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Za'Dha AdamantkingFollow

#1 Jan 14 2005 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good
Does anyone have any information on what it would take to kill this? I'm looking at having to spend millions on Raise III here in 10 levels (A long way off I know but it pays to look forward) and it seems from the commentary on this site that he drops Raise III fairly regularly.

I was just looking for tips, general battle tactics, and any advice from anyone that has killed him.
#2 Jan 14 2005 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
I know this isnt exactly what you were looking for bro, but it does explain all of the sources of R3:
Raise III

I would be more than happy to help you get your raise 3 if
1: we can get the peeps for the BC it runs with or
2: we have the power to challenge this monster qadav :/

Aside from that, we could just as easily help you get something WORTH 2m so you can buy it ; ;

Upon more research, the mimic bc doesnt look so bad. lv 50 mimics, 1/3 chance to win without battle at all. Set a date ^^

Edited, Fri Jan 14 19:09:07 2005 by Duuude
#3 Jan 14 2005 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Za'Dha Adamantking isn't that hard anymore, 8-12 75's could take him out fairly easily. Been a long time since I've killed him, we don't camp the beastmen gods much, but I know that he hits pretty hard like the other ones. Ninja tank heavily preferred over paladin. Also be careful about giving him a lot of tp, some of his weaponskills are a bit dangerous.
#4 Jan 15 2005 at 1:37 PM Rating: Good
610 posts
I just spent 2.1 mil on my Raise III Win >.< I had to take out some huge loans from friends too before it jumped up to 3 mil good luck on getting it though, once you have it, it's a huge load off! ^^
#5 Jan 16 2005 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
919 posts
Wow that is a badass looking mob. I wana come and /cheer you on.
#6 Jan 17 2005 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
Do like me and switch to fun is keeping a bunch of whining 14 year olds alive whence they constantly spam for Erase when they don't need it. Not much fun for me anymore ><

#7 Jan 18 2005 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
I would Tweed but I love WHM too much ^^

I think my LS will have the firepower to take this guy down by the time I hit level 70. I know my static would be willing to help out just for the sheer fun of killing something like this, so that's 6 members in.

Just trying to tie up the loose ends of all the final gear and spells I'll be needing, and this one is a biggie. Good thing Reraise III is easy to get ahold of ^^

Edited, Tue Jan 18 11:47:52 2005 by Wintaru
#8 Jan 18 2005 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
197 posts
You can get scroll raise III from KSBC (kindred's Seal BC) level 70 (I think you can go as level 68, but tanker and melee better be in level 70, cuz we did this along with level 68 BLM). I helped my friend getting raise III, choose the one with mob pot. It is like this, when you enter qub'ia arena you have to trade lachesis orb (30 Kindred's seal), and you go inside the room with many pots, we choose wind based pot, it's the easiest pot among other pots.
This is where you can get the information:
Hopefully this will help you out, good luck
#9 Jan 18 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Excellent
I said this before and hope that the *** hats that do it read my post, but chances are they will not. I know you wanna make millions for your Hauberk and Sniper's+1. But we all know you watch your exp like hawks and WHM will always find a party, as for you dying in Dynamis 20 times and having to take a raise 2 because that WHM you fu[/b]cked when you sold Raise 3 for 5 million cant afford it. I am very concerned because I as a Paladin am the 1st to die, and will die on many occassions during HNMs and Dynamis and I want my WHM to have Raise 3. The more you sell it for the more you are fu[b]cking yourself, think about it ***[b][/b]hole.

Not trying to flame anyone who doesnt do this, just very pissed at the situation with Raise 3.

Edited, Tue Jan 18 10:57:35 2005 by JoLOveS
#10 Jan 18 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
Joloves- Best post ever!
#11 Jan 18 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Good
Apis wrote:
You can get scroll raise III from KSBC (kindred's Seal BC) level 70 (I think you can go as level 68, but tanker and melee better be in level 70, cuz we did this along with level 68 BLM). I helped my friend getting raise III, choose the one with mob pot. It is like this, when you enter qub'ia arena you have to trade lachesis orb (30 Kindred's seal), and you go inside the room with many pots, we choose wind based pot, it's the easiest pot among other pots.
This is where you can get the information:
Hopefully this will help you out, good luck

I've thought about doing the BCNM but it's not a guaranteed drop from it. Sounds like Za'Dha is very consistant with dropping it so that's why I chose that route instead.

If all else fails I may try that, I have quite a few Kindred Seals now but I'm very iffy on BCNM because until you get the rythm of the particular fight down you could easily waste 30 seals too ^^
#12 Jan 18 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
>< Im going to need this in 4lvls, think I might ask ls to see if they can help me on him...
#13 Jan 18 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
302 posts
Yea I totally agree with JoLOveS. Sucks raisin' the price on such an important scroll -.- I hope they get screwed over in Dynamis.

Princess Yekan wrote:
I just spent 2.1 mil on my Raise III Win >.<

{/cheer} ^^
#14 Jan 18 2005 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
It's amazing to me that anyone would list Raise III for such an outrageous price.

I mean, it is of value to everyone but the person who is buying it.

I have a friend Leeluu who needs this soon, if it were me, I'd say not buy it. Then when you see that HNM LS that whipped in Dynamus, give them raise 2. After all, it's their greed that set the price.

I don't know, I'm about as pissed as Jlove!

On another note, I'm a 69MNK, Lee is a 69WHM, I have a 73RDM in the LS, I know a 75BLM, and I have a lot of Kindred's Seals. Perhaps we can arange some runs together.

I'd kill for a venemous claw, which also drops from KSNM.
#15 Jan 18 2005 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
Hey Singular is me Seriph BTW, and I will most definitely help Leeluu if she needs it. And I guess if Wintaru wants to join he is more than welcome. I am just freaking pissed at the fact that ppl cry over exp, but have the balls to list this item so high.

Edit: If anyone is in game at the moment can they go to the AH in Jeuno and post the names of the recent sellers and the price they sold it for, I wanna make a mental note of these people. WHMs in the server should also make a note and if you see them dead give them a Raise 1.

Edited, Tue Jan 18 14:15:51 2005 by JoLOveS
#16 Jan 18 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
Now that's a thought :) Everyone who charges these outrageous prices get's a Raise I ^^

Naw, I'd give them the highest Raise spell I have...Raise II...and I better not hear any ******** ^^
#17 Jan 18 2005 at 3:23 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Seriph makes a very good point here, and I think we should follow through with it. On an item such as this, we should post the people from the Jeuno AH who are selling it for asinine amounts of gil and make sure that they get fu[b][/b]cked in the *** because of their greed.

Then again, I'm just a bitter prick to begin with, so whatever. haha
#18 Jan 18 2005 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
610 posts
The way I saw it was that this scroll is going to be the most important one, and since I got all my other scrolls til 75 off of Goblin Alchemists I figured going all out and getting this scroll was the least I could do. Sure when I had to spent 250k on Raise II I complained because it was a spell I would never use on myself well now I just went and spent 2.1 million on a scroll I will yet again never use on myself it sucks but I love my job so much that in the end it doesn't really matter.

But if there is anything I can do to help out you guys in getting your scroll then please let me know, because believe me, I know how much of a load off it is to have this scroll safe and sound in your mog house.

Oh and guys most of these Raise III scrolls are being sold by the leader of a Japanese HNM LS, I can't remember which one.

Edited, Tue Jan 18 15:29:50 2005 by Yekan
#19 Jan 18 2005 at 3:57 PM Rating: Good
302 posts
Uncle Xano wrote:
make sure that they get ****** in the *** because of their greed

Mental note: do not **** off Uncle Xano >.>

Edit: bah I need help getting around filters >.<

Edited, Tue Jan 18 15:58:03 2005 by Awias
#20 Jan 18 2005 at 4:41 PM Rating: Good
dromio the Braindead Scholar of Alexander Server wrote:
3 million for raise three just says people on this server are greedy ****** these poeple who do that are shooting themselves in the foot cause sooner or later they gonna die and the whm closest to them won't have it cause of the price

You still don't get it. The people jacking the price on raise 3 aren't worried about mages not getting it. They're in LS's filled with whm's that have it already and don't care... It's not the little guys gouging the whm's. It's the old school HNM shells that have gotten raise 3 for all their whm's and are pretty much trying to see how far they can push it. The whm's looking for these scrolls are likely in HNM shells that aren't yet strong enough to acquire them outside of the AH. So one of 3 things happens likely happens..

1.) The Whm's LS pays the absurdly inflated price and the seller's shell makes a profit.

2.) The whm doesn't get it(and at 3 million who can blame them) thus weakening his/her respective shell and providing less competition for the selling shell.

3.) The whm refuses to lvl until he/she has the spell and spends month's crafting or farming, and in tunr holds back the rest of the shell with the same result as example 2.

Either way it's not the random players doing this lol and the sellers are not really worried about missing out.

I was browsing other forums and came across this. It is happening on all the servers but this person makes the most sense. I mean back in March I hated WHMs I dont even know why I am so pissed over this...wait now I remember cause they keep my *** alive and if I were to fall I would only lose a little of my exp.
#21 Jan 18 2005 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
Gotta love double posts.

Edited, Tue Jan 18 16:53:23 2005 by JoLOveS
#22 Jan 18 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
That also is a very good point, and that's probably what's going on here. These people are probably getting the scroll to help out their WHMs, and then after that, they more or less have no qualms of fu[b][/b]cking over other WHMs out there. Either way, it sucks.

Now, time for me to brainstorm ideas for getting the three million gil I need for my job. :P
#23 Jan 18 2005 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
All I can say is if I gather a group of people from my LS to kill this they know who they can rely on for Raise III's as long as I'm playing this game.

Obviously my static has a vested interest in me having this spell as well.

I would never ask people for money for this, mostly because I hate owing money to anyone but also because other jobs require a lot of gil for uber items and I don't want to be accused of being one of the "******* whiney" WHM's that it seems a lot of people sterotype us as.

If I have to farm up the money then fine, I'll farm it but I can't stand having to pay that much for something that I'll never see the benefit of.

What are the reason's for me to pay this insane price?

Dragon Army Static:

Kingpopof (Lord knows we kill him enough)
Robman (Another frequent customer of my Raise spells)
Mamasmurf (If Syn isn't around ^^)

And anyone else I forgot.

That's a lot of reasons, so I guess I'd better get to farming ^^

Edited, Tue Jan 18 17:53:32 2005 by Wintaru
#24 Jan 18 2005 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
All I have to say is it is a buyers market. If people would stop paying such prices than people wouldnt want to loose their money on AH tax reposting it.

Adamantking isnt something that I know a lot LS's camp as a group. I know some players in different LS's tend to camp it in a farming party, and I am not sure when we had a raise 3 drop off of Kirin.

The idea that HNM LS's are getting these for their WHMs than ******** the rest is crazy, many HNM LS's wont take a whm unless they alredy are geared up with spells and basic gear. I know our lowest level whm now needs raise 3 and is in the same boat as everyone else. Our LS doesnt use a point system, we split all sellable items, so if we camped for this for the whm he would have to pay the market value to the LS bank to be divided up among the players that camped it.

I know the spell is needed, but people need to act together and stop buying items that are being jacked up. If people didnt pay the price than it wouldnt be so high, If people are willing to pay the price than yes the price will stay the same or rise. Look at vermillion cloak, I wish I bought it when it was 2 million now it is 4.1 million, Why cause people will spend that kind of money, In a way to getting mad at the price of the raise 3 scroll, is like getting mad at people who got a venomous claw when it was 3-4 million, and now you have 8-9 million or whatever it is now. Teh fact is, it isnt just raise 3 that is jacked up.
#25 Jan 20 2005 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
I know that my RL friend is facing the same issues here, and since he and I are in the same HNMLS together, we're hoping it drops from Kirin when we face and hopefully defeat him. He has mentioned going after Adamantking before though, and if it doesn't drop he might be interested in joining as well.
#26 Jan 20 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
RAISE-3 2.6MIL >.<

I will need this pretty soon myself.


To those that actually saved gil, went farming, sold old gear & items & actually bought this scroll.



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