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Have you ever been kicked out of your farming spot?Follow

#1 Jan 30 2005 at 1:38 AM Rating: Good
71 posts
Well...I know some of you will be relieved that this isn't another separate thread proclaiming how so and so is such a bad player, but it is a "/fume" post if I can say that.

Well I was in my favorite spot farming, doing very well. I gleefully collected my treasures thinking of the money I would make when selling them on the auction house. I was so happy, giants threw fruit roll-ups at me instead of rocks and at one point it started raining skittles to my great enjoyment. It was very fine, and for that time, it was good.

I was in my spot for a mere few hours which doesn't seem long at all compared to how long I was willing to stay...

But it got dark...very dark...

Soon my progress would be crippled by a DRG and a THF working together camping both spots where the mobs I was hunting poped, beating me to the punch most of the time. Sure it was fun for a while, beating a DRG to the punch twice in claiming mobs by using steal until she figured out she could use jump to beat me. So I figured I would go down and hopefully beat the THF, which I did a couple times, till he started using flee and claiming mobs and killing them before I could get to them. They eventually stuck to one area after I was able to beat them to a few pulls, a very few lucky pulls. So this went on for a while until the THF and DRG left and then.. it was good.

A Giant Lobber and I sat indian style sharing a package of oreos while we exchanged jokes and concerns about the terrible situation of the prices at the auction houses... unaware of the two evils that would soon be upon us once again...

The THF and DRG were upon me once again. Instead of sticking to one floor as they had eventually done before, they
decided to stick it to me. To my utter dismay they killed my giant friend whom I had the pleasure of sharing oreos with minutes before and camped every area I needed, muscling me out, finally not letting me get a single thing.

When I asked if they would pick one area and stick to it, they said they wouldn't because another person was there. I said that was ridiculous. There were two of them, a THF with flee and a DRG with jump. They couldn't beat out one measly PLD to mobs? They finally proclaimed they would take my area, kicking me out of my spot and forcing me to go against the high level PLD by myself. Of course the PLD was using Flash everytime before I could even get a chance to get in close enough to use Steal so I was only able to claim 1 out of 6 mobs (the THF and DRG had the other three in the second area, leaving three for the PLD and I to fight over) and then waiting for 10 minutes at least for another chance just to get one mob where before, I was getting much more, before I finally realized it was futile to continue on like this.

I finally left with a sad heart and heavy pocket filled with skittles.

I understand that when more than one person wants to farm an area competition can get fierce but it still angers me I was kicked out because my job lacked the long range/speed abilites to claim mobs. I had been the first one in the area, and was more than willing to share, but was just stepped on instead.

I don't know if they were in the wrong, but I wish they would have left realizing that there were more people there than the area could support for good farming and that I was there several hours before they were.

I guess I am just angry I was booted out in contention with others because I was by myself and couldn't claim mobs at range.

I'm curious as to how many have had situations like this happen to them?
#2 Jan 30 2005 at 1:52 AM Rating: Good
ProudBastokan wrote:
Have you ever been kicked out of your farming spot?

Never quite so grandly.

The counter-arguement could be made that you had already had your day in the sun, and it was time for someone else to enjoy it.

I sympathize, but I can't say whether anyone's right or wrong on this one.

Nevertheless, I commend you for your tone in this post. The humor was appreciated. Smiley: smile
#3 Jan 30 2005 at 3:47 AM Rating: Good
446 posts
Yes, something like this happened to me before. Needless to say I was not very happy.
What I did to resolve it? I went up a level higher trained mobs that could only be taken by me took them to the spot where I was farming and proceeded to kill them in that spot. I watched in utter amazement as the THF had the gall to continue to kill everything in the area and then watched as the THF tried to claim my mobs again.
Needless to say it was quite obvious the THF hadn't conned the mob otherwise he/she would have stayed away.
Did I MPK? Technically no. He/she got greedy and disrespectful and got what he/she deserved.

Lesson to be learned: Leave well enough alone and never try to be an ant when you are a walrus....... don't ask
#4 Jan 30 2005 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Sub Warrior.
#5 Jan 30 2005 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
I sympathize, but I can't say whether anyone's right or wrong on this one.

Yes I know, I don't really know if it was wrong of them, I just felt a little upset that they got to farm in the spot while I got nothing while I was the one that had been there first. That's why I didn't mention any names in my post.

and as to Trizzoro...

Sub Warrior.

I'm sure you know why I sub THF. Treasure Hunter helps alot. I'm looking for a specific drop when farming and without Treausre Hunter it gets quite frustrating to get. If I wasn't subbing THF it wouldn't be worth farming for what I do.
#6 Jan 30 2005 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
634 posts
I don't get on the game very long, but when I do farm, I welcome competition to my small area. I welcome fair competition, that is. As in, one mob per person. Often I'll even converse with the person farming with me.

What I don't take lightly, are people who train all the mobs in the area. That is something I don't consider fair play when there are more than just you there hunting them. Not only that, but Tigers don't link.. meaning he had to engage each and every one of them before they would follow him. Usually when something like this happens, I prove my point by using "Steal" to claim part of its train, even though I could just as easily "Chi Blast" or even just attack it.

They usually get the picture after I do that, and drop it down to one mob per person. Usually the person is a much higher level than me, so they shouldn't have any issues getting more kills than me, which I dun mind. The other day though, a DRK and a WHM were working together *chuckles* quite the vulgar pair if I do say so myself. They did stop the whole training thing when I took a tiger or two from them, but yeah, not the most pleasant of people. The DRK was actually someone who I'd seen there a few times training Tigers, so you'd think he'd of learned his lesson by now. Tsk Tsk indeed.

#7 Jan 30 2005 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
While I haven't been kicked from my farming area, I recently had something annoying happen to me in Giddeus.

Everyone knows that Giddeus is the land of Yag necklaces (nin scroll quest? and clothcraft). I was trying to level clothcraft and needed the necklaces. Now at my level i could easily train like crazy, but I believe that to be rude to the other people farming them for the same things as me, and, most people like me claim and kill one at a time.

While I do not train, I will dia a nearby mob when the one I'm fighting is about to drop, as it cuts out some of the downtime. But recently I had this strategy cut out from under me by a WHM in full AF. This WHM followed me around and everytime I got a link (forced or otherwise) they would take (steal?) it just as I'm about to kill the first mob, leaving me with my sword drawn and the text, "You cannot attack the target. Target has been claimed.", or somthing to that effect.

The first couple times, I thought, "Ok small area, three mobs, two people, no prob move on.", but this happened about six times in a row. Then I said something rude.

I managed to lose him for a bit, but he caught up to me and did the same thing to any links I happened to get.

Now, while I can understand him taking a mob off me if I was in trouble (hardly the case here), I can't understand why ONE add should be his concern. Especially since I was not training and some of the areas there were 5-6 yags there and he was worried about my one add. I eventually got pissed off and left, finishing my farming in Saru.

So, was I in the wrong pulling a second mob before the first one was dead, or was the WHM just an asshat?
#8 Jan 30 2005 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
542 posts were just trying to keep the "chain" alive like you said less down time. I would've followed the whm around. He/she was just being lazy thats all.
#9 Jan 30 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
Some LS mates and I were in Giddeus the other day looking for a key for one mate and a 7-knot for another, and we were training.

We were however the only people in the area we were farming. Had others shown up we would have stopped training and shared.

I ran into a somewhat passive attempt others made to force us out of Palborough Mines when were key hunting there. At this point it was just myself on my WAR29 (with gimped equips. I sold my WAR's equips a while ago) and my friend who needed his keys, RDM25. Slow going, and dangerous sometimes with links, but I was the only person available to help at that time.

We bit off more than we could chew, and took on a mob when we were at 3/4 health and MP, and got a link.

At this point another key or engraving-hunting party came upon us. They checked us, and I asked them to take the link please.

They simply ran past us and took on other quads in the next room. I presume they were hoping we would die.

Passive, as I said. But pretty damned dishonorable.

Thankfully, we squeeked by on the link. And then a high-level DRK LS mate came to help, and we one-shot our way to the key. Smiley: tongue
#10 Jan 30 2005 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
Rules = whatever is yellow is fair game.

Etiquette = someone has been fighting ONE mob and it somehow goes yellow, they are not in trouble, do not need help. You do not claim the mob. It may be "fair game" but if it's been a fair fight already, one mob, and there isn't any reason the original claimer cannot finish it -- you let them reclaim.

Train farming is considered rude when other people are in the area exping or attempting to farm also. However, I don't so much consider it rude so much as I consider their stragglers fair game.

The whm following you around claiming the mobs you dia'd...giddeus is notoriously competitive (as you obviously know or you wouldn't feel the need to dia *before* your first mob was dead) and said whm was probably frustrated and (wrongly, but understandably) was taking frustrations out on you, who was likely one farmer out of 20 killing necklace mobs. I've seen it happen :P Farming rage = road rage.

On that note, "your" farming spots are not actually yours, nor are the mobs that spawn there. You may like the scenery, the drop rate, the serenity, the, ah, mindless hacking. I don't know. But that doesn't bar other people liking the spot too and wanting it for themselves.

At any given time there are over 2500 people on Bismarck. Oftentimes, more. It would be naive to think that there are actually enough profitable farming spots to go around. So, it's either get a way to claim mobs in competitive situations, or go home. This is not a one-player game.

(And it's a common misconception that flee is very useful for is if there is a good distance between thf and mob and the competition is far away, too...but the only fast claim thf has is steal, and it's contact thf has to get much closer than does mnk or war.)
#11 Jan 30 2005 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
On that note, "your" farming spots are not actually yours, nor are the mobs that spawn there. You may like the scenery, the drop rate, the serenity, the, ah, mindless hacking. I don't know. But that doesn't bar other people liking the spot too and wanting it for themselves.

I say "my" spot but don't ever really think that I own it. I could write my name on it but it's not going to change anything. The only reason I say that is because I was the only person in the zone killing the mobs, I was the only person in the zone at all, and after a while you get used to calling it "my spot." I also hate the scenery and the drop rate but the serenity is ok I guess... There's lots of giants to talk to.

At any given time there are over 2500 people on Bismarck. Oftentimes, more. It would be naive to think that there are actually enough profitable farming spots to go around. So, it's either get a way to claim mobs in competitive situations, or go home. This is not a one-player game

O_O other people play this game? Where? I don't see anybody... Geeze if I had known that it would have made leveling BRD to 60 a whole lot easier.
Ok, joking aside for a few paragraphs what you said is true enough but it's still ok hope that people moving in on you would be willing to share the mobs in the area right? I was happily taking the top level and leaving the bottom level alone (that's why I didn't even know the lvl 75 PLD was down there, I was leaving it for the others) and there weren't any problems till the DRG came and decided to take the mobs I was camping, and instead of letting us take one each, she/he used jump on both to claim them (they didn't spawn at the same time, one spawned she/he claimed, killed it, the other then spawned, she/he used a jump claim and kill). I asked if they would mind sticking to the bottom, after all, I was willing to share and two people vs. one would give them the advantage, but instead they decided they would take the spot I was in. Of course I didn't have a choice about it, if I had disagreed I could have stayed there and have mob after mob claimed right in front of my eyes.

There were six mobs, four people split into three groups, that can be two monsters per group. Everyone gets a piece of the pie just a little bit smaller portion. But instead the DRG and THF decided to go in the spot I had been in forcing me to go against a 75 PLD by myself for mobs. However I've said all this before, no need to say it again...even though I just did...

(And it's a common misconception that flee is very useful for is if there is a good distance between thf and mob and the competition is far away, too...but the only fast claim thf has is steal, and it's contact thf has to get much closer than does mnk or war.)

In my case it's very true as I have been defeated by it several times. When the money mobs spawn on two different levels and take about 10 minutes to respawn it's very frustrating to get beat to three, then try to get to the other three just to have someone use flee and you arrive just in time to see them kill the last mob and then repeat the whole process over again.

Basically as I said, I don't know or think anyone specifically was wrong. Also, I don't recall in my post saying things were "my mobs." I don't know or claim to know all the "rules" or "etiquette." I don't train mobs, never have and I never will, I fight one at a time and don't pull another till I'm finished with the one I'm on. True I felt I had some claim to a small spot at least being the first one in the area, at least to the top since I was doing very fine there not bothering anyone else, but that's IMO. I realize other people wanted to farm as well and that's ok. My real problem was the fact that I was willing to share and I did that leaving the bottom floor completely alone, but people still came up and totally muscled me out, seeing as I was a SAM/THF I wasn't able to beat a DRG's Jump to the mobs too often...actually not at all. Like I said, I don't know if anyone was wrong, it just felt wrong looking from my side. I got kicked out, I wish it wouldn't have happened but it did, hopefully today will be a better day.
#12 Jan 30 2005 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
Please do not take what I said personally. It's just important to remember that there is such a thing as human nature, and that it does not involve sharing. Sharing is a taught behavior, and many choose to unlearn it as it suits them. This is something everyone should count on, like bad manners in gridlock, running red lights, and getting flipped off for going the speed limit.

Rules/etiquette/"common courtesy" are all superimposed, and cannot be counted on. The only way to combat such behavior is to outdo these people until they give up and go away. Otherwise, if you try to "share" with them, they will just take and take, and you will get screwed. It's eat or be eaten while farming, unfortunately. It's very rare to encounter people who are willing to observe unwritten courtesies, so just look out for yourself and learn how to beat people at their own game if needed.
#13 Jan 30 2005 at 7:33 PM Rating: Good
Ixaera wrote:
giddeus is notoriously competitive

Moot point, I suppose, but I don't believe the area in question was Giddeus. Sounds like Delkfutt to me.
#14 Jan 30 2005 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
I'm sure you know why I sub THF. Treasure Hunter helps alot. I'm looking for a specific drop when farming and without Treausre Hunter it gets quite frustrating to get. If I wasn't subbing THF it wouldn't be worth farming for what I do.

Level THF to an appicable level so that you may handle these mobs with THF as main and WAR as sub. Don't really know what to tell you besides the obvious that you should already know. You want Treasurehunter + Fast claiming abilty. THF/WAR. There ya have it.
#15 Jan 30 2005 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Please do not take what I said personally. It's just important to remember that there is such a thing as human nature, and that it does not involve sharing. Sharing is a taught behavior, and many choose to unlearn it as it suits them. This is something everyone should count on, like bad manners in gridlock, running red lights, and getting flipped off for going the speed limit.

Yes I know I do apologize if I came off as taking it personally, I didn't mean to. I was just upset about it, I didn't come here to make any enemies as I didn't want to make any enemies while farming. I was just upset over the fact I got beaten out of the game and just wanted to see or hear some stories from others that it may have happened to as I'm very sure it has happened to others as well.

Again to Trizzoro...

Level THF to an appicable level so that you may handle these mobs with THF as main and WAR as sub. Don't really know what to tell you besides the obvious that you should already know. You want Treasurehunter + Fast claiming abilty. THF/WAR. There ya have it.

That would solve the problem but I am not about to level THF 40 more levels. I'm not about to add another poorly equipped THF to this world just to farm. I quit playing SAM because I couldn't get the best equipment and THF is in the same realm with some very expensive equipment and the usually required ninja sub leveling. I'll continue this way and hope for the best. As I said, I don't really think anyone that night was wrong, but it just seemed wrong from my angle as it would for many in my position. But thanks for the advice.

I'm still interested in hearing others stories about things like this that have happened to them.
#16 Jan 30 2005 at 10:59 PM Rating: Decent
762 posts
I camp all the Hakutaku eyes except Wooden. The only problem I run into is when a party comes in and starts killing *every* mob. I am capable of doing the same, but just a little slower (I'm a BST). I hate having to compete for mobs, so I'm more prone to share spots. However, any party of at least 3 people usually takes over the whole camp and I'm left there huffing and puffing.
#17 Jan 31 2005 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
It is indeed unfortunate that some people are incapable of fast claim and having TH as well (I am actually in the same boat...where I farm, flee isn't an issue at all, and I must sub ninja there to survive). But, no one is going to /sea all you and go "oh dear, this poor fellow can't compete with my provoke/flash/chi blast/dia/wtfever, I better give him a break." It's just not the way the world works. If you're going to be lacking either fast claim or TH, keep in mind whether or not the zone is camped often, and come prepared. Clearly, TH isn't going to help at all if you can't claim any mobs. ;)

Nata -- there was another poster elsewhere in the thread talking about giddeus.

No, I'm sorry to say that no one is in the wrong in these situations. If other people show up to farm and are better able to kill the mobs faster, it's just the cold process of survival of the fittest, fittest meaning whoever can claim and kill fastest.

Believe me, I know how you feel. My favorite farming spot in Meriphataud a while back ... I was often muscled out because I tended to sub blm for warp and could only pull with poison. Chi blast, flash, provoke, fast cast dia...all of those beat me out. The only thing I had was flee to get to a little spawn point most people didn't bother with. All you can do is curse, warp, and hope that later you'll have it to yourself again....and then remember why so many people take up fishing ><
#18 Jan 31 2005 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Yeah I know, I had to fish for a weeks straight not doing anything else for my jujitsu gi back when they weren't quite so expensive and before the patch. One of the most boring times for me.
#19 Jan 31 2005 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
374 posts
so...once again someone somewhere in this world has proven that assholery and stupidity are in much more abundance than the element hydrogen...

*sighs and contemplates giving up...*
#20 Jan 31 2005 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
There are plenty of things to do to make money. If there are competitions in one area, goto another.
#21 Jan 31 2005 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
394 posts
I don't like when people train a bunch of mobs when others are farming there. If I see it happening, and the mobs are low enough, I promptly proceed to Banishga them. ^^ It usually gets the point across.
#22 Jan 31 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Again to Trizzoro...

Level THF to an appicable level so that you may handle these mobs with THF as main and WAR as sub. Don't really know what to tell you besides the obvious that you should already know. You want Treasurehunter + Fast claiming abilty. THF/WAR. There ya have it.

That would solve the problem but I am not about to level THF 40 more levels. I'm not about to add another poorly equipped THF to this world just to farm. I quit playing SAM because I couldn't get the best equipment and THF is in the same realm with some very expensive equipment and the usually required ninja sub leveling. I'll continue this way and hope for the best. As I said, I don't really think anyone that night was wrong, but it just seemed wrong from my angle as it would for many in my position. But thanks for the advice.

I don't mean to beat a dead horse hear but basically if you don't feel the want/need to level the proper job for the area you want to farm in, tough sh[b][/b]it. Either do it or change areas. I HIGHLY suggest farming Pashow Marshlands to anyone needing gil. I do it still, and constantly. The best job combos for this area are RNG/THF or THF/RNG. RNG/THF being a little better only because your Widescan is much larger and you can kill faster, but THF/RNG does really well also. And you dont have to be much more than level 30 to easily kill most everything in the zone but Marlboro or a Bogy, which neither of these yield much worthwhile anyhow.

Leeches there drop Beastman's Blood (30 to 35k a stack in Windurst and sell fast, much cheaper to sell here than Jeuno due to taxes) Boyhoda Moss 9k a stack, Tree Cuttings are now up to 60k per stack, silk from crawlers 11 to 16k a stack depending on availabilty. SAM/THF would work just fine here as well, you just won't claim as many Goobbues without Widescan. The leeches and crawlers pop in the same spots everytime, so no need for Widescan on those, and Goobbues basically pop all over so it's impossible not to see some along the pathways while running back and forth. In 4 hrs there I can make 80k with not much difficulty, some days less, some days more.

Edited, Mon Jan 31 14:24:52 2005 by Trizzoro
#23 Jan 31 2005 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah triz, that is a good spot for farming.

I farm there with my BLM/WHM, Stun works well for claiming.

But i am sooo bummed about the droprate, I leveled THF up when im bored, @ level 10 now. DO you find it really helps a lot for farming there or what?

I might empty my inventory and go farm Elementals for clusters seeing that BLMs excel at killing them. Maybe in a few more levels (level 54 now) I will kill Ice elements in the glacier...hmmm
#24 Jan 31 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Good
YukioOfBismarck wrote:
so...once again someone somewhere in this world has proven that ***[/b]holery and stupidity are in much more abundance than the element hydrogen...

*sighs and contemplates giving up...*

I'll drink to that.

The problem with giving up is after a while you forget you [b]did
give up, and then it happens all over again.
#25 Jan 31 2005 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Ok...well I now know making this thread was a mistake and feel everyone that wanted to call me names/flame/insult my intelligence has done so already. So what say we let this thread die? =:D
#26 Jan 31 2005 at 9:03 PM Rating: Default
446 posts
ProudBastokan wrote:
Ok...well I now know making this thread was a mistake and feel everyone that wanted to call me names/flame/insult my intelligence has done so already. So what say we let this thread die? =:D


Damn if you guys are going to be heartless about it you should all go pay a visit to KB and give him hugs n kisses maybe that'll change your attitude.
He came here looking for a little sympathy and perhaps a pat on the the back because he had a rough night. He wanted someone to
relate (and was even humorous about it), wanted others to let him know he wasn't alone and that it has happened to them before too.
We all have those days....
Thats like the time I was level suck and I got WTFBBQPWND by a EP Cactuar in Western Altepa Desert ....... -.-



I was eating at this mexican restuarant and you know how we never refer to a mexican restuarant by name like omg have you guys been to "La Taco De ..... Mexico"?

This place was actually called "Mexican Restaurant" (*'-^)> Taco {Yes, please.}
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