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What do people Think about InfamouskillerFollow

#1 Feb 02 2005 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
Hey im just woundering what other people thaink about Infamouskiller we got into a fight like 4months ago and hes in my linkshell and and giving me **** and call me an *** and such, Me i think hes an *** myself what do other people think of him?
#2 Feb 02 2005 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
I think there are enough threads discussing this dead horse. There should not be a new one.
#3 Feb 02 2005 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
sorry i cant find anything on this guy this website takes like 10 min to get to one page lol well i just wana kno about this dude..
#4 Feb 02 2005 at 7:45 PM Rating: Default
Boon you started with me in the ls now your def getting kicked i will be bringing this to our ls leader this under handed and this is why your a jerk cause you cant keep your mouth shut just like all the other people i dont get along with
#5 Feb 02 2005 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
ok one i dont care if i get kicked because i can join anotyher one if i wanted i have friend in high places, 2 elu would not kick me for you because i have ben in that linkshell for like a year now so im like family and family is better then a new LS member, three no one else complains about me at all only you and you started it i wanted to say sorry but you had to diss me in the LS whall i was blacklisted and could not defend my self well there
#6 Feb 02 2005 at 7:56 PM Rating: Default
Today i said to LS boondox is on this Ls heh i have him on my blist. The reason being 2-3 months ago he was in my party with
2 blm and a whm and a smn he repeatably bugged me for refreshes.
I replied to him the same answer everytime we have to many mages i can not get to you all the time chill dude.
He then replied your a noob you suck and swore at me then disbanded. That is why he was on my blist.Well today He swore at me in the LS told everyone hes breaking my shell only when
the leader threatned he will be blist by the entire shell and kicked if he did that he stopped He then apologized for acting like a jerk I can clearly see you were lying boon and you want a war dude you got it this under handed and i would never start a hate thread about you People give me a hard time all i ask is to be treated with respect the only time I go off on people is when they disrespect me.And I wont take it from them ,And I'm not gonna take it from You.If anyone wonders why i am so much on those bad player threads is cause I dont take any **** and If
You decide to talk down to me or call me names I will get all over you.Really is that so surprising
#7 Feb 02 2005 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
kno what just dont talk to me, dont even bother to say anything im putting you on my blacklist the first and last person to go on there and go ahead startt somthing with me i dont care whats gonna happen i get kick out of the LS??? do i really care no i dont need to play with anyone or talk to anyone i can be alone if i wanted to . Also i really was gonna say sorry but no you dissed me and that pissed me off and there was a BLM and a WHM in the party i remember that party it was

RDM WHM BLM THF DRK PLD so there are 3 ppl with refresh and its not hard i was in a party with 1 rdm and 4 ppl needing refresh and i was the 5th so yea i really dont carte about you and get me kicked from the shell i dare you do all that you can to get me kicked ok do it
#8 Feb 02 2005 at 8:07 PM Rating: Default
Dude why dont you just be nice i was gonna try to get along with you but you clearly havnt changed Why would you not care if you got kick from Ls its like one of the best on the server we have more high lvl members then any other Ls i seen I wouldnt write off the Ls so easyily finding one just as good may be hard pressed also are you having login problems
#9 Feb 02 2005 at 8:15 PM Rating: Good
90 posts
Lol infamous, you got alot of nerve. You've been here for what, like 2 days? You were on probation because none of us had ever had experiences with you before, but your reputation is terrible. We were going to give you a chance. Now you think you can get Boon kicked?


Don't bother signing back on to our LS.
#10 Feb 02 2005 at 8:23 PM Rating: Default
Look all im saying this is ******** starting a hate thread about me whatever im done talking i dont need to start another flame thread and I already had a chat with a few Ls members who told me he would be kicked if for messing with me I hardly said anything to you or him and im getting ganged up on whatever all I am gonna do Is bring this to the Ls leader attention whether he gets kicked or not is not up to me
#11 Feb 02 2005 at 8:28 PM Rating: Good
148 posts
well put thats all i got to say about it ^^
#12 Feb 02 2005 at 8:28 PM Rating: Default
Look whatever I dont need to start a LS war lets just call a truce ok I dont need a war with my Own Ls this getting out of hand
#13 Feb 02 2005 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
wtf... this stuff is stoopid..

I know Infamouskiller.. and i have never had a bad experience with him.. Actually each time we hang out, i have a blast.. I was just wandering around one day and BAM.. i got Ifrit...

Then just the other day we killed that Guardian Statue in Garliage ********** with just 5 people.. So he could get his Pimp hat.. it was fun..

So i dont know.. I know that alot of people have problems with me too, but geez keep it to yourself.. There are a few people i dont like, but i dont go making threads on a public forum about the people i dont like..

Act your age, not your ***** length.
#14 Feb 02 2005 at 8:48 PM Rating: Excellent
71 posts
2 blm and a whm and a smn he repeatably bugged me for refreshes.

If you were playing anything like you were when I partied with you I wouldn't doubt someone had to ask for refreshes. They were probably just hoping you would get around to it between your crafting during the fighting.

As for you saying "chill dude", I would probably guess you didn't say that but something more related to your...dumb...nature. Normally it shouldn't be right for someone to call someone a noob and say they suck because it isn't nice and that's not a good way to make friends. In your case however you are comepletely exempt from this rule as from my experience you are a noob and are a terrible RDM.

I would like to however be the first to wish you the best of luck in any "war" you're apart of. However I hope for your sake that this war doesn't include any battles of witts because you wouldn't have anything to defend yourself with.

People will treat you with respect when you stop acting the way you do. You don't deserve anything with the way you act and play, especially respect. No one wonders why you are on the bad players list. You're on there because you are indeed that, a bad player, a very infamous bad player.

If anyone wonders why i am so much on those bad player threads is cause I dont take any sh*t

Close but not quite. I didn't put you on there because you don't take any crap, I put you on there because you play like crap. You're messages on here are also that, crap.

You decide to talk down to me or call me names I will get all over you.Really is that so surprising

No not really, but it would be really surprising if you were actually able to do anything intelligent about how you did it.

However I will give you credit, you're post was a little bit better. I don't know if you read my post about you on the last page of the bad players list but it looks like you took my advise and went exploring your keyboard and finally found that elusive period button.

For having periods in his post I will give Infamousidiot...dang it sorry, I mean Infamouskiller one point. For those that read about my experiment I was able to find a quality squirrel that I really believe is a contender. In a battle of the minds my squirrel will no doubt demolish Infamouskiller.

I awarded Infamouskiller one point but my squirrel was able to successfully enter a party and do the RDM job better than Infamouskiller and that is worth one point. However the squirrel was also able to use complete words not just letters representing them and overall was much more understandable than Infamouskiller in conversation.

The score is: Squirrel---------------- 2

If anyone has any other contests that my squirrel could compete against Infamouskiller in please let me know. I think I have a really champ of a squirrel here.
#15 Feb 02 2005 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
148 posts
#16 Feb 02 2005 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
940 posts
While i have personally never partied with Infamouskiller, the reputation he has built up on our server to my understanding is this: Worst Red Mage on Bismarck. Smiley: yikes
#17 Feb 02 2005 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
417 posts
I too have partied with Infamouskiller, and he is a good Red Mage. As for the posting about him being The Worst Red Mage on Bismark, I would highly disagree.
#18 Feb 02 2005 at 10:22 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
ProudBastokan wrote:
<insert the funniest post ever>

Oh my god, I love you.
#19 Feb 02 2005 at 10:34 PM Rating: Default
Whatever I dont care what you think You guys act like jerks to me so I get rude back and I have no problem telling where to stick it. Maybe if you tried treating me nice Id be nice back
My impression of FFXI is half the people that play are argumentive people who constantly try to tell you what to do and how to play what sub you have. etc...

And if you dont kiss there *** thell run to the web to talk behind your back and hope you dont find out. You know what that says to me your really a *****.

There a George Carlin joke that goes The bigger the @sshole someone is the closer they are. be a man say it to my face dont run in here and start a flame war talk to me.

I'm not a jerk I dont bother anyone yet you guys seek me out to start with me. I get invited to a ls get called an ******* then they start a war in the LS with me then kick me.

Why did they even bother inviting me???
If im such a moron noob dont talk to me thats all I ask Don't send me a tell I read the post Your a moron go **** yourself.
Of course im gonna get mad who wouldnt....

If you dont like me or believe these pussies who cant say it to my face just leave me alone or blist me whatever but dont send me tells i hate you im gonna react violaently sorry....just say no thanks its all it takes.

You don't have to talk **** to me for no reason when I don't even know you.

And Big deal i wa smessing around crafting you guys were 54's fighting in boyahda tree 3 of you coulda killer those crabs.
Let it go you been crying about it for 3 months ok I'm sorry

Anyone who post this crap are the biggest cry babies say it to my face don't start flame wars behind my back

Would you like some cheese with your whine???
#20 Feb 02 2005 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
How does saying something in the forum demonstrate cowardice while saying something in-game ("to your face") does not? Are we under threat of getting beat up if we mouth off to you in the game? Will you follow us around until we start to craft, then cast Protect on us? That alone would incite some iota of fear were I confident you took care to buy that scroll at any point.

We say things here because we are thinking them now, not because we are afraid of you. Give me a break.
#21 Feb 03 2005 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts
Come one come all! The battle of the wits has begun! Come and see these mental titans go at it in a most extroadinary fashion!

Only 25 centarus and you can watch for free!

Or you can give Fianchetaru some pie and he will let you watch.
#22 Feb 03 2005 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
well heres my 2 cents. i do not like Infamouskiller at all. i have partied with him a few times. the first time our (forgive me if im mistaken) our DRK left the party (boyahda tree, spiders) and he found a SAM to join our party in his place. then no more then a minute later, he decides to end the party entirely. later i found out the the SAM was my friend/LS mate Zendel. and he did not even have the curtosy to tell him the party disbanded. whats more, he has done this more then 4 times now to my friend Zendel. the second time i partied with him, the PT setup was DRG THF NIN(me) RDM BLM and i forgot the last mage. his great idea was THF pull, NIN first voke, SATA >> DRG, and then the DRG to superjump to lose hate back to me. when simply the DRG could have pulled and then SATA onto me. but after doing this a few times, and me having trouble with hate (obviously the SATA onto me would have helped greatly with that) i had trouble with shadows and died. they finished the crab off, and being angry about my death and no SATA onto me i popped off some anger at Infamouskiller, and what does Infamouskiller do??? /warp /disband. all said Infamouskiller is a terrible player, as many people i have partied with have agreed with/informed me of. /blist and will never party with him again.
#23 Feb 03 2005 at 4:39 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
You know your parents told you to ignore bullies for a reason. Attention whores are no different. Rate down his posts that are childish like this, and just don't even dignify him with a reply. He's fully aware of how people perceive him, and judging from his multitude of shouting posts, he doesn't give a rat's ***. So just return the sentiment since it's likely most of the members here feel the same towards him. He doesn't care about us, so don't care about him.

The Players to Watch Out For thread has no fewer than 5 people posting bad experiences with him with other people supporting those reports, and I think that speaks for itelf.

Whatever created this bandwagon that everyone wants on to lately has now caused this forum to be spammed with "Don't party with [name]" posts.

And random hijacks won't fix it either. That's what caused the Beatdown threads. Just rate these down and/or ignore them. This is becoming more like GameFAQs every day.

Thought I should link to the thread that was created for this very issue.

Edited, Thu Feb 3 04:43:43 2005 by seraphimhunter
#24 Feb 03 2005 at 4:45 AM Rating: Good
1,297 posts
Will you follow us around until we start to craft, then cast Protect on us? That alone would incite some iota of fear were I confident you took care to buy that scroll at any point.


Anyways, I wish Infamouskiller would stop sending me and half the people I know tells that look like this:

Infamouskiller>> |Fenrir|

The least you could do when asking for a Fenrir PT is write a complete sentence.
#25 Feb 03 2005 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
121 posts
It is hard for me to read posts where people can't spell. I have many in game friends that arn't from NA and can type and spell so much better than some NA players. Retype your post and maybe I'll try to read it.

i am just woundering and want to kno y it iz so hard fo u to type
#26 Feb 03 2005 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
Hiptaruu wrote:
wtf... this stuff is stoopid..

I know Infamouskiller.. and i have never had a bad experience with him.. Actually each time we hang out, i have a blast.. I was just wandering around one day and BAM.. i got Ifrit...

Then just the other day we killed that Guardian Statue in Garliage ********** with just 5 people.. So he could get his Pimp hat.. it was fun..

So i dont know.. I know that alot of people have problems with me too, but geez keep it to yourself.. There are a few people i dont like, but i dont go making threads on a public forum about the people i dont like..

Act your age, not your ***** length.

I try and try and try again to forget, Hip. I try and just read all the posts and ignore yours when they get under my skin because I can tell you just do it for attention. But man, EVERY time there is a post about some complete moron like this guy you defend them, why is that? Do you feel you are the FFXI modern-day Robin Hood or something?

Nope, I don't think that's it at all. I know your type exactly. You are an antogonist. If someone says black, you will say white, just to start an argument.

The experiences people have with the people that have been listed as bad players MULTIPLE times were not made up. They happened. These people have no reason to pull a random "name out of a hat" and alert everyone to how bad a person/player they are for no reason whatsoever. So, if you get along with the "type" of person/persons that the majority of people on this server find to have poor playing skills and ABOVE ALL bad manners, what does that say about you? Birds of a feather...

Edited, Thu Feb 3 10:08:44 2005 by Trizzoro
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