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Noobtastic Sioux Strikes Back.Follow

#1 Jan 05 2005 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
Warning, pseudo-rant ahead. I'm not actually mad.

Sometimes you don't know whether to laugh or cry.

I was mining tonight; pretty innocent stuff, mining. It was in Movalpolis, as I was hoping for a few armors to level clothcraft on; I had been in and out most of the day, as I'm also leveling Ninja right now (9k a stack for shihei, whoopee....hooray -_-).

So the scene is set; Sioux is poor, and she is mining. I was carrying my anelace and my field gear, nothing else. I did this for about an hour when I came upon a lightning elemental, and saw a big free cluster floating along there.
It was EP, and not a pleasant fight; I converted once, and learned to curse Elvaan MP all over again without my gear. I was down to about 80 MP again when it gave up the ghost, and the prophesied cluster.

Feeling rightous and 'teh uber fightmage', I put my sword away and continued to mine. About ten minutes later I was passing the treasure chest pop point near the Gusgen zone, and my Inner Noob came fantastically alive.

"TREASURE CHEST!" it squealed, like a five-year-old at Toys R Us.

Mind you, there wasn't actually a chest there. But now ruled by my inner noob, I vowed to kill the next bomb I saw.

Recap; I was carrying my anelace and my mining gear....nothing else. ^^

First bomb I attack busts a cap in me.
It self-destructed barely five seconds into the fight, peeling off my HP like a Wild Bunny under Barrage, and I keeled over...and deleveled to 55.

For a full five seconds I just stared at my monitor, then said "What the hell!" in a bemused, wtf-hit-me voice. I'm laughing now, but it was pretty tough to then. ;) I was so embarrassed that I homepointed.

Please tell me I'm not the only one that gets this noobalicious.
I suck. ;)

Edited, Wed Jan 5 07:23:08 2005 by Sioux
#2 Jan 05 2005 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good
327 posts
Aw, {That's too bad.} ;_;

Reminds me the numerous time I've been killed by ghosts and Air Elemental as a BLM 19 and 20...

(Tip : If you are fleeing away with a ton of Quadavs on your back in Palbourough Mines on the 3rd level, DON'T, I repeat, DON'T try to use the elevator, they will all be teleported next to you ;_; ... )
#3 Jan 05 2005 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
lmao, I tried to ditch them by jumping in the boat once. Blood flying everywhere behind me as I went shooting off, it looked pretty hilarious. They killed me, of course ;)
#4 Jan 05 2005 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
124 posts
You're not alone, yesterday I was solo'ing tough Hippogryphs 'cause they were just screaming out MONEY!!11!, so I was going on my merrily way, ravenging through the zone one tough hippo at a time when I suddenly strike hunger. Then I noticed that my tummy was rumbling and I was hungry so without thinking I sit down resting (was at like 241/662) in the middle of the zone where 2 hippogryphs spawn and sure enough when I come back I am laying face first into the ground with two hippogryphs just standing on me. So now my character is sitting in Lower Jeuno Bazaaring de-leveled and all to 59. Hopefully trying to get that exp back when I get home.
#5 Jan 05 2005 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
595 posts
I had fought some Lightning Elementals in Gusgen, my HP was in yellow. I went afk (I was standning) to make some dinner and get back finding myself dead on the floor.
Forgot about the the hounds(dog) which aggros on yellow hp :/
#6 Jan 05 2005 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
lol, Sioux, you always make me laugh.
I got a good noob one for you. we we're doing afew bcnm's the other day for much of the same reasons that you we're mining: all of us we're poor. Now I've done Bcnm's with these guys before (actually, you know Lyden I believe Sioux ;P). So Lyden (MNK), Waldofritz (PLD) and I set out for Fei'yin and go thru the first two runs like a hot knife thru butter. We hadn't even used our 2hr's at this point and we're feeling pretty confident going into our 3rd run. Plus Waldo had a lot of his hi-potions left so we thought we would be laughing our way to another victory. Anyway, the fight was little tougher than we expected and I had blow all my MP as the fourth form was about to die. Both Lyden and Waldo we're in the red as well and Waldo had just used his last potion. So thinking eh, since its about to die and we only have 1 more form left to deal with, why not Bene. I could take a few hits and it would die soon afterwards. Anyway, I hit my 2hr button....Vimien gains 0hp. I was on the other side of the area, WAY our of range from the melee's. So I bene'd myself....for 0 hp. Suffice to say, the next form made short work of us. So a quick lesson for you up and coming WHM, when they say 'recover HP for all party IN RANGE', make sure you do just that ;P.
#7 Jan 05 2005 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
374 posts
definitely not alone there... i cant count the times Ive n00b'd
#8 Jan 05 2005 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
247 posts
Since I am still teh n00b, I will share a very recent story myself...
Eldieme Necropolis, looking for the flame to finish my Teleport-Mea quest. Running all over the place sneaked up and not having any luck at all, I decide to hide in what I 'thought' was a safe corner of a tunnel, and log out. :/

I log in the next day, and before the screen has even finished rendering itself I can hear a brutal beating taking place. Come to find out, it was me taking a pounding by one of the ghost type mobs in the Necropolis...bah.

Level down, and unfinished quest.
#9 Jan 05 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
649 posts
RDM's should never be allowed to pull.

Scene: Crawler's Nest

Party finally finds two replacements, both DD's. No one wants to pull so the RDM (me in all my glorious noobness) casts blink and says "I'll pull."

I run down the tunnel far enough to see a fraction of a worker crawler around the corner. I stop cold rather than checking out the whole picture.

/p Pulling Worker Crawler! <call1>
Garan casts Dia on the worker crawler
/p INC Worker Crawler! <call>
/p ****
/p link
/p i'm so dead...

The herd was the most beautiful re-enactment of the buffalo scene from Dances with wolves.

I didn't catch the name, but there was a higher level standing in the tunnel with me.

???? claps his hands at Garan.

I'm such an *** lol.
#10 Jan 05 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
649 posts

Edited, Wed Jan 5 12:31:14 2005 by GaranTheElvaan
#11 Jan 05 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
512 posts
i tried to solo my first keys to kazham (sp?) as a 25 WHM/BLM sub with waaaaaay underleveled melee skills. i thought "bah. EP orcs? whatever." i didn't start to worry until i had killed the sixth consecutive link and #s 7, 8, and 9 piled on.

#12 Jan 05 2005 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
That is such a great story! i mean.. it sucks that that happend, but i could see the whole thing in my mind, and it reminded me of some of the silly things i have done before..

Like when i was trying for 5 days to kill Maat, and kept getting killed..

The first time.. i went into battle prepared (or so i thought) Drank a yagudo drink, and ate my rolanberry pie +1 and then ran up to maat and cast burst!!

boom, took him down to 50 percent.. then i started to cast sleep 2.. but for some reason i didnt see the text that said Maat Casts Aeroga III.. because all of the sudden i heard the little Tarutaru uggh.. and i was dead..

My stupid butt got wiped out.. 1 hit! 1 kill!

i could go on.. but one of the things i thought was funny..

I was goin to get another Black Mage Testimony to go fight Maat again.. I decide i think i can solo a Yagudo Prelate...

Omfg.. cast freeze on it, then i sleep it.. then i rest for a bit.. then cast Flare on it.. then.. like a idiot, i start casting firaga 3.. my friend is like. hey.. bind that fool.. well he comes and slaps me.. and i realize.. wtf.. i didnt put stoneskin or blink up!! omfg!! so. he slaps me,, and interupts my casting.. then i freak out and try to sleep him..

Doesnt work.. slaps me 2 more times.. and uggh.. dead..

I know the feeling Souix of starting at the screen for about 5 mins going WTF?? how noobish of me! but its sorta funny, i just smoke a bowl, and try to find a raise, and keep goin with the grind.. but..

Good story! i like it!
#13 Jan 05 2005 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
346 posts
Ya ever hit Diaga instead of Dia?

Ya ever forget that there's a mob that links which just walked around the corner?

Ya ever forget that you're a black mage, not a red mage?

Ya ever forget that your home point is in Pashow Marshlands as said just-deleveled level 6 black mage?

You ever hit Ctrl-P instead of Ctrl-L to say "Damn this party sucks. I'm starting to want to party with the mobs we're fighting." ..... ?

Ya ever dc during a Dragon fight?

Twice in a row?

Ya ever vow to solo said Dragon afterwards?

If so, then you're a noob on my level.
#14 Jan 05 2005 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
391 posts
Ya ever hit Diaga instead of Dia?

Ya ever forget that there's a mob that links which just walked around the corner?

Ya ever forget that you're a black mage, not a red mage?

Ya ever forget that your home point is in Pashow Marshlands as said just-deleveled level 6 black mage?

You ever hit Ctrl-P instead of Ctrl-L to say "Damn this party sucks. I'm starting to want to party with the mobs we're fighting." ..... ?

Ya ever dc during a Dragon fight?

Twice in a row?

Ya ever vow to solo said Dragon afterwards?

If so, then you're a noob on my level.

Wahahah! That's good stuff, though I can't say I've done the dragon thing, I have repeated most of the other stuff...such as having my HP in Jugner after using Mijin Gakure on my Level 1 Ninja to see what it looks like....
#15 Jan 05 2005 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
[quote=RamorThat's good stuff, though I can't say I've done the dragon thing.[/quote]

Thanks. And just look at my sig. /grin
#16 Jan 06 2005 at 12:12 AM Rating: Good
327 posts
Was hunting for my keys for the Kazham Airship Pass, and got the one in Palbourough Mines and the one in Ghelbsa. Then I figured out that I had put the Giddeus one in my storage >_< /slap ... So I choco back to Jeuno, set my HP there, then choco to Windurst. Had my inventory full, so I switch to BLM for Warp and run to Windurst Waters to give my Smooth Stone. After this, I warp, thinking that my HP is set at my windy Mog House. I was like WTH when I saw that I was in Jeuno <_< ... Choco back to windy, got the key, warp and got the pass ... <_<
#17 Jan 06 2005 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
rofl, I love the stories guys XD

I have another confession to make...

When I was lvl 41, I was messing around in Beadeaux (mistake number one) and saw Gho Bhu Gascon walking around on the ledge above me.

I was rank 4 at the time, and decided I wanted to try him for my augury shell ;)
So I Paralyze pull him, wait at the zone area (he didn't link, proving Altana watches out for babies and fools), and got to fighting him. I didn't debuff him. Not once. Not one debuff other than Paralyze, which wore off shortly, and Gho Bhu put me in the dirt in no time ;)

I'd have died anyway, but when I remembered later I hadn't so much as reapplied Paralyze....doh.

Also decided to try to take a Tremor Ram as a NIN15. "Hey, I can blink tank it!" I thought ;) with Utsusemi Ichi. And no ninjutsu skill to speak of. I was dead again.

Then there was the time I was on the boat with Xanoxonax, and he got aggroed by the Sea I diaed it...and said "Hey, we can take it."

Dead again. Xano too. Sorry man. XD

I also tried to solo a ram on another character, a Taru WHM 29 without a weapon. I was trying to nuke it to death. In fishing gear.


So yeah, I am extremely noobish when it comes to dying for no good reason. I deleveled under my AF gloves twice, my boots once, and now my pants once. ;)

#18 Jan 06 2005 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
716 posts
I caused my linkshell to lose a Gem of the West because I was a moron and warped out of Ru'aun Gardens. (I thought I saw the "Alauce obtains the..." message.. apparently I did not.)

Edited, Thu Jan 6 10:16:40 2005 by Alauce
#19 Jan 06 2005 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
517 posts
Yea Sioux, that damn fishing gear is cursed I tell ya =:R.

One time, Sioux asked me to come out and help her and Gailen pop the Goblin Archaeologist. I was fishing in Windy Woods at the time and I figured "Well, it's only a goblin, and it's near the crag, so it shouldn't be so hard."

As I set out to join them and pop it, I nuked it thinking I was going to kill it quickly with Freeze and Burst, then I realied that his health wasn't going down as fast as I thought it would. Before I knew it, I was in the red, and there laid face in the ground, the corpse of my 56 Taru BLM... wearing fishing gear.

Hooray for noobtasticness!

::WARNING:: Fishing Tunica, gloves, pants, and boots provide serious health hazards and risks when worn. Avoid wearing them in battle at all costs. (This has been a message brought to you by your Surgeon General Taru.) =:D
#20 Jan 06 2005 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,275 posts
Things were going fine until he tossed that Frag Grenade in your face ; ;

We still kicked his green, Indiana Jones Wannabe *** into the dirt!
#21 Jan 07 2005 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
......hit my 'ranged' macro a whm....with my 90k holy ampulla equipped in the 'ammo' slot.

I beat you all.

#22 Jan 07 2005 at 8:50 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
Hehe Vim...

Ele told us about that while out doing my AF1. Sorry for your loss.
#23 Jan 07 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
...I did that with my Morion Tathlum. Threw it at a chamber beetle.

I missed. <.<

That sucks though Vim, I know the feeling...seeing your character whip out something valuable, and in a fit of rebellion from its human master, WHIP IT at a mob, then go on about its business. It sucks. ; ;
#24 Jan 07 2005 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
302 posts
So I'm in Sandy...and want a quick trip back to Jeuno.

{death} {warp} {Yes, please}

Change job to a level 1 job, leave Mog House.

Set homepoint? wait!...I meant no! NO!!!!



/sh Taxi?!
#25 Jan 07 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
374 posts
I threw my Happy Egg...

Now I never have a ranged macro on my normal character ><;;

Edit:I missed also ><

Edited, Fri Jan 7 10:43:15 2005 by YukioOfBismarck
#26 Jan 07 2005 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
...I did that with my Morion Tathlum. Threw it at a chamber beetle.

I missed. <.<

That sucks though Vim, I know the feeling...seeing your character whip out something valuable, and in a fit of rebellion from its human master, WHIP IT at a mob, then go on about its business. It sucks. ; ;

....I missed
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