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HNM cheating 101Follow

#77 Jan 07 2005 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
>>Synapsis:(and edit, Yes i am being deliberately and specifically out of line, my patience is at 0 and will remain there so whatever you want to say about what i have to say it's all me, i have EXTREME bias involved here and if that was not abundantly clear i'm putting it in black and white. if people didnt want to deal with this so many shouldnt be sneaking me /tells and expecting me to hush up, handling this privately would have done nothing, public ridicule hopefully might make some of them see the light, but again the entire point is to whip everyone into such a frenzy that every lousy wannabe hacker makes the game so horrible they have to fix it. )

This is exacly how i feel i would have began posting and why i decided to pull out of the thread. So its nice to see that i am not alone in my feelings and that someone else has the courage to speak up, i am much the same way and would have started speaking out of pure anger and hate towards this cheating and the IRON LS. gogo synap! >_</

Edited, Fri Jan 7 02:41:43 2005 by highrez
#78 Jan 07 2005 at 2:40 AM Rating: Good
104 posts
In my opinion, anyone who condones or defends this type of cheating is just as guilty as those doing it, or has in fact done it themselves and feels the need to justify thier own actions of the past or present.

The main purpose of this thread was to shame those that are cheating and stealing from honest players that play by the rules.

If the upshot of that is a few people are ostracized by the community for it, then they only have themselves to blame and maybe learn from what they have done.

Gil buying, fish botting, provoke bots, these are all methods of cheating to get ahead faster than someone else and the communtity response to these acts is one of disgust and comtempt. The only ones who dont share this contempt are the ones that have done it themselves.

All these methods hurt the majority in the long term, but I guess some people, and this includes those that defend these kind of actions, are only interested in personal gain to satisfy thier own greed and dont care who gets stepped on to get it.

And that, is what is truly sad....

Oh, and as for IRON being "better" for NOT providing a response? I dont think so. What could they say? How can they possibly justify cheating and stealing from honest players? Better? Cowards more likely.
#79 Jan 07 2005 at 2:56 AM Rating: Decent
your LS claimed fafnir the some days ago and died in 5min then BlueSteel claimed, you can go ask anyone in BS and they will tell you.

and you are still wrong about the window thing.. maybe you should go ask someone who isnt noob about these stuff.

We never claimed Fafnir.

Edited, Fri Jan 7 18:58:40 2005 by Aphrodisiak
#80 Jan 07 2005 at 3:01 AM Rating: Excellent
16 posts
I totally agree, you win some and you lose some and sometimes you just head back empty handed and thats life. But this system works fine when your actually sure that everyone plays by the same rules. Because then you can say stuff like good for em, well get it next time etc and really mean it.

King, you put that very well... and that is exactly how I feel.
I have friends in many LS's, including IRON, and I am TRULY happy for them when they are able to equip an "end game" type weapon or armor. My (Congratulations!) when seeing friends in other LS's beat a NM/HNM is sincere.

But when you find out something like this is going on, all that is thrown out the window, and in a strange way, I feel cheated. As Synapsis put it "Achievement meter= Reset to 0" past and future accomplishments hold no relevance.
#81 Jan 07 2005 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent
And for those that have said this is tearing the bismarck community up even more i would have to disagree to some extent, i feel that many people are comming together for the anti-cheating cause and have expressed how they feel. The only people generally being alienated are those that are/support the cheaters and those trying to defend them for reason i really dont understand.
#82 Jan 07 2005 at 3:22 AM Rating: Decent
This will be my only post here on this thread. For everyone that had been following the drama on the BlueSteel boards. Please do not hold any malice towards Synapsis or any of the Lunarians for what transpired there. Any unjust acts which took place were mine alone.

Perception is often times reality. If you perceive something to be real, then it will become real. The BR incident when we died numerous times and people say things in chat wrongfully blaming others solely because they are in the area. It may be reality to you but in the end, it is still merely an illusion.

It's hard to move foward if you are always looking back. Hopefully the past is put to rest and we can look ahead to a better future.

As far as the LJ entries are concerned. The only comment I will make is that there can be no mis-perception of what was written there.
#83 Jan 07 2005 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you Xen, you have been quite decent about this whole nonsense,at the end of all this bull, and I really would have preferred to not post the flail pics, but you called my bluff, and I suck at cards.

thanks again for the apology btw.

Edited, Fri Jan 7 03:27:20 2005 by Synapsiswhm
#84 Jan 07 2005 at 3:50 AM Rating: Decent
Next time I see an IRON member, I'm going to promptly /blist them.

I dont really know whats going on, but isnt suck if say your a member of ABC LS, then someone post something like this, and next thing you know you are in someone blist :P
#85 Jan 07 2005 at 4:02 AM Rating: Good
Wintaru Defender of Justice wrote:
My PC tends to sound like a jet fighter taking off when I try to play this game on it so I'm stuck on the PS2 for the most part but isn't the DNAS authentication system PS2 users go through before logging in to POL basically the same thing as a file check?

Maybe they could implement something like that for this? This is just one example of how you can cheat by taking out game files, maybe there's other not publicized/thought of yet?

First, just for fun, information pooled from

“DNAS” (Dynamic Network Authentication System)

This Software uses “DNAS” (Dynamic Network Authentication System), a proprietary authentication system created by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (“SCEI”).

“DNAS” retrieves information about a user’s hardware and software for authentication, copy protection, account blocking, system, rules, or game management and other purposes.

The information collected does not identify the user personally. A publisher can combine this information with personally identifying information from the publisher’s records if the user provides the personally identifying information. Before providing any personal information to a publisher please be sure to review the publisher’s privacy policy and terms and conditions of use. Do not provide personally identifying information to a publisher unless you accept the conditions of use and terms of their privacy policy.

Basically DNAS is a robust system and software verification process that allows the host server to gleen pretty much any information about its users that it wants (minus private things such as your identity and the **** you've recently browsed).

I'm not particularly familiar with it, but I would imagine rather than searching through every game file it looks only at specific files specified by the host server's admin. I suppose you could theoretically set it to also look for every mob's model file, but that would make the log-in process much longer, probably enough to completely infuriate dial-up users such that they assemble a ragtag army and march on SE's corporate offices in Japan, bearing crude farm implements and torches, set on the murder, tar, feathering, and general desecration of all its employees.

The fix I would recommend would be to slightly alter the procedure called for targeting such that, as someone recommended above, the target point is seperate from the existance of the model in question.

Also it would be wise to flag the file for mandatory reinstalation at the next log-in. These files are (comparatively) small and catching them in-game and forcing them to be reapplied would alleviate any lasting benefit someone could conceivably gain from this exploit after the targeting issue is repaired.

Regarding the original topic allow me to point out the following:

Final Fantasy XI User Agreement, Article 3.1(g)

Final Fantasy XI Software License Agreement, Article 2.4 (a)

A Word on Abusing Exploits, archived at Allakhazam.

Square-Enix wrote:
... please remember that exploiting flaws in the game is not something we can tolerate.

And with that, I'll add my own voice to the clamor, though I know much of this has already been treaded and retreaded for a while now.

[DISCLAIMER]Regardless of my opinions on these subjects as a purely intellectual matter I offer no opinion on the worth of those engaging in exploits as a whole disregarding this one activity, make no comment or association that the activities of members of any linkshell community are par for the course for the linkshell as a whole, and indeed am speaking exactly about what I say I'm speaking about without any need for broader insinuations to be spread to other areas of any persons character or anything broader than the subjects on which I'll focus.

In short, if I don't specifically come out and point a finger at you and make accusations, don't assume that I am just because I commented on some related (or unrelated) area or mentioned something that someone you know does but you yourself do not.

Failure to comply will result in me spitting on your shoe.

You have been warned.[/DISCLAIMER]

That being said, I'll plow onward.

Having established that the foundational issue of exploitations of the game to cause it to operate in a manner other than its original intent for any benefit over players who do not employ the same methods of exploitation is a violation of several user agreements and additionally of questionable legality, depending on what legal jurisdiction in which you reside, I think the overall area of debate here is more related to how a community should react to this.

Bearing in mind that one of the foundations of rule and law and any other term you could apply to this kind of concept (hereafter refered to as The Rules) is to protect the rights of groups and individuals by providing avenues through which Justice (term used loosely) can be served, I see no reason why an aggrieved individual should not bring the issue to a public forum to bring the issue to light for those who might, unwary, be likewise aggrieved by such activities.

The Rules in this case pertain to the exploitation of a flaw in the game which provides not for the rights of Square-Enix, who insofar as their own well-being apart from the grievances of their clients is concerned couldn't care less, but rather for the fairness of the persistant world in which their clients find entertainment. Therefore I would argue that the original post was well within rights, being the public illumination of this issue from one whose rights are potentially infringed.

Regarding privacy I can only reiterate as has been noted elsewhere that a livejournal is far from private. I see any arguement regarding a supposed violation of privacy as something which only muddies the water, distracting time and energy from the core issue. It profits nothing.

And as a final note, and seperate from the blanket protection of my disclaimer (meaning you my reader may feel free to throw a fit about this final ccomment without fear of saliva-dampend shoes), why is it that someone always seems to find a way to blow things like this completely 1) out of proportion and 2) way off course from it's initial heading.

[Edit: Ohh, lets see. Fixed two broken links, clarified something, fixed a spelling error, a grammatical error, reworded a sentance for clarity and added a following sentance for the purposes of underscoring a point. I put way too much effort into these things.]

[Edit: Fixed a spelling error in my last edit note. See what I mean?]

[Edit: Fixed a glaring grammatical error I missed yesterday which, contrary to the avowed mission statement in my disclaimer above - specifically that I say what I mean - I managed at one point through this error to say the exact opposite of what I meant. While I suppose my intent was made clear through the context of the post as a whole, I thought I'd alter it just in case. As I said: Waaaaayyy too much effort, considering no one is likely to read this newly editted post now that it isn't on the last page. Smiley: tongue]

Edited, Fri Jan 7 16:27:44 2005 by nataraja
#86 Jan 07 2005 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
As far as the LJ entries are concerned. The only comment I will make is that there can be no mis-perception of what was written there.


But lots of people seem to want to try and drag every HNM LS they can name in and accuse them of blah blah blah blah, but that isn't the issue here. The issue is the first post of the whole thread but a whole load of people would rather try and drag other's names through the mud instead of discussing the topic of the thread.

Edited, Fri Jan 7 04:31:30 2005 by Ljarin
#87 Jan 07 2005 at 4:47 AM Rating: Decent
In my opinion, anyone who condones or defends this type of cheating is just as guilty as those doing it, or has in fact done it themselves and feels the need to justify thier own actions of the past or present.

This is a mis-interpretation of the previous posts.

We are only human and we all make mistakes and bad judgements at times. Its clear to me that Nam's post was pointing out that, rather than indulge themselves in pointless mud-flinging, IRON have choosen to do some soul-searching and solve their issues without washing their dirty laundry in public.

I don't respect what IRON and the other players who have used this cheat are doing, but i realise that people are only human. Where they go from here is upto them, badgering them on a public forum is in no-ones interest as far as i can see.

I hope that you realise this. In both yours and Synapsis posts you come off sounding like harpies baying for their pound of flesh. A contrast with Pellaz's more reasonable comments.

Look around yourself: in real life and in the digital world.
If the world really frightens and offends you as much as your post implies...
well maybe you just need to let your hair down a little and learn to accept people for who they are. They sure as hell won't always be who you want them to be.

#88 Jan 07 2005 at 4:56 AM Rating: Decent
62 posts
To the people that simply laugh at us toward this kinda matter. They don't really care because this isn't the first time they heard of this cheat. Therefor they weren't even anywhere near shocking like us who first time reading this. Only people that are using this cheats are getting angry at us. You know why? because that was their "secret tricks" before this post. Now everyone knows it. It's not their "Secret Tricks" anymore. Therefor they blame us. and they defending them it's simply an act of a communitie they live in together.

In the situation where people cheat, you just wake up one morning, feeling like quite an imbecile because since you dont cheat, you dont keep abreast of the latest hacks, and therefore assume everyone is doing it in good sports. All of a sudden, its possible you never get it...

Thanks Kingpopof for expressing the same feel exactly is how i feel. so shut up those who trying to bring up ***** telling me not to get angry. You have no idea how us feel, who are honestly playing the game and getting this kinda ****. How would you feel if you plays FPS and getting headshot though walls by other which means you have no greater than 1% against them?

They not coming here to post? you know what? They don't care. They can simply said:" OH, you found out. so what? i will keep using it. what you going to do? huh? Bite me for all i care. Unleast you lower your standard level of how to play the game honestly. You will never ever have chance of claiming these kinda HNM with a chance of greater than 1%. And by doing that you will be no longer saying you are honest player and claim to be better than us." It's a simple reaction what people usually do when they gets cought. Untill the day they gets justice, they will never admit that what they did is wrong and says sorry. Just like every criminal say "I regrated it." Before Law Enforcement putting them in the Gas Chamber. And i can telling you they can still walking away with it everyday from now on. Really, what can you do to them? Just like fishing botters? Do you think they don't know if they gets cought they will gets ban? Do you think they will regrat it before they gets ban? Only time they will regrat it is when the day the found out their account has been ban permenently. They will say:" I should of stopped using it yesterday so the GM won't cought me red handed." So here is your answer if you think they are in some what near feeling guilty of using it. They are probably sitting their fat *** and laughing at us how "foolish" we are acting right now.

This is a game. The only options i can come up with is BL them and never ever associate with them like what i have stated.

It's an MMORPG. If you gets your reputations stinks. How you will feel when you won't able to fit into the communitie anymore? How will you feel when you show up your uber equitment when people look at you with a pityful eyes knowing you get those by cheating? There is no PvP in this game. Getting uber equitment is not getting you anywhere beside showing off. What does uber equitment gives you when no one respects you beside your cheating buddies? So here is the simple advice to those who cheats. Alot people plays this game has strong negative feelings toward people that cheats.

And i clearly don't understands what you mean by drama? All i said is feelings i have toward people that cheats, sololy. It's like i express my feeling toward criminals that got cought. You call that drama? Then i don't know what not.

Have a nice day.
#89 Jan 07 2005 at 5:05 AM Rating: Default
62 posts
well maybe you just need to let your hair down a little and learn to accept people for who they are. They sure as hell won't always be who you want them to be.

Thanks for pointing that out.Here is my 2 gils.

Well maybe they should just need to let their hair down a little and learn to accept people for what we will react when found out cheaters. We sure as hell won't be always be who they want us to behave when we found out they cheats.

Thank you, have a nice day.

Edited, Fri Jan 7 05:06:30 2005 by Moooooo
#90 Jan 07 2005 at 5:57 AM Rating: Default
Thirdly, Aurora has NEVER claimed Fafnir, so I don't how the @#%^ you got that info. If we NEVER claimed, we couldn't of wiped.

Forthly, I don't give a freaking sh*t if you believe me or not about the window thing. You can ask anyone from any Endgame LS to explain to you the work of POP window for certain HNM. I'm not saying it works for every HNM. The ones I know it works for is Behemoth, Fafnir, Adamantoise. Either 3 of them can pop during a 5 minute window every 25 minute after the end of a window.

your LS claimed fafnir the some days ago and died in 5min then BlueSteel claimed, you can go ask anyone in BS and they will tell you.

and you are still wrong about the window thing.. maybe you should go ask someone who isnt noob about these stuff.

*someone who hate noobs*
#91 Jan 07 2005 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
215 posts
your LS claimed fafnir the some days ago and died in 5min then BlueSteel claimed, you can go ask anyone in BS and they will tell.....

We've gone to fafnir exactly 3 times and lost the pull to Blue Steel 3 times. I think what you are referring to is my ever so beautiful flashing of the darter which caused about 5 of our members to die. Aside from my stupid mistake (which happens often down there in the pit), we haven't even tried to fight him and we were only going down there to see if we could take it of which I believe we wouldn't have had a problem.

I hope this has cleared up a few things.
#92 Jan 07 2005 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
104 posts
We are only human and we all make mistakes and bad judgements at times. Its clear to me that Nam's post was pointing out that, rather than indulge themselves in pointless mud-flinging, IRON have choosen to do some soul-searching and solve their issues without washing their dirty laundry in public.

We are only human? Yes we are, but this still does not justify these kind of actions. Sorry if this sounds heavy, but theft is theft. They used nefarious means to steal from other players (just like the gilsellers everyone hates so much), and had the audacity (or stupidity) to post how they did it on a publically accessible medium, unwittingly or otherwise.

IRON, in my view at least, would garner some respect back if they DID respond. A lack of reply indicates they dont care.

I don't respect what IRON and the other players who have used this cheat are doing, but i realise that people are only human. Where they go from here is upto them, badgering them on a public forum is in no-ones interest as far as i can see.

Badgering them on a public forum IS in everyones interest, or at least in the interests of the people this affects. Spending hours at a HNM waiting for a pop isnt a whole lot of fun, but to spend hours and then find out you had no chance of claim due to another LS cheating you out of the claim?

They deserve the public ridicule this will get them. Maybe in future things will be on a fair and level playing field for everyone...but this I sadly doubt.

I hope that you realise this. In both yours and Synapsis posts you come off sounding like harpies baying for their pound of flesh. A contrast with Pellaz's more reasonable comments.

A little heavy on the analogy there, I would settle for an admission and an apology. Maybe then trust can be rebuilt and we can all get on with having fun and playing this game. As of right now though, mistrust is rife, and no one will trust each other at a camp for a long time, which is sad.

In closing, if you are going to quote me or anyone else, have the decency to post with your in game name at least, rather than hide behind a dummy 1 post account.
#93 Jan 07 2005 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
Thanks Nata, I thought that was what it was. Maybe instead of scanning for all files, it could look for file sizes in different areas of the game files, say randomly scan certain folders to make sure they're the proper size, or something similar. I dunno, that may be too simplistic, as I'm sure it's possible to create a dummy text file in there that is the proper size.

And Kpp, time to update the siggy old boy, you're 74 now (if not 75, haven't seen you in a couple days ^^)
#94 Jan 07 2005 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
Spend 3-4 hours a day of your life(multiply by number of camps) 25-30 days a month for several months, all so someone can hack and waste your time and we'll see how you react

Pound of flesh? not enough. I want to be drinking wine from their skulls honestly. Has that been anything but amply clear?

Don't try to comment on the source of anger unless you sit and waste your life even further than a videogame should, at least long enough until you feel this kind of frustration.

and because I just havent seen it enough.

It's just a game who cares?

#95 Jan 07 2005 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Jan 7 18:55:03 2005 by Aphrodisiak
#96 Jan 07 2005 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
bad click :P

Edited, Fri Jan 7 11:37:03 2005 by Synapsiswhm

as long as i'm wasting space, might as well add something, dont hijack the thread, if you have photographic evidence of something make your own cup of drama soup ( extra bile, yum!) in another post or handle it in /tells... then wait for months and paste it all over allakaz when nothing happens:P

Edited, Fri Jan 7 12:00:58 2005 by Synapsiswhm
#97 Jan 07 2005 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
w00t!!111! I took out all my Carrion Worm files so i can see Big Mouth Billy Pop!!111!
#98 Jan 07 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
Cheating scum!!! Blacklist!!!!!!

My entire life revolves around Billy!!! the entire weight of Lunies will crush you... I have photos!!!!

hehe thanks for the humor, needed a shot this morning.
#99 Jan 07 2005 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
Bah Big Mouth Willy is not worth it. Tom Tit Tat his tho, lol ^^
#100 Jan 07 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
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Play Nice people...
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#101 Jan 07 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
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Meet me at Billy's Spawn point!11! Bring some SUPER ULTRA HIGH potions you will need them111!!!11
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