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I am sick and tired of FFXI.Follow

#1 Feb 14 2005 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
This post is not to flame anyone in perticular, as I have done enough of it. Be adviced if you dont want to read my rant or cannot stand profanitty just press the back button, but I feel like this game is turning to ****, and you may feel the same after reading my rant.

This post is to flame SE and Allakhazam and all the fu[/b]ckers that sell gil and the ones who buy it as well.

Over the weekend I was killing Sheep to get materials for cooking and leather craft. Yes I am pretty low in both of them, I am also trying to make a quick buck. I wasted a weekend playing this fu[b]
cking game and to no avail. I ended up losing all my gil trying to do things the right way. I will never resort to scamming or cheating, not because I am so honorable but because I have a reputation to uphold.

Lately every place that used to be my main source of income has been taken away from me. I was a compulsive Lizzy and VE camper and yes for the gil (Fu[/b]ck everyone that says that you should camp something unless you need it. Just because your retarded *** cant outvoke me doesnt give you the right to tell me what I should and shouldnt do). That was when both these items used to be 300k each maximum, yes it was a long time ago, almost a year come next month.

I quit then to take a look at the sun, and take care of my problems. I come back and these fu[b]
cking ***[/b]hole gilsellers are camping up all my ****. Not that I cant compete, but Lizzy campers used to be very friendly I met people that would eventually become LS friends. VE was also another one in which campers used to team up and spilt the loot. I thought it would never happen but it did gilsellers began to camp this as of late also.

Qhia lvl 70 thf, Rank 6, how the fu[b]
ck did a gilseller get this high, and how in the hell did he defeat the shadow lord? And why rank 6, my suspicions sky will be next. Can you imagine the Jerrys and Toms killing Gods all day. Can you see it now. It used to be little sh[/b]it like Stroper Chyme, but now we may see things like Raise 3 go up to 10 million in a few months.

It seems SE doesnt give a sh[b]
it about their player base as long as they pay their monthly. I used to ignore this problem, but I woke up defeated and disappointed this morning.
I remember not too long ago there was a person who used to the biggest gil begger in the server, now he sports a Peacock Charm and all the +1 gear a person his lvl can desire. There is a person that I wont mention by name either that posts here that also sports a scorpion harness that was bought with IGE money.

Fu[/b]ck this I am not going to pay money for a game in which criminals get away with murder. I mean it would make me feel better if I could MPK the fu[b]ckers that do such things, but then I would be put in Jail. No reprecautions for the worst things you can do in the game. Yes buying gil is the worst thing you can do in this game. I left Socom 1 for PS2 because I couldnt stand invisible flying soldiers killing me because they used gameshark and I refused to quit. Fu[/b]ck that.

As for Allakhazam, fu[b]
ck you, and get your **** together. Get some higher bandwidth dedicated servers for your paying costumers. I mean why should I be paying just to have my corny avatar on the side. At least I used to be able search through the forums now I cant even do that.
#2 Feb 14 2005 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
302 posts
Get some higher bandwidth dedicated servers for your paying costumers.

Yea that's why I won't pay >.<

As for you quittin' that sucks -.- Sorry to see ya go. I'd like to think that maybe you'd try other areas to farm, like Jugner or Lufaise.

And besides I doubt gil sellers will get to sky. Hell those ZM missions are a *****.

I hope you change your mind >.< I'm tired of the good ones leaving.
#3 Feb 14 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
I am not quitting yet, I am giving it one more chance. But I am still hanging from a thread. The only reason I am still here is because I feel that I am in many people's debt. I still feel that there are people out there that need my help, but I am very close to delete Seriph and say that the last year and half was a big waste of money and a waste of time.
#4 Feb 14 2005 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
It is really discouraging, I'll admit but I don't think that is a reason to quit the game and leave all your friends behind. We all get pissed off over the gilfarmers and gilsellers but it's part of the game. Plus we all have fun trying to get to mobs before them and take pride in outcamping them from time to time. So just remember all the friends you have made in the game and don't lose sight of them. ^^
#5 Feb 14 2005 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
302 posts
Why not take a break in game from all the crap?

Me? I got my I'm takin' a lil break from leveling, and farming.

I wanna explore Sky, I wanna just walk about Lufaise and Tavnazia. I wanna just sit, and talk and do no quests or missions.

Just forget about working in the game, and just play.

Edited, Mon Feb 14 10:56:51 2005 by Awias
#6 Feb 14 2005 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah seeing that same ???? camper for leaping liz blows. It sucks. As for the whole gil gaining thing its hard. Not all nm campers are gil sellers you know. My lucky linkshell memeber got liz twice and two drops. Yeah we got some criminals. Not is entirely fair. Like life things suck. Please don't leave yet. Man you ain't even partyed with me yet... I'm a funny thf/nin come on.
#7 Feb 14 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
33 posts
Take a few off get FF11 about of your head. Thats what i did a few months back. If it wasn't for my friends (Awias) i would have quit the whole game. Like Yekan said just remember all the friends you made ingame.
#8 Feb 14 2005 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
I know that not everyone that camps is a gilseller, because if that was the case I would be "gilseller numero uno." But I know who is and who isnt, and I know who buys gil, and is sad that ppl lvl 65+ have to resort to this. This is what is making me sick, I struggle for my things, and the spoiled brats that can get a hold of their parents credit card acn ruin the game for the rest of us. If gil buying would stop so would gilselling.

The other day two members of my LS were camping Amemit in Kuftal Tunnel, and were MPK'ed by the Beyond and Unho family. Seriously I have never MPK'ed anyone and have always tried to keep people alive when I saw that such NM was going to kill them, and would congratulate them afterwards. After they got MPK'ed guess what happens? Beyond and Unho engage and die (because they suck). After that Amemit stayed alive for many more hrs because their gilselling group couldnt kill it and would MPK anyone that tried.

EmmaGraceFrost wrote:
Take a few off get FF11 about of your head. Thats what i did a few months back. If it wasn't for my friends (Awias) i would have quit the whole game. Like Yekan said just remember all the friends you made ingame.

Yekan knows this also, because she knows a lot about me. I was gone from late April to late August. When I left the game was more fun, then I started to enjoy it but it became very frustrating. The game is leaving a sour taste in my month. Like I should be doing something else with my life than in this made up world.

Edited, Mon Feb 14 11:09:47 2005 by JoLOveS
#9 Feb 14 2005 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
353 posts
I could MPK the ******* that do such things, but then I would be put in Jail

Heh... You're rather fond of MPKing, I see. Yep, that was my party in Bibiki Bay that day. We were rather disappointed you never followed through on your threat ;;

I remember not too long ago there was a person who used to the biggest gil begger in the server, now he sports a Peacock Charm and all the +1 gear a person his lvl can desire. There is a person that I wont mention by name either that posts here that also sports a scorpion harness that was bought with IGE money.

Don't talk the talk if you're not gonna spout names. We're all aware of these people.

These kind of rants interest me. Let's say there are about 5,000 active characters on our server (actually, the number is probably higher) total. Let's say about 100 of them are gil sellers. From talking to various people, watching boards, etc., about 200 (maybe) quit/give up/***** to this extreme about the game and gil sellers/buyers. That leaves about 94% of the population that are moving right along. Sure, we're all annoyed and wish SE would do something, but yet we seem to be getting along just fine.

Seems to me you're pissed that the quick, easy ways of making gil are now more challenging. The quick fix is gone.

And why so surprised that gil sellers can get rank and level? Do you think they can't read? Follow the same mission guides that held our hands as we progressed? Yes, many gil sellers are dumb, but several are not. If you underestimate them, that's your own fault. Gil *buyers* on the other hand, tend to be the dumbest players of them all.

I agree, it sucks. I also hope that SE does something more about it. I won't debate if they will or they won't because, for the most part, I ignore it, unless there's an MPK train coming my way. I go about my day in Vana'diel, making a little gil, earning a little experience, having a little fun. Because I CHOOSE to play in the circumstance that I log in to. I can not like it, yes, but ultimately I choose to deal with it b.c I log in. I've put a ton of work into my character. Why should I rant and rave because I have to put a little bit more effort into funding it?

Final note: I wouldn't mention R3. R3's price going up has nothing to do with gil farmers. Talk to your buddies about that.

#10 Feb 14 2005 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
I have no association with anyone outside of my main circle of friends, and my current 2 LSs. If I was able to get my hands on R3, Leeluu would have it already.

But going back to me MPK'ing your party, there's a saying where I come from that goes: "Perro que ladra, no muerde." It means "Dog that barks too much, doesnt bite", basically actions speak louder than words. I was never going to do it but I was a little disappointed that your party would not make the effort to find another camp, seeing that Bibiki bay is so big, and there are so many other places to lvl at that lvl range. Whatever though, I dont care anymore what people think of me, and this wasnt the point of my post.

I am currently holding on to this game because of 2 reasons, my 2 LSs BrokenDream and IntensityLS. But if it wasnt for them I would just quit and be done with it. I only posted here to see anyones reactions, not to me quitting, but to my opinion about FFXI. I mean wether you like me or not is your right to hate me if you feel that way. I can make harsh decisions at a moments notice and then regret them later. It is just human nature and some are worst than others.

Edited, Mon Feb 14 11:39:16 2005 by JoLOveS
#11 Feb 14 2005 at 11:30 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
i think the reason they got level 70 and rank 6 is because the character was sold to them and instead of sellign it they kept it and used it. Go to their site now and look at the chars for sale a 71PLD rank8, 2 75 BRD's ; ;

Whats really sad is when you see someone "helping" (either by porting, xping, AF, whatever) a known gilseller and you tell them about it half the time they say "yea well we need a XYZ and they were the only one"

I have my own ******** in my journal, and on it is Xishi, as well as the rest of her PT, now they may not be gilsellers and probably aren't, but they were supporting someone who was. The only member of their PT that i did not add was the WHM who left once we told him about xishi. What's funny is Barrd, the one who basically mpk'd us, then applied to our LS. funny ****.

^^edit oops i lied, i apparently didnt add their whole PT, and i dont remember their names now -.- lucky bastards.

As for the Alla issues i agree 100%. in fact the main reason i was keeping mine was for the journal, but now that we have our forum i might as well just use that.

The whole bandwidth thing as well as the search issue definatley pisses me off. At least give us a discount since this is a service not provided which was part of the deal.

Also i'd like for them to clean up their databases, there's no reason Bio III should show up when im looking at the BLM Spell list.

Edited, Mon Feb 14 11:35:21 2005 by TseTsuo
#12 Feb 14 2005 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
353 posts
Hmm.. You beat me before I could edit and clarify, so I'll just post.

"you" references the general public in my statement about Raise III.

The MPK thing I just found rather amusing in general. Especially with your party sending us tells about what was being said. We all have our ****** days. That memory just happens to make me laugh. That night made me think of survivor. Bibiki was crowded and it became out-wit, out-last, out-pull. I'm sooooooooo glad to be out of that place.
#13 Feb 14 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Good
91 posts
You know you can't leave. The addiction will bring you back!

But yeah, sometimes things just suck. I hope you find joy in this game or another.

Edited, Mon Feb 14 11:50:57 2005 by kalamaru
#14 Feb 14 2005 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
Ah h@!! nah!!! Man that gil selling was a little bothersome to me at first. Now I'm PISSED OFF!!! I was looking at videos on this site and stuff. Went to some link and found a site which I thought was a regular ffxi related site. NO!! It's one of those stinking gilseller utopias!! AH!! It's like seeing a face to a faceless crime. I spit on it!! Man no wonder you got pissed off. This s@#! ain't right by no means!! Let's just say it begins www. then "i" then "g" then "e" and ends with com. Burn it!!1

Edited, Mon Feb 14 12:12:02 2005 by dadrtystth

Edited, Mon Feb 14 12:12:39 2005 by dadrtystth
#15 Feb 14 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
302 posts
What's ironic about all of this is the more I read about it, the more I play in it, the more I realize that games like FFXI are too eerily* close to real life.
*side note: checked spelling, it's correct =P

We have gilsellers and gilfarmers in the game. Real life has crooks who steal your stuff, cars, and people who buy 'em from them.

We have morons and noobs both in game and in real life. We have price fluctuations, and a government that doesn't always seem to punish the right people.

This game is like real life. Don't give me any crap about how it's all just pixels. I've meet some damn good friends in this game, and it's not "just a game." FFXI can get frustrating just like real life can.

I have a job where I don't get paid a ton of money where I can blow it all on some brand new computer, or a big screen TV (kinda like how I can't buy that Apollo Staff I need or any other elemental staff I really could use.) But I make do. My TV's small but works, my computer isn't the best, but I can surf the net n' listen to music. Just like for now, I'll deal with just the Light Staff (and that nice Water Staff my White Mage Princess graced me with ^^)

Like I said...this week, I'm gonna take a break from the daily grind of the game. No leveling, not questing, maybe farming. Just hang out. Maybe go to the dunes for some gob control, or raise patrol. This week I'm doin nothing but spending time with friends. Cause that's the most fun I've ever had in the game.

Oi what a rant I'm sorry...I just needed to get that off my chest. Don't let life (or a game just like it) ever get to you. Sure you took a break back in April, so take another. You're allowed another break I'm sure. Again, I'd rather the good ones stay...I'm tired of people leaving. =(
#16 Feb 14 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good

Sounds like a classic example of burning out. If you are staying in the game because others rely on you, then you are carrying a burdon, and not enjoying the game as it was intended to be enjoyed.

Having you in the LS has greatly increased the potential of the shell, everyone wants your help, and you enable us to do many things. I can see why holding all this responsability can be heavy. And I suppose you should ask yourself "Am I still enjpying the game?"

If making gil is a burdon, then you will feel burdoned about as often as you will feel like you are having fun, as gil is a major part of this game.

I took up BST and made 20K in 2 hours last night. Tonight I plan to selectively level off of saplings and fungars. I know I will turn a great profit, but more importantly, I'll be exploring a new job, and having a relatively good time with farming as a side effect.

Soon we will be doing KSNM, which if succesful, will turn an amazing profit. Sosuke is a BRD, I'm sure if you put the effort into planning ahead of time and finding members, that you can get some BCNM going.

But the main difference here is, this stuff is all supposed to be fun. It's just a stupid game, and if the thought of having to farm for 3 hours before you can XP again is torture to you, then the game nolonger serves its purpose. It's always hard to just leave, as the people in Vana'Diel are real people, and these are real friendships. But if for a second I thought we were causing you any form of grief, that you are playing for us, but not enjoying yourself, I'd want you to stop.

This game is a lot of work, a lot of fun, with some real rewards. Some of the rewards can be financialy beneficial to others. If I could live off of the money I'd make from selling gil, I'd probably want to play a game for a living too, unfortunately for these people, they don't see/care about what they do to the game. Best thing we can do is adapt, and try to do what the game was intended for. Enjoy it.

If you are not enjoying the game, take a step back and ask yourself why you still play it. Nobody wants you to be here if it makes you unhappy. But don't think for a second you won't be missed.
#17 Feb 14 2005 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
I use to have a really big problem with the gil sellers. I called the GM on some many times, some even told me the GM was not going to do anything. The Gm heard them say it and still didnt do anything. I was going to quit I was so mad, but I love this game good and bad(best game I ever played). So I took matters in my own hands, I leveled my thf to 52 all my gil problems stopped(just not right away had to learn the art of farming). I will farm a whole day once a week and make 250k-300k, I shout SE you can kiss my *** and gil sellers to I won. Sometimes I even take like 20 ppls or more to their camping grounds just to **** them off(and their gay little trains fail).
#18 Feb 14 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
228 posts
I have no association with anyone outside of my main circle of friends, and my current 2 LSs. If I was able to get my hands on R3, Leeluu would have it already.

Why not just BCNM for this? We did 6 this weekend and R3 dropped. WHM in our LS is quite happy and it was the best 30 Kindred's we ever spent.

You shouldn't be accusing or calling out people that allegedly buy gil. 1, you can't prove it. 2, it can make you seem like a jealous, whining brat because so-and-so has better toys than you. 3, can damage someone's "reputation" by the simple accusation as some people take these posts as gospel.

Gilsellers/farmers have become part of our lives while on Vana'diel. Only when we want a specific item does it really seems to affect us. I would like to see more of these item obtainable through BCNM. Aside from making more items rare/ex, I think that would help.
#19 Feb 14 2005 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
Thanks Sing but I really enjoy doing things with the LS, it is very fun. But when I step away and try to make a little change I see so many messed up things. I have to tell you though, when you are lvl 70 the above ground parts of Beaudeux are nice places to hang out, just dont attack anything or you will link the whole damn place.

I been wanting to make enough gil to get my Gobbie bag quests done so that I may hold more items to destroy Maat the next time we faced but that doesnt seem to be working. This weekend I wasted my time farming just to see my profits dwindle. I am not carrying a burdeng by no means, I am only frustrated with the system. It is a system that condones the things that these players do such as MPK but only enforces them on us the honest player.

It is also the fact that I am a PLD and see so many THF/NIN and NIN/whatever being able to solo better than I and it sucks. Only way for a PLD to make a buck is through crafts that require more money than you have to skill it up, just to make a profit once you are 60+. The system just like in real life works as long as the parties involved abide by the rules. I really play this game to escape reality, and once the reality of the game starts to mimic the same frustrations we face in real life the fun factor starts to go away.

But by no means tanking for Intensity is a burden but a joy, and for that I thank you. I have a problem with the system not the "burden" that I carry, because there is no such thing.

Eldriss the Vile wrote:
You shouldn't be accusing or calling out people that allegedly buy gil. 1, you can't prove it. 2, it can make you seem like a jealous, whining brat because so-and-so has better toys than you. 3, can damage someone's "reputation" by the simple accusation as some people take these posts as gospel.

Never had the pleasure of meeting you in game though I waved at you near the entrance to The Sanctuary of Zitah at Meriphaud Mountains, but I assume you didnt notice. But I have somewhat proff as one such person has admitted to it to me as well as others. And I by no means sound like I am whining, but like I stated above once Socom started to become a place where unless you cheated you wouldnt succeed, I quit. Also once diablo became hacker city it was done and over with for many people including me. There is no way to hack into the game other than the darter BS, and buying gil that was my point. And I never mentioned their names just made reference to their actions.

Edited, Mon Feb 14 15:07:11 2005 by JoLOveS
#20 Feb 14 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
919 posts
I took up BST and made 20K in 2 hours last night

#21 Feb 14 2005 at 2:00 PM Rating: Excellent
228 posts
Most people tend to look for that one big ticket item to sell. So many people overlook the profit in reselling. Sure, it isn't going to net you 500k a shot but you can keep a steady income rolling in and it starts to add up. Especially if you have mules to utilize.
#22 Feb 14 2005 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
Inflations's caused some disturbing, yet useful jumps in the price of basic materials, all over the board. Have you looked at the price of Fire crystals lately? Of Grass Cloth? Of onions? I almost fell out of my chair, when I saw that Silk Threads had gotten up to 20K.

Start some random level 1 job. Go out in Ronfaure and smoke some Orcs for a few hours. The crystal haul alone, should be most enjoyable.

Seriph, I feel for ya, man. Crafting and the occasional profitable quest are my main source of income. You gotta pay for it somehow, in my case, in time. But hey, a couple hours romping across Tahrongi can "feed" me for two weeks.

It's been a royal pain watching the price of Phantom Earring+1s and Serket Ring double in just 3 months! Nevertheless, I have to do something. And eventually, I'm gonna have to pay one of those crooks for one of those high-priced Astral Rings, too. I've all but given up on trying to snag a Boots or Hairpin. I'm just hoping S/E comes up with some kind of decent, obtainable alternative. (Yes obtainable. it was cool seeing the nice +3 accuracy ring come out, then to find out that I had to complete all the promys and get to Lufaise just to quest for it >< )
#23 Feb 14 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Excellent
228 posts
Never had the pleasure of meeting you in game though I waved at you near the entrance to The Sanctuary of Zitah at Meriphaud Mountains, but I assume you didnt notice.

My bad. I don't ignore people intentionally but I have become completely oblivious to most emotes. And most chat as well. Thank god most of my friends accept this personal fault and are no longer miffed by it. I have often told people that I am a gilseller/farmer/buyer as well has having purchased my account. Some probably took me seriously too.

The 24/7 camping buy the known gilsellers is annoying, but would anyone be more accepting if it was camped 24/7 by actual "players"?
It exists with all MMO's that I have ever played but seems to be more obvious with FFXI. Someday the gilsellers will be gone. Unfortunately, so will most of the players.
#24 Feb 14 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
I remember not too long ago there was a person who used to the biggest gil begger in the server, now he sports a Peacock Charm and all the +1 gear a person his lvl can desire. There is a person that I wont mention by name either that posts here that also sports a scorpion harness that was bought with IGE money.

Don't talk the talk if you're not gonna spout names.

His name is Armyofone. =p
#25 Feb 14 2005 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
353 posts
His name is Armyofone. =p

#26 Feb 14 2005 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
JoLOveS the Charming wrote:
It is also the fact that I am a PLD and see so many THF/NIN and NIN/whatever being able to solo better than I and it sucks. Only way for a PLD to make a buck is through crafts that require more money than you have to skill it up, just to make a profit once you are 60+.

Try being a WHM/BRD lol. I can barely solo the stuff in Qufim at level fifty. Farming quickly is not really an idea for me, beyond minor stuff like rabbit hides in W. Ronfaure. I can't port beyond Tele-Vhazl and Tele-Yhoat, and only those because I don't have the crystals for them (can't do the others because i have a level four blm and I HATE blm).

There is always someone worse off than you in making gil through farming.

Crafting is a pain also, I won't deny that. But you can turn a fair profit crafting low level items that are basic necessities for various jobs/other crafts.

Eldriss the Vile wrote:
You shouldn't be accusing or calling out people that allegedly buy gil. 1, you can't prove it. 2, it can make you seem like a jealous, whining brat because so-and-so has better toys than you. 3, can damage someone's "reputation" by the simple accusation as some people take these posts as gospel.


And I by no means sound like I am whining, but like I stated above once Socom started to become a place where unless you cheated you wouldnt succeed, I quit. Also once diablo became hacker city it was done and over with for many people including me.

Hehe, try playing Phantasy Star Online^^. I played that, and it was scary...

When I first began, within two hours I get a hacked ultimate weapon that made it so I could solo end game stuff with no problem at level two. I saw people that had what looked like a food item floating behind them, and when I asked WHAT that was they told me it was a Big Mac®. And yes, I mean the one from McDonalds®. And various other things also destroyed the game for me.

I'm digressing there, sorry >.<

If you are sick of the game, just turn away from it. Leave, go play some "World of Warcraft", "Everquest 2", "City of Heroes", or (my personal choice when it comes out) "Wish". Then, if you want to come back to "Final Fantasy XI", then do so.

I am going to spare you the emotional stuff, since you have gotten enough of that already.

I don't blame you for how you feel, because I have felt that way myself more than once and in a lot of ways, I still do feel that way right now.

If you want to keep in touch with people from the game, you have our screen names for various messangers on another thread somewhere on this forum. I'll bump it up for you in a moment.

Take care.

EDIT: With the new servers, the latest word from 1337 Dread Lord Kao is that currently they have the servers from Apple, yet they have to intergrate and set them up to function with the other servers. If you have EVER tried to set up and intergrate servers while holding down a job, you would know that it takes a while to do. So have patience, please.

Edited, Mon Feb 14 17:01:16 2005 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
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