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#1 Feb 19 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Default
446 posts
So out of curiosity and to see something differant on the forums.

What is the most amount of times you have died in a single
exp session, and what made you stay?

That is if stayed past the second death.


this in no way shape or form is to take the form of a flame thread. consider this a stats thread like parser except for death. granted this is in no way similar to parser but you get the general idea.

Please make no mention of any names in this thread and keep it all anoynmous. should you wish to name names as either bad or good players please take them to their appropriate threads.

thank you

Edited, Sat Feb 19 17:33:13 2005 by zandertheredmage
#2 Feb 19 2005 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
542 posts
If I die more than three times in an hour then I'll usually leave if the party doesn't disband anyway. Someone isn't doing thier job if people are dying three+ times. In the event that I do stay, its probably because someone is about to level and they themselves have been having a rough exp session.
#3 Feb 19 2005 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Do rank missions count? I died 4 times in the process of doing rank 4...
#4 Feb 19 2005 at 5:00 PM Rating: Good
I died three times in a party in Gustav the other night. I have to tell this story, because it's just too good.

We had a singularly goofy WHM named Pinkiepookie. I've probably been prompted seventy times by my LS to put her on the bad players list, but I've lost my taste for that forum, I'd rather just tell the stories.

My first death occurred at a camp on the far side, suggested by said whm. I was standing next to the BLM at the time, and we were fighting Mercenaries, Alchemists, Shepherds and crabs.
At some point the BLM got hit, and a Doom Mage behind us decided to come over and see what all the fuss was about. BLM died first, and I was next.
The THF took off, and after killing the SAM, the Doom Mage went after the THF.
Pinkie somehow escaped death. She raised us all, and while she was sitting, I went go get the THF, who had been killed in the middle of a mess of gobs.

I hit sneak and invis, and found the THF's body; there were gobs and crabs everywhere, so I was running around trying to find a safe place to Tractor her. As I'm doing this, I turn around, and there's Pookie, nary an Invis spell in sight, running cheerily into the middle of a mass of goblins.
I groaned inwardly; naturally all the gobs aggroed her, so she turned around and ran straight back toward all the still-weakened party members, gobs in tow.
She died; luckily the BLM saw her coming and got Escape off, so everyone else survived.
"I don't know what happened!" said Pinkie.
"Gob aggro," I replied.
"But I had Sneak up!"

This happened about eight times:
Sioux casts Refresh on Pinkiepookie.
A minute passes.
<Pinkiepookie> {Refresh} {please} <call12>
<Sioux> It's up.
<Pinkiepookie> Ooops. Wrong macro.

Next death happened while we were fighting an Alchemist. Any RDM that has encountered these probably hates them as much as I do; silence --> dispel. Dispel. Dispel. Paralyze. Silence. Dispel.
So I'm doing this, and Pinkie is resting MP next to me; I see a flicker of pink text while I'm doing my thing, but ignore it until I'm finished. Then I scroll up to read it.
<Pinkiepookie> Heal for me ok I have to do something real quick
At the same moment, someone in the pt says "Heal!?"
Gah. I look up; the tank is in the orange (a NIN tank), and another glance shows me that I have 178 MP.
I throw Cure III on the tank as fast as I can, followed by a Cure II, another Silence on the gob, and there's just enough left for a Stoneskin. I toss it up and Convert; the Cure IV that followed was just one cure too many for that gob. It ran up the hill and smacked me for 0, then turned and hit the tank, knocking him into high orange again.
Wincing crazily inside (the gob was about half dead), I threw a worthless Regen on the tank, trying to prop up his HP without getting myself killed, but he didn't have Utsusemi up, because he'd been chasing the gob up the hill and was probably panicking as much as I was.
The gob hits him again to high red. I'm Cure IIIing, and he gets hit again and dies. And the gob turns around again and kills me.

The party did kill the gob somehow, with me and the tank dead. After a few minutes Pinkie comes back. "OMG WHAT HAPPENED!!"

The third death occured because of a tank death; a Bomb Toss killed him and another pt member, and it pretty much ate the party. I can't tack this one so much on Pinkie, but I can say that after she left the party we got a WHM named Kuro, and later on Moonpie joined my pt as the tank, and we did marvellously. The exp per hour was nuts, and I got to lvl 58 without a hitch.

So my record is about 3. After the third death I was very tempted to leave, and the reason I didn't was because I don't generally leave parties until they break up.
#5 Feb 19 2005 at 5:24 PM Rating: Good
327 posts
No matter how much times I died, it can be the result of a incredible bad luck, so I would leave the PT if the strategy and leader are too bad. I say I would, because I've "left" only one PT yet in 1 year. Maybe that I was lucky, but no PTs other than this one gave me less than -200 exp.

The reasons I left the PT :

I was the PLD. So, if the PT is bad, I'm the first to pay. We had a very bad setup, and the leader wasn't a newbie, he was an idiot. Meh, after we died 2 times against crabs, he told the puller to get a gob (we were Lvl12 at these damn dunes ...). As you can guess, with 200HP, I can't really tank a mob that smacks for 70. The WHM overcured me, got eaten by the gob, just before I use Invincible and run away. I died in the middle of the way to Selbina, and right after it our leader said "Have something to do. Bye !" and left the PT... (and so made the PT disband). (We smacked 4 mobs, died against 3 of them. Lost about 800 exp in a row (died 4 times, saved my old WHM from a gob after my Raise and the disband)

So I was back to LFT. 5 mins after, I got an invite. The PT :
2 WHM, 2 SMN, 1 RDM, and me. I was too disgusted to stay -_-; and try a single mob ...
#6 Feb 19 2005 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
512 posts
i died at least five times xping with a party in the dunes on my warrior/monk, and i stayed because it was a really fun party.

i think i was lvl 13 or 14, whatever lvl you get too big for lizards, and i was recruited by a ragtag band of newbies that didn't have much of a clue, but really wanted to learn party dynamics and were tired of being yelled at for not automatically knowing.

so i took on the main tank role and coached them through party structure, formation, and dynamics. sure, i died a few times. but by the time i stopped eating dirt on a regular basis, we were starting to pull in xp chains and functioning as a team. the five deaths managed to bring me down a notch, while my sacrifices gained them the big chunks of xp they needed to catch up.

i guess what made me stay was the fact that everyone was polite, and were primarily concerned with learning to function without a PL, and with having fun.
#7 Feb 19 2005 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Hmm, I think it wast last week, or maybe a week and a half ago, I was in pt in CN died twice. We were past the exo room and in the tunnel killing beetles, and it was a bit cramped, 3 parties there. The pt behind us pulls a link, and either they wipe or bail and the crawlers come for us. We get wiped, and after the crawlers take off get raised by the pt in front of us.

Now at this point the details are kinda foggy, CN was the worst I have seen it in a while. Huge train at the entrance, from what I heard from incoming pt members and a couple of LS ppl it was there for a while. Anyway, we are in the midst of a few replacements so theres 3 of us in CN, 2 weakend PLD me, and WHM. The 3rd had just joined.

So we are there waiting on weakend to wear off and the pt that raised us was continuing on beetle's when I think one popped nearby. I just get over weakend, have enough mp to cure myself almost to full when the bettle links with thiers. Our whm has been helping the other pt a bit so had been taking the occasional hit also. So being a PLD, I did what comes naturally, I voked the link. I think I managed to call for help before it dropped me, it's all kinda blur anyway. Got raised again and in the midst of rebuilding the pt we decided to get out and go someplace, less crowded.

Headed off to the the Boyh<tab> Tree to xp off bark spiders, and everything was going great. We did get wiped there once, someone mistargetted and hit a cap :o, those suckers link faster than leeches in dunes. So for me that night it was my 3rd death, but in my line of work you get used to it. All in all I got close to 5k xp that night, the 2nd death in CN dropped me to 51 but with rasie and a bunch of beds came back at 52, hehe.

On a side note, once we did get into the Boyh<tab> Tree, everything went great, once we got a routine down. No one was there the xp was good, even thou some of the fights were thougher than others.

I think that that has probably got to be the most times I have died in an xp session in a while, frankly I have died so many times they all blur. 1. It's kinda part of the job, and 2. It's part of the game, get used to it.
#8 Feb 19 2005 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
I haven't died in exp on my thf

Hrm. I was 58 or 59, not using Utsusemi, and I pulled a peryton with no flee and got a link. I'm 73 now. I was 74 for 12 hours :D

I think I've died a lot on my subjobs though. The most I ever died with a single party while exping was... four times, I think. Sillyheads kept trying to make me main tank in Qufim. I was a 23 drk/war. :D
#9 Feb 19 2005 at 10:31 PM Rating: Decent
I have never left a party because of death I think its all part of the game and hell its only experience points you'll get it back...eventually... I have only left one party in my year of playing and that was because of too many people trying to lead and not actually worrying about xp so I left I did tell the leader why I left so maybe they got it together afterwards.
#10 Feb 20 2005 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
194 posts
I've had a set exp party since around level 50, so I don't typically die during exp. One of my most fun deaths though was getting one shotted by Pelican in Kuftal when I pulled hate while we were fighting it. Hammer beak pwned me :P
#11 Feb 20 2005 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
202 posts
How's this?

We're in Quicksand Caves, exping off of beetles. We're in the south entrance in Eastern Altepa Desert and I'm having no problems with Anticans, because there's a 73rng killing them all trying to get Saggitarius to pop.

She leaves after about an hour, as I suppose that she had lost hope. This is when the problems start. Antican aggro, zone. Antican aggro, zone. I die about the third time it happens to save the pt:

I had a train the size of texas, and they were killing a beetle for a chain #5. Rather than kill the exp for everyone, I decide to Perfect Dodge + Logout in the middle of the room with red hp. I let then know what I'm doing, and proceed to do it. I see 30 seconds in the log. 25 seconds. 20 seconds. 15. 10. 5. at this point, PD wears off and I have no shadows. 60-0 in one second flat.

No problem, I scoff it off. It was a really good pt. Then I'm out pulling, and Saggitarius spawns RIGHT ON TOP OF ME and one shots me. I scoff this off because it's just plain amusing that Saggitarius X-XI killed me in an exp pt. blm tractors, whm raises, antican pops by the stairs and kills me. I didn't care, that one was no nobody's fault. >.<

We move to Garbage ********* to kill beetles and bats. About an hour into that, Serket pops and three guys are all over him instantly. They're fighting him for about 3 of my pulls. On that last pull, Serket pops off his AOE poison as I'm passing by. I start screaming like a baby and the whm starts running towards me after he sees my hp dropping by 70 every second. Needless to say, we didn't get to eachother in time.

Why didn't I leave the pt? Because that party was jumping like a fat woman on a trampoline! The exp was great, and none of my four deaths were in anyway caused by the pt.

I use that story as a sort of bragging right. "Hey guys, Saggitarius and Serket killed me in the same day. IN AN EXP PARTY!"
#12 Feb 20 2005 at 2:31 AM Rating: Good
195 posts
I think I've always been sort of lucky in partying. I've yet to have a truly bad group. The most I've ever kicked the bucket in an party xp session is once..... of course now that I've said that watch me get a party tomorrow , die over and over and delevel back to 48 XD .

I went from 42 to 50 these past few days and only KO'd once. On that note I'd like to say thank you to all the damned fine tanks, secondary vokers , and pullers who've kept me alive, as well as the bards and black mages who've kept the few links we've gotten slept for us XD

I tend to die more often when I'm soloing quests and lvling low lvl jobs solo. *curses undeniably low taru hp!*
#13 Feb 20 2005 at 4:20 AM Rating: Good
The most I've ever died would have to be in Garliage as a puller when I would try to pull those Wing Rats that hang out in the rooms together.

Even though I know they'd link, I'd still try to grab em to secure that Chain #5 or #6 for my PT, only to end up pulling the link every time.

Whenever I pull more than two links while I'm pulling (very rarely... yea right), I'll take the death to keep the PT alive and the down-time to a minimum, due to my own stupid mistake.

I'd say it's been maybe a grand total of three times that I've died during one PT pulling at one time. But to keep the XP at maximum, taking the fall over your bad pull ends up saving the whole PT lots of time and XP in the long run. Hell, I've even asked someone to pull while I'm still feeling the effects of the sickness. I just moderate the amount of damage I do and I usually don't get touched =p

I tend to die more often when I'm soloing quests and lvling low lvl jobs solo. *curses undeniably low taru hp!*

Kit, when have Ark, Jay or I ever let you die during a mission or quest?

(save the time ypu were MPK'd by the Toms in Gusgen)

By the way, grats on 50... Wait for me!!!
#14 Feb 20 2005 at 9:33 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
when leveling my nin in dunes *shudder* I had 3 deaths within about 30 minutes... I left and never touched nin again for like 6 months.

Once i restarted nin (to take it to 20) I found a great nin (Chaoss) to partner with and we got great XP and had perfect timing voking it off one another.

The other time i died the most was 3 deaths in 15 minutes on 1 fight (HNM) fighting cemetery Cherry. I think i even ate a raise 1 one of those times. that thing mopped the floor with us, several times. There were people that died more than me too. We pwn'd it the next time though and only had like 1 eath out of the whole alliance.
#15 Feb 20 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Ixaera's tale of DRK/WAR tanking reminds me of one of my funniest deaths, which happeend in the Crawlers' Nest while I was tanking on...DRK/WAR.

There weren't any tanks around, and they asked me if I would tank. I don't think we were even up to 40 yet, and I was doing ok tanking at the beetle room. Well, they decided to pull a scorpion, and I knew this was going to be trouble. Sure enough, it gets close to death and decides to do that one little powerful move they have, and down goes Xonax. >< After I got a raise, I simply said, "Ok, if I'm tanking as a DRK, you're not bringing any more scorpions."

Another humorous death would have to be when I was in Boyahda Tree, and I popped off Souleater a little too early in the fight. I knew that I'd be dead soon enough, and the Bark Spider didn't disappoint. Used that sickle slash move of theirs, or whatever it was and one hit killed my *** for 400+ dmg.

Other than that, I don't really die too much in XP parties. It's usually when I'm out farming or doing quests or things of that nature.
#16 Feb 20 2005 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
690 posts

Three was the number of times that I died, and the number of my deaths in one session was three. Four times did I not die, neither did I die two, except when I proceeded to three. Five... was RIGHT out.

...I'd have quit the party if it was five. ^^

--Arondight, Bismarck

Nothing that is so, is so.
#17 Feb 22 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
919 posts
I died 3 times in a row exping this saturday. lost 3k exp. I got up kicked the **** outa my bed, then walked away FFXi for a few hours.
#18 Feb 22 2005 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
175 posts
Only 2 or 3 in a given xp session. Usually due to one of those drk type hobgolins in bibiki bay not being able to hang on to his bombs.

But if missions count, I died 15 times trying to do the PM "The Savage". Stupid dragon and his mega-aoe.
#19 Feb 23 2005 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
I got ya all beat, 12 times, 1 party, No BS. I was lvling nin in the dunes lvl 11 just a few nights ago. I'm not sure why I didn't leave that party, I know I should have. But yea, 4 hrs without gaining 1 level at lvl 11 is horrible.

/em slaps himself for sticking with the party.
#20 Feb 23 2005 at 9:39 PM Rating: Default
312 posts
Idwa the Mundane wrote:
Only 2 or 3 in a given xp session. Usually due to one of those drk type hobgolins in bibiki bay not being able to hang on to his bombs.

But if missions count, I died 15 times trying to do the PM "The Savage". Stupid dragon and his mega-aoe.

/cry Tried to do "The Savage" last night... I feel your pain.
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