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Want to spend your beastmen's seals? We can help.Follow

#52 Jan 18 2005 at 5:19 PM Rating: Good
172 posts
I think I'm just going to call it all off. Seems too many people didn't understand the circumstances of the arrangement, and I'd rather not have to deal with this directly after a successful fight.

I really don't care if anyone thought this was a "Scam", I put an offer on the table and if anyone thought it was worthwhile, they would have posted and said they will do it. If you didn't like it, then don't worry about it. Keep your orb and use it as you please. It is worth it to some people, and it's not worth it to others.

I wouldn't have made totally sure everyone knew the conditions if I was trying to scam people. Not pointing any fingers at anyone, but I just want to make sure everyone knows that my intent was to mutually benefit my BCNM party and the orb holder.
#53 Jan 18 2005 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
327 posts
Yeah, I don't call you a "scammer", and it's great for some people to get services like this.

But I'm still trying to figure out where I could put the "worthwile" word into your service for the 6th member...
He lose his orb, but he gets the same "money" as you - For me it's not worth the thing, we could get to Lv40 and do the thing by ourselves, and win much more. Seals stack up to 99, so it's taking one or two places in your storage/mog safe, and if you absolutely need money for your level, there are others way of farming that gives you much more gil, considering the money you "lose" by not doing this BCNM by yourself. Lv40 isn't that high, and you could lose up to 1/4 the money you could gain. Considering the money you win by slapping those BCNM, it's easy to understand who win and who lose :s ...

Still not flaming anyone, but I advise the people who's going to give it a try to think about it before running into it. IT could be a good way to get money, I agree, but you lose something really important : 40 seals.

Anyway, it's still a good service that Chops is offering, but only for a few people.
#54 Jan 18 2005 at 5:39 PM Rating: Good
247 posts

If you change your mind Chops, I DO understand what is going on, I DON'T consider it a scam, 1/6 of the booty is fine with me.

I have only leveled two jobs to the point of caring in this game, so beastman seals aren't a big deal to me. And niether of them are above 40.

So...if you reconsider, I will be poking around at 10.
#55 Jan 18 2005 at 8:49 PM Rating: Good
I really dont see why people are being so ignorant in regards to this thread. I know Chops very well and I can personally say he is not out to scam anyone. All he is doing is providing insurance to those with an orb they can't otherwise use maybe because of low level or no help. I really dont see what the big deal about this is, dont flame him and call him a scammer just because of his offer. No one here is obligated to accept his offer and there are already a couple people who did and were very grateful and happy to participate in this. So before you are so quick to accuse and flame maybe you should see where he is coming from. Giving this kind of service to someone less fortunate to have to organize one of these damn things they are making it very convenient and easy for someone to have to organize this type of run and may otherwise be in /shout hell in Lower Jeuno or otherwise.
#56 Jan 18 2005 at 9:12 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
dunno if any1 saw cuz my post was at end of a page, but i'll do this, I'm a Lv 37 Pld
#57 Jan 18 2005 at 10:10 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
Gotta throw in my word here as someone else who can vouch for Chops. A scammer he ain't. I've trusted him to split high-ticket items multiple times and he's always come through. I thought he made it very clear from the beginning how this was going to work, and if it was his intention to scam anyone he wouldn't tell anyone how the earnings would be split until after they were already sold off.

I have done BCNM40's a few times myself and usually end up with several thousand less XP and 2 or 3 less orbs than I started with, and MAYBE 200k to show for it - I did the mandy BCNM for 10 straight hours one Saturday and only made 250k. Without having been in the BCNM with this group myself, I can promise you as someone who knows them all that when Chops says it's a guaranteed win, he means it's a guaranteed win. That is, in most cases, a HELL of a lot better than your average BCNM party could offer.

I personally think that even splitting your winnings 6 ways with people who didn't contribute orbs, you're going to get more money per seal than if you had gone in with a group where each person is going to toss in an orb. But that's just me. YMMV.

Edited, Tue Jan 18 22:12:09 2005 by Byaina
#58 Jan 19 2005 at 2:22 AM Rating: Good
374 posts
I'm sure he isn't a scammer, as far as he would divy out the money 1/6 of the way.

But, as far as only you bringing the orb (which costs a hell of a lot of Beast seals in the long run) and you can probably make 80k on a bad BCNM40 if you get crap drops from the chest, I would call this a scam and 1/2.

#59 Jan 19 2005 at 3:37 AM Rating: Good
883 posts
Look, I can understand everyone's reluctance to go for this and everything, but seriously, take a step back here. I repeat: I can say with absolute certainty that this is NOT A SCAM. It may not be particularly well thought-out, it may not be FAIR from YOUR point of view, but it is NOT A SCAM.

Chops and crew have MUCH better ways of making money than mooching off some poor shmoes with star orbs, believe me, they don't need to pull this crap to make a fast buck. I'm not even going to try speaking for them as to why they chose to set it up this way (other than to say that they sure as hell shouldn't be expected to do it for free, and even if you did a 50/50 split that would leave each of the 5 of them with only 10% and that seems like a waste of time, too). I will say that I'm getting pretty ticked off at the accusations and insinuations that are flying around here, because I know these guys very well and believe me, they ALL have better things to do with their time than sit around and come up with ways to scam people.

Chops and crew are all really good people (even if Brock is a noob). So you don't like the offer, or don't think it's fair - it isn't fair to declare that they're all scammers, either. Take it or leave it, if you don't like it, don't do it, that's all there is to it. Casting aspersions on some of the very few decent people in this game is just sad.

Edited, Wed Jan 19 03:41:08 2005 by Byaina
#60 Jan 19 2005 at 3:59 AM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
I'd steer clear of this "Chops" fella.

I think he is a Chinese gilfarmer who has a 18 yr old American tourist girl they kidnapped when she was 16 or so write these posts for him, or so I heard. I read it somewhere...

Anyhow, what I suspect what he'll do is wait til you trade your Orb, then the rest of his PT will choose Royal Jelly BCNM 50 since they are all higher levels, and leave you stranded in the BCNM 40 alone and uncomfortable. My next door neighbor's babysitter's ex-boyfriend told me about this one time a month or two ago. He does this on other servers as well under the log-in name "Choppss" so don't say I didn't warn ya you retarded suckers!

#61 Jan 19 2005 at 4:29 AM Rating: Good
345 posts
It still is everyones own decision if they want to do this and I think everyone should be glad that this is a way to make a nice bit of money ^^;

This isn't anywhere near a scam. If it were to be a scam you'd have to throw in your seal, fight along and end up with no money cause they run off with everything. It is clearly stated that they divide the money 6 ways and who takes care of that. So please don't even go shouting scam or whatever cause it is clearly not ^^;

You can add it in the list of making money. So instead of doing it with 6 you do it with 5. It's a good idea to make a nice chunk of money and it sure beats having to farm/craft/mine or anything else for a change ^^

Chopss, don't quit just because some people decide to be jackasses, keep the service up since people can vouch for you and more people are simply interested ^^;
#62 Jan 19 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
This is the way my LS has always done BCNM.

We all bring an orb (6 orbs), we all sell everything we get and divy evenly. His way is different only in there's only one run being made. For people who say they will level a job to 40 and do it with a group of friends that is fine and dandy, but if you've never done these before you might need a couple of runs before you get the hang of it, so there's a risk of loosing seals.

We're now gearing for BCNM60 (better prizes/cash) and it's a little nerve-wracking because we've never done it before and have had to formulate our own strats for it. Regardless people going in understand that we may waste a seal or two trying to figure it out properly.

Chopss is offering a risk free run, your orb will always net you cash, you'll never have a failed run.
#63 Jan 19 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
327 posts
Don't "make" me say something I haven't written...

I repeated 2 times that Chops wasn't a scammer. I said it was great way for some people to earn money, and considering the previous posts, he's reliable, the ONLY 1 "bad" thing I said is what Tweedius said :

"Tweedius" wrote:
I'm sure he isn't a scammer, as far as he would divy out the money 1/6 of the way.

But, as far as only you bringing the orb (which costs a hell of a lot of Beast seals in the long run) and you can probably make 80k on a bad BCNM40 if you get crap drops from the chest, I would call this a scam and 1/2.


You'll earn much more money if you save your 40 seals and do it with a "normal" group (considering you don't fail). The 5 others people are earning money by throwing 3 arrows and 2 spells, and you receive money for your orb, but 80k for 40 seals is, for me, totally worthless. Just a matter of opinion, some people would prefer to get their Lv20 job and get 80k, but for me it's a "bad" service - Yes, the guy gets his 80k and is happy because he thinks that's a lot of money for his lvl. But you won't teach him anything, you won't make him doing the "most" important thing : Farming. I was enough crazy to farm 2Mil for my post-20 gear, but at least now I know what, when, where and how to farm. Seeing others people, in this forum, in-game and/or in my LS being so happy because they maked 40k in 1 week makes me feeling sad. It's a bit off-topic, though...


Summary :

Good things :
- Easy money
- "Risk-free"

Bad things :
- Not worth the 40 seals

And that's my opinion. Chops isn't a scammer, I repeat, I don't say, and haven't said he's a scammer. It's a "good" service and a good idea, but there are something "bad" behind this, but if you don't mind about this, just go ;p ...
#64 Jan 19 2005 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
259 posts
Funny how often the word "scam" has come up in defense, yet no one speaking opinions against the plan has ever mentioned the word.

I personally just made my post as an added insurance in case someone misread what Chops said. It's very easy, if you do not understand BCNMs, to misinterpret what you may gain by doing this. I believe my only concern (which is shared by a few on here) is that people might inadvertantly be "duped" into thinking they've found an easy way to get money, when in reality, truly understanding the process will get them more.

But as I also said before, if someone has no other effective ways to get gil, by all means this would work for them. My post was simply a warning to those who might not have fully comprehended the implications of taking up the offer. Apparently even then it wasn't read, as Chops had to come back here to clarify the loot process. Moral of the story (to myself and Chops): No matter what you say, people still won't truly READ it. =)
#65 Jan 19 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Good
128 posts

I have a Orb in my MH. No level 40 gear left (except earrings).

Time it would take to get level 40 gear (has to be some of the best gear because of the nature of my job):
1-2 hours

Time spent setting up and coordinating a BCNM:
Many hours

Amount of gil to buy said gear:
I'm guessing at least 200k (probably low)
200k that I could spend on...say an Earth Staff

Number of BCNM40's I could actively participate in:
Not too many - Pld isn't neccissarily an "ideal" job for a lot of BCNM's

All this equals:
Many hours spent & at least 200k before I even started in the circle

What Chops & crew can offer me:
15 mins of my time, an extra space in my MH and some gil to show for it.

This thread has and and always will apply to me & others in my situation. I think he was more than fair with laying down the ground rules. If you do not fit into this catagory or do not understand Chops rules then please just read the posts if you find them interesting and then move on.

Sorry for being so winded .
#66 Jan 19 2005 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
327 posts
It's really pushing the thing very very far ... For example, there are things I'll never sell, like Winged Boots and Emperor Hairpins. I always keep the most important pieces of my gear, so even if I'm helping someone to slap the Rank 3 Dragon, I have a decent/good gear to go in.

Also, just think about one thing ... You're Lv60 ... Why would you do a BCNM40 ? There are BCNM60. If you want to do an "easy" one, you don't need the uber-rofl-omg-super-god-500M-gear to go in :s ...

(I totally agree with Hyla's post ^^)
#67 Jan 19 2005 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
128 posts
Because I have an orb sitting in my MH. ^^
#68 Jan 19 2005 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
327 posts
Eh, good point ^^

(but I don't think everyone has a Star Orb sitting in their MH and are post-60 ^^)
#69 Jan 19 2005 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
Freyir wrote:
You'll earn much more money if you save your 40 seals and do it with a "normal" group (considering you don't fail). The 5 others people are earning money by throwing 3 arrows and 2 spells, and you receive money for your orb, but 80k for 40 seals is, for me, totally worthless. Just a matter of opinion, some people would prefer to get their Lv20 job and get 80k, but for me it's a "bad" service - Yes, the guy gets his 80k and is happy because he thinks that's a lot of money for his lvl. But you won't teach him anything, you won't make him doing the "most" important thing : Farming. I was enough crazy to farm 2Mil for my post-20 gear, but at least now I know what, when, where and how to farm. Seeing others people, in this forum, in-game and/or in my LS being so happy because they maked 40k in 1 week makes me feeling sad. It's a bit off-topic, though...

are you the guy who made 1 mil for putting a party together for Fenrir?

I have gathered your party. You just have to decide WHEN you want to do it.

I'm sure I'll be rated down for that, but I'm tired of farming so much for my emperor hairpin ;_; ... I'm glad to help someone, and earning 1M for this is maybe "corruption", but I need it, and he doesn't "need" it, so :s ...
#70 Jan 19 2005 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
/em bangs his head against the wall.

Why is this such a big deal? If you were to join a regular (fair) BCNM40 party with 6 members in which each member contributes an orb, you'd probably do 6 runs. If you win all 6, you split all the winnings 6 ways. You would not get more for some rounds than others. That way, when you contribute your orb you get the same amount as the RNG helping you. And when the RNG contribute his orb, you still get the same amount as him.

How is this different than Chops & Co. each making the same amount as the guy contributing the orb? It wouldn't be practical for them to contribute 5 orbs for every 1 contributed by Client A, even if they had enough seals, so they just work with Client A's.

This is all assuming Client A is 40+ and can actually contribute to a normal BCNM40 raid. If he can't, then he can look at it this way: nothing is required for success - for this leniency, he should expect to compensate Chops & Co for their time. Even if he is 40+, he'd be expected to play a critical role in any other BCNM40 even to get a 1/6 of the loot. Not being expected to do anything and still getting 1/6 of the loot? Sounds like a decent offer.

Rate-ups on every one of Chops' posts in this thread.
#71 Jan 19 2005 at 9:20 PM Rating: Good
All I can say is that Audions reply is exactly why Chops started this thread for BCNM runs. Its for people in Audions case that have an orb or so to spare and dont wanna have to buy gear or organize something like this that can be time consuming.

Many people have already sent /tell to Chops in game asking to do this, so for those out there that criticize this you may wanna think again because it seems to be rather popular with many people in game.

Edited, Wed Jan 19 21:23:13 2005 by YankeeFan
#72 Jan 20 2005 at 12:54 AM Rating: Good
1,477 posts
Yay, massive rate-downs for saying Chops isn't such a bad guy. Thank you, Bismarck.

EDIT: Thanks for the counter-troll rate-ups on this post, but it looks like it's a losing battle overall in this thread. If everyone were to rate-up and rate-down based on whether they agree with someone or not, then all the "sages" and "gurus" would just be anyone who held the popular opinion (lemmings) and those that went against popular opinion will get rate-downed below the filter. What the hell kind of a system is that?

If a post is useful or informative, rate-up. If it gives wrong blatantly wrong information or is malicious, I think it deserves a rate-down.

I rated Chops up only to counter the trolls, but it looks like I pulled too much hate from them. {Cover}!!!

Edited, Thu Jan 20 11:33:01 2005 by Dryhus
#73 Jan 20 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
327 posts
are you the guy who made 1 mil for putting a party together for Fenrir?

Yep. What's wrong with it ? I saw a good opportunitate to stop farming because it was really exhausting. Such ways are very rare, by the way, and I think that 1Mil is much greater than 88k. Also the "way" of earning is different. There I got the money for helping someone. HEre you get the money for "being" helped by someone.

PS : OMG. What's this ? Can't we discuss and tell the others our opinion without getting rated down ? I guess someone missed the point of the Karma system ... Rate-up for everyone.
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