuz of this, the other person doesnt like this person cuz of that..This is the world we live in, we will never like everyone, but da well. :)

P.s rate down away!!!!! :P

I love ya still Win >:)
#70 Feb 22 2005 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,297 posts
Some people got mad that AD uses an application system for people that would like to join. One reason for that is that there isn't very many linkshells like ours that focus on end game events. I think there are only 5 or 6 English speaking linkshells that regularily go fight in sky or kill dragons and turtles on the ground. All those linkshells also use an application system. There is simply more demand for end game events than the existing shells can handle. I'd be surprised if in the near future more linkshells aren't created.

We can't pearl everyone that would like to join. Our webpage has over 100 applications. If they all joined there would be people that couldn't even equip their pearl because of the 64 at a time limit. That wouldn't be fair to anyone.

AD also likes to keep an air of civilty and family in our linkshell. That's only possible when you can get to know every one of your shell mates. With knowing comes understanding which goes a long ways when trying to mediate any disputes and complications between members. When someone applies we'll discuss them and if enough members don't get along with the applicant, then he will be turned down. It's not fair to the existing members to admit a person that they cannot get along with.
#71 Feb 22 2005 at 7:45 PM Rating: Default
128 posts

Just a reminder.


Let this one die.

#72 Feb 22 2005 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Hiptaru, you have my support man. Your my best bud in game (as well as the people in our LS), and I'd stand by your side no matter what. All the flack people throw your way is all hogwash, they don't know the real Hip. I've been around your casinos in the past and I'd say people had a good time, and your Astral Ring Raffle was a smash hit, as well as an awesome event for anyone in the server to take part in. Even if you didn't bid on a rig, you couldnt help but LOVE the festivities during the Ring give-away.

Anyone can say whatever they like. But I know the real Hiptaru, and he's my best friend. I'm proud to be a part of his linkshell. He is my captain, and the banner by which Hipnotiknation LS members follow by. Maybe we should make our own hnm ls dude?
#73 Feb 22 2005 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
345 posts
Then please keep him within your own LS o_o Live with it that you didn't get accepted hiptaru and let this thread die ^^ Oh and if ou plan on making your own little hnm ls, be sure to try to recruit that little taru rng that spammed the ToD of serker and behemoth..darn..forgot his name ; ;
#74 Feb 22 2005 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
I was just doing my daily browse around of the forums and came upon this thread. Today is a very sad day indeed.
For someone to be tainted with a prejudice that should not even
exists only proves to further the ignorance that has been running rampant
of the server as of late.

Dude you will always be cool in my book. Look up Jnag and ask about TeamJnag. You say you want to add a little more pinache to your game. Let him tell you a little about the group that we have put together (oh and don't even ask about our views on endgame linkshells).

You have my utmost respect and my opinion of you will always be in the highest regards. Don't let children sour your game experiance but rather turn a blind eye to them. Once again as you have proven time and again you will turn out to be the better man in this situation.


edited because I apparently cannot spell view**

Edited, Tue Feb 22 21:42:30 2005 by zandertheredmage
#75 Feb 22 2005 at 10:27 PM Rating: Excellent
883 posts
All of you who are oh so very outraged by the oh so unfair treatment Hiptaru is getting are forgetting one thing: Hip has a completely godawful reputation on the server. AD has every right to refuse to associate themselves with someone who has that terrible reputation. It's nothing to do with prejudice, nor ignorance - Hip has this reputation for a reason, same as Infamouskiller, Armyofone, and everyone else it's fashionable to jump on these days. Do not pretend otherwise - it's his actions that have earned him his reputation. I understand that those of you who know him well see more than a mercenary only in pursuit of money, but the rest of us don't know him as well and we can only judge him by his actions. Those actions have not exactly demonstrated him to be the best of people. AD has every right to refuse him on that basis alone, lest their reputation become his by association.
#76 Feb 22 2005 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Hip has this reputation for a reason, same as Infamouskiller, Armyofone, and everyone else it's fashionable to jump on these days.

Don't you dare place him in the same category as those players. They are a different breed all together.

And Byaina who are you to judge Hiptaru? Have you partied with him? Do you know him personally? I doubt you are the best player in the server. None of us are, we are all flawed, but to cast judgment upon someone just by what you hear is sad. Who knew that you were the shining example of the perfect player in the server??
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