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HNM cheating 101Follow

#102 Jan 07 2005 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
Every linkshell who camps fafnir even remotely is going to have someone using this, lunarians, AD, bluesteel,genesis and even my own linkshell Aurora, we probably all have at least one member who had used this bug while camping fafnir.

This is the first time I've ever posted on any FFXI forum, and until I see the name of my linkshell here again this will probably be the last.

Gryffes, please do not place my linkshell into your group of people "who had used this bug while camping fafnir". You can ask my own members, I am dedicated to eventually being the only linkshell who does not partake in lame acts at HNM camps (running Titan around, standing with a wyvern out infront of someone, whatever). Going so far as to edit the game in order to have an advantage goes even beyond that. Granted we have had a scandel or two back when we first started, but at that time we weren't under the name Genesis, nor was I leader.

There are roughly two people in my LS that make a good majority of our claims, one of them JP, one NA, both PS2 users. They dont edit their files despite common belief. If anyone has any information regarding my own linkshell that I do not know, by all means please inform me in game.

Rather than complain about this and resign yourself to defeat as long as you do not do the same file editing, why not just clear the room of the darters a couple of minutes before your "5 minute window"? Darters are on roughly a 15 minute respawn timer, 18+ people can certainly kill about 7 T-VT mobs in little time at all. Material Blue does it every time I see them at Fafnir, are they special? Just a thought.

Edited, Fri Jan 7 13:30:58 2005 by SendoGenesis
#103 Jan 07 2005 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
716 posts
You know, all three times we've been to Fafnir, Sendo, that idea has been throw around: "Why don't we just clear the darters?"

I think it's a fantastic idea, really, except that we don't know how quickly we can kill the darters, and we wouldn't be able to get a clean pull on one of them (unless, say, another linkshell deigned to help out so we could all benefit from it) without a mass linkfest ensuing.

Now, I know I'm a noob as far as HNMLS' go, and I'm really rather fine with that. I get no joy out of camping Fafnir, or Adamantoise, or Simurgh. I have no aspirations to get the abjuration armour, or ridill, or anything of that sort. Hell, I don't even plan on making it past 70. I'd rather be up in sky, killing mobs for the spawn items for Gods - HNMs I'm sure to get the claim for, and I'm sure to not have to resort to underhanded tactics for. There's no competitive streak in me like there is in hardened HNMLS vets.

But it does make me sad, seeing all this mud-slinging going on. Our linkshells have remained at a relative peace - hell, even cooperated a few times, perhaps? - and there's no reason why we shouldn't. We're all people trying to eke out our enjoyment in the vast realm of Vana'diel. Maybe it's time to just let this topic die?
#104 Jan 07 2005 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Jan 7 23:24:14 2005 by Aphrodisiak
#105 Jan 07 2005 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
172 posts
Whether Genesis "might" have had a cheater or not is irrelevent. If there is no proof, then you nobody has the right to label Genesis as a probable cheater. There is no evidence against other LSs. The evidence at hand concerns Iron, and only Iron.

I, too, wouldn't be happy if I was Sendo, seeing the name of my LS being associated with this situation without any hard proof. He doesn't have to say "nobody has ever cheated in my LS", but he sure as hell has the right to say "You have no right to accuse us of cheating".

Innocent 'til proven guilty, not guilty 'til proven innocent.
#106 Jan 07 2005 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
You all are fighting over mobs that pop every day? ; ;

In Everquest the uber mobs that dropped the uber loot were on 3, 5, and 7 day timers.

Why don't you guys try to rotate the mobs that you want with the other HNMLSs. We'll take it monday, you'll take it tuesday, so and so will take it wednesday, etc.

Of course, that only works as long as everyone plays nice together, as soon as one group of people decides they'd rather take their chance then it all is meaningless.

#107 Jan 07 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
Dread Lord Kaolian wrote:
Play Nice people...

Kind of embarrassing that this thread drew the attention of an admin. I've not seen that before in my time here. Smiley: frown

Lord tweedius wrote:
You all are fighting over mobs that pop every day? ; ;

In Everquest the uber mobs that dropped the uber loot were on 3, 5, and 7 day timers.

Why don't you guys try to rotate the mobs that you want with the other HNMLSs. We'll take it monday, you'll take it tuesday, so and so will take it wednesday, etc.

Of course, that only works as long as everyone plays nice together, as soon as one group of people decides they'd rather take their chance then it all is meaningless.

If SE blocks the current exploit fad I would highly recommend more legitimate HNM campers try to negotiate something like this, before someone gets frustrated enough to figure out another exploit or workaround.

If as a community you try to make these things easier and less stressful, I think on the whole everyone will profit.

Props to tweeds for a constructive idea.
#108 Jan 07 2005 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
In Everquest the uber mobs that dropped the uber loot were on 3, 5, and 7 day timers.

A minor point, but Nidhogg, King Behemoth, and Aspidochelone pop instead of their lesser counterparts (Fafnir, Behemoth, Adamantoise respectively) about this often, and these are where a lot of the really good drops come from (read: abjurations). Fafnir has several good drops too though, but ones like Ridill are very rare even then (I've been told around 5% drop rate).

Besides, the respawn timer is rather irrelevant when it comes to the issue of cheating. Having something pop every day just means that someone who isn't cheating wastes their time more often if people that use underhanded means are there every day as well.

Regarding cycles, if some people are willing to break their user's agreement and illegally remove game files to gain a significant advantage at claims, I am quite doubtful they'd be open to the idea of cycling claims any time soon. People that exploit like this have already shown they don't care about playing fairly with other linkshells, why would they decide to give up that advantage with a rotation, even if it'd be easier for everyone that plays the game legitimately?

I wouldn't mind a cycle, to be honest, but I just hope SE was intelligent enough to add a new Tu'Lia-type zone in CoP with popped HNMs that have the abjurations gotten from the land God HNMs (Fafnir/Nidhogg, KB, Aspid). Maybe then my friends and I can work on getting them in peace without feeling like we're being cheated out of a fair shot.

Edited, Fri Jan 7 15:23:33 2005 by Rhayn
#109 Jan 07 2005 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
Meaning no disrespect to the intelligent members of allakhazam, we don't respond to public threads because usually they end up in huge flame wars. If anybody would like to hear IRON's response to all this, you can message Tredvolt in-game or send him a message through playonline.

~Aribeth @ Bismarck
#110 Jan 07 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
Well, the rotation was just a suggestion, but I can tell you on my Everquest server it did not last for more then a few months until one shadey guild decided they didn't care anymore and went to a few spawns of ubers when it was not their turn.

Instances are the only answer, SE should have taken this cue from SoE (Sony Online Entertainment, i.e. owners of EQ) a long time ago, people want to play the game(s) they are playing without having to deal with constant competition for the uber spawns, the Tu'Lia approach is great, when I first started this game, I thought all the HNM encounters were instanced.

Oh well, I realize this doesn't address the actual cheating, but you could have it worse, your gods could pop every 7 days =P

#111 Jan 07 2005 at 3:41 PM Rating: Good
BrotherRaven wrote:
Meaning no disrespect to the intelligent members of allakhazam, we don't respond to public threads because usually they end up in huge flame wars. If anybody would like to hear IRON's response to all this, you can message Tredvolt in-game or send him a message through playonline.

~Aribeth @ Bismarck

I'm quoting this for the simple reason that I don't want anyone to miss this.

Regardless of your opinions on the actions of members of IRON, this post shows a dignity otherwise lacking in much of this thread. As such IRON gets a point for rationality in my book.

I highly suggest those curious approach Tredvolt for his response.

That being said, surely the response could have been posted here, without the need to participate in any flame war? Because I guarantee someone is going to post that response here regardless of your wishes, and might take parts of it out of context in the process.
#112 Jan 07 2005 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
Tweedius: Why don't you guys try to rotate the mobs that you want with the other HNMLSs. We'll take it monday, you'll take it tuesday, so and so will take it wednesday, etc.

when it was your day, what if an LS outside the agreement or a JP LS decides they want to camp it.
#113 Jan 07 2005 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Jan 7 18:55:19 2005 by Aphrodisiak
#114 Jan 07 2005 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
highrez wrote:
when it was your day, what if an LS outside the agreement or a JP LS decides they want to camp it.

They couldn't without breaking the rotation.

I'm an ex EQ1 player myself, I'm not sure a rotation would work at all, on my server they usually caused a lot of friction and eventually shady guilds would just break them anyways.
#115 Jan 07 2005 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
386 posts
might cause problems with king version pops and stuff, also cant control if a jp linkshell decides to camp as well
#116 Jan 08 2005 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
Sad ari, very sad.

You lack the will to be held to a concrete public comment that won't come cleanly from anyone in iron, but will probably come from someone who manages to find you or tred online... eventually?

(it would help if either of you deigned to sign in if you only reply ingame to this self created hell of yours, but thats SILLY, because then you'd actually have to answer wouldnt you!)

I'm VERY interested in what you have to say.

this is not sarcasm, but I want to see how you, (and anyone who quietly accepts these actions as long as it benefits them) rationalize this. (and I mean something more than "everyone does it", because even if only one LS is NOT doing it you destroy the entire validity of that statement. remember your SAT's?)

Please Ari, enlighten me so that I may declare myself a fool and a liar for your entertainment.

Waiting with baited breath.....

(EDIT...Hmmm what was the original response to pellaz's discreet tells about this... oh yes DELETE THE EVIDENCE!)

Edit-Sat, 10 am pst ish... nope... no ari or treddy yet... Yoooo Hoooo!!!!! think i'll go drive to see snow and see if you decide to grace us with your presence at some point today. so here you go, a nice window of 4-8 hours where you can play in peace without dealing with me.

Have fun ^^

Edited, Sat Jan 8 05:22:03 2005 by Synapsiswhm

Edited, Sat Jan 8 13:09:03 2005 by Synapsiswhm
#117 Jan 08 2005 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent

That is a very interesting position, and considering who your chief Japanese allies are, and what they have stood for on this server, for such a very LONG time, I am quite shocked.

Sad also that you cant stand up for yourself to put this in the public eye.


Edited, Sat Jan 8 20:43:20 2005 by Synapsiswhm

gdi, the bucket has holes in it... will get it on here eventually.

Edited, Sat Jan 8 20:49:42 2005 by Synapsiswhm

Edited, Sat Jan 8 20:46:36 2005 by Synapsiswhm

Would appear it's not the link but something with allakaz, so to read this LOVELY explanation by treddy

Edited, Sat Jan 8 20:54:37 2005 by Synapsiswhm

Thank you pell for linking it at the top as well

Edited, Sat Jan 8 21:24:31 2005 by Synapsiswhm
#118 Jan 08 2005 at 9:59 PM Rating: Decent
386 posts
nice to know iron's stand on it, then again, bleh, thats annoying to know
#119 Jan 08 2005 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
Added another post (a response attached to treddys words on our site) with a conversation with a surprisingly responsive gm.

(thank you again sir/miss whatever)

have a lot of things to send out now.

Anything else you need cleared up Treddy?

Achievements 0.
Respect 0
Laughs had by all at your expense +100.

Edited, Sat Jan 8 22:35:18 2005 by Synapsiswhm
#120 Jan 08 2005 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Even if Tred was right, even if this was technically allowed by the game's rules and by the TOS agreement (which it clearly is not)...meh, stealing King Behemoth at 1% is 'technically' allowed as well. That doesn't make it right.
#121 Jan 09 2005 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
OK this is simple. ALL of you are forgetting 1 simple fact. HONOR. It is readily apparent that the posting members of IRON have a lack of it. It is also aparent that those chineses companies lack it greatly. IF any of you cheaters had a simple understanding of honor then this would be a non-issue. Lets face it your to weak and pathetic to find a way to combat cheats by any other means than cheating. IRON you stink. You dont have the honor necessary to use your SKILLS to get HNM's. If those people who are not under the laws of the japaneses nor america server have no HONOR to battle then let them cheat. Find no satisifaction is combating them by using their tactics. Mearly weep in the fact that there are those who must lie, cheat, and steal to satisify their basic needs. If i have to dishonor my family, friends, and loved ones by cheating then i have done a disservice to them all. Is this really the way we want our ingame lives and real lives to be viewed? Have we not the ability to take the high road and to fight those battles with a smile and not a sword? I feel for those who do battle with honor. And to those who do not......I find saddness for your family, friends, and ancestors will weep for your betrayal.

How about we find the path to satisifaction through HONOR!

P.S. GM"S who cowar at the laws of land are destined to fall.
#122 Jan 09 2005 at 6:17 AM Rating: Decent

That is a very interesting position, and considering who your chief Japanese allies are, and what they have stood for on this server, for such a very LONG time, I am quite shocked.

You mention Daikon in your screenshot. I'm sorry but thats really really really really really really (did i say really) bizzare.

What does a Dynamis LS that maybe what? 4-5 IRON members went to Dynamis-Xarcabard with several months ago got to do with this?

i'm sure the members of excalibur, ultimate, AO, AD and even the lunarians that come along also would like to know what specific accusations you are making...

Edited, Sun Jan 9 06:24:14 2005 by underlig
#123 Jan 09 2005 at 8:20 AM Rating: Good
205 posts
Wow I have sooooo much to look forward to endgame ><
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