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Effects of the PowerlevelFollow

#1 Feb 13 2005 at 10:12 PM Rating: Good
617 posts
First of all, let it be known that I am not targeting anyone in particular, and that I am trying to make a point through examples. That said this message will be lengthy. Nor am I condemning any actions of the players. The purpose of this message is to make a point, and to give a suggestion to alleviate the problem. I am not ordering anyone, and you may play how you wish, and I acknolwedge the fact that these problems are not always brought about due to being Powerleveled, but I'd like to at least bring this to light, and hear some others' opinions on the matter. In the end I'd like to have at least a civil discussion on the subject. At any rate...

So I don't know about you, but it's becoming increasingly more common to obtain a party in Valkurm and Qufim with a powerleveler. Sometimes there aren't, but it doesn't happen often. But what are we teaching people by doing this?

Some people claim that their helping parties will have no effects on people in the long run. Well not only is this preventing the would-be tanks from capping evasion/etc. skills, and causing the party to completely ignore the problem of hate control, but it is also:

1. Making it so players don't have to learn how to properly provoke. What happens? We have PLDs who don't know to provoke every 30 seconds and/or die due to the inability to block/evade attacks. It's quite hard to believe that after 30 levels, and probably 10 more soloing, a person can't grasp this concept unless they never *had* to.

2. Making it so WHMs (or whatever healer) can sit back and get a free ride, enhancing the ever-growing arrogance gene, and they fail to learn the harshest and most important rule of the healer: Curing draws hate. What happens? We have a WHM that spams cures because he saw the powerleveler do it, and dies because he drew too much hate and has no idea how it happened.

3. In the long run, making it so people never learn the party dynamics they should have learned in Valkurm and Qufim. Because you are holding the party's hand, they don't have to do anything, they can pull the wrong monsters, use the wrong abilities, and learn nothing about their job, but they still gain levels because you're keeping them alive. What happens? We have people over levels 30 and 40 (and sadly sometimes even beyond) who don't know how skillchain, magic burst, use certain job abilities, or even know how to search outside of their own area.

4. And perhaps most importantly, you are making it so parties come to expect a powerleveler. What happens? Parties are formed without a healer, and instead the leader starts asking high level WHMs and RDMs on the street to powerlevel the group.

I have witnessed point 4. I was in Qufim last night and after leaving a party that was of course being powerleveled (by no less than two people [same LS as the leader apparently]), I soon get into another. THF, THF, DRG, WAR, BLM, RNG. One of the members asks who's healing, and the leader says "I'm asking a whm to pl us." That WHM, whoever they were, declined, and the members slowly started to leave, and the leader got more and more infuriated as he'd invite more random people seeking in the range, none of which could heal, with the same intention of finding a powerleveler. I don't know if he ever found one, I left it myself soon after.

Now, I'm not going to be so arrogant as to tell you how to play the game. Instead, I want to make a suggestion. If you are going to powerlevel a party, allow them to do the majority of the work. You should only be there to lend a hand if things go sour. Let them provoke, let them heal, save them from a link or bad aggro, let *them* work together and run the party, but do not handhold them. If they do something wrong, do more than just save them, tell them what they did. That LS powerlevel team did this rather well, but the party I was in had no healer because of the presence of the PL. They let us do the tanking, skillchaining, etc. and would step in if the BRD and BLM/WHM couldn't keep up, but that was it. This was a good method. Though I'd rather if there was a healer in the the party itself.

It's ok to want to help a friend through the newbie areas. I know as much as the rest of you that it's no fun having to wait 3 hours to get one level there when it's not necessary. But if you don't let parties function on their own, the overall quality of players will deteriorate, I can guarantee it. This is a cooperative game, that, in which, almost everything is entirely dependant upon a party's ability to function together as a whole. This is not possible the members of the party never learned how to do this.

Though it's probable that they'll learn eventually, but I ask you, do you really want to have to teach a level 30 Warrior or Paladin how to provoke? Again this isn't all due to Powerlevelers, but I know at least some people are being affected.

And if you read through all this, I apologize for the waterfall of text. >_>

Edited, Sun Feb 13 22:20:39 2005 by seraphimhunter
#2 Feb 13 2005 at 10:20 PM Rating: Default
I agree 100 percent with your post. I think powerleveling doesnt help anyone. When I was leveling my WHM to 37 I would leave a PT if they had a PL. Mainly cause I wasnt needed and I wasnt able to play my job correctly and wasnt getting the proper skill ups. I made a similar point in a post about levels 75 and how they treat lower level parties. If you think powerleveling doesnt hurt, I think you are just fooling yourself. You learn an a lot in the lower level parties that will transfer over to how play your job in the mid levels when PLing doesnt happen.

#3 Feb 13 2005 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
I can't say i disagree with any of this. It is not the way the game was intended to be play. However i always get excited when i here there is a plvl. It just means chaotic fun for however long it last.

Granted when I'm playing a job in the dunes most of my combat and magic skills are already cap'd. I feel as if it just a way to get the hell out of that sand pit faster and not like i am looses valuable skill lvl'n. I have yet to meet a person who had liked the dunes.

And my opinion on a lvl 30+ pally or war who can't provoke. If they made it that far with never learning how to provoke, i honestly don't think these people have the brain to have learned in the 1st place. That or have a serious cognitive disorder.

I love me a good dunes power level. Anything past that I find completely unnecessary. I believe there is a special place in hell for the software creators of Valkurm.
#4 Feb 13 2005 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
542 posts
There is a time and a place for everything. Personally, if you're getting a PL in Qufim or any place after that then something is wrong. I also agree with the fact that if someone is going to PL a group they should let the group deal with the situation, and just be there to "watch over" them. After the first ten levels(when most people stop) of soloing, the PLs should be to a very minimum and after the Dunes they shouldn't take place at all. Thats my opinion, reasoning behind them are pretty much the same as listed above so I'm not going to go any more in depth about it.
#5 Feb 14 2005 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
We learn from our failures. As a snowboarder, I feel that if im not falling, im not learning. The same holds true with FFXI. When the whole PT dies, they lay there eating dirt and figure out what they did wrong. "oops I pulled a mob that was too hard for us" "oops I nuked too much and got too much hate" "oops that skill chain didnt work." These are the sort of things low levels should experience first hand. Even being told this, usually isn't enough, they must experience it for themselves. I don't believe in PLs past lvl 10, and I refuse to PL anyone past then or be PLed myself.
#6 Feb 14 2005 at 2:21 AM Rating: Good
59 posts
Guess I gotta post up something here because I'm guilty of all inhumane crimes that powerleveling commits. Fortunely I also enjoy it very thoroughly and will perhaps continue with what I call the "self-plvl" =)

So the setup is like this: me and my good RL friend has a pc/ps2 combination at hand pimped out with FFXI. So we exchanged account information. Doing this enables one (1) person to possibly play two (2) characters simultaneously! Imagine running errands or buying stuff at one corner of the map while your main character farms...or crafts...or even joins an xp pt...

I can't speak for my friend but this is where dual-accounting truly shines. I've been using this technique to lvl up my non-main jobs for quite awhile and what a boon it is! No longer will you endure crappy 2 digit xp because the puller enjoys the comfort of T - VT mobs and not the IT ones that viciously mauled his/her *** earlier; no longer will you wait for a pt for hours on end as the OP mentioned; finally, no longer will your pt forming be crippled because there's no whms and/or tanks seeking! Invite all the neglected green circle '!' DDs in valkurm/qufim and watch the sparks fly!

Self-plvl even have those benefits of saving an xp flow in the aformentioned places because chances are someone in your pt will leave in 20 mins. And then you gotta wait for the replacement. And then when the replacement gets there someone has to do homework and leaves. And then you wait again. I speak from experience and damn do those moments make me miss leveling my main.

So why do I continue to rob my pt members from a great FFXI experience? The answer is selfishly simple which you probably realize: to save TIME. I can tell you that if i made my own pt i try real hard not to invite whms because they contribute very little in a power level but you'd probably won't believe me. In any case, i'm not too interested in seeing whether or not <p4> performed well in the pt. I'm all about accomplishing whatever I wanted done in a fast manner without interruptions. Its damn selfish I know but I don't have that kind of time to devote to this game. And people know this game will suck a lot of time out of the day. Playtime of 1-2 hrs today? No thanks.

And although I can be contributing to the downfall of Vana'diel, these pt occurances last for only 2-3 hrs at most. If that person hasn't learned anything from all the other hrs he'd-she'd been playing then they better reevaluate their time in this game. I try to make my self-plvling occuraces look like a tropical vacational bliss.

(Exception to self-plvl is again when i lvl my main. Any good RDM will know that you can hardly blink or even breathe in a lvl 50-60+ pt. And "powerleveling" would probably get the person killed faster =)

Hmm I have more to write but I'll cut it short for now and wait for some responses ^^. I still use my self-plvling past lvl 30 but:
- I rarely reach these lvls since I intend to take my main up to 75 first and is not interested in other jobs besides the subs
- They're really useful when yer pt gets smacked with an AoE/suicide bomb in a normal pt setup

Oh yeah, recently I've been reading those Search messages from some people that clearly indicate they don't like power-leveling. Much props to that =)

*oh btw, I can only do this when my friend is away and vice versa. Otherwise we'd log each other out ><
#7 Feb 14 2005 at 4:38 AM Rating: Decent
6,424 posts
When someone offers you 50k to powerlevel him a few hours/levels, you don't say no :)

Ofcourse, PLing 15/- noobs in dunes is a bad idea, but when a high level wants to level a sub, his skills will either be capped anyway, or will be used for NM hunting/farming.
#8 Feb 14 2005 at 4:54 AM Rating: Excellent
Rate up, Yuehunei.

I usually refuse to powerlevel parties for exactly these reasons. I powerlevel only in those cases where someone delevels or a friend has had a frustrating time in a party and needs some exp.
I once PL'ed a random NIN to 10, just because levels 1-9 in NIN suck. He was subbing WAR, so I knew his evasion was capped out anyway.

Powerlevels are de rigeur now. You don't get through the Dunes without being PLed at least once; before I started leveling all these subs, I had a total of one PL in sixty cumulative exp levels. I was thrilled at the time too. Wow, a PL.

When I leveled NIN through the Dunes, the PLs were a source of constant aggravation for me. I was trying to learn the extremely tricky art of blink tanking with Ichi, and I couldn't hold the hate off a level 60 WHM spamming Cure II. I had to learn to do it by wasting a ton of shihei, subbing NIN on RDM and soloing.

I love your suggestions, especially that of acting as a teacher for the group, as well as a lifesaver. If they ***** up, get them through the fight, then explain what they did wrong.

Try to let the hate stay on the tank!! Above all else!
That will give the whm something to do (I'm leveling a whm now, and have been PLed. I heal the party anyway), and it will give that tank the hits he needs to skill up his evasion, shield, guard and parry, and the bit of extra TP he needs to take part in a SC.

Great post, and timely, considering the ton of PLs that are being handed out lately.
#9 Feb 14 2005 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
175 posts
Did anybody play Dark Age of Camelot? Remember how once you got a player to a certain level you could create another one that was already mid-level? That was a good solution that didn't force people to go through the pain of doing those monotanus 20 levels at the beginning. I'm not sure how something similar could be done in FFXI. Maybe add a quest that could only be attained at level 70+ that would give you a certificate for like 100k xp? Maybe you could do this quest once for each job that attains the required level, like AF quests? Ahhhhh, if only they would let us make all the decisions.
#10 Feb 14 2005 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
I only PL high level friends who's trying to get their sub up asap. PLing lowbies with no partying experience will deter them from learning the essential partying elements which I agree with the OP.

But instead of OP's suggestion of being a "Spotter" that only interferes when the party runs into trouble, I suggest PLing with tanking/healing and all of its trimmings. But only PLing the expienced player only.

Quoted from OP:
You should only be there to lend a hand if things go sour. Let them provoke, let them heal, save them from a link or bad aggro, let *them* work together and run the party, but do not handhold them.

When you PL, you are trying to give the exp party the fastest possible exp gain. PLing is never intended and never will be able to teach partying dynamics. The PLer usually provide the party both tanking, healing, and add control. The exp party's only role is to do damage and take down the mob. Things happened in PL parties will never apply to any regular parties.

If we do as the OP suggested as being more of a "spotter" that only gets the party out of a jam, the party will go very slow. This will waste time of the PL'er.

The system has been designed with very little death penalty for the low levels. Thus the beginners could learn through their mistakes. Putting a high level PL'er to spot a Cure or two once in a while and maybe occationally throw in a raise is utterly a waste of the PL'er's time. A O.K'd lowbie could respawn from a flag faster than waiting for a raise and the res sickness to wear.

Anyway I am trying to point out that PL should be used for experienced ppl to skip low level grinds. It should never be used on new players with no actual party experience. And if you do PL, do the best you could. If I ever recieve PL, I want a full time PL'er, not a half assed healer that kicks in once in a blue moon.
#11 Feb 14 2005 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
228 posts
Hmmm. I did more PL'ing this weekend than ever. Very few people in these parties were noobs and no one was held against their wishes. Rarely did I pull hate from the pt and when I did, someone would voke it off (unless a particularly nasty mob that maybe shouldn't have been attempted for another level or 2).

From what I could see, most people did their job as they should and had worked out the SC's, I merely eliminated the downtime. One of the reasons I did this was due to the fact that at times it was impossible to get a healer for these pt's. Got all these people with their flags up, sitting for hours waiting and hoping for an invite and then pray the pt doesn't disband within 30 min. once you get one. Another reason: Dunes just plain suck.

The one thing I do when I'm PL'ing is pay attention to how they play their job, especially if it's a job I want to level soon. Alot of these people do ask and offer advice on the various jobs within the pt. Sometimes, this is more beneficial than a pt of new players that have no idea if they are doing their job as no one is there to tell them otherwise.

Leechers are not welcome even in a PL pt. If I notice someone just sitting there, doing nothing, I tell them to participate. If they happen to be AFK for any length of time, I tell the pt leader to boot them. PL's still require decent pt members and teamwork within. My curing from the outside doesn't rob anyone of working thier respective job skills, even the whm should there be one.

Edited, Mon Feb 14 12:24:04 2005 by Eldriss
#12 Feb 14 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
425 posts
When I was working on my PLD, when the parties started talking about PL, I flat out said "No thanks" because I actually wanted to learn the job dynamics of PLD because I would like to take the job into higher levels. Some of the parties would think I was joking but I would simply tell them that if they wanted to have a PL, they could find another tank. Some of these other crap jobs I have to level right now, well...I could care less about a PL because I'm not taking them all that far, and just need them as sub jobs for situational use.

As for the OPs fourth comment, this is starting to become more and more frequent. The past couple times I've been in the Dunes, (and two times in Qufim, which is just fu[b][/b]cking ridiculous) these people would be talking about having a PL like it was something that was absolutely needed to party. These comments about PLs are coming from these Rank 1, no subjob having PCs and I just shudder to think of the influx of more and more crappy players making it higher up in levels. I don't know, after my last time out in the Dunes, this past weekend, where I only got two levels in six hours and wondered why the hell I was even bothering with being out there (goddamn THF subjob for DRK...BLARG!), I've come to the conclusion that I'd like to get all the jobs that I need to get through the Dunes through there ASAP so I can just put that place behind me for good.

Sorry for the rant, but this PL issue really bites my *** sometimes.
#13 Feb 14 2005 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
I just notice how most defend PL by saying they only PL high level friends. While this is fine, friendly, kind, whatever -- I was *disgusted* (though secretly relieved at the fast exp, hating to level subjobs, myself) how on both my warrior and dark knight AND paladin, everytime I got into/made a party, one of the members was 50+ main and had a whm or rdm friend come and PL the group.

My main job is thf. I do not have dark, elemental, enfeebling, divine, healing, etc. on my thf job. I love to tank and do not get to do it on my thf very often. Yeah, whatever, my main is 70+ and I don't necessarily need much practice with lowbie party dynamics...but the fun in lowbie partying for me is *gasp* doing my job.

I've found leveling from 10-31 to be more frustration for someone like me than it was before so many people got 40+ and started PLing their friends. As pld in the dunes, I actually asked a PL to leave because I was frustrated with not getting to play the job the way I would need to later, my whm was frustrated with being cured over (the PL did not leave anything to chance and would cure III/IV everyone all the time, always had hate), and there was at least one *true* new player who was learning *nothing*.

And that's another thing to point out. When a PLer goes to PL a high level friend's subjob parties...there are real new players IN those parties a lot of the time who get a free ride and end up on the bad players list because they don't know their **** from a provoke or refresh macro.
#14 Feb 14 2005 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
Idwa the Mundane wrote:
Did anybody play Dark Age of Camelot? Remember how once you got a player to a certain level you could create another one that was already mid-level? That was a good solution that didn't force people to go through the pain of doing those monotanus 20 levels at the beginning. I'm not sure how something similar could be done in FFXI. Maybe add a quest that could only be attained at level 70+ that would give you a certificate for like 100k xp? Maybe you could do this quest once for each job that attains the required level, like AF quests? Ahhhhh, if only they would let us make all the decisions.

Maybe you don't understand how SE makes money. ;)
#15 Feb 14 2005 at 3:02 PM Rating: Good
The other day I found a party while lvl BLM that had a PL'er. The whole party sucked. They would die so much because they wanted to kill the toughest mobs to get the "most" exp. I also saw many people my main's lvl range that were lvling the sub of a sub with a PL'er. They also ended up dying a lot.

But my best party in the dunes was killing gobs as dual NIN, BRD, THF, WHM and BLM. We killed so fast that we would end up getting chain #6 in the dunes. I mean people say that the dunes suck but is all about how people play their jobs, and by PL'ing them they cant learn anything about the job. Also remember just because it is "ONLY" a sub to you doesne mean that it is not the first time around for one of the party members. And that person might emulate the actions he learned in the party and always rely on a PL'er hence forth.
#16 Feb 14 2005 at 3:17 PM Rating: Good
The thing to remember is, even though the PLAYER is experienced, he is not experienced at the job he's playing at level 13.
A guy might be a really great ranger, his evasion is capped and he's rank 6 with awesome gear. That doesn't mean he knows much about how to play a Paladin or a Summoner.
Watching other people play it isn't really viable; I've played RDM to level 56, but if someone set me down and told me to play a PLD, I wouldn't be good at it just because I was in parties with them. I was doing my own job in parties, not treating them as learning experiences for playing every job in the game.

If you PL him through the Dunes on this new job, he'll end up in Qufim with no solid idea how to do his job. He'll probably be aware of it, have some frustration, and go back to ranger, the job he does know how to do. At least that's what has happened to me in the past.

#17 Feb 14 2005 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
228 posts
Guess I'm in the minority here. PL'ing is hardly the downfall of player capabilities. I think people should read about the job they are undertaking prior to leveling it so they know what their function is going to be. From the dunes forward is where you start implementing what you have learned by reading about your specific job characteristics and abilities and my standing in the background tossing cures does not render the pt useless. It takes them just as long to kill a mob, they still need the same amount of xp to level and they need to work together as a pt to kill these mobs. PL'ing simply allows for uninterrupted pulling.

#18 Feb 14 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Man. You guys made PL sounds like the number one reason that the whole FFXI community is stupid.

This game could only be PL'd to so far that eventurally you still have to learn your trade. Even if you did get PL here and there, I am sure you will have to play in a normal exp party sometimes. And god forbid if you learn your trade there.

As for the experienced players, even if they never played a job before, they still know what "needs" to be done. Experienced ppl know how aggro works, how tanking works, how SATA works, etc. They will catch up to any job way faster compared to a true greenhorn. It's not like you get a brain labotomy if you change to a new job. Will a lvl 70+ BLM lose his experience with hate holding if he decide to take a tanking job? I think not.

And finally, why would anyone turn down PL? Sinec when fast exp is bad? I am starting to wonder if you guys are just bandwagoning or actually telling the truth.

PL does not make lowbies stupid. To do that you have to like PL them from 1-25 nonstop. And I don't see that happening.

Lighten up ppl. Stop PL'ing will not make lowbies any smarter.
#19 Feb 14 2005 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
145 posts
I'll usually only PL those in my LS, just because I know of their experience. I used to not have the tank voke off me, but now i am gonna reconsider that so they can learn there job.
I will say, i do like haing a pl from time to time, its saves me the hours of looking for a pty. WHM seem to be more and more scarce as of late. Perhaps its due to the rudeness they put up with for Teles, raises etc.
Personally if your party has a whm in it. You really dont need a PL. Unless someone in your party has nerfed gear or gimped sub, but then you shouldnt have em in your party then lol.
btw great post, rate up
Retired July 2009

#20 Feb 14 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
OK let me just clarify, I'm not saying powerleveling is the cause of all our problems. But it is causing some. And like was already said, it's not just newbies that are suffering.

I'm sure these players will learn over time, but don't you think they should be allowed to learn as soon as possible? It would only help parties down the line.

And I can understand what you're saying Haooo...etc. But not sure about the tone. I don't want you people to think I'm denouncing powerlevelers. I've done it before, I'm a WHM myself. But I just think we should be there only to make the flow of exp a little better.

A good party does not need a powerleveler to work, I think we can agree on that. "Bad" parties happen, yes, but if they're only "bad" because of the party setup (like let's say a bad level spread or not enough damage), a powerlevel isn't going to teach them what they're doing wrong.

And a powerleveler can only make a party's exp flow in faster if the party has the potential to do it itself. Thusly, why you should only be there to lend a helping hand.

Not sure if this is coming out the way I want it to. But basically, I don't denounce powerleveling, I just want people to realize what could come of it, and just offer that suggestion. It is your decision to take the advice or not, I can't tell you what to do.
#21 Feb 14 2005 at 6:20 PM Rating: Good
230 posts
Ive had good and bad experiences with plers...

Taking Thf through the dunes was a real pain in the *** for me, I did not enjoy the parties very much. This is due largely because of the fact that that the mob kept bouncing between the Pler the Nin tank and the War who was backing him up, this made it a real ***** to attempt a Sneak Attack.

I've also been Pled in Korroloka Tunnel off of worms I was playing War then, and this party was actually kind of fun, because we had 6 melee and we were running around all together and taking out every worm in sight...but I didnt have anything to learn here I wasnt tanking and it was an alt character, 17 War...Ive already leveled War to 31 on my main so it was nothing new to me.
#22 Feb 14 2005 at 6:57 PM Rating: Good
1,041 posts
Well, I think some missed the point --
there is a big difference between PLing a friend with a higher level job for 30 minutes, then taking off and letting them on their own...and PLing a whole party in the jungles or something that would fail miserably without the PL.

It's not that PLers are the spawn of the devil and the root cause of every problem in the game. What's going on is not that players who ever got PLed once in their whole life know/learn nothing about that job. It's that there's merit in doing something yourself, and understanding. Not to say this player wouldn't understand their job *at all* or would become spoiled or arrogant or stupid or something.

It's the same argument against getting help with a hard homework project and "letting" a friend do most of it for you, just because they do or offer. It's not *exactly* cheating, because you still do some of the work, you didn't coerce your friend, etc. But it still hurts you in a miss out on opportunities to learn, practice, understand your role in various situations...

I can tell you that at 73 I'm still finding out that in different situations, I have to act differently...every situation you're ever in is a learning experience...if a PL is involved, that's that much less learned, IMO.

That being said, I don't think any PLers house should be torched or that a PLer is a bad person or anything at all like that. No, I just don't think most people really consider the consequences of some acts of "kindness."

And, for the record, I did go a whole day in Qufim then Kazham from party to party (about 4 total) leveling some random subjob, every last one of which had a PL and every last one of which broke up when the PL left because at least half the members didn't think partying was worth it withOUT a PL. I kid not.
#23 Feb 14 2005 at 7:26 PM Rating: Good
259 posts
The effect that really bothers me is the search comments I am seeing more often in the Dunes by unsubbed players that say "Please have PL."

Or the guys that you invite that go "Do you have a powerlevel?" and you say "No, but we have a whm and a rdm" and they go "{Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass}".
#24 Feb 15 2005 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
113 posts
They actually ask if you have a power leveler? ahahaha thats funny.
#25 Feb 15 2005 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
ok my thoughts on PL i think that this is ok if your working on a seacony charter and only in the first 10 levels before partying is something you can do. and in my play of the game the only place i have found PLer is in the dunes and let's face it that place is just 10 levels of hell. so if a PLer is helping the party i'm in i don't leave it in the dunes now any point after dunes if a PL is there i will leave the party no matter what job i am leveling. so i guess i am ok with PLing in the right spots but if you get PLed from 1-50 and then get a party with out a PLer your going to get kicked out cuz you don't know how to do your job. well there is my 2 cents
#26 Mar 06 2005 at 3:51 PM Rating: Default
617 posts
Bumping this, because now there are several parties in the Crawlers' Nest with Powerlevelers. THREE people banded together to "visit" (their words) my sister's party in CN since apparently they know someone in her party (I wasn't really paying much attention, I'm in the other room, but her swearing was getting really old so I asked her to explain) and are now PLing them (and since they're people from this board, I'm sure one is sure to notice). Even if they're not intending to be considered powerlevelers, the party IS. Hence the problem.

I'm not really blaming the PLers in this case as much as I am her party members who have that arrogant "We're invincible" attitude. And that's a result of the simple presence of those three ladies. Not healing, pulling when not ready, and not having buffs up, just because there's a PLer. It needs to stop. It really really needs to stop. Because if these three really didn't intend to powerlevel and were there just for a LS member or friend or whatever, then my previous point that people developed the arrogance and invincible attidute with PLs has just been proven.

Edited, Sun Mar 6 19:11:04 2005 by seraphimhunter
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