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The lines can blurFollow

#1 Feb 02 2005 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
940 posts
I am sure we have all seen this before, ingame couples who take the relationship beyond roleplay and actually grow to love one another in some way or another. My question is this: What causes such strong feelings for someone you do not really know? Some would argue that it is loneliness in real life, yet in many of these relationships, one or both ingame partners is married IRL. Some say its because the game is much like leading a second life, so naturally you would have the same goals in it as in your real one; love, happiness, wealth, fame, etc. And still there are others who would argue that it is none of anyone elses business so long as the relationship stays ingame. Yet how can it stay ingame if the feelings felt are as real as the ones we feel when we are not playing? How can it stay ingame when these people look foward to coming home and seeing their ingame partner much in the same way they would look foward to seeing their real husbands, wifes, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc? What is it that drives some players to seek out companionship and love in this game the way they do? What is it that allows a person whose face one has not ever even seen to have such a strong influence on ones life? What is it that causes the lines between reality and fantasy to blur in this way?
#2 Feb 03 2005 at 4:54 AM Rating: Default
Dude. WTF are you talking about? Anyone who falls in love in a freaking game has got to be the most pathetic person in the world.
#3 Feb 03 2005 at 4:58 AM Rating: Good
940 posts
Okay. Well thats ONE opinion. Still does not answer my question. Regardless of what you may think about it, it DOES happen. My question is: Why? Now does anyone with some useful feedback want to respond?
#4 Feb 03 2005 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
OK it's too late at night for me to go philosophical, but...

Well basically, sometimes people get attached to the people on the "other side of the computer screen." I know I truly consider the people in my LS as friends (though it needs to be said that we were an online community *FAR* before this game was even conceived), but would I personally want to start a "more than friends" relationship? No. But that's just me. A real life friend's mother ended up marrying a guy she met on an online game and that turned out rather well. I guess it just depends on how well you know the person.

And personally, I don't think those kinds of feelings are a result of role playing. If you're falling in love with a role-player, you're either falling in love with their character or their acting ability. Still I know a couple people that could "relate" to another person though traits and abilities (in this sense, acting).

In the end I'm not entirely sure. I would think it'd be a result of the two people becoming so comfortable with each other that they just want to go "further," but in my personal opinion it shouldn't go that fast. >_>

Then again I'm no dating guru.
#5 Feb 03 2005 at 5:12 AM Rating: Default
940 posts
Good response. I also know a couple that has had something like this happen. Problem was, one was already married. They tried to take it farther and in the end, the person who was married is now a single mom whose life is in shambles. The logic behind that decision does not make sense to me either. Smiley: banghead And no, I did not make that up, I wish I had.
#6 Feb 03 2005 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Well now see, every good relationship requires both parties to come to an understanding. And it's pretty obvious that in your example, those two people did not.

Knowing a person online is *not* enough (though I should mention the disclaimer, "in my opinion" though I would think that's obvious), if you want to pursue a "serious" relationship, it's time to start getting to know this person, in person. Or hell even over the phone would be better than chatting "lol"'s back and forth.

In-game and out that's how a relationship needs to work. You need to know each other. Can't just be in it for the "perks" because sometime down the line, you're going to get tired or bored and then what? You're screwed (pun intended), that's what.

This is a *really* touchy subject with me considering my best friend did something stupid like this, in that he didn't understand what he wanted in a relationship and ended up not only getting burned, but losing something he can never get back.

Your example is a bit more extreme. Which only exemplifies the fact that if you're going to get into a relationship, but better damn well know what you're getting into. You gotta look beyond the lovey-dovey feeling and the lovestruck sighs. Time to look reality in the eye and find out what the other person's really like and if you really want to be with them.

Sometimes, people are hit by reality really hard at that point. And unfortunately some people just don't learn til reality smacks them in the face.

...I know I know, I'm getting off the soapbox.
#7 Feb 03 2005 at 7:06 AM Rating: Default
940 posts
you know, if we could turn this into more than just a conversation between the two of us this thread would rock. and yeah. thing is, i think my friends went temporarily insane, te lady i mentioned was 30. her ingame love 18. Smiley: jawdrop and yes, everyone said: WTF ARE YOU THINKING!!!!!
#8 Feb 03 2005 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
VR love...

Three of my friends have fallen in love with people over the wired, and one was engaged even (the wedding broke off because of well...he was boosting cars, and it didn't end so well for him).

My other friends are in very stable relationships though. They both talk to thier partner on the phone, and except for the distance, I think they are both very much so like any regular couple.

I have posted it before in another thread much like this one, and I will dig up the link after my 8:00 AM Science Lab -.- and post it here.

Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#9 Feb 03 2005 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
This is the same ordeal as people meeting each other in chat rooms, cept now you have a mithra or taru, or whatever to look at lol. My mother has been dating guys over the internet for a while now. Yes it scares the hell outa me. She took a $4000 vacation with some unknown dude to South America for taru(<--leaving out a god refrence hehe) sake. What spawns these feeling, who knows. It is different for each person. Love is arguably an emotion, and when was the last time emotions ever had any logical sense hehe. I play this game with my IRL wife, and to my utter dismay I am still trying to figure out her logical process. None the less I lover her very much. That being said when you meet someone in real life, do you know them? 90% of the time the answer is no. Its a face you meet in a crowd, or behind a desk at a local movie rental store. Some even grow to love their highschool sweetheats(scary go live some hehe), but even in this case they had to meet each other unknowledgable of each other in the begining. Face or no face, the ruler here is emotion. Unbound, unlogical, unfiltered if we could control them there would be no spice to life. Now although this sounds all grandios and junk, I still think that its nice to put a historical background to the emotion tie lol. I mean come on dont want a Dee Snyder's Strangeland to unfold in your living room^^ you???

Foze: 53 BLM/27 WHM
LS: SleeplessKnightz ---> Gratz Jubelo for new lead
#10 Feb 03 2005 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
Man I was looking for a thread like this. Man in my linkshell there is these two players whom shall remain nameless. Anyway it took me awhile to figure out what was going down between them. I would run by the market in Bastok and I would see her and him sitting under a tree. There's nothing wrong with that. except she would have a bazzar open and he wouldn't ... I was like ok... Then I tell him .. man what are you doing here?? I talking to **** I was like hey whatever.. Then everyday or other day I would see it. So then I tell him "man I swear its like you two are dating or something". Does he really say no to me?? Nope.. I mean in the linkshell she calls him sweety and stuff. If they said there married or something I'd like ok cool. However I don't think its the case. Is this really any of my business?? Personally a brutha could care less. I like to see females I talk to and online dating is creepy to me and there's a chance "she" maybe a fat guy named Fred. The whole thing with becoming attached to people online may stem from a lack of in their personal lives.. But hey what do I know?? The only "friends" I have when playing this game are only my friends whom I see everyday at school and have the displeasure of knowing for years. That's my opinion I hope this helps your question and also I hope I didn't sound too one-sided there.
#11 Feb 03 2005 at 9:32 AM Rating: Excellent
883 posts
I see two different issues at hand, here. One is RP, and that's always extremely sketchy - whether you care for the person or their character, or whether, in truth, you're in love with the writing itself. The drama that ensues is one of many, many, many reasons I've gotten out of the roleplaying community in which I used to be entrenched. There are too many people there who have no sense of priority, responsibility, or in some cases, reality. The virtual world is all that they have. In those cases, I would say that the problem has little to do with how foolhardy it may be to meet people online. It has a lot more to do with the fact that many roleplayers - by no means all, and don't get up in arms at me over this, because I was one, too - are just indulging in a whole lot of escapism because they don't like their real lives. Becoing involved in a relationship with them is just begging for disaster, because chances are they aren't telling you something that's very, very real and very, very complicating.

The other issue is whether you can truly build a real, loving relationship with someone you meet online. I say, why the hell not? We're all people manning the keyboards, here. It's just a different way to meet, with its own unique things that are great and things that suck. I find that in a virtual world, it's easier to feel a deep, immediate connection with someone. You meet here, so you're starting with one thing in common, and it's the nature of the beast that more will follow. Some of my best friends are people I've met online, one way or another. One of my dearest friends, I've never met in person. Which is a problem, actually, because it's true - there's only so much you can build of a relationship, friendship or more, without seeing them face-to-face.

It's also a lot easier to just cut that off. Your interaction with someone online only extends as far as your computer screen; you don't have to worry about seeing them at work, or at school, or hearing that one of your friends ran into them. You have the choice to keep a distance between you and the object of your affections, by not giving out your phone number or electing to meet them in person. You don't want to talk to them, you just get up from your computer, sign off, turn off the screen. Or you just don't talk to them. It's a hell of a lot harder to ignore someone who's sitting right next to you, or even on the phone with you. But people do it online all the time, and because the person in question isn't sitting right there, there's no accountability, no guilt, no discomfort, no idea that maybe, just maybe, that real person on the other side of the screen isn't being treated fairly.

This makes it a lot easier to forget when it's convenient for you to do so that there is a person on the other side of the screen, who gets tired, sick, hurt, angry. It makes it a hell of a lot easier to romanticize anyone you come across. It can magnify their good qualities, and it can just as much magnify the bad. Online relationships of all stripes come with their own kinds of baggage that you have to learn to deal with, just by keeping a clear head about you. Unfortunately, the tendency to get sucked into something is magnified in the types of people who play online games in the first place. You get in over your head, because why are you here, in this game? You want to believe in something that's fun, that's good, that's wonderful. Love isn't part of the game, but you're already in the mindset of suspending disbelief and the laws of reality. It's just another step for that, and harder to keep your head about you.

Edited, Thu Feb 3 09:38:29 2005 by Byaina
#12 Feb 03 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
TheFightingMage wrote:
Dude. WTF are you talking about? Anyone who falls in love in a freaking game has got to be the most pathetic person in the world.

Rather harshly stated, but I tend to agree with the premise. This is a game and therefore should be left as a game. One of my original shells broke due to this constant annoying flirting, and I have been in other shells where it has been present. The sad thing is I liked the people as individuals, but once one would sign on and the other was already there, "Hey Honey!"s would start flying and I'd start hurling.

Please, if you want to do the little flirty thing whatever, just keep it to /tells or AIM or something.
#13 Feb 03 2005 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
I am in love with Malorie but thats between us and is none of your business, or my real life Fiancee for that matter.
#14 Feb 03 2005 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
JoLOveS the Charming wrote:
I am in love with Malorie but thats between us and is none of your business, or my real life Fiancee for that matter.

Malorie...wait, thanks for reminding me. I was s'posed to call her back...
#15 Feb 03 2005 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
Trizzoro wrote:
JoLOveS the Charming wrote:
I am in love with Malorie but thats between us and is none of your business, or my real life Fiancee for that matter.

Malorie...wait, thanks for reminding me. I was s'posed to call her back...

She's over at my place. I'll tell her to call you when she gets up :P

Btw, I agree with Triz. Don't get involved if you're not ready for the inevitable. I'd like to see a stat on how many online relationships last...past um...lets say 1 year. Where's the Statistician in the group?

Edited, Thu Feb 3 10:28:30 2005 by Vimien
#16 Feb 03 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
Byaina the Tulip wrote:
I see two different issues at hand, here. One is RP, and that's always extremely sketchy - whether you care for the person or their character, or whether, in truth, you're in love with the writing itself.

I have been on the receiving end of that myself before, waaay back when I used to rp with round 30 people on Yahoo! messanger/chat rooms. Girl fell in love with my writing style (if you read my stories, you will see I have a tendency to go explore more emotional aspects of things), yet couldn't tell me if I was left or right handed, what made me smile, made me sad, or anything about me. She could only tell me my name, my asl, and a few minor things. So I fully agree with that.

Byaina the Tulip wrote:
Unfortunately, the tendency to get sucked into something is magnified in the types of people who play online games in the first place. You get in over your head, because why are you here, in this game? You want to believe in something that's fun, that's good, that's wonderful. Love isn't part of the game, but you're already in the mindset of suspending disbelief and the laws of reality. It's just another step for that, and harder to keep your head about you.

I don't know about that...

I have met a whole lot of people in this game, and while a lot do suspend disbelief and the laws of reality, not all do.

I do agree with the whole idea of having to meet face to face though.


If I said "I love you" to someone here, it isn't really real. Just words hurtling through cyberspace to someone is what it amounts to. Pixels, 0's and 1's.

My friends who date online, I think it is wonderful that they found happiness that way. I don't understand how they can pledge themselves to each other without even having felt each other's caress, but then again, I am not him/her.

I believe that if you are going to truly love someone, you gotta meet up with them eventually, and let them see your strengths and weaknesses in person. I can make myself out to be without weakness online to someone if I wanted to, and like Byaina said, romance the girl rather quickly.

"We are all writers, showing to people what we want them to see of us." A close friend of mine told me that once, and I see how that is true constantly. It is a he[br][/br]ll of a lot harder to hide your true self in rw than in vr.

So that is why I believe you gotta meet up before you can truly say "I love you" (as ********* type of love) with all of the connotations that lies within the phrase. Everything else is just...distant, even unreal...
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#17 Feb 03 2005 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
175 posts
Here is my 2 cents:

I really think that most people on the other side of the screen (that are not children) are generally normal people. Moreover, those people share at least some level of similar interests, given that they are in the same place doing the same thing (even though it may be a virtual experience). My sister-in-law met her husband on the internet. None of us were ready to give him a chance, we thought he must be some dirty old ******* troll or something. It turns out that he is quite possibly the nicest guy in the world. His only fault was that he liked talking in chat rooms a lot. This "fault" was also shared by my sister-in-law, so it all worked out quite well in the end.

I think tha the thing that draws people together online is the same thing that draws them together in the real world. Only it is, to a degree, more real. When you can't see the person or be in their presence, I think you get a much better idea of what that person is like [from an intimate standpoint] rather than having your first impression be something like:

"Wow, this girl is hot! I don't care if she is kind of a *****."
"Dang, she isn't all that cute. She's pretty nice, but I'd rather keep searching"

In essence, knowing that there is no chance of a physical relationship in the short term (or ever) makes one more eager to know a person more emotionally in my opinion.

Granted, people can and do lie about themselves over the internet but...

FACT: People lie about themselves everyday in face-to-face relationships
FACT: People cheat on their spouses every day without the help of the internet
FACT: People get involved with psychos every day without the help of the internet

I do agree that the internet's anonymity makes it easier to lie, I would also argue that it makes it easier to be truthful as well. In these cases, I think the lack of face-to-face contact helps more to distill the essence of the other person in question.

On the subject of meeting a love interest in the real world:
Don't be stupid. You are, after all, meeting a stranger and should employ the exact same caution as meeting someone in a bar, or at a social club, or at church. One true psycho will leave you chopped up in a freezer somewhere, and that doesn't apply to just internet psychos.

Edited, Thu Feb 3 13:24:13 2005 by Idwa
#18 Feb 03 2005 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
256 posts
Since I'm at work, I haven't fully read all the replies. So I'll just reply to the OP's question. What cause people to have such strong feelings? Ha I'll attempt to answer this question.....

In the real world, we are attracted to other people in various ways. We might be attracted someone based on their appearance. A person's charming personality might attract us. Wealth can attract people too. There's countless reasons in the real world that causes us to gravitate towards a particular person.

In a game such as FFXI or even the internet, I assume attraction is primarily based on personality? Barring swapping pics over the internet or what not, interactions in this virtual world are primarily based on text/communication.

In the real world, you'll be surprised of how many relationships are not based on communication. In the real world, two people can get along without necessarily saying much. Some relationships in real life are solely revolved around sex or material goods. In the real world, there are things you can do that does not involve expressing yourself with words. For example, movies are popular when it comes to dating. Ha I doubt you express yourself much while watching a movie with your partner.

In the virtual world, interaction is just based on "talking" Since I'm at work, I haven't fully read all the replies. So I'll just reply to the OP's question. What cause people to have such strong feelings? Ha I'll attempt to answer this question.....

In the real world, we are attracted to other people in various ways. We might be attracted someone based on their appearance. A person's charming personality might attract us. Wealth can attract people too. There are countless reasons in the real world that causes us to gravitate towards a particular person.

In a game such as FFXI or even the internet, I assume attraction is primarily based on personality? Barring swapping pics over the internet or what not, interactions in this virtual world are primarily based on text/communication.

In the real world, you'll be surprised of how many relationships are not based on communication. In the real world, two people can get along without necessarily saying much. Some relationships in real life are solely revolved around sex or material goods. In the real world, there are things you can do that do not involve expressing yourself with words. For example, movies are popular when it comes to dating. Ha I doubt you express yourself much while watching a movie with your partner.

In the virtual world, interaction is just based on "talking" (text). So in a sense, when people develop strong bonds it is not based on physical appearance or any other random perk.... it is based solely on personality and verbal expression.

In my opinion, our personality is what defines us. Ok so Tiger Woods is defined by his golfing skills in the eyes of the public.... Donald Trump for his wealth.... Tyra Banks for her looks. But in the eyes of family and friends, Tiger Woods or any other person are known through their personality. Looks change.... we grow old over time. Wealth can change over time. For the most part, our personality is pretty constant. Sure some may act differently in the virtual world than in real life but for the most part I would think their personality core remains the same.

So I guess in a sense, when you “like” someone in game…. You are liking them based on who they are.

I think there are many reasons why someone would develop strong feelings in a game. As mentioned before, it could be loneliness in real life. Another reason could be anonymity. For some, it’s easier and more comfortable to talk people in game than in real life for some due to anonymity reasons. Another reason could be companionship in the game. In the real world, it’s nice coming home at the end of day knowing there is someone there for you. Same thing in the game I guess. When you log in, it’s always nice to know there is someone to talk to or share in game experiences with.

Eh, it’s complicated issue I guess. I don’t know for me… I just keep it simple… log in, hack a few mobs with my sword and then logout haha.
#19 Feb 03 2005 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
My 2 cents:

There are many people in this game that I would count as my friends. However, crossing over into the romantic side would never appeal to me even if I weren't already married.

Just seems odd to me (no offence to those who met online, my opinion is by no means law ^^) that a person can make sound judgements about another when they have only conversed via one type of method or another without ever having gotten to know someone more deeply (read date, possibly even live together).

My wife and I lived together for almost 2 years before we decided to get married. I know this goes against a lot of religious morals, but honestly it is the best way to find out if you will be compatible with your significant other or not :)

Now we just celebrated our 2nd year anniversary and have a baby on the way and I consider our emotional relationship as iron clad. Granted we still irritate each other, but we are strong enough to survive it and I believe that is due to our taking time to really get to know each other and ensure that we are not basing our decisions on whims of the moment ^^
#20 Feb 03 2005 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Ok, we hear this talk about knowing someone in the physical form, being with them and doings things and all that. But, here's my thought:

People love and have a relationship with the Divine, and yet, they never know the Divine physically, ever meet it, et al.

Those are just some of my thoughts about all this.
#21 Feb 03 2005 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
197 posts
eh..i believe this syndrome similar to "find your date over the chatting room" lolz
Other than that dont ask me...i got no idea heheh..
#22 Feb 03 2005 at 4:47 PM Rating: Good
175 posts
I agree, in part, with most of what you said. I dated my wife off and on since the 8th grade (real dating didn't start until later of course). We lived together for four years in college and recently celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary. Talk about being sure you want to marry somebody.

The point is that I don't think that we are necessarily talking about going from chat room to chapel. I agree that you should try not to make sound judgments about people that you meet online, but I do see the potential to get to know somebody enough to make the informed decision that you may want to realize a relationship with them. At that point, it may become rational to meet that person and attempt to get to know them better and begin to spend time with or even date that person.

I used to be a counterstrike fanatic (I'm sure you're shocked). I played for almost two years with the same guys and girls. There used to be lan parties in TN and many would attend. When I found out that one of them was going to be in my area, we would meet up and go out to eat and such. Now, being married and of the heterosexual persuasion, I never tried to become intimate with these guys, but I didn't have reservations about meeting them in person. I was able to use my own judgment to make these decisions, and there were some of them that I would not have met up with. Similarly, there are people that I work with everyday, in person, that fit into both of these categories. It had little to do with the fact that I only knew them from work, or from the internet. It was based on my experiences with them and my gut feeling that they were not crazy folks, but regular guys like you and me. I don't think I would feel right to call someone friend and not give them that benefit of doubt.

I should qualify my statements by saying that I'm a guy and capable of taking care of myself, so those types of decisions are a bit easier for me to make. I can see that these scenarios may be much more difficult and precarious for a female. That is not meant to be sexest, but it does seem that women are more often the victims in these situations. That being said, everybody should proceed with caution, but I don't personally feel that people should allow fear to consume them to the point of never taking any action. That might land you in a house living with sixteen cats and an imaginary friend named Stephan.

edit: this was in response to wintaru's post. i r too stewpid to use the reply function.

Edited, Thu Feb 3 16:53:15 2005 by Idwa
#23 Feb 03 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
Ill answer the OP.

1.Loneliness which I believe was already stated.
2.Lack of self esteem
3.Lack of self confidence
4.The need to feel wanted and loved <---everyone wants this
5.Some maybe have an anime fetich
6.Mithras are just plain hot.
7.Its cheaper than a *****
8.Lack of substance IRL
9.Increase your chances of getting on the Jerry Springer show

This list can go on and on...You get the idea
#24 Feb 03 2005 at 5:04 PM Rating: Good
You cant bang your in-game wife. Nuff said. ^^
#25 Feb 03 2005 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
Maybe they're just plain ol' ugly IRL, and their PLD AF makes them look hawt.
#26 Feb 03 2005 at 5:40 PM Rating: Good
Idwa the Mundane wrote:
That might land you in a house living with sixteen cats and an imaginary friend named Stephan.

Point taken Idwa and the above is freaking funny :)
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