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Notoriously Bad Player Alert > Beatdown >Follow

#1 Jan 21 2005 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
Well, my 2nd time grouping with the Notoriously Bad Player Beatdown happened last night.

Today I feel compelled to tell everyone about it, although the party never got out of Jeuno.

As a MNK, I don’t exactly get a lot of invites, but having Leeluu as a static partner (WHM if you didn’t know) helps a lot. About two weeks earlier, I had joined a party with Beatdown, a level 68 PLD at the time. Leeluu had told me the RDM seeking refused to group with Beatdown, I should have seen it coming.

Before starting a party, I will always know my destination, the level range of my party, and what mobs I want to fight. This way, I can pick the correct level of jobs to maximize EXP, and I can pick the proper melee for the most effective Skillchain.

Well, 68 levels into the game, Beatdown doesn’t have a clue. I asked him to invite another MNK so we could party in Gustav Tunnel, and he did. But then, instead of waiting for more than 5 minutes for a RDM to show up, he grabs another BLM. So it is PLD, MNK, MNK, WHM, BLM, BLM. No refresh takes what was a good party into a 3K an hour sh[/b]it pick up party. [b]Beatdown couldn’t hold hate, couldn’t manage to hit Red lotus Blade to start the level 3 light Skillchain, didn’t have refresh so only had TP for the Skillchain once every 3 fights max, and the party disbanned in about an hour anyway.

Did I learn my lesson, apparently not because last night Leeluu tells me Beatdown wants to form a group.

So I get the invite from Beatdown, who is now a level 70 PLD, and of course he doesn’t have a CLUE where he intends to go to EXP. I’m 68 about 400 TNL (Yea, I deleveled) so the party would have been 69-70, a perfect level gap.

Beatdown invites a 70DRK, but was too stupid to check his TNL, apparently the DRK had deleveled also. So within a fight or two, the level range would be 69-71. This is acceptable, a 3 level gap is fine if you cant make a 2 level gap PT. Then he invites a 68 BLM. So now the party range is 68-71, not worth the effort.

So, I stick it out a little, he still doesn’t even know where were going to party (Which if you ever make a party, please have a friggin clue how to lead it) and we debate and decide on Bibiki Bay.

Now we have the correct jobs for a group, minus one refresh/debuffer, and instead of waiting, he wants to pick up another Melee. He asked the opinion of the group and I replied that without a refresher, we’ll make 2K an hour EXP especially with this level gap. The BLM agrees with me saying “Without refresh, we’ll have more down time.”
Something you would think would be obvious to a 70PLD.

About a minute later, Beatdown writes something like this in party chat;

Sorry im pissed the MNK who only got an invite because of the WHM who wont aprty without him is questioning my party. {Disbanning Party}

And he disbanns.

I was actually happy at this point, but then I get a tell.

U r lucky WHM is friend you never get pt.

Or something like that.

To which I reply.

First; your grammar is so bad, I couldn’t actually understand that insult.

2nd; the party configuration you had built would hardly yield 2K an hour, something I’d expect out of Valkurm Dunes.

It’s amazing to me, someone 70 levels into the game could hold no concept of how to form a group.

To which he replies.

“You know what STFU.”

(Note, he probably used no periods or commas, but I have a hard time writing without punctuation, even if I wish to impersonate the grammatically impaired)

I soon got another invite, we go to Bibiki Bay, I picked up 5K exp in 2 hours. Not the fault of the party leader this time, but because of the level range, and lack of mobs to pull in Bibiki Bay.

So, in conclusion, I have 2 things to say. If you want to be a party leader, understand the fundamentals of party dynamics. If you need some help, read this Want to build a party? or you will end up a level 70 nOOb (I hate that word, and literally almost never use it, although it suits this idiot perfectly)
And if you are looking for a pick up party, don’t group with Beatdown if you wanty more than 2K EXP an hour, if you want to form a level 3 Skillchain, or if you prefer your PLD to hold agro. It is much more frustration than it is worth. The guy/kid is the most imbecilic individual I’ve met to this date, and the fact he is level 70 just means the whole server is in danger.

Thank you, and good luck on your adventures.

Edited, Fri Jan 21 10:52:54 2005 by SingBismark
#2 Jan 21 2005 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
hey Singlar never never was in a group with him but o well always enjoy xpin with u and Lee
#3 Jan 21 2005 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
Agreed Samwise, it was a pleasure to group with you last night, and your RDM friend seemed very nice, I look forward to doing it again in the future.
#4 Jan 21 2005 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
345 posts
Glad that i'm a pld and never have to party with him cause i have heard horror stories from a rdm friend who partied with him during 68~70. I think he changed a little, but a pld using holy for bursts and to keep hate is ridiculous >.> He definatly isn't one of the better players and really someone who gives pld a bad name ^^;
#5 Jan 21 2005 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
I have had my own run in with Beatdown
note this is short version
My party (Beatdown as WHM) were doing ok in Garg. Cith. and a PLer comes. After a 1/2 hour Beatdown has 12 MP and tells puller to pull. This is where it gets bad. I told puller not to pull and end up getting told to shut-up twice by Beatdown. His reason to telling to pull "we have a pler" -_- So puller comes back with mob, hate is flying around and Beatdown told leader to kick me So half way through the mob i get kicked and end up hitting the bat first -_- So for the next min im trying to kill it while it flys after 10 different people. I ask pler to help but "I dont have any mp" all of a sudden Pld invites me and we tg team it. Pld dies and Hps and i am forcve to call for help.

Later the next day

My partys whm dies and i find a party with a whm and sure enough Beatdown is in that party. Whm said that the party was having trouble with Beatdown and that puller would pull even if whm wasa off raising. I end up finding a raise from a high lvl passing through.

moral of this (bad) story is never party with Beatdown EVER
#6 Jan 21 2005 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
353 posts
Hahaha... Wow.. So that's what I missed last night.

Not once, but TWICE last night Beatdown asked me if I wanted an exp party. Both times I was already in a party. And, from the sound of it, he doesn't check tnl's either (I had just hit 68 the night before). Oy ><

Sorry for the pain of all that.

Ever want a bard, hit me up. I miss exping with a good MNK (though I might be a bit low for you now).
#7 Jan 21 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
169 posts
We've also had a bad experience with Beatdown. Please do yourself a favor and don't party or do any quests with him. We only encourage his bad behavior.

#8 Jan 21 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
510 posts
I've actually partied with this fellow twice, He was fairly decent in Garlaige at Lv50 in the basement. Fairly decent I say. The party was actually a very good one, and a great set up. So, We figured why not static sometimes. So, We did and Beatdown was also a rather nice guy. But, Like most statics where people havn't known each other forever in, disbanded for good. Godbae and I were the only people that were friends, and we'd been friends since he joined the game. Anywho, We disbanded for good.

At Lv64, Beatdown makes a party and I somehow get the invite. We can't do a Lv3 skillchain yet, but we did have a Thief. And, As we all know. Dragoons and Thieves are the perfect partners. We were going rather well(exping on processionaires) But, I was also taking hate from a Paladin more so than I should. And, He wasn't very friendly anymore. But, We had the right setup. >.>

But, Yeah. I'm not defending, nor bashing him. We all have our days, and from what I see...He has quiet a few.

Edited, Fri Jan 21 16:39:21 2005 by Zariko
#9 Jan 21 2005 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
I made a pt for lvl 32-33 range with Ishido, Rae, Blayze, a JP WHM Yugort (I think was the name. Very nice fella and real good sport.)....and Beatdown as our THF. He didn't even know how to write a SATA macro that combined with a weapon skill. He disconnected 3 times (which may not be his fault but still added to the poor experience) took forever to pull much of anything and was generally not a good player at all. And the "special" macros where the ones that 12 yr old kids may laugh at, but no other person with any level of maturity found them amusing.
#10 Jan 21 2005 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
716 posts
I XPed with Beatdown one time in Crawlers' Nest on my Red Mage. That one time was enough for me. He was constantly bossy, constantly demanding refresh the very SECOND it dropped, (I'm so not joking.) and could hold hate about as well as my four-year-old niece. I was pulling hate off him with my normal XP debuffs. And that, my friends, is just plain sad. I've had invites from him several times after that, but usually I say no. But then again.. I ignore most Paladin party invites anyway.
#11 Jan 21 2005 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
Beatdown gets around, I think he must have every job somewhere in the 50-60's. ;)
I have partied with him, in all honesty he didn't strike me as being particularly awful. He was my PLD in the CN at least once, and my memory is telling me it was more than once. I level slowly, so I'm sure he's way past me by now.

I could name a couple plds, a couple players that were bent cogs more than he was. I can say this though, I always thought Beatdown was sort of a funny name for a PLD, so he's ok in my book ;)

#12 Jan 21 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Default
shiet we just did dynamist-bastok that beatdown **** is the PLD who acutally ran away ~~ gayass **** ~ ~ and for zariko you stfu too ~
#13 Jan 21 2005 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
I've never had an experience party experience with Beatdown, being that I'm a Paladin as well. Only experiences with him are in Jeuno i talked PLD gear w/him once and he seemed pleasent, and he gave me a hand on one of my AF coffer key hunts. Didn't really get a feel for his personality from all this but just wanted to throw in my 2 cents.
#14 Jan 22 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
for my suspect, beatdown accnt was sold to some1 else.. cuz when i partied w/ him in boyahda tree, we made 4k an hour along w/ Sxdigital and i was mnk. but i have no proof yet that he sold his accnt.. maybe if i see him around, ill ask him. :D
#15 Jan 24 2005 at 8:37 AM Rating: Good
305 posts
Beatdown is the worst tank I have ever partied with, at any level, ever.
#16 Jan 24 2005 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
790 posts
Looks like Beatdown's a transferred account. Sounds too noobish even for a lvl 70 tank.

Usually RDM or BRD are the worst players.
#17 Jan 24 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Default
WoW I don't write on forms much but I just had to say something about this crap.

A bad player... WoW ... I'm really even to pissed to explain...

OK the post started from this MNK68 Sigular.

Yes I PTed with him once before and it was a good PT and didn't even mind being STRONG ARMED INTO inviting him from the WHM.

But the second time is were this problem started !!!

I start to make a PT cuz as you all know its hard to get a PT at high lvls cuz the TNL is so much I guess dunno..But I start to make one..

Ok the best way to start one is first get a healer than a tank and go from there (well I'm the Tank so I go for a whm first). None looking but a ton of meele and a BLM. I get the BLM and a DRK.

Ok PT setup PLD69(tnl 4k) ,BLM69(tnl 8k),DRK71 (need WHM, RDM/BRD and a DD). Looking for game RNG71, WAR71, WHM70 (Leeluu), MNK68(Sigular) And no RDM looking..

I go for the WHM and get a tell I have to invite the MNK68 or no PT.. (Strong Armed to take a lvl68MNK or no WHM for PT) when the PT gap was 69-71 and soon to be 70-71.

I'm stuck have to say yes.. PT PLD69(tnl 4k) ,BLM69(tnl 8k),DRK71, WHM70, MNK68 need RDM/BRD.. RDM69 pops along with a WHM69. I send a tell to the RDM69. He will only pt with his WHM69 friend. So I can't get the RDM

At that same moment the Smart *** MNK(Sigular) says were are we headed, I say dunno, he says if you make a PT you should know were your headed before you make pt. What an ***.. Am I wrong for not saying oh I wanna PT in Bibi Bay and if I dont get the right jobs wait till they show up in 2hrs.

Or make a PT then decide were we can go ?

Well anyway at this point Im a little tired of the MNK68 (who I wouldn't have invited if it wasn't for the WHM70), he keep complaining about who I should invite and why I dont have a location for the PT yet. Tired of it now..

I disband PT and remake with the same people minus the WHM and MNK and get the WHM69 and RDM69 and a RNG71 and get 20k in 3hrs. Fun PT

And one more thing I do have a lot of jobs and am very good I would say at all of them but THF still a noob at that i would say, but am still learning the job.

I also have been playing since PS2 release.. I have like 20 people on my blist, and see a lot of post here about me being a bad player. Thats really funny cuz so many people have said other wise.

I've been playing for a while so you mean to tell me there is no one that is saying Im a good player ??? WoW

Maybe I should just sell the account and you could have a really good lvl 70PLD since I'm such a bad player..

#18 Jan 24 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
634 posts
I'd heard horror stories about you before playing with you personally. I tend to not judge people based on other peoples' oppinions.

We partied together in CN, you were on your WHM. In my honest oppinion, it was a great party. Quite sure I gained a level that day as well.

#19 Jan 24 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
Beatdown, edited by Singular wrote:
Wow, I don't write on forms much but I just had to say something about this crap.

A bad player... Wow... I'm really even too pissed to explain...

OK the post started from this MNK68 Sigular.

Yes I partied with him once before and it was a good party, I didn't even mind being STRONG ARMED INTO inviting him from the WHM.

But the second time is were this problem started !!!

I start to make a party because as you all know its hard to get a party at high levels because the TNL is so much I(Or nobody likes me) guess I don’t know..But I start to make one..

Ok the best way to start one is first get a healer then a tank and go from there (well I'm the Tank so I go for a whm first). Nobody looking but a ton of melee and a BLM. I get the BLM and a DRK. Editors note, when the party started it was Leeluu and I and beatdown. Leeluu is always within a few thousand EXP of myself. I was a 68MNK 400tnl, Leeluu was a 69WHM about 35,000 tnl.

Ok ,party setup PLD69(tnl 4k) ,BLM69(tnl 8k),DRK71 (Actually was 70 400TNL just like I was.) (need WHM, RDM/BRD and a DD). Looking for game RNG71, WAR71, WHM70 (Leeluu), MNK68(Sigular) And no RDM looking..

I go for the WHM and get a tell I have to invite the MNK68 or no party.. (Strong Armed to take a lvl68MNK or no WHM for PT) when the PT gap was 69-71 and soon to be 70-71. Editor note: Again, the party started off with Beatodwn 70PLD, Leeluu 69WHM 35,000 tnl, and Singular 68MNK 400tnl. The BLM, and DRK were the last ones invited.

I'm stuck, I have to say yes.. PT PLD69(tnl 4k)Editor note: Beatdown was 70 at the start of this party ,BLM69(tnl 8k)Actualy, the BLM was level 68, near 20,000 tnl.,DRK71, WHM70, MNK68 need RDM/BRD.. RDM69 pops along with a WHM69. I send a tell to the RDM69. He will only party with his WHM69 friend. So I can't get the RDM.

At that same moment the Smart *** MNK(Sigular) asks were are we headed, I say dunno,While the author is trying hard to clearly represent the details of the evening, I believe what he is trying to say here is that he had never given party location, level range, or necessary skillchains a thought before inviting anyone. he says if you make a PT you should know were your headed before you make the party”. What an ***.. Am I wrong for not saying ”Oh, I want to party in Bibiki Bay.” And if I don’t get the right jobs wait till they show up in 2hrs. Like a leader commonly would if they didn’t want to subject 5 other people to horrid 2K an hour EXP parties.

Or make a party then decide were we can go ?

Well anyway at this point I’m a little tired of the MNK68 (who I wouldn't have invited if it wasn't for the WHM70)Actualy level 69, even now as I write this., he keep complaining about who I should invite and why I don’t have a location for the PT yet. Tired of it now..

I disband PT and remake with the same people minus the WHM and MNK and get the WHM69 and RDM69 and a RNG71 and get 20k in 3hrs. Fun PT

And one more thing I do have a lot of jobs and I am very good I would say at all of them but THF, because I’m still a noob at that I would say, but am still learning the job.

I also have been playing since PS2 release.. I have like 20 people on my blist, and see a lot of post here about me being a bad player. That’s really funny because so many people have said other wise.

I've been playing for a while so you mean to tell me there is no one that is saying I’m a good player ??? Wow!

Maybe I should just sell the account and you could have a really good level 70PLD since I'm such a bad player..

Beatdown, first let me say that you may be good at something, forming a party is not it. Perhaps in your past you have done a good job in one party or another, but as far as leading goes, you don’t have the mentality to understand what works.

I’m thinking, every now and then you get lucky and invite 4 or 5 exceptional players that can yield you good exp regardless of your suckyness, but on average, grouping with you sucks.

I recommend you put your flag up, hope for invites, and don’t say much if you do get an invite. When you ***** up and aggression from the mob kills a mage, just use the auto translator and say {Lag}.

No, I don’t want you to sell your account, you are as entitled to play and enjoy this game as everyone else. However, since this is a MMORPG, and you DO have to play with others, you should strive to learn how to function in a group. If you want to lead, be smart about it. In my original post if you read it (Which I’m fairly sure you didn’t) you will see a link to a guide I wrote about leading a party. Read it, study it, and maybe, just maybe you will learn something and not be the picture next to the definition of “n00b.”

Good luck in your adventures.

Edited, Mon Jan 24 11:42:08 2005 by SingBismark

Edited, Mon Jan 24 14:52:47 2005 by SingBismark

Edited, Mon Jan 24 14:54:24 2005 by SingBismark
#20 Jan 24 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Default
A little tired of a battle of words with you Sigular..

Stop riding your WHM friends coat tale and Stand Up on your own.

There is nothing worse than needing a WHM and finding out you have to invite a MNK to get one....
#21 Jan 24 2005 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
919 posts
There is nothing worse than needing a WHM and finding out you have to invite a MNK to get one....  

Nahh im sure being stuck with a horrible pld for a few hours tops it..

Edited, Mon Jan 24 12:24:10 2005 by Moshiiii
#22 Jan 24 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
Beatdown wrote:
A little tired of a battle of words with you Sigular..

A great friend once told me "Never have a war of witts with an unarmed man." Smiley: lol

beatdown wrote:
Stop riding your WHM friends coat tale and Stand Up on your own.

There is nothing worse than needing a WHM and finding out you have to invite a MNK to get one....

Now, before you make an assumption about Leeluu and I, you would first have to understand something about loyalty, and friendship. Leeluu is my best friend in this game, and a wonderful person in the real world. Riding my WHM friends coat tale has been the best thing that could ever happen to me, as I gained something far more valuable than experience points, but true friendship.

Also, why do you think someone like Leeluu would be so adamant on grouping with only me? She could get groups anywhere she likes. Once again, it comes down to loyalty, friendship and trust. Traits you should think about.

I quoted myself from the good players thread, these people are my friends, and because of this, I'm sure none of them would want to subject me to a group of your formation alone. We stand together. Smiley: cool

Singbismark wrote:
After searching through this thread for the first time, I noticed something rather disturbing, a name so incredibly deserving is not on this list, so I add it now.

There is a person who sits behind a name that is so wonderful; everything she says makes me happy. Greed is not a factor in this person's play style, she is kindness incarnate.

The person I speak of;


When I first started this game about a year ago, I noticed a common flaw with the people in it. Greed, their motivation for everything.

I remember paying a member of the LS I was in, 10,000 gil, just so he would come help me kill the rank 3 dragon.

But I also remember the Taru WHM who was there, who stood and shouted in Windurst for 3 hours until we had the members necessary for the battle. Leeluu was there through the whole thing.

After camping smaller NM, and hearing about how camped the "Good" NM like Valkurm Emperor and Leaping Lizzy are, I finally decided to give it a go. These are items my MNK and WAR and THF could use. Leeluu is a mage, these items are of no use to her.

Well, she stood in Valkurm for hours until I claimed Valkurm Emperor. When the Hairpin dropped, she was happy for me. At level 40, a 300K drop, she just let me have it with no thought of personal gain.

Leaping Lizzy took 7 kills, and through it all, she was there. Countless hours.

Hoo Mjuu the Torrant and 12 kills later. Probably 50 hours of camping, and again, she was there.

Most recently, Cactuar Cantautor. 18 kills and I finally got my Kung Fu shoes. 1,000,000 gil shoes, and she didn't even flinch as I casted my lot.

Every piece of AF, every genkai, she was there to help me.

The first EXP party we were in together was in Yuthunga Jungle. This was my first experience of how good EXP could actually be. One of those parties where you stay up until 2AM because everything is just so perfect. We have EXPed together ever since. We’ve had statics with other people, but in reality, it has always been her and I.

Even now as a 66MNK and Leeluu as a 66WHM, we make 2K an hour EXP, often chain 4, sometimes chain 5 on goblins and raptors in Cape Terragin. If we add 4 more pick-ups, we’d be lucky to get 3K exp an hour, the going rate for a pick up party. It takes 4 more people to increase the EXP by .5 Just another example of her awesomeness.

Don't think she has been unrewarded, if you see her. /check Leeluu and at least half that gear (Including Vermillion Cloak) was given, or helped to obtain by me. However, even if I didn't give her these items, she would have still helped me as she is a truly wonderful person.

Leeluu and I have been declined for marriage at least 3 times but as soon as were accepted, I intend to hold on to that Taru for dear life. If you haven’t noticed by now, I am truly taken by Leeluu, she is by far the best “Good Player” on this list. Without her company, I would have long since quit.

I doubt she will ever read this, but I was hoping those of you that do could do me a favor. When you see leeluu, just /smile or /bow. Don't tell her why, but let happyness and smiles follow her everywhere!

Having said that, I should also mention;


I thank her for accepting me into my first LS, for helping me with the Giddeus Dragon, for submitting Leeluu and my application for marriage, and for also being a good person.


This guy logs on and immediately want's to know what he can help with.


These people play their job exceptionaly well, always a pleasure to group with.


This guy always wants to help!


He is a JP RDM in our LS who more than anything likes to help others. Once when we were talking about static parties, Velutina asked me (As a 68RDM, and my current job was a 64MNK) "Would you like me to de-level so we can play together?"

As I don’t want to leave anyone out, it would be far too much work to list all the good players I have met. But I will leave you with a few words.

Some people in this game have received more help than others, these are the people who found great Link Shells early on in the game. Others have really worked hard, have built all of their AF alliances, key parties, mission/quest parties and etc.. the hard way. Relying on the kindness of strangers for help. Those people that help, with no thought of personal gain; those are the people that make the community great. Without kind, helpful people, I know Leeluu and I would still be in onion gear.

Thank you all!
#23 Jan 24 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
169 posts
Wow! As a fellow MNK, I can honestly say that Singular has always been nice and respectful to me. If you don't want to get into the discussion then don't post. It's as simple as that.

I'll put this in another way. The one time that I encountered you was during an AF run in Xarcabard. You tanked the NM, got in the red, never died, but then preceded to insult my husband who was the RDM in your party, because you were afraid to tank. Hell, I'm a MNK and I end up tanking mobs half the time because of how much hate we draw.

Now I don't know about you as a player, but yelling and screaming at someone to take their ANON off so you can see what their job is makes you look like an ***. He clearly had on RDM AF, so IF you knew what you were doing then you would have known his job and approximate level. But, no..... You insisted on yelling in party chat during a full alliance.

I can't say good things about someone who insults other people, esecially when I know the people in question and they are very level headed. Unfortunately, some people in this game helped you get to where you were.

I have to reiterate my previous post and ask people not to party with you to encourage your bad behavior. Shame on you.


#24 Jan 24 2005 at 1:34 PM Rating: Default
I remember that time your talking about cat and its sad because you dont know the full story to that event.. But yet and still your trying to bash me about it..

I was asked to tank and I told the person asking me I would have 2 requirements..

1. I have a WHM to heal me.
2. I have a BLM to warp me back..

He said ok NP. cool right NO

I took his word for it and we all left and I tanked it.

Like you said I went into the red and was pissed.

Why you ask ....

1. Because there was like 12 of us and no WHM
2. Because there was also no BLM to also warp me back
3. And last but not least you guys needed me to tank it 3 more times.

Thats the part you missed..



#25 Jan 24 2005 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
Ok I was going to stay out of this until you chose to pick on good friends of mine.

Judging from your general attitude on these forums alone is worthy of me never having anything to do with you again. I hope you never need a raise from me, you can expect me to just keep on moving past your dead corpse.

I trust Catgirl implicitly and I know both her and her husband quite well. Rate down and good bye.

Edit: I know that you were probably frustrated Sing, but I think the bad players list would have been a better thread for this. Just my thoughts though ^^

Edited, Mon Jan 24 13:45:18 2005 by Wintaru
#26 Jan 24 2005 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
If you don't care what anyone thinks, then why are you still posting about the subject? Quit posting and adding fuel to the fire.

Edited, Mon Jan 24 14:10:53 2005 by Xanoxonax
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