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A quiet observation...Follow

#1 Feb 18 2005 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
477 posts
I have been looking at these forums since I started the game.. I guess I started actually posting on here about a month ago or so. There is one thing that I have come to notice on this server board over some of the others. There is constantly people posting disparaging comments about other linkshells, players and the like. I guess my question is this... Why?

What difference does this make? I know that there are some people that just post on here to get attention, even if it is negative, but why? I mean there has got to be better things for us as a community to do with our time then constantly put down other players, or their groups. Why aren't we trying to get more evenets together on the server? Why are we trying to offer up help for coffer or AF hunts?

Is this all that we do here? Complain and ***** on a public forum about people that we will never meet IRL? Some of these threads are petty and unimportant. Now I understand the reason for the bad player thread, hell I have added people to it. Then there is a good player thread, which is great, but has anyone noticed that people are just listing their friends with no description on WHY they are a good player?

I know I am going to get rated down for this, but I guess a little number by my name really doesn't matter to me. I just want everyone to have fun. I mean I don't know about you guys, but I play this game to relax, not to get dragged into petty arguements. So take a deep breath, smile, and go about your day... after all... none of this really matters in the long run does it?
#2 Feb 18 2005 at 6:23 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
This game has been out for long enough to where there are not as many new players to influx into these boards. I'd bet people are quitting at a faster rate than they are joining this game.

Therefore, many if not most of the players on this forum have "been there, done that." The original reason for these forums was to ask questions or exchange information. Some of this is still being done, but not anywhere near the frequency it was at one time. So, people get bored. The longer you do anything the more and more it has an opportunity to wear on you--either positively or negatively. Some people write "happy friend" threads and some people write "this person sux0rz" threads, it's just whatever floats your boat. Personally the happy hang-out-with-your-pals-in-Ru'lude Gardens threads make me wanna hurl, it's just not in my nature IRL or in-game to be Mr. Social. But that doesn't mean other people can't do it and enjoy it.

Basically it comes down to this, whatever entertains you. I write posts about Hiptaru or some other people who I do not particularly like in-game. Does this mean I hate them IRL? Nope, I don't even know them. I really rarely hate people it's character traits they may possess I despise. Then some people want or need to be liked by everyone, so all they write is nice "let's all get along" junk. To each his own. It's all just a bunch of words on a website anyhow, nothing to be taken too seriously. Everyone gets a little rise or whatever out of something. I prefer the drama, the big gripe threads and people going at it...just my thing. Others don't like it, not their thing. But basically it has come down to "We've become bored."

As for openly volunteering to help random strangers hunt AF keys for hours on end forget it, arrows cost way too much these days :P
#3 Feb 18 2005 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
477 posts
As for openly volunteering to help random strangers hunt AF keys for hours on end forget it, arrows cost way too much these days :P

Aww.. come on Trizz... even if I buy them for you? ^^

Edited, Fri Feb 18 20:00:52 2005 by JadenNyte
#4 Feb 18 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
I've pretty much given up on the boards, honestly. People only start threads anymore to complain and I've had it. It's a damn shame, but Trizz, unfortunately, has a point. What can you do.
#5 Feb 18 2005 at 8:01 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
I know what to do...

Smoke a doobie
#6 Feb 18 2005 at 8:15 PM Rating: Decent
477 posts
That just makes everything better doesn't it Hip?
#7 Feb 18 2005 at 8:15 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
I don't see the point. I think its low taste to bash other people, and ignorant to take others opinion, than to make them for yourself. There have been times i have been in the heat of an argument and want the world to know what a jerk someone was. But after it was all done and over with and i had calmed down. It just turns out to be a misunderstanding or I feel it wasn't worth all the emotionality it put me through. Its silly, and makes me laugh.

Everyone has a different opinion on what is right and wrong and how we should play. With bots and gil buying you only cheat yourself,. that is mine.

But i can see why people would do it. I am a PS2 player so its hard cause i started way after everyone else. I want cool stuff too.... like a 4.5 mil Vermillion robe. The only way I'm gonna get one at the rate i am going, is to cheat or level another char to farm. Cheating sounds sooo much easier. lol

Back to the topic:
We all have one major common interest and its our love for games. My other friends in rl think i am the biggest nerd for my gaming habits. I go threw a lot of taunting and teasing for it. Sound familiar?
So lets all play nice, if we all can't agree, can we just agree to disagree? And really, really think about what your posting about other people. Take a time out if you need to, to clear your head. When your bashing other people your trashing yourself as well. Its so tasteless and tactless, to me it shows a short tempter and closed minded individual.

and thats all i have to say about that......

Edited, Fri Feb 18 20:15:52 2005 by Jenx
#8 Feb 18 2005 at 9:00 PM Rating: Excellent
I have posted on several forums over the past few years, and I have noticed that all of them so far have at least at one point in time been declared "dead" or have been said to be going "downhill".

Instead of the forum dying, I am suggesting that this forum is just experiencing merely a new incoming generation of people.

This isn't the first time that it has happened.

For those of you that don't know, there used to not be any official server forums. Instead, the server forums were hosted in people's journals, where the journal owner allowed people to post there. For Bismarck, Tsetsuo lent us his journal, and I am still eternally grateful for it.

Then, there were very few posters, maybe 15-17 (including myself, Eleusynia, Tsetsuo, Serim...). A very closeknit community, with advice being given and received, and we were all trying to figure out WHAT in the world were these "Jerry" people, who had all of the same name, and didn't seem to speak a lick of English. The whole Devilwolfpack fiasco is the one bad thing that I could remember that errupted there. The forums were kind of boring after a fashion though, at least imho.

Then the wise and powerful Allakhazam gave us offical server forums. The mood changed once we started posting there, as new members were added (including Nataraja, Merodi, Chops...). These new people brought fresh prespectives to us all, and I think we are better for it. I do remember some of the older, Tsetsuo-journal members kind of resisting these new people, but most of them were accepted eventually.

A couple of the people I talked to at this time said that the boards were "hopeless", and to give up on them. Or this thread for example:

Currently, we are going through a "third wave" of immigration, marked by many new people arriving constantly, and some of the older posters starting to post less and less. Eleusynia and Trizzoro has stopped posting frequently, Nata is gone, I myself am not speaking up at every chance anymore...

Its just change. And to quote a certain film with a green ogre in it: "Change is good, Donkey."

If you are looking backwards to how everything used to be, and wishing upon the stars that it will come back, don't get too hopeful.

But I can garantee you that things will settle down, that a lot of the idiots that currently exist will either disappear or get rated down into sub-default (that's below 1.50 karma).

And those that remain, will give a fresh new perspective to everything.

And I welcome you with open arms to Bismarck.


I'm going to go bump up on old thread that I believe was the first thread posted on this forum. Excuse me for a moment^^

Edited, Fri Feb 18 21:09:42 2005 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#9 Feb 18 2005 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
but but...

where do i fit in in all of this?
#10 Feb 19 2005 at 1:12 AM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Hiptaruu wrote:
but but...

where do i fit in in all of this?

In the phone booth. Start dialing for San Dimas.

(Sorry, LS joke.)

/end hijack
#11 Feb 19 2005 at 1:38 AM Rating: Excellent
617 posts
It's like I was telling Nights the other day, it's just the whole huge amount of new board members that came when we got official server forums. Each new member came with his or her own unique perspectives, opinions, and outlooks. But, as is human nature, people have problems with accepting other people's opinions, etc., and arguments are inevitible. It happens. Expecting a large community to "get along" with no problem is naive. It'd be nice, it sure would, but it's not feasible unless there's like super "BE HAPPY" dictator supermodding all the threads. Which is why I liked the Bismarck discussions in TseTsu's journal. He had the power to control the threads and mod the posts, and he did so. Unfortunately some people just need to be babysat.

The problem here lies in this:

Large group of people + huge age range + differing opinions + wavering maturity levels = mass chaos.

Trying to understand it any further than that would require an in depth psyche analysis that isn't worth it on a message board. And the random flame threads that pop up from time to time are negligible if you compare this site to another FFXI board or even GameFAQs. We had maybe two this week? GameFAQs had about 50 or so. And Killingifrit used to be notorious for them (and spam -_-) as well (I haven't been there in a looong time). This is probably the most mature and friendly public FFXI community I've been to.

If anything this was bound to happen sooner or later, and it's sooner. Still, if you have a problem with these kind of topics, just rate them down or ignore them if the Karma system doesn't appeal to you. Don't give them the attention they crave and they'll go away.

....ok I'll get off the soapbox...
#12 Feb 19 2005 at 8:59 AM Rating: Default
Hmmm... Yeah people like to talk their smack..alot. Hey what can you do? People just don't like everyone you know. Not to mention not everybody cares about that whole "community" word.
After all isn't every player out for him/her self out there. Wow hat was kinda mean to say on my part.. Ah what do I know?

Edited, Sat Feb 19 21:22:01 2005 by dadrtystth
#13 Feb 19 2005 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
194 posts
A lot of people just suffer from "the world revolves around me" syndrome. It comes out often due to the fact that FFXI is actually a game that revolves around you...

In terms of this particular forum, there are a lot of good posts floating around. There has just been an influx of negative posts recently, which is a bit disheartening.
#14 Feb 19 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
96 posts
I posted this in a reply to previous thread, but I'll say it again:

We really have to stop the false accusations, flames, and useless posts that is popping up in the Bismarck Server Forum. This is not a place nor there is a time to argue over something that is petty, useless, and degrading to others. Please, stop posting such stuff on this forum. Thank you.

In-game, I help whenever I can. I've given up time, XP, and money to help others. I help selflessly and without expecting anything in return. And, I hope more players would do the same. It saddens me to see how many people in-game can't find people to help them with missions, quests, and AF items. It saddens me there aren't many people that are very helpful in Bismarck. I've posted on the KillingIfrit forum: "Where have all the helpful people gone?" If all you can think about is yourself, then you're being selfish. My thinking has always been the same: "Put the needs of others before yourself." Why should I care about how much I'd have to spend to help others? Or, how much XP I will lose? I don't care at all, and others shouldn't, also. It's a game, bottom line. But, let's at least be human, and empathetic and sympathetic to others. We can get that XP back, and that money we've lost. Heck, I have only 1230 gil on me right now. I spent a lot to help others try to get Promyvs and ZM4 and ZM5 done. I didn't care if I lost upwards to 30k gil or 3500 XP. Why should you care also? You shouldn't. You should never expect anything in return when you help others. Look at my quote, it always says: "Do you need any help? /tell Aselin Thank you."

We need more nice, helpful people in this game. We shouldn't come to this Forum to rate down, flame, or insult others. We may be human, but leave the bad qualities of human nature behind, and put others before youself. I am sickened, disgusted, and saddened that all we can really do is hate each other, and degrade and insult others because they are not as the same "quality" or level as yourself. You shouldn't expect a lot from others nor should you expect them to be something else. We can't force people to change or tell them what to do. We can suggest, in as polite as possible, at how they can be better or what they can do to be correct. Like I said, this is not the time or place to insult others.

What's sad, the attitudes shared in this forum and in-game, is what human nature truly is. It may very well be our downfall, our own fault for ending life on Earth. If so, then why must we continue to act in such a manner, whether in-game or in real life.

Thank you. That's my "2 cents" in this matter.


Edited, Sat Feb 19 11:25:10 2005 by octoberasian
#15 Feb 19 2005 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
JadenNyte wrote:
has anyone noticed that people are just listing their friends with no description on WHY they are a good player?

Heh, good call.
I think the current trend is to add one's entire linkshell. Of course everyone seems like a good player when you know them, because bad players have no friends, right?
This does get me, I agree.

For the most part, I think most of us treat this forum like the employee's lounge from the game. We come here to talk shop, to b*tch, ask for help, etc. It's only natural that complaints and personal differences will worm their way in, because we're sitting around with our hair down in here; there are no cops around to keep the bull sessions on-topic. ^^

Personally, I'm also sick of the bashing, but I made that point clear in the bad players forum, so I'm done. It doesn't help at all to complain about the complaining; it's still gonna happen one way or the other. We're all just sittin' around in the employee lounge in here.

Somebody does need to put some goddamn vending machines in though. I'm sick of my sack lunch, I needs me some M&M's.
#16 Feb 19 2005 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
In the phone booth. Start dialing for San Dimas.

(Sorry, LS joke.)

/end hijack

#17 Feb 19 2005 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
YukioOfBismarck wrote:


Hahahah. Excellent. /thumb's up

PS. So do trolls and karma campers. /grin
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