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Getting Harder to Find Good Players?Follow

#27 Dec 27 2004 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
emilyia wrote:
High level players leaving should never affect the game play of the new players. Experienced player will only want to play with experienced players for fastest leveling (who wouldn't?). If any high level players decide to start a 2nd main job, they usually level with their own LS set parties or getting PL from friend. No one in their right minds will ever want to relive the nightmare at the Dunes or Bat Train Citadel of Hell. You will rarely ever see a high level twink leveling with a random exp party. Experienced players are always in their own group. If you are lucky enough, you might get selected as the pick up member of those types of set party. If you get invited into a party with all Rank 9-10 and has the same color LS pearls, congratulations. You have landed yourself into a LS twink set party.

The point is, once a player become high level with one job, they usually have the connections to level easily with other expeinced players. Entry level players rarely have a chance to group with the high end players. High level players leaving will never affect the gameplay of entry level players.

This is actually in a way very sad. All that good knowledge is lost. That's why there's a forum here. To pass on the good knowledge for new players.

I hear what you're saying, but I would have to argue that as a generality this is not true. While I'm certainly not an "uber-level" player by any stretch of the imagination, I have been through the dunes several times. While I have the connections necessary to party in set and get PLs, I chose not to.

What experience I have is wasted if I don't pass it on.

Others I know feel the same.

I've seen many higher level players do pick-up parties in the dunes and other areas, and personally have never seen many instances where a higher-level is getting PLed.

I'm not trying to argue with you, I just think you made a generality where it was perhaps inaccurate to make one.

As a final correlating point, if high level players rarely pick-up party then this thread wouldn't exist. Smiley: tongue
#28 Dec 27 2004 at 7:27 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
And when they don't want to listen to the knowledge you want to share, what then? I say the hell with their asses. I was recently in the Dunes on my PLD and got invited to a party with some Rank 1s with no subjobs. Chipmunk was also in this party, and frankly, it was godawful. We had a PL, who's name I've forgotten (a friend of Chip's). Anyways, I kept telling the RDM, who was nuking, to calm down on the damn nukes for reason of hate control. His response, "Why? We have a PL." -_-

The PL was ******** to me in tell about the RDM's overnuking, and I told the PL straight out, "If he keeps doing it, I'm going to let the mob kill his ***, to teach him a lesson." They were also talking other such nonsense, such as "If we all rush the goblin when it's doing Bomb Toss, it'll drop it."

Anyways, one of the Warriors left and the PL decided to go get their WAR that was around our level. For this I was glad, because I'd like to take PLD up to high levels, and I want to learn the job well, and I don't feel I could with a PL. Not that I minded it all that much, get my point.

Anyways, the party leader, this Rank 1, no subjob having chump, starts giving Chipmunk crap for letting the PL go and get a job that they also wanted to level. Yeah, because PLing is such an exciting experience for the one doing it. The leader then went on to tell Chip that he'd kick him if not for the PL. Chip then went on to leave because of this bad attitude, and I left right after him because I couldn't stand the attitudes of these n00bs (as opposed to the kinder, gentler, willing to learn newblets).

So yeah, it's a bi[/b]tch when HL people with valuable knowledge leave the game and take their knowledge with them. But what's the point in passing on knowledge when it falls on deaf ears who think they know everything anyways?

Frankly, the experience soured me to the idea of going through the Dunes again with a pick up party of people who don't know what the fu[b]
ck they are doing. Especially since I get to get my THF through there, and I'm less than thrilled about having to level that job to begin with. Perhaps I can get people together and go to Bubu instead. That's what me and some friends did when we were leveling out first Advanced Jobs.
#29 Dec 28 2004 at 4:14 AM Rating: Good
Xanoxonax wrote:
And when they don't want to listen to the knowledge you want to share, what then? I say the hell with their asses. I was recently in the Dunes on my PLD and got invited to a party with some Rank 1s with no subjobs. Chipmunk was also in this party, and frankly, it was godawful. We had a PL, who's name I've forgotten (a friend of Chip's). Anyways, I kept telling the RDM, who was nuking, to calm down on the damn nukes for reason of hate control. His response, "Why? We have a PL." -_-

The PL was ******** to me in tell about the RDM's overnuking, and I told the PL straight out, "If he keeps doing it, I'm going to let the mob kill his ***, to teach him a lesson." They were also talking other such nonsense, such as "If we all rush the goblin when it's doing Bomb Toss, it'll drop it."

Anyways, one of the Warriors left and the PL decided to go get their WAR that was around our level. For this I was glad, because I'd like to take PLD up to high levels, and I want to learn the job well, and I don't feel I could with a PL. Not that I minded it all that much, get my point.

Anyways, the party leader, this Rank 1, no subjob having chump, starts giving Chipmunk crap for letting the PL go and get a job that they also wanted to level. Yeah, because PLing is such an exciting experience for the one doing it. The leader then went on to tell Chip that he'd kick him if not for the PL. Chip then went on to leave because of this bad attitude, and I left right after him because I couldn't stand the attitudes of these n00bs (as opposed to the kinder, gentler, willing to learn newblets).

So yeah, it's a bi[/b]tch when HL people with valuable knowledge leave the game and take their knowledge with them. But what's the point in passing on knowledge when it falls on deaf ears who think they know everything anyways?

Frankly, the experience soured me to the idea of going through the Dunes again with a pick up party of people who don't know what the fu[b]
ck they are doing. Especially since I get to get my THF through there, and I'm less than thrilled about having to level that job to begin with. Perhaps I can get people together and go to Bubu instead. That's what me and some friends did when we were leveling out first Advanced Jobs.

You might remember that once upon a time you too didn't know what the fu[/b] you were doing. And while much of your knowledge was likely acquired through experience, through trial and error, I find it probable that at some point or another a higher-level player passed on some tidbit of knowledge that has aided you since.

Point being this: You listened, when the advice came.

As did I, and also many of us here.

I don't think you should let one experience sour you to the spreading of knowledge. Those with a mind to listen [b]will
do so, or else wan like a man long-deprived of water in an arid landscape that has no end, if none are there to succour their need for knowledge.

At the very least it can be said I think that if no one is availing themselves against the habits and misconceptions of the inexperienced then there is less hope for improvement therein and less room for complaint thereby.
#30 Dec 28 2004 at 4:43 AM Rating: Good
510 posts
But, just to clarify something for me (forgive my ignorance) why is Thief sub for Drg bad? (That's not a fight, for the job combination, I seriously don't know.) I figure you can give at least some kind of objectve argument against it, being the Drg god, and all O.~

sorry for being late on this, but I've been out of town.

Anywho, 9,000 out of 9,001 parties with DRG are going to invite a THF. With THF subbed, You're useless. First voke is still VERY much needed even with Assassin. If you do not party with a THF all the way from 20 to 65, you're pretty much useless. No matter what, Distortion is VERY lovable. It's fast, it's easy, it gets the job done on most EXP fodder mobs. Sure, If first voke wasn't needed to stick hate to the tank like white on rice, yes...THF sub would be feasible. But, It's not. So, Sub WAR.

WAR- Berserk, and Provoke. Berserk being helpful to you. Provoke to you, and your party.

THF- Sneak attack, and Trick attack. Useful to me, myself, and I. Your party is not benifitting from this.
#31 Dec 28 2004 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
Yes, that's right. I listened. Guess what? I still listen.

I'm talking about these people that don't listen, and who have a bad fu[/b]cking attitude from the get go. Say, level 12, no subjob, that gives people sh[b]it and rattle off at the mouth like they know everything, even though you're sitting there trying to correct them and point them in the right direction. And what do they do? They argue with you and tell you they're right.

You know what, maybe you're right...maybe when I take my THF through the Dunes, every little newblet I meet will be just fine and a good player in the making. But I know that I'm also right in thinking that every n00b is still going to be a fu[/b]cking ***[b]hole not worth my time or my effort.

Granted, if I have to go through the Dunes in pick ups with my THF, I'm going to try to be on my best behavior, since my fuse is going to be very short to begin with, because I'll be leveling THF. No offense to any THFs out there, you guys do your jobs and do it well. I just hate that once I hit 66, I have to take over that job. I'd much rather be a trick partner with you guys all the way to 75, baby. ~.^

Edited, Tue Dec 28 08:56:39 2004 by Xanoxonax
#32 Dec 28 2004 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Xanoxonax wrote:
Anyways, the party leader, this Rank 1, no subjob having chump, starts giving Chipmunk crap for letting the PL go and get a job that they also wanted to level. Yeah, because PLing is such an exciting experience for the one doing it. The leader then went on to tell Chip that he'd kick him if not for the PL. Chip then went on to leave because of this bad attitude, and I left right after him because I couldn't stand the attitudes of these n00bs (as opposed to the kinder, gentler, willing to learn newblets).

There you go. Firsthand experience that shows why experienced players avoid playing with the beginners. Seasoned players are just trying to avoid grief, not trying to be mean or look down to the new players.

#33 Dec 28 2004 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
Xanoxonax wrote:
Yes, that's right. I listened. Guess what? I still listen.

You appear to have mistook my tone or intent. I wasn't trying to insult you.

You know what, maybe you're right...maybe when I take my THF through the Dunes, every little newblet I meet will be just fine and a good player in the making. But I know that I'm also right in thinking that every n00b is still going to be a fu[/b]cking ***[b]hole not worth my time or my effort.

So start your party, such that at the least you have the ability to cut out the bad newbs before they irritate you too greatly.
#34 Dec 28 2004 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
[quote=emilyiaThere you go. Firsthand experience that shows why experienced players avoid playing with the beginners. Seasoned players are just trying to avoid grief, not trying to be mean or look down to the new players.[/quote]

Oh fu[b][/b]ck it. Nevermind.

Do what you will.
#35 Dec 31 2004 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
So after letting this one stew for awhile, I thought I'd clarify a few things. First off, I'm not going to even touch on the Dunes...nothing good ever came of them. Mostly what I was getting at was the lack of skill in the 30's (can't speak too much for the higher levels since I'm only 34). Yes, everybody was a n00b at some point, and people are right- half the time the lower people are jerks who think they know what they're doing, but don't. I've got buddies who won't party with anyone less than rank 5 in the Dunes to avoid just such problems.

My real problem is why people don't know what the hell they're doing by now, and why they don't care when you try to correct them. Since I started this thread, I've got more fuel to add to the fire. I was in a party earlier this week in Garlaige Citadel, and got invited as a replacement blm. When I got there, they had no Skillchain going, no white or red mages, and I had to fill in as the healer while some other guy got to do the nuking. Now granted, I know blm's are often called upon to do some BACKUP healing, but not to function as the primary guy. When I suggested that they keep an eye out for a whm, the pt leader ignored me. Further, once I suggested they get a SC going, they all told me I had to MB with the other blm to max out the damage. Now to me this seemed like a bad idea, considering the tank couldn't hold hate to save any of our lives. A party like this I would have gladly stepped out of if they'd found a whm, but they didn't even try.

So what do I suggest we do about this? Unfortunately, I think people are going to have to start being *********** I don't mean the know it all n00bish kind. I think after players get out of the Dunes, we all need to stop putting up with the crap. Maybe people will get the hint, maybe we'll make the "player's to avoid" list, maybe there is no viable solution, but if people won't take advice on their wrong doings (and we have to be able to take as well as give), then I say kick 'em, leave 'em, and don't party with them again. Might make the game a little rough for awhile, but eventually I'd like to think all those bad players would start to change. After all, this game's been out for over a year in NA, and it's about time the bulk of the players had a clue as to what they were doing.
#36 Dec 31 2004 at 8:22 PM Rating: Good
We've all had the good tidings and misfortunes of playing with L33T groups that roxxxxooors and the flip side, which include n00bs and other such nefarious morons.

While blaming it on the Dunes, Rank, Newbletteness, WoW or any other in fad term, is hunky dorrrrry none of the above can really be generalized. Newbs make mistakes, noobs are just dumb and are simply ignorant.

Until recently I've played mostly 'pick-up' parties over six jobs and like most others have stories for both groupings.

Personally, Dunes and Qufim are my favorite areas. The entertainment of newblettes and noobs, be it the genuine enthusiasm of the newb or the asanine behavior of a noob make these young areas sporadically funny. Especially when you think back to your first job and how your buffoonery probably pissed off someone and caused them to write you up on a vent thread to some board you didn't even know existed.

What irks me more is the Rank XXX, I have a level XXX, I know more, have more, and am better than you will ever be player.

These guys are the ones that reem a newblette, because their provoke macro isn't perfect. They scream at the White Mage, because their hit points dropped below half. They laugh at the young Samurai, because he's not getting the Renkei right and berates the Black Mage for not bursting. They drop out of a party, because it's not gaining UBER 250+ chains. They kick a party member, because it will be more efficient with another player. Most of this is unnecessary and unfair for these levels.

If you miss a Renkei in the Dunes you lost what...?... 20 damage? Etc.

Lead by example or leave. Easy as pie. Mmmmm... Pie.

The Dunes is a great place to just have fun. If you die, who cares; two mobs and you've got more than you lost in experience anyway. Many people lose sight of the fun factor and focus on the...I *HAVE* to level so I can . . . and forget that this other guy is struggling to collect a couple fire crystals so he can afford the boat back to Mhaura.

Maybe that newb Paladin *IS* doing a good job, but you're tricked out in uberness Ranger keeps stealing hate anyway. It's not his fault that you bank rolled yourself into a L33Test hate stealing Ranger. Stop comparing people to your set trick partner, whom you know so well, you excuse him *before* he farts. Try rolling yourself a new character and not telling your LS friends, who are so very kind to PL. Make new friends and walk that broke life that we all hate soooo much.

Everyone moans about Garlaige Citadel and complains about all these not so good players causing problems, but who really causes the big problems in Garlaige or the Nest? Hmmm... that L50 dragging up an undead or a blazer? And then not coming back to clear it, maybe?

I used to read these threads and think, **** I really screwed the pooch cause I didn't know *EVERYTHING* about my job. Well, you just gotta have fun and let loose. Have fun in the Dunes, charge a Pugil or get lucky and kite VE as an L15.

Even at the higher levels, people whhiiiiine if a Poisona or Refresh is missed. "Refresh Can I have it?" Poisona... Poisona... Poisona...

These threads are funny, because we all live out these scenarios over and over. Then we read and write about them here to laugh and basically co-miserate.

The higher level I gain, the more I realize that it's the same people causing the same problems whether it's the L15 XXXX pc in Dunes or the L50 XXXX pc in the Citadel. When I get to L 75, I'm sure there'll be even more complaints, because then you know even more and expect even more and one miss can cause party death, but hey... WTH that's what Raise III is for right? Uh, oh... here comes the n00b I didn't like in the Dunes to tell me how to do my job... yup, he hasn't changed.

Drop another quarter in the machine...

Newbs learn and then they teach.

Noobs just get more ignorant with a hefty spice of arrogance.

<Steps off the soap box.>

As to the question of whether it's harder to find good players.

We have lost some good friends, but we've gained many new ones.

I don't think the pool of good players has changed dramatically, simply shifted to the next brigade of young'uns. We've lost as many, hopefully more, bad eggs than we have quality players.

My hope is we end with a better concentration of people who enjoy the game, not for perfectionism in every move, but because it's fun.

Edited, Wed Jan 12 11:58:57 2005 by Jaxxsword
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