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Jerk? yes. Liar? not on your lifeFollow

#1 Feb 18 2005 at 5:58 AM Rating: Default
Long story short I'm at odds with the HNM LS Aurora. Although all they had to do was drop the cheaters in thier LS. I was in Aurora for 2 days untill one of thier uber (merenwen) players admited to useing a bot, and other members requesting to have the bot sent via e-mail. At that time I left the LS and made my thought quite clear on thier forum.. not sure if its still posted there but, my words were twisted and used aginst me and I lost a good friend because of it. I in no way called Merenwen or any member of aurora, a child mollestor. What I said was boting is wrong (sompthng merenwen denys because hes at the PC when boting) but nothing stops you from doing it.. At that rate why dont you touch little kids.. its wrong but nothing stoping you. Well one of them jerk offs decided to twist my words and my good friend b-listed me because of it... Like I know merenwen enough to say what he does with his free time.

What I do know is Merenwen admited to boting and I will not be told otherwise. For those that spread lies about me.. I duno why I'd excommuicate my self for a lie.... check this one out and decide for your self.

This is the LS leader talking.. What an honorable person.. To think what his crew must be like.

From the dead horses mouth- Gryffes

"Every linkshell who camps fafnir even remotely is going to have someone using this, lunarians, AD, bluesteel,genesis and even my own linkshell Aurora, we probably all have at least one member who had used this bug while camping fafnir."

This is not meant to be an attack @ the other mentioned LS as I dont know if they actually cheat or not.. What I do know is they are trying to play me as a liar and that is not the case.
Now as of yesterday I have people calling me a gil buyer.. GM time, as if I have anyother means to protect my self from lies.

And anyone that cheats that thinks they are a good player is only lieing to them selvs.

Tyraelle F your self. Your obviously with out human compassion to tell some one to kill themselvs when the only interaction with you I ever had was helping you with whm af.

I've never claimed to be perfect but I dont cheat. And I sure as hell never rember claiming to be a nice guy so f with me at your own risk.

End rant

Account re-deactivated.

Karma will find you

#2 Feb 18 2005 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
well this looks vaguely familiar...

/em sits back to watch the flame war.
/em admires his front row seat.

^^Edit BTW i am not discounting what you have said nor do i agree or disagree (well i disagree with cheating) I'm just saying what this WILL turn into.

Edited, Fri Feb 18 08:42:01 2005 by TseTsuo
#3 Feb 18 2005 at 8:30 AM Rating: Excellent
/em settles in next to Tsetsuo and pops some popcorn.
#4 Feb 18 2005 at 8:37 AM Rating: Good
104 posts
Sadly Thend your quite wrong.
Meren uses a N52
pad , he doesn't bot, he ship fishes while at work. What was said was a running linkshell injoke, something you obviously wouldn't have picked up on.......

What you actually said was deleted by yourself from the post, but nevertheless you compared Merenwen to a child rapist ( strange you removed that from our site before posting here huh - how conveniant? ), abused him in jeuno /sh and eventually I believe a GM was called regarding you.

Not only that you harass casual members of the linkshell such as Tyraelle with vulgar abuse.

I suggest if you don't want to spend time with people you leave them alone or /blist them rather than resorting to abusing every time you see them.

On another note, we're not a HNMLS.
Thanks and have a good day/game/whatever you do.

Hopefully no need for any flame wars today :-]

Edited, Fri Feb 18 08:39:54 2005 by Gryffes
#5REDACTED, Posted: Feb 18 2005 at 9:24 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hmm nice.. but you forget Im not one of you moronic croneys.
#6 Feb 18 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
"Every linkshell who camps fafnir even remotely is going to have someone using this, lunarians, AD, bluesteel,genesis and even my own linkshell Aurora, we probably all have at least one member who had used this bug while camping fafnir."

how is this cheating? admiting there are bad people who cheat is cheating? wow you got lost going to ethics class i think.

ps you suck at flaming. good flaming is on topic and never has referance to body parts.
#7 Feb 18 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Excellent
716 posts
nevermind.. you're not even worth it.

Edited, Fri Feb 18 09:38:13 2005 by Alauce
#8 Feb 18 2005 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
1,477 posts
I know you probably don't care to hear about the mini-dramas in my LS; by the same token neither do I care to hear about yours. If it's a LS issue, deal with it in LS chat. If they break your pearl or you quit, then find a new shell.

Disclaimer: To my knowledge, my LS has never had any mini-drama. It was just an example.
#9REDACTED, Posted: Feb 18 2005 at 10:10 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Huh?? Wha.. Alauce?? Who the hell are you..? Oh let me guess, your some suck up to that LS and your looking to score points with them. If your in league with a cheater then your no better. If you have to cheat, then what does that say about you?
#10REDACTED, Posted: Feb 18 2005 at 10:19 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I didnt even bother to look till just now either.. Damn your full of it....
#11 Feb 18 2005 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
yay... we can play lets take things out of context if you want to

"I never compaired anyone to a "child rapist" (changeing my words again) I was useing it as an example"

so in that you are saying... i didnt """really""" compare them it was only an example... change your world or not comparing someone to a child rapist and saying they are one as an example are about the same thing to me...

Edited, Fri Feb 18 10:29:14 2005 by tracert
#12 Feb 18 2005 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
1,477 posts
thend wrote:
Again I say... Dryhus? Who? Move along lil rdm. You level up the class you like to lv 75, to find out you will never have a chance to get the best items for your class, because people decide cheating is ok, and ******** honest players isnt a problem. Apply that to how come you cant Claim VE.. I dont want to be a **** to people I dont know so dont make me.

Cool, I'll level up to 75 so I can then make a valid statement that nobody wants to hear about your sorry drama.

I don't care that you got into an argument with some people in your LS. I don't care that you say they're cheating. I don't care that they say they're not. I don't care about comments you made on a private LS board.

So why am I going to care when you turn a private dispute into a public one? That's right, I don't...but that's probably because my character in some game is only level 50.
#13 Feb 18 2005 at 10:37 AM Rating: Excellent
716 posts
I'm in Aurora, Thend....

And, I'm going against the wishes of Aurora in posting this, but I'm beyond caring right now. You stupidity knows no bounds.

My original post:


What I want to know is.. how is using a MACRO to fish while SITTING RIGHT THERE ATTENDING IT is considered botting. You know. Macros have to be hit quite often - they're not infinite. Meren admitted, WHILE in Linkshell chat WHILE you were still there that this is what he did. As Gryffes said, the bot thing is a running joke inside the linkshell, as is people jokingly asking for it. You, not being in the linkshell, hadn't known that.

So instead of asking if we were serious, what'd you do? You got completely out of control. You flamed Merenwen. You belittled him in your post. You said in reference to him and the thought of botting, and I QUOTE. "I may as well give my first born to a child molestor."

And you shouted in Jeuno, and again, I quote, "all hail king boter merenwen". Direct quote.

Still, that wasn't enough. You had to go out of your way to harass Merenwen; you threatened to call a GM on him any time you saw him fishing, because you thought, in some ill-conceived notion of nobility that you'd catch him in the act of botting, and get him banned. Shame he wasn't botting, though, right?

It seems like the only thing you could "catch" by having Gryff "suck [your] ****" is maybe a bit of common sense. Or decency.
#14 Feb 18 2005 at 10:59 AM Rating: Excellent
353 posts
This is a sure-fire way to make sure you never get into any respectable (HNM) linkshell, by attempting to air another's dirty laundry (ESPECIALLY when it's just someone grasping at straws).

I have a lot of respect for Aurora. Watching them grow from a distance has been amazing (omg, Alauce, I must be kissing y'all's *** because I stood up for you!) and there are a lot of good folk in that linkshell. Sorry y'all are having to deal with this BS ><

Welcome to the HNM scene. What Gryffes said about people who have cheated, is no doubt true on some level. Doesn't make it right, but you're no revolutionary because you "exposed" it. Take your crusade elsewhere, you're wasting your breath here.

*Edit: grammer r gud

Edited, Fri Feb 18 11:12:57 2005 by Raynedrop
#15 Feb 18 2005 at 11:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Damn this Server Forum is going to hell. Well I have a small /rant about my LS, Singular likes to tank to lvl his guard skill, Trizzoro spams arrows like crazy, and Valutina is a crazy RDM Tarutaru that loves to tank, I cant compete. Grrr...Joke, I love my LS, we rock.
#16 Feb 18 2005 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
1,275 posts
so in that you are saying... i didnt """really""" compare them it was only an example... change your world or not comparing someone to a child rapist and saying they are one as an example are about the same thing to me...

As an outside observer, I can't really comment on what Thend actually said. IF what he said was...

boting is wrong (sompthng merenwen denys because hes at the PC when boting) but nothing stops you from doing it.. At that rate why dont you touch little kids.. its wrong but nothing stoping you.

...(and I haven't seen anyone post what he actually said, which leads me to believe that these are probably the words he used--if not, then I'm sure someone could remember what he said, it having been so offensive and such), then he wasn't calling anyone a pedophile, nor was he making any sort of comparison to that end. He was using child molestation (something no one can deny is wrong) as an example of something that people shouldn't do, but that nothing but a person's conscience is stopping them from doing. It's a heavy-handed analogy, but its also one you can't really argue against. You can say that the two are on completely seperate levels of "wrong," but they're both still wrong. And thats the point Thend was making--wrong is wrong.

Which is why I can believe that it's what he actually said. The only way to counter an argument like that is to feign a personal attack. Make it look like the analogy isn't talking about the morality behind an action but the action itself.

IFthat's what he said, he wasn't calling anyone a pedophile. He was saying they had a broken conscience.
#17REDACTED, Posted: Feb 18 2005 at 11:26 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) "I'm in Aurora, Thend.... "
#18 Feb 18 2005 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
353 posts
OMG! I can have up to 6*20*10 (1200) function lines! Holy crap, I'm a botter!! I never knew that about myself.

Out of curiousity.. are you not aware that you can program most controllers (at least those worth the money)?
#19 Feb 18 2005 at 11:37 AM Rating: Excellent
1,477 posts
thend wrote:
"I'm in Aurora, Thend.... "

And I care because?

You should care because you gave him a Alauce-who-the-F-are-you interrogation. Hmm...maybe he DOES know a thing or two about the situation.

"Shame he wasn't botting, though, right?"

Um how stupid are you??? read the damned description of said non-bot...

Built to conquer your enemy, the Nostromo SpeedPad n52 captures all the advantages of its critically acclaimed predecessor, the n50, and cranks up the juice with advanced options to dominate your game. It puts keyboard and gamepad functionality into one small and easy-to-use device, delivering more tools for customizing your game than ever. Using feedback from hundreds of gamers, our engineers designed the n52's intuitive nature and stylish versatility to give you easy access to your ******* of deadly maneuvers. So start programming up to 104 functions now-and watch how dangerous you become.

So start programming up to 104 functions now-and watch how dangerous you become.... And be ready to give a crap less about fair.


Edited, Fri Feb 18 11:44:35 2005 by Dryhus
#20 Feb 18 2005 at 11:37 AM Rating: Excellent
716 posts
He's using a controller. Oh my fu[/i]cking god. A controller?!?!?! Hell. I use a controller, too. You know, because it's easier to manoeuvre than a keyoard. It is [i]not a third party program. Hell. It isn't even a program at all. You can program things into it, yes. But you can program things into macros, too. Shall I call a GM on you because you have a SATA macro? How about an equip change macro? No? Didn't think so.

I will repeat this one last time, then I'll wash my hands of you, your bigotry, and this thread.

Merenwen has not botted. Merenwen has neither installed a program into his computer with the express purpose of having his work done for him, nor cheated in any way. Merenwen makes his money in FFXI in a legitimate fashion, through crafting, gardening, and fishing. Hell. Merenwen is looking forward to the February update in fishing, so it'll give him more to do than just type /fish then hit enter to reel in his catch. Doesn't sound like a botter to me. Anybody else think that's something a botter would do?
#21REDACTED, Posted: Feb 18 2005 at 11:53 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Raynedrop, STFU ... You people that point out the obvious, hang together, how shocking. And uh ya i am aware about the game pads out there. Nothing stoping me from geting one but my own honor. Is aginst ToS..
#22 Feb 18 2005 at 12:05 PM Rating: Excellent
5,645 posts
This does bring up an interesting argument, with regards to the controller.

I went to that POL link and i dont think it clearly answers the question. People use controllers obviously but...

I doubt the "uber controller" in reference can read pixels off the screen, something which is basically required to run an unattended bot. As such even if the controller can do 100 lines of:

/wait X
/wait Y


It's still only giving a minor advantage over a normal macro.

Now if the controller is reading pixels, i doubt this, and can read "something pulls on your line" and THEN hits enter i would consider this cheating.

anyway i ran out of popcorn so i figured i'd post.
#23 Feb 18 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
i quoted him so its obvious that is what he said, i just took it out of context... just like he did in a post before mine.

also thend why put yourself through this i mean someone that can actually argue has come along and started helping, but its obvious he doesnt care about the situation he just likes to argue like i do.
#24REDACTED, Posted: Feb 18 2005 at 12:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) tracert, if I missunderstood what what you were saying I do apoligise.. I see your 2nd to last post, where you provide the link in reguards to a game pad.. As I didnt see it the last time I posted. So again I apoligise if I didnt understand what you were saying... I'd love the defination of direct input comtrolers..
#25 Feb 18 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
tracert, if I missunderstood what what you were saying I do apoligise.. I see your 2nd to last post, where you provide the link in reguards to a game pad.. As I didnt see it the last time I posted. So again I apoligise if I didnt understand what you were saying... I'd love the defination of direct input comtrolers..

um... oh yeah your a moron my mistake... WTF... i havent said anything about a controller

Edited, Fri Feb 18 12:42:38 2005 by tracert
#26 Feb 18 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
Tse, Win, sorry I'm late. Save me a seat?

You know what I find funny, and this goes for most recent entertaining threads that have been posted here on a more-than-normal regular basis lately, is that the moron who decides to start posting stuff (that usually come out of his *** anyway) will vehemently defend his claim till the very bitter end of his little pointless existance. I mean, lets take this one for example. He rebuttles every post with mostly insults. Granted, you can tell he's mad or on some degree and when you don't have anything intelligent to say, you usually resort to name-calling. But ask yourself, how will this better your life? Are you SO mad at this that your willing to put 'your honor' (pffftt..i just laughed out loud) at stake?

Why did you bring this here in the first place? Are we to judge if you are worthy? No wait, that can't be it? Are you trying to taint a whole LS? Nah, you couldn't be that stupid?

So you got me wondering, why did you REALLY bring this up? Were you one of those kids who wasn't picked for the 'team' as a kid? Maybe you haven't been laid in a while? Maybe THAT's why you're an angry child (present tense, not past if you caught that). Is is possible this game is getting to you a little and when you start getting angry over trivial things such as the one you're currently spewing out of your mouth you know its time to take a step back? Ask yourself what's REALLY important in life. I know it wasn't for the mere enjoyement of people like Win, Tse, myself and probably many more. Take a break from the game. Go outside. You obviously need some type of time-out. But most of all, know when to quit yapping your mouth. This goes for all you morons who decide start another one of these threads.

Now i'm gonna sit back down and enjoy the rest from the viewers box.

Edited, Fri Feb 18 12:44:06 2005 by Vimien
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