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#27 Feb 03 2005 at 6:27 PM Rating: Good
You cant bang your in-game wife. Nuff said. ^^

Well, you could... but I do NOT want to see those emotes!!! O.o
/em runs away, in fright.
#28 Feb 03 2005 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
375 posts
Looks like I hit someones life right on target based on the rate down..Lmao

Bring it on not the one with the rosey palms
#29 Feb 04 2005 at 6:29 AM Rating: Default
940 posts
Byaina the Tulip wrote:

The other issue is whether you can truly build a real, loving relationship with someone you meet online. I say, why the hell not? We're all people manning the keyboards, here. It's just a different way to meet, with its own unique things that are great and things that suck. I find that in a virtual world, it's easier to feel a deep, immediate connection with someone. You meet here, so you're starting with one thing in common, and it's the nature of the beast that more will follow. Some of my best friends are people I've met online, one way or another. One of my dearest friends, I've never met in person.

I understand how you feel about your online friends Byaina. Truth be told, personally, I find I connect more with my online friends than i do with my real life ones. I feel closer to them, hell I trust them. Perhaps it might be foolish to put so much faith in people whose faces I have never seen in person, or whose eyes i have never looked into. Some of these friends have sent me photos or called, but as for my closest friend, I have yet to even hear her voice, much less see a photo Smiley: cry. And yet despite this, I can truly say I know her well. I know her likes and dislikes, hope, fears, heck, I could probably guess what she's having for breakfast today! You see, no matter how well someone writes, roleplays, lies, whatever you want to call it, eventually, the real personality, the real person shines through. In the online community, all we have are our words, no actions really, emotes are still just words after all. No one is infallable. No matter how much thought someone puts into each and every thing they say or do here, eventually they will respond on instinct alone. One way or another, someones true nature finds a way into the picture.

Now, back to the main topic of those who fall in love in this way, excellent posts everyone. Thanks for the responses, your different perspectives have allowed me to see things from new and informative points of view. Thanks! rate ups for everyone! Smiley: yippee
#30 Feb 04 2005 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
194 posts
For me, playing online games is way more fun when you do it with someone you *already* love... I've been playing online games with my fiance for 3-4 years now (met offline), and games are way more entertaining for me that way.

As far as meeting people online, I do consider some people I've met to be friends, but at the same time I have to snap myself into reality and make sure I don't give them any personal information about myself or anything along those lines. As much as I can trust someone in a game, that doesn't mean I can trust them in real life, and people blur those lines far too often, and get very disappointed as a result.

With that said, it is totally possible to reach a point where you trust people enough to start swapping info to send them xmas cards and pictures and whatnot. We know 2 people we met over a game that live in another state. We know their names, address, and phone number like they were just ordinary friends. But it took us about 2 years to get to that point with them.

I think when it comes to "falling in love" with someone online, I'd be way to much of a cynic to be able to do something like that. You can fall in love with the way someone *appears* to be very easily, but the reality of how they *are* can be very very different, and there are plenty of people out there that are totally willing to lie through their teeth over the net just to accomplish whatever silly or sickening goals they have. I'm not saying it shouldn't happen to people, I'm just saying there are way too many risks involved for it to happen to me ;)
#31 Feb 04 2005 at 10:12 AM Rating: Good
883 posts
there are plenty of people out there that are totally willing to lie through their teeth over the net just to accomplish whatever silly or sickening goals they have.

Cherried for truth. Oh god what horrible, horrible truth. It's a wonder more people don't run away from the Internet screaming.
#32 Feb 04 2005 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
302 posts
there are plenty of people out there that are totally willing to lie through their teeth over the net just to accomplish whatever silly or sickening goals they have.

While this is true, it's also true for real life as well.
#33 Feb 04 2005 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
there are plenty of people out there that are totally willing to lie through their teeth over the net just to accomplish whatever silly or sickening goals they have.

While this is true, it's also true for real life as well.


so true
#34 Feb 04 2005 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
312 posts
Aluus, Eater of Souls wrote:
[quote=Byaina the Tulip]
Truth be told, personally, I find I connect more with my online friends than i do with my real life ones. I feel closer to them, hell I trust them. Perhaps it might be foolish to put so much faith in people whose faces I have never seen in person, or whose eyes i have never looked into. Some of these friends have sent me photos or called, but as for my closest friend, I have yet to even hear her voice, much less see a photo Smiley: cry. And yet despite this, I can truly say I know her well. I know her likes and dislikes, hope, fears, heck, I could probably guess what she's having for breakfast today! You see, no matter how well someone writes, roleplays, lies, whatever you want to call it, eventually, the real personality, the real person shines through.

I agree with you Aluus, it's easy to feel close to someone online. Alot of times I find my online friends tend to be more understanding and less judgmental than my real life friends. I have many friends in game and I talk to several of them on the phone frequently. I have even been to visit a few of them in real life.

On the subject of loving someone in game - I also believe that it is possible to eventually care about and love someone that you have met through an online game. Does that make anyone pathetic? Absolutely not! A game is just another method of meeting people that have similar interests. It's no different than if you joined a particular club or organization to find someone with similar likes. The Internet has actually afforded many people with the ability to find someone they may never have found in real life. Do people sometimes get too caught up in it? Yes - but for the most part I think that if a relationship blossoms in game you learn about the person and you eventually figure out whether to pursue it further (in-game or in real life). Their real personality will eventually shine through and that's where those decisions to further it come into play. Just as in real life though, some people pretend to be something they are not and you can get burned. We've probably all had someone at one time or another pretend to be something they're not. Does that mean that I'm not going to let myself become involved with people I end up caring about in game? No way! I have met some great people through FFXI and other games and I can say with certainity that I am blessed to have met so many wonderful people that I can call friends.
#35 Feb 04 2005 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Byaina, you have a talent for writing that is bloody brilliant!

Rate up! Great post!

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#36 Feb 04 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Excellent
It is far too easy to misrepresent yourself over the Internet.

You can be EXACTLY who you would like to be; anyone with a modicum of acting talent can be The Stud, The Princess, The Innocent, whatever you want to be. That, after all, is the appeal of the social aspect of the Internet in a pretty large part; you aren't judged on the walk, but only on the talk. If you can talk enough like James Dean, well, congratulations, rebel without a cause.

Falling in this situation...can be a *major* mistake, if the proper steps aren't taken to know the other person beyond the limited scope of words and pretended acts.

I've had my heart broken over the Internet, and I've met wonderful, giving people that way. It's amazing, but the most self-centered and cruel people can sound like Mr. and Mrs. Wonderful in a text box; it isn't until things have progressed that you realize how much you let yourself be fooled by a ten-point font. It's not comfy.

Just remember that when Mr/Mrs Wonderful sits down at the computer, that person is NOT the same person that goes about an everyday life, that wakes up grouchy, blows up over something silly or behaves like the irrational human being they most definately are. If that person that's in the text box is appealing and considerate enough to get to know beyond the text box, just be prepared to meet someone that you may not know at all.

If you can meet that irrational human being, and love them as much as you loved that sex god in the ten-point font, then you have found something special indeed. ;)

The trick to all this is honesty. As important as honesty is in a real life relationship, that importance is magnified a hundred times over the Internet; it places that strain on a relationship immediately, because trust is so central to maintaining a relationship over a large distance.
If you can be honest, really honest, then you may be going somewhere. Otherwise, you may be looking for more trouble than the heartache will be worth. ><
#37 Feb 04 2005 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
Funny I just noticed this thread.

I just broke up with my FF girlfriend.

I had known her since the day she started. I was a lvl 40 WAR/MNK and she was wandering around Bastok with a confused air about her. She sent me a simple tell, What am I supposed to do? It was soo cute. I bought her all her lvl 1 gear and showed her the mobs outside the gate. We didnt really say much to one another after that, she was just a nice aquaintence bumping into one another from time to time. I went to 47 WAR and then started up DRK and made it to 62 before running into her one day and giving her a pearl to my LS. We talked more and more and eventually I "Asked her out". Things went very well, just fun Role Played fantasy relationship. I am not sure what happened tho. One minute we are having fun doing stuff and then next she is mad cause I logged on one day and didnt talk much. (RL incident made me quiet). I am not the most skilled at relationships, I am 28 and I havent really ever been in any serious ones. It started to feel like everytime I turned around she was mad at me or frustrated and logged out mad. Real life people throw each other signals about what they want and what they need. In FFXI there is really no signals, no physical signs I can read. So she would want something or wanna do something with me and not say a word, and then be mad when I was occupied. Time and Time again I would find myself getting mad and saying.. If that is what you wanted why didnt you say soo instead of waiting till I found a party. One day she was in Lower Jeuno for like and hour and we were chatting...I was seeking party....I finally got and invite and was in the Boyada Tree. 15 mins later she says... ARE you in a party? I said yess I finally got an invite. She said, Whatever good luck to you! I was like totally baffled. And asked why she said that and she replies. "I wanted to spend time with you but you are soo obsessed with lvling that you will do it all damn night" Then she sat in Lower Mog house for another hour and logged out claiming boredum. Only to log back in later and get mad cause I was still in party. I saw US as a fun thing to do on the side when not lvling. She once told me that she sees it as more than mere fantasy. Please dont think me a heartless jerk, I care about her and enjoyed the time we spent together but I was playing the game lvling and questing and whatnot. I either wanted Care free and fun, or Serious IRL. Serious ingame makes no sense to me cause it goes no where and real feelings get involved. Well there you have it. I decided to end it 2 days ago. She started to feel like a real GF, that I could not hold, nor be with. AND we were both single IRL, or so she claimed she was. BUT she has a Career and we live hundreds of miles apart. Ahhh just keep telling yourself its only a game.... ><

Why does it happen:

Well you spend alot time with someone and you talk alot and maybe its loneliness. You hear stories of people who met online and fell inlove and maybe want it to happen to you. I cant say that I was inlove with someone I never met in person, but what compels people to seek it out is prolly the same reason people seek it out IRL. Who knows, every person prolly has a different reason.

Edited, Fri Feb 4 14:40:03 2005 by HarkerKnight
#38 Feb 04 2005 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
448 posts
Well, the problem with Internet Realtionships is you are not with that person. You are dealing with a persona online, in which your mind and imagination fills in the gaps. This leads to a false reality that in the end is crushed when you meet the person and they are totally different than you have made them out to be.

THe above notion though, is why you fall in love with them. You take that persona you are dealing with, and start to add ideals that you want to fill the gaps, because you are going to be optimistic about it right? Therefore because of this is somewhat becomes a 'dream date' or fantasy relationship, where those things you imposed on said persona are your desires.

Plus each person doesn't know the others body movements, their smell, how they even smack when they eat their food. You don't have to deal with the other person on a regular day to day basis. You don't know their real habits, like biting nails or picking their nose, you even don't know if they bathe properly.

So you take this random persona, add your ideal features to fill in gaps, and it becomes a fantasy.
#39 Feb 04 2005 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
448 posts
Trizzoro wrote:
JoLOveS the Charming wrote:
I am in love with Malorie but thats between us and is none of your business, or my real life Fiancee for that matter.

Malorie...wait, thanks for reminding me. I was s'posed to call her back...

But what about the other 7 married guys that love her, and she loves back? Not to mention the 1 girl who thinks she's a girl, and 2 boys under the age of 13?

hee... picking ;-)
#40 Feb 05 2005 at 3:56 AM Rating: Default
940 posts
So am I the only one who does not know Malorie?
#41 Feb 05 2005 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
374 posts
I understand where everyone is coming from in here. And now for my 2 gil...

I have met some amazing and wonderful people in this game, part of the reason I play still and always will. I have extended contact with a good amount of these people from ingame to email to IM to phone conversations. I have indeed loved ingame and had it bleed into the "real world". My first ingame fiance and I had to break it off, because it was bleeding over. I love many of the people in this game, because they have shown genuine care for my well being. Aluus (even though you are such a show off sometimes :p), Nataraja (thanks for the emails, keep them coming), Merodi (hon you are great ^^), Selfie (lost her as a friend then regained her thankfully), Silverbane (an amazing person), Evilpickles (thanks for the crash space), Jowie (you too bro), Arcticlynx (miss you sweetheart), Thoa (a absolute wonder who always makes me smile) and so many others (I apologize if I missed anyone, I am EXTREMELY tired)...

Even though my irl marriage is dissolving I have met someone who wants to meet me and we are planning a rendevous, so who knows... But I believe that two people can meet, get to know each other and fall in love without meeting face to face...maybe it's just the hopeless romantic in me...ah well ^^
#42 Feb 06 2005 at 2:22 AM Rating: Good
259 posts
Well having been in a bit of an experience of this genre, I feel compelled to say something.

The internet is a great shell in which to hide. It helps the inhibited become outgoing, helps the shy become a flirt. When you communicate online through typing, it has the same feeling of safety and distance that you get when writing a letter. How many of you, or people you know, have resorted to "Dear John" breakup letters instead of saying it in person? It's easier to not physically be there to express yourself, right?

That is where the online community appeals to people. There is no direct rejection, no direct judgement, and no direct consequences.

I had met a guy through an online journal who I sort of had a third degree separation with. So it wasn't a complete stranger, but I DID NOT know him. We talked for about a year online and on the phone, and he expressed interest in meeting me. Long story short, I had bought a $300 plane ticket which went unused as I came to my senses and realized that either this guy was a complete loser who couldn't get a girl in his city, or he was messing with me. Even though we are still on friendly terms, I am convinced to this day that it was the latter. There was no seriousness to it at all.

The appeal was the distance. I could be as deep, as funny, and ridiculously flirty as I wanted to and vice-versa. I tend to be a bit more confident and boistrous online that I am IRL. That attitude attracts people sometimes, but if they met me in person they would find someone with a much lower self-esteem and much less poise.

In an MMORPG, the risk is even higher of meeting someone who is playing a part. This also adds a bit of excitement and attraction since everyone is psychologically attracted to role-play in one way or another. Cmon, we grew up in make-believe and fairy tales...everyone wishes they were someone else at one point or another. Coupled with the "safety" of distance and non-committment, flirting online becomes pretty intense. All these things grouped together can {synthesize} into what some people base a relationship on. For some it works, for others it doesnt. I've seen countless unrequited "relationships" where one person is taking it seriously and the other is just doing it because "it's online, it's not real." It's a touchy line to cross.

In other news, my father met his current wife on an AOL chatroom. They have been together for 7-8 years now...his longest relationship after my mother.
#43 Feb 06 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
That's the best post here I've seen yet, Hyla. Thank you.
#44 Feb 07 2005 at 1:44 AM Rating: Default
940 posts
Wow good post Hyla, and everyone else too. Smiley: clap
#45 Feb 07 2005 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
73 posts
Very interesting thread. There was one like it a while ago. I think it may have been the one Nights mentioned. Here's the link:

I wish I could add something more useful to this thread, but for the time being my thoughts are a bit scattered. I love seeing coherent and provocative thread subjects, keep 'em coming!

hmm linky no worky. sorry for my computer noobness. the thread is called "cheating relationships in MMOs" by Mailorder on page 17 of this server board. check it out if your so inclinded.

i figured it out, the link works now. hurray for determmination! (and a boring work day)

Edited, Mon Feb 7 12:14:08 2005 by SigmundBismark
#46 Feb 07 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
919 posts
Relationships in game is lame. My Opinion: Some girls that play this game are theiving ********

I have seen frendship/linkshell torn apart over and over agian because A GIRL ACTUALLY PLAYS FXXI? It makes me wana throw my ps2 through the window when i see this flirty chat on linkshells. I have seen females take advantage of other players because males are more helpfull twards females. I think its great how when a female enters a linkshell i cant get a damn answer from anyone because there too bussy googling over the girl even though i have been with them all since day one. Its so sad to see how fas a guy would sellout on their friends for a female. I would rather be hanging out with my bros in the game then following arround some conniving girl. For a in game relationship No thanks, Im fine dealing with them irl and that is all.

Note: "Some" girls are theives. I would just like to tip my hat to the females in FFXI that are truly kind. You know who you are ^.^

Edited, Mon Feb 7 12:52:52 2005 by Moshiiii
#47 Feb 08 2005 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
940 posts
About to get rated down, I can feel it.Moshiiii, there is a reason girls get so much attention in linkshells. You have to consider that a lot of the guys that play this game are what you would call "fanboys." Too scared to talk to woman and flirt that way IRL, the annonymity of the internet offers them a chance that some are too afraid to take IRL. Who is easier to approach? The hot chick all the atheletes try to pick up at school, or the Mithra whose ears you can scratch? Everyone deep down wants to feel attractive, or desired. It is so much easier to start a relationship online than it is face to face. So much easier to attain those feelings you want. And Moshiiii, you have to remember this, as you said, there are some women who use guys to get what they want, but these women exist in the real world too. You have to remember, any type of person you see in the real world is bound to eventually be represented in a virtual one as well. That's just how it is. And as you also said some women are genuinely sweet and kind. The same rules apply to online relationships as real life ones. You put yourself out there, there is a chance you will get hurt. Play with fire, and you could get burned.
#48 Feb 08 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
259 posts
The statistic I would still love to see is the one that shows how many players are unknowingly in woman-woman, man-man relationships. ;-)
#49 Feb 08 2005 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
919 posts
Me and Jacob are in a Man-Man relationship. But we Know ^.^ He will deny it though T_T;;
#50 Feb 08 2005 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
Fanboys?? Man.. what are those beacuse I'm not too sure what that means exactly. Is it those fools who go to that creepy cosplay convention type of deal? Cause if so.. then beening a fanboy ain't nothing to be aproud of you dig? Please someone tell me that I'm wrong on what a fanboy is?
#51 Feb 08 2005 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
312 posts
Moshiiii the Charming wrote:
Relationships in game is lame. My Opinion: Some girls that play this game are theiving ********

I have seen frendship/linkshell torn apart over and over agian because A GIRL ACTUALLY PLAYS FXXI? It makes me wana throw my ps2 through the window when i see this flirty chat on linkshells. I have seen females take advantage of other players because males are more helpfull twards females. I think its great how when a female enters a linkshell i cant get a damn answer from anyone because there too bussy googling over the girl even though i have been with them all since day one. Its so sad to see how fas a guy would sellout on their friends for a female. I would rather be hanging out with my bros in the game then following arround some conniving girl. For a in game relationship No thanks, Im fine dealing with them irl and that is all.

Note: "Some" girls are theives. I would just like to tip my hat to the females in FFXI that are truly kind. You know who you are ^.^

Edited, Mon Feb 7 12:52:52 2005 by Moshiiii

I just had to reply to this because I am one of the kind and caring girls that play this game. I treat everyone with respect and I am never judgmental and mostly forgiving to people that treat me badly. I do not use the fact that I'm a girl to get anything I need and I am not conniving. It's a shame that you have had to encounter girls that have acted that way. Maybe you're hanging out with the wrong people in game. =D
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