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Notoriously Bad Player Alert > Beatdown >Follow

#52 Jan 25 2005 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
Rasen wrote:
I'm not even going to apologise for this off-topic post as I see no reason why Beatdown needs 2 threads.

Beatdown started the other after reading this one. Thought I would point that out d(^.^)b


Claimed Smiley: king

Edited, Tue Jan 25 11:06:05 2005 by Wintaru
#53 Jan 25 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
I'm not saying Beatdown is a bad player but from what I've read you seem to have a very bad attitude and stop picking on friends of mine.

Dude the requirement was for me to have a healer because I was helping not having an exp party...

Man the asses not only come out at night but in the day time also..

I have to repeat ....

Go join and all BLM pt or something....

Is that what your going to say to all brds and blms? You should just quit the game making it a better place for everyone...
#54 Jan 25 2005 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
214 posts
As a side note, the whole Beatdown issue aside, I would like to put
in a /cheer for two Paladins that I can say unequivocally do
their job(s), without question, without demand, and definitely with
better grammar, spelling, and the proper pronunciation to boot. ;)

Brickewicke, Level 67 Hume Male Paladin/Warrior
Grimson, Level 68 Elvaan Paladin/Warrior

so, if you ever happen to need them for tanking duties, they are
good peoples. :)

Back to the public humiliation of Beatdown. I only read this
thread to pick up new and interesting ways to spell words, from his
posts. ^^

Edited, Tue Jan 25 11:29:06 2005 by Astika
#55 Jan 25 2005 at 11:19 AM Rating: Good
8,507 posts
Just one question....

Alauce? What's a blue f[b][/b]uck?

And Raynil, can you and Edge hurry up and catch up to me... otherwise I get stuck partying with people like Beatdown.
#56 Jan 25 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Excellent
716 posts
A blue fuc[/i]k is a fuc[i]k... of the blue variety. :3

Edited, Tue Jan 25 11:27:42 2005 by Alauce
#57 Jan 25 2005 at 11:44 AM Rating: Good
214 posts
i had assumed it was akin to say "fvck you" until you were blue
[in the face] [sic].

Edited, Tue Jan 25 11:55:22 2005 by Astika
#58 Jan 25 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good
353 posts
Give me a couple of days - trying to get my opo-opo crown so I'm no longer a gimp bard XD
#59 Jan 25 2005 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
919 posts
/cheer Jacob

A great Paladin and a awsome lover ^.^
#60 Jan 25 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
302 posts
Rate up for making me almost choke on my Iced Tea. Didn't see that one coming. ^^

Edited, Tue Jan 25 11:55:05 2005 by Awias
#61 Jan 25 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
69 already Raynil =x you lvl too fast.
#62 Jan 25 2005 at 12:12 PM Rating: Default
Here I go putting my foot in. Oh well. I tried to be a good boy and stay out of here, but ohhhh, noooo... not me. Smiley: rolleyes

Beatdown wrote:
Yes I PTed with him once before and it was a good PT and didn't even mind being STRONG ARMED INTO inviting him from the WHM.


SingBismarck wrote:
No refresh takes what was a good party into a 3K an hour **** pick up party.

You know, I'm nowhere near your level Beatdown, but even I recognize 3k an hour as not being indicative of a good party at that high a level.

I get better xp than that down around Kazham on a good day.

Smiley: twocents

Vimien wrote:
First let me say that I no longer play this game and part of the reason is i got sick and tired of people like you Beatdown. I'm satisfied most of the time just to watch some of you go at it to see who has the biggest e-wang But you've pissed me off when you attacked Cat and treated her husband Yosh like dirt. These people mean a lot to me. I also know Xano and have respect for him so listen up you dirt-monkey, these aren't people you word-fight with cause you're opening a huge can of worms. I can't believe people like you still get invited to do anything in game. Do everyone a favor and sit on a pole and rotate. My advise to you is to put the cheetos down, take a bath or 2 and have some RL contact cause this is not the way you treat people, you sack of ****. The only thing i can tell you is what goes around comes around and by god i hope that you have the toughest time doing absolutely anything worthwhile end-game. Don't mess with Cat or Yosh again. Think before you speak. Now GFY

You have been missed Vim. Smiley: frown

And we all know that it's I who has the biggest e-wang! Smiley: sly

Wintaru, Defender of Justice wrote:
Thought I would add that yes, a lot of the posters here are under level 60. However, a LOT of people read these boards and never (or rarely) post. You wouldn't believe how many tells I get saying "Wintaru, Defender of Justice right? From Alla?" and these are people I've never seen post.

Yeah I get that a lot too. Must be our nearly 1000-post-long e-wangs! Smiley: tongue

Edited, Tue Jan 25 12:24:23 2005 by nataraja
#63REDACTED, Posted: Jan 25 2005 at 12:24 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Is there a way to get someone else to post to this thread other the the same D!@k Sucking group that keeps licking each others asses here...
#64 Jan 25 2005 at 12:28 PM Rating: Excellent
716 posts
We'll stop backing each other up when you stop being in the wrong.
#65REDACTED, Posted: Jan 25 2005 at 12:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) What you say YOUR TAKING IT FROM THE BACK ???
#66 Jan 25 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Excellent
716 posts
Dude, what are you, 13? I've heard better comebacks in AOL chats. You're not even worth my time any more. You go on being a pompous prick that thinks he's infallible, and I'll go on thinking you're a moron. We're both happy. Only when the day's over, I'm not a pompous prick, and you're still a moron.
#67 Jan 25 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
Actually, I don't know anyone else on that list personally except for Catgirl, who is in my static.

I just feel your kind of posts should have some kind of rebuttal, as in my opinion, they are not constructive in any kind of manner.

However I would count all of these people as my friends and someone I could turn to if I need help, where you sirrah, could not.

Edited, Tue Jan 25 12:42:43 2005 by Wintaru
#68 Jan 25 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
Beatdown wrote:
Is there a way to get someone else to post to this thread other the the same D!@k Sucking group that keeps licking each others asses here...


Are these F*ck buddies all in the same LS or what ?

The definition of 'friend'. Smiley: wink2
#69 Jan 25 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
60 posts
Is there a way to get someone else to post to this thread other the the same D!@k Sucking group that keeps licking each others asses here...


Are these F*ck buddies all in the same LS or what ?

Wow thats just sad...its a forum they can post all they want. It seems like someone isnt making a good impression here. =/


Thats really childish. Learn some manners.

Edited, Tue Jan 25 12:38:52 2005 by AsukaAngel
#70REDACTED, Posted: Jan 25 2005 at 12:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) No Maiev the point is I'm a grown *** man and this is america and if I want to call someone an asss I can .....
#71 Jan 25 2005 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Because we grew up as children? Because we interact with them on a regular basis - going outside to run a few errands, and you'll run into a perfect example of what's childish and what isn't.

Just as well, science proves that as a child, your brain isn't as mature, logical, or able. Any idiot with a text book could discern between what is childish and what isn't. Having children has little to nothing to do with it. I have siblings, does that render me unable?

You're digging yourself deeper.

#72 Jan 25 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
I wasn't gonna touch this thread but well, i think its funny that you flame a whole bunch of people who actually had well written posts and anecdotes about you with a bunch of childish name calling and rude comments instead of finding some reputable people to back up your claims of being a good player.

All of the people posting on this thread, as well as the pointless clone of this thread that you made, are for the most part reputable players who have no reason to lie or make up stories about you.

It's also hilarious that you flame all these people and then choose to publicize your email address and a .mil to boot I guess the military didn't make this boy into a man ...

^^edited because i was wrong to generalize about the entire military

Edited, Tue Jan 25 14:03:43 2005 by TseTsuo
#73 Jan 25 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
214 posts
No Maiev the point is I'm a grown *** man and this is america and if I want to call someone an asss I can .....

You say its childish..


Then how the F@ck do you know what is or isn't childish....

although to understand what being childish is, having children is
not neccesarily a requirement of that, i do happen to have kids
and you couldn't be acting any more childish. or rude, or
ignorant, or idiotic.

it's obvious you do not possess the mental capability to:
a) comprehend what even *you* are saying
b) accept some constructive criticism, that you've blantantly proved you deserve
c) give up already, and give your big brother his account back

will the real Beatdown please stand up (please stand up^^)

for future reference, even though it seems like you would
definitely require the assistance of a Thief to assist your 'hate
holding' capabilities (or lack thereof), don't send me an invite.
to anything. ever. i'll be sure to let my other Thiefy friends
know of you.
#74 Jan 25 2005 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
510 posts

You're all noobs. :x

#75 Jan 25 2005 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
OMG OMG dont stop now..this is getting good..I went to get some popcorn and there is a break in the action.

Ok, anyways..Catgirl and Yoshinaka and in Sigh Of A God along with myself and many others.

Beatdown, Ive only patied with you in GC when you were a mage and I was a useless thf.You did you job fine and I had no issues with how you did it.
I do see many people I know and have PT with before saying they wouldnt recomend(to put it nicely) you as a PLD.
I myself cannot comment on your tanking abilities so I will touch on another subject.

1.The NMs that you were helping on didnt really require WHM services(yes,it woulda been nice to have one). A RDM and any BLM with WHM subs woulda been just fine. Also you are a PLD and a Hume just as do have over 300MP at lvl 70(depending on gear setup).This MP is for curing yourself as well as hate control.

2.Yags are your friend..In an alliance light on WHM, the RDM will have much more to worry about than normal.I always keep Yag drinks on me for situations just like this. I always keep some Hi-potions on me also just incase.

3.You seem to be quite arrogant in your replies and cannot admit any fault. Is this e-wang syndrome?

4.Your PLD skills do seem to be improving have generated a lot of hate.

Good luck and I hope you can be rehabilitated and become a productive part of society.
#76 Jan 25 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
Ferra wrote:
Because we grew up as children? Because we interact with them on a regular basis - going outside to run a few errands, and you'll run into a perfect example of what's childish and what isn't.

Just as well, science proves that as a child, your brain isn't as mature, logical, or able. Any idiot with a text book could discern between what is childish and what isn't. Having children has little to nothing to do with it. I have siblings, does that render me unable?

You're digging yourself deeper.

I make a point of being childish and silly when I go out on errands...


Is that bad? o.o

TseTsuo the Wise wrote:
I wasn't gonna touch this thread but well, i think its funny that you flame a whole bunch of people who actually had well written posts and anecdotes about you with a bunch of childish name calling and rude comments instead of finding some reputable people to back up your claims of being a good player.

All of the people posting on this thread, as well as the pointless clone of this thread that you made, are for the most part reputable players who have no reason to lie or make up stories about you.

Limed for truth, as usual. That's two limings in the last coupla minutes Tset. /cheer Smiley: wink2

Feel special, Beatdown. It's rare that a thread of this sort rouses TseTsuo from his throne of Troll Skulls, deep within his lair. Smiley: grin

TseTsuo the Wise wrote:
It's also hilarious that you flame all these people and then choose to publicize your email address and a .mil to boot I guess the military doesn't make men these days only boys...

For the record, the vast majority of players I've run into who are or were in the military have been exemplary, both in skill and maturity.

Which makes me rather angry. The rotten eggs make it seem like the whole barrel is spoilt, to mix a metaphor.

[Edit: Ahh! I screwed up a tag and my entire post was ghastly LIME. Gah!]

[Edit: I decided that a throne of troll skulls sounded more impressive than a bed of troll skulls. ^^]

Edited, Tue Jan 25 13:11:21 2005 by nataraja

Edited, Tue Jan 25 14:22:35 2005 by nataraja
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