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Want to spend your beastmen's seals? We can help.Follow

#27 Jan 17 2005 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
179 posts
Ohhh I want to join. I already have a BCNM40 orb ready to go.
#28 Jan 17 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
Easiest 88k I ever made just standing around twiddling my thumbs ^^

Thanks Chops
#29 Jan 17 2005 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good
172 posts
I'll try to talk to the other guys and set up a time where we can take care of everyone else. More to come later.
#30 Jan 17 2005 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
345 posts
I'd like to sign up as well ^^; Got one orb and 40 seals left, so 2 runs :D

Failed miserably at 3 times a moment ago..and well..I don't want that ; ;
#31 Jan 17 2005 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
128 posts
I may take you up on this. I got an orb sitting in storage and no level 40 gear anymore. Would be a pain to buy all that again just for the one orb.

Who are the others that would be in the fight?
#32 Jan 17 2005 at 5:31 PM Rating: Default
Chopss wrote:
to be more specific about our party, we have a RNG, RNG, BLM, BLM, WHM. Last night we beat it in 14 minutes without really trying. I don't really know how else to explain my guarantee, but all I can say is "we will win" =)

Ummmm, Get rid of that other BLM and replace it with a BRD. BRD may be the best job for BCNM40. I think I lost the vid of a Bard doing BCNM40. Well, heres how bards may be the best job for BCNM40.

Ok, the line up for BCNM40 should be WHM, PLD, (WAR or NIN is fine) BLM, RNG, and (of course) BRD. Ok, the bard casts carols mattering on which on your fighting. The mandies = Water, the worms = Earth. Well, then the PLD vokes the NM. While, the BRD Horde Lullabys the other ones. Then the RNG, PLD, and BLM just hack away at the NM while the BRD keeps on sleeping the other ones. And repeat till there dead. Then when the NM is dead, The BLM cast a -aga spell once or twice and there dead! And you win!

Therefore, just get rid of that other BLM and replace it with a BRD. I would like to come =) I'm a 39 BRD (I just leveled today) The sad thing is... I only have about 25 Beastman seals... so... can I go even without the seals? I'll pay instead =P Thank you!
#33 Jan 17 2005 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
1,502 posts
I got a bunch of seals sitting in my MH and, well, I need the gil.

Sign me up.
#34 Jan 17 2005 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Andykiller wrote:
Chopss wrote:
to be more specific about our party, we have a RNG, RNG, BLM, BLM, WHM. Last night we beat it in 14 minutes without really trying. I don't really know how else to explain my guarantee, but all I can say is "we will win" =)

Ummmm, Get rid of that other BLM and replace it with a BRD. BRD may be the best job for BCNM40. I think I lost the vid of a Bard doing BCNM40. Well, heres how bards may be the best job for BCNM40.

Ok, the line up for BCNM40 should be WHM, PLD, (WAR or NIN is fine) BLM, RNG, and (of course) BRD. Ok, the bard casts carols mattering on which on your fighting. The mandies = Water, the worms = Earth. Well, then the PLD vokes the NM. While, the BRD Horde Lullabys the other ones. Then the RNG, PLD, and BLM just hack away at the NM while the BRD keeps on sleeping the other ones. And repeat till there dead. Then when the NM is dead, The BLM cast a -aga spell once or twice and there dead! And you win!

Therefore, just get rid of that other BLM and replace it with a BRD. I would like to come =) I'm a 39 BRD (I just leveled today) The sad thing is... I only have about 25 Beastman seals... so... can I go even without the seals? I'll pay instead =P Thank you!

Having done the worms over 20-30 times, I feel the need to correct you. BRD is worthless in the worm BCNM40, which is the one that they're doing with a setup like they have. BRD brings nothing to the BCNM except for the ability to keep Ballad I on the two BLM and the WHM and prelude the RNG, if he can keep up.

The BCNM you're thinking of is the mandragora BCNM, which is in Giddeus. They're doing Palborough Mines, which can easily be won by 4 or 5 people, as long as they know what they're doing.
#35 Jan 17 2005 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
hey chops, I have a Orb for BCNM 40 and I can't figure out which one to do. So if you want, send me a tell next time you see that im on and we can discuss one.

#36 Jan 18 2005 at 3:34 AM Rating: Good
172 posts
We are planning on doing BCNM40 Tuesday night at 10:00PM Eastern. If you are interested in doing this, please post on here to let me know, because I won't be in the game until around 8 or 9 Tuesday night.

If multiple people show up, we can just do lots to see who goes first, second, etc. If you can meet us in Palborough Mines after 10:00 that would be great because that place can be tricky to navigate if you haven't been there much.

Please keep in mind - my party does not have any orbs to offer. If you would like to do multiple runs, you can get a warp II from one of our BLMs and run back to Palborough with another Star Orb.

I can answer any questions tomorrow from work if you have any.

*Edit - we will probably do as many BCNM runs as people have Star Orbs.

Edited, Tue Jan 18 03:34:49 2005 by Chopss
#37 Jan 18 2005 at 5:38 AM Rating: Decent
345 posts
darn, thats at 4am my time ^^;; Sigh XD Wish I could sign up, but have to get up next day at 7am ; ;
#38 Jan 18 2005 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
327 posts
10PM Eastern ... I don't know the U.S. way to name the GMT, but according to the previous post, is it GMT-5 ?
#39 Jan 18 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
172 posts
Yes, my time zone is GMT-5.
#40 Jan 18 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Good
690 posts

I won't be able to get on until about midnight or 12:30 eastern tonight, due to work.

I'll see if you are still around when I log on, and if so, I'll send you a /tell to see if something can be worked out.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#41 Jan 18 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
247 posts
I want to do this.
1) so I can see how it is done and pass the info on to eventually do it with my LS

2) Becuase I am flat *** broke.

I will meet you in the mines before 10.

Rate up for being in Michigan!
#42 Jan 18 2005 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
172 posts
Keep in mind if a lot of people do show up, you might be waiting a little while to take your turn at the BCNM. Doing /random is probably the way we'll decide the order if multiple people show.

To possibly save anyone some waiting around time, is there anyone that absolutely has to do this as early as possible? 10:00 is the earliest run we're going to make, although I think 10:15 would be more realistic.

*Edit - just want to make sure everyone knows that it is a STAR ORB that you will need to enter the BC.

Edited, Tue Jan 18 13:53:16 2005 by Chopss
#43 Jan 18 2005 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
400 posts
I am in for this I have about 400 seals so 10 times in a row is fine by me please send me a tell.

#44 Jan 18 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
327 posts
I think I'm gonna be there from 10PM. (4AM for me btw) -
#45 Jan 18 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Good
172 posts
Freyir, we'll try to get you taken care of first due to time zone reasons. Is your in-game name Freyir?
#46 Jan 18 2005 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
I'm in too, I have 40seals rdy to go ^^

#47 Jan 18 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Good
327 posts
Yes it is, but I won't be ready for 4AM. I'll maybe get up round 4AM but I'll have to make my orb before, I'm in Sandy and my seals are in my storage :s (In Windurst)...

So don't expect to have me before 11PM, and don't worry if you won't see me, it will be because my clock will mess up or because I will be too sleepy to notice I'm awake :s ...
#48 Jan 18 2005 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
Theophany wrote:
Theophany wrote:
Andykiller wrote:
Chopss wrote:
to be more specific about our party, we have a RNG, RNG, BLM, BLM, WHM. Last night we beat it in 14 minutes without really trying. I don't really know how else to explain my guarantee, but all I can say is "we will win" =)

Ummmm, Get rid of that other BLM and replace it with a BRD. BRD may be the best job for BCNM40. I think I lost the vid of a Bard doing BCNM40. Well, heres how bards may be the best job for BCNM40.

Ok, the line up for BCNM40 should be WHM, PLD, (WAR or NIN is fine) BLM, RNG, and (of course) BRD. Ok, the bard casts carols mattering on which on your fighting. The mandies = Water, the worms = Earth. Well, then the PLD vokes the NM. While, the BRD Horde Lullabys the other ones. Then the RNG, PLD, and BLM just hack away at the NM while the BRD keeps on sleeping the other ones. And repeat till there dead. Then when the NM is dead, The BLM cast a -aga spell once or twice and there dead! And you win!

Therefore, just get rid of that other BLM and replace it with a BRD. I would like to come =) I'm a 39 BRD (I just leveled today) The sad thing is... I only have about 25 Beastman seals... so... can I go even without the seals? I'll pay instead =P Thank you!

Having done the worms over 20-30 times, I feel the need to correct you. BRD is worthless in the worm BCNM40, which is the one that they're doing with a setup like they have. BRD brings nothing to the BCNM except for the ability to keep Ballad I on the two BLM and the WHM and prelude the RNG, if he can keep up.

The BCNM you're thinking of is the mandragora BCNM, which is in Giddeus. They're doing Palborough Mines, which can easily be won by 4 or 5 people, as long as they know what they're doing.
Having done the worms over 20-30 times, I feel the need to correct you. BRD is worthless in the worm BCNM40, which is the one that they're doing with a setup like they have. BRD brings nothing to the BCNM except for the ability to keep Ballad I on the two BLM and the WHM and prelude the RNG, if he can keep up.

The BCNM you're thinking of is the mandragora BCNM, which is in Giddeus. They're doing Palborough Mines, which can easily be won by 4 or 5 people, as long as they know what they're doing.

Well, the should of said the worms... =P
#49 Jan 18 2005 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
ya help me plz >< im lvl 41 rdm ill be on in march im at school. i got some seals. buzzard tuck cuir boielli. hose electrium rings electrium hairpin etc. so if you agree plz lets do one for phalanx ><
#50 Jan 18 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
172 posts
After a couple tells I got in game, I want to clear even more stuff up once again. I'll lay down the guidelines in black and white.

1) You do not keep everything you win.

2) You will be splitting the winnings with the orb that you use 6-ways, equally.

3) We do not have any orbs to spend. The only runs we make are from orbs that you bring to us.

4) I will be the one lotting and selling high-priced items (i.e. Erase, Utsusemi: Ni). The others I will write down and record and let you sell those on your own so that you can send us the gil when you are done selling.

5) We're doing this to make money for ourselves and for you. We're not doing this for charity.

I don't want to sound like an ***, I just want everyone to be totally CLEAR as to what is going on =)
#51 Jan 18 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
327 posts
That changes everything. For me, the "normal" BCNM-thingy would be : The "gains" are splitted into 6 and each 1/6 are given to the PT members, and EVERYONE brings his/her own orb, to do 6 BCNM fight.

I agree that we aren't supposed to do anything in the battle, but that's OUR orb, OUR 40 seals, and it takes MUCH longer to get 40 BM seals than getting 88k.

It's a good way for you 5 to makes money, but not for us, we lose more than we gain :s ...

"CactuarsRevenge, (and he got rated down -_-)" wrote:
even split seems like a rip off imo considering you all are basically leeching as much off the 6th member's seals, as they are leeching off you. should consider giving larger portion to orb doner; maybe 1/4 or 1/3 total loot.
I used to do bcnm40 worms, which we could beat with 3 people (but had 5 in set pt to inssure 100% victory rate), would give orb doner 10% of whatever the total was, then /6 from the loot (or just give orb doner 25%); and if orb was a dud (less than 75k~ total or so), let them have 100%.
thats just my opinion tho :P

Without proceeding in the way explained by CactuarsRevenge, it would be rather worthless for the Orb-giver. I'm Lv30, I would just have to get 10 more levels and I could do it in a normal-way, which will be much more worth the run for me.

No offense nor flaming, it's a good way for "lazy" people to earn money, and a very good way for you 5, even if I will rather call this a "scam".
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