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High level help...Follow

#1 Jan 15 2005 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
415 posts
Hi, I know that I am a low level and maybe I shouldn't be posting about this topic, but I had a question about a certain story that happened to someone I know.
You see, it started with a nice linkshell, with a close-knit group of people. After a while, when about 90% of the people got to a high enough level, they switched to a HNM ls.
Now, just a question about this, when a LS turns HNM, is it common to sort of abandon the lower level members and not help them? Because that is what happened.

Oh also, I have noticed that "helping" people with certain things has turned into "I will help you if you give me gil," like coffer keys and such.

Edited, Sat Jan 15 01:41:45 2005 by aerweny
#2 Jan 15 2005 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
305 posts
Over time, the person will probably grow fond of their new HNM LS, give 100% of their undivided attention to the LS and consider it their new home. I, for one, always help ppl who ask for my help. I'm not the type of person who will only help if u pay me. Those type of ppl, are just looking for a way to make a quick buck by helping ppl.
#3 Jan 15 2005 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
345 posts
I don't think it is really too common that it happens, but it does count for a few people ^^ Spending all of your time at a HNM ls may give them their goal they desired for a long time and nowhere does it say that they are supposed to help you out.

As for your friend...I wonder how close all those people were to each other anyway then. Close friends always help close friends out, no matter what. If they decide to completely neglect them he may as well wonder why he should even bother on remaining there ^^ If it is a real problem he could of course talk to the leader of the linkshell in question and ask for help to the matter ^^

It has tend to indeed turn into help for gil, but that most definatly isn't always the thing. If you really need help just post on this forum and people will respond from what I have seen. Else shout for help and people should come to your aid. If they do request for gil just kindly decline them ^^ I think it is happening because people are offering money to get help and so the people who do help will expect others to pay. Kindly ignore them if they ask you for gil and just shout (not spam >< *stares at infamouskiller..*) for help around lower jeuno, people will aid you if you are patient enough ^^ Don't forget, there also is a friendslist ^^
#4 Jan 15 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Sadly to say this stuff happens a lot. Each person playing the game have different reasons and goals for playing. And from my experience most are on that never ending drive to get to end game. I've had many ls's that have been broken due to the fact that the leaders or the large majority of the members were getting to the point where they could or close to joining HNM ls's, so in turn they all left.

For me, i just moved around from ls to ls for while and finally found a nice one which i could call home and not just an ls. Even though i also want to get end game, i will always stop to help anyone that needs help because i remember how hard it was finding help. I remember when i was looking for help for G1 a 75drk offered his services only if i paid him 100k for the paper and demanded i get him a 75 whm for raise III. Those kind of experiences really has quite nearly made me quit the game.

Anyways, moral of the story, yes a lot of people become real self-involved, but there are more who aren't. I play for those who aren't. Also if you need help, just send me a tell in game and i'll come along if i'm able to.

"The most beautiful people do the ugliest things, on their roads to riches..."
#5 Jan 15 2005 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
386 posts
most high levels are just tired of doing low lvl content over and over and over again. Also, I personally get annoyed when someone's first thought towards something is "I'll get hgih level help". that takes a lot out of the experience imo, which (off topic) is why i am glad CoP content is lvl capped.
#6 Jan 15 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
1,041 posts
I think a good point that should be made in the defense of people who don't drop everything to help someone 40 or even only 5 levels lower is that quite a lot of "high levels" got there without high level help.

I did rank 3 with 5 other people close to the same level I was, though they had done it before. I did rank 5 with a couple friends who were the same level I was. I did rank 6 with my set party (for the most part, the exact same people who helped me with rank 3), rank 7 with the same set party (6 people at 60, how's that?), rank 8 with the same people, and will probably do rank 9 and 10 with just them if we can get away with it.

We got all our advanced jobs together, and they were there for my subjob items. Now that we are in our 70's, it's kind of disheartening to see people where we were many months ago begging for help from high level people.

You don't need high level help.

And if you do, you should probably be waiting a few levels. Patience is a virtue, and so are good friends.
#7 Jan 15 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Default
510 posts
Ix is exactly right. I was starting to think that I was one of the only people left that had scratched and scrounged to get everything done on my own, like the elvaan race, I am much to prideful in getting things done myself than to ask for high level help. Food for thought, When most of the 'high levels' were growing up to be where they are now there wasn't any 'high level' help. I'm not entirely sure with where we are today, but when my DRG was 50, there weren't any high levels to help with Genkai1. We did it together.

Anywho, Before asking for high level help. Try to get things done on your own, It's a hell of a lot more rewarding.
#8 Jan 15 2005 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
Being one of the 6 people in the set party Ixa is talking about, I can say that getting things done when they are difficult to do is *much* more rewarding than having some high-level friends hold your hand and walk you through the game. Sure there are some parts that you will probably need a little help on, AF3s or WSNMs come to mind, but for nearly *everything* we've done in this game, we've accomplished it with the same 6 people, and I'm glad we've done things that way.

We have just recently left our LS to join a larger one, and it had nothing to do with us not wanting to do "lower level" things. I can't speak for everyone that leaves their LS, but for us, we have simply reached a point where we can no longer accomplish everything in game with only 6 people. If we could beat a Dynamis with 6 people, believe me we'd try, but there are some things later in the game that require 12+ people, and that was our reason for leaving.

As far as your question goes, if the lower level members were "abandoned," your LS probably wasn't as close-knit as it seemed. I can't speak for everyone in this situation, but for myself, I would still help any of my old LS members with anything, but at the same time, these old LS members of mine were pretty self-sufficient, and like me, weren't looking for someone to walk them through the game ;)
#9 Jan 18 2005 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
790 posts
Actually it worked completely opposite for me. I joined my (permanent) LS and overtime it grew into a HNM LS.

When I first picked up the game, I was very level driven. I'd out level my current LS and look for a higher level one for partying purposes.

Then around level 55ish, I got into a LS called Unleashed. Back then it had about a dozen member or so around level 55-60s. All the members are very friendly and helpful. I was uttly speechless when the whole LS offered help for my AF upon request, while some other LS I am also in just ignores me. In Unleashed we all helped each other out with AFs and other group activities. After I met this nice group of people, I decide to make this my permanent home.

As we maxing out our jobs, we started to shift our interest toward HNMs and Tulia related raids. Slowly we changed into one of those "HNM LS", becoming more and more active in Sky raids.

But the core of our LS stays the same, a friendly social LS. As more people becoming interested to join, we always, ALWAYS look for one key requirement from the new members: friendliness. We wouldn't admit anyone into our LS that's only here for loot. Unleashed is a social LS that also does end game related activities. We are very different from the typical greed driven HNM LS, which people forsake their own social ties to get in, only driven by the loot.

The point is. People matters. You need to find a good group people to play and level up with. I am just blessed with finding such a nice LS. I could only wish the best of luck for you to find yours.
#10 Jan 18 2005 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
790 posts
About the issue of high level help. I don't see why some high levels have such a negative reactions toward helping the low level. FFXI is designed to be a group game. You level together in groups. You do quest together in groups. Everyone need all the help they could get.

No high level ever get to high level without some's help. No high level ever get their AF without help. Without help from someone (regardless of level), there wouldn't be any high levels in the first place.

If my help is needed, I am always willing.
#11 Jan 18 2005 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
Well, I enjoy helping lower level players in my LS because I didn't get help. I had to bug people I didn't know for help with AF, and as a MNK, hell, I rarely ever get invites.

So in that sense, helping lower level players is great.


How many countless hours can you kill Coffer Key mobs before you get sick of it?

Have you killed every AF mob yet? I'm very close.

And the thing about HNM shells, they are very demanding.

Take Lunarians for example, they tell you in their recruitment, make it to as many raids as you can, after all how would it look if you missed a scheduled raid to go get EXP. If this happens often, you'll find your spot taken.

So the question comes up, how much do you want to help other people? And if the day comes that your tired of being the high level player in your LS doing everything for everyone else, and nothing for yourself, and you leave for more personal gain, are you greedy, or just enjoying the game is it was intended to be?

#12 Jan 18 2005 at 4:51 PM Rating: Good
I don't have too many issues with high-level help. People have helped me, in the past, and it was very much appreciated. In turn, I pay it forward, and help others, as those did for me.

Now, just because I am higher level, and can do something, does NOT mean that I am obligated, to do so, for everyone that comes to me. I will not powerlevel people, except if I'm bored, and I know the person (that's right one person, not a whole frickin' party that should be able to work without a PLer). Mass powerleveling is a disturbing trend that's increasing in frequency, promoting poor party combinations, and creating more players that seriously don't know what to do in a party.

As to the linkshell issue. My linkshell has recently suffered the loss of several higher level members, to HNM groups. It's sad, really. I hope they find what theyre looking for, but they will be missed.

I shall remain there, for all time, continuing to welcome newcomers, and happy to teach, when I have the time. It's in the spirit of the first LS I was ever in, and a proud tradition. In fact, I think I'm ready to start teaching some newcomers. I need a new inspiration. Bring them to me *grins*
#13 Jan 19 2005 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
It depends how you look at it really. Sure I don't mind sometimes helping people out, but god, Genki 1 was bad enough the first time time doing it (w/o high lvl help). Some people don't seem to appreciate just how tedious it is when you have helped farm well over 40 lich papers for people doing it just 'one more time' really isn't particularly appealing.
#14 Jan 19 2005 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
I honestly think that doing these things on your own shape you.

A while back I was put in a situation where I felt I needed to prove myself, so I organized my own G2 run (I'm sure some of you remember it). Most of the alliance I gathered (was actually something like 22 people^^) were all of G2 levels, very few were past early 60, and Ayril came to help kill the coerl (thanks!).

Aside from those few we did it all on our own, it was hard for me to control the group but we did well, anyone who was on that remembers me SHOUTING IN CAPS ALL THE TIME to get through the chatter ^^

Ever since doing that I have a lot more confidence that I can get things done on my own without having to beg assitance from a high level to come help.

As far as HNM LS's go, as much as I would like to be involved with one, with my personal life as it is and a baby on the way I doubt I would be able to attend enough raids to be considered for anything, even though I would like a Nobel's Tunic some day I would really like to join one just for the fun of killing a god, or Kirin some day.

Also, I love my LS and we like being laid back (not having a "leader" helps with that immensely) so whichever HNM I got in would have to come second I'm sad to say.

Edited, Wed Jan 19 09:13:28 2005 by Wintaru
#15 Jan 19 2005 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
Well, this may be my largest rant ever.

When I started this game, I chose a job not exactly in high demand, a MNK. As a MNK, I’d get less invites than some jobs, as we all know being a WHM was like being pure gold. I probably soloed close to level 20 with that job.

So, you get tired of not getting invites, and when you do get invites the party leader ends up being an idiot. So I started building my own parties. Hell, I even learned some basic Japanese so I can break the language barrier and increase my chances of building a group.

Genkai 1, built every party for all 3 items. All of these involving full parties of level 50 players, no high level help.

First LS I was in, needed help with rank 3 dragon, aside from Byaina and Leeluu, the LS was quiet when I asked for assistance. One player who I won’t name, said he’d go for 10K gil. Annoyed, this is when I’d leave to create my own LS, where I’d try to give the help I wasn’t receiving.

Rank 4 I did get high level help, a level 56 DRK I believe walked me through it, and he was paid 15K.

Rank 5 I got help from Alieador, we were all the same level, and did it together.

All ranks after that, built by myself.

Genkai 2, I did get a pick up. But guess what, we get there, and the leader didn’t have a clue what to do. So I took over, lead the alliance.

For AF, I actually did get invited to a pick up party that was scheduled here on line for Crawlers Nest. I showed up and it ended up being Tricky Beck (Becker) and her BST friend and myself. After about 3 hours it became apparent Tricky’s friend was there to help tricky, and without him we couldn’t even kill key holding mobs. So I did what I thought was right, and instead of competing with Tricky, I left.

The next day, I built an EXP party to EXP off of Knight Crawlers and Crawler Hunters. WWe eventually got our keys.

Built an EXP party for Garlaige keys.

Built an EXP party for Beadeaux, but this would prove to be the toughest one, and I’d have to go several times, sometimes 5 hours at a time before getting our keys.

For AF fights, I had Leeluu every time, other than that, it was just me in Jeuno shouting, and spamming /tells for help. After 2 or 3 hours of looking, I’d eventually have an alliance.

Mind you, I did this for MNK AF 1,2,3 and WHM AF1,2,3. So I can’t possibly even remember how many hours I’ve spent shouting, and looking for help.

At level 69, if I settle for a pick up party (Which I only get if Leeluu puts her flag up) I become completely aggravated to find people still don’t have a clue how to build a party. I end up in a 66-69 party EXPing off of mobs that yield 160 EXP on chain 3, and chain 3 being the max chain we get. It is annoying and sad that if I want a decent party, I have to do it myself.

Here I am level 69 (Heh, 68, deleveled last night >.<) and Dynamis is soon approaching. I can stay with my current LS, but that means I have to build it more. That means staying and waiting for everyone to level to my level, helping with countless other AF.

Chains of Promythia came out, and again, I built the alliance for all 3 of the initial Promyvions.

Rise of the Zilart, to be serious about HNM, you need to have Sky access. I’m currently on ZM5, and that is only because I built a ZM4 party and did all the work myself. I’d really like Sky access, but to get it, I’m probably going to have to do all the work. And I’ve been avoiding that.

How often do you see a shout in Jeuno “{Zilart} {Mission} 5 Looking for {Monk}”

It just doesn’t happen.

Looking back, I remember asking fellow MNK my level for help with AF and getting answers like “My LS did that for me last week, sorry.” And I can’t imagine what that must be like.

In my current LS, I am very happy to be able to help with these quests because I don’t want people to go through the aggravation I have. But on the other hand, I know if I stay where I am, in order to improve myself, I’m going to have to plan and build every thing I achieve.

How much of this sounded like fun to you? On the other hand, I’m quite proud of my achievements, and it has increased my knowledge of the game, party alliance, HNM dynamics immensely. But I think I’m getting tired. I just want to follow for a change.

So, this is a view from someone who literally never had the high level help. Although I like to give it, it makes me feel good, it also gets old.

It’s like working to pay for college and your own home, when your neighbor drives the Mitsubishi GT 3000 his parents bought him for getting a B+ in the private college he attends.

Hehe, by now I’m just rambling on, but that’s how my path has been in the game, and perhaps some reasons people don’t like to give the help they never got.
#16 Jan 19 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Haha Sing, I pretty much have the same sob story too. 95% of my DRK exp are from parties I made. All group-related Genkais (escept 2) are all organized by me (and many times out lotted or hi-jacked from me). I did recieve help on my AFs from my LS. Without them I'd be majorly screwed.

My experience with group related activities in the past is just horrible. I don't want other ppl to endure the same crap. It's NOT pleasant.

Sure ppl I helped are getting spoiled to death and prolly didn't even know it. But if I am the one that's being helped I'd appreciate the aid very much.

FFXI is a game build upon trust, teamwork, and inter-reliance. If the high levels doesn't make themselves an example, the low levels will never learn to help each other. And the crap cycle of do-everythin-on-your-own will continue.
#17 Jan 19 2005 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
476 posts
It's ok for some things I think... depends on how nuts it is. If I had to go with a party or an alliance for that papyrus paper... I probably would've still been trying to get it. I do like to do many things on my own though. The summoner quest, I got to the glacier intact, at 30, with no map, solo. Got to Norg and Rabao solo (well, Rabao I asked for directions after I got out of korroloka tunnel. That desert is huge ><)

The thing that really gets me are the dunes groups where they think they NEED a power level. It's no wonder there are tanks that don't understand why (in most situations) they should voke every 30 seconds regardless of who the mob is looking at. When they get told to not voke so the PL can tank instead, they can't possibly learn how to control hate. Same with BLMs and pullers for that matter. When pullers are told it's ok if they get links and BLM is told to nuke their hearts out all because there is a high level there to clean up, they're not learning that job.

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