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hello, i'm new! :)Follow

#1 Feb 16 2005 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
just wanted to introduce myself, i've been reading up on this site for about 3 months now, though i've only been playing for 1 ^^, my name on the server is Nenja, but since it was already in use here, i took Nenjja. i'm a lvl 30 rdm, i got a few other jobs leveled to 10+ too but my greatest wish is to be a summoner, which i got at lvl 10 waiting for my static party to start so i wont have to main heal ^^, anyway, i got a question. anyone here who wouldn't mind helping me get Ramuh and Ifrit? i know you can get them solo at 20 but i want to start summoner complete, and the static i got in starts at 10 so that's kinda hard. i am willing to pay some, i got 10k gil atm so depends on how many ppl help, how much you get lol. anyway, i hope i dont get rated down for this question. but i heard some ppl dont mind doing the prime avatars, so i hope this is true :)

see you around on Bismarck!
#2 Feb 16 2005 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
I don't like to put down a new guy, but honestly getting the avatars non-solo at level 30 is extremely unlikely. The battles are 65+ for melee generally speaking. While you may be able to pay a group of 5 70+ to help you out, 10k won't cut the cost.

Your best bet is to stick with Carbuncle until 20 and then solo battle. It's not a terribly fun way to spend 10 levels, but with a static pt they'll be a quick 10 levels.

Just make sure your static realizes the solo battles can take a lot of time to complete.

If, however, you do get some people to help with avataring, I wish you the best of luck. ^^ Welcome to FFXI. (Nice job on level 30 in 1 month. It took me about 2.)
#3 Feb 16 2005 at 4:01 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
Why take 5 level 70s when one is enough to solo it? I mean, seriously. A RDM/NIN can solo all the avatars except Fenrir. Hell. A MNK/NIN can. You people make it enough to be something it's not. The avatar fights, sans Fenrir are a pisstake compared to what people make them out to be.

Not meaning to put you down in any way, of course. It just irks me when people go through their game existence thinking that only a party of people can do these fights, when in reality they are easy to solo, given the proper preparation and skill.
#4 Feb 16 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
i already have shiva, garuda and titan :) some nice ppl helped me :) and 3 from aurora got titan for me on earthday lol they said that would be more fun, they all helped free so i just wondered if there was someone else bored here that wouldnt mind helping ^^ and well getting lvl 14.. let's just say i spent WAY too much time past month lol
#5 Feb 16 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
197 posts
Dont worry too much about not getting any avatars besides carbuncle.

Not too many blood pact available before level 20, after you hit level 20 you can do some solo avatar battles, where you can use ramuh blood pact thunder spark (level 19) which can be used very good against water type mobs, level 18-24 you can level up in qufim island which more like you kill crab and fish, use thunderspark on these water based mobs deals not only decent damage but might as well paralyze them.

I wish you good luck on your solo avatar battle, dont be affraid of loosing, myself got bitter lost 11 times before i get all avatars, one key is dont be nervous on solo avatar battles. If you wanna know the strategy check out the sticky thread on summoner forum, pick the best one: thiefcat guide on solo avatar battles IMO.
have fun with your summoner :D

edited: you got some of avatars? heheh ok nvm my posting, good luck on finding ppl to help you with all avatars you still needed :D

Edited, Wed Feb 16 16:08:19 2005 by Apis
#6 Feb 16 2005 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Alauce wrote:
Why take 5 level 70s when one is enough to solo it? I mean, seriously. A RDM/NIN can solo all the avatars except Fenrir. Hell. A MNK/NIN can. You people make it enough to be something it's not. The avatar fights, sans Fenrir are a pisstake compared to what people make them out to be.

Not meaning to put you down in any way, of course. It just irks me when people go through their game existence thinking that only a party of people can do these fights, when in reality they are easy to solo, given the proper preparation and skill.

No, I don't honestly know very much about the 60+ avatar battles, that was just sort of a guesstimation based on what I had heard.

Heresay isn't the best thing to base facts on, no, but *shrug*.

It's always interesting to learn new info though, I had no idea they could be soloed.
#7 Feb 16 2005 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
i am sure i'll have fun with it, just want all the avatars to start complete ^^, i'm definitly going to solo them even if i already have them all
#8 Feb 16 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
The solo battles are a real challenge, that much I can tell you. But I love the idea of carby-kiting as a strategy, so I'm looking foward to mine. (4 more levels to go! 4 more levels in Valkrum. ;;)
#9 Feb 16 2005 at 4:18 PM Rating: Excellent
228 posts
Have you read about the Avatar Prime battles? While you may actually survive the journey to the Protocrystals, you would be of no help to the party once there. There is a reason they recommend 65ish for tackling the Primes. While there are some here that may not mind letting extremely low levels ride along on certain things, it's a whole other matter asking them to guide you through Ifrit's Cauldron.

I have to agree with Lunaria. 10k wouldn't cut it. While I would never charge anyone for help, neither would I take a level liability.
#10 Feb 16 2005 at 4:27 PM Rating: Good
302 posts
Prime avatar battles I've heard can be done with 3-4 people, so leeching is possible, though at level 30 isn't likely. Though getting the fame for the normal Tuning Forks (with Leviathan's bein' quite a pain) would take a long while.

Another problem is getting there. You'd have one hell of a time sneaking and invising yourself through places like Cape Terrigan or *shudder* Den of Rancor.

And if you wanted all 8 avatars (Carby through Fenrir) you'd have to do the avatar battles twice (once for the avatar pact, one for the whisper for the Moon Bauble.)

In reality, you don't need the avatars until you're level 20. In which you can do the mini-avatar battles.

If you want to have SMN as you main, and can wait, take BRD/WHM to 70, Bard has a *huge* advantage in the Fenrir fight (Dark Carol {/grin}) Then go SMN/WHM.

If you don't care about other jobs, and just want to be a SMN, then take WHM to 37, and take SMN all the way, stopping at 20 for the mini-fights. There are SMNs out there that don't have Fenrir, and didn't get him til 70. So try not to get discouraged. Good luck. ^^

Welcome to Bismarck.^^
#11 Feb 16 2005 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
yeah getting fame was quite hard indeed, i only need norg fame now though, thank you all for replying, i noticed cape terrigan was quite tough... sneak and invis wore off at the manticore farm spot lol, i died instantly, good thing our whm / blm could tractor and raise me ^^
#12 Feb 16 2005 at 4:34 PM Rating: Excellent
228 posts
Alauce wrote:
Why take 5 level 70s when one is enough to solo it? I mean, seriously. A RDM/NIN can solo all the avatars except Fenrir. Hell. A MNK/NIN can. You people make it enough to be something it's not. The avatar fights, sans Fenrir are a pisstake compared to what people make them out to be.

Not meaning to put you down in any way, of course. It just irks me when people go through their game existence thinking that only a party of people can do these fights, when in reality they are easy to solo, given the proper preparation and skill.

Maybe because this game is group oriented, sans BST, is why you see most guides geard to PARTY makeup/suggested lvls. This is what you find to rag on in this thread? Hmmm. Maybe it's just me but I find the OP of "Hi! I'm new. Can I get a free ride? I don't want to wait to do the mini battles" slightly more irritating.
#13 Feb 16 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
340 posts
When we fight fenrir we dont usually bring brd =/

If you are lucky, fenrir only dispelga once a while during combat. But if you are in unlucky day, he dispelga you so often that makes brd songs useless. And honestly, dark coral doesnt reduce 2h dmg by much, you still get hit by 400-600 dmg.

Also we tanked fenrir with pld/war instead of blink tanks, pld/war 4tw!
#14 Feb 16 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Although the solo-av battles are capped at 20 I don't think you actually have to be 20 to do them.

So, if he's got enough fame, it might be possible for him to grab a scroll of reraise and warp himself to the protocrystal through the mini-av quest. He dies in the av battle with reraise, waits for the battle to kick him out (I'm not sure how this works exactly. He may get kicked back to the town.) then reraise himself.

That'll put him at the protocrystal waiting for the guys helping him out to arrive. Don't know if it would work, but it's a theory.
#15 Feb 16 2005 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Eldriss the Vile wrote:
Maybe because this game is group oriented, sans BST, is why you see most guides geard to PARTY makeup/suggested lvls. This is what you find to rag on in this thread? Hmmm. Maybe it's just me but I find the OP of "Hi! I'm new. Can I get a free ride? I don't want to wait to do the mini battles" slightly more irritating.

Well, he's being polite about it, so I can't really fault him. But you do have a point.

All the same, if he finds people willing to go through the trouble and risk to help him, more power to him.

Just don't get used to it Nenjja. Relying on other people to help you out with everything is bad, especially in this game.
#16 Feb 16 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Excellent
228 posts
I know, Lunaria. I just don't see how this is acceptable when IK gets flamed for his Fenrir shouts. Now, most will say it's because of his reputation but you would say it to anyone of his level asking for Fenrir. It's the exact same situation here.

#17 Feb 16 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
Maybe because this game is group oriented, sans BST, is why you see most guides geard to PARTY makeup/suggested lvls. This is what you find to rag on in this thread? Hmmm. Maybe it's just me but I find the OP of "Hi! I'm new. Can I get a free ride? I don't want to wait to do the mini battles" slightly more irritating.

Well, as I am in Aurora, the linkshell that helped Nenja with the other avatar battles.. I have no quarrels whatsoever with giving somebody a free ride. Hell, I bought somebody teleport vahzl just yesterday so they wouldn't have to do the quest. It was a random act. Of.. y'know.. KINDNESS.

And I'm not ragging on anything, oh Vile one. I was merely stating a FACT. The game does NOT have to be group oriented in the sense that EVERYTHING has to be a party or you'll ALL DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH. If you don't like that I have a different view on things, good on you. But you have no right to jump on me for pointing out something, that, in all honesty, could prove to be a very viable tidbit of information to somebody down the line.

See, I can add random caps to my posts, too.
#18 Feb 16 2005 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Eldriss the Vile wrote:
I know, Lunaria. I just don't see how this is acceptable when IK gets flamed for his Fenrir shouts. Now, most will say it's because of his reputation but you would say it to anyone of his level asking for Fenrir. It's the exact same situation here.

But it's not the same. From what I've gathered by reading the thread, people are pissed at IK because he's constantly bugging the same people about it.

Nenjja isn't doing that. He's being polite about the whole subject. I suspect if he were to send someone a tell asking, and they refused him, he'd quit asking that person and move on.

It never hurts to ask a question, in my opinion, just so long as you're not a jackass about it. It seems IK was being a jackass about it.
#19 Feb 16 2005 at 5:40 PM Rating: Excellent
228 posts
They were hardly random caps ;)
I use caps for abbreviating and emphasis. RaNdoM caPS wouLd lOOK likE ThiS. See the difference?

For ****'s sake Alauce. You're even touchier than Infamous. What you may see as acts of kindness is more along the lines of being carried through content.

#20 Feb 16 2005 at 5:53 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
Nah, I admit I'm in the fault here. My post came off more sarcastic and ******* than I intended it to, and for that, I'm sorry. I do see where you're coming from about the party environment, and I understand it completely. I'm just rather bitter about not having parties of my own recently, and I guess it's starting to show more and more. ;)

No hard feelings on my end, either way. You're more than welcome to hold the grudge, but I've said my piece, and now I'm withdrawing further comments lest I make myself look more the fool.
#21 Feb 16 2005 at 6:07 PM Rating: Excellent
228 posts
I hold no grudge. It's real easy to take wording here out of context. I get it all the time Smiley: laugh.

I guess I just view the IK thing differently than others. Yes, I've read the posts about him and have some experience of my own with him. Honestly tho, if he were higher level, I would help him or ask him to go when I finally get around to it. Provided we needed RDM because he could be useful. Not that he may not be at lvl 63, but obviously more so 70+. Sure, he's had a few choice words for me in the past but I don't take it personally.
#22 Feb 16 2005 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
well i just helped out someone with the giddeus dragon, and since a few of his HNMLS members where there they might help me get the avatars tommorow. and eldriss, i AM going to do them again at 20 to see if i got the skill, and i AM going to do them again once i'm 65ish to see if i got the skill, i just want them to start off complete, i dont really see what's wrong with asking help. sorry if my request bothered you in any way, wasn't my intention.

Nenjja isn't doing that. He's being polite about the whole subject. I suspect if he were to send someone a tell asking, and they refused him, he'd quit asking that person and move on.

indeed i dont go spamming ppl, that's annoying lol, someone was spamming for teleport in windurst, so i'm sorry to say i put him on blacklist after i asked him to stop doing that :(
#23 Feb 17 2005 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
374 posts
Welcome Nenjja to without a doubt the best forum and server there is!

If you need anything lmk ^^

Ingame characters are Yukio, Oikuy and Siri

Good luck!

edit:ouch dropped to scholar...oh well ><

Edited, Thu Feb 17 07:28:23 2005 by YukioOfBismarck
#24 Feb 17 2005 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
345 posts
*pokes Nenja* hi hi :D That trip to terrigan was horrible XD You weren't the only one who died, there was another ;x

Having 1 leecher isn't too bad. It can be done aslong as they are nice people. Infamouskiller fails miserably at that point, so don't even compare infamouskiller with nenja please XD Fenrir also is a bit tougher then the regular avatars ^^;;

Well, welcome to the boards nenja, enjoy your stay ^^

#25 Feb 17 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
i know fenrir is hard, but i dont need to worry about him, i already got some friends who are going to get him ^^, i'm just getting the primes now, maybe i'll ask yukio ^^ hehe if he got time and will to take me with him lol ^^
#26 Feb 17 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
Me?!?! O.o

I'm SMN 8...

but sure I'm game...

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