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New Stuff - February UpdateFollow

#1 Feb 07 2005 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
Ok, most of you know of the AF armor "Coat-check", and the new armor types.

Here's some other stuff:

Screenies of Sea:

Also: New Search Comments
Search comments are currently divided into four categories: EXP party, Mission/Quest, Item-related, and Others. We are planning to expand the number of categories available, and create subcategories such as Seek Party and Find Member to allow for more specific comments and searches. In addition, a new text command will make it possible to set search comments using a macro. These features are scheduled for the February version update.

If anyone has any other info please post it here.

The following update changes are posted below.
Guild Contracts
New Fishing System
New Job-related Adjustments (new shield system/new abilities etc.)
New CoP Scenarios
Logging Adjustments
Mannequin Sales
Manaclipper and Barge Multi-tickets
ENM (Empty Notorious Monster) Battlefields
Update for Ballista

Edited, Wed Feb 23 10:40:50 2005 by GaranTheElvaan
#2 Feb 08 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
Howdy. I'm in town, so to speak, to help Wintaru with a computer problem, so, meh, here you go.

Chat Filters

FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team wrote:
In the previous version update, separate chat filters were created for NPCs. In the upcoming February update, these NPC chat filters will be further refined to allow for even more specific settings. Details regarding these changes will be announced at the time of the update.


#3 Feb 08 2005 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
690 posts
Holy sh[/b]it, Nata's back!

How dare you leave without so much as a farewell, you fu[b]
cker! Wish ya well, bro.

We now return to your regularly scheduled thread.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#4 Feb 08 2005 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
Other things to do, amazingly enough. Perhaps I'll be back some day, who knows. I'll look you up if I do return to the game though. Smiley: wink2

Slow day today though, so amid lounging around I peeked in to check on Wintaru's troubles, and thought I'd contribute that little blurb since I'm not so much over my crack addiction that I don't keep an eye on Smiley: tongue

I'll be disappearing again shortly.

Smiley: glasses
#5 Feb 08 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
Miss ya in LS chat too bro.
#6 Feb 08 2005 at 5:57 PM Rating: Good
Hey now this is no fair. I hijacked a thread just by posting. Posting on-topic no less. Smiley: mad

Ah well. Back to your regularly scheduled Nata-free thread. ^^

/wave /cheer /etc Monty ^^
#7 Feb 09 2005 at 2:46 AM Rating: Good
NPC chat filters...oh, thank you...thank you.

"The Robber Crab readies Scissor Guard."
"Sioux casts Dispel."
"Sioux's Dispel has no effect on the Robber Crab."

Two parties away:

"Hamburglar casts Dispel."
"The Robber Crab's Scissor Guard effect disappears!"

<Sioux> -_-

Endless frustration for me, especially in crowded exp areas.
#8 Feb 09 2005 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
This just in:

Guild Contracts

In the next version update, there are additions and changes to the items required to fulfill guild contracts. These changes will reflect the new synthesis recipes that have been added since guild contracts became available. Please be aware that the item required to fulfill a current contract may change after the update has taken place.

A new key item called "Alchemic Ensorcellment" will become available for purchase with alchemy guild points. Also, the number of guild points required to purchase the key item "Anima Synthesis" will be reduced.

The development team hopes to bring you these improvements in the February version update.

FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (2/9/2005)
#9 Feb 10 2005 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
This just in:

New Fishing System

The fishing system is scheduled for some major improvements.
Here is an outline of the changes you can expect to see.

* New action-oriented system

-The rod will begin to shake wildly when something takes the bait.

-Countering the movement of the rod will reduce the stamina of your intended catch.

-A catch is best reeled in when its stamina is close to zero, so much more attention is required when compared to the current fishing system.

-In accordance with these changes, fishing skill will rise at twice the rate of the current system.

* Strengthening of lower-level fishing rods

-Lower-level rods such as the willow rod will become much more durable.

-Other new characteristics will determine the type of rod best suited for catching certain types of fish.

* Increased effects of fishing skill

-The method for comparing fishing skill and the level of the fish will be improved, making it easier for those with higher fishing skill to catch high-level fish.

* Other changes

-Everyone will gain a new "fishing instinct."

-The "instinct" of those with higher fishing skill will be more accurate.

FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (2/10/2005)

Edited, Thu Feb 10 09:00:26 2005 by GaranTheElvaan
#10 Feb 10 2005 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Sweet fishing will be fun. I hope SE will finally get rid of those fcuking fishbots. That 24-7, anon taru fishbot in Qufim is really getting on my nerves.

If this is WoW I'd long PK'd his ***.
#11 Feb 10 2005 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
I think this new fishing system will kill the fishbots. From what I read here, having to counteract the fish's fight with your rod in order to reel it in would require a script programming god. That, or someone in control 24/7. Here's hoping SE has fixed at least one problem in the game...
#12 Feb 10 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
The annoying part is that all you need is one script writing god to make the bot and one crazy uploader to distribute the bot and destroy the system. I'd say its only a matter of time.

I wouldn't be surprised if bots start to show up within a month. At least SE tried.
#13 Feb 10 2005 at 9:38 AM Rating: Good
476 posts
Glad I kept all my fishing gear. I had just given up fishing because it got boring and I found other ways to make gil faster. At least if it's somewhat fun I'll still have a reason to fish, even if it is not as profitable. Either way, this should take care of the bots.
#14 Feb 10 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
195 posts
That makes it tempting to go take fishing back up again! ^.^ I can't wait for the update.
#15 Feb 11 2005 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
6,424 posts
Fishbots have been gone from our coasts since a previous patch, where ALL outside zones will now spawn monsters. (Buburimu has a geomodel bug behind the lighthouse, so that the monsters can't see the fishbots. It's great to Sleep II a gob or bogy there, and temp log ;)
#16 Feb 11 2005 at 12:06 PM Rating: Good
649 posts
While this is true, the new fishing system will eliminate them in town's as well.
#17 Feb 11 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
Seedling wrote:
Fishbots have been gone from our coasts since a previous patch, where ALL outside zones will now spawn monsters. (Buburimu has a geomodel bug behind the lighthouse, so that the monsters can't see the fishbots. It's great to Sleep II a gob or bogy there, and temp log ;)

Either I've misunderstood you or you misunderstood what the patch did.

The patch didn't affect where mobs spawn, it affects where you can fish up monsters. Previously, there were spots in Bubumiru (largely on the cliffs) where you wouldn't pull up any monsters, and the patch made it so that monsters could be pulled up from any spot there. Where mobs spawn is fairly irrelevent to a lot of the fishbots, simply because they're a high enough level that no mobs in the zone will aggro them. But if they fish up a monster, they get instant aggro, and even a too weak mob will eventually kill them.
#18 Feb 14 2005 at 7:56 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
This just in....

Job Related Adjustments

The following job-related adjustments are scheduled for the next version update.

Merit Point System Additions

There will be several additions made to each job category, providing new job-specific abilities. There are two conditions for obtaining and using these abilities: the job to which the ability pertains must be set as the main job, and the main job level must be 75. The limit for adjusting existing abilities will also be raised.

Changes to the Shield System

In the current system, blocking an attack with a shield negates all damage. However, in the new system, shields will only reduce the amount of damage taken. In addition to the basic defense bonus, how often a shield is used and how much damage is reduced will depend on the type of shield equipped. Also, the frequency of shield usage in battle will increase substantially with this new system.

White Mages

-The white magic spell "Banish" will inflict more damage on undead monsters.
-The spell "Banish III" will become available.
-A new job trait will be added.
-New methods of obtaining the spell "Raise III" are being considered.


-The effect of the samurai job ability "Third Eye" will be adjusted. -A new job trait will be added.


These new features are currently in the final stages of testing and will be ready for eager players to experience in the February update!

FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (2/14/2005)
#19 Feb 14 2005 at 9:07 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
I don't know, but for me, something reeks of lame with that whole thing they're doing with the shield.
#20 Feb 14 2005 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
Xanoxonax wrote:
I don't know, but for me, something reeks of lame with that whole thing they're doing with the shield.

It looks like it will skillup a lot more quickly this way. I don't know how easy it is for a PLD to cap their shield skill but it's not even an option for me as a RDM. This would be nice.
#21 Feb 14 2005 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Not sure what they are trying to do with the shields. Patched shield will block more but reduces less damage. So the effectiveness of the the shields could go either way.

About time they upgraded the merit system. As it stands merit system is crap.
#22 Feb 14 2005 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
327 posts
Looks like they understand that they must do something to counter the new MMORPGs ... Strange, so much new things and improvements in only one update :p
#23 Feb 14 2005 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
It's not strange at all... to stay on top you have to continually improve.

Otherwise we'd all drive DeSoto's to work in our offices with computers that take up entire floors.

If another game does something better it only makes sense to get better. It's the competition that drives improvement.

I mean look at Microsoft, no competition... :)
#24 Feb 14 2005 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
1,275 posts
I don't know, but for me, something reeks of lame with that whole thing they're doing with the shield.

Yeah, cause, you know, blocking an attack completely once in a blue moon by the sheer grace of God is better than blocking most of the damage more frequently. Would be a travesty if players actually get to use thier shield on XP mobs with any regularity.

I'll give it this... if it ends up being like Guard (blocks damage based on the skill), then most shield users are going to be grumbling untill their Shield skill catches up to thier level (which it will hopefully do with the increased activation). The way it's stated, the only thing we know for sure that will affect the damage reduction is the type of shield (whether they mean "buckler" or "kite" or "tower", or whether they split it up by Defense rating isn't clear), but this might be even better, since higer level characters would have better shields to match thier higher Shield skill. Of course, if the damage is reduced based on the model of the shield (buckler giving less, kite shield giving more), I bet the Hard Shield's price will skyrocket (and Sioux'll make me give it back so she can sell it >_>; ) since it's the only kite shield I know of (maybe a couple more) available to classes other than Pld/Drk (and this would give anyone but Paladins and Dark Knights the shaft, but what self respecting Dark Knight uses a shield for anything but farming?).

Actually, now that I think of it, what they might do is make bucklers kick in more frequently, but kites deflect more damage (so I guess bucklers would be better for skilling up, where as kites would be better for tanking). Might even out... gonna have to wait and see I guess.

So either way, there'll probably be some growing pains as people actually start to get levels in their Shield. But hey, at the end of the day, you still have Evasion and Parry to dodge/block all the damage, unless they do something similar there.

The new Merit-point based Job abilities seem like an interesting idea. Until they raise the level cap, I can sorta see this stuff being something of a novelty (although who knows, they may put some stuff in there for melees to be more effective in god battles and such, and for that matter, what the hell do I know about high level play?). I like this idea a lot... I almost wish this level of customization was available at lower levels so more job and equipment combos would be viable.

Whitemage Job ability... Will be fun to see what this is... I can't honestly see what they need, but then, I didn't see why Thieves needed Assassin till I bothered to check out what it did.

Samurai ability... hellsyeah. Congrats guys, and I hope whatever it is that you get, it does you all justice :D

[Edit]: Typolameeeeeeeeeoooooo

Edited, Mon Feb 14 10:13:59 2005 by GailC
#25 Feb 14 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
302 posts
*looks for bloodpact enchancement update*

...of course...


though I like the "-New methods of obtaining the spell "Raise III" are being considered." Banish III is nice, and I guess I can start using Banish II on the undead. ^^
#26 Feb 14 2005 at 5:34 PM Rating: Excellent
230 posts
This patch is really starting to interset me, even though it looks like the wont ever be raising the level cap but make it so you can progress a good bit without hitting level 80.

60 was nice, but getting 75 is starting to look really appealing.

...and sheild? pfft who needs one of those bulky things? Just gets in the way anyway :P
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