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I am sick and tired of FFXI.Follow

#27 Feb 14 2005 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
I hope armyofone will have a slow and painful death...
#28 Feb 14 2005 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
228 posts
Hehe, try playing Phantasy Star Online^^. I played that, and it was scary...

OMG! I played that game forever! I miss it! But the difference there was, you kinda did have a chance at obtaining everything yourself. Provided you had the right section ID create the room (when Episode 2 hit) but the first PSO (DC) was total hack. And I will admit, I myself, eventually succumbed to it. After 500 real time hours, I got a little tired of getting a Varista ?Special Weapon. Didn't hack Episode 2(GC) tho but I'm sure alot of what I traded was duped. SpreadNeedle +99 Hit % 120 Ahhhhhh!

Edited, Mon Feb 14 18:24:44 2005 by Eldriss
#29 Feb 14 2005 at 6:36 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
SneakyWeaky wrote:
I remember not too long ago there was a person who used to the biggest gil begger in the server, now he sports a Peacock Charm and all the +1 gear a person his lvl can desire. There is a person that I wont mention by name either that posts here that also sports a scorpion harness that was bought with IGE money.

Don't talk the talk if you're not gonna spout names.

His name is Armyofone. =p


And to any and all of you who are too afraid to call out the ones who most obviously buy gil shame on you. "You have no proof? You might be wrong?" LOGIC muther fu[/b]ckers. Ask a few questions. Check out their stories. It's not tough. Somebody says they make all their gil on selling certain items, ask what their mule's names are, check price history every day, research. If people are too stupid to smell out a liar then God rest your soul I pray you don't have children. They will simply wonder about the earth thinking everything is all peachy and you should trust everyone, then get thier faces blown off giving someone a lift in the rain.

Seriph I don't want you to quit because I'm selfish. I'm by no means a good person like Sing is, not as smart as Tsetsuo. I want you to play cause I like you and that's rare in this game. I like doing things with you. You need gil, let's go kill some sh[b]
it. You think I can't snag Valkurm Emperor from Bmoboss? Watch me.
#30 Feb 14 2005 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
hey seriph, dude, you can't quit! you need money? just have memo or someone help ya camp VE, you know how often they claim and get drop. i mean, come on, i'll start sending you 1/2 the drops i get from ashmaker if it means you staying in the game.
#31 Feb 14 2005 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
gil sellers have nothing to do with R3 prices, or half the stuff you listed really.

#32 Feb 14 2005 at 7:42 PM Rating: Good
Thank you guys, but now I look like a bi[/b]tch. But thank you, and you know what after this post I dont give a damn what ppl think of me. /blist me, hate me, do as you wish but this game is smelling like sh[b]it atm.

Namfoodle wrote:
gil sellers have nothing to do with R3 prices, or half the stuff you listed really.

Isnt that worst now, isnt i? the people you invite to parties, you try to be nice to are the same ones stabbing you in the back. Now doesnt that statement re-enforce my point. Maybe I was being naive and making myself think it was the gilsellers, but I just had an opiphany, as you have woken me up, Namfoodle.

Edited, Mon Feb 14 19:44:48 2005 by JoLOveS
#33 Feb 14 2005 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
if you quit, imma kill you seriph. i know where you live! or at least memo does and i'm sure i can get him to tell me lol. but yeah. i know you've read my ashmaker guide ser so you know how much his drops are worth, so if you want i know its not the biggest ammount of money but its still some, i can send ya drops from him or something.
#34 Feb 14 2005 at 10:17 PM Rating: Good
471 posts

New methods of obtaining the spell "Raise III" are being considered.

There's hope yet >.> Please don't leave.
#35 Feb 14 2005 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Apparently 800 accounts have also just been permanently banned. So, this may take care of a few of our worst gilsellers.
#36 Feb 14 2005 at 11:03 PM Rating: Good
41 posts
Yep, the whole Raise III price gouging is from our own friends. The very people we party with day to day. I saw one person I party with with relative frequency selling Raise III by shouting in Jeuno for 2.4 million. I had just sold off almost all of my elemental staves (their went my status symbols ; ;) to get up to 1.5 million, and had to borrow to get to 2 million. Couldn't get the person to lower the price to 2 million. Ended up having to borrow even more from my LS just to get the scroll.

Now im in debt 380k.


Oh, and uh... buy Fisherman Tunics, now only 11,000 gil. And yes, I actually craft them. So help a struggling crafter. Plus, what with the new Fishing updates, I'm sure you'll all want to get back into the habit.^^

#37 Feb 15 2005 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
215 posts
RIII comes from three very difficult to deal with places

the Adamant King
BCNM (exceedingly rare drop)

The auction house in this game reflects rarity and not utility. So, if R3 can only come from a mob that no one can really pop anymore (because Steam Cleaner is busted) and a mob that pops once or twice a week (Adamant King), then why wouldn't the prices be that high? Most LS's are going to go get this spell for their WHM's and / or friends will get it for friends in the BC.

I'm just glad they're addressing the issue.
#38 Feb 15 2005 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Hey Namfoodle what’s up? Just wanted to thank you again for those raises the other day. Appreciate it.

#39 Feb 15 2005 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Now, I'm posting this in the hope that most of you are too lazy to go out and do this, but I know some of you will. Kinda shooting myself in the foot here, but that's beside the point. How I've supported RNG/NIN (arguably one of the most expensive job combos in the game if played correctly):

Get 300-400k. Look up a crafting guide for woodworking to 60. Get Lumberjack (key item, requires 10,000 guild points) and start crafting arrowwood lumber and ash lumber in Carpenter's Landing, HQing all the while (synths of 6-12 are common for me at 61). That lumber is the common lumber used by RNG in arrow synths, and will sell rediculously fast in jeuno. I've made 100k in an hour just by doing that. So far I've made about 12 million gil at the very least that I've since invested in other craft skills, gear for RNG, NIN, WAR, and BLM. You should be able to powerlevel woodworking to 60 or so in a few weeks, and have Lumberjack very soon after that.

In addition to that, on darksday once you've got 60 woodworking, craft shihei. You'll HQ like mad, and make some rediculously fast profit.

Those are just a few ways I make all the gil that I do, which can support my rediculous spending habits. Should be able to make enough gil to support an endgame PLD. =]

(And yes, I have been accused of being a gilfarmer, especially when I claim NMs with my loxley bow. ; ;)

Edited because I can't spell "if." >.>;;;

Edited, Tue Feb 15 11:34:32 2005 by Theophany
#40 Feb 15 2005 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
WOW Theo!! I never knew it was so easy...

What with my WW at 2, my NIN at 1 and I just got the RNG flag...
I am SOOO on my way to being a gil machine!!

Thanks man, I shall never be poor again.
#41 Feb 15 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Default
/wave to my fans out there.

FYI ive never ever begged for gil sorry that you must have me confused with someone else.

Someone should open a conssesion stand here so i can get some popcorn becuase this is getting good.

I know all of u hate me lol i dont know why thou my gear is all +1 i havent bought any of it from the AH so i couldnt increase AH prices.

I play the game to lv up and get the full experience out of it if you hate me for that then so be it ive learned to not count on others in this game to get what i need done.
Money will always prevail in life and you will soon learn that when u leave mom and dads house.

I played PSO :) thats where u should remeber my name mostly :).

I actually level up and play the game and dont bother anyone so i just am not seeing why my name is in here. XD

Oh well i guess.

Edited, Tue Feb 15 13:52:37 2005 by xArmyofONEx
#42 Feb 15 2005 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good
You create an account just to rebut this thread and that's the best you have?

It's kinda like Domon saying he got the 14mil for the 2 scorp harnesses he bought with elemental ore farming. Let's do the math:

Domon, while he was in our LS, never had 2 nickels to rub together. Assuming he somehow managed to farm enough for some pots and the 100k to buy a stack of saplings here is how it works out in my mind:

I'll be generous and say that per harvest he got 3 elemental ores, and we'll just average that to 300k from the sale of those 3 elemental ores. Anyone who does this knows that 3 elemental ores from one harvest of 12 plants is very rare.

3 Earth weeks to tend the saplings
300k per harvest
$14million for the 2 scorp harnesses

If you do the math you realize that 300k divided by 14million = 46. Take that times the 3 weeks per each 300k harvest and you get 140 weeks. That comes to 2.7 years it would take to get that much from that method of income. Even if he bought several mules and added more pots and plants each harvest, it would still take quite a while. I wasn't watching elemental ore prices but I have a feeling there weren't any sold by Domon or his mules.

My ******** meter went off the charts when I heard this.
#43 Feb 15 2005 at 2:52 PM Rating: Default
well yea so no popcorn for u wintaru, na wi already have an acount here but to shortbus to remeber it. My name is in this thread so i have every right to defend myself not that im gonna try.
#44 Feb 15 2005 at 3:17 PM Rating: Good
xArmyofONEx wrote:
well yea so no popcorn for u wintaru, na wi already have an acount here but to shortbus to remeber it. My name is in this thread so i have every right to defend myself not that im gonna try.

I never said you didn't have a right to defend yourself...I just found it odd for you to create an account just to post this rambling drivel...

xArmyofONEx wrote:
na wi already have an acount here


Meh, whatever. I usually don't post on threads anymore, but I happen to agree with Trizz that if you are going to accuse someone of buying gil to not beat around the bush about it.

See everyone in game ^^
#45 Feb 15 2005 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
Thanks Theo for the help, but I started making an honest and decent living a couple of days ago. I was just tired of people that get away with a Vana'diel crime. I mean if this game was real life and in real life when you kill people you pay the price. Well the crime here is buying and selling gil, not because the gil buyer is "cooler", but in fact gil buying is a cop out to how the game is supposed to be played. With that being said, if you buy gil you support the gilsellers who MPK ppl who try to camp the same NMs as yourself. I can live with friendly competition sometimes but it can get very aggrevating in the long run. If you camp VE and outvoke me, more power to you(at least you will be gone and let the others that need it get it. If only until your pin sells). But camping an NM forever and then raising the price to tremendous amounts is just intollerable. Emperor's Hairpin was worth 400k back in September, now is 700k+. Maybe it wasnt gil sellers but that just unfair to all the people that need the item. Archer's Ring was worth 200k back in May, now over 600k now I know who sells these, Stropper Chyme monopolyzers (AKA Gilsellers).

Now I really didnt want to flame anyone as I originally posted but you insulted everyone in the thread including myself and I cant allow that. Seriously Armyofone, I partied with you once at Bibiki Bay it took you a half an hour to get to the camp even though you were in Jeuno with us when we started the party, but you had to buy some cursed gear. After that you didnt know how to Renkai with me, we did one out of 15 renkais or so. After that you wanted to skill up you sword w/e, you bragged about your sh[b][/b]it even though you sucked. And with your previous post you didnt dispute the fact that you buy gil. About ppl getting out the house and living with mommy, take a look in the mirror because you act like youre 12-13 at most (sorry to offend 12-13 year old, because most act more intelligent than him). About PSO, I dont think you are old enough for it, and your name is not from no PSO player, it is the slogan for the U.S. Army. You have been rejected from every HNM LS you have applied, forcing you to make your own which lasted about 2 weeks. Please man your lamer than the gilsellers if thats your come back to the thread.

Also stop playing the game so much, and do more homework and stay in school so you can learn to spell.

Edited, Tue Feb 15 15:31:05 2005 by JoLOveS
#46 Feb 15 2005 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
302 posts
I mean if this game was real life and in real life when you kill people you pay the price.

Maybe you should have a conversation with O.J.
#47 Feb 15 2005 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
I know i suck oh noooooooooo ill never be level 75 doh how did i get to 70 i dont know jebus save me. I have no neeed to buy gil my char has aprox 100+ mil on him. I dont brag about any of my gear nor do i really talk during partys. Most say im a ok DRK but i do get the you suck army's from time to time. I did get rejected by every HNM ls but yea ill have to live with that. I have all my gear and everything i need in this game one day i would like to have the bonus's "RARE/EX" gear. I help alot of ppl from day to day basis. Im not a **** like most higher lv ppl on this server. The HNM ls i created that lasted 2 weeks got serket 4 times and sim 2 times and got the drop most of the time. Thats pretty good for a newbie HNM ls but i took a vacation to TX because a Fam member passed. While i was gone the ls had some drama. When i returned it was a ghost town in the ls so i droped it. Ill talk to you guys in game sometime i get out of Jail tonight @ 12:00 pst i was placed in jail becuase my new HNM ls "MilfHunters" was un apropriate for the game. So they suspended me for a day oh well thou this was a good laugh for the day.

well im off to count my money and gil and touch my moogle in no no areas.

Edited, Tue Feb 15 16:54:51 2005 by xArmyofONEx
#48 Feb 15 2005 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
Dood, you really can't let a game bother you, and especially not a message board. You seem like a good guy, I hate to see decent people get discouraged about a game.

I have my circle of friends too, and when I disappear for a week, they realize that I have a real life and/or I needed to get away cause the game was stressing me. People tend to live in online games/on message boards thinking they are a substitute for that big blue sky, they aren't. They're a distraction from RL. And when that distraction becomes a problem, do what I do and just take a break for a bit.

It sucks how games like this that are meant to be fun ruin people. Take a break man, it's really easy to do and quite addicting ^^

#49 Feb 15 2005 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
Well ... with all that information thrown at you. this may not matter. A game is meant to be fun number 1. rule of all games. I mean, if your not having fun playing any game what's the point? Am I right? Maybe.. I'm wrong? To some maybe.. Playing this game is never supposed to feel like an obligation. Our obligations are supposed to be of an important nature. Am I saying this game isn't that important? Yes, although you or others may totally agree against.

Seems like you forgot about you in all your anger. Your number one. If this game starts to blow(which in your case has... sorry),don't play for a good while. That's something you got to remember life blows and nothing is perfect. My piece of advice if you have yet to reach one is: Back away, go out and have some fun, forget about this game for awhile, enjoy life like one is entitled. You matter first. Never do anything that you don't feel like doing(in regards to this game). You should never compromise for a stinking game ever(I mean all mmorpgs but this works too). Kick back have some fun. Hope that helps
and if you think I'm wrong then maybe you have forgot about why you purchased this game.

Edited, Tue Feb 15 19:48:24 2005 by dadrtystth
#50REDACTED, Posted: Feb 15 2005 at 8:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Here is a link to an "Gil Buyer",do your thing,i am sick of this ppl (Not that this "Noob" stil buy gil after SE changed rules or he is in HNM LS "Archdominus").
#51 Feb 16 2005 at 2:34 AM Rating: Decent
446 posts
Wintaru wrote:
You create an account just to rebut this thread and that's the best you have?

It's kinda like Domon saying he got the 14mil for the 2 scorp harnesses he bought with elemental ore farming. Let's do the math:

Domon, while he was in our LS, never had 2 nickels to rub together. Assuming he somehow managed to farm enough for some pots and the 100k to buy a stack of saplings here is how it works out in my mind:

I'll be generous and say that per harvest he got 3 elemental ores, and we'll just average that to 300k from the sale of those 3 elemental ores. Anyone who does this knows that 3 elemental ores from one harvest of 12 plants is very rare.

3 Earth weeks to tend the saplings
300k per harvest
$14million for the 2 scorp harnesses

If you do the math you realize that 300k divided by 14million = 46. Take that times the 3 weeks per each 300k harvest and you get 140 weeks. That comes to 2.7 years it would take to get that much from that method of income. Even if he bought several mules and added more pots and plants each harvest, it would still take quite a while. I wasn't watching elemental ore prices but I have a feeling there weren't any sold by Domon or his mules.

My ******** meter went off the charts when I heard this.

This thread obviously went way off track, and people will still not grow up. Assupmtions are being made and rather than start a thread or go to everyone on the server who is to childish to understand sometimes people do have friends who will give them what they want be it gil, equipment, a power-level.

There are a number of people on this server who have benefitted from my "generousity".

More recently Ryugi, Nightsintodream, Domon, Sares/Saris

Yes I have the smarts, just like a certain other taru on this server, to make the gil that I need to be able to play this game.

I gave him the rest of the gil he needed to help out with the Harness purchases. Something that he did that is now pissing me the hell off since the first thing everyone did was point fingers. The reason this has not come out sooner? I didn't want people hitting me up for gil.

Which is exactly what happened the last time someone posted on this board that I gave them an amount in excess of 40k which isn't even a lot.

Because of the fact that this thread went from an adult discussion to slander-fest 2005 I am asking the admins to lock this thread.
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