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HNM cheating 101Follow

#52 Jan 06 2005 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
172 posts
Chopse, Sioux - don't be so critical when you havn't experienced this.

Ok. Once I go fight an HNM, I'll come back here at that time and have a "valid" opinion about how I dislike cheaters.

/em bows to your HNM 1337ness.
#53 Jan 06 2005 at 4:17 PM Rating: Default
One note, gryffes isnt IRON, so he just is JUSTIFYING for them, not defending himself.
#54 Jan 06 2005 at 4:17 PM Rating: Default
448 posts
And of Course the LJ was completely deleted. Nice.

If all players would log in, and have their character sit in the main area of the major cities, around ah's, and let their characters sit there, it would be literally a mass sit in, crashing areas, preventing Gil Farmers and Cheaters from playing, and in essence forcing Square to Address us.

So really think about that. Think if 3000 people logged in on every server, and just sat there in cities, clogging up the areas.

And leave your systems on, go to school, work or out and just stay logged on. I would love to see a major sit in over a weekend. We could send a really strong message turning their servers into bogged down chat servers for a good period.
#55 Jan 06 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
104 posts

One of the accused? Sorry I'm not a member of IRON - get your facts straight before you post such a heavy response.

If you want to condense my post it comes roughly down to this:

I disagree with using the bug, and my linkshell won't be camping fafnir if we know bug users are going to be there ( because its obvious who uses it - we know who you are ).

I very much understand how people who use this bug feel however, but human nature creates the ineivitable, and that is why I place a large degree of blame on the system.

Every linkshell who camps fafnir even remotely is going to have someone using this, lunarians, AD, bluesteel,genesis and even my own linkshell Aurora, we probably all have at least one member who had used this bug while camping fafnir.

I suggest you re-read my post, and yours.

To ljarin, synapsis and pellaz and any other member of lunarians who feels aggrieved by what I posted: I know lunarians leadership doesn't condone it, but denying that nobody in your linkshell has ever used it is slightly unrealistic, you say wuwu discussed it and if people discussed it people were probably using it and being discrete about it ( I can imagine some of the lunarians I know would be vehemently vocal about not using it - and I imagine others would use it without broadcasting it to the linkshell ).


( because this thread shouldn't be much longer than it already is )

Chopse - I mentioned yourself and Sioux specifically because of the content of your reply, not because you do not have HNM experience or I would have mentioned several others.

Not only that the linkshell I help run is not a "HNMLS", we have members under level 30. In fact this week we were helping a member get his subjob quest items. Sorry to break it to you, but we're not all elitists who look down on people who dont kill HNMs.

Edited, Thu Jan 6 16:28:16 2005 by Gryffes
#56 Jan 06 2005 at 4:27 PM Rating: Default
Yes, we removed everything so we could continue to lose claims and eventually not really bother going there anymore... you caught us.

L O G I C.

(edit for the literal minded, SARCASM)

Edited, Thu Jan 6 16:28:36 2005 by Synapsiswhm
#57 Jan 06 2005 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Wow... that was a huge friggin' mistake on my part. I am honestly ashamed of myself. Honestly, I apologize.

But even with that, I can't believe you're even trying to justify it and my disgust both with the people who did it in the first place and you trying to defend it still stands. Honestly, WHY?
#58 Jan 06 2005 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
I may be wrong Alauce but I think Byainas remarks may have been directed more directly at Gryffes than Aurora in general? Maybe Byaina will clarify. Theres not much point in accusing anyone publically of cheating without some sort of proof to back it up :/
#59 Jan 06 2005 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
716 posts
Well, this is beating a dead horse, and Byaina's since apologized, buuut...

Gryffes, you and your ilk need to grow the **** up. Especially if you think this server is "drama free," particularly when it comes to HNM LS ********* Go ahead and start searching. I think you'll find that the only HNM LS that doesn't routinely start **** on these boards is AD. You and Lunarians are absolutely the worst offenders.

seems a bit like "all of Aurora" and not "Just Gryffes" to me. *shrug* This is more to settle facts in and not to push Byaina around, since I do respect 'em a lot and don't want any **** pushed their way, but I have this obsessive habit of replying to things.
#60 Jan 06 2005 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
I screwed up, guys. I thought Gryffes was with IRON, I didn't even read his sig, I know nothing about Aurora. I really apologize for my error. The post has been edited to reflect this.

Falling off a high horse really hurts. :(
#61 Jan 06 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Jan 7 18:53:31 2005 by Aphrodisiak
#62 Jan 06 2005 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Just a final note to Gryffes, my intention is not to create drama, and I understand the point you are trying to make about not posting this, however since SE has not done anything about this (They are aware of it I'm sure) theres not much that can be done except to hold people publically accountable for cheating.

No personal enmity involved, just a slight difference of opinion :)

#63 Jan 06 2005 at 6:45 PM Rating: Good
Hmmm...I have a slightly noobish question.

If you are fighting fafnir with the bug removed, can you still aggro the darters?

And if you aggro them, can they attack you and you not see them or be able to respond since your data file on them is deleted?
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#64 Jan 06 2005 at 6:56 PM Rating: Good
32 posts
You cannot target or see them once the file is removed, the only way to attack them is through /assist.
#65 Jan 06 2005 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
96 posts
I may not be fighting HNMs, but after realizing this cheat, this is completely unfair. I guess I will go /blist every IRON member I see for doing this. Thank you for the information.

But, imagine this, if you will:

Not only HNMs, but how about regular NMs? Think about it... Let's say you're camping Valkurm Emperor, you remove the DAT files for the Damselflies, Leeches, Snippers, and Goblins around its spawn area. Just imagine how many f*cked up players have exploited this cheat to get rich quick in this game. While everybody else has it hard trying to claim any NM, somebody may have exploited this cheat to claim the NMs easier.

Next time I see an IRON member, I'm going to promptly /blist them.

Thank you for posting this.
#66 Jan 06 2005 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
what do you think the gilfarmers are doing? how do you provoke argus through 30 goblins?

[Goblins?] [where?]
[I don't have anything to give you]
[I'm sorry] [/laugh]

so heres another thought, how many iron members are gilsellers now as well? if they are taking the same measures to maximize their loot and sell most of it... but thats paranoid speculation and even I will admit patently unfair to suggest.

Not that I really care about offending our [friend]s at this point. ^^
#67 Jan 06 2005 at 9:42 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
You know, synapsis. I've been trying to see this LOGIC of yours for quite some time now and I have yet to see a logical mind at work. What I see is a for-reasons-unknown mind hell bent on destroying a Linkshell's name. I've seen you point fingers, yell, rant, scream, rave, kick, and scream about everything under the sun about Bluesteel and now about Iron.

Incriminating pictures toward a linkshell were posted, oh no. Now everyone who didn't know about the Darter thing before know about it, oh no.

Look at this thread. Look at the two threads on the bluesteel forums that have preceeded this one, no one cares. Ok, some people care, but it's only those people acting on the defensive who manage to post anything and that stuff is not going to help anyone or remedy the situation. People are actually defending IRON and you are merely making yourself, and everyone in the Lunarians look like complete jerks for continuing this crusade to smear as many linkshells honorable names as you can. What does this get you? Is there some sort of goal the Lunarians have in mind?

Yes, people do silly things, people get tired of always losing pulls and look for some way to get an advantage; it's nearly impossible to win a pull from a Japanese Connection on their fastest connection but does this mean we hold it against them and send them out to get flogged by the entire lot of bismarck? No one wants to know or hear about the end game LS's dirty laundry. It's entertaining for about 2 seconds time but after that it simply becomes tiresome and childish. Sure we don't claim the NM and maybe we'll take steps to ensure we do (maybe we'll ever think about or maybe act upon trying an underhanded way to get a mob) but the mob will respawn tomorrow and the next day and the day after that; the inevitable conclusion is that we all settle, whether we like it or not, into the demeanor of, 'whatever, we'll get it next time.' Mobs respawn, HNM's respawn, and we'll all eventually get what we want. In the end, who gives a damn, it just takes time.

I can't know everything that has transpired between you, synapsis, and the rest of bismarck; no one can. I honestly could care less.

What I do care about, however, is this silly tension you and those who are grouped with you are creating. Do you want to sit and fight KB while dozens of others not in your group spam provoke or whatever so they can take it from you or call for help? Do you want to Fight Fafnir while other linkshells do their best to cause spike flails and bring as many spiders in as they can? Do you want to go to sky to farm items and fight with other linkshells who hate you because of everything else that you've done to **** them off? Regardless of their actions and accusations of you, your actions can provoke or dimish the anger that you and others feel. It's time to stop this crusade.

These are not threats, these are not accusations, this is LOGIC. For every action there is a reaction. It's a simple statement and a simple guide to life.

Aside from this tension that is being created, there is the matter at hand; this so-called cheating. An IRON member posted angry thoughts in a Live Journal and these thoughts, in turn, have caused a tremendous fall out. Several IRON members (of whom I think that picture names) seem to have 'hacked' their database so that they could get an advantage while camping fafnir. OK. So what does this mean?

Let's think of this in terms of a baseball team (because Linkshells are an awful lot like a sports team, sadly). When a member of the baseball team gets caught using illegal substances, that person is fined and suspended for a set amount of time and then tested and retested when they come back. The thing that makes this work is that every team and organization belongs to a league and they have contracts and agreements to a trustworthy and sportsmanlike sport. Linkshell's do not belong to a league, there is no ruling council to oversee who is doing what and there sure as hell isn't going to be one person speaking for a Linkshell because you just can't control everyone in a GAME.

So without this council, what happens when someone is caught cheating? The rules for being sportsman like are gone. Accusations start flying, things get out of hand. After a while, something will happen. A linkshell will break apart, apologies might be made, and things will eventually return to normal. What is annoying are people who go on the Holy Crusades that Pellaz and Synapsis are currently on. Not only are they destroying their own names (credible and honorable at least to me before any of this happened), they're dragging down half the north american Linkshells with them. Any sort of informal agreements of engagement and/or claiming rules are being thrown out the window. It's like watching the MLBPA suddenly stop working.

This is where my LOGIC takes me. IRON has proven to be the better by not responding to any of this. I would guess that instead of members posting angry defensive posts, they're sitting by arguing amongst themselves about how to procede next and how to fix what has been done. While we all have issues with people over the course of time, we're all people who can forgive, learn, and make new mistakes (perhaps even with malicious intent). This cannot be stopped. It's time to shake electronic hands and talk this out amongst each other; none of us need to see this.
#68 Jan 06 2005 at 9:53 PM Rating: Default
1,002 posts
Soo, i am sure this sort of crap has been going on for a while.

It has just now been brought out into the daylight, and it looks like a few people are pissed off about it.. Well, its not gonna change, i mean, square enix will do something about it probably, but you know what? People will just learn how to get around it..

Like windower.. its not a bad thing.. I love it as a matter of fact. but remember when it wasnt working correctly after a patch? Well the programmer just changed a few things and BAM, i got my windower back..

I remember when i used to play Warcraft.. There was this thing called Map Hack.. And blizzard started banning people for using it, and made another patch to get rid of it.. Well, just change a few things up and BAM i got my map hack back.. LOL i cant believe i just admitted to using the Map Hack tool..

Then everybody complains about bots.. no matter what you do, they are gonna be there.. There is nothing that anybody can do to get rid of the exploits that people use to get a leg up on everybody else.. So my suggestion is to just Report it to SE, and keep taking your Screenshots of peoples livejournals...(And BTW i think that it was a Golden idea to share the information you found)But Cmon people, its time to move on..

There is nothing you can do about it, and its not fair at all. And if you look at the history of our server, there really probably wont be anything done about it at all. So just carry on , because it doesnt even really affect most of you, and if it does affect you.. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.. dont just sit theere and cry about it.. actaully do something about it..

OK thanks.
#69 Jan 06 2005 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
on a different note.. taking darteres alone out wont fix the issue.. what about different pops? they gonna remove all agro from around all NM's like this? why just HNM's if they do it? why not all NM's.. then you devoid the game of eitehr xp mobs or H/NM's..

there just needs to be a file check when you log into ffxi, i thought there already was.. but i guess not, basiclaly check and see if all files are there, and if one isnt.. download it and put it back.. dont hav eto check the actual file itsef.. just the fact that its there.. see, cause then if you replace it in the folder with a file named the same but w/ nothing in it.. the game would ***** up wouldnt it?... basically there has to bea way server side to fix this, or we should all cheat to lvl the field...

honestly, you dont 'win by being better'.. if one set of people is gonna cheat and win.. you might as welll all just go to their level.. make it even at least.. afterawhile the GM's would take notice.. or bribe a member on their runs to -ga the mob and link every darter possible?.. just an idea there :\
#70 Jan 06 2005 at 10:06 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
IRON has proven to be the better by not responding to any of this.

Namfoodle, just to be clear from the start, I have no problem with you, you have to know that. Absolutely no problem with you personally. I have no particular agenda to defend synapsis, either - in fact I think your last post was out of line, synapsis. And before this, no particular bias for or against IRON either, or Lunarians, or any of the parties who are being brought up here. Other than I find the predisposition of HNM LSes towards starting drama with each other to be really sad.

That said, my argument would be that IRON haven't proved that they're "better" in any way. All their silence has proved to me is that they're desperately wondering just how they can cover their butts now that their cheap tactics have been outed. They haven't even bothered to unveil themselves to defend themselves, or even to say "hey, that was a few people but that doesn't represent the linkshell as a whole." They're doing nothing whatsoever to fix this situation.

On the flip side, Lunarians aren't looking too good themselves. I mean, guys, couldn't you have let the HNM LSes know individually without starting something here? You had to know it was going to turn into a witch hunt. :/ Is it just me, or do the HNM LSes almost never show their faces on these boards unless they're taking shots at each other?

Those representatives of both linkshells who have posted in this thread or are involved in the situation that prompted it are really not doing much to credit themselves, or the entire concept of an HNM LS. If this is the stuff that awaits me in the endgame I'll happily stay level 65 forever.

Edited, Thu Jan 6 22:06:55 2005 by Byaina
#71 Jan 06 2005 at 10:41 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
You misunderstand that sentence. In the context of my arguement, yes, IRON has done something wrong. They could be here defending themselves or doing what Synapsis and Pellaz are be doing by attacking the Lunarians in some way (though I am in no way saying that the Lunarians have done anything wrong, nor will I) but they are not.

In this way, they've proven to be better, and I respect them for it. That is all.

Edited, Thu Jan 6 23:38:08 2005 by Namfoodle
#72 Jan 06 2005 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
386 posts
maybe have it so it checks the possible dat files used in that area (i.e. for aery: nidhogg/spider/malboro/darter), and if the file is missing/corrupt, flags your account so a gm can check up on it.
#73 Jan 07 2005 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
I personally have lost respect for nearly all of the IRON LS, i was previously a member of IRON before i left in the beginning of summer - so i had friendships between some of their members, but now i chose that i will no longer communicate with most of their members and it's especially sad that the public had to find out through a few stupid LJ posts. SE should look into this way of cheating although im sure they previously have known, a scan that initiates when you log in sounds like a good idea, or some sort of addition that recognizes when something like this occurs.

But because one of my best in-game friends is a member of the IRON LS i am going to withdraw from this thread because i feel that would be the best decision for me. For those members that where unaware or unsupportive of these actions, i feel sorry that you have to deal with this but i also feel your LS deserves the unwanted attention.
#74 Jan 07 2005 at 1:29 AM Rating: Default
Gryffes: and my linkshell won't be camping fafnir if we know bug users are going to be there ( because its obvious who uses it - we know who you are ).

you mean because you cant kill it? because last time your ls claimed you wiped in 5min

and Aphrodisiak your still wrong about window thing..... it doesnt work like that.

*someone who hate noobs*
#75 Jan 07 2005 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
41 posts

Old friend, I have to disagree with ya.

Few weeks back, Unleashed went to camp its first Fafnir. Officers got everyone psyched up, and about what 30 of us showed up? Waited for a good 3 hours, all of us.

For 3 hours I stood in front of my comp, hand on the Tab button, eyes wide open, with almsot no chatting, hoping to get the pop.

He pops on my screen, hes instantly claimed: Nalei got it with poison... I remember clearly some people grumbling in the LS, hinting at cheats, -too damn fast. I also clearly remember saying something like: its all good, they got pop, good for em etc.

Looking back, do you have any idea of how stupid I feel? Yes Namf, I totally agree, you win some and you lose some and sometimes you just head back empty handed and thats life. But this system works fine when your actually sure that everyone plays by the same rules. Because then you can say stuff like good for em, well get it next time etc and really mean it.

In the situation where people cheat, you just wake up one morning, feeling like quite an imbecile because since you dont cheat, you dont keep abreast of the latest hacks, and therefore assume everyone is doing it in good sports. All of a sudden, its possible you never get it...

Iron and Lunies where at each others throat since forever. I dont know why, and dont care to know why. But I can tell you something from having friends on each side, they hate each other with a passion. All of em. But frankly, that war has passed me by, just like plenty of you others out there who have found a home in capable but not maybe as flamboyant LS as those two and keep far away from the drama.

Flamewars are one thing. Cheating is one hell of an other thing. I would have been totally uninterested in another chapter of the endlessely boring war between Iron and Lunies. I am very interested in knowing that an Iron LS member was cheating to get pops.

Because maybe, and just maybe, that first night on Fafnir, we might have gotten it...

#76 Jan 07 2005 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
"I've seen you point fingers, yell, rant, scream, rave, kick, and scream about everything under the sun about Bluesteel and now about Iron."

Um technically if you actually read anything I attacked a specific bluesteel member for harboring and spreading a lie about lunarians stemming from beautifull reel incidents. the drama i mentioned was so minor as to be pathetic and meant only as a 1 for 1 (eye for an eye makes us all blind)example of why you dont randomly change the rant attack to another set of people.

the end result of this was the Bluesteel member posting a formal apology on both our boards for going extremely off topic once confronted with photos entirely refuting months of confused hatred. things I expect and hope are worked out now with them and hopefully a more pleasant relation will work out eventually.

You want to know why I hate Iron so badly? ask tredvolt.

Early on when they were buddy buddy with Beautiful reel he tried to explain to me how training should be expected at HNM camps because the LS's involved should be "ready" for it.

He backpedaled VERY quickly when I suggested that he wouldnt mind us training IRON at every camp thereafter because they were "ready"

Now they move on to Months of cheating not only lunies, but AD, Bluesteel, and any other LS who in fact do not use cheats.

Now you think i'm being unfair? Seriously?

Do you think i sit in a room with pasted logs to my wall cutting myself and dreaming of how i can next ***** a LS that started with a LOT of people I leveled early on with, who seem to have changed entirely once greed set in.

(and edit, Yes i am being deliberately and specifically out of line, my patience is at 0 and will remain there so whatever you want to say about what i have to say it's all me, i have EXTREME bias involved here and if that was not abundantly clear i'm putting it in black and white. if people didnt want to deal with this so many shouldnt be sneaking me /tells and expecting me to hush up, handling this privately would have done nothing, public ridicule hopefully might make some of them see the light, but again the entire point is to whip everyone into such a frenzy that every lousy wannabe hacker makes the game so horrible they have to fix it. )

(second edit NO ex BR's this is not an attack against you, that **** should have been done and over with months before, and should remain so)

(THIRD edit, Godammit no anonymous posts here, if you have something to say say it with your name attached or dont bother, i dont care if you have video of squeenix's christmas party, dont play that stupid game)

Edited, Fri Jan 7 02:24:36 2005 by Synapsiswhm

Edited, Fri Jan 7 02:21:27 2005 by Synapsiswhm

Edited, Fri Jan 7 02:26:41 2005 by Synapsiswhm
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