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Some tips for you in your 50sFollow

#1 Dec 27 2004 at 11:15 PM Rating: Sub-Default
It seems the 50s is just as bad, if not worse than valkurm or qufim. I am going to list a few things job by job that could be done better. I am sick and tired of these 2k an hour parties...

Monk: Have kote!!! This gives you a significant attack increase, that you can clearly see. Other than that, every monk have been with has been doing fine.

Warrior: Have your ninja sub leveled. Also, you do not HAVE to dual wield axes. A great axe works just as good,and you will need to keep the skill capped for later levels. Also, do not be afraid to tank. I know you may take a beating, so tanking gear comes in handy.

White mage: You better have a dark staff, and please try and have a light staff. This will make you use A LOT less mp. Do not waste your time on debuffs if you have a rdm in the party...I don't care if you want to raise the skill, do that in your own time. USE REGEN II!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE buy raise II and erase.

Black mage: Hmmm...not much to say here. This is a fairly easy job to do. Just make sure to have your ancient MB macro correctly timed. Also, do not be pissed if you die after an ancient are the one that chooses to do the MB. And if the mob is |-| that far away from dying, cancel the ancient magic. I hate to see mp for chaining wasted. Once again, have a dark and ice staff.

Red mage: DO NOT PULL OUT YOUR SWORD! I DO NOT CARE HOW UBER YOUR SWORD SKILL OR DAGGER SKILL IS! At this level, stand back and cast with the mages. Remember, you are a red MAGE. Have several equipment changing macros, and me sure to keep everyone refreshed (this includes the pld). Debuff with a wand+1, and buy a dark staff, it works wonders. Also, try and save up for a ice and light staff, they are really worth it. Make sure you keep the nin and/or monk hasted at all times. Be versitile. DO NOT SUB ANYTHING BUT WHM SMN OR BLM.

Thief: Make sure you have a hairpin and leaping boots. I know they cost a lot, but they are the best you can have for a long while. Focus on more agi/dex equipment than strength. Otherwise, you all seem to be doing fine.

Paladin: Cure yourself as much as you can. Focus on a little agi, and a lot of defense and vit. Do not waste your equipment slots / gil on dex/str + equipment. Your job is to TAKE IT, not deal it. (that sounded very wrong). Be sure you are correctly set-up for SATA, and voke if ever you lose hate.

Dark knight: Do not request for refresh before anyone, for a dark knight comes last (unless they are pulling). Get some sniper rings, for they help you more than anything. You want equipment that will help you gain tp faster.

Beastmaster: Um...nothing needs to be said here. Just keep on doing what you are doing.

Ranger: Seem to be doing a good job. Do not complain that you are wasting gil in a party, even if you are. You are a ranger, you made the choice. Try to keep archery and marksmanship capped.

Bard: Hmm...since I am a rdm, I dont see too many of these in my parties. Doing a good job from what I see. Monster signa is a great item...

Summoner: Do not be afraid to let your summons romp on the mob a bit. I have seen sooooo many summoners not use hardly any of their mp, and just stand back and buff/backup heal. Try and get Fenrir ASAP, for he is very very helpful. Dark staff, Do you have it?

Samurai: Basically, more people need to be a sam. They are a great job, and is a shame to see so few. MMMMM...skillchians...

Ninja: You better have utsusemi: Ni. Use your elemental ninjistu and debuffs, they help a lot with keeping hate. If you have the gil for kote, go ahead. Otherwise, do not bother, the evasion down can hurt in some situations. I LOVE NINJA TANKS!

Dragoon: Hmmm...keep poking stuff with that pole >.>
Sometimes, for skillchains, you will be asked not to use penta thrust...OH WELL!

Hope this might help a little bit, or at least provide a chuckle as you remember that rdm/sam that bragged about his attack when he has 350 max mp ^^. Any suggestions to improve this would be appreciated. This is a basic guideline for 40+
(Good job!) (Party) (Can I have it?)
#2 Dec 28 2004 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
716 posts
You're going to get lynched by some RDM here that melee..

#3 Dec 28 2004 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
I am going to refer to SAM on this one. You said there aren't enough, and that's true, I would love to continue playing my 55 SAM, I would love not needing to farm for months on end to afford the five million gil price of the four items people would demand I need.

I do a /sea all SAM and find that usually SAM isn't a very populated job whenever I am on but I think it's because of the equipment demands. I know some people are going to cry foul and say they have it worse, and some do. Ninjas and Rangers do have a difficult time, they have very gil dependant jobs. However we won't see more SAM's in higher levels (I will say 50-55+) until equipment prices come down because people aren;t going to lessen their strangle hold demanding that samurais have the almost absolute best most expensive equipment.

I had one point in a party where a NIN accidentally had a "mt" to her LS saying I was a gimp samurai. She of course was referring that I didn't have two sniper's rings and I didn't have ochiudos kote, however I did have a jujitsu sitibaki. After that I quit the job because I was tired of worrying whether or not I would get invited to/booted out of parties based on whether or not I had two sniper's rings and ochiudos kote and a habergeon at 59.

People obviously look down on people who don't have the expensive equipment, which they have a right to, if they themselves put in the time farming for the gil to get that equipment.

Personally, I don't think there will ever be an increase in the amount of people playing samurai until something is done about the equipment/money situation a SAM is forced to face once hitting 40(less so) and 50 and beyond(very much more so). I know the recent update has only just gone into effect, what, 17 or 18 days ago? But on Bismarck Ochiudos Kote is now selling for 1 million gil, sniper's rings are selling for 550,000 gil and a haubergeon is selling for 2.5-2.7 million gil.

I'm in college, I quit playing SAM because I didn't want the only real time I had to play to be dedicated to farming, it would have taken a year at least to accumulate the amount I would need to satisfy the people in my party with the equipment they desired me to have.

Personally, I won't ever be playing another melee damage dealing job for a long time, if ever, unless the prices change, which I don't feel will ever happen.

I think if prices were to actually come down to where the "required equipment" was more affordable,(did you ever hear the saying "when pigs fly?") more people would find the job more fun to play and there would be a bolstering in the number of SAM's...It's a pipe dream at best.

Edited to be more readable.

Edited, Tue Dec 28 00:58:32 2004 by ProudBastokan

Edited, Tue Dec 28 02:55:10 2004 by ProudBastokan

Edited, Tue Dec 28 12:27:48 2004 by ProudBastokan
#4 Dec 28 2004 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
340 posts
Life belt is needed for every melee job including PLD(Not sure about Nin).
#5 Dec 28 2004 at 2:46 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
brown belt and 2 snipers is the better option for monk(rather than life belt). Also kote are not neccesary, you do great damage without them, especially with af gloves.
#6 Dec 28 2004 at 3:15 AM Rating: Decent
Did I get most of this right though?
#7 Dec 28 2004 at 3:52 AM Rating: Good
Sirrobin wrote:
Thief: Make sure you have a hairpin and leaping boots. I know they cost a lot, but they are the best you can have for a long while. Focus on more agi/dex equipment than strength. Otherwise, you all seem to be doing fine.

I once heard someone say in passing that a THF 24+ was gimped if they didn't have Winged Boots. This seemed utterly ridiculous to me, as the only boost Winged Boots have over Leaping Boots is an increase in defense; this is a stat consideration that becomes somewhat negligible in comparison with other equipment concerns 6 levels later, with the acrual of Trick Attack. The DEX boost is the same.

I can see Winged Boots being a plus, but the lack of them is hardly worthy of being labeled gimped.

Just an anecdote I thought I'd share.

Now, onward!

Barring Leaping Boots, I would say Noct Gaiters +1 would be acceptable footware for any THF unwilling or unable to drop the gil for Leaping Boots (though I don't know what these are going for these days, so the difference in cost might well be negligible.) DEX +2 isn't as good as DEX +3, but I'm less picky about others accoutrement than some I know.

And honestly, if you've gotten to 50 without Leaping Boots and are short on cash, you could always wait until lvl 60 and get your Rogue's Poulaines for the same benefit. Just don't be surprised if you get booted from parties for being 'gimped'. Smiley: tongue
#8 Dec 28 2004 at 4:12 AM Rating: Good
510 posts
I may come off as a total ******* with this but....

Who the fu[b][/b]ck are you?

This thread is a waste of good forum bandwidth. If you don't know how to do your job by 50-55 quit the damn game.
#9 Dec 28 2004 at 4:15 AM Rating: Good
Zariko wrote:
I may come off as a total ******* with this but....

We expect no less, Zariko. Smiley: grin

You're our server's Oscar the Grouch.

... err...

Well, a purple Oscar the Grouch, anyway. Smiley: sly

Edited, Tue Dec 28 04:16:17 2004 by nataraja
#10 Dec 28 2004 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
54WHM here

White mage: You better have a dark staff, and please try and have a light staff. This will make you use A LOT less mp. Do not waste your time on debuffs if you have a rdm in the party...I don't care if you want to raise the skill, do that in your own time. USE REGEN II!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE buy raise II and erase.

Dark Staff: Check
Light Staff: Check
Regen II: Check
Raise II: Not high enough >_>
Erase: Check

I WIN!!! >_>

And I wonder how you got WHMs who whine about wanting to skill up Enfeebling. I rarely even have the time to pop out a Paralyze because I'm busy Erasing and Regen-ing, not to mention CUre II & III-ing. (whoever said you rarely use Erase apparently never leveled in Kuftal or Boyahda.....god damn Bubble Shower...)
#11 Dec 28 2004 at 6:16 AM Rating: Decent
105 posts
Life belt is needed for every melee job including PLD(Not sure about Nin).


Since when is Accuracy more important than Def and Vit to a PLD? I would take Warrior Belt +1 or R.K. Belt over this as a PLD. PLDs do crap damage anyways, so it wouldnt matter.

#12 Dec 28 2004 at 7:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Um, Sirrobin, you're on crack. ^^

Something tells me this isn't going to get stickied any time soon. If it's not the worst guide to 'how to do every job in the game', I think it only falls behind the Brady Guide.

You have managed to insult or otherwise condescend to pretty much everyone who looks at this thread. As a red mage I am horrified and embarrassed.

Who died and made you the expert?
#13 Dec 28 2004 at 7:20 AM Rating: Decent
1,275 posts
Be sure you are correctly set-up for SATA, and voke if ever you lose hate.


Do you even have the first idea what you're talking about?

When you're tanking, you provoke EVERY TIME IT COMES UP. You don't save it for emergencies... emergencies only happen when dumbasses don't provoke every 30 seconds. If the paladin doesn't provoke when the mob turns away from him... chances are it's because provoke isn't up. And thats when you'll see a shield bash or sentinel go off to regain hate quick.

Edited, Tue Dec 28 07:20:33 2004 by GailC
#14 Dec 28 2004 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
But wait, you forgot one last job!

Sirrobin: Go fu[b][/b]ck yourself.

Yeah, that about sums up my thoughts on your post here, buddy. I'm with Zariko on this 110%.
#15 Dec 28 2004 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
225 posts
Summoner: Do not be afraid to let your summons romp on the mob a bit. I have seen sooooo many summoners not use hardly any of their mp, and just stand back and buff/backup heal. Try and get Fenrir ASAP, for he is very very helpful. Dark staff, Do you have it?

Are you aware at all what level you need to be to get that puppy? and how tough he is? -_-;

Please do your research before you tell others how to do their job. I doubt very much that you know whats best for every job.

#16 Dec 28 2004 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
50 posts
Bard here, and you managed to have 2 pieces of poor advice in 2 sentences. BRD + RDM is a great team, first off. Secondly, Signa has to be one of the most overpriced items for what it does, especially post 51. The only time you would want it is for 6 Threnodies, since everything else would be off a Light or Earth staff. And even then, it only offers 3 CHR more than Shellbuster+Elegant Shield. So, yeah, if you want to spend a few hundred thousand gil per point of CHR, it might slightly improve the accuracy of 6 songs you might not be singing anyway. That's not my definition of a great item.
#17 Dec 28 2004 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
Teets wrote:
Life belt is needed for every melee job including PLD(Not sure about Nin).


Since when is Accuracy more important than Def and Vit to a PLD? I would take Warrior Belt +1 or R.K. Belt over this as a PLD. PLDs do crap damage anyways, so it wouldnt matter.

Mostly some PLDs equips it to boost their tp acrual for Spirits Within.

Other PLDs prefer the VIT +3 from the Warrior Belt +1.

Your mileage may vary.
#18 Dec 28 2004 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Life belt is needed for every melee job including PLD(Not sure about Nin).


Since when is Accuracy more important than Def and Vit to a PLD? I would take Warrior Belt +1 or R.K. Belt over this as a PLD. PLDs do crap damage anyways, so it wouldnt matter.

From what I understand from the PLD forum, the life belt is more for spirits within. I just picked up one yesterday in sandy for 70k, a bargain I guess. Been out of action for a few weeks and before I left it was a lot cheaper. It's going to be a wait and see how it works once I get spirits.
#19 Dec 28 2004 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
169 posts
Stop telling people how to do theire jobs and that they need uber gear to be a good player!

I hate to see forums like this because it makes it very hard for people who don't have a certain piece of gear to find a party.

I am a 59 MNK without the Kote! My husband is a 59 RDM who melees. Different situations call for different strategies. You've left out weaponskills and how to fight mobs.

More importantly the tone of your post sounds like you are directing this at particular players rather than providing helpful advice. You don't have to follow a guide to be good at your job.

#20 Dec 28 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Good
883 posts
Man, you didn't insult my job. :( I can't be righteously pissed off.

Well, I'll try. Here's a suggestion: Play every one of these jobs to the level you're complaining about. Then come back and tell us what to do. ^^ Nothing I hate worse than someone mouthing off about how I should do my job. I had a thief in Boyahda who apparently had never partied with a samurai before do this the other day and I almost left the party multiple times because of her. It's funny - she couldn't even do her OWN job, so I don't know why she thought she could do everyone else's.

ProudBastokan, I find that the haubergeon is a luxury item for sams by a long shot. I know very very high-level sams who lack it AND Sniper's Rings (although I have not asked what they use instead). The job is a ***** to farm for, I will not be the one to argue that. But at level 64 I don't even own my own haubergeon (I have one on loan for a bit) and even without it I don't feel all that gimped.

The biggest problem with samurais is that so many of them somehow don't learn how their job works. Which might be because of something else I've found - at this level, if you run into someone who's never played with a samurai before, it's impossible to train them to work with you. They don't understand the concepts of Meditate, multiple skillchains with the same partner, etc. I'd get frustrated and quit too :P

I just re-read Sirrobin's post - ok, I'm not a blm, never have been, but ancient MBs? That alone tells me you don't know what you're talking about. In a party that's actually working you should never NEED an AM MB to kill things in the fastest time possible - a burst with tier 2 or 3 magic works just fine. AMs are for special occasions, I think, and I had a discussion over in the blm forum to the same ends a couple months back. If anyone wants to disagree and tell me I'm dumb hey, knock yourself out, but I honestly feel that AM is a waste of mana, and usually a major complication to hate control, unless you're in an NM fight or something.

In conclusion, STFU.
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