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Higher level attitudesFollow

#1 Jan 24 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Excellent
145 posts
As I level my BLM into god-like status (joke) lol. I have been noticing more and more of an elitist attitude. Now its not everyone, as i have seen on this board we got some great higher levels who help everyone alot. However, I am just wondering why? whats the point. The elitist attitude, I think, doesnt serve anyone, or the player who has the attitude. I know we all want to attain the highest level for our player, but that doesnt mean forget the simple thing, called being nice and polite. Here are some rules I apply for myself, and hope i continue to do so as I attain higher levels. The day I get a God-complex, I am quitting.

1. Take constructive critism, as long as polite, someone may know more than me about something.
2. Remember there is always someone better than me.
3. If in an argument try to diffuse the situation, by listening, or reading lol,( I know this doesnt always work, but I try to)
4. Don't call anyone a noob, or newbie. I hated that when i first started and made boneheaded mistakes. Offer advice instead. I had a couple players do that for me, and it helped alot.
5. Have fun. when i stop having fun during a day, I quit for abit and do something else. dont go spamming jeuno ******** about it lol.
6. Help others when I can. :)

Now remember these rules apply to me, but seem to help keep me in check. Cant we All just get Along :)
Retired July 2009

#2 Jan 24 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Good
617 posts
I've always attributed to the fact that if they're that high leveled, they've seen a lot of bull. And if you're a glutton for pain like I am, and gone through the Dunes and Qufim with almost every last job, ya tend to get a bit jaded. :p

Lots can go wrong in this game, and it tends to wear on a person. Some people just don't handle it well and then start hanging out with the people they know can trust and know can be counted on, etc. etc. Then they get to the real high levels, where (for the most part) people are so experienced in their jobs that parties work smoothly and things just work out. But when they have to go work again with people who aren't as experienced, that attitude is born.

Is it fair? Nope. But it happens. But the best players in this game are the ones who are the open-minded ones who like to have fun and work well with others. Basically the ones who follow those guidelines you posted.

And that's my psychoanalysis for the day. >_>
#3 Jan 24 2005 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
I agree, nuff said.

Sure I try to get all my best gear, but I don't see me getting a Pentitent's Rope any time soon 8P
#4 Jan 24 2005 at 5:54 PM Rating: Excellent
228 posts
Actually, I notice this type of attitude more among the 40-60 lvl range than I do post 70. Then again, some people are just natural born a-holes, regardless of their level.
#5 Jan 24 2005 at 6:57 PM Rating: Good
194 posts
Yeah, I don't really agree that this is a "high-level" phenomenon, but the attitude you're talking about does exist, it's just all over the level spectrum. I don't really have much of a problem with "elitists" though. I take full advantage of the /blist function ;)
#6 Jan 24 2005 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
375 posts
While I understand the OP concerns, please understand, once you get to 60+, you have to kinda weed through 50 "please help me" tells a day.These are blind tells and at times downright rude if you turn them down.
I have helped countless people and will continue to do so.This however will be on my terms and at my convenience.

I agree with Jubon that I have seen more so called Elitists in the 50-60s.

Your post seems to be discriminating...How unfair to the people you ask for help. Ironic, isnt it?

I do know that there are a$$holes who have "high lvl attitudes", but I know a hell of a lot more low levels who take the cake.

The good thing is that the G1-5 missions do a service in weeding a percentage of those people out and some outright quit..

another day another gil

#7 Jan 24 2005 at 8:00 PM Rating: Good
727 posts
Oh man, I take it you never visited the Job forums. That high level attitude is all over there, if you ask a question about anything someone will fly by and tell you how wrong you are and why you should quit this game because your such a newb.

Its kind of funny now that i think about it
#8 Jan 24 2005 at 8:32 PM Rating: Good
i have to agree ppl have bad attitudes but the bling /tells for help the way i ;look at it is hell we all need help on something or another i mean G1 G2 coffer keys its the reason its an online game so we work together and help ppl out when we can
#9 Jan 24 2005 at 10:01 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
well, i am level 75, and i do believe i am a noob..

For real, sometimes when we are goin places, people are like Hip, what you doin fool? and i am like..

Uhh, idk, i think i am lost.. and they are like.. Where is your map, and i am like..

Uhhh, i never got one. lol

I really am a noob, but i have been helping people non-stop lately.. anyways..

thats my dos centavos.
#10 Jan 24 2005 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
case in point... hippy lvl 75 blm subbing lvl 36 whm.
noob? not really
lazy? hell yes!
#11 Jan 25 2005 at 1:28 AM Rating: Good
I don't think it has much to do with level really. It's just that the higher your level, the more clout you carry. And I wouldn't call it a phenominon either. It's just that the asshat's have the louder voices.
#12 Jan 25 2005 at 2:02 AM Rating: Good
Some people are just jerks, no matter what level they are. So to say it just someone with a level 75 job isnt fair. I feel that even thought I have a handle on how to play a few jobs effectively, some jobs I have no clue. But at times when I have tried to help people with suggestions, they get very defensive and act like you have no right to tell them what to do, when your not, only giving suggestions.

There were a lot less trains happening back when I first leveled in some zones like Kazham. Why, well maybe back than, people understood that if you just die, youll get a raise and move on, instead they traina goblin and ***** exp up for the entire zone. I can remember being in Kazham the 1st time and only being there a couple days to get from 25-32, than going back a few months ago, and in 2 days gaining 100exp. Why cause people invite you to a party that disbands when you get there, gob trains, people who form parties than when you get to camp they have to go eat dinner and the party disbands. Just things that make people feel liek why am I wasting my time with this.

Power leveling, when we started out in NA release there was no such thing as powerleveling, and I feel people do not learn their jobs due to it. Mages do not get the experience of how to heal, and black mages get use to over nuking and if the tank looses hate who cares cause an outside Cure 3 is incoming. This may not seem like a bad thing to et past the dunes, but it does hurt the ability to learn key points to your job at early levels.

When you have to deal with 30k tnl, 40k tnl, you learn how to max out your exp per hour. I feel some people when they go back to the dunes or qufim expect the same exp output, but they forget the tools they do not have, like refresh and ballad 2 and such. This is unfair to expect some parties to be able to pump out exp like a 70ish party. Not saying with the right party set up you can not reach the same exp, but it is rare.

Deaths, when I was in the Dunes back in Oct of 2003, not one made the party wait 30 mins for a raise, when they could just HP and get the exp back in minutes, this is something I can not figure out, but does create a situation where people can become upset when people demand a raise when really it hurts exp not for the person that died but those in the party.

One situation that is annoying is when people make parties that make no sense, or find replacememnts that make no sense. I had a party once where the pld tank, only tank replaced himself with a dragoon, why? Again, this comes back to make your own parties and stop ********* But again it does create a situation where some people not understand why the rank 7-10 person is upset.

Really there are some really quality players at all levels, and some people who have a level 75 job but no clue how to play the job they have started to level. Sometimes people are trying to help but it comes off wrong, or people are too defensive and sometimes people are just jerks.
#13 Jan 25 2005 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
145 posts
lol ok maybe I should have just said attitudes, not sure. anyways. I however will say one thing, except for the people in my LS i wont beg for help from someone i do not know. I would feel like a rude telemarketer calling during dinner. Will I refuse help if it is offered? Hell no, then i would be an idiot lol. Anyhow I am sorry for pertaining that this was only a higher level problem. It is a problem throughout the game I would agree. well thats my other 2 cents, I just hope i get high enough in my levels to party with some of you guys.

Retired July 2009

#14 Jan 25 2005 at 4:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Attitudes like this are like a virus; they're just contagious.

As levels progress, the fights get harder; just having maxed-out elemental skill won't guarantee an unresisted nuke, maxed-out enfeebling won't guarantee against Paralyze bouncing off a mob like a rock off the Great Wall of China, capped weapon skill won't guarantee creaming or even being able to connect with an exp mob.

Gear becomes more important, and along with it comes this percieved criticism, which is really just a lower confidence against harder mobs. It means MORE at higher levels to get exp; it's more difficult to achieve even some of the more basic necessities of a fight.
When Slow bounces off a mob, or Sleep won't stick, there's an innate terror at higher levels of being seen as 'gimped', so some of the higher-level 'attitude' is probably a reaction to that.

I don't like it. Having played the game longer, or having more difficulty in an exp session to do the same things, isn't much to crow and scream about.

I used to hate the Dunes; now I have a new appreciation for them, because everyone else is learning, just like you are. It's ok to ***** up in the Dunes, and berating someone for ******** up in the Dunes is counterproductive. For some people the concept of fighting in a party, learning to manage hate, and working together is still new, which leads to less vicious criticism of what the dude next to you is doing.

Being at a higher level naturally gives the ability to make more money as well, due in a HUGE part to getting less aggro. The guy next to you at a lower level isn't less talented at making money, there's just a hell of a lot fewer places he can go to do it.

Aside from Sioux, my main, I'm playing a Taru character whose highest level right now is 30, and I have a tremendous appreciation for how much easier it is even to level crafts at higher exp levels. I can barely mine with her, because of aggro; even harvesting is a little tough when a Yagudo can walk up and aggro you, interrupting you. Money is tighter; gear isn't as good.

Those people who have a bad attitude at high levels usually don't have a lot of understanding how they even got there. They just leveled away, taking things for granted, and go around under the assumption that people who can't afford the luxury items for a level are 'gimped', even though most of the time it requires a higher level to obtain an item than the item can first be used at. The first time around, no one is 'uber', unless they've been purchasing gil.

Being at a higher level and able to accomplish more really just works out to more hours invested, and that's less time doing more important things anyway. So I generally take the elitest attitudes with a grain of salt.
#15 Jan 25 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
477 posts
All I really have to say is that what Sioux said is incredibly true, and very well put..
#16 Jan 25 2005 at 10:12 AM Rating: Good
I feel real bad when I turn someone down, because I was in that same position about 2 months ago. But you have to understand also that there are things that we might be busy with. If you are part of an HNM LS you might need to camp x mob.

I was with Deidre(sp?) real nice RDM from IRON she was helping us do ZM4 last night but at the end she had to go camp x mob, and we all understood. Also I dont know how it was months back but the people that are 65+ now all know each other, and for the most part are really nice people. HNM LSs will have their drama, but that how it always has been on every MMO, no matter what, people are people and you will find your share of jerks in the high and low lvl camps
#17 Jan 25 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
790 posts
jawas wrote:
Some people are just jerks, no matter what level they are. So to say it just someone with a level 75 job isnt fair. I feel that even thought I have a handle on how to play a few jobs effectively, some jobs I have no clue. But at times when I have tried to help people with suggestions, they get very defensive and act like you have no right to tell them what to do, when your not, only giving suggestions.

Pretty much says it all. I've see some lowbies with some serious attitude problems more often than high levels. It's people with attidudes. Job levels have nothing to do with it. An *** is going to be an *** no matter what level.

Actually high level ppl tend to be less likely to be jerks. ******** usually couldn't find parties to take them past 50.

EDIT: Quote didn't work before.

Edited, Tue Jan 25 12:22:07 2005 by emilyia
#18 Jan 25 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
Sioux wrote:
Being at a higher level naturally gives the ability to make more money as well, due in a HUGE part to getting less aggro. The guy next to you at a lower level isn't less talented at making money, there's just a hell of a lot fewer places he can go to do it.

Aside from Sioux, my main, I'm playing a Taru character whose highest level right now is 30, and I have a tremendous appreciation for how much easier it is even to level crafts at higher exp levels. I can barely mine with her, because of aggro; even harvesting is a little tough when a Yagudo can walk up and aggro you, interrupting you. Money is tighter; gear isn't as good.

And I thought it was just me. I've already got the neurosis about my equips going (I mean, I've been camping AH for a Cache-nez for like a week, for a lvl 14 character.) But it isn't easy to make money early (i.e. 1-30) in this game. If I can pull off 70k in a day (and I mean a day like 12 hours of playing) then I'm doing well. ><

It's starting to give me an attitude. Smiley: tongue
#19 Jan 25 2005 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
510 posts
Okay, So, I'm leveling Samurai in the dunes with a few of my friends. We did, however, have a pick up WHM and BLM. They're doing a decent job, and mind you I'm not the leader. Anywho, I get this tell from a fellow asking me if we had room for Lv-such and such job. I didn't feel like dealing with it and referred him to Boco, who was leader. And the kid just kept ranting on. I eventually got tired of it, and said dude..We're not going to take anyone under rank6. Granted, the WHM and BLM were not rank6 but they weren't doing a bad job, and we were full. We were getting chain5 in dunes, wtf?

So, He starts getting a little bit of an attitude with me, granted I just told him we wanted fairly experienced players for the optimal ammount of experience points. But, The fact that he's ******** about how I've got no life and so forth kinda pissed me off to the max. Someone that doesn't even know you saying you have no life and yadda yadda yadda. I began ripping him into tiny peices, and made him aware of the mistake he made. He finally shut up and went about his business.

Morale of the story: Never ask me for a party while I'm in the dunes on a low level job. I'll.....make you cry! :x
#20 Jan 25 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Good
446 posts
After reading most of the replies on this thread,
most of you are right in what you are saying. But this
is even worse for a mage that is "High Level" including
Paladins. In addition to the constant "OMG 133337 I N33DZ
T3H H31P Ub3R 13v31" there is the steady flow of "Hi can
you Power-Level me?"
That last one in it's own is enough to drive me nuts and if
I could "Pyhsically beat up the character in game" I would.
(I do have to admit that I get much more politer tells in regards to someone requesting a power-level rather than the
old "Hey come PL me since you are in the same zone")
Most of the people who are real "jerks" in this game will
always be a jerk.
As for me people seem to be real opinionated
on me with all the encounters that I have with other people in
this game. From threatening to be MPK'd to being called a hero.
It all depends on the way you look at it, keep in mind that
eventually even though you may say now "Oh when I am high level
I am going to help everyone.", it just may not be possible and
you will cause the people you decline to then think of "you" as
the high level "jerk" who didn't want to help.

Moral of the story "Judge not lest ye be judged no matter the circumstance."

Karma Baby - my 2 cents
#21 Jan 25 2005 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
Zariko wrote:
Okay, So, I'm leveling Samurai in the dunes with a few of my friends.

8< *snip*

Morale of the story: Never ask me for a party while I'm in the dunes on a low level job. I'll.....make you cry! :x

Was nice seeing you, by the way.

It was so startling though, I nearly missed a voke! I never miss a voke! Smiley: banghead
#22 Jan 25 2005 at 4:50 PM Rating: Excellent
1,315 posts
1. Take constructive critism, as long as polite, someone may know more than me about something.
2. Remember there is always someone better than me.
3. If in an argument try to diffuse the situation, by listening, or reading lol,( I know this doesnt always work, but I try to)
4. Don't call anyone a noob, or newbie. I hated that when i first started and made boneheaded mistakes. Offer advice instead. I had a couple players do that for me, and it helped alot.
5. Have fun. when i stop having fun during a day, I quit for abit and do something else. dont go spamming jeuno ******** about it lol.
6. Help others when I can. :)

I will respond to each of these in a numbered format as not to mock but to keep my thoughts in line. And, I'm smoking a cigarette and simply just jammed my nicotene finger into my right eye accidentally. So bear with me.

1. I agree with #1
2. Absolutely not. I quote Charles Barkely when asked if he thought Michael Jordan was better than him. "Nope. I'm the best. If you think someone is better than you, then you lost already. Stay in bed."
3. This is awesome in theory, like Communism, but once you throw humans in the mix it just doesn't seem to work.
4. The only people you can refer to as n00b and it be OK is friends, cause it is a very funny word when applied to a friendly party when someone does something stupid.
5. Agreed for the most part. But, if you are one of these people who ONLY want to do the fun things, then when you want your Eldieme Coffer key you don't want to wait to get a spam shout alliance, don't come crawling to me to help you. I'm busy having a big friggin' blast farming.
6. Help those who help themselves. Once again, if I know someone has been through several coffer parties or mold parties and tried their best to get it this way (for coffer keys that would be your first set of AF) then I'll help. However and once again, if you don't like getting pick-up alliances to do things, tough. Nobody does. But we had to a few times so should you.

However I really don't see how these 6 items pertain to "elitist player's attitudes" per se. These items should apply to everyone. So I really don't have a good idea of what you mean when you say elitist attitude. If I am in a party with someone who sucks really bad and are not only wasting my time but the time of 4 other people, then I am gonna tell them how to do their job. If this is elitist, then so be it. If they knew how to do their job I would never have to say a word and that is what I prefer.

I see you are a THF. I love THFs, but only good ones. A bad THF is like a bad tank, they can totally ruin what should be a good party. Now some jobs it is not that noticeable if they suck (i.e. DRK, DRG, MNK, non tanking WAR) but THF if you suck, it sticks out like a sore thumb. So, if I ever partied with you and you were slow on SATA or your macros were jacked up and not working, I would say something. Not to be mean, but maybe you just have a macro written wrong or something. I don't think that is elitist, I think that is helping the person in the long run more than say, getting them a Bomb coal.
#23 Jan 25 2005 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
Far be it for me to miss an opportunity to have a well-reasoned debate. Smiley: sly

Trizzoro wrote:
I will respond to each of these in a numbered format as not to mock but to keep my thoughts in line. And, I'm smoking a cigarette and simply just jammed my nicotene finger into my right eye accidentally. So bear with me.

Oh that sucks so bad. My sympathies.

Trizzoro wrote:
2. Absolutely not. I quote Charles Barkely when asked if he thought Michael Jordan was better than him. "Nope. I'm the best. If you think someone is better than you, then you lost already. Stay in bed."

That would rather depend on the situation I think. Are you trying to work with someone or compete against them? I suppose it's an area of fuzzy grey lines, those between self-confidence and egotism. At the very least though, I will argue that part of being the best (or your best, or whatever) is knowing you can always get better. And in the pursuit of additional skills you take what you can get, sour medicine or not.

Trizzoro wrote:
3. This is awesome in theory, like Communism, but once you throw humans in the mix it just doesn't seem to work.

I don't know, works well for me often enough, when I have enough sense to apply it. It certainly isn't perfect, but it can have it's benefits. Sometimes long and seemingly fruitless labors can yield an unexpected harvest.

Trizzoro wrote:
4. The only people you can refer to as n00b and it be OK is friends, cause it is a very funny word when applied to a friendly party when someone does something stupid.

Nooblet, however, can be acceptable, as a term of endearment. I agree otherwise. And the term is never so funny as when applied to oneself. Smiley: grin

Trizzoro wrote:
5. Agreed for the most part. But, if you are one of these people who ONLY want to do the fun things, then when you want your Eldieme Coffer key you don't want to wait to get a spam shout alliance, don't come crawling to me to help you. I'm busy having a big friggin' blast farming.

I think perhaps you're making assumptions here to a minor extent. I had a big friggin' blast mining and crafting this weekend (using the same tone of sarcasm as yourself) but when I was done, and got the items I had been saving for, I retrospectively had fun. I felt accomplished. Smiley: smile

And can I come crawling to you? Pleeeaaassseeee? Smiley: wink2

Trizzoro wrote:
6. Help those who help themselves. Once again, if I know someone has been through several coffer parties or mold parties and tried their best to get it this way (for coffer keys that would be your first set of AF) then I'll help. However and once again, if you don't like getting pick-up alliances to do things, tough. Nobody does. But we had to a few times so should you.

If there's anything I agree with, it's this. I will point out however, that sometimes you may have to do a little prodding to get someone to help themselves.

Trizzoro wrote:
However I really don't see how these 6 items pertain to "elitist player's attitudes" per se. These items should apply to everyone.

Limed. Truth. That whole shindig.

Trizzoro wrote:

8< Snippage.

So, if I ever partied with you and you were slow on SATA or your macros were jacked up and not working, I would say something. Not to be mean, but maybe you just have a macro written wrong or something. I don't think that is elitist, I think that is helping the person in the long run more than say, getting them a Bomb coal.

#24 Jan 25 2005 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
145 posts

"2. Absolutely not. I quote Charles Barkely when asked if he thought Michael Jordan was better than him. "Nope. I'm the best. If you think someone is better than you, then you lost already. Stay in bed." "

I always loved that Quote, just doesnt pertain to me lol or do i think its right.

3. This is awesome in theory, like Communism, but once you throw humans in the mix it just doesn't seem to work.

Your right on this totally, great ideas are usually messed up by humans. lol

4. The only people you can refer to as n00b and it be OK is friends, cause it is a very funny word when applied to a friendly party when someone does something stupid.

Agreed again
5. Agreed for the most part. But, if you are one of these people who ONLY want to do the fun things, then when you want your Eldieme Coffer key you don't want to wait to get a spam shout alliance, don't come crawling to me to help you. I'm busy having a big friggin' blast farming.

Ok, now here i took a little offense to. Trust me, I help and do not so fun things in this game. I think i should have been more clear on this one. I know for a fact you are not going to enjoy every minute of this game. But perhaps find something different to do. I as you guys will go from Leveling, to farming, to finishing those easy quests i just never got to :) I do agree with you though trizz

6. Help those who help themselves. Once again, if I know someone has been through several coffer parties or mold parties and tried their best to get it this way (for coffer keys that would be your first set of AF) then I'll help. However and once again, if you don't like getting pick-up alliances to do things, tough. Nobody does. But we had to a few times so should you.

I do agree here as well, Ive helped several people get the keys for the Kaz airpass. And it always seems to be the ones who had tried a couple times on their own that are the most apprieciative(sp) Also this rule applied to me as i stated lol. kinda keeps me in check :)

Yeah i am a thf, but mostly play a BLM. My thf is still only lvl 30 and i plain suck at sata, maybe my macro is screwed, or the pty i was in was not the best for it. or i suck lol anyhow i would gladly take your advise if you gave it to make me a better player.
Oh and btw rate up for trizz, sioux, and nat for their thoughts, that were so detailed, I had rated up a coupl others when i did my last post :). I love debate and talking things through. :)
Happy days
Retired July 2009

#25 Jan 25 2005 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
Attitudes like this are like a virus; they're just contagious

Hmmm..Hey Sioux, can I get a shot or somthing for that? Me no likey the virus..

Well anyways..what about this rash?
#26 Jan 25 2005 at 7:35 PM Rating: Good
Oh my god, my virginal spotless little eyes. Era Max is never gonna get that one out. ;)

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