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white mage's raise the priceFollow

#27 Feb 08 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Excellent
302 posts
I do them for free

Aww....isn't that special...want a cookie?

And just how long do you suppose a whm needs to perform teleport-youwhereeveryouwant before they make back the gil they spent on the spell?

I won't have to do one Tele to make my gil back, I actually did the quest...maybe others should too.

I stood in jeuno the other night for 30 minutes shouting for a teleport.

Are WHM's there to be your taxi? Should all WHMs just *jump* at your becon? Excuse me Mr. "I should have a WHM ready for whenever I need a tele."

Kettle: Hello pot, you are also black.
#28 Feb 08 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
1,477 posts
Vimien wrote:
I'm gonna comment on a few things being said here:
Dryhus wrote:
Some low-level BLM is soloing and wants an invite-refresh-disband real quick? Sure. I'm giving them more than a Yagudo Drink would give them, so shouldn't I charge 1500 gil for a run-by Refresh like that? Absolutely not, I still wouldn't charge. And unfortunately Refresh isn't questable, so it cost me gil (not much, but the point stands).

This doesn't make sense. Yes your giving the same service a yag drink gives but y stop at that. If a whm cast cure, isn't it the same as a potion? Your 'refresh' points make no sense what so ever. This is a teleport discussion. A service. Call it airline travel if you want i don't care. This has nothing to do with refresh. Comparably, the only argument worthwhile to teleport is warp.

The bottom line is I wouldn't charge for ANY spell in my library (which includes Cure) because they cost me only MP to cast, and MP doesn't cost a dime to recover. Refreshing a soloing BLM (as in my example) isn't a service?

Let's play on your terms and let's talk about Warp II. BLMs aren't whining about their prices and I don't know that they farm any better than WHMs. Their melee is at least as poor, their DEF is worse, and -ga farming isn't the picnic that a lot of people think it is, it seems. When I eventually get my BLM to 40, I don't have any plan to charge anyone, ever. Likewise, when I get my WHM to 36-42, I don't have any plans to charge for Teleports; this is because I have no intention of relying on this for my income. If WHM farming sucks, then you should complain to SE about the restriction they placed on leveling multiple jobs. Oh wait...

Vimien wrote:
Large wrote:
People will hate me for saying this, but this concept is what runs any economy:

Supply and Demand.

If you are charging 1k for teles instead of 500, chances are there will be someone who is taking your customers by charging less than you, aka "undercutting". My philosophy is, it's your business, charge as much as you want. No one can tell you what to do, or how much to charge. Just know that you cannot expect the same demand for your teles compared to another WHM's.

On the other hand, the other day there were several people shouting for teles, me included. If ANY WHM advertised teles for 1k, I bet you there would be many takers. Supply and demand.

I wholly agree with this statement. The economy is rising, which means everything is bound to head upwards, and this is reality. For all of you who argue that WHM are too lazy to farm, I welcome you to farm as a whm and see how easy it is. It doesn't take a genius to figure out it takes us much longer to kill than other jobs. Teleports are one way to avoid long hours of farming (personally i thought tele-whoring was about as interesting as watching grass grow and didn't do it at all post-40). It IS a form of farming for a whm. Granted the prices the OP posted may be a little excessive but it may come to that. You are all guilty in one way shape or form for our rising prices. Don't tell me you'd sell a raise 3 scroll for 6k (yes it was 6k at one point and time, and I'm talking like 8-9 months ago)when its going price it 2+mil. So far as i know, the way to obtain raise 3 hasn't changed in that time span. Stop bitc[b][/b]hing when whm will start charging more. Its gonna happen whether you like it or not. They have to keep up with the times as well.

Since Raise III scrolls were 6K, the supply of teleports (WHMs 36+, /WHMs 72+) has gone up, but I don't know that the demand has increased proportionately. I don't know that you can apply the principles of inflation to it, if the supply and demand don't increase in tandem. If the supply of gold ore doubled but there were no more goldsmiths, the price would drop (or at least stay the same) not rise.

Edited, Tue Feb 8 11:57:34 2005 by Dryhus
#29 Feb 08 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
446 posts
Awias wrote:

I stood in jeuno the other night for 30 minutes shouting for a teleport.

Are WHM's there to be your taxi? Should all WHMs just *jump* at your becon? Excuse me Mr. "I should have a WHM ready for whenever I need a tele."

Kettle: Hello pot, you are also black.

I think someone totally disregarded the purpose of that statement I was quoted on. Allow me to elaborate just a tad more.

The TOPIC of the thread is "White Mage's Raise The Price"
MY comment was that I OFFERED 10k for a person to teleport me.
It was NOT whm is Zander's Taxi.
IT WAS a comment on how I am more than willing to pay more for a teleport.

As a side note I do not expect a whm to be my taxi but you better believe that if I run into lower jeuno and shout I'm paying 20k for a telemetowhereeverIwant someone will respond in a manner of seconds.

Pot: Why yes kettle I am black, but you need glasses >;p

I see someone camped the thread... shameless rate up to all of you.

Edited, Tue Feb 8 12:27:59 2005 by zandertheredmage
#30 Feb 08 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Excellent
205 posts
I'm just gonna offer up some point/counter-point goodness here.

25K to bring a 5-person group to Vahzl? Must be nice. You would pulling down well over a million a day with those rates. And while that must seem like a thing of beauty to you, the gil is coming from our pockets. And (psst!) we know how much gil and MP it's costing you to cast the spell (zero and 75-100), and we know the spell is questable.

While I agree that 25K would be absurd, I would like a show of hands of how many whm's did quest this. Unless you have high level friends, no one did. Not only is getting a key in Fei'Yin kinda tough for a level 42 WHM, but so is trying to outrun a THF to a chest because they want a Life Belt. I paid 112K for my scroll.

hmmm chargeing more for teles.... sounds like someone is too lazy to go farm like everyone else does.

Umm, I think alot of you are missing the point. I will try to make this as clear as possible: Many of your Teleporters ARE out farming, helming, crafting, that is why it is becoming more difficult everyday to get port. The majority of the whm's are realizing that not only is Teleporting mind numbingly boring, but it also doesn't pay jack shi[b][/b]t. So why should we offer ports? I myself would much rather be running around Vana'Diel cracking the skulls of any mob that gets in the way with my hammer. 500 gil doesn't make a damn bit of difference to me when someone is going to charge me 2.5 mil for Raise 3. The only time you'll see me porting people is when it's min 1K per person, hence I only teleport to Vhazl, or when 1K is offered for any other port.

I'd level White Mage just to **** people like you off.

Yes, please do, then you can see first hand how much of a waste of time porting is.

Thats the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. What charge more for a spell that costs nothing? We are lucky that people even pay what they do for Teleports to begin with.

Wow, I guess we are lucky we get paid, but, heh, not as lucky as the person who gets a port. So are you saying it's my duty as a whm to port people? I don't think so.

BLM charge 500 for a Warp2 and you do not see them griping saying they need more for it.

Well yeah, think about it, they rarely have to do it more than twice in a row, and all the blm does is cast a spell. WHM's teleporting on the other hand have to teleport, zone, warp, zone, then rest or zone to mog house, then zone back out. It's just a tad bit more of a hassle don't ya think?

Velfire wrote stuff...

Excellent post, my thoughts exactly.

/edit ooh I missed all the counterpoint posts while I was writing mine ^^

Edited, Tue Feb 8 12:44:08 2005 by AutechreBlm
#31 Feb 08 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Excellent
251 posts
Dryhus wrote:
The bottom line is I wouldn't charge for ANY spell in my library (which includes Cure) because they cost me only MP to cast, and MP doesn't cost a dime to recover.

That's very nice of you, but not correct. MP does cost you time to recover. 14 gil/sec, if we use the 50k/hr rate. Its an opportunity cost, which is defined as the most valuable foregone alternative. You could cast refresh and rest the mp back, or cast refresh twice and wait for your mp to recover, or you could spend the time casting and recovering farming, making 14 gil/sec. It does cost you something to cast. I'm not saying you should charge for that, I'm saying the cost is real.

Dryhus wrote:
Since Raise III scrolls were 6K, the supply of teleports (WHMs 36+, /WHMs 72+) has gone up, but I don't know that the demand has increased proportionately. I don't know that you can apply the principles of inflation to it, if the supply and demand don't increase in tandem.

You're confusing two different issues - inflation stems from there being more money in the economy than there used to be, and so every piece of money is then worth less. If 200 gil 6 months ago is equivalent to 500 gil today, and Raise III had gone up from 20k to 50k, then it didn't increase in price, really, and most likely the supply and demand curves didn't change.

However, I'd say we can surmise demand for Raise III has risen BECAUSE the price went up. Supply has increased, because more linkshells can pop Kirin, kill the Beastman gods, do high level BC's. However, the number of white mages above 70 has also risen. Thus, my guess is, based on the price increase, the demand curve for Raise III has shifted drastically in that time (towards higher prices), while the supply curve has shifted, but it hasn't shifted by much (towards lower prices).

In the case of teleports, its very difficult to tell how/if the supply and demand curves have shifted because of the pseduo-price cap on teleports. It may well be the case that in todays gil, teleports are cheaper because of increased supply and no/little change in demand, but they still should cost more in terms of amount of gil than they used to, because of inflation.
#32 Feb 08 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
302 posts
I am fully aware of the topic at hand, I unlike most people that post on this forum, actually take the time to read through posts and determine what my answer should be.

but you better believe that if I run into lower jeuno and shout I'm paying 20k for a telemetowhereever Iwant someone will respond in a manner of seconds.

This is exactly why I said what I just said. I've shouted for tele's for a good while as well. Just because a WHM has a scroll that can tele you to a crag you wanna go, doesn't mean they jump at the uber amount of gil you're offering.

Perhaps step back and think, maybe it isn't about the's about not bein' a taxi service (as I have heard from other WHM's getting sick of the {/tell}s to teleport them) for everyone to use.

Perhaps you should take my post with a grain of salt. Mostly what I would have perfered to say was already said. No need to be redundant. Though I do love to get on people's cases when they feel the need to vent it out on a perfectly calm conversation or be quite sarcastic when not really needed. ;) (sorry I've always been that way.)

As for the topic at hand. I don't care if this Oyy here wants to change 5k for 1 person to get to Mea. That's his or her choice. There will be others who will undercut this person...that's how the game works.

The more I play this game...the more I realize it's like real life.

Edited, Tue Feb 8 12:50:53 2005 by Awias
#33 Feb 08 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
Dryhus wrote:
Refreshing a soloing BLM (as in my example) isn't a service?

Service maybe but I would say more of a goodwill gesture than a service. This is not a run-of-the-mill every day thing. I'm sure most Red mages don't do this frequently anyway. You would only do this if you were running by someone and they happen to ask for it (and you had time of course). The same thing applies if a whm is not busy and someone happens to /tell them for a quick teleport. Most would agree to do it freely if it doesn't inconvinience them too much (imo).

Dryhus wrote:
BLMs aren't whining about their prices and I don't know that they farm any better than WHMs. Their melee is at least as poor, their DEF is worse, and -ga farming isn't the picnic that a lot of people think it is, it seems.

oh come on. You can't tell me having offensive capabilities makes it just has hard for a blm to farm as a whm. They also have scyths now. This has made their lives much easier. I'm not saying its the easiest job to farm with but just looking at the obvious it's plain to see who would have the easier time to farm when comparing whm vs. blm. That lower defense is negligable in this instance.

Dryhus wrote:
If WHM farming sucks, then you should complain to SE about the restriction they placed on leveling multiple jobs

I don't understand this restriction thing here? maybe I read it wrong. But the complaining to SE is counterproductive at best. It won't solve anything. This is why teleports are there. It's probably the answer they would give us anyway.

Since Raise III scrolls were 6K, the supply of teleports (WHMs 36+, /WHMs 72+) has gone up, but I don't know that the demand has increased proportionately. I don't know that you can apply the principles of inflation to it, if the supply and demand don't increase in tandem. If the supply of gold ore doubled but there were no more goldsmiths, the price would drop (or at least stay the same) not rise.

Now Its been a few years since I took ecomonics (basic economics btw and I hardly went to class since it was an elective and I absolutely hated it :P) but isn't supply/demand and inflation somewhat independant of each other? I know they don't fully rely on each other. Doesn't inflation have to do with the state of the economy (of course i apologize if I'm off in left field here). Anyway regardless if my previous statement is true at all, the reasoning behind an increase in teleport service fees is because a whm needs to keep up with the changing market. Same reason why someone will charge more for a farmed item. money. Everyone's been crying foul over the increase AH prices lately. Its no surprise everyone but whm would cry foul to increase teleport prices. But it happens anyway.

edit: if you want a better grasp on Economics, please read Velfire's post. He seems to have better knowledge behind this and presented a very good post.

Edited, Tue Feb 8 12:54:14 2005 by Vimien
#34 Feb 08 2005 at 12:55 PM Rating: Excellent
446 posts
Awias wrote:

This is exactly why I said what I just said. I've shouted for tele's for a good while as well. Just because a WHM has a scroll that can tele you to a crag you wanna go, doesn't mean they jump at the uber amount of gil you're offering.

*still thinks someone should reread*

In any event, why should the price of everything else go up and not teleports? It's only natural that the price of this service go up. When I started playing Raise III was selling for 6k on the Auction House it now goes for over 2.5 million gil (Reraise III is now 6k). OO" thats scary to think about as whm. I mean come on, are chocobo's always 89gil? (I wish) Maybe they should change the pseudo cap on teleports depending on the demand at specific times just like the chocobo's.

I think it all boils down to WHM's needing a better source of income.
And that just seems to be the way the cookie crumbles...

Now everyone come to my mog house for punch and pie. (just pray it isnt drugged >;p damn psycho moogle)
#35 Feb 08 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
It seems that not many ppl sit in jeuno and teleport anymore. I can think of a few reasons for this. I think that the white mages on our server should unite and start charging more for the teleports. Lower 3 lets start charging 1k. Altep and yhort 2k. And the big money maker lets charge 5k for vhazl.

now this might seem wrong to all the ppl out there that have abbused our service but look at the alternative. I think ppl will pay if not let them walk.

Do you realize if you raise the price you will not make a DAMN thing?
Oh sure you might 5k here and 5k from somewhere else BUT a lot of people will just choco there because its cheaper or have another whm tele them for free or for the norm rate. So go ahead raise the price for yourself but its the basic principle of supply and demand that will hit you hard.

Edit: Just read Large's statement ^^

Edited, Tue Feb 8 13:11:26 2005 by Magvius
#36 Feb 08 2005 at 1:08 PM Rating: Good
I am currently lvl 7 white mage, but I am a lvling master, once I get BLM to lvl I plan to lvl White Mage non stop to 37 so I can lvl BLM to 70+. Right now I am Paladin lv 70 and feel like playing a mage job. Once I am lvl 37 WHM ill take a day off and give free teles to anyone needing one if they are interested.
#37 Feb 08 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
Do you realize if you raise the price you will not make a DAMN thing?
Oh sure you might 5k here and 5k from somewhere else BUT a lot of people will just choco there because its cheaper or have another whm tele them for free or for the norm rate. So go ahead raise the price for yourself but its the basic principle of supply and demand that will hit you hard.

How many times have you paid less than 500 gil for a choco in jueno lately?
#38 Feb 08 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
How many times have you paid less than 500 gil for a choco in jueno lately?

Never but I wasn't basing the chocoiing off of the regular pirces i was basing off the prices by the OP.
#39 Feb 08 2005 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
302 posts
*Thinks quite a few need to re-read*

I think it all boils down to WHM's needing a better source of income.
And that just seems to be the way the cookie crumbles...

Trust me, SMNs don't have it all that great either (sure having a lil pet out fighting helps...though we go through our MP pretty quick.) Yes Carby mitts help, but I hit 63, at which Carby jumps 1 more MP. Apollo Staff {Can I have it?}

Prices increase as demand increases and supply decreases, blah blah blah we all know economics here, right? I've seen at times 3-4 WHMs shouting if people need teleports at one time, and then I've seen 5-6 people shouting for Teleports for a good half hour.

At any rate, again I don't care if people charge more for teleports (Having a few nice WHMs in the L/S helps >.<) Plus I don't think it's that big a deal if a WHM makes a living off of Teleporting people. I need to level my WHM and BLM so I can do that. Farming sometimes just flat out sucks, ya know?

How many times have you paid less than 500 gil for a choco in jueno lately?

Pick the right stables...I get it for under 500 almost every time. ;)

EDIT: I also truly agree with the price gouging of Raise III is absurd. I would love to bust my *** to 70+ with a few friends, start takin down that big dumb orc, and selling Raise III for a lot less than it's goin for. Raise III is one of the most important scrolls in this game. It's not like WHMs can farm like DRKs or SAMs or something.

Edited, Tue Feb 8 13:28:30 2005 by Awias
#40 Feb 08 2005 at 1:35 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
How many times have you paid less than 500 gil for a choco in jueno lately?


Never but I wasn't basing the chocoiing off of the regular pirces i was basing off the prices by the OP.

If we base it on the OP's jacked prices, i have to agree with you then.

But it definetly safe to assume you are definetly getting a better price for teleports than you are by taking a choco from jueno, whether or not you pick the right stable. (Awias i have a hard time believing you hardly ever pay more than 500, but if you do, wouldn't you wish you had that same luck with that damn dog :P? I'm kinda excited to find out when you do beat him :)).
#41 Feb 08 2005 at 1:40 PM Rating: Default
55 posts
NO actually the Redapples are not there anymore. True the "new" ones are ie. they are just under different names. True there are gilsellers there logging but I can easily go there log for a few hours and make gil. It's not hard, its just seem people are lazy. I know because I go out there at least once a week. There, Carpenter's Landing, Burb. Penn or Junger. Or better yet, go mining. Basically, the point being that some White Mages give every else a bad name. It's lazy and lame to try to raise the price up on a tele when there are other ways to make gil. No wonder people think WHMs are being "assshats".
#42 Feb 08 2005 at 1:41 PM Rating: Good
302 posts
lol, well I said almost...not every time lol. Last night I got one for....under 300 I think. Perhaps it's just my timing of things too. I don't always need a chocobo, I guess it's just my luck in timing. *shrugs*

And believe me, I would prefer my luck to switch on this and that damn mutt. Charge me 1500 a chocobo...if that's what it took to change my luck on that avatar.

(and yes, I'm sure you'll know when I finally get him...if you're still posting here by then -.- hello months from now {/sigh})
#43 Feb 08 2005 at 1:53 PM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
sorry for the hijack,

but i for one am rooting for you Awias as I'm sure most of the board is. You have amazing patience to keep going back time after time. I would have thrown my PS2 off the nearest bridge after the 8-9th time for sure. Let me know in advance the next time you give him a shot and i'll start a "GOOD LUCK AWIAS" tread for you :).

Anyway, back to subject at hand.
#44 Feb 08 2005 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
No scholar call me a liar if you must but yes I did. It's fairly easy when the other White Mages sit there and advertise for teles for 1k or 2k and you just invite and tele them for 500. Most people, however, pay extra anyways, The breastplate I needed cost 50k. At the end of the hour and a half I had it, plus more left however. If one is willing to work for it you can. 3-5k for a full party teleport. 12 full party teleports later, (1k each) or 24 (500 each) you have 60k. Plus, picking up people at telepoints (from getting tells) brings in more also. JP players for some reason tend to give more, sometimes as much as 5k for a Teleport-Dem. I like to tele during JP I prime time. I always say 500 gil for a tele but most of the time upon hearing that I receive more than that. People are willing to pay more but I don't ask for it.
#45 Feb 08 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
205 posts
LillianneTaru wrote:
Basically, the point being that some White Mages give every else a bad name. It's lazy and lame to try to raise the price up on a tele when there are other ways to make gil. No wonder people think WHMs are being "assshats".

Again you missed the point, it's really not so much about making gil, it's about making it worth the whm's time to be there to port people. With the current economy ingame, 500 gil is not worth my time to sit Jeuno all day with my thumb up my a[b][/b]ss.

Yes, there are other ways to make gil in this game as a whm, but unfortunately for all the people that need the teleport, all of these methods take the whm far away from Jeuno, never to teleport again because, hey! I can make much better use of my time.

If this way of thinking makes me an "assshat" then so be it.
#46 Feb 08 2005 at 2:06 PM Rating: Good
91 posts
I have no problem paying a WHM more. It seems that WHM's have started to figure out that there really are much better ways to make money (because there really are better ways). At 500 a pop, it takes a while to add up. And yes yes, Altep and Vhazl are there, but I doubt they see nearly as much use as the others. I see less and less 'tele-taxi' services.

I would rather keep the teleport services and pay more. And maybe it'll also make the porters quit waiting for a full load when I'm in a hurry.^^
#47 Feb 08 2005 at 2:11 PM Rating: Good
55 posts
Thats the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. What charge more for a spell that costs nothing? We are lucky that people even pay what they do for Teleports to begin with.

Wow, I guess we are lucky we get paid, but, heh, not as lucky as the person who gets a port. So are you saying it's my duty as a whm to port people? I don't think so.
I never said it was a WHM duty. However, if the WHM is out there porting, choosing to do so let me add, then that is their problem. I am a WHM and I cease to complain about doing teles. The point being that people want this, its easy way to make gil, and WHMs are lucky to have the spell and have people who want pay them to use it.

BLM charge 500 for a Warp2 and you do not see them griping saying they need more for it.

Well yeah, think about it, they rarely have to do it more than twice in a row, and all the blm does is cast a spell. WHM's teleporting on the other hand have to teleport, zone, warp, zone, then rest or zone to mog house, then zone back out. It's just a tad bit more of a hassle don't ya think?

Yeah I think I do know this. But if you choose to do so, don't gripe about it. It comes with the tele-taxi job. If one is so lazy they can't walk their character into a mog house for 3 secs or heal ( spell costs like 75 mp+ 100 for warp= 175 mp) than don't choose to do the tele-taxi service at all. It's all about choice here people.

And about getting a Warp2, most BLMs don't charge at all for it. I have more that do not than those that do.
#48 Feb 08 2005 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
363 posts
Let me explain my reason for calling you a liar

Lilliantaru wrote:
I can easily make about 60k off of teles in about an hour and a half in lower Jeuno

Bolded because this is where i think you're extending the truth

Lilliantaru wrote:
It's fairly easy when the other White Mages sit there and advertise for teles for 1k or 2k and you just invite and tele them for 500. Most people, however, pay extra anyways, The breastplate I needed cost 50k. At the end of the hour and a half I had it, plus more left however. If one is willing to work for it you can. 3-5k for a full party teleport. 12 full party teleports later, (1k each) or 24 (500 each) you have 60k. Plus, picking up people at telepoints (from getting tells) brings in more also. JP players for some reason tend to give more, sometimes as much as 5k for a Teleport-Dem. I like to tele during JP I prime time. I always say 500 gil for a tele but most of the time upon hearing that I receive more than that. People are willing to pay more but I don't ask for it.

I am not saying this didn't happen to you but doing this easily is easily a lie. First, most people will NOT give you more than you asked for. I really highly denounce this statement. Second getting 12 full parties in an hour and a half requires you to get a full party every 7.5 minutes. That means, invite the people, wait for them to gather, teleport them to A B C..etc location, return and go to mog, and start all over again. Hardly plausible. Now lets say you get those 12 full parties done in the 1.5 hours as you said. Everyone has to pay you at LEAST 1k (12*5k=60k) for you to make the said amount. Look, you may get a few people giving u more money, but its not reasonable to think whm can rake in 40k/hr doing teleports. You may have had some lucky tips during that time span and may have accounted for the reason you made that much money but don't try to make people believe that making that much is 'easy' to do. Congrats on pulling that off but it isn't an easy thing to do, a rarety at best.
#49 Feb 08 2005 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
Again you missed the point, it's really not so much about making gil, it's about making it worth the whm's time to be there to port people. With the current economy ingame, 500 gil is not worth my time to sit Jeuno all day with my thumb up my ***.

Yes, there are other ways to make gil in this game as a whm, but unfortunately for all the people that need the teleport, all of these methods take the whm far away from Jeuno, never to teleport again because, hey! I can make much better use of my time.

If this way of thinking makes me an "assshat" then so be it.

Again, your missing the point. It's the White Mage's choice to sit there all day and tele. It's not the DRK, or RDM or NIN or whoever else is requesting the tele. It's the WHM who chooses to sit there with "their thumb up their *** in Jeuno" doing the teles to begin with. The only reason they do teles is because people want them to begin with. Like I have said 5 times before there are other ways, it's just whether or not the WHM chooses to do them is the problem. So they can complain all they want on these forums about how boring doing teles is, how much they hate it, how its not worth their time etc. etc. etc. Yet then they choose to go out and do it anyways, They know its boring and if they think its a time waste then DO NOT DO IT. But if you CHOOSE to sit there and do it, then don't gripe about it. You knew that before you started.
#50 Feb 08 2005 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
Pot: hello kettle, you are black.

That is so my responce. /cry
#51 Feb 08 2005 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
55 posts
I am not saying this didn't happen to you but doing this easily is easily a lie. First, most people will NOT give you more than you asked for. I really highly denounce this statement. Second getting 12 full parties in an hour and a half requires you to get a full party every 7.5 minutes. That means, invite the people, wait for them to gather, teleport them to A B C..etc location, return and go to mog, and start all over again. Hardly plausible. Now lets say you get those 12 full parties done in the 1.5 hours as you said. Everyone has to pay you at LEAST 1k (12*5k=60k) for you to make the said amount. Look, you may get a few people giving u more money, but its not reasonable to think whm can rake in 40k/hr doing teleports. You may have had some lucky tips during that time span and may have accounted for the reason you made that much money but don't try to make people believe that making that much is 'easy' to do. Congrats on pulling that off but it isn't an easy thing to do, a rarety at best.

Like I said it's fairly easy to do. Because there are like maybe 3 WHMs doing teles at the same time as I. Take into account the number of people who want one ( there are usually about 5 or so who /sh for one about every 3-5 minutes). JP means you can get more if you happen to know Japanese or at least know enough to be able to see they want a teleport.
The whole point of the statement is to show that if a WHM wants to, they can make money off of teles. No of course not millions of gil but enough to pay for armor, some spells, weapons, and food. You can rate me down as much as you want, call me a liar, or be doubtful. That's your choice. But I do this at least twice a week so I know it is possible. And easy, I say, because all you have to do is sit there and than push a button to tele and warp.
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