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That's how you notice that FFXI isn't that bad ...Follow

#1 Feb 15 2005 at 4:21 PM Rating: Good
327 posts
Hi ...

3 days ago, I bought my version of WoW (In Europe), because I wanted to follow my friends on it (I remember the PvP Raids on my old MMORPGs ... wow :p) (And btw, I still play FFXI, I just run 2 MMORPGs at the same time ... Yes, it's crazy, but it's my problem :p).

And meh, when I play WoW I miss FFXI. Why ? Here are the reasons :

- 300 in a craft in one day ? Hmm ... <_<
- GMs ? Meh, I think they forgot to hire them ...
- Servers 2 hours online, 22 hours down per day. You don't like the 8-hours/month updates of FFXI ? BE happy that it only last 8 hours, and that they make an annoucement 1 week before the server shutdowns.
- 30CP per item through the delivery ? OMG !
- Lag. Always. Everywhere. Sometimes I even "get" the quest 2 minutes after I "accepted" it ...
- A party ? What's this ? 6 peoples running around, slapping random mobs ? Pff ...
- NMs ? Spawn rate = 5 mins ... Cool ! Drop rate = about 1% ... *bam*
- No farming. Yes, negative point. No farming because you can't sell these damn "rare" items per AH or Trade. So you must obtain you friggin' Agi+6 dagger by killing this NM that drops it 1/1000 time ... You don't spent 30 hours farming gils to buy your item, you spent 30 hours camping the NM to get it.
- There are already gilsellers on WoW.
- ALT+TAB ? Non-secured executable ? Meh. In 2 months everyone will hack.
- "Oh, I'd like to try Priest, looks funny ^.^!" *Have to create another char and start over* "Damn ..."
- "Let's see ... Weapons > Daggers ... Huh?! What's this tiny list ?! Weapons > Swords ; Weapons > Staves ; ... I understood <_< ...
- "OMG look ! so much quests !" "w00t ! I'll try some :D" -> "Go kill 10 mobs." *10 mobs after* "Go kill 20 mobs now." *20 mobs after* "Go kill 12 mobs and a boss" *5 days later* "Go kill 5478 mobs and 178 boss" *suicide*"
- Every important notes are on every side on your screen. 2 tiny windows, a chat one, a battle log one. Now I'm happy when I play back in FFXI and have an unique window on the bottom of the screen, with everything important displayed in and near it (PT status, Mob status, etc ...).
- No "Locking" on a mob.
- No Mithras. No Tarus.
- {Event} {Can I have it?}

There are still some positive points, though ...
- Jumping.
- Not losing EXP by dying.
- No "zones", no "loading"
- So, you run 15 secs and the mob gives up, don't have to "zone"
- PvP.
- Skills and Talents. A lot.
- Sometimes, more "action" is nice.
- Level-based "quests"
- No more Taru<->Galka gap in stats. Difference is virtually zero at lvl 60.
- Tons of emotes (though some are ... say ... "bad" for me. Imagine an Elvaan in front of the AH doing the /sexy one <_>)
- Voices.
- 1 or 6 chars, same fees.
- New MMORPG, means new things to discover.

That was my 2 cents :p. So, think about the others MMORPGs before complaining to SE, they did quite great compared to some of the others ^^; LAthough they made some mistakes, like everyone.
#2 Feb 15 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
- No "Locking" on a mob.

I was in the beta and this drove me nuts.
#3 Feb 15 2005 at 6:14 PM Rating: Good
137 posts
I know people who have WoW and gotta say they said its really childish game (no offense to anyone intended). The one person has now gotten FFXI and enjoys this more.

I won't buy Blizzard games because of Diablo 2, I know how they treat people who play there games.

At least SE is working on solveing the problems in FFXI (Fishbots) I cant wait for that, it will give me a use for the fish gear my mule has^^
#4Yurikai, Posted: Feb 15 2005 at 6:36 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 1 300 in a craft in one day ? Hmm ... <_<
#5 Feb 15 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
Have you convinced yourself yet?

The only one that sounds stupid is you yurikai, calling ppl stupid and noob. It sounds like you take great come you get so angry if wow is such a great game? (im sorry,)
#6 Feb 15 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Good
84 posts
So, Yurikai, do you feel any better for having spent your hostility flaming someone who hadn't insulted a single person?

Edited, Tue Feb 15 19:02:59 2005 by Vimesrdm
#7Yurikai, Posted: Feb 15 2005 at 7:06 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I hold myself above 80% of the FFXI community, I never had to use HNM's to get my gil.
#8 Feb 15 2005 at 7:08 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
Freyir -

That's really interesting, breaking down the differences like that bit by bit. Now I'm sure I never want to try WoW. Thanks for not doing a WoW RULES FFXI SUCKZZZZ type deal, even if someone did respond that way.

Yuri -

I'm glad you're gone. People like you give samurais a bad name. Not to mention that you give people a bad name, too. Have fun in WoW and don't come back now, hear?

ps learn some reading comprehension, k? Freyir's post was very well-thought out and attacked NEITHER game. He presented pros and cons with a startling lack of bias considering that he plays both games. You just chose to read this with the attitude that it was going to be trashing WoW, and you are incorrect. Remove head from ***, THEN post.
#9Yurikai, Posted: Feb 15 2005 at 7:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I give samurai’s a bad name? I always thought I gave them a better name than what we originally get. I’ve changed a lot of minds on samurai and I took my job very seriously. I didn’t wait until I was in an HNMLS to decide to buy my gear.
#10Yurikai, Posted: Feb 15 2005 at 7:18 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Oh, and just by looking at your signature i can tell you give samurai's a bad name, subbing WAR at 66? *laugh* You should be out hitting DRK's with /thf at this point with your SATA GEKKO.
#11 Feb 15 2005 at 7:23 PM Rating: Excellent
137 posts
There's some good things (alot of the bad in WoW that I don't like and why I wont get it and the company that owns it) about both.
I feel it was a good summery of it myself.
Some people like a fun easy game, get WoW.
Want something that will channlege you (like real life in a way) get FFXI.
#12Yurikai, Posted: Feb 15 2005 at 7:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I wish FFXI "challenged" me. The only thing that was difficult was getting GIL, lol. The missions, quests, leveling was all really easy, too easy to be honest.
#13 Feb 15 2005 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
791 posts
O.o What I wonder.. is if you 'quit' FFXI.. then why the **** are you still here, posting. Get back to your own forums and concern yourself with WoW. Why the **** are you here calling someone a noob for trying something and noticing "Hey... I didn't like it as much as every said I should"

I often say those who call people noobs are in reality noobs themselves and have a superiority complex.

Stop being such an asshat and get some people skills.

Edit: Rated you all back up from Mr. Superiority Complexs' Tantrum Rate Downs ^^v

Edited, Tue Feb 15 19:33:33 2005 by shiniillumi
#14Yurikai, Posted: Feb 15 2005 at 7:36 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yes, I am a "newb". Is there a rule that says I can't post on FFXI forums? I played this game beginning to end, I have just as much right as any of you to say or do as I feel.
#15 Feb 15 2005 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
791 posts
dude with the surperiority complex, Yurikai wrote:
I played this game beginning to end, I have just as much right as any of you to say or do as I feel.

And he's played this game too. All because you got to the end game **** doesn't mean you got more rights or that you're better then him. He has every right to post what he wants on this forum, and you can't do **** **** all about it. You can rant, and act like an idiot doing it. Sure. You can do that. At least when he posted, he gave a nice, long, Pros/Cons Post. You.. on the other hand, down-right flamed.

What god-given right were you bestowed at birth to honestly think that unless you say it, its wrong. Grow up. He doesn't like WoW. Big deal. He posted what he didn't like... AND what he DID like. DID LIKE. Yet, you still flame that Bad Things of the post.

I'd hate to say this, but I think you got one of those Elitist Attitudes.. the one that some High level, End Game people get, where everyone who isn't to their likings is a "noob/n00b/newb". Go flame someone else and grow up...

Oh, and way to rate me down, rofl. Have to resort to rate downs cause all you can do is flame people in a losing battle? Mature. ^_~
#16 Feb 15 2005 at 8:01 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
/rate up Freyir for higlighting the ups and downs of both games (forgot to say that casinos are in WoW already too :x )

/rate down Yurikai for butting in another forum server ******** about something written by someone he never read any post from and not using the cool "edit" function and writing 3~4 different post one after another >.>

Freyir you're not crazy i play both games too. ^^ I know crafting and leveling is way too fast in WoW, but maybe its because we learned the hard way on ffxi with the exp pts and 0.1 skill level up on crafting :P and you're right tho GMs and the mailbox service sucks -_-; There isnt one i hate or like more than the other, they are pretty different IMO, these are my impressions on both games anyway...
#17 Feb 15 2005 at 8:02 PM Rating: Default
459 posts
Elitist? I’m far from elitist. Although I do hold myself above every HNMLS who resorts purely on HNM’s to make gil.

I’m disagreeing with everything he said, he’s trying to find reasons to say FFXI is better. If FFXI was truly better, I’d still be playing it. Everything he said was completely biased.

WoW hasn't been out nearly as long as FFXI, of course there's going to be bugs. He could just put the game aside until these bugs are corrected, instead he mounts up and tries to flame WoW on a forum that will back up every word he says.

Rate down's were due to them rating me down.
Sharks with lasers~ Pew pew.
#18 Feb 15 2005 at 8:11 PM Rating: Good
292 posts
I bought WOW when it came out, and it was good fun.

It was nice and refreshing to me due to the speed of it. I liked just doing whatever i felt like. If i wanted exp i could go kill some monsters, if i wanted to quest i could do that, if i wanted to farm i could also do that while killing the exp monsters. However when the free trial was up, i decided not to renew.

The main problem i had with WOW was the lack of the community and friends i had built on FFXI. If it wasn't for the linkshell i was in i probably would of quit a long time ago, but we have built such a bond together that I just can't bring myself away from them. Sure we have forums and such but that's not the same thing as a chat room with monsters to kill. :P

If i had the choice i would probably be playing both, but since i don't have the funds at the moment i'm not. Thusly my loyalty lies with FFXI.

At least until my LS migrates. :p
#19Yurikai, Posted: Feb 15 2005 at 8:16 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'd have to totally agree with you on that. FFXI's community is 100x better than WoW, a lot of my friends from FFXI are playing WoW with me ~_^ so it all worked out in the end.
#20 Feb 15 2005 at 9:32 PM Rating: Excellent
935 posts
1 300 in a craft in one day ? Hmm ... <_<

I pulled level 58 wood working in one day on FFXI.

2 GMs ? Meh, I think they forgot to hire them ...

Yes, this is one of the things that bothers me too, the GM’s are way too slow. But! At least when they finally get to you they help, unlike FFXI’s GM’s.

3 Servers 2 hours online, 22 hours down per day. You don't like the 8-hours/month updates of FFXI ? BE happy that it only last 8 hours, and that they make an annoucement 1 week before the server shutdowns.

This is a new game, FFXI was like this when it came out, newb.

4 30CP per item through the delivery ? OMG !

Omg? FFXI charges you thousands to put an item on the AH.

5 Lag. Always. Everywhere. Sometimes I even "get" the quest 2 minutes after I "accepted" it ...

I’ve had this problem, but it hasn’t been as bad lately… the servers are slowly getting corrected.

6 A party ? What's this ? 6 peoples running around, slapping random mobs ? Pff ...

FFXI takes no more skill than in WoW, you’re just a newb.

7 NMs ? Spawn rate = 5 mins ... Cool ! Drop rate = about 1% ... *bam*

Nm spawn rate = 5 minutes? You’re completely stupid, find some proper things to complain about. Those are not NM’s they’re quest based monsters.

8 No farming. Yes, negative point. No farming because you can't sell these damn "rare" items per AH or Trade. So you must obtain you friggin' Agi+6 dagger by killing this NM that drops it 1/1000 time ... You don't spent 30 hours farming gils to buy your item, you spent 30 hours camping the NM to get it.

You don’t pick the corpses after you kill a monster? I’d call that farming, idiot.

9 There are already gilsellers on WoW.

Do you know why there are gold sellers? Because everyone has noticed you can make real money off a game by selling the currency. You’re too stupid, I should just stop here >.< but I won’t.

10 ALT+TAB ? Non-secured executable ? Meh. In 2 months everyone will hack.

There’s a program called windower on FFXI, you can already hack on FFXI… you can’t stop it, the company will do their best to prevent it.

11 "Oh, I'd like to try Priest, looks funny ^.^!" *Have to create another char and start over* "Damn ..."

So? Your new character is free, what’s the problem with this?

12 "Let's see ... Weapons > Daggers ... Huh?! What's this tiny list ?! Weapons > Swords ; Weapons > Staves ; ... I understood <_< ...

Huh? There are tons of weapons, Axes, Staves, swords, knives, guns, wands… the list goes on.

13 "OMG look ! so much quests !" "w00t ! I'll try some :D" -> "Go kill 10 mobs." *10 mobs after* "Go kill 20 mobs now." *20 mobs after* "Go kill 12 mobs and a boss" *5 days later* "Go kill 5478 mobs and 178 boss" *suicide*

Oh. I’ll go do this mission… walks in -> Elemental seal + Sleepga II, pick off each monster…

14 Every important notes are on every side on your screen. 2 tiny windows, a chat one, a battle log one. Now I'm happy when I play back in FFXI and have an unique window on the bottom of the screen, with everything important displayed in and near it (PT status, Mob status, etc ...).
- No "Locking" on a mob.
- No Mithras. No Tarus.

I don’t miss locking, you get to see the stats of monsters.

I miss Mithra, Taru, Hume girls… but guess what? You bought this game, it’s a completely different but… yet again, you’re too stupid to understand anything. Have a nice day.

Sorry to waste my breath, but I had to reply to this.

1. I think the point the OP was trying to make was that WoW's crafting system is rather "light" compared to FFXI. You said you got to 58 Woodworking in a day. Did you consider trying to get to 68? Or 78? Of course not. Because across the board, the first 60 levels of every craft are relatively easy. There is a reason you are allowed to take every craft to 60 without any penalty.

Whereas in WoW, the crafting system is generally much simpler, and doesn't yield many of the rewards, or even offer the complexity (randomness? lol) of the FFXI crafting system.

2. GMs are terrible in both games. That's all I have to say about that.

3. Not sure about this one. WoW had, and still has some terrible downtime, but I wasn't around at the launch of FFXI. Not sure you have a ton to gain calling someone "newb" though.

4. I was dissapointed with the delivery tax as well. Also, WoW also charges you to put things on their auction houses.

5. Lag: probably related to number 3. Newer game, server difficulties.

6. FFXI does have a stronger based grouping system, which is both an advantage and a flaw. Once again, not sure about calling someone "newb", whatever floats your boat.

7. NMs. I absolutely agree this one. I hated WoW's drop system. Pieces of equipment that you want randomly drop off of mobs, sometimes at a rate below 1%. The percentage of monsters that drop blues starts to change later in WoW, once you get into instance crawls,but it's still kind of disturbing. Make's FFXI notorious monster camping seem fun to me.

8. I pretty much explained this one in point #7. Not sure what calling someone an idiot proves.

9. No comment on gil selling. Usual comment on the name calling.

10. No big deal, can't avoid hacking.

11. I would say the main problem is that you have to have a new character to enjoy a class you want to try. It's simply a different system from FFXI. Many gamers enjoy being able to carry the same name with you, more of a mental thing than anything.

12. Weapons... hmmm, decent amount in both games. No complaints for either.

13.'s are really lacking in nearly all modern MMOs. The nature of them makes repetitive. Although I found FFXI's missions, CoP, through Chapter 5, to be very fascinating.

14. I love FFXI's locking, but WoW's UI customization is very nice. Once again, name calling.

In conclusion, you make some ok points for a game you enjoy, but you repeated references to someone who posted an opinion as "idiot" and "stupid" do a lot to undermine any point you may have wanted to make.

EDIT: Slpeling.

Edited, Tue Feb 15 21:37:26 2005 by Germonick
#21 Feb 15 2005 at 10:40 PM Rating: Good
56 posts
Elitist? I’m far from elitist.

One space later...

Although I do hold myself above
#22 Feb 15 2005 at 11:12 PM Rating: Default
459 posts
Yup, after hitting 65 almost all my time was spent farming and helping people, is that truly elitist? Nope, I don’t expect people to be decked out with the best gear, just enough where they’re performing their jobs up to par. If a SAM out damages a WAR, something is wrong. I don’t know if any of you have noticed, but at 65+ people seem to be severely lacking in skill :\ I had BRD and RDM that didn’t have erase, RDM without full elemental staves, it just leads me questioning where FFXI was going. I felt it was best to quit.

People in my level range for rank 9 didn’t even bother with 9-1, there was so few of us that it was impossible to get rank 10. Sadly after reaching 65+ FFXI was just going down hill for me (I was really hoping to continue playing FFXI, believe me) ZM’s posed as no challenge =\ I tanked most the fights besides the shadow in ZM5 and ZM8. I was able to tank the avatars (besides Fenrir) with absolutely no problem.

The only people I ever hear complain are the people who really, really enjoy FFXI, FFXI can be a great game, but the end game is entirely lacking…

Everyday you hunt the same HNM’s and Gods, get gil from that, then you go level another job to 75, can you really honestly say that’s fun? I can’t, WoW may be the exact same as FFXI, I haven’t reached end game in WoW yet, will I enjoy WoW end game? Who knows… if I don’t I will be done with MMORPG’s, but as it stands, WoW is really fun. This person is bashing it on a forum that probably already despises it, lol.

Anyways, I’m sorry if I came off elitist. I’m going to bed shortly, night everyone.
Sharks with lasers~ Pew pew.
#23 Feb 16 2005 at 2:47 AM Rating: Good
47 posts
Brd or Rdm having Erase? I don't see what the big deal is there (I think most Rdm's sub Blm btw :P). I know what you mean when you say that but I've never heard someone say "omg, this Brd doesn't have Erase!!1". I don't think people become that concerned with their subjob rather then having it leveled and not being "gimped".

Also, why would a Rdm need all the Elemental Staves? I figured they would need Light, Dark and Ice only, the other ones seem useless to me. Oh well, everyone that has flamed you on this thread Yuri, I totally agree with ^^
#24 Feb 16 2005 at 2:58 AM Rating: Good
727 posts
Yuri why are you posting. Go play WoW and stop posting on these boards. You say how much you hate FFXI so why are you still on FFXI related sites?

Get a life.

Edited, Wed Feb 16 02:59:02 2005 by apachemonk
#25 Feb 16 2005 at 3:57 AM Rating: Good
56 posts
Nope, I don’t expect people to be decked out with the best gear,

I had BRD and RDM that didn’t have erase, RDM without full elemental staves, it just leads me questioning where FFXI was going.
#26 Feb 16 2005 at 4:21 AM Rating: Excellent
258 posts
Yurikai wrote:
Elitist? I’m far from elitist. Although I do hold myself above every HNMLS who resorts purely on HNM’s to make gil.

So the purpose of HNMLSes is to make lots and lots of gil and be UBAR! I guess someone forgot to tell us... The amount of gil I've made since joining my HNMLS is negligable, and possibly even negative, with all of the secondary gear I've had to buy above and beyond my EXP gear. (Don't give me that "so you waited for HNM to buy your gear?" bull. PLD gear is completely different between HNM and EXP.) But ya know what, I'm having a hell of a time, and made more friends than I ever would have made staying in my social.

Yurikai wrote:
I’m disagreeing with everything he said, he’s trying to find reasons to say FFXI is better. If FFXI was truly better, I’d still be playing it. Everything he said was completely biased.

You make me want to vomit. In my mouth. He gave a comparison based on his observations. Biased or not, these are HIS observations, and that is an opinion he is entitled to. You, however, say "WOW is better because I say so!" You disagree? Give some reasons other than "endgame suxorz!" I love the end-game. Nothing beats the rush of seeing 7 mobs incoming in Dynamis, or tanking Byakko, waiting for that Triple Attack to knock you down to 200 HP, only to be cured right back up.

Yurikai wrote:
Rate down's were due to them rating me down.

The purpose of the rating system is to rate their post. You don't like the content, fine. It's your right to rate them down. Rating down in revenge is childish.
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