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#1 Dec 26 2004 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
727 posts
Has anyone else noticed how narrow minded some of the people on the job forums are? They all strive to be "UBER" but they could be missing out on various aspects like damage, defense and fun. It really makes me upset of how they flame not so popular job combinations that may work at some levels.
#2 Dec 26 2004 at 10:50 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
Yup, its one of the reasons I usually only post

I have a friend who is making RDM/SAM really work good for him, bet they'd jump his case but good on the RDM forum...
#3 Dec 26 2004 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
727 posts
yea same for me except my friend is a RDM/NIN
#4 Dec 26 2004 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
346 posts
Well, redmage ninja combo's are not as rare as you might think. They're good for soloing stuff.
#5 Dec 26 2004 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
727 posts
I never said they were rare, i said they would get flamed on the RDM forums.
#6 Dec 26 2004 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
869 posts
Heh yeah I got totally rated down for offering advice to some newbie rng on the Rng Forum. He was like, I am only going to do Rng/war blah blah blah. And I said that he shouldn't say never becuase I was a Rng/war too and accrued too much hate so I had to go to /nin. Then this High level Rng piped in saying that he had done /war the whole way and that I was ignorant for saying what I had said. Heh I even conceeded the point that /war does more dmg and that it took more skill to play, but I didn't find it as effective because I couldn't shoot as often as I wanted too, and ended up many fights not being able to fire for most of the fight after I did a barrage or something. Then some other Rng said I was wreckless because all I want is to hide behind my shadows and do insane ammounts of dmg and rip hate from the tank. I was like, I was just telling the kid not to put all his chickens in one basket, and giving him all sides of the fence and not to only choose one. But, once Mr. High level Know it all piped in all the noobs jumped behind him and mine and another rng that was saying the same thing I was get totally axed for just trying to help. Oh well, can't make everyone happy.
#7 Dec 26 2004 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
869 posts
Yukio, I just wanted to say thank you for putting that page you did together, it was so entertaining and well thought and so much emphasis and time put into it. I congratulate you. It truly moved me when I was scrolling down and reading about your memories, the places you have been, your accomplishments, friends. As we play we often forget the many little things we did to bring us to where we are and how excited we were when we got our first Choc ride or our first airship ride. Seeing your page brought those awesome memories back to me and inspired me. Of late for me has been level, level, level, craft ammo so I can level, level, level, level, help ls mates on quests. It has kinda been boring and dull, but you inspired me. I just want to thank you once again. And for those of you who havn't done it yet, I recommend you take some time and look at Yukio's page and remember the excitement you had when you got the achievements that he put his page together around.

I was looking at one picture. It was the Hume Rng (Disciple) watching the Taru's kill Rampaging Ram and cheering for them. Hehe he is in my ls and a friend of mine. That pic dates him back to about level 30ish. Haha he is level 60 now and would appreciate to see that pic, I hope you don't mind if I share with him.

Once again Kudo's on a job well done and thank you. ^^
#8 Dec 27 2004 at 3:33 AM Rating: Decent
727 posts
Nightbird its funny cause i read that post. That guy who did RNG/WAR the whole way was an A-hole to you.
#9 Dec 27 2004 at 3:37 AM Rating: Decent
869 posts
Heh, I know, and I didn't feel that I was the same way to him. I try not to be an a-hole and be objective and helpful, and I totally got slammed. And then I saw my rates right after I replied defending myself go right out the toilet. Some people are just imature. Oh well, can win them all over. ^^
#10 Dec 27 2004 at 5:01 AM Rating: Good
The red mage forums can be vicious.
There are so many ways to play the job, so many different play styles, and such an undefined role for it overall, that every now and then someone will come in and try to establish an end-all, which makes everyone angry and causes arguments out the ceiling.

Melee RDM suck.
Backline RDM suck.
If you don't have good armor, you suck.
If you don't wear all mage gear, you suck.
MP is most important.
No, INT.
MND is most important.
You should sub BLM.
No, WHM is better.
SMN is a great sub. No, that's gimpy.
/NIN owns.
/NINs are n00bs.
/WAR is better than you think. RDM is a great tank. (omfg, wtf, bbq!)
Elvaan RDM are gimped.
Taru RDM can't solo.
Galka RDM don't work. No, Galka RDM are 733t.
Mithra RDM, well, Taru is better.

And so on ;)

I usually like to look around in there for good ideas, but I try not to let the fads grab me up too much. It's nice to have experience to draw on, but the fighting does get annoying sometimes.

#11 Dec 27 2004 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
374 posts
Gee Nightbird...thanks *blushes* I just did it for fun, but am glad you like it and please share it with anyone you want to.

...gee *blushes more*

thanks again ^^
#12 Dec 27 2004 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Some ppl gets severly flamed at job forums because they come up with the dumbest job combo that'll never work in exp parties. Once you go past certain level and exp session becomes disgusting long, everyone wants the most efficient job combo to reduce exp grind time.

Would you like to get 50% less exp because the galka PLD decide to sub WHM because he wants more mana? How about WHM sub NIN because he wants to melee? Feel free to mess around solo. But when you are in an exp group, put on the right sub and use the correct strategies. Why is the rest party gets to suffer because you think its "fun"?
#13 Dec 27 2004 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
It always reminds me of those movie forums out there where everyone does nothing but bi[b][/b]tch about every single movie that comes out.

Yet they keep going and seeing them.

It's cool, you see, to be opinionated to a severe degree. Being of a mind that your way is right and no other is the "fad" of our times.

Smiley: oyvey
#14 Dec 27 2004 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
I dont think this is true than agian i been playing my war and I have only seen 1 or 2 bad players at this high of a level.
#15 Dec 27 2004 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
183 posts
I'm melee at heart, so I went WHM/NIN from level 20-22. Now of course I wouldn't suggest doing that in a normal exp party, but I pretty much stick to leveling with friends, because no matter what, exp will flow. Pop a Rolanberry Pie and you've got the MP of a mage sub+ some. I'm not saying it's a great combo by no means, but it's wicked fun enfeebling the crap out of a mob, then smacking it with Dual Hammers for like, 10-20 per swing against things. =p
#16 Dec 27 2004 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
Hey Nata or someone how do I put up an avatar I cant figure it out I feel so dumb lolz
#17 Dec 27 2004 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
450 posts
Some ppl gets severly flamed at job forums because they come up with the dumbest job combo that'll never work in exp parties. Once you go past certain level and exp session becomes disgusting long, everyone wants the most efficient job combo to reduce exp grind time.

Would you like to get 50% less exp because the galka PLD decide to sub WHM because he wants more mana? How about WHM sub NIN because he wants to melee? Feel free to mess around solo. But when you are in an exp group, put on the right sub and use the correct strategies. Why is the rest party gets to suffer because you think its "fun"?

I don't think that the point wat to be about useless combos, but different combos that work, and well i can see a hume or mithra RDM doing RDM/SAM and still being able to work with it since they are well balanced in INT/MND/MP and they have good Melee stats. But yes i don't see a point to PLD/WHM in any race even if you can hold hate.
Other Job combos i have thought about lol

SMN/NIN - your elemental nin spells will land and bost your corresponding avatar's melee damage by 10-20 points but since Avatar melee other than carbi and even its more of an MP drain than a great help to PTs at higher lvls. I tried this at 30 once i got access to the spells and well it might have worked better with a Taru's MP pool and more HP-MP gear but I didn't have any of that at the time.

RDM/SMN - well this is easy enough to figure out you get some MND/INT and a lot more MP so it can work and a few have made it work. however i pefer /BLM, /DRK to this since at higher lvls they will give you more enfeebs to chose from.

WHM/WAR - As a galka this worked out in Yhotoar(sp?) for me since there were no tanks and well I took less damage than a NIN/WAR hume we had earlier the PT decided to try lol. I want to see if it works at 40+ now since i have Breastplate and CC Slacks for armor. But i doubt i will be getting any PTs willing to test it lol.

WHM/NIN - is for me a great solo sub, whm get hammers and the damge from them is good on DC-EM and sometimes on some Ts and with Aquavail Utsusmei is hard to get interupted.

SMN/BRD - a lot of SMN say this is stupid but well got a PT without a RDM or BRD and none lfg so i offered and they took well it worked great. Only thing was watching the PLD hit Dark Orange and not being able to toss a Cure 3 out was annoying for me.

MNK with a Staff - i was curious about this since i had seen a few and i finally found an english mnk and the reasoning was to get lvl 3 light/dark chains before many pts could set them up and well i thought wtf is so great about those til i was a part of one and damn the damage is crazy on those^^

So there are combos for jobs that aren't the Norm and they can still be good even at higher lvls. but it takes a lot more time to learn how to work them and many people don't so they say they are stupid ideas. Like Galka Mage WTF usually by the end of the night in the PT i get wow you are pretty good. Or a couple times i got geez you are doing better than that taru was. I took the time to learn how to play a mage job as a galka and its not that hard, you don't need astrals at all, i used pies and juices for them and sometimes roast mushrooms for whm. But hey there will always be someone scared to do different/hard things to see if they are doable.

And well What is the point for getting to 75 so fast? From what i have been able to tell from the Gameplay SE has set up you are meant to make friends and have fun with them not want to beat a game with no end. Seriously this game is freaking boring if it wasn't for the people i have met i would have quit a long as time ago. and the only reason i want 75 is to help others who need help lol. since i got a lot of help when i started i figure it only fair to return the favor to others.

Edited, Mon Dec 27 14:22:59 2004 by shadowbuni
#18 Dec 27 2004 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
The red mage forums can be vicious.

Man, is that ever true! You gotta walk on eggshells, in there, and be very very careful not to offend, on any little thing, or bye bye karma.

Somewhere, buried deep, amongst the million hate threads, in there, is some useful info. I sure miss being able to find it.
#19 Dec 27 2004 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
Hey Nata or someone how do I put up an avatar I cant figure it out I feel so dumb lolz

I think only premium members can use avatars ^^;
#20 Dec 27 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
727 posts
The RDM forums are the worst. There is nothing but hate on there
#21 Dec 27 2004 at 10:55 PM Rating: Good
I am premium
#22 Dec 28 2004 at 12:42 AM Rating: Good
374 posts
Oh I dont know then...I apologize

*bows deeply*
#23 Dec 28 2004 at 3:34 AM Rating: Good
Hey Ladyrikku.

Avatar uberness acheivement process is as follows.

On the side-bar to your left click on 'User Account...'.

Toward the bottom of the page (though not at the very bottom) is a line of several links. The last link is titled 'Your Files'.

You want to click on it, don't you? Indulge yourself! Click on 'Your Files'. Smiley: grin

Upload the jpg you wish to use as your avatar, of a size no greater than 100 pixels x 100 pixels.

Click on that sexy 'User Account...' link once more.

Note the setting titled 'Avatar Image' toward the bottom of the list of available settings, just above your signature field.

Using the drop-down bar to the right of said title, select the jpg you just loaded as your avatar image.

Click that 'Save User Settings' button at the bottom, and you're all set to go!

You have joined the elite, those with teh uber sexay r0xx0r avatar pics. Enjoy!

(For what it's worth, I need to sleep before answering tech questions, when I've spend an entire day searching for answers to my own tech questions. Doing otherwise makes me talk all silly-like.)

(For anyone curious, I've been engaged in activities surrounding the creation of a Windows XP bootable cd which contains all the various updates, patches, and service packs, saving me the hassle of going to and downloading all of the bloody things, restarting 5 minutes at a time. Figuring out how to do things you aren't supposed to do is a hobby of mine. Smiley: grin)
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