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white mage's raise the priceFollow

#77 Feb 10 2005 at 6:07 PM Rating: Good
wow -.- always beating the whitemage down... I'm trying to inspire my fellows =D I won't flame a blm board or a rdm board so don't flame me please :p

#78 Feb 10 2005 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
TeamJnag wrote:
Interesting. Whm was the first job I lvled, I didn't even know that one could make money with tele's until I was lvl 34 and noticed the spells and shouts in jeuno. I spent a fair share of time "manning the watch" as I like to call it, waiting for anyone who needed to get to the Highlands faster than a choco could take them. IT'S INSANELY BORING! oh god is it boring. You try chatting with friends, and suddenly you realize you just missed 5 customers to that guy over there who isn't talking to friends at this moment. At this point I see fewer and fewer mages on avg. porting in Jeuno, on the rare occasion that I do port, it is just because I see someone who needs a Vazhl and I typically do it for free. I do always appreciate a good tip though. I've often been handed 5+k for tele's to holla or dem even.

"What's the point?" you may be asking.
<point> I say kudos to mages who can get 1k per port, they are filling a niche and doing it well. I also say kudos to mages who port for free at random, I honestly tend to tip more heavily if I am not pestered for gil.
Make your gil however you need to. I will say from personal experience farming as a whm is one insane task in my opinion, so don't look down on mages trying to raise some gil for their new duds. Mages, Attempting to enforce an arbitrary increase is price is not going to draw the kind of attention you want. Let people handle prices the same way they do in the american market economy. If you want to make more for tele's do it at times when there are fewer people porting. It's all very simple.

to my WHM peers, Never forget... when the blm dies, the mob dies more slowly. When the whm dies, people run.

Edited, Thu Feb 10 08:19:53 2005 by TeamJnag


Oh my god someone is talking some sense!
Oh and go figure it's a white mage who posted it too.

Everyone who responded in a very mature manner gets a rate-up
from me.
Everyone who disagrees "You are now a part of the AXXISSS of EVIL"

And I completly agree with the fact that porting is "boring"
In reality it is and you all know it. So to those white mages who want to raise the price kudos to you.
#79 Feb 10 2005 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Yaotzin wrote:
I got my first rate down hehehe.

Heheheh. Congratz. Guess ya didn't know bout the trolls. A few of us seem to have our own personal trolls. Rate up for you to **** the trolls off.
#80 Feb 11 2005 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
137 posts
The rates dont bother me much, but my god people get off on rateing people down... Psst get a life rate for a good reason.
#81 Feb 11 2005 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
6,424 posts
I always mess with WHMs.... I /shout that I'll pay 500 gil, but then I give them 501 gil, Haste and Refresh ^_^

Then I laugh as their puny Protects and Shells are resisted, and my Barfire is stronger then their Bar*ras ^_^
#82 Feb 11 2005 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Yaotzin wrote:
The rates dont bother me much, but my god people get off on rateing people down... Psst get a life rate for a good reason.

Heheheh. That's the reason why I'm glad the idiots are wasting time rating me and worthwhile people down. Means they're not spending time breeding. Thus, less idiot children in the world. /grin
#83 Feb 11 2005 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Yeah, white mages should be able to charge for Teleports, they can't farm very effectively for much of anything worth sh[/b]it. However, to start bumping up prices is total greed, just like every other co[b]cksmoking greedy a[/b]sshole on this server.

Random suddenly un-popular opinion time or whatever the fu[b]
ck like I give two sh[/b]ts, or ever have. Greedy people make me sick, from Hiptaru down the line. This is a game meant to be fun, not meant for people to have to go farm 70% of the time just to afford leveling or doing much of anything. If we need anything on this server is to band together and knock down the prices of EVERYTHING so we can all go back to just having fun again. And if making gil is your fun, go play Monopoly you twisted fu[b]ck. I've had it. I'm tired of people giving the "supply and demand" and "if you don't like it don't play" excuse. I deal with real world sh[/b]it all day and play this game as a release from that, not to work all day to pay my bills a game for 5 hrs my bills.

People never stop and think of anyone but themselves. Those people out there who farm and camp and work their a[b]
sses off to buy an Astral Ring or Leaping Boots to find out that the price went up 200k in a week, then by the time they farm that it may go up more after some rich a[/b]sshats decide to get more greedy. We already have to compete with gilsellers like Bmoboss hiking the prices of Empy Pins up to a ludicrous range for a lvl 34 item, then we do it to each other with sh[b]it like this.
#84 Feb 11 2005 at 8:01 PM Rating: Good
251 posts
Again, two issues at work here: inflation, and supply and demand.

As I've said before, I think that the server is experiencing inflation. Some items, as we've pointed out earlier, are suffering in price (possibly) due to monopolization - thats a separate issue.

The issue of teleports potentially costing more is one of inflation. If indeed there is some inflation, we're actually ******** white mages by only paying 500 gil per port, and anyone who refuses to pay more is actually the person we could accuse of greed. In a real world example, the price of milk used to almost nothing 70 years ago. Ten cents a quart, or something, for illustration, and today its perhaps a dollar for that much! So we'd say, damn the greedy milk producers! However, today the average person is making much more than the average person 70 years ago, theres a lot more money in the economy. So, perhaps, if we look at other prices, we'll find that milk hasn't increased by so much, and maybe even in real dollars has decreased because we've gotten better at producing it.

If I'm wrong and the server isn't actually experiencing inflation, then 500 gil six months ago is equivalent to 500 gil today, and most likely prices shouldn't or won't change.

And as for "supply and demand" being an excuse, how do you think the prices you remember from six months ago were orginally arrived at? Handed down by Altana from on high? SE, if your character isn't religious? It was the free market that gave us those original prices (derived from marginal cost and benefit, and depending something on the total amount of money the players who were looking at those items had or were willing to get), and the prices change, mostly, because of a shift in the demand curve (possibly complicated by factors like monopoly).

The real greed issue, I think, is RMT. To me, 100k gil, 500k gil, thats a lot. It takes work for me to get that together, farming, BC's, quests, missions, any of that. To someone buying gil, its not. A few hours at work to make money, a few clicks to buy the gil, and they can buy leaping boots. The boots go so fast that the next seller decides to list for more, the next gilbuyer points, clicks, and gets leaping boots. Of course, honest players are buying leaping boots, too. They have to be more creative, and find more ways to get gil, and spend more time. This doesn't seem fair to me, but the problem isn't the greed of sellers, its the greed of gilbuyers. To good players, like (I'd guess) you and me, leaping boots are worth a week or so of farming. To gilbuyers, leaping boots are worth some rather small amount of real money. Where do prices end up? At what the gilbuyers are willing to offer.

Anonymous rate-downs. From people who think RMT helps the game? From people who don't think inflation is a problem? From people who think mentioning RMT is so last week? From people who don't believe in/understand the supply and demand model? From people who didn't like my joke Altana/SE prices joke? Agree/disagree with my points, please - I've done the courtesy of no rating on this thread because to many its a very emotional issue (even though it is just a game, after all). Whats the Family Guy quote? No hitting, Stewie, use your words?

Edited, Sat Feb 12 14:58:11 2005 by Velfire
#85 Feb 12 2005 at 3:33 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
Yeah, white mages should be able to charge for Teleports, they can't farm very effectively for much of anything worth ****. However, to start bumping up prices is total greed, just like every other cocksmoking greedy ******* on this server.

Random suddenly un-popular opinion time or whatever the **** like I give two shts, or ever have. Greedy people make me sick, from Hiptaru down the line. This is a game meant to be fun, not meant for people to have to go farm 70% of the time just to afford leveling or doing much of anything. If we need anything on this server is to band together and knock down the prices of EVERYTHING so we can all go back to just having fun again. And if making gil is your fun, go play Monopoly you twisted ****. I've had it. I'm tired of people giving the "supply and demand" and "if you don't like it don't play" excuse. I deal with real world **** all day and play this game as a release from that, not to work all day to pay my bills a game for 5 hrs my bills.

People never stop and think of anyone but themselves. Those people out there who farm and camp and work their asses off to buy an Astral Ring or Leaping Boots to find out that the price went up 200k in a week, then by the time they farm that it may go up more after some rich asshats decide to get more greedy. We already have to compete with gilsellers like Bmoboss hiking the prices of Empy Pins up to a ludicrous range for a lvl 34 item, then we do it to each other with **** like this.

Rate down from me. Not because I don't agree with your opinion, but because you deserve the title of Mr. Ignorant.

Do you call the guy who asks his boss for a raise greedy because he needs more money to pay for his children's education, to make sure there's food on the table, to make sure if he's laid off he has enough saved up to get through hard times, to make sure he's comfortable. Why are you calling WHMs greedy if they try to raise prices. Everything else is going up in price, what's wrong with letting WHMs try to increase their income to combat incredibly high spell prices.

Next time you're in a party and your WHM doesn't have erase, blame yourself for calling them greedy. Or better yet, I'd like to see you eat a Raise I because your WHM can't afford anything better.
#86 Feb 12 2005 at 6:04 AM Rating: Good
84 posts
Large wrote:

Rate down from me. Not because I don't agree with your opinion, but because you deserve the title of Mr. Ignorant.

Do you call the guy who asks his boss for a raise greedy because he needs more money to pay for his children's education, to make sure there's food on the table, to make sure if he's laid off he has enough saved up to get through hard times, to make sure he's comfortable. Why are you calling WHMs greedy if they try to raise prices. Everything else is going up in price, what's wrong with letting WHMs try to increase their income to combat incredibly high spell prices.

I'm not rating down, just because I don't rate down or up or really care about any of that. I will say, however, that I heartily suggest you get some sunshine and perhaps a check-up from the neck up if you can really compare a video game to actual people. Some intensive therapy may be required if you equate the whm's plight to a person who has been laid off from an actual job that pays actual money.
#87 Feb 12 2005 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Large wrote:
Yeah, white mages should be able to charge for Teleports, they can't farm very effectively for much of anything worth ****. However, to start bumping up prices is total greed, just like every other cocksmoking greedy ******* on this server.

Random suddenly un-popular opinion time or whatever the **** like I give two shts, or ever have. Greedy people make me sick, from Hiptaru down the line. This is a game meant to be fun, not meant for people to have to go farm 70% of the time just to afford leveling or doing much of anything. If we need anything on this server is to band together and knock down the prices of EVERYTHING so we can all go back to just having fun again. And if making gil is your fun, go play Monopoly you twisted ****. I've had it. I'm tired of people giving the "supply and demand" and "if you don't like it don't play" excuse. I deal with real world **** all day and play this game as a release from that, not to work all day to pay my bills a game for 5 hrs my bills.

People never stop and think of anyone but themselves. Those people out there who farm and camp and work their asses off to buy an Astral Ring or Leaping Boots to find out that the price went up 200k in a week, then by the time they farm that it may go up more after some rich asshats decide to get more greedy. We already have to compete with gilsellers like Bmoboss hiking the prices of Empy Pins up to a ludicrous range for a lvl 34 item, then we do it to each other with **** like this.

Rate down from me. Not because I don't agree with your opinion, but because you deserve the title of Mr. Ignorant.

Do you call the guy who asks his boss for a raise greedy because he needs more money to pay for his children's education, to make sure there's food on the table, to make sure if he's laid off he has enough saved up to get through hard times, to make sure he's comfortable. Why are you calling WHMs greedy if they try to raise prices. Everything else is going up in price, what's wrong with letting WHMs try to increase their income to combat incredibly high spell prices.

Next time you're in a party and your WHM doesn't have erase, blame yourself for calling them greedy. Or better yet, I'd like to see you eat a Raise I because your WHM can't afford anything better.

This is exactly what I am talking about you simple minded ******. This is a fu[b][/b]cking game and most of you idiots seem to have lost sight of this. Thanks for making my point in a loud, glaring fashion.
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