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Favorite memory.Follow

#1 Dec 26 2004 at 10:52 PM Rating: Good
346 posts
Hey folks, looking over at my LS's private forum, I came across a thread which might be interesting to put here. To quote an LS member (Nyankoichi), "Out of all of the time you have been playing this game, what is your favorite memory so far of this game? If you could sit back, and take one snapshot of this game, one image or event in this game, what would it be that would best describe the experience of taking part in this game?"

Since I put this out there, I'll throw out my story. Mine would have to start off in good old Bastok, my hometown. I was mining there ways back just to see what it was like. I was a level 7 Red mage, finally getting the swing of FFXI. I mean, multiplayer online game with people ya didn't know in the FF series? How could ya go wrong? (Little did I know of gil sellers.) I loved it. Yeah, I was new to the game, but the MMPOG idea I had done for a while.

Well, I was in the mines looking for points to pick away at when across my path runs this little midget (being only 4 hours into the game). I had never encountered a Taru before, so this was a first for me. Being the type of person to naturally wave to strangers (just ask Arondight), I waved to the Taru. He farts. Now, that I had to laugh at, due to the weird amusement value in it I did a /em chuckles and he says howdy. Well, needless to say, I asked this little farting green bunned Taru what the floating green dot was next to his name. A moment later, a trade offer appears. I accept, and see a linkpearl in his side of the screen. I accept it and equip. First thing I see was the greenlines of Hiptaru saying for everyone to welcome me onto the LS.

And it's because of the people on the linkshell that I have stayed on. I have no real ambition in the game, as such. I play for fun. The drama of the astral rings and the casino never bothered me. Cause ya know what? Hip's a cool guy. I got to know him since I started playing. And he, along with everyone else on the LS, has given lots of laughs, lots of teasing, and lots of support.

So what's your favorite memory?
#2 Dec 26 2004 at 11:44 PM Rating: Good
320 posts
I'd think most people's best moments were when they got their current LS pearl ;)

I have two great memories.

One was the only really great party I had in Dunes. I was a unsubbed Warrior, playing as my galka. Our main tank was a ninja, galka, named Gunslinger. By the end of the party, he was on my friend list, and I was given a pearl to the Radical Dreamers LS. I've been there ever since, and I've made some great friends who have really helped me out over time.

My other "favorite memory" is the weekend I non-stop camped Lizzy (killed her about 10 times, no drop >.<). Running my giant lap around the spawn site, I see
' Lunah waves to Tollen. '
and many other emotes with Lunah "flirting" with me.
We've been friends ever since.
#3 Dec 27 2004 at 2:27 AM Rating: Excellent
471 posts
I'm sorry, I have too many to pick just one. Each one seems to stand out more than others the more I go through'm...

Although, I gotta admit, one of my favorites is going to Purgonogo Island for the first time with my first ever friend, Jachy. Lately, I haven't really heard much from him, so it's definitely a time I wish I could go back to.

There are others.. so many... always a lot of them are ones I've shared with great friends, many who've come and gone and are greatly missed.
#4 Dec 27 2004 at 9:50 PM Rating: Good
Well back when I was lvl 20 in Jeuno gettin' my chocobo license, we were fooling around with the birds while we waited lol--->

Anyway, me and this guy I was fooling around with (Ravencrest, not retired ;_;) we were riding through Sarumage Champaign when we saw a raptor thingy. Cool, I go to hit my "check" macro, Which just so happens to be next to my attack macro... >_< I get off my bird and take a swing to my dismay. I got my *** handed to me.

Lvled down, just barly got a raise, a miracle I even got back. But man was it funny. ^^
#5 Dec 28 2004 at 12:43 AM Rating: Excellent
375 posts
My favorite memory is the Fleeting memory which sells for 10K on AH..w00t
#6 Dec 29 2004 at 11:31 AM Rating: Excellent
649 posts
My favorite memory is of the first person that helped me with something unasked.

I was a lv14 rdm noob. I was on my way to la theine to get some xp, I had never actually partied yet. On my through West Ronny I saw someone taking a beating. So I paused, tossed a cure at them and kept going.

I get all the way to La Theine and receive a tell...

"Do you have your subjob items yet?"

I respond that I didn't and this person offers to get them for me. I didn't even realize it was the same person I just cured 3 minutes ago. I said, "You don't have to do that." The response. "You didn't have to stop and cure me."

Next thing I know there is a high level player on a choc standing beside me. Well off to the dunes we went and in about an hour I had all three items.

This person dropped what they were doing, ran back to town, changed jobs and then got a bird out to meet me and got my SJ items all for a single random cure. That person was Kalith.

Kalith is awesome! I have always remembered that and I always will. Because of her act I have always tried to help people where I can, (like dying to a train of orcs in Davoi while getting 4 people the Knight's Soul, they got soul, I delevelled, C'est la vie.) because I remember how much it meant to me to be helped like that.

#7 Dec 29 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
195 posts
I've a lot of favorite memories , but one stands out right now above the rest. Of late I've been really burned out on the level grind , questing , and farming. My static and LS are all almost on different hours now , so often I found myself wandering about alone. I've also had to say goodbye to some close friends in game which soured my view on things all the more and brought that inevitable question of whether I should keep playing or not to the forefront.

Last night I was reminded why I do keep going in game. I had already logged for the night when I got a message from one of my LS mates and best friends Solrain. We decided to go in and piddle around in Pashow and collect cards for the new quest which I think we were both sort of "bleh" over. During the mindless slaughtering we got to talking about stuff we'd like to hunt and see in game. Next thing I know we're on Purgonogo Island chasing after stuff to fight and having a blast. lol Even nearly getting slaughtered by the Coralline Uragnite was fun ^.^ . As the night wound down we were even treated to a Purgonogo sunset which I recommend to everyone. In what's been an otherwise blah month or so for me in game , that really stood out and reminded me why I play FFXI - Friends.

Purgonogo Sunset

Come to think of it most of my best memories are from getting into trouble in game. Going to areas we shouldn't , having close calls and narrow escapes , all with good friends. ^.^
#8 Dec 29 2004 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
1,497 posts
My favorite memory must be when I went to jeuno at lv7 in november last year.

Well it first started out as wanting to go to sandoria well I kept wanting to fight elements and sheep and I made fun of their names till I saw tremor ram O_o. I kept quiet for awhile after that. When we went to valk we saw a spot were the map and thought it was a dead end. So off to pashow!. EKK! higher level arggo mobs >_<! half way through pashow (we didnt have map >_<) my friend smkitdown dies of a quadav. But a party of japanese players see the dead body and raise him! and then clear our way to rolanberry ^^.

No map, no help, so we stay on the road and walk to jeuno. Once we got there we were stunned and we were like "WERE GONNA BE FAMOUS!" we thought were the first americans in jeuno. Our chat logs only had japanese no other language...
But a japanese person saw us and took us to the crag of dem.

We arent famous but it was a nice dream. My buddies name is smkitdownii and liquidshadow. We did this in nov. 29th (or so) 2003 ^^.
#9 Dec 29 2004 at 5:20 PM Rating: Good
346 posts
Good stories folks, good stories. Definitely been enjoying em. Some of em I've done stuff similar to. Others I wish I did. And GaranTheElvaan's is definitely one of those I like seeing. Glad the niceness was returned.

Keep em coming folks.
#10 Dec 30 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
790 posts

Best DRK Moments: I did 1337 damage with Spinning Slash on an exp mob. Too bad I didn't have Fraps to record it. Many times I did 2800+ damage with Spinning Slash and Light Renkei combined. But nothing could top the "1337" damage instance.

Best RDM Moments: Getting my Joyeuse. The most powerful RDM weapon, period. Double Attack kicks in 50% of the time. The en-spell damage from the multiple attacks alone is insane. I would actually recommand RDM to melee w/ enspell on if you have a Joyeuse, rofl.

I've always enjoyed helping ppl out. Genkeis, AFs, whatever. I wouldn't even come close to who I am today without the ppl that supported me.
#11 Dec 30 2004 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
790 posts
My favorite moments in general would be random help for Genkai 1. There are almost always random shouts at Lower Jeuno for Genkai 1 item quests. Whenever I have some free time, I just take up one of those requests and help out.
#12 Dec 30 2004 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
Nice one, I remember giving you that pearl Szandor, and i also remember all the nights the whole LS stayed up to like 5am in the morning just shooting the sh[Black][/Black]it and having a good time talking about this and that..

Back in the day when my Casino first started getting going, most of my recruits into the LS were people wandering around Bastok with a ? over thier heads.. Oh the memories of all the people who have come and gone thru our shell..

My favorite memories have to be with all of my LS, like i said earlier, just staying up till all hours of the morning making fun of each other, and sharing our thoughts on things, and talking about drugs and stuff.. We all know that we are just a tad bit different from the rest of the crowd, telling each other about bad things that happen.. but guess what!!! There is some good news!!

I just saved a ton of cash on my Auto Insurance!!

LMAO i love that one..

messing with the Auto-translator function seeing who could make the funniest joke with it, and all of the other silly things we have done.. many people have come and gone, but the ones that were there since the very start of it all,, You all know who you are.

Thank you so much for the memories, and we welcome anybody into our LS, at any time.. There are no Rules that say you have to stay with us all the time, and there are no rules that say that you have to help if your a certain level.. its nice to help, but your not obligated too..

Anyways, thanks so much Szandor for that post.. It brings a huge smile to my face to see this post here..

Thanks for that!
#13 Dec 30 2004 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
197 posts
.. but guess what!!! There is some good news!!

I just saved a ton of cash on my Auto Insurance!!

not on buying Astral rings? lol j/k man
#14 Dec 30 2004 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
259 posts
Well it seems that most of my favorite memories are those from my ignorant expeditions as a newb. I started the game with my boyfriend (elv blm) and a friend of ours (gal war) and myself (tar whm). In the first 20 levels or so, we did everything together...from subjob quest, to rank missions, to attempting BCNM 20 without buffs ><

So my memories line up somewhere around: running through Palborough Mines with pretty much the whole zone trained on us, fighting for helms in Beadeaux and our friend Grinningchaos somehow winning ALL the lots, Veladiene (my bf) and I "farming" vultures, saplings, and quads in North Gustaberg, and getting mind-numbingly lost in Giddeus looking for the rank 3 dragon. Then there was our Gilligans Island static that lasted ...oh, 13 levels. We soloed as Gingerrr, Skipper, Gilligan, and Maryann the whole way, getting /laugh emotes and /waves from tons of people.

Since those times, we've split apart. My boyfriend works a lot and rarely plays, and Grinning has about 6 characters and his "main" is on Alexander now. But we still seem to have the best time when we get together. Just last night I went with my boyfriend to the Dunes at 2am to level his samurai with my blm. There were not enough people lfg for a party, so at lvl 18 and 19, we went and killed hares, snips, and goblins for about 45xp/fight. We had a blast.

So in conclusion, it's those times that you're just being stupid and bored that tend to be the most fun in retrospect. When you don't care about the leveling, or the xp, or the humiliation, and you just spend time with those you enjoy playing with.

#15 Dec 30 2004 at 7:03 PM Rating: Good
346 posts
Hiptaruu wrote:
Nice one, I remember giving you that pearl Szandor, and i also remember all the nights the whole LS stayed up to like 5am in the morning just shooting the sh[Black][/Black]it and having a good time talking about this and that..

Back in the day when my Casino first started getting going, most of my recruits into the LS were people wandering around Bastok with a ? over thier heads.. Oh the memories of all the people who have come and gone thru our shell..

My favorite memories have to be with all of my LS, like i said earlier, just staying up till all hours of the morning making fun of each other, and sharing our thoughts on things, and talking about drugs and stuff.. We all know that we are just a tad bit different from the rest of the crowd, telling each other about bad things that happen..

Ahhh, all those crazy nights, those surrealisticly fun days. Did we ever do Operation: Moogle Marching Powder?

Hiptaruu wrote:
Anyways, thanks so much Szandor for that post.. It brings a huge smile to my face to see this post here..

Thanks for that!

No prob Ted. :grin:

Oh yeah, forgot to add in two more memories.

First one happened a month and half ago or so. I had just given a linkpearl to a newbie and was showing him the works. Two days later, he finally seemed to gotten the hang of everything. He has leveled Rdm to 9 and was asking where to level next. I responded "Go to the Konschat Highlands. Don't forget to buy some food and a spare moogle for the trip." I didn't realize I casually tossed in the last bit until he asked "You can buy a moogle?!?!?!?!" Needless to say, I was crying with the laughter. I apologized to him for that and explained that it was part of the humor which is normal to the linkshell.

Second memory happened this past Monday. After mining in Zeruhn and smithing for a solid three hours, I decided to take a break from it. I noticed one of my LS members over in South Gusta. I asked him what brought him down this way. Said he was camping Lizzy. I said "Cool, I'll be over in a few moments. Lemme just change equipment."

I went over, met him at the spawning grounds and we bs'ed for a few moments. Turns out, he had been there for close to 2 hours without a spawn and was thinking of calling it quits. Well, I /tell'ed him "Watch this." and hit my Leaping Lizzy macro for his amusement. He chuckled as he saw all the new kids without subs running over. The ranger in the area /shout'ed Lie. A couple of the newbies were disappointed by getting fooled. (No, I don't do it often, just when I see a few newbs in the area.)

Well, I decided to head back to Bastok Markets to check on my AH sales when I saw the target everyone else was looking for. I hit Dia as fast as I could. Claimed it, killed it, and got no drop. Serves me right, I think, but it's definitely one my memories.

Edited spelling and grammer, added new memories.

Edited, Thu Dec 30 22:25:53 2004 by szandorr
#16 Dec 30 2004 at 10:30 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Hmmm... I guess mine would be when I first started off as a mnk, and I was invited to pt with another low level, but deffinately not a n00b, in South Gustaberg. (He Was Rank 10) At this point, I was aggrivated at how I didn't get a weapon. (mnks start off with fists only). So this guy goes out and gets me a pair of Cat Baghanoks (or however you spell that). Nice guy, dn't remember who he was though... XD
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