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NM hunting etiquetteFollow

#1 Jan 30 2005 at 2:08 AM Rating: Good
996 posts
So, I just wanted to get some thoughts and share some feelings about proper etiquette when hunting Notorious Monsters. Everyone knows that once the NM pops, all bets are off and it's first claim, first serve, but what I'm talking about is stuff outside of that.

1. If you claim an NM that you know other people are hunting, be polite and give a /shout that the mob has popped, just so that other people hunting will know that they can take a break for a bit. You've got the mob now, so sharing your joy won't hurt. Much.

2. Don't come to a camping area and start sending /tells asking people when the last pop was. That's just rude and lazy. Some of the people that are here have likely been here a lot longer than you, and are probably not very willing to give you a potential edge over them. Furthermore, for that reason, you can't expect anything they tell you to be the truth. If I was camping Lizzy and it hadn't popped for 4 hours and you came along asking me if it was about to pop, I'd probably be inclined to tell you that it popped 10 minutes ago just so that you'd leave me the hell alone.

3. Don't train. It's greedy, and if you're killing placeholders, it's counterproductive. Getting two mobs is fine, but don't grab a lizard and then start trying to train the whole camp area just so that you can show off your shiny Cyclone or Circle Blade. Training mobs means that they take longer to die, which means that they take longer to repop, which means that it takes longer for the NM to pop.

4. Respect the levelers, if there are any. If you see someone that's Lv. 7 and running around killing stuff, don't try to beat him or her to the punch. You might politely tell them that it's a camping area and they might want to look elsewhere, but don't be a jerk and one-shot everything you see them engage.

5. If you're a mage and a melee gets claim, be a pal and toss a cure when needed. Don't just let the guy die in a dim hope that you might be able to steal claim.

6. Just be nice. Don't get angry or emotional at people if they beat you to a claim, don't /cheer the mobs, don't get bitter if you "wasted" hours camping something only to have it get claimed by someone else who claims to have gotten the drop. If you really feel like you've wasted your time, then perhaps you should find something more productive to do than camping NMs, or playing XI in general.
#2 Jan 30 2005 at 2:12 AM Rating: Default
I agree with all of this. It would honestly make things better for all NM campers as a whole.

It's just an extension of the same sense of community, dormant or not, which prompts this question from other campers when you make the claim and kill: "Drop?"

"Can't we all just get along," is probably the biggest, most annoying cliche on the planet. But the sentiment has immense validity regardless of its overuse in popular culture.
#3 Jan 30 2005 at 7:06 AM Rating: Excellent
84 posts
Cutriss wrote:

3. Don't train. It's greedy, and if you're killing placeholders, it's counterproductive. Getting two mobs is fine, but don't grab a lizard and then start trying to train the whole camp area just so that you can show off your shiny Cyclone or Circle Blade. Training mobs means that they take longer to die, which means that they take longer to repop, which means that it takes longer for the NM to pop.

I don't camp NMs, so I don't know really what the etiquette should be there, but i completely agree with not training when it comes to farming. Nothing amuses me as much as someone who posts here or in the game that "I was training a bunch of mobs and trying to monopolize all the drops and this mean old blm came and used a -ga spell!"
#4 Jan 30 2005 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
955 posts
1. If you claim an NM that you know other people are hunting, be polite and give a /shout that the mob has popped, just so that other people hunting will know that they can take a break for a bit. You've got the mob now, so sharing your joy won't hurt. Much.

People aren't very honest and you know this will be abused. Someone could /shout that thet have it right before it spawns.

#5 Jan 30 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Sure, you *could* abuse that by being an *** and shouting "OMG I have Leaping Lizzy!" right before it spawns, but if you pull that trick over and over, it's not cool, and eventually people will catch on to you. You're just begging for a /slap by karma if you pull that enough.

When I've gotten claim to an NM (on rare occasions), though, I'll try and do a shout. It's common courtesy, I think.

I'm saying try to be honest - last night I got Zhu Buxu the Silent on an off chance and didn't even think to do a shout until well after I'd left Giddeus. ^^;; Sometimes people forget in the moment.

Edited, Sun Jan 30 10:33:18 2005 by Zylle

Edited, Sun Jan 30 10:34:41 2005 by Zylle
#6 Jan 30 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
5. If you're a mage and a melee gets claim, be a pal and toss a cure when needed. Don't just let the guy die in a dim hope that you might be able to steal claim.

Hey, if he can't take it, shouldn't be camping it. Yes, I've had my *** saved before by a nice mage, but I knew I wasn't capable of taking the NM.

I just wanted to see the looks on everyone's face when the level 11 RDM beat them all to Spiny Spipi despite having no MP. That and the ranger fight that would ensue upon my death.
#7 Jan 30 2005 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Zylle wrote:
I'm saying try to be honest - last night I got Zhu Buxu the Silent on an off chance and didn't even think to do a shout until well after I'd left Giddeus. ^^;; Sometimes people forget in the moment.
I don't think anyone was too worried about you getting a Parana Shield. ^^;
SeekerAfterChaos wrote:
Hey, if he can't take it, shouldn't be camping it. Yes, I've had my *** saved before by a nice mage, but I knew I wasn't capable of taking the NM.
You could be perfectly capable of taking it and still have something go wrong. Maybe you're a RNG and you know you can take the NM with EES. And then YOU MISS.

Bad things can happen unexpectedly. Why should you suspend the rules of kindness just because someone beat you to an NM?

I'll grant you that if someone is clearly out of their league (IE - Lv. 20 SMN claiming VE), then there's not a lot you can do, other than try to tell that person that they should disengage and let someone else have a go. If they live that long. >.>
#8 Jan 30 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
Anyone who has ever hunted an NM knows that knowing ToD is pretty much one of the VERY few edges you can get over other campers. So, I actually don't think I would *ever* shout that I got the NM. If someone doesn't see it ... well ... it's not my duty to make sure they know it's break time. :P

Agree with #2, however. Nothing annoys me more than someone going "when did he die? did you get drop?"

Training placeholders I think is no big deal unless there are people exping/farming the placeholders :P I mean, if you're really concerned about the placeholder dying as soon as possible...go claim the train and kill it. (Personally, I don't train, but it's because it's inefficient for me.)

#5 If a melee gets claim and must rely on mage campers to cure him, he shouldn't have been camping in the first place. It's cold, but it's a better lesson to a player if they don't get cures. There's nothing more leechy than being too low to kill VE and begging nearby mages to heal you because you wanted the pin/gil too badly to level high enough to kill the mob alone. I've camped my share of NMs that were a bit too hard in the past and *never* expected this from a mage camper. It's like expecting random whms on chocobos to stop and raise you if they pass your corpse. It's nice, but it's *not their job*

Just stating my opinion on the matter ;)

Oops, had to edit, because I missed where OP addressed #5 -- if you have to rely on your 2-hour to kill aren't high enough to solo it :P

Edited, Sun Jan 30 13:40:41 2005 by Ixaera
#9 Jan 30 2005 at 7:57 PM Rating: Default
I don't know that I really agree personally. But then NM camping isn't my bag, so I'm not really qualified to comment.

I will point out however that I don't think Valcrist was recommending that one beg nearby NM campers to cure you.

If I were in that situation though, being one who was camping an NM and got beat to it by someone slightly too low a level to reliably beat him would be to cure him for that one time. I would procede to advise them that they may want to level some before trying to camp this NM.

Then, if they didn't take my advice, I would mysteriously find myself afk if they got into trouble again.

Since you can't con an NM and get a reliable answer back, taking on one that is too strong for you is understandable. Not everyone comes to this site, after all. After that, its your own hide.

Unless of course they want to split profit. Smiley: tongue
#10 Jan 31 2005 at 2:21 AM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
nataraja the Puissant wrote:
I don't know that I really agree personally. But then NM camping isn't my bag, so I'm not really qualified to comment.

Then please, don't...just once.
#11 Jan 31 2005 at 9:07 AM Rating: Good
194 posts
5. If you're a mage and a melee gets claim, be a pal and toss a cure when needed. Don't just let the guy die in a dim hope that you might be able to steal claim.

I totally disagree with this. As others have stated, if you can't solo the thing without the help of random strangers, or if something goes wrong and you weren't prepared (no hi-potions or other means to cure *yourself*), you shouldn't have been there in the first place. I just think it's unrealistic to expect those who you are competing with to help you. Sure, I'll raise you if you die, but don't expect more than that. There are all sorts of nifty ways to cure yourself in this game (hi-potion tanks come to mind). If you don't take advantage of this and die, I won't feel even slightly responsible for it.

Also, if the argument is that if I see a random stranger in trouble passing by I should cure so he doesn't die, I disagree with that too. I've almost died a few times due to being nice and curing a nearly dead person running by (hepl! cur plz!!!), only to have the mob that was killing them agg me, as they run away trying to save themselves, leaving the mob aggrod on me and purple... I don't cure strangers anymore due to not wanting to pull hate off of someone who doesn't understand how hate works. I've also cured someone before, only to hang around in that zone and have 3 mobs train on me, because I'm assuming the person died anyways and their mob linked things on the way back to me. It's bad news to just randomly cure people, so in general, I don't do it, and wouldn't do it at an NM spawn either, even though it's a different circumstance.

If you're dying and want to invite me to party to help you kill it and *share* the loot, that may be a different story, but don't expect help for nothing, especially at one of the most competitive past times in the game. People don't camp NMs to make friends ;)

Edited, Mon Jan 31 09:08:17 2005 by Apocpink
#12 Jan 31 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Trizzoro wrote:
nataraja wrote:
I don't know that I really agree personally. But then NM camping isn't my bag, so I'm not really qualified to comment.
Then please, don't...just once.
That was not very polite. >.>

I think nataraja has played enough of the game and lived enough of the human race to recognize politeness and courtesy in general forms. I'm talking about community and treating others the way you expect to be treated, not camping NMs. In that vein, judging by your comment, I feel nataraja is more qualified to post here than you.

And to everyone that disagrees with Point #5 - let me ask you this - Do you think SE put in the NMs exclusively for your money-making plans? I mean, I know some of them are unrealistically hard for the drops that they give, but some of the lower-level mobs out there give a perfectly useable piece of armor for a low-level character.

Think about the Lv. 10 WHM (no sub) who goes out hunting for Spipi because he saw this really cool cape, and he manages to get claim despite everyone's best attempts to dominate the field. You'd rather punish him for not being aware than just help him? That's pretty damn cold. That sounds like the sort of thing a person would do who would also stalk a Beastmaster attacking an NM, just waiting for the name to switch colors so that they can steal it away.

Again, I'm not talking about someone who's *stupidly* fighting an NM ten levels above their own. I'm talking about those who probably have a 50/50 shot at it. Hell, I went hunting VE as a Lv. 40 with a RNG01 sub. I knew I stood a chance of dying, but the hairpin was *that* important to me that I was willing to throw a death or two into the expense. So that's *my* choice.

Remember - you don't have to help them. But they don't have to help you by dying. They could always Call For Help. And then you're ALL *********************** you have to rely on your 2-hour to kill aren't high enough to solo it :P[/quote]I suppose this applies equally well to battles like BCNMs that require a 2HR or three to pull off? :P
#13 Jan 31 2005 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
1,041 posts
I suppose this applies equally well to battles like BCNMs that require a 2HR or three to pull off? :P

Actually, yes. But that's why bcnms are "hard"...

Do you think SE put in the NMs exclusively for your money-making plans?

I think if SE made any plans as far as NMs and gil are concerned, it was a mere afterthought. There are a ton of NM drops I think ought to be made rare/ex -- the hairpin and boots, specifically, since everybody wants both, as does anybody who wants to sell them. Honestly, if you make an item both hard to get and possible to place on the auction house and you *aren't* aware of the consequences...

but some of the lower-level mobs out there give a perfectly useable piece of armor for a low-level character.

Sorry, but I couldn't even name *one* NM that drops something useable at the level it's soloable.

Anyway, that's the last I'm going to say on the matter. It's unreasonable to expect other campers to help you if you are too low (50/50 shot = too low). It's your right to think everyone who's not curing you is an ***, and your right to be just as big of an *** by calling for help. Whatever... you can't camp NMs with thin skin. You can't expect a game to have low supply items that you can sell, and the price not be ridiculous, and other players not attempt to farm the item for their own wallet. (Maybe you know already, but having gil to buy more equipment is just as important as having the drop itself in some jobs.)

About the curing... I feel like I've said what I think already. I will amend that it's of course very kind for a mage to put aside their own interests and cure someone who has bitten off more than they can chew -- but I don't think it's at all reasonable to actually expect this, or to get angry with those who don't demonstrate that kind of kindness. It's like getting pissed off at wealthy passersby who don't pay your cab fare when you didn't bring enough money. But this is all just opinion, in the end.
#14 Jan 31 2005 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
292 posts
Ixaera wrote:
Sorry, but I couldn't even name *one* NM that drops something useable at the level it's soloable.

Spiny Spipi's totally soloable at lower levels - he's only about level 9 or 10 himself. [reference: ]

And the Mist Silk Cape he drops is equippable at 10 and good for WHMs till at least 32, since nothing else in that slot boosts MND.

Tom Tit Tat's possibly soloable at lower levels as well, though his drops aren't that great. [reference: ] Tom drops something that's equippable at level 1.

At any rate, they're both readily soloable by 15 or so, even for mages.

Edited, Mon Jan 31 13:55:30 2005 by Zylle

Edited, Mon Jan 31 13:53:52 2005 by Zylle
#15 Jan 31 2005 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
391 posts
5. If you're a mage and a melee gets claim, be a pal and toss a cure when needed. Don't just let the guy die in a dim hope that you might be able to steal claim.

Sorry, but anyone who has been standing around camping VE for 5 hours and misses the claim, and the person who did claim it is about to die would never help out. I mean, even I wouldn't if I had been standing there for a week about 3-5 hours a day and no drop.

Also, it would be nice if everyone had great etiquette when hunting NMs, however if this were true there would not be so many repeat campers for VE just to make money, versus the person who would want to get the hairpin to use. People aren't always going to be nice when it comes to things like this, sad to say I know but it is the truth, at least in my experience.

#16 Jan 31 2005 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Several of you seem to misunderstand me - I'm *NOT* decrying the people who camp NMs for money. Hell, I've been trying to camp Lizzy lately even though I have boots, as I simply cannot afford a Brig+1 without doing it.

However, your need for cash does not outweigh someone else's need for the item, and vice versa. Get over yourselves. Sheesh. >.>
Ramor wrote:
Sorry, but anyone who has been standing around camping VE for 5 hours and misses the claim, and the person who did claim it is about to die would never help out. I mean, even I wouldn't if I had been standing there for a week about 3-5 hours a day and no drop.
I'll remember that if I ever see you around in need of help.

Look - it's perfectly fine to be frustrated, but there's no need to be an as[i][/i]shat. They have HNMLSes for that. >.>
#17 Jan 31 2005 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
Trizzoro wrote:
nataraja the Puissant wrote:
I don't know that I really agree personally. But then NM camping isn't my bag, so I'm not really qualified to comment.

Then please, don't...just once.

Hmmm... be myself, or don't be to fit in. Tough choice.

I think I'll be myself, even if it ends up that everyone hates me for having thoughts and sharing them because I enjoy conversation.

But thanks for the advice. I'm sure it was well meant.
#18 Jan 31 2005 at 9:46 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
Funny how a thread on etiquette boils down to mudslinging.
#19 Feb 01 2005 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
996 posts
I guess I should apologise to nataraja for posting this thread. While I'm certainly not happy that people have decided that my karma must pay for offending their sensibilities, I think my perceived "offenses" are far worse than his, and you guys have seen fit to trash him thoroughly.

I'm done with this place.
#20 Feb 01 2005 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
91 posts
I agree with the not training part. And the respecting levelers part. I hope that they may extend the same courtesy to me someday. And I totally agree with the asking about the last pop time.

As far as healing somebody about to die fighting an NM they can't handle and snatched out from under my nose after I camped it for two or more (sometimes way more) hours, that's just the way it is.

NM camping is serious competition. I respect that everyone there wants it just as bad as me. If you can't take the NM, you should not be fighting it. I understand that I'm on my own. I understand that if things go bad, somebody else will probaby be there waiting to claim the mob. That's just the way it is.
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