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Why I quit Final fantasy at a low level.Follow

#1 Dec 13 2004 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
Ok guys here it is, geting e-mails from my budys asking why i quit? Now then Other then what I posted about how my life was going down let me explain some more.

In april 1 month after I quit my first LS I joined another.
This Ls was called "Devil wolf pack" now then, I had alot of problems with the LS and still go on. I got agrivated and told the leader being in the ls with the leader a Person who try's to con others of there money really dident make me any happier. I another ls but I still have problems with some of the members and after taking alot of stuff from them I had nothing left. With a blacklist of more then 21 people I was really on the verge.
I joined another LS Called Dark obsidien circle. This time very interesting leader was nice some were ok. But A girl named "Foresta" dident seem to like me very much. I got kicked from the LS. I recived another pearl from the leader got kicked again by same person right when I joined back went to him and gave him a broken pearl.
You see the Ls DOC Split and made another link shell called "Run away" and they know how to **** me off by slaping me or doing whatever.
Joined my First ls Decepticon "Best ls IMO" and it all goes well but still members of the Run away ls Slap and tont me.
I cant take being treated like an animal thats pretty much why I quit. So my friends i'll miss you all and miss bismark but one thing I do like about leaving is that they dont exsist to me anymore no more problem's.
That is something I had to get of my chest thanks alot guys peace bismark.
#2 Dec 13 2004 at 11:47 PM Rating: Good
82 posts
should have made out a new name and used a world pass if u wanted to go to bismarck
#3 Dec 14 2004 at 12:09 AM Rating: Default
you spelled retired wrong
#4 Dec 14 2004 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Criterias wrote:
This Ls was called "Devil wolf pack" now then, I had alot of problems with the LS and still go on.
Heh. I don't know what your first LS is, but you clearly went from bad to worse. This is one of the most notorious LSes on Bismarck. I feel sorry for you.
Criterias wrote:
But A girl named "Foresta" dident seem to like me very much.
I seem to recall Foresta being on the BPL here, so I think you probably just got a real rash of bad luck. Try looking for a friendlier LS to join, such as one of the ones people here are in. I can't recommend my own, I'm afraid, as it's a close-knit community, but you should seek out one of the more prominent players here (Nataraja, Yekan, Eleusynia, Astika, etc) and look for an invite from one of them.
#5 Dec 14 2004 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Cutriss wrote:
Try looking for a friendlier LS to join, such as one of the ones people here are in. I can't recommend my own, I'm afraid, as it's a close-knit community, but you should seek out one of the more prominent players here (Nataraja, Yekan, Eleusynia, Astika, etc) and look for an invite from one of them.

Yes if you are interested in a better LS to join consider my LS StercusApperuit, we are known for being carefree and helping so if that is what you are looking for then send me a /tell if you consider coming back. It seems like you have had some terrible LS experiences but that is no reason to quit the game, there are always better groups of people out there and I'm sure my LS would love to have you around.

As for being a more prominent player, thanks Cutriss ^^ /blush

Edited, Tue Dec 14 12:49:49 2004 by Yekan
#6 Dec 14 2004 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
but you should seek out one of the more prominent players here (Nataraja, Yekan, Eleusynia, Astika, etc) and look for an invite from one of them.

Huh?!? I've never heard of ANY of these people!
#7 Dec 14 2004 at 2:50 PM Rating: Good
Trizzoro the Quick wrote:
but you should seek out one of the more prominent players here (Nataraja, Yekan, Eleusynia, Astika, etc) and look for an invite from one of them.

Huh?!? I've never heard of ANY of these people!

Me either. Smiley: sly

Criterias wrote:
Ok guys here it is, geting e-mails from my budys asking why i quit? Now then Other then what I posted about how my life was going down let me explain some more.

In april 1 month after I quit my first LS I joined another.
This Ls was called "Devil wolf pack" now then, I had alot of problems with the LS and still go on. I got agrivated and told the leader being in the ls with the leader a Person who try's to con others of there money really dident make me any happier. I another ls but I still have problems with some of the members and after taking alot of stuff from them I had nothing left. With a blacklist of more then 21 people I was really on the verge.

I joined another LS Called Dark obsidien circle. This time very interesting leader was nice some were ok. But A girl named "Foresta" dident seem to like me very much. I got kicked from the LS. I recived another pearl from the leader got kicked again by same person right when I joined back went to him and gave him a broken pearl.

You see the Ls DOC Split and made another link shell called "Run away" and they know how to **** me off by slaping me or doing whatever.

Joined my First ls Decepticon "Best ls IMO" and it all goes well but still members of the Run away ls Slap and tont me.
I cant take being treated like an animal thats pretty much why I quit. So my friends i'll miss you all and miss bismark but one thing I do like about leaving is that they dont exsist to me anymore no more problem's.

That is something I had to get of my chest thanks alot guys peace bismark.

Woo, drama! (Not entirely your fault nor worth worrying about Smiley: tongue.)

Deep breaths buddy. Maybe you don't need to quit, maybe you just need a break. I've had several rough periods myself with a couple of LS's, major IRL issues, etc., and honestly these things all work out better if you approach them calmly (hypocritical coming from me perhaps, but nobody's perfect.)

I'd recommend taking a break, enjoying whatever other activities seem best to you. This game, and the good and bad that come with it, will still be here when you get back.

And if you do rejoin us, look me up sometime. I'd be happy to help you find an LS of a higher caliber.

[Edit: That last line, in its initial form, was an utter grammatical monster. So I returned to slay the foul beast where he lurked. ^^ ]

Edited, Tue Dec 14 15:23:27 2004 by nataraja

Edited, Tue Dec 14 15:29:44 2004 by nataraja
#8 Dec 14 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
996 posts
nataraja wrote:
And if you do rejoin us, look me up sometime. I'd be happy to help you find an LS of a higher calibur.

[Edit: That last line, in it's initial form, was an utter grammatical monster. So I returned to slay the foul beast where he lurked. ^^ ]
Now about that spelling... :D
#9 Dec 14 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
Cutriss wrote:
nataraja wrote:
And if you do rejoin us, look me up sometime. I'd be happy to help you find an LS of a higher calibur.

[Edit: That last line, in it's initial form, was an utter grammatical monster. So I returned to slay the foul beast where he lurked. ^^ ]
Now about that spelling... :D

Shhh... caliber, calibur. I can spell words exactly how I want to. I'm sick, I get special privileges. ^^
#10 Dec 19 2004 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
869 posts
FYI my little english professors, Nat spelled it right the first time. "Calibur" is actually spelled C A L I B E R, unless he was making an inside joke and I was on the outside. Or unless, Cutriss, you are from England, because they spell things all ****** up there anyways. ^^
#11 Dec 19 2004 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts
Trizzoro the Quick wrote:
but you should seek out one of the more prominent players here (Nataraja, Yekan, Eleusynia, Astika, etc) and look for an invite from one of them.

Huh?!? I've never heard of ANY of these people!

Who is Trizzoro?
#12 Dec 19 2004 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
996 posts
NightbirdX wrote:
FYI my little english professors, Nat spelled it right the first time. "Calibur" is actually spelled C A L I B E R, unless he was making an inside joke and I was on the outside. Or unless, Cutriss, you are from England, because they spell things all ****** up there anyways. ^^
No, you were just late to the party is all. :P I only Bolded the word - I did not change the spelling. Nat did that after I pointed it out. ^^
#13 Dec 19 2004 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
All this nit-picking about spelling isnt helping this guy with his issue.

that said, I'd like to offer a hand of help.

If you want to give FFXI another chance, criterias, I suggest several things.

First, as another poster mentioned, since your charictor is low level, I suggest scrapping it and starting a new one with a new name.

Second, the ls I belong to is looking for members of ALL levels (last I checked) and as long as you agree with the rules and etiquitte, then you are more then welcome to ask for a pearl. in my few weeks in this ls, they have been more then just friendly and helpfull. the link to there web site is here.

Third, you may want to look over the bad player list, which I will bump as soon as I am done with this post. might help when looking for members for a party. as far as I know, none of the members of the ls to which I belong have made that list. and here is a link to that thread.

I would hate to see someone's money wasted because of a few bad experiances, and hope you reconsider playing this game because of how awesome this game really is. I can assure you that a majority of the people I have met in this game are good people, and hope that you dont let the bad luck dictate weather or not you play the game.

so, check out the ls website, and I hope to be able to welcome you in the near future.^^
#14 Dec 20 2004 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent
115 posts
aww geez hun, i'm really sorry to hear about your bad luck with ls... its true a good ls is INCREDIBLY difficult to find ; ;

i think everyone has had problems with linkshells at one time or another. It's a pain in the *** when ONE single person (in your case foresta) doesn't like you for no reason. I've experianced this same thing in my first fiew linkshells. I honestly think they are just jelouse and feel your a threat at stealing their friends away or whatever sad issues they have. As for Foresta in particular, i've never herd any bad things about her. In fact i think i've partied with her a couple times and shes been nice.

As for leaveing Bismark all together.. yes if your having that much trouble with people you hate on this server, I'd start a new char with a different name. Of course those annoying people will still be around, but at least they wont bother you. It's much easier to just start over while your a low level. I dont think i could abandon a high level character ; ; Also: you could check the other server forums and bag people to give you a world pass for a different server.

I'm gonna havta go with one of the other comments : seak out Eleusynia, as i know shes a super nice girl, that would give u a link pearl ^^~

#15 Dec 20 2004 at 2:33 AM Rating: Good
Ok Im sorry but this cought my attention

Taliph wrote

[quote]All this nit-picking about spelling isnt helping this guy with his issue.

that said, I'd like to offer a hand of help.

If you want to give FFXI another chance, criterias, I suggest several things.

First, as another poster mentioned, since your charictor is low level, I suggest scrapping it and starting a new one with a new name.

Taliph actualy before I quit and made my new char I sorta was 32 rng, 34 whm, 23 blm , 18 nin when you said "Your char was low level I sugest scraping it" lol sorry had to bring that up.

Anyways Talked to a few of you today and I just started playing the game again till get lineage 2, "Dont rateme down I played beta it was good!" But still for now you guys will hear and see me on bismark till jan 13 so peace out g'night and may the force be with you for me to **** on.
#16 Dec 20 2004 at 2:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
Wow, sounds like you had a bit of a rough time with some of the LS you were in.. If people are running around slapping you non stop, you should report that kind of behavior to a GM.. I hope some of the kind words that have been shown here might change your mind into coming back. I really love this game, and have a great time playing it!!

One thing that i have learned tho, is that people are gonna be mean sometimes, God knows i am mean sometimes, and i just figure "Oh Well" its not killing me, and i am not losing money.. Its sort of self centered i know, but bleh, if people are gonna be rude, dont talk to them.

There is much Adventure to be had in Vanadiel, and i have never seen you in game, send me a /tell somtime, i would be happy to meet you, i would be glad to help you out on a few missions or quests, along with some of the other Alla's on Bismarck.

Peace to you, and hope to see you soon..

Edited, Mon Dec 20 02:49:52 2004 by Hiptaruu
#17 Dec 20 2004 at 9:59 PM Rating: Good
259 posts
Sorry to hear about all the trouble Crit. =[

I'm not going to repeat what everyone said, so I'll just simply say I agree. Take a little break, play some Lineage, then try again and see how it feels.

Good luck. =D
#18 Dec 21 2004 at 12:19 AM Rating: Good
214 posts
seek out one of the more prominent players here (Nataraja, Yekan, Eleusynia, Astika, etc)

meh? when did this come about? lol

regardless, thank you for the compliment, although I am not sure
what I even did to deserve it. ^^
#19 Dec 21 2004 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
Hey Crit, I hate to see you quit. The last time I saw you in game I thought you were doing great. I know you've had a rocky start, but if you can don't let it get to you. Hang in there man it will be okay, all things will pass, and this to shall. Be strong and ignore the people that are giving you grief. You will find where you belong. Don't give up on the game or on Bismarck just yet.
#20 Dec 21 2004 at 4:04 AM Rating: Good
Astika wrote:
seek out one of the more prominent players here (Nataraja, Yekan, Eleusynia, Astika, etc)

meh? when did this come about? lol

regardless, thank you for the compliment, although I am not sure
what I even did to deserve it. ^^


Yeah that was my reaction as well. I was all


Smiley: wink
#21 Dec 21 2004 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good
214 posts
quantity of posts != quality of posts, in my opinion, including
hijacked threads. ^^

I'm thinking that Cutriss perhaps recognizes my name from the Thief
forums, but I tend to keep a low profile there as well as here.
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