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white mage's raise the priceFollow

#52 Feb 08 2005 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
Since Raise III scrolls were 6K, the supply of teleports (WHMs 36+, /WHMs 72+) has gone up, but I don't know that the demand has increased proportionately. I don't know that you can apply the principles of inflation to it, if the supply and demand don't increase in tandem. If the supply of gold ore doubled but there were no more goldsmiths, the price would drop (or at least stay the same) not rise.

You don't think the demand of teleports has gone up? Let's say for every WHM leveling up, there are 5 other none WHMs gaining levels right next to them (party setup). Yes, more WHMs are going to gain the ability to teleport (rise in supply), but the same proportion of other jobs are gaining levels too (rise in demand). So how does this raise the price of teles? LESS WHMs ARE DOING THIS SERVICE NOW. As most people have already stated, WHMs have found other way of making money. The fact of the matter is, if you want a WHM to tele you, most WHMs will need to find it profitable for them in some way, either monetary (charging gil), or social (helping a friend).
#53 Feb 08 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
I would not rate you down, and I would be mad had anyone done so especially for someone only trying to defend their point, but it is still not a feasible to assume that a whm can make 40k/hr doing tele's. It does not add up. Why i keep coming back to this? Because if all whm we're able to make 40k/hr doing teleports, there would be no reason to argue at the possibility of increasing teleport prices. Making 40k hour is nothing to spit at. But I would say at best a WHM can make about 1/2 that.
#54 Feb 08 2005 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
I would not rate you down, and I would be mad had anyone done so especially for someone only trying to defend their point, but it is still not a feasible to assume that a whm can make 40k/hr doing tele's. It does not add up. Why i keep coming back to this? Because if all whm we're able to make 40k/hr doing teleports, there would be no reason to argue at the possibility of increasing teleport prices. Making 40k hour is nothing to spit at. But I would say at best a WHM can make about 1/2 that.

I do see your point on that. Maybe I am just lucky every time I port or maybe being a TaruTaru has something to do with. Or maybe its the time of night when I am on. I don't know. Everyone in my LS does not make as much as I do when I tele. I usually go from about 1am or 2am till about 3-4am (PST). Sometimes from 11pm-1am or from 3am to 5am. I usually people who need several people ported or just pick up 5 others in a random succession and go. Sometimes when bored my IRL bf will use my character to do teles for quick gils. I am currently saving for the Erase scroll and I need about 1000 teles for it. ^^ I think I can do it.
#55 Feb 08 2005 at 4:24 PM Rating: Good

Do you realize if you raise the price you will not make a DAMN thing?
Oh sure you might 5k here and 5k from somewhere else BUT a lot of people will just choco there because its cheaper or have another whm tele them for free or for the norm rate. So go ahead raise the price for yourself but its the basic principle of supply and demand that will hit you hard.

Edit: Just read Large's statement ^^

Edited, Tue Feb 8 13:11:26 2005 by Magvius[/quote]

The numbers i listed were just randomly pulled out of... I understand the lower 3 ports 1k might be alot. Look at the alternative to teleport-vhazl if all whm charged ~5k. If your not rank 5; Choco from upper jeuno as it is always under 1k. Ride throught 5 zones, hop off you choco walk throught 2 zones and your there. Thats over 30 min of travel time. At the going 50k/hr you just cost yourself 20k. And look at why ppl are going to these places. Not many ppl go to vhazl to lvl. Do you think ppl would be willing to help you get your rank 2 done if you said they had to wait 30 min for you to walk there bc you cant spend 5k. I have helped out with G2 parties that have fallen apart bc some of the members could not port to vhazl.

And i would like to thank all the ppl that defended the fact that this has nothing to do with cure's and raise. No whm sit's in a party and keeps a tally of how many cure's they have cast and submits a bill to the pld at the end. It has nothing to do with this thread.

And at 63 i have learned other ways to make gil. But like i said there are now many times when groups of ppl have been looking for a port in jeuno and no whm is around.
#56 Feb 08 2005 at 6:11 PM Rating: Excellent
230 posts
hehe, nice job on the controversial thread Shack!

Ill have to admit, when I first read your post I thought "Thats absurd!" but a few of the comments here have made me realize, Whms do deserve a little more.

5K might be a little high for Vhazl(well in my opinion)...but damnit its better than waiting 15 mins to fly to San D'Oria then having to run all the way through the cave, just to get to the glacier, then still have to get to Xarcabard (if thats where Im heading)

Now, Ill have to add, goodluck in trying to get this accomplished, it seems someone will always be porting for 500/per. You may get it up sometimes when demand is higher than supply, but I dont see it being a permenant change, especially with a jump like that...maybe start off with Mea/Dem/Holla-750G Altep/Yhoat-1500G Vhazl-2000G
#57 Feb 08 2005 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good
Yikes! I better start stocking up on my Teleport rings. ><
#58 Feb 08 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
289 posts
Not saying I would argue with all the whms suddenly raising prices by 500 gil, but people'll just ignore you if you actively try to raise the prices. They won't walk; they'll get a different teleporter. I don't understand why fellow whms can't just be happy with the occassional tip/ occassional /sh for a teleport for 1000 gil.
#59 Feb 08 2005 at 11:59 PM Rating: Default
450 posts
Aww....isn't that special...want a cookie?

I want a Cookie but not your Cookie^^(LS inside joke >.>)

Well Port Whoring as i call it Costs me nothing but time and i did/do it at my descression. Am I trying to make the gil I spent on them back? Sure, oh wait i did that when i poped the scroll and learned it since i wasn't a Lazy @$$, i quested them all.

Should Ports be worth more than 500G? no, why? smiple porting people at 500G will net you 15k~ an hour with only singles, 50k+ if you do a lot of multiple people, all this is assuming there is the demand for it in the first place and you have 1-2 others to compete with if that. Now how much can a WHM/THF at 36 make an hour? well the fastest/safest method is farm bees in Giddiues since the drop rate is nice. that will net you 15-25k with Chips and Honey.
Hey look! that looks like what you can make with porting average if not more O.O
As to 70+ WHMs who port for gil well why should i get a poo that they can make a lot more gil since they can farm harder mobs they chose to port not me. They are competing with any whm lvl 36+ at this Port Whoring so why should they be so special that i should pay Mr 70WHM more gil than a 36?

Now when people feel like paying more cuz it takes me 1-2sec to invite them and be rdy to port them hey i'm not gonna say no to a tip >.> but i don't expect it from anyone ever. 500 or 1k i don't care when i Port ***** i based it all on facts of sorts that i can risk making 15k~ porting an hour or Farming Bees to make the 15k~

And my Favorite trying to compare Teleport-XXXXXX to Raise 3 you know what i use my ports for me too >.> i however can never ever cast Raise 3 on my self i mean i as a WHM will never in any way Directly Benifit from Raise 3.

To those of you shouting for ports in jeuno you ever see me around not doing anything or bazaaring(not normally there) i will always only charge 500 gil for all teleports other than Vhazel(1k) once i get it since these are the prices i started at and i have been used to paying. And the teleport Scrolls have always been costly but guess what there's a reason you can only get them once as a give character.

I am tired of this Inflation BullShet. No matter what it is. There is no Point the Shops don't raise their prices past a given point why should you?
#60 Feb 09 2005 at 12:09 AM Rating: Decent
Well i tried again today to get some whm porting ppl to raise there price's and no one wanted to. Its in there best interst not mine i dont waste time porting ppl.

I think my prices were a little off though. I looked at the prices of the teleport rings and saw that my prices were to low. A teleport vahzl ring sells for 100k and it only has 10 charges, that means that ppl will pay 10k for that port. and for they lower 3 sell for 10k.

I think the prices of the rings help prove my point though.
#61 Feb 09 2005 at 1:22 AM Rating: Decent
41 posts
This whole thread is very interesting, granted it occasionally trounces on a previous post, it still manages to stay relatively on issue. It also includes lots name calling between pots and kettles, which is odd to say the least...

I have seen some WHMs with higher prices in Jeuno. I am certain that these increases, which are occasional, do not threaten anyone. As for farming, WHMs tend not to do so well in the farming area, or BCNMs for that matter. Not saying we can't perform well in them, but frankly I can't even get my LS to let me come along with them on a BCNM run. They always want... RNGs or RNGs... At the very least you can hope that in paying a higher price that will help that WHM buy the spells they need to be useful or further their crafting. If WHMs are still porting to make their money, let them, eventually they'll try something else, I know I did.

Damn.. I'm a WHM, and the more I type the more I keep thinking of why I want the prices to remain the same... Still... I DID just pay 2.4 million for a Raise III scroll. And to prove how greed works, the person I ended up buying it from was someone I occasionally party with, who REFUSED to sell it to me for 2.1 million gil. Thanks friend. I'll keep that in mind.

Now, having said that, I can assure you I hate paying high choco costs, and one, including myself, would have to say, "Why would I want to pay a high teleport cost if I'm only going to have to pay a high choco cost right after to get where I'm going anyway?"

Higher prices are kinda bad. Because once anything gets to the point its crazy high, everything else starts following suit.

Does anyone remember when things like earth crystal stacks were 300 gil or chocobos at the telepoints on weekends were only 500 gil? I long for those days.

Oh and, hey Awias, no Fenrir yet. I'm hoping attempt number 15, whenever that is, will get me my puppy.

#62 Feb 09 2005 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
shadowbuni wrote:
Should Ports be worth more than 500G? no, why? smiple porting people at 500G will net you 15k~ an hour with only singles, 50k+ if you do a lot of multiple people, all this is assuming there is the demand for it in the first place and you have 1-2 others to compete with if that.

But you could make this six months ago. Then, that was good gil. Today, its actually less gil. In another six months, that will be even less real gil, unless the auction house taxes and various other changes succeed in reducing inflation.

shadowbuni wrote:
Now how much can a WHM/THF at 36 make an hour? well the fastest/safest method is farm bees in Giddiues since the drop rate is nice. that will net you 15-25k with Chips and Honey.
Hey look! that looks like what you can make with porting average if not more O.O

Assuming the drops from bees change based on the economy and that inflation continues, six months from now, that may be 30k+. This, then, is a better alternative than teleporting.

shadowbuni wrote:
As to 70+ WHMs who port for gil well why should i get a poo that they can make a lot more gil since they can farm harder mobs they chose to port not me. They are competing with any whm lvl 36+ at this Port Whoring so why should they be so special that i should pay Mr 70WHM more gil than a 36?

Mr. 70 WHM won't port, then. He/she has better things to do. This isn't a bad thing, this is what happens. If, however, the average level on the server is increasing, then its quite likely more of the porters will have more options, and thus, higher opportunity cost, and so, you'll probably have to pay more to make it worthwhile for anyone to port.

shadowbuni wrote:
And my Favorite trying to compare Teleport-XXXXXX to Raise 3 you know what i use my ports for me too >.> i however can never ever cast Raise 3 on my self i mean i as a WHM will never in any way Directly Benifit from Raise 3.

Raise 3 makes you more desirable for all sorts of situations. Thats a direct benefit. Saying you don't directly benefit from having Raise 3 is like saying you don't directly benefit from education (to make a real world economics comparison).

shadowbuni wrote:
To those of you shouting for ports in jeuno you ever see me around not doing anything or bazaaring(not normally there) i will always only charge 500 gil for all teleports other than Vhazel(1k) once i get it since these are the prices i started at and i have been used to paying.

Noble. But you won't always be on. And people like you won't always be on.

shadowbuni wrote:
I am tired of this Inflation BullShet. No matter what it is. There is no Point the Shops don't raise their prices past a given point why should you?

Shop prices don't move with supply and demand. Shops don't need to buy arrows, spells, equipment, or Raise 3. They act like price ceilings or floors on certain items, rather than affecting the supply and demand curves.

And as for "this Inflation BullShet," please read up on it. Its a reality of our economy, both IRL and in game (no matter which RL economy you're a part of). Its not necessarily a bad thing, but its something that you should understand. A little inflation, in a real economy, is desirable. Since there are certain realities of economy Vana'diel has done away with (particularly, unemployment), inflation may not be a good thing for Vana'diel. I haven't given this a lot of thought, and probably, I don't know enough to say one thing or the other on that. However, I do know inflation in Vana'diel is a trend I've observed, and perhaps sadly, is not "BullShet".
#63 Feb 09 2005 at 3:17 AM Rating: Default
111 posts
wow zander, you get all excited over some post. kinda too excited.

why are you so hyper and annoyed zander?

you got to lay off the drugs man.

we all love you zander and your drug problem is hurting us too.

please man, for us... get some help.

we love you zander..

please man. check into a rehab for us if not for yourself.

we are all pulling for you man. you can do it.

we still love you zander.
#64 Feb 09 2005 at 4:01 AM Rating: Good
195 posts
Personally, I've never used teleporting to make gil. It's always been faster for me to go and farm it. In fact I'd recommend most WHMs level THF to help farm. It made a noticeable difference for me when I started subbing THF to farm.

As for the rare occasion that I do port people (waits to be flamed >.< ) I never charge. Of course I only port people when I'm headed the same direction. If I see a shout for a port going to the same creag before I port out I'll invite them.

On the subject of raising the prices, I wouldn't do it. As I mentioned earlier it has always been easier and faster for me to just go farm it.
#65 Feb 09 2005 at 5:13 AM Rating: Default
450 posts
And as for "this Inflation BullShet," please read up on it. Its a reality of our economy, both IRL and in game (no matter which RL economy you're a part of). Its not necessarily a bad thing, but its something that you should understand. A little inflation, in a real economy, is desirable. Since there are certain realities of economy Vana'diel has done away with (particularly, unemployment), inflation may not be a good thing for Vana'diel. I haven't given this a lot of thought, and probably, I don't know enough to say one thing or the other on that. However, I do know inflation in Vana'diel is a trend I've observed, and perhaps sadly, is not "BullShet".

A little Inflation? When i first priced Raise 3 it was 200k and steady at that, then within a Few weeks it goes to 2.5mil where's the little? I also know how Inflation and the supply and Demand Economic Theories work and guess what if the crap that has been happening here happened in real life we would be royally screwed.
Real life example: we take a car at 20k, take away all other alternatives and then start charging 250k is that a little inflation?

You could say its cuase of the AH charges but well that would explain only a 10% increase not the average 50-1000% increases that has been going on.
Another example where the supply and demand has always been heavy for the most part:
Silver Ingot stacks used to sell for 25k and ran 20-22k to make. And now they are 35-40k and still cost 20k-22k to make(25k if you are real lazy). On Desynths it will run 16-18k to make a stacks. So is that fair? This is the exact reason every once in a while i will royally mess up the "Small Inflation" as you put it. i don't see how becuase they make the AH charges to include a percentage of what you want to sell it for merits a 80-100% increase?
Serket Ring used to cost 800k-1mil and now its at 2.5-3mil. Is it cuz the supply had decreased? No that's always been a 24hour pop. Is it cuz the Demand Has Incressed? No the Demand has always been high.

You should really take a look at wtf you are calling a "Small Inflation" then look at why and who's doing it and you will get a better understanding as to why I called it "Inflation BullShet".

And sure offering Raise 3 could get you a few more invites to certain things but you will still get picked up eventually sure the XP is a noticeable difference but its not a huge difference.
#66 Feb 09 2005 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
Everything in your post was quoted out of context, or read incorrectly. Please read it more carefully.

Velfire wrote:
A little inflation, in a real economy, is desirable.

I'm not suggesting Vana'diel has "a little inflation", i'm saying in a real economy that situation is desirable. At the moment, there appears to be a lot of inflation. I never called the apparent inflation Vana'diel is facing "a little". I suppose I made a mistake in reading your post - I thought you were saying you didn't believe in it because NPC vendors weren't experiencing it.

Velfire wrote:
In another six months, that will be even less real gil, unless the auction house taxes and various other changes succeed in reducing inflation.

You COULDN'T say it is because of the AH changes. In fact, instead of saying the AH taxes CAUSED inflation, I suggested quite the opposite. As items now cost more to sell, people will have less gil, and I believe the goal of the changes, then, was to REDUCE inflation.

As to the specific examples you give, I haven't made a study of them, and anything I could say would basically be guessing explanations that fit the supply and demand model.

Finally, I'd like to go Byaina on your capitalization, but I think just saying so is enough.
#67 Feb 09 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
I'm not going to pretend that I read all these posts. Upon scrolling down they started to look very flame-war-ish.

So, to the OP, if you want more money for your teleports, you only need to find people that are willing to pay those prices. Most people won't be willing to pay, and others will harass you for even shouting about it.

But if you just sit around fishing or something in a low-teleport-traffic area, people who need teles will often shout and raise the price themselves. If you want to charge more, wait until you see one of these people shout. There *is* demand for high priced teleports in some instances, but I don't think you'll have much luck shouting in Lower J.

It just boils down to supply and demand. Go to a low supply area and you may be able to charge more. But, since it's a touchy subject, I'd suggest not shouting about charging more. Just send /tells to people who are already willing to pay more.

I don't think I've ever needed to teleport for money. If you are short on money I suggest starting a noob job and getting it to level 10 or so. You'll make more money off random crap and crystals (plus beastman seals) than you'll make being a tele-taxi, and it's not quite as mind numbing.
#68 Feb 09 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
I haven't said anything on this thread, because I'm not a whm and I rarely buy teleports. I do, however, want to make a few points that aren't specific to people who buy/sell teleports.

1) Teleport rings - The value of these rings, to me, seems to be less in the teleport itself and more in the convenience. 10k may seem like a lot if you're teleporting from Lower Jeuno, but it may seem more practical if you're teleporting Ifrit's Cauldron. I might be willing to pay some whm 10k a tele if he was willing to follow me around and give me teles whenever I needed them.

2) Inflation - Please don't make the mistake of thinking this game has a true, working economy. I wasn't a business major, but I seem to remember that inflation is largely caused by an increase in currency in an economy in relationship to the amount of goods produced by that economy. This game "economy" has an unlimited supply of both currency and items. NPCs don't exactly have to stop giving out a quest for a while because they're running low on gil, and Valkurm Emperor isn't going to stop spawning for a while because he's running low on hairpins.

A lot of what's being referred to as inflation is actually the result of monopolies, which a real economy has checks for in the form of antitrust laws, etc. Check the high-dollar items in the AH and you'll find that often the same person or group of people will be selling the same item over and over again. Since they solely control the supply for this item, they also control the cost. Even if other people have the same item to sale, why would they sell an item for 20k if they could make 2.8k off the item?

I just don't think inflation is a necessary byproduct of a simple economic system set up in a video game.
#69 Feb 09 2005 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
251 posts
Vimesrdm wrote:
I wasn't a business major, but I seem to remember that inflation is largely caused by an increase in currency in an economy in relationship to the amount of goods produced by that economy. This game "economy" has an unlimited supply of both currency and items. NPCs don't exactly have to stop giving out a quest for a while because they're running low on gil, and Valkurm Emperor isn't going to stop spawning for a while because he's running low on hairpins.

Interesting point. I still do believe we have inflation, however, or at least potentially could. Certain actions add gil to the economy (quests, selling drops to vendors, rank missions), and others take it out (AH tax, buying from vendors, chocobos). The rusty caps were "nerfed", I think, because they were adding gil faster than they were intended to. The AH tax was added, I think, in order to take more gil out of the economy. The supply may be technically unlimited by amount (assuming we can find the resources, perhaps by in the far future going into outer space for them, we can produce a practically infinite number of cars), but there are limits placed in the time it takes to get items and gil (we can only produce so many cars given the labor required). The Emperor only drops hairpins at a certain rate - if it was effectively (instead of actually) an unlimited supply, they'd be worthless, because everyone could just grab one.

As for monopolies, I think thats a great point. Its one of my arguments against the gilsellers (Tom's, etc.) as they tend to be the ones who are practically able to form monopolies. The game does have some checks on monopolies, such as, you can only play one character at a time, and have a life (presumably) to deal with, and so your character will be on only a limited amount of time and can't form a monopoly on most items. And anyway, even if you were on all the time, you'd want to do other things as well. Even if you had a temporary monopoly, you'd only keep it up for a limited amount of time, most likely. The gilsellers who are always on get around this restriciton. This also leads to what RMT does to the rate at which gil can be obtained and exchanged, which will in turn affect inflation.
#70 Feb 09 2005 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
Velfire wrote:
The supply may be technically unlimited by amount (assuming we can find the resources, perhaps by in the far future going into outer space for them, we can produce a practically infinite number of cars), but there are limits placed in the time it takes to get items and gil (we can only produce so many cars given the labor required). The Emperor only drops hairpins at a certain rate - if it was effectively (instead of actually) an unlimited supply, they'd be worthless, because everyone could just grab one.

I actually considered this, but decided that it was a more of a supply and demand question. The Emperor only drops x number of hairpins a day, but as more people decide they need that hairpin the demand grows while the supply remains static. This means that people are able to charge more for the item. Which, I suppose, could be considered inflation for all practical purposes.

This may also be why the price for items that are dropped seem to be increasing in price in much greater extent than crafted items made out of ingredients bought from NPC vendors. The supply of these crafted items can increase, the supply of dropped items can't.

Edited, Wed Feb 9 16:31:21 2005 by Vimesrdm
#71 Feb 10 2005 at 7:37 AM Rating: Good
215 posts
I can't believe how much Dumb is in this thread (kidding). ^_^

While i agree with some of the opinions stated here and disagree with others I thought I would offer mine (because i know just how much I don't matter). White Mage is the job that all the other jobs want to see leveled and want to party with. Starting at level 56 and again with R3, (especially R3) White Mages become everyone's friend. Like Bard (or maybe unlike bard because Bard's get cyclone), White mages can't really farm effectively as even at level 70 (though i didn't have hexa strike), I was getting owned by too weak LD LE mobs in some zones (especially Lufaise Meadows/Misereaux Coast).

From level 36-50 I teletaxi'd. People say, why in gods name would I charge for the use of a spell? Teleports are all about saving time and we're donating our time to you to teleport you where you need to go for a nominal fee (because we could be out at a BCNM or KS battle). In fact, most of the important White Magery outside of healing consists of time saves (yet we do not charge for giving you back 75% of your xp when you die or 95% when we can afford R3).

If you have all the time in the world, then forget white mages. If you'd like to save some time and busy work, pay a white mage to teleport you somewhere and give them a smile! You'll need them later. I don't charge for teleporting anymore but I also ignore most teleport requests so they'll find someone lower than me who could probably use the money.
#72 Feb 10 2005 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
Interesting. Whm was the first job I lvled, I didn't even know that one could make money with tele's until I was lvl 34 and noticed the spells and shouts in jeuno. I spent a fair share of time "manning the watch" as I like to call it, waiting for anyone who needed to get to the Highlands faster than a choco could take them. IT'S INSANELY BORING! oh god is it boring. You try chatting with friends, and suddenly you realize you just missed 5 customers to that guy over there who isn't talking to friends at this moment. At this point I see fewer and fewer mages on avg. porting in Jeuno, on the rare occasion that I do port, it is just because I see someone who needs a Vazhl and I typically do it for free. I do always appreciate a good tip though. I've often been handed 5+k for tele's to holla or dem even.

"What's the point?" you may be asking.
<point> I say kudos to mages who can get 1k per port, they are filling a niche and doing it well. I also say kudos to mages who port for free at random, I honestly tend to tip more heavily if I am not pestered for gil.
Make your gil however you need to. I will say from personal experience farming as a whm is one insane task in my opinion, so don't look down on mages trying to raise some gil for their new duds. Mages, Attempting to enforce an arbitrary increase is price is not going to draw the kind of attention you want. Let people handle prices the same way they do in the american market economy. If you want to make more for tele's do it at times when there are fewer people porting. It's all very simple.

to my WHM peers, Never forget... when the blm dies, the mob dies more slowly. When the whm dies, people run.

Edited, Thu Feb 10 08:19:53 2005 by TeamJnag
#73 Feb 10 2005 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
1,477 posts
TeamJnag wrote:
to my WHM peers, Never forget... when the blm dies, the mob dies more slowly. When the whm dies, people run.

When the BLM dies, the mob dies more slowly and deals more damage to the tank, the WHM soon runs out of MP, and people run. When the WHM dies, the RDM steps in and takes over seamlessly.

XD Sorry, had to joke a little.
#74 Feb 10 2005 at 4:24 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
man ppl take this game real serious.

Amen brotha. Everytime you post something that someone else doesn't like, you'd think their baggage train just crashed.

This is the first time I've even looked at this site in a week. Well, mainly because I've been busy w/ school, but still ^^

What's wrong w/ Whitemages Adjusting prices up for inflation?

1k for normal ports, 2k for Vahzl isn't too much to ask since non-WHMs have been jacking up WHM spells obscenly.

#75 Feb 10 2005 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Dryhus wrote:
TeamJnag wrote:
to my WHM peers, Never forget... when the blm dies, the mob dies more slowly. When the whm dies, people run.

When the BLM dies, the mob dies more slowly and deals more damage to the tank, the WHM soon runs out of MP, and people run. When the WHM dies, the RDM steps in and takes over seamlessly.

Or a properly equipped Red Mage with Black Mage sub could step in for the black mage. Happened in a party I had in Kazham a few nights ago. No white or black mages around, so we took three red mages with various subs (white, black, and warrior) and no deaths were suffered on our end. So hey, red mages can do anything their put their minds to.
#76 Feb 10 2005 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
I got my first rate down hehehe.
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