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white mage's raise the priceFollow

#1 Feb 07 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
It seems that not many ppl sit in jeuno and teleport anymore. I can think of a few reasons for this. I think that the white mages on our server should unite and start charging more for the teleports. Lower 3 lets start charging 1k. Altep and yhort 2k. And the big money maker lets charge 5k for vhazl.

now this might seem wrong to all the ppl out there that have abbused our service but look at the alternative. I think ppl will pay if not let them walk.
#2 Feb 07 2005 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
oyy wrote:
It seems that not many ppl sit in jeuno and teleport anymore. I can think of a few reasons for this. I think that the white mages on our server should unite and start charging more for the teleports. Lower 3 lets start charging 1k. Altep and yhort 2k. And the big money maker lets charge 5k for vhazl.

now this might seem wrong to all the ppl out there that have abbused our service but look at the alternative. I think ppl will pay if not let them walk.

Hmmm. That's (currently) your only post. Why is that? Kinda odd since on the main forum, I saw a post asking about the White Mage Union. And in that one, people mentioned high level White Mages giving free teleports when price gouging was going on.

I'd level White Mage just to **** people like you off.
#3 Feb 07 2005 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Considering there are more white mages that play than come here, this won't catch on because while you're being a gouger and charging twice as much, your competition will be charging the regular fees. Who do you think people will choose? Besides people have already tried this before and it resulted in a flame war in lower jeuno.

And I for one will not participate in this either. Prices may have gone up, but I haven't needed to telewhore in about 4 to 5 months, and I've never needed telewhoring to make money. I have Erase, three elementals staves and the R.K aketon, among other rather pricey items (feel free to check my profile. i have full equipment for all the other jobs i have leveled to those respective points as well). I'm level 55 WHM and I only play about 20 hours a week, sometimes not even. So if *I'M* able to farm all that without the need to telewhore, then so are you especially if you're 63. All you need to do is find out what sells.

Besides, at that level, you should know better. If you made all your money by selling your services on the street, well, I'll leave the sexual economist jokes alone.

#4 Feb 07 2005 at 3:04 PM Rating: Good
259 posts
Hmm yeah, I noticed some people doing that in December, and I spent Christmas day offering free ports in Jeuno just for that reason. (If anyone remembers my obnoxious little xmas jingle, please forgive me).

Anyway...porting isn't exactly a big was never supposed to be. It's a spell that costs you 75mp to cast...I honestly think that charging in the first place is a bit ridiculous. The only saving grace is that it does require YOUR time, in which people SHOULD pay for that service. Hell, when I need more arrows for an xp party, I will switch to my whm and port for a few minutes so I can buy a stack or two.

But raise the price? Give me a break. Go farm, go mine, go log, go craft. Do SOMETHING that the other non-mages are doing and managing to get by on. Save giving ports for when you just need an extra 2-4k to buy that stack of food before you party.

Take this from a fellow white mage, the price should NOT go up.

#5 Feb 07 2005 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
Raise the price?
Pfft that will solve nothing.
I for one would stop getting them and walking.
#6 Feb 07 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
My mother always told me to never believe anything a sock puppet says.

Edit: o.o didn't recognize the name, only 1 post, no sig and starting a relatively controversial thread. Easy assumption to make. But assumption is the brother of all f ups, er brother, mother or any other sucker.

Edited, Tue Feb 8 12:15:38 2005 by Daggerot
#7 Feb 07 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
1,477 posts
25K to bring a 5-person group to Vahzl? Must be nice. You would pulling down well over a million a day with those rates. And while that must seem like a thing of beauty to you, the gil is coming from our pockets. And (psst!) we know how much gil and MP it's costing you to cast the spell (zero and 75-100), and we know the spell is questable.

Truthfully, I think you have the right to be compensated for your time; I do not think you have the right to make a killing for a spell just because it's WHM only. Refresh is RDM only and I wouldn't ever ask a dime for it, even if a stranger begged it off me. Based on Vahzl, your rate is 50gil:1MP; if I Refreshed you 30 times in an XP party session, you'd be 60K in the hole... now pay up.

If I'm going to compensate you for your time, I'll think about the following. As a 42WHM, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you can farm 50K/hour. Given 3600 seconds in an hour, I'll say your time is worth 14 gil/sec. Given a 30 second cast-time, then that means I owe you 420 gil after a Teleport-Holla. Let's call the extra 80 gil a tip. If you're reading this and saying "But we don't cast non stop! You have to factor in the time that we sit there waiting for someone to call for a teleport!", then I will reply by saying no I do not have to factor that in. As far as I'm concerned I'm compensating you for the time I am taking away from you, which is 30 seconds.
#8 Feb 07 2005 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
while i totally agree that the cost of ports should not go up, and i personally will not charge more for them (i never port for gil anyways) please stop comparing casting teleports to casting refresh... i hear this alot and its stupid.. if you were going to charge to cast refresh (yes i know thats not whats being said) but a fair comparison to that would be like me charging to cast cure or regen. refreshing your white mage benefits your xp per hour. anyways i agree with the cost of teleports staying the same, but please dont compare charging for teleports to charging for xp party based spells. you can do that when some ******* in your party charges you for a raise.
#9 Feb 07 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
610 posts
See the only reason a white mage would raise the price was if they 1) were too lazy to farm for gil other ways and were simply using Teleports as their sole form of income or 2) they saw a huge amount of people shouting for teles and not getting taken where they want to go and therefore choose to be foolish and raise the price.

I would never consider raising the price, people spend enough gil on teleports every day anyway, why should you charge them even more? I mean 1k for a Teleport-Vhazl is a lot as it is. A white mage union, hey not a bad idea... but a union to raise teleport prices is ridiculous.

Yay, gotta love people rating me down! I appreciate it guys! >.>
Edited, Mon Feb 7 17:47:27 2005 by Yekan

Edited, Tue Feb 8 01:29:41 2005 by Yekan
#10 Feb 07 2005 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
Um... Oyy isn't a sockpuppet. Shack is in my LS (and it's your old LS too, Daggerot), and Oyy is the name of his mule...
#11 Feb 07 2005 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
well incase you didnt know..

when i get really bored.. i offer all the teleports that i can at level 36 whm for 450 gil...

so good luck jacking up the price...
because if i see people jacking it up.. i am just gonna start giving them away for free...

Thank you.. now go buy a raffle ticket for 5k.
#12 Feb 07 2005 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
lol it was just a statement. man ppl take this game real serious. i even had ppl /sh curse at me in jeuno for shouting my prices one time. I dont really port ppl anymore bc its not good money and its boring. I just noticed that at night around 7pm there is always a ton of ppl shouting for ports in jeuno and no one porting.

some of you had some really good points. To those of you that just try to be ***** bc i have never posted here im glad to see your accepting to new ppl on the boards. That was part of the reason i listed my name and jobs.

if you even need a port just send a tell you know my prices now and my name see you again
#13 Feb 07 2005 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Oyy, Shackleton, whatever you want to be called, welcome to the Bismarck board. Reason why I was a **** is because it seemed odd due to what I said in my first post in referance to the main "general" board. We've got enough people stirring up crap. So, since people have vouched that you're not some random schlock, but in fact, a player, cool. Welcome to Bismarck.
#14 Feb 07 2005 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
Thats the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. What charge more for a spell that costs nothing? We are lucky that people even pay what they do for Teleports to begin with. I can easily make about 60k off of teles in about an hour and a half in lower Jeuno and yes sometimes people do pay for more than what I ask. Also I also give them out for free if the person has no gil to pay for one. And to charge more for them is ridiculous. White Mages who want more gil for a spell they get for free and who just stand around casting it are just, IMO, being lazy. They complain that its boring ( so go out and farm; I do tis fun!!!!) or go logging in Ghelsheba Outpost. Stop being a bum and wanting more for a spell you cast. I am a WHM and I will never ask for more than 500/1k for teles. BLM charge 500 for a Warp2 and you do not see them griping saying they need more for it.
#15 Feb 07 2005 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
259 posts
Hmm bit of a hijack, but logging in Ghelsba is a bit impossible atm. Hello Redapples!

/end hijack. Continue previously scheduled program.
#16 Feb 07 2005 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
111 posts
hmmm chargeing more for teles.... sounds like someone is too lazy to go farm like everyone else does.

to the comment about chargeing for cures and refreshes, i have a story.

way back when i first started playing the game, there was a whm named sprite. this whm hit lvl 25 and bought raise. then this whm got greedy and started chargeing 2k for raises. that wasnt enough, that whm got so greedy, she let me and other tanks die, and charged us 2k for raises..... the tanks in her pt.....

long story short. she got a bad rep. and no one pt with her anymore. i think all she ever played was bst.

you go ahead and raise your price and show everyone your greed.

i have a lot of people on blist and most of them got there for being greedy.
#17 Feb 08 2005 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
People will hate me for saying this, but this concept is what runs any economy:

Supply and Demand.

If you are charging 1k for teles instead of 500, chances are there will be someone who is taking your customers by charging less than you, aka "undercutting". My philosophy is, it's your business, charge as much as you want. No one can tell you what to do, or how much to charge. Just know that you cannot expect the same demand for your teles compared to another WHM's.

On the other hand, the other day there were several people shouting for teles, me included. If ANY WHM advertised teles for 1k, I bet you there would be many takers. Supply and demand.
#18 Feb 08 2005 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
727 posts
why stop at the teleport costs? Im gonna charge people for random cures, and after I cast them muhahahahah. No really though, you are a tool if you think that someone will pay k for a dem, holla, or mea
#19 Feb 08 2005 at 3:44 AM Rating: Excellent
251 posts
Yeah, unpopular opinion time.

The reason there are no teleports being offered in Jeuno is inflation. Prices have gone up, gil is worth less than it used to be, and so 500 gil today for Teleport-Mea is more like 200 gil six months ago (exact numbers more or less made up on the spot). Few white mages six months ago would have teleported for 200 each, and few now will do it for 500 each.

"The spell is free to cast" No, its not. Opportunity cost. It takes a White Mage's time. Time they're not farming/exp'ing/BC'ing/whatever.

"Lets pay them just for the time casting" Let's say they can farm 50k/hr. Thats a steady 14 gil/sec. Then, for the time they're CASTING, you owe them 14 gil/sec. For the time they're waiting for you, for the time they take to warp back, for the time zoning, for the time taken to get their mp back (nontrivial, if we're measuring in seconds, even if they MH zone), if they're *really* fast, thats 30 seconds. All of a sudden, you owe the whm 840 gil (number remembered from someone else's math), maybe plus a tip. And what if you make them wait 2 minutes while you get a signet and check AH? Another 1680 gil for that.

"Well, I'm going to charge for refresh" You're not hired by the party to refresh. You're benefitting from the experience they get, and they are benefitting equally. A White Mage doesn't inherently benefit from casting a teleport spell on a random person or party, while the random person or party does. You do benefit from casting refresh on a party member. Also, you don't offer a refreshing service where you do nothing but refresh. You could. Then maybe you could charge for refresh.

Personally, I'm willing to pay 1k for the standards, maybe more for the higher ones (5k for Vahzl does seem excessive, but i don't know the supply and demand curves). Why? Again, opportunity cost. I can spend 20 minutes waiting for a 500 gil port, or I can spend 5 minutes waiting for a 1000 gil port. 15 minutes lost, but I saved 500 gil! Wait... Had I been farming, at the rate we assumed white mages could, I'd have made 12.5k gil. Net loss to me: 12k gil.

Ultimately what I'm saying is that I would not think it amiss if prices were to rise (note this is not phrased as "if the white mages were to raise prices" or "if people were to start paying more" - prices, in a competitive market, will change based on supply and demand). We've got an artificial price cap on teleports, and so we're seeing undersupply. Take off this artifical price cap, and prices will rise, but there will always be teleports waiting in Jeuno, or wherever.

Another way of looking at it: You want a port fast, offer more. Someone will take you when they feel its worth it for them. You want a port cheap, don't complain that no one feels its worth their time.

Edited, Tue Feb 8 03:46:30 2005 by Velfire
#20 Feb 08 2005 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
Just to clarify about the "I'm going to charge for Refresh" mock-quotes from my post...understand that I said I would never DREAM of charging for Refresh. "It's different in an XP party". Blah blah blah. I said I wouldn't charge even to a stranger begging it off me, never mind in an XP party. My point about it being a WHM-only spell (why I originally compared it to Refresh) was that JUST because it's a WHM-only spell does not mean you are forced to rely upon it for your income. I don't intend to rely on Refresh to bring in my income.

Some low-level BLM is soloing and wants an invite-refresh-disband real quick? Sure. I'm giving them more than a Yagudo Drink would give them, so shouldn't I charge 1500 gil for a run-by Refresh like that? Absolutely not, I still wouldn't charge. And unfortunately Refresh isn't questable, so it cost me gil (not much, but the point stands).

If someone makes you wait 2 minutes while they get Signet, fill up on ammo, etc...then yeah, you probably should charge 1680. They should have taken care of that before they bugged you. All the same, I bet they won't pay and they will find someone who will cast the same spell and save them 1180.

Also, your math about 14 gil/sec having to be paid for every second, even those non-casting seconds? So it takes an extra 30 seconds for travel/Warp/MP recovery? That math works great if you ONLY teleport singles all the time. You do a 2-person teleport and you are now even with the money you would have made in the same amount of time spent farming. A 5-person teleport turns a 150% profit over your 50K/hr farming.

I'm not really willing to pay 840 for a basic-3 teleport just for myself (call me cheap) if you're going to justify it by the time it takes me to run to you (while you don't budge outside MH) and by the time it takes you to recover MP (though I'm casting Refresh on you while you're casting Teleport...and a MH zone makes it trivial). So if that is how much you would make farming, then go do it.

EDIT: Also, if I'm in a hurry and I don't get a bite on my first /shout asking for a Teleport, I'll /shout again offering 1000gil for Holla, Dem, and Mea, 1500gil for Yhoat and Altep, and 2000gil for Vahzl. I don't expect to pay these rates all the time, but if I'm in a situation where I'm quickly losing time of my own, then I'm going to consider opportunity costs twofold, both yours and mine.

Edited, Tue Feb 8 10:37:27 2005 by Dryhus
#21 Feb 08 2005 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
690 posts
Shameless rate up to all you folks who were rated down for expressing an opinion.


--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#22 Feb 08 2005 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
sagashe wrote:
Shameless rate up to all you folks who were rated down for expressing an opinion.

I think you missed me. >_<
#23 Feb 08 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
I'm gonna comment on a few things being said here:

Lilliantaru wrote:
I can easily make about 60k off of teles in about an hour and a half in lower Jeuno

lie....even on a good day.

Dryhus wrote:
Some low-level BLM is soloing and wants an invite-refresh-disband real quick? Sure. I'm giving them more than a Yagudo Drink would give them, so shouldn't I charge 1500 gil for a run-by Refresh like that? Absolutely not, I still wouldn't charge. And unfortunately Refresh isn't questable, so it cost me gil (not much, but the point stands).

This doesn't make sense. Yes your giving the same service a yag drink gives but y stop at that. If a whm cast cure, isn't it the same as a potion? Your 'refresh' points make no sense what so ever. This is a teleport discussion. A service. Call it airline travel if you want i don't care. This has nothing to do with refresh. Comparably, the only argument worthwhile to teleport is warp.

Large wrote:
People will hate me for saying this, but this concept is what runs any economy:

Supply and Demand.

If you are charging 1k for teles instead of 500, chances are there will be someone who is taking your customers by charging less than you, aka "undercutting". My philosophy is, it's your business, charge as much as you want. No one can tell you what to do, or how much to charge. Just know that you cannot expect the same demand for your teles compared to another WHM's.

On the other hand, the other day there were several people shouting for teles, me included. If ANY WHM advertised teles for 1k, I bet you there would be many takers. Supply and demand.

I wholly agree with this statement. The economy is rising, which means everything is bound to head upwards, and this is reality. For all of you who argue that WHM are too lazy to farm, I welcome you to farm as a whm and see how easy it is. It doesn't take a genius to figure out it takes us much longer to kill than other jobs. Teleports are one way to avoid long hours of farming (personally i thought tele-whoring was about as interesting as watching grass grow and didn't do it at all post-40). It IS a form of farming for a whm. Granted the prices the OP posted may be a little excessive but it may come to that. You are all guilty in one way shape or form for our rising prices. Don't tell me you'd sell a raise 3 scroll for 6k (yes it was 6k at one point and time, and I'm talking like 8-9 months ago)when its going price it 2+mil. So far as i know, the way to obtain raise 3 hasn't changed in that time span. Stop bitc[b][/b]hing when whm will start charging more. Its gonna happen whether you like it or not. They have to keep up with the times as well.

my 2 cents

Edited, Tue Feb 8 11:36:19 2005 by Vimien
#24 Feb 08 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Excellent
446 posts
Hyla wrote:
Besides, at that level, you should know better. If you made all your money by selling your services on the street, well, I'll leave the sexual economist jokes alone.

This message brought to you today by the number 7 and the letter B

Yaotzin wrote:

Raise the price?
Pfft that will solve nothing.
I for one would stop getting them and walking.

Thats good for you enjoy your walk.

Daggerot wrote:
My mother always told me to never believe anything a sock puppet says.

But sock puppets are oh so fun, remember pre-school?

Dryhus wrote:
25K to bring a 5-person group to Vahzl? Must be nice. You would pulling down well over a million a day with those rates. And while that must seem like a thing of beauty to you, the gil is coming from our pockets. And (psst!) we know how much gil and MP it's costing you to cast the spell (zero and 75-100), and we know the spell is questable

And just how long do you suppose a whm needs to perform teleport-youwhereeveryouwant before they make back the gil they spent on the spell? And please please tell me because I may have missed the memo did the jackasses lower the price of Raise III or are we going to make the WHM's on our server continue taking it up the *** EVEN THOUGH WE NEED THEM MORE THAN THEY NEED US??. Face it no one needs to be a whm. Then again we don't need exp parties. Oh and while we are at it since it costs 0 mp to have an opinion .... oh by far I am not done

please dont compare charging for teleports to charging for xp party based spells. you can do that when some @#%^ in your party charges you for a raise.

Let me know who that was I am just dying to know this person >;p

Princess Yekan wrote:
See the only reason a white mage would raise the price was if they 1) were too lazy to farm for gil other ways and were simply using Teleports as their sole form of income or 2) they saw a huge amount of people shouting for teles and not getting taken where they want to go and therefore choose to be foolish and raise the price.

TOO LAZY TO FARM?? OMFG this is a bloody GOLD MINE. I stood in jeuno the other night for 30 minutes shouting for a teleport.

/sh {Teleport-Holla} {Can I have it?} 500gil
/sh {Teleport-Holla} {Can I have it?} 1000gil
/sh {Teleport-Holla} {Can I have it?} 2000gil
/sh {Teleport-Holla} {Can I have it?} 5000gil
/sh {Teleport-Holla} {Can I have it?} 10000gil

I Offered 10k and I still had to hop a fu[/b]cking chocobo
Now seriously think about it. How many people out there think a teleport is like per se "electricity." You don't really think about it because it is always there, or is it? Is it really a necessity? Another thing to think about is how many times have you all payed a few thousand over the asking price of a teleport just for express service? Without the whm even raising the price?

LillianneTaru wrote:
Thats the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. What charge more for a spell that costs nothing? We are lucky that people even pay what they do for Teleports to begin with. I can easily make about 60k off of teles in about an hour and a half in lower Jeuno and yes sometimes people do pay for more than what I ask. Also I also give them out for free if the person has no gil to pay for one. And to charge more for them is ridiculous. White Mages who want more gil for a spell they get for free and who just stand around casting it are just, IMO, being lazy. They complain that its boring ( so go out and farm; I do tis fun!!!!) or go logging in Ghelsheba Outpost. Stop being a bum and wanting more for a spell you cast. I am a WHM and I will never ask for more than 500/1k for teles. BLM charge 500 for a Warp2 and you do not see them griping saying they need more for it

Hmmm 60k per hour teleporting (performing a service YOU want I might add)or 180k per hour doing what I do best? A good thf can easily make 100-300k per exp pt depending on where you level. Melee have the upper hand when farming since their death dealing is greatly improved due to their oh... HITTING HARDER THAN A MAGE.
Aww shucks I guess I'll go farm in ghelsba or giddeus, oh wait I better becareful I might spawn another etiquette thread on the bismarck server forum if I try to farm the best way a mage can with ~ga spells.
Anyone notice all the dead horses in this response so far?

gameslaver wrote:
hmmm chargeing more for teles.... sounds like someone is too lazy to go farm like everyone else does.

Yay BANDWAGON!!!... is this always the first thing you people think of... so and so is too lazy to farm because they want to charge more. Omg so and so is teh suck they dont have the uber sniper rings. OMFG YOU have a scorpion harness you GILBUYER!!!

Pot: hello kettle, you are black.

Hiptaru wrote:
when i get really bored.. i offer all the teleports that i can at level 36 whm for 450 gil...

I do them for free, beat that Mr I'm going to pwn the Astral Ring market >;p You of all people I would have expected to be sympathetic to the whm cause from a business standpoint. Yet again...
Pot: hello kettle, you are black.

Large wrote:
Supply and Demand.

If you are charging 1k for teles instead of 500, chances are there will be someone who is taking your customers by charging less than you, aka "undercutting". My philosophy is, it's your business, charge as much as you want. No one can tell you what to do, or how much to charge. Just know that you cannot expect the same demand for your teles compared to another WHM's.

Thank you Large. You by far have been the most sensible voice in this thread thus far. Anyone buy a raffle ticket for Hiptaru's Astral Ring?

You know now that I think about it I am done replying in this thread it's ridiculous. I for one will gladly pay any amount charged for a teleport. WHY? THE FU[b]

#25 Feb 08 2005 at 11:44 AM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
hehe Zander, we were thinking the exact same thing. Beat you too it tho :P

Rate up for you :)
#26 Feb 08 2005 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
690 posts
Jesus, Zander... forget your morning coffee?

I felt that blast from here!

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
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