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$1 Million for FENRIR on BismarkFollow

#1 Dec 18 2004 at 4:31 AM Rating: Good
I am a lvl 68 BLM on Bismark. I am offering a reward of $1 million gil to any person/party who helps me successfully obtain this "holy grail" of avatars!

I will participate in the battle but in order to collect the reward you must be able to provide the fire-power necessary to whoop him with the help of a 68 BLM. Party structure is up to you as long as it is powerful enough to beat him while I am there too. Once the battle is done and fenrir is dead I will pay the reward.

Contact me here with a reply or in-game /tell Andretti.

I have obtained the moon bauble and am ready for fenrir fight now.

#2 Dec 18 2004 at 5:27 AM Rating: Decent
Is that $1M per person, or per party, out of curiosity.
#3 Dec 18 2004 at 8:09 AM Rating: Excellent
194 posts
Not to say you're lying about paying the 1M or anything, but personally, with the amount of scammers/exploiters out there, I wouldn't help you with this until you paid at least half up front. Not that I *can* whip together a Fenrir party, but just know that your "I'll pay after you guys help me," stance might not be taken very well. Anyways, good luck with it, but since you are 68, you're not that far off from actually being able to go fight him. Might be worth it to save your money and just wait like 3-4 levels.
#4 Dec 18 2004 at 9:35 AM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
I can vouch for Andretti.. He parties with me all the time.. i have seen how much gil he has.. the other day, he showed me 7.5 million.. and i am sure that he has more than that now..

do dont worry about him.. he is not gonna rip you off.
#5 Dec 18 2004 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
386 posts
if you are really lvl 68, why not just lvl to 71-72 to when you become useful in a fenrir fight and save yourself 1 million? paying so much when you could just easilly get 4 levels is kind of stupid
#6 Dec 19 2004 at 4:46 AM Rating: Good

To answer your questions...

1) If you are skeptikal about getting paid... then yes I will pay half up front. I will not mind making any arrangements necessary to assure you will get paid.

2) Why not wait a few levels? Good question and there are a few good reasons.. 1) I am 68 and want to sub a fully loaded smn under my blm for my last 7 or so lvls. I love my blm and, in some ways, I'm sorry he's almost 75 because it's my favorite job by far. I would just like to expand him and offer some versatility to him before he reaches the 75 cap. 2) Reaching a few more levels will not assure me a fenrir pt anyway as none of my friends have the moon bauble or are even interested in getting it. So I'd be searching far-and-wide anyway, I'd just rather do it now because of what I just stated about lvling blm/smn earlier.

3) Why pay $1 million? Well in my business I generate approx $1-2 million/week so it's really no big deal to me. However, I do realize that $1 million is alot of gil to alot of people in this game and Fenrir now is worth it to me. I mean, really, I'm talking half of what I generate on an average week. So, if it means Fenrir now I would gladly scratch someone elses back generously in return. I realize that most aren't able to obtain Fenrir early so I think it's a fair offer.

4) The terms of the agreement are: $1 million to any PERSON who gets me a Fenrir pt and I obtain Fenrir. You can get five of your buddies and not mention my reward to them or you can divide it five ways for a $200k apiece reward. It's up to you. I am paying $1 million for a Fenrir pt that helps me get Fenrir, not $1 million to each pt member.

So I hope this clarifies the who, whats, and whys.

And thx hiptaru for the shout-out!

#7 Dec 19 2004 at 5:17 AM Rating: Good
I also can vouch for him. Good friend of mine. GL bro
#8 Dec 19 2004 at 7:25 AM Rating: Excellent
115 posts
Wowa >.< I'd soo help u get those damn avators. Unfortunatly i'm only lev 64 rdm atm >>;; (starts leveling hardcore) =^^=

#9 Dec 19 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
Thank you Rusty & Hiptaru, once again,

Remember, this is a reward for whoever gets me a Fenrir pt and I get Fenrir as a result. YOU DONT HAVE TO BE IN THE PT TO COLLECT THE REWARD!!!

Lets suppose you are level 30 but know 5 level 70+ smn who can win this avatar battle. Well, arrange the pt! I will pay you $1 million gil. You decide whether or not to tell the others about the reward!

So, any/all Bismark people can get this $1 million easily. Your lvl does not matter. Call upon your high lvl linkshell mates. Whatever you do to get me fenrir gets that person the money, no questions asked!!!

#10 Dec 19 2004 at 3:57 PM Rating: Default
183 posts
You are a poor pathetic little man...and you're exactly what's wrong with this game.
#11 Dec 19 2004 at 4:24 PM Rating: Excellent
391 posts
I'll tank for a grand total of 30 seconds (Invincibility), so if someone can get like 15 rangers to come and 2hr on it I think we might be able to win :).

Well ok I just wanted some money. But anyway, I was wondering if you could just get some screenshots when you do go and fight it for us!

#12 Dec 19 2004 at 5:15 PM Rating: Excellent
327 posts
I have gathered your party. You just have to decide WHEN you want to do it.

I'm sure I'll be rated down for that, but I'm tired of farming so much for my emperor hairpin ;_; ... I'm glad to help someone, and earning 1M for this is maybe "corruption", but I need it, and he doesn't "need" it, so :s ...
#13 Dec 20 2004 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
SneakWeaky (Celestia) i got somethin for ya... a nice tall glass of HATER-ADE... whatta ya say... thirsty? Kids like you make me laugh... if you knew the work Andretti went through in a week to make that much gil you'd $hit your pants... you don't have the resolve, let alone the knowledge, to devise and maintain a plan that even compares to the one Andretti (and a family member) have put together... if he wants to spend it on Fenrir, better yet, if he wants to spend it on makin you hs SLAVE-***** for the week than the more power to him... so stop hatin and start farmin...
#14 Dec 20 2004 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
163 posts
I don't believe there's anything wrong with Andretti offering money for this, Celestia.

He's not hurting anyone, it's an equal trade, 1 million gil = Fenrir.

He's not the first person I know that's paid someone to help them get the summons.

Wish you luck Andretti!! A few more levels and I'll be trying out Fenrir myself ^^
#15 Dec 20 2004 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
You are a poor pathetic little man...and you're exactly what's wrong with this game.

Are you poor ingame? I don't see what is so wrong with offering people gil for help w/ stuff. It's like RL, if you don't know a carpenter friend to help you or show you how to build a deck, you hire someone to do it for you.

#16 Dec 20 2004 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
104 posts
I don't mean to come across as rude, but why would you subjob smn to blm?

its a worthless SJ for blm, you might as well sub monk for dodge when you draw too much agro, its about as useful, only whm and rdm are useful exp party subjobs, smn is only occasionally useful for blm and only then on 2-3 HNM. Argue whatever you like this is the truth.
#17 Dec 20 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
DAMN Gryffes... 75 WHM / 75 NIN / 73 SMN... i'm curious brother... do you sleep? regardless... that's impressive...
#18 Dec 20 2004 at 4:13 PM Rating: Good
327 posts
Woah, it was great, we made it today.

First I need to thank Andretti. You can trust me, he's reliable. He gave me half of the money BEFORE the party gather, and the other 500k after he got Fenrir.

It took 4 hours the gather the PT and get to Full Moon Fountain.
We wre 2 BLM, 1 SMN, 1 PLD, 1 NIN and 1 WHM. Before the fight, the other BLM got a d/c and never returned. So, we replaced him by one of the 3 WHM who were there to Raise (if needed), but he noticed that he hadn't got the item ... Neither had the other two. So, they finally tried it with a PT of 5, and slapped him, with only 1 death, the NIN.

It was great, and I must thank Andretti for the fun (and the gil ^^;) ...
#19 Dec 21 2004 at 5:09 AM Rating: Good
I really don't see how offering cash for help in getting a summon is particularly different from purchasing a quested scroll off of AH.

Regardless, congratulations on getting the wolf. Can I see it sometime? I've never seen Fenrir.

Ever. Smiley: cry
#20 Dec 21 2004 at 5:04 PM Rating: Good
Thank you Freyir,

and everyone else who supported this endevour. Freyir compilled a great pt with a mixture of JP and NA players. He is only lvl 25 or so. So Freyir, heres to a nice kick in the pants financially toward lvl 75.

For all of you (1 person - Celestia) who criticized me for HIRING help -- #1) I dont buy gil so any money I generate was from a good sound business plan and hard work. I see nothing wrong with spending it how I like. Maybe we should all clear our purchase plans with you before we spend money in-game, huh? #2) It is not wrong to hire anyone in this game for a service!! Sounds to me like you're jealous that you don't have the where-with-al to earn or payout $1 million for anything. By the way, when's the last time you paid for/sold a teleport??? If you have, then why not take your own advice about aquiring things before a certain time and while you're at it **cough-cough** blow me!!

To the person who says smn is useless for a sub to blm. Thank you for your advice. And it is recieved well. Keep in mind that I don't wanna necessarily sub smn for exp pts 100%. I intended for smn to be my second job to lvl 75. I do however want #1) to enter the dunes with Fenrir (which I will now) and #2) to add versatillity to my blm for his last 6 lvls even if it's just to solo for my own fun.

But once again thank you all (minus one) and I'll see you with Fenrir.
#21 Dec 21 2004 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
Honestly, all you need to find is 2 good 75ish ninja tanks. I had 2 help me get my fenny from the Lunarians LS< but unless you know them pretty well, they prefer a fee of 200k each...for success, of course.

EDIT: Doh, I just noticed your last post, grats on fenny ^^

Still, you could have saved 600k... the rest of the pt is easy to form if you can get a healer, 68blm is not bad, just not preferable.

...That being said, I was on my main, as you can see is even less preferable than yours ^^;

Edited, Tue Dec 21 18:21:07 2004 by Duuude

Edited, Tue Dec 21 18:23:45 2004 by Duuude
#22 Dec 22 2004 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts

Say {Um...}

any chance you would be willing to tell me how you made so much gil? Im not sayin to tell me exactly how you do it, but would u be amenable to telling me what craft and/or if u farm or what-not?

lol gratz again!!!

P.S. I've only seen fenrir once, from a lvl 75JP in wets ronafurre when i was around lvl 7 or so, i saw him running around. It was amazing ^^
#23 Dec 24 2004 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
287 posts
Wow, that's cool. You guys up for doing it again for another million gil when I get to that point....?
#24 Dec 24 2004 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
716 posts
To be fair.. Celestia's ******* loaded. I know him ingame and he's the best gear available to him. Scorp harness at level 62? You betcha. He can make money just fine, so it isn't "jealousy" like you'd arrogantly like to believe. Nothing against you, but you really should do your homework before putting your wang out in the door to get it slammed on.

EDIT: Yeah, fuc[/i]kin' karma camp me, b[i]itches. See if I give a rat's ***. You wanna rate me down for defending my friend, go right ahead. Look at his gear ingame sometime and you'll see I ain't fuc[/i]kin' lying. Just shows how goddamn moronic you are. I came into this thread to be peaceable and to get facts straight, not to throw shi[i]t at somebody because they chose to do something. But apparently you little ***** are so big and bad behind your little computer monitors and you can just go karma camp somebody because they said something true. You're goddamn pathetic is what you are, cowards.

Edited, Fri Dec 24 22:21:49 2004 by Alauce
#25 Dec 25 2004 at 1:11 AM Rating: Good
340 posts
1 million???!!! wtf pay??
I will help you for free after I get back from vacation... and when I am not busy of course.. =)
#26 Dec 25 2004 at 2:20 AM Rating: Decent
727 posts
Grats on getting Fenrir, and nice job sticking it out with all the flame u got on here and on th SMN forums.
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