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1/30 Weekend Accomplishment ThreadFollow

#1 Jan 30 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
512 posts
kind of early to start this, but i'm done for the weekend, and wanted to let other people pat themselves on the back as well.

what i got done:

lvled THF to 10, used steal to quite effectively fund equipments for THF, and hand-me-down starting eqmt to my friend's WAR. lvled Alchemy a little by making my own stack of antidotes for emergencies.

ran to Sandy by myself. got aggroed in the dunes by a gob ambusher, but outran him to the La theine zone. zoned with 3 hp.

got my Mea and Holla crystals. meant to get Dem, but haven't yet.

lvled WHM in E Ron to 7, solo (some scary moments taking down DC+ sheep, but i have my club skill nearly to cap), and then used it to help a new friend get THF 11 on top of Ghelsba. we wiped twice, once because a T+ Orc Mesm popped on top of us and the Warchief linked, and the other because my friend pulled an IT Grunt and couldn't hold the hate off of me. that one was embarassing, as he called for help and several lvl 10-12's got zimmered trying to take it down.

my friend switched to MNK, and we paired to take out everything that moved in W Ron. the scariest moment was taking a T+ sheep, then picking up Orc Grappler aggro, AND THEN a DC Bones aggro. we finished that one with < 10 HP/MP each. i know the Orc was EM or better, though, because we got the exp chain. ^^ come to think of it, we didn't even pop our 2hours, so it wasn't too bad.

to Singular, specifically: i got the idea to pair with a MNK from your posts. MNK can, and often does, hold hate better than a WAR. Wow. and with buffs and debuffs, even my crappy low level ones, i never had to use more than half my MP in a fight to keep my partner above 75% HP.

/em stops patting himself on the back.

now, if you please, tell me some tales of your accomplishments. i need the entertainment while i spend the next two days taking care of RL crap.

p.s. my friend may log on tonite to play his San D'orian Mithra, Breuklen (lvl 4 WAR i think). if anyone sees him, give him a /wave.


Windurstan Hume
10THF - 9WHM
no sub yet. and i'll do a real sig eventually.
#2 Jan 30 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Two successful Garrison runs. :D Congrats, Aradorn!
#3 Jan 30 2005 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
542 posts
what I wanted to do:lvl mnk to 42
unlock and lvl nin
do some bcnm 40 runs

what I ended up doing:unlocking and lvling nin(still going)
quested nin scrolls
lvld wood working 28 lvld fishing 18
helped someone get free battle gloves
helped someone fight 2-3 Bastok dragon

that about does it.
#4 Jan 30 2005 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
Two successful Garrison runs. :D Congrats, Aradorn!

And no Garrrison Hose or Tunica /fume

well at least i still have my Darksteel engraving and got gil out of the deal
#5 Jan 30 2005 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
My goals were simple, but fairly time-consuming.

1) Explore a bunch.
2) Raise 300k.

My nephew came over, he's currently playing Metroid Prime 2, so I'm blocked from completing my goals. Nevertheless, I think I'll end up doing alright.

I went and explored a bunch, saw Carpenter's Landing, Bibiki Bay, the Manaclipper, Purgonorgo Isle, the Sanctuary of Zi'Tah, Ro'Maeve, Hall of the Gods, Beaucedine Glacier, and Xarcabard. Around the world on 50k.

And I think by the end of things I'll have made 200-250k, which is pretty close.

I also helped an LS mate hunt his keys, another hunt up a 7-knot, showed one friend the way to Beaucedine so he could get his ice element for SMN, took another to get is Teleport-Vhalz crystal, two more to Zi'Tah, and a final one all the way to Hall of the Gods for screenies.

I also helped a new player get started, and he was both cordial and grateful (as opposed to a beggar). All in all a very productive weekend, I think. ^^
#6 Jan 30 2005 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
258 posts
-Clothcraft from 7.8 to 28.5 in two days
-Killed Tiamat (Lunarians/ArchDominus alliance)

Hopefully I might get to Lv74 if I don't get too carried away with more clotchraft. >_>

-Clothcraft up to 31.1 now
-RDM to 25, finally I can both invis AND sneak myself around now. :D

Edited, Mon Jan 31 06:20:56 2005 by AlphaJew
#7 Jan 30 2005 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
394 posts
Turned 21. >_<
#8 Jan 30 2005 at 8:19 PM Rating: Good
302 posts
Day ain't over yet =P lol

Well, from what I posted...I got some done, some not done, and some I went backwards.

AF we speak I am on the Airship back to Windy to pick it up ^^

Rank 7...yea got that last night, bunch of nice Windy people. Congrats gang!
wait...was that last night? I forget, but I am Rank 7...I forget when I got it come to think of it lol

Carbuncle Mitts... the Stercus L/S annihilated that NM like 8 times to get a bunch of mitts for many people... congrats to everyone! ^^'t get him...and I'll keep waiting to get him, someday.

Level's the funny part >.> heh...right now I'm 61. Yea I died God knows how many times with week helping people get stuff (like Ugg. Offerings) and got owned on the way to the Cloister of Gales by a crab while I had sneak on...go figure. But it's like less than 50xp I can solo that crap.
EDIT: meh, got it back =P

I think this weekend actually went nicely. Let's hope my luck presses on during the weak. Viva la Stercus!!

Edited, Sun Jan 30 22:05:31 2005 by Awias
#9 Jan 30 2005 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
Crappy weekend

didnt' get AF hat
didnt' beat BCNM 50
got my car robbed and lost my radio wallet and cell phone
Still didnt finish my presentation

Just crappy
#10 Jan 30 2005 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
159 posts
Did Promyvion-holla. TYVM Celese, Gutsu, Aries, Iverin, and the other BLM(sorry, I forgot your name). Also a big thanks to their LS for bringing lots of people to help clear the path and make it an easy ride up ^^.

Hope to get another one knocked off this weekend.
#11 Jan 31 2005 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
I got Sky :)
#12 Jan 31 2005 at 2:53 AM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Got RDM from 11-20. =D

This run through the dunes wasn't as bad as some others had been, even though it DID have it's bad party moments and holier-then-thou n00bs. >.>
#13 Jan 31 2005 at 5:26 AM Rating: Decent
94 posts
Got rank 6. Also bought two Morion Earrings (sp?) for my White Mage & Black Mage. Did a 5 BST + BLM BCNM40 also and got 1 utsusemi: ni, 1 erase, 2 phalanx, and a bunch of crap. Just got done farming up in Upper Delkfutt's Tower and probably walked out of there with 50-70k worth of equipment. still didn't get any real work done though >___>
#14 Jan 31 2005 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
161 posts
What I said:

- Make another excavating run (or two?) to the Canyon
- Level cooking some more

Well I didn't log in until Sunday night around 10pm and was going to level cooking, but a LS mate needed help getting through the banishing gates to search for her coffer. 3 of us knew each other (from the same LS) and we had one that we didn't know.

Needless to say there were many deaths and no coffer by the time I logged out. All thanks to a certain wertain taru that got aggro both times we tried. >.<

So no goals met this weekend :-(
#15 Jan 31 2005 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
Holy **** this was the best FFXI weekend ever and I will thank the people who helped me in a minute.

I got sky access OMG Ru'Aun Gardens is a beautiful, but also a deadly one just ask Blayze and Trizzoro. Well thanks to Singular for organizing the party and Leeluu for being our guide and having patience for me being lost and making everyone wait all the time.

Singular:Organizational skills and tough attitude made it all possible. Once I died tanking Eagle Eye Shot from anticans, hate reseting AOEs he would step into the tanking role and just start kicking ***.

Leeluu:Thank you for keeping us alive and also dying on several occasions (I am sorry), Hate reseting AOEs suck Kam'lanaut's special attack as well as the Antican Petrifyga sucks. Who said this was hard we freaking rocked him hard too bad fraps was off or would have posted the amazing screens.

Trizzoro:Dude your no **** taking attitude kept is in line as well as you damage dealing Eagle Eye Shot and Sidewinder, for a lvl 59 to have sky access rocks and you rock man.

Blayze:Deleveled 3 times every time back to 58 that must suck I am sorry, but dude good job at playing RDM. Who says Elvaan RDMs suck, thank you for doing your job so well. Keeping the tank Refreshed is something essential as well as debuffing properly and you did them all very well, and at 58 Sky access just rocks.

Syntax:My friend and sidekick, and probaly the comic relief of the group. This guy is probably one of my best friends in FFXI as he rocks hard and is cute as hell as a taru BLM. He knows what to do, though your also a cheap ******* even though your gear and lvls are all up to par. Dude I <3 you man.

As far as my other accomplishments go:

Got BLM to lvl 10 finally, Valkurm Dunes here I come. I also successfully did Promyvion-Dem, all I need now is Holla for Lufaise Meadows access.

It was a great weekend thank you all for making it possible.
#16 Jan 31 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
232 posts
Got a Pair of Carby Mitts (TY and Congrats to SA for setting up and Executing 8 Successful Runs)

Got a RDM Test otw to the Carby HNM ??? (TY Again SA)

Lvl SMN to 45
LVL PLD to 19
LVL War to 21
#17 Jan 31 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
stegan wrote:
to Singular, specifically: i got the idea to pair with a MNK from your posts. MNK can, and often does, hold hate better than a WAR. Wow. and with buffs and debuffs, even my crappy low level ones, i never had to use more than half my MP in a fight to keep my partner above 75% HP.

I'd never say that MNK can hold hate beter than WAR, as WAR progress, they gain many hate building tools. However, I do agree, and say that MNK tanking abilities are far underrated.

Daperfectkill wrote:
Crappy weekend

didnt' get AF hat
didnt' beat BCNM 50
got my car robbed and lost my radio wallet and cell phone
Still didnt finish my presentation

Just crappy

Well, even though I don't like you, I'm sorry you got robbed.

Trizzoro wrote:
I got Sky :)

STFU Noob.

JoLOveS wrote:
Holy sh*t this was the best FFXI weekend ever and I will thank the people who helped me in a minute.

I got sky access OMG Ru'Aun Gardens is a beautiful, but also a deadly one just ask Blayze and Trizzoro. Well thanks to Singular for organizing the party and Leeluu for being our guide and having patience for me being lost and making everyone wait all the time.

Singular:Organizational skills and tough attitude made it all possible. Once I died tanking Eagle Eye Shot from anticans, hate reseting AOEs he would step into the tanking role and just start kicking ***.

Leeluu:Thank you for keeping us alive and also dying on several occasions (I am sorry), Hate reseting AOEs suck Kam'lanaut's special attack as well as the Antican Petrifyga sucks. Who said this was hard we freaking rocked him hard too bad fraps was off or would have posted the amazing screens.

Trizzoro:Dude your no sh*t taking attitude kept is in line as well as you damage dealing Eagle Eye Shot and Sidewinder, for a lvl 59 to have sky access rocks and you rock man.

Blayze:Deleveled 3 times every time back to 58 that must suck I am sorry, but dude good job at playing RDM. Who says Elvaan RDMs suck, thank you for doing your job so well. Keeping the tank Refreshed is something essential as well as debuffing properly and you did them all very well, and at 58 Sky access just rocks.

Syntax:My friend and sidekick, and probaly the comic relief of the group. This guy is probably one of my best friends in FFXI as he rocks hard and is cute as hell as a taru BLM. He knows what to do, though your also a cheap ******* even though your gear and lvls are all up to par. Dude I <3 you man.

As far as my other accomplishments go:

Got BLM to lvl 10 finally, Valkurm Dunes here I come. I also successfully did Promyvion-Dem, all I need now is Holla for Lufaise Meadows access.

It was a great weekend thank you all for making it possible.

I suppose I should comment on this.

For Zilart Mission 4-13, there were some key elements that made it so easy.

First, being prepared.

Trizz, Blayze, Seriph, Leeluu and Syntax were all extremely prepared for every mission.

Next, patience.

Getting lost in Ifrit's Cauldron would have been death for most parties, but you all stayed together, kept sneak and invis up, and didn't panic. I'm sure most other groups would have died here.

Gil; and I mean a lot of gil. I know I spent near 100K on powder and oil and food. If any of us had skimped on this, we would have fought much much more.


As long as I've been playing this game, I never saw a group work so well with eachother. I'm willing to bet we could acomplish near anything together.

Just a note for people who still need Zilart.

We had a riot, and none of us really knew what to expect. Sure we could have had LS people walk us through, but we had a much greater adventure by exploring all these areas for the first time together. The easiest way is usualy not the most fun, and we had a lot of fun.

Good job, and thanks for all the help this weekend.

Edited, Mon Jan 31 10:56:00 2005 by SingBismark
#18 Jan 31 2005 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
-Got DRK to 56. Thanks to Noxx, Theophany and Ainur. Partying with you guys is a pleasure, as always. ^^

-Finally found a coffer in the Necropolis and was able to get my old gloves.

-Went and killed Dark Spark and got my Chaos Gauntlets.

-made some gil, but never enough.

That about sums it up. Oh worked on BST a little last night, just because I had some time to kill. Damn man, that's something else. Don't know how you guys do it, but /salute.
#19 Jan 31 2005 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
Since I am currently on a somewhat forced hiatus...

-I played through (and beat with a 100%) Starfox Adventures on the GameCube.

-Wrote a fanfiction for FFXI giving something of an actual history to my character (found here: ). Think of it as a sort of distant sequel to "Our love is a fairy tale...", my FFVII fanficcy.

-Touched up my OTHER FFXI fanfiction, "Razor's Kiss" (found here: ). Fixed some formatting issues.

-Helped my sister make a salt relief map of Argentina.

I need some FFXI!
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#20 Jan 31 2005 at 6:27 PM Rating: Good
476 posts
I got to 52 as BLM
I bought Sleepga II for 300K and am poor again =(
(on the bright side it started to go back up in price shortly after my purchase)
#21 Jan 31 2005 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
I'm not getting anything done since I'm stuck at a hotel where you have to type in a password to access their internet and I don't think my PS2 is able to get online in any way. >.<
#22 Feb 01 2005 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I spent most of the weekend helping ppl in the second jungle of kazaahm ( don't know the name) Level by killing a buncha adds and trains to zone.
Why? well, I tired to level there and the gobs were out of control. I got fed up and felt I'd help my fellow adventurer by slaughtering as many gobs as possible. At the end of the day my armor was caked with blood and onion juice, but it was the most satisfying day I ever had in vanna deil. I did make about 3k in loose change, but actually roleplaying as a helpful knight was worth far more.
#23 Feb 02 2005 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Made 20k fishing for 30 min.
Helped a random guy gettin his DRK AF2 shoes.

That's about it. Spending rest of the time playing WoW. The whole Unleashed killed the Arc Angels and got nice earrings. I wasn't there though.
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