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HNM cheating 101Follow

#27 Jan 06 2005 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
I wouldn't say Nalei was stupid about it, really. Looking back at previous journal entries, you can tell he's rather fed up with IRON as it is: they always go camp Fafnir at a whim whenever somebody wants something, but they'll never do anything he wants, even though he's been told numerous times they would. If you ask me, I don't really think he cares one way or the other any more.
#28 Jan 06 2005 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
62 posts
There are two kind of people usually play MMORPG.

One is the people like us wish the game is perfect and bugless everyday so people like them can never find anyway to cheat in the game.

One is the lame people like them who just try to find any bug in the game everyday. When they found it. first thing they do isn't going to inform game developer about it. The first thing they do is abuse it EVERY day until they found out and fix it.

In the user aggrement one of the rules is "Anykind of modify of the game itself" is against the rule and able to ban them. If only GM stop drinking their coffee and put down their donnut for a freaking moment. We can all call GM and go check IRON's members next time we see them camping anything. possible put some of those cheating buttholes out of buisness. You know what. i am going to keep just as many Fireworks as how many IRON members. If any of them ever got cought from cheating and gets ban. I am going to use one. And hopefully one day i will "Run" out of firework.
#29 Jan 06 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
919 posts
Do i got it right? They deleted the darter files so they wouldnt get in the way of there spamming?

Those crafty bastards!!111!1
#30 Jan 06 2005 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
And Kylander. Sorry Buddy. I won't call what they do anywhere near so called "Tactic". They modified the game itself. (By removing the darter file from the game file ) It is considering hacking, though it's a easy and cheat way to cheats without using third party programs. If what they do is considering "Tactic" Then people that use hacks consider "Tactic" as well because those kinda third Party hacking program itself is to Modify the game.
#31 Jan 06 2005 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
If it seems like a planned attack, please consider unlike other incidents this wasnt sat on for months beforehand, only hours passed. the timing is merely coincidence with any other drama orbiting in our world.

And who has the vendetta going? the people playing organically who just want the same chance at a random pop? or the people who think they own things to the point they have to alter the game to suit them because they just cant cope with losing honestly.

Hardly childish in the wake of MONTHS of suspected hacking since the slip of " frugel has a trick" waaay back when.

Getting caught sucks huh.

(edit the entire diary was not posted because this isnt about nalei's life, nor should it be. tho we have entire uncut version before nalei decided to edit history yesterday, and kylindar, the ENTIRE POINT was to make the server worse till the GM's have to fix this, i want to see every Noobish idiot using this hack because SQUARE CANT SEE YOUR FILES TO CHECK YOU till enough honest players make squares life hell)

Edited, Thu Jan 6 12:17:31 2005 by Synapsiswhm
#32 Jan 06 2005 at 12:11 PM Rating: Excellent

I'm not going to open my mouth too much on this, being only 56 and not fortunate enough to be in an HNM LS myself. But where there's a will, there's a hack. This has been true since code manipulation was discovered.
This is far from the only example of cheating in the game, but it still sucks.

In a low down, black-hat way I admire the ingenuity. But this is an MMORPG with other people playing, so if you ain't playing fair you ain't achieved a thing. Comes to outright theft from the other LSes waiting to claim.

There are a couple ways SE might address it; making the darters aggro or removing the darters altogether--levelling the playing field.

This is a nice ray of light into how some people attain an advantage to claim ALL NMs, not just the HNMs.

Pellaz: nice browser. (^^)b

Edited, Thu Jan 6 12:14:22 2005 by Sioux
#33 Jan 06 2005 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
51 posts
Of course it's not 'private', per se, but I'm just saying there could have been a modicum of courtesy involved here. There are two ways of looking at this. You could be the bigger man, and deal with this privately, instead of showing the whole server... or you could show the whole server, and leave doubts about everyone in HNMLS, due to this behavior. Who's to say that other people don't practice this? Nalei's fault was that it was out in the open, who knows if anyone else perscribes to these tactics? Not I.

Snyapsis wrote: the ENTIRE POINT was to make the server worse till the GM's have to fix this, i want to see every Noobish idiot using this hack because SQUARE CANT SEE YOUR FILES TO CHECK YOU till enough honest players make squares life hell

You're right about this, but seeing as how we still have the large problem of the gilsellers on server, I doubt we are going to see any changes in the system anytime soon. I'd suggest dealing with HNMs like Gods, give them a farmable pop item so the server as a whole won't throw tantrums when someone else claims Nihdogg. These were reasons I had avoided going to an HNMLS for the longest time... the fact that everyone, instead of working side by side in harmony, chooses to try and blackball others, spread rumors, and generally just be petty.

I'm just upset that a friend was involved with this. Not at him, really, just the fact that people will obviously go to any lengths necessary to get what they want.

Can we get someone from IRON to come in and talk about this? Please?
#34 Jan 06 2005 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
The sad thing is that probably every linkshell that sends goes down there probably has one or two people who do this. The minute one Shell started doing it, every shell had to.

I think a big round of who cares is in order.
#35 Jan 06 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
172 posts
You could be the bigger man, and deal with this privately, instead of showing the whole server... or you could show the whole server, and leave doubts about everyone in HNMLS, due to this behavior.

I think Pellaz said he tried to talk to Nalei about it. I don't think a slap on the wrist by an individual player would be motivation enough to get the cheaters to stop cheating. Who knows if even all this bad publicity will put it to a halt. It doesn't sound like Nalei was one of the cheaters.. but man.. how do you treat the people that knowingly went along with all this stuff?

Ah.. I just can't stand cheaters.
#36 Jan 06 2005 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
"I'm just saying there could have been a modicum of courtesy involved here"...


If a modicum of courtesy was involved, we wouldnt have this problem would we?

Courtesy is really the only thing that keeps everyone on the planet from killing each other. what do you think the unwritten "rules" most people ignore are really?

Edited, Thu Jan 6 14:40:16 2005 by Synapsiswhm
#37 Jan 06 2005 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
I just hate people who put the seals and things to spawn HNMs in their Bazaars to show off. I could care less if you're in a HNM ls, I'm sure I can tell by your gear anyways.

This is interesting though.

I remember in Everquest we had a "FiF" (First in Force) claim to Emperor Ssrashzea (second toughest "HNM" encounter for the Luclin Expansion. We were getting set up and we were about to pull the Blood of Ssrashzea and set up Crowd Control when another guild rushed in and started. The guild leader was talking to us officers about what to do in officer chat and all of a sudden he said, **** IT, lets KS them, so all of a sudden We throw our full DPS force at the Blood of Ssra, win it, get the drops. Then we throw full force at Emp, out DPS the other guild again, get the drops, etc. (This was our rival guild, they ended up being pricks to just about everyone that is at their level, and we did a damn good job at firing back at them and not taking their crap).

Just be glad in FFXI when a mob is claimed it is claimed. But, this story reminded me of good old temple of ssra.

#38 Jan 06 2005 at 3:11 PM Rating: Good
Seems to me that there wasn't anything, in the initial post, said that was outside the realm of Courtesy. If Pellaz had come on saying "hey look everyboday, these blippity bleeping buttholes are at it again...." etc that would be a different matter, but posting a link to a public journal that shows people affected by the admitted cheating is nothing but courteous to all the rest of us on the server who would like to try and play this game as fairly as possible. I like knowledge and knowing which linkshells are blatently cheating and working against the rest of the server helps me to play my game better (and to know who to avoid in future encounters).

I get the feeling that those who have a real problem with finding out about this (the posting, not the cheating) have something personally invested in it, or a similar situation, and may do well to take a step back and re-evaluate their own play and friendlist.
#39 Jan 06 2005 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
394 posts
There is an easy fix for this, but it involves a check to make sure all files are present before the game loads up. Sure this seems like nothing, but it involves scanning through 25000+ files I believe.
#40 Jan 06 2005 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
naah just put an invisible, targetable point that spawns regardless of any model it should be attached to. (now that i think about that it would still only handicap the hack, so guess that wont work.)

Edited, Thu Jan 6 15:33:30 2005 by Synapsiswhm
#41 Jan 06 2005 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
tweed, people don't put those in bazaar's to show off....they put them in there because it takes 4000000 hours to get up to sky and you don't want to have to go back to jueno to get them. It's an anti-ohcrapiforgotmysealsinjeuno device. :P
#42 Jan 06 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
My PC tends to sound like a jet fighter taking off when I try to play this game on it so I'm stuck on the PS2 for the most part but isn't the DNAS authentication system PS2 users go through before logging in to POL basically the same thing as a file check?

Maybe they could implement something like that for this? This is just one example of how you can cheat by taking out game files, maybe there's other not publicized/thought of yet?
#43 Jan 06 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
104 posts
We've been camping fafnir recently again and we know some members of the opposing linkshells are using this hack, when the windows are open ( anyone not in a LS that is at endgame will likely not understand how the various NMs operate in regard to possible spawn timings - there are 5 minute windows of opportunity on fafnir,behemoth, adamantoise every 25 minutes. ) there is no head motion among these players unlike 80% of the other people up there, fafnir pops and about 1/2 a second later ( just in time to hit your macro right as it turns purple ), it gets voked ( 90% of the time by a player with no movement ). A player with this trick and a turbopad will win if everyone has equal ping and the monster doesnt spawn out of range.

Its blatant when people are using it.

What are your options against this?

1. Camp it and lose 4/5 claims because your at a disadvantage.
2. Dont camp it and just give up. ( this is the worst in my opinion, as you give the cheaters free reign )
3. Use the same trick as the opposition and compete on fair terms.

I really can't blame some Iron members for opting into #3 even if its not "official" iron policy.

Even if you use the trick, you will still be competing against people with a huge ping advantage ( most of the jps ) who are also using the same trick.

The silly thing is this trick can only be used at a small small number of NMs ( behemoth, fafnir, argus ) are the ones I know could be easily abused.

All you have achieved with this thread is blackening irons name unfairly, I'm sure some of your LS members use it - your different because someone didnt post it in their livejournal?

I know members of certain linkshells that use it as well. I only found out the specifics a short while ago myself and have not camped fafnir/nidhogg since ( anyone who knows anything knows I didn't find out how it works until extremely recently ) and neither have my LS members, but the current situation ( 21-24 hr pops allowing nms to be held to the same hours, jps having a huge ping advantage ) is ****** even without this.

The hardest part isn't killing nidhogg/kb, because most of us ( that camp these things or have camped them in the past )know they are not particularly stretching battles, its actually winning the claim and here the system FFXI employs is at fault.
Unless SE change the way HNMs are claimed, or adjust the spawn times for 16-19 hours or 30-36 so they cannot be held to one timezone and one specific group of players and everyone gets a good chance once in a while, the state of play will remain the same.

Specific responses to people posting here:

Moooo - post your real name and discuss this like a normal person, don't hide behind an alias - you dont really have any input except cheerleading the witchhunters.

Chopse, Sioux - don't be so critical when you havn't experienced this.

Pellaz - your intent is to make the server worse? Bismarck has been relatively drama free, certainly there have been linkshell tensions in the past but for the most part we have not had the problems on other servers, I like bismarcks competitive but mostly drama free HNM scene

The current situation on the server is heading towards those on other servers and its something I know personally my linkshell members don't want to experience. The devs are aware of this, they just seemingly don't care.

Are the posts from you on the bluesteel forums also part of this plan to "make the server worse"? You think if they solve this particular problem that all the tensions and enmity that are going to result from your punning clan are going to dissapear? Law of unintended consequences and whatknot.

Synapsis - "at least now that EVERYONE will see how easy it is to hack HNM's with all the chaos that should ensue square will be forced to fix it somehow :D "
- this isn't new, its been here since the start of the game and is fairly common knowledge amonst JP linkshells. Its been on the frontpage of some fairly high profile linkshells websites over the last year or so. Sorry to break it to you, but this isnt "irongate".

I won't be organising any dragon's aery raids unless its out of certains linkshells timezones ( I'm not naming names because its not the whole of those linkshell, just a few members. )
I don't blame linkshells/players/ for this, I blame the poorly designed system that is in place at the moment for 80% of all the drama on the FFXI servers. I just don't want to waste my members time trying to pull something like this.

For those who havn't experienced it ( and are here with the OMGZ HACKX()")!$)!£!(I" CS type **** ) here's a good example.

You want to camp Argus, but there are two bats that spawn near it and you have to kill or tab through. Its incredibly easy to use the same trick on the bats as the darters so nothing is targettable in the area until argus spawns, you can leave your turbopad on and watch films until you notice you've claimed argus. Why even bother going to camp argus? Its impossible for you to win the pull, the other player has the ability menu up and a turbopad on provoke, as soon as argus spawns he will be trying to provoke while you have to manually tab through first. The only way to actually claim argus would be to use this trick or having a hugely lower ping ( and I think it probably is, which thinking about it explains why I don't have a peacock charm yet. )

Now lets imagine the peacock charm is rare-ex, and your in almost the exact same position as most of the people posting on this thread.

Its a ****** unfair situation and it needs to be fixed, but don't blame the people who found out about it and use it to try and get their peacock charms -( And as a lunarian mentioned, you hardly ever win the claim if you try to compete fairly ), you give up
( and have to buy the item ), or you use the same trick and try and get it on an equal basis ( you wonder how gilfarmers used to pull certain NMs so quickly? ).

I'm not sure I should have posted this because its probably going to upset a few people, but there you have it.

#44 Jan 06 2005 at 3:41 PM Rating: Default
"your different because someone didnt post it in their livejournal? "

You seem to think we hack the game gryffes, perhaps you might want to reconsider that.

do you think we would go to such great lengths if we were the kinds to start cheating? and wouldnt we have started equaling claims instead of losing the majority of them and just ignoring the camp at this point?

It's called L-O-G-I-C.

Edited, Thu Jan 6 15:46:38 2005 by Synapsiswhm
#45 Jan 06 2005 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
104 posts
I'm not saying lunarians or any other linkshell actively encourage it, but I seriously doubt nobody in your linkshell has used this before or won't use it again in the future.
#46 Jan 06 2005 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Gryffes wrote:
Pellaz - your intent is to make the server worse? Bismarck has been relatively drama free, certainly there have been linkshell tensions in the past but for the most part we have not had the problems on other servers, I like bismarcks competitive but mostly drama free HNM scene

My intent is to call attention to the cheating, don't want the drama or the posts? Don't cheat. I went back and forth over whether to post it or not for pretty much the reasons you stated above.

You seem to use the "Well everyone is doing it, so they have to, to be competitive" to excuse the actions. I don't buy it, personally I will never cheat in this game as it would remove all the fun for me, and Lunarians has never cheated to claim HNM's yet we manage. If anyone was to be caught cheating in our LS it would probably result in a removal of pearl.

I disagree with you in placing sole blame on the system, while the means to cheat may exist, it is the inviduals who choose to do so. I could sell gil, but I don't. Being accountable for your decisions is not a new concept, although on the same count I suppose blaming your lack of judgement on outside circumstance is not a new concept as well.

Edited, Thu Jan 6 15:52:33 2005 by PellazIsNotABug
#47 Jan 06 2005 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
Want honesty? the individuals who approved (or seem to) of this sort of action etc in our ls left with 2 nobles and a scorp +1 they sold for RL cash, another joined iron and participated.

we ostracised and ridiculed them internally and they eventually got fed up and left. well worth the loss IMHO.

Thats how we handled it. Care to comment?
#48 Jan 06 2005 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Two points Gryffe:

there are 5 minute windows of opportunity on fafnir,behemoth, adamantoise every 25 minutes. )

Er, no. The spawn windows aren't 25-35 minutes (5 minutes either side of the 30 minute 'main' window). There's a much more specific window.

I'm sure some of your LS members use it - your different because someone didnt post it in their livejournal?

There's a huge difference between posting screenshots of someone telling the great wide world that people in their LS cheat, and accusing other people of cheating with noproof whatsoever.
So please, before you make yourself look stupid by accusing any of my friends of cheating, get some proof (like the above) or don't even bother to open your mouth.

Edited, Thu Jan 6 16:01:06 2005 by Ljarin
#49 Jan 06 2005 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
I don't think any drama from 'the aquarious incident' has been posted on killingifrit or ffxionline yet guys. Let's take it over there next. we'll random for the choice.
#50 Jan 06 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
EDIT: WARNING: To those just reading this thread now, I SCREWED UP AND THIS POST IS STUPID. I didn't just edit it all out so everyone can see my stupidity rather than get to the end of the thread and go 'HAY WAT DID BYAINA DO.' I am an idiot. That said, enjoy my stupid post.

Wow. I wasn't going to touch this with a forty-foot pole but one of the accused marching in here and having the unmitigated gall to squawk 'EVERYONE DOES IT! YOU JUST PUSHED US TO IT!' is too, too much.

Gryffes, you and your ilk need to grow the fu[/b]ck up. Especially if you think this server is "drama free," particularly when it comes to HNM LS bulls[b]hit. Go ahead and start searching. I think you'll find that the only HNM LS that doesn't routinely start s[b][/b]hit on these boards is AD. IRON and Lunarians are absolutely the worst offenders.

Why everybody thinks "well SE did blah blah blah this and this wrong blah blah so I'm going to CHEAT to get what I want" is absolutely beyond me. We have a feedback system here, why don't you try using it? Or are you just too good by the time you're in an HNM LS to do anything but show off how OMGWTFKEWLIES you are?

I'm disgusted. Especially by the fact that you're showing no shame whatsoever. Really, re-read your post, Gryffes. You sound like the little brat who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and tries to say he was holding it for someone else. Unbelievable.

Edit: It appears, upon further examination, that I am an idiot. I apologize Gryffes, I misunderstood where you were coming from. I didn't look at the sig and saw the post start with "we've been camping..." and assumed, obviously wrongly, that Gryffes is with IRON. I'm wrong, my fault entirely, but my disgust with the people who do this stands and I don't understand defending it either.

one last edit for clarity. I'm going to leave most of the post as is so at least it's here so people know I ****** something up, I'd rather not just delete it and be accused of cowardice.

Edited, Thu Jan 6 17:10:25 2005 by Byaina
#51 Jan 06 2005 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
716 posts
EDIT: not even worth it..

I have a lot of respect for most of the people here.. but you guys seriously need to do your homework before lobbing us in with the mill.

Edited, Thu Jan 6 16:26:12 2005 by Alauce
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