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In The Sprit Of GoodwillFollow

#1 Dec 12 2004 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
446 posts
This year will be the first time I get to experiance the wonderous Christmas of VanA'Diel. In memory of the many people that have come and gone (Many great players whom I am still fond of), in honor of all the people who have helped me out in the past, and in thanks to everyone who has helped me get to where I am today in this game I want to give something back to the server.

But then I started thinking why should I restrict this to just the people that have helped me when there are countless people out there who have done one selfless thing or another to benefit another player. It was not easy but it boils down to this.

To honor the most Helpful, Generous and Selfless player on the server. This year on December 24th one player will be receiving 100,000gil in their delivery box. They will also retain the title of The Most Selfless Player on Bismarck.

(I choose to give away this amount due to the fact that I think everyone on the server Japanese or English has bought something from one of my many bazaars at one time or another I know it's not much but hey I'm not a millionaire =.=)

The way this works:

- You cannot nominate yourself to receive this award
- You can only nominate one other player (make yours a good one)
- You cannot retract a prior nomination
- You must provide a description of their selfless act or a
link to a post where their selfless act is posted
- You cannot coerce another player into nominating you (This defeats the purpose)
- The selfless act that you nominate the player for must have been done within this year (there is no way of proving this for a fact so I am asking for honesty and fairness in respect to this)
- Anyone can be nominated and there will be no discrimination based on race, creed, sex, or nationality
- Anyone is eligible regardless of participating in past Promotional Events run by me
- One other person MUST second your nomination

* Due to further clarification needed on the subject of Nominating and Seconding Nominations the following information has been available.

- You as an individual may only nominate one person, however once a person has been nominated you may second that nomination.
- You can second as many nominations as you like.

Please keep in mind it does not elevate the nominees chances of winning all a second nomination does is confirm that said nominated person should indeed be nominated for the reason that they were nominated which is why one 1 nomination and a 2nd is needed for someone to be considered. *12/13/04
Eligibility is open to all players on Bismarck Server.

To ensure fairness the winner will be chosen by a non-biased person who has never played this game (My HAWT neighbor, lol) Therefore it is important that you provide an accurate description of what the selfless act the person performed was.

Think about it this way in the spirit of giving help each other out you never know when you might be recognized for it. Besides we were all newbies once ^^. This promotion ends 12/22/04 to give the Judgette time to reveiw the entries and make a decision. Good Luck to all.

P.S. The OP cannot participate in this so do not nominate.

Please take note that while we are all partial to one player or another the prerequisite for this offer is for someone to nominate someone and for one other person to second that nomination. Not trying to be rude but I don't want this to turn into a popularity contest because it is not. Also please remember that someone who has never played this game will be reading over this thread and deciding who the winner will be. So while it is all well and nice to nominate someone on the premise that they drop whatever they are doing to help someone else, you need to provide an example of what exactly their selfless act was that benifitted others without benefitting themselves. Please remember someone who has never played this game and does not know much about it will be reading the entries here. So please make sure you do describe their act of kindness so that they may be judged on that act. Lets face it anyone can nominate somone and say they are a great person, but it takes a truly great person to do something great. (not trying to single anyone out but Notagalka's post is a prime example of how to accomplish what we are asking) ^^

Edited, Mon Dec 13 14:34:10 2004 by zandertheredmage
#2 Dec 12 2004 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
This goes without saying: Merodi.

Hands down, by far, the most helpful person I've come across in this game. She'll go out of her way to help another person and expect nothing in return. She's the sweetest girl you could ever hope to meet. Anybody on these boards that's met her knows that, and if you don't, you don't know what you're missing.
#3 Dec 12 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Allow me to be the first to second Merodi.

For all the reasons Alauce said and more.

Plus, a rate-the-way-up for you, Zander. Awesome idea.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#4 Dec 12 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Excellent
222 posts
I second that. Merodi is teh awesome!!! *hugglez*

Okay...I got beat to the second... so instead, I'll just vote for Merodi!!!

edit: beat to the punch^^

Edited, Sun Dec 12 15:26:43 2004 by Oniyagi
#5 Dec 12 2004 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
I nominate Sioux

Here's the link to her act of selflessness
#6 Dec 12 2004 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
My LS and I can vouch for Merodi's kindness and generosity. Just a week or so back , we went to do our rank 5. We were practically knee deep in you know what in Castle Oztroja , when out of the blue Merodi shows up and helped get us through it all. Without her help I doubt we'd have been able to get done. I can't also forget to mention the fact she and a friend helped Solrain and I on our AF1s. Merodi is a very deserving person indeed ^^ .
#7 Dec 12 2004 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
I would like to nominate Lyden for this.

Without recompense or thought of reward, without having known me or the group of people he helped along with me before, he went very much out of his way to help us complete a difficult part of the game, in which we had to kill dangerous monsters for a rare key drop. He died twice (and at level 65 that's no joke), but that didn't stop him from offering to help me go all the way out to the glacier to finish the quest. He derived no personal gain from any of this.

I now I'm not the only one he has helped this way, but being in a position to help repay him for his kindness, I'd like to represent all of those he HAS helped. It's rare to meet a player as selfless and thoughtful of others as he is.
#8 Dec 13 2004 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
446 posts
Don't let this die. I am very serious about this little contest.
#9 Dec 13 2004 at 1:49 AM Rating: Excellent

Kit summed it up on my behalf as well.

Check the Good Players List.

Nuff' said.
#10 Dec 13 2004 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
385 posts
I nominate Vimien

Sure, i'm not too high in lvl, so some of the stuff he's helped me with hasn't been the "toughest". But i think through alot of these things, there have always been some crazy circumstances. People dieing, missing items, having to redo missions, etc.

I have never seen anyone else take more of this in stride and just keep smiling and helping out.

I can probably sum most of it up by saying this

I'M LVL 30....AND RANK 5!!!!

pretty unheard of, and it's not like i was singled out and pushed through...when he's helping people he tries to help as many people as he can, and his philanthopy is catchy, 'cause i have met many higher lvls like himself that are eager to help also.
I also pester him all the time with silly game questions as well as my goofy antics.
If you passed this guy up, you would be making a HUGE mistake.

#11 Dec 13 2004 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
I nominate Kingpopof.

I can't tell you how many people he's helped with missions, coffer keys, quests, you name it he's done it: Many many times.

From my own experiance he has helped me with:

Mission 5-1
Mission 5-2
Mission 6-1
Mission 6-2
WHM AF3 (Altedour I Tavnazia)
Various WHM Coffer Keys
Yag Holy Water
Tavnazian Bell
Ancient Papyrus

The list could be longer, but I'm not thinking too clearly this morning ^^

Edited, Mon Dec 13 08:46:42 2004 by Wintaru
#12 Dec 13 2004 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
I nominate Babagana.

One really selfless player. Great person. He helped me organise a 18 person alliance to get my Healer's briault yesterday. He even got his ZM4 group to come along for the ride. I would say more than a third of the people are people he conned into coming.

He's always ready to help people out. One day i logged on and was talking with him and he was saying he was helping out a random Alla poster get there rank 4. No reason, just because he had seen someone post it in here.

He's also been there for other things like my coffer keys, etc. The minute I start shouting for some help in jueno, he's always the first to respond, with phrases like: "alright, lets do this thing :)".

There are numerous amounts of other people who I should list that are very worthy of this honor (cough*Lyden*cough) but because of the rules, I vote for Baba.
#13 Dec 13 2004 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
I have been mulling this over for an hour. There are so many people who have helped me and trying to pin one down for a nomination has been pretty tough. The people mentioned so far in here are very deserving of the nominations, and I would like to add my own.


I sent her a random msg on MSN and since that point she has offered countless gems of wisdom, humour and time. I consider her a very good friend and I know a good friend to alot of people on Bismarck.

Some of the things she has helped me with:

She set aside the time and roped Calien and Cmagen into helping me get my RSE (all four pieces) in one night. No small task.

She and (I'm sorry I forgot your name - RDM) took me on a journey to the top of Delkfutt's tower. Thus obtaining the key to complete Rank 4. Then a couple days later, she again dragged someone (Zariko this time), into coming along and the Beadeaux drops for Rank 5 were quickly obtained.

And recently, I was halping an LS friend of mine in his quest to kill the Windy dragon for his Rank 3 and Ele graciously offered her services.

These are just some of the things she has done for me. More often than not when I speak to her in game she is about to embark on a journey to help someone with AF coffers, Rank missions or something and alot of times this means her staying up till 2, 3, and 4 in the morning to get the job done, and with a day job to boot.

So, for the shear amount of time she has invested in helping others, for her friendship and her ablility to keep things fun...

Nomination: Eleusynia
#14 Dec 13 2004 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
919 posts
I nominate Taikobo.
#15 Dec 13 2004 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
There has been on man through the ages that helps me regardless of the situation. If he was one of the first true friends i met online as a lvl 18 WAR and someone i am still great friends with today! No matter the situation, he is always there to help. If he were to be in an exp party, he would drop if needed. Some of the things he has helped with out of the blue are:

Jueno Guide first there
Camp Geyser Lizard NM in Wadi (for MY Steam Scalemail, not his)
Mission 2-3 (i beleive)
Mission 3-3
Dragoon Flag Quest
Mission 4-1
Mission 4-2
Mission 4-3
Random Farming, Questing, and PL (only once pl, i hate asking)
But most importantly, having time to talk a friend out a RL crisis (Thanks Bud!)

I Nominate: Kamakazi

/hurray with all!
#16 Dec 13 2004 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
Sir Moshiiii wrote:
I nominate Taikobo.

Do we even know who this person is?
#17 Dec 13 2004 at 2:20 PM Rating: Good
690 posts

What are the exact rules for nomination and seconding?

Are we allowed one nomination and one seconding?

Or one nomination and as many secondings as we want?

Or either one nomination OR one seconding?

Details, man! ^^

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#18 Dec 13 2004 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
446 posts
Updated with info requested in yellow.
#19 Dec 13 2004 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Since that's clarified, Eleu, Sioux, and Vimien all get seconds from me.

All upstanding people, although Vimien tends to smell funny at times... anyway. Seconded!

--Arondight, Bismarck

Nothing that is so, is so.
#20 Dec 13 2004 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
Nominate: Baosroth - Sometimes it's the little things that really show a person. Baos has this habit of giving teleports and raises free of charge, with a cheerful attitude the whole time. Many mages do this, but Baos seems to keep popping up when I least expect him, raising and teleporting whenever is needed, as often for my LS mates as for myself. As such, he deserves my nomination, as he is the WHM from that generous camp with whom I've had the most contact.

Second: Merodi, Sioux for all the reasons everyone else is going to list.

Edited, Mon Dec 13 14:55:42 2004 by nataraja
#21 Dec 13 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Good
I just copied what I wrote in the good players list, I'd also like to nominate her here.

Note: there is not one specific act of kindness I'd like to nominate her for, but all of them as there are too many to remember.

Singbismark wrote:
After searching through this thread for the first time, I noticed something rather disturbing, a name so incredibly deserving is not on this list, so I add it now.

There is a person who sits behind a name that is so wonderful; everything she says makes me happy. Greed is not a factor in this person's play style, she is kindness incarnate.

The person I speak of;


When I first started this game about a year ago, I noticed a common flaw with the people in it. Greed, their motivation for everything.

I remember paying a member of the LS I was in, 10,000 gil, just so he would come help me kill the rank 3 dragon.

But I also remember the Taru WHM who was there, who stood and shouted in Windurst for 3 hours until we had the members necessary for the battle. Leeluu was there through the whole thing.

After camping smaller NM, and hearing about how camped the "Good" NM like Valkurm Emperor and Leaping Lizzy are, I finally decided to give it a go. These are items my MNK and WAR and THF could use. Leeluu is a mage, these items are of no use to her.

Well, she stood in Valkurm for hours until I claimed Valkurm Emperor. When the Hairpin dropped, she was happy for me. At level 40, a 300K drop, she just let me have it with no thought of personal gain.

Leaping Lizzy took 7 kills, and through it all, she was there. Countless hours.

Hoo Mjuu the Torrant and 12 kills later. Probably 50 hours of camping, and again, she was there.

Most recently, Cactuar Cantautor. 18 kills and I finally got my Kung Fu shoes. 1,000,000 gil shoes, and she didn't even flinch as I casted my lot.

Every piece of AF, every genkai, she was there to help me.

The first EXP party we were in together was in Yuthunga Jungle. This was my first experience of how good EXP could actually be. One of those parties where you stay up until 2AM because everything is just so perfect. We have EXPed together ever since. We’ve had statics with other people, but in reality, it has always been her and I.

Even now as a 66MNK and Leeluu as a 66WHM, we make 2K an hour EXP, often chain 4, sometimes chain 5 on goblins and raptors in Cape Terragin. If we add 4 more pick-ups, we’d be lucky to get 3K exp an hour, the going rate for a pick up party. It takes 4 more people to increase the EXP by .5 Just another example of her awesomeness.

Don't think she has been unrewarded, if you see her. /check Leeluu and at least half that gear (Including Vermillion Cloak) was given, or helped to obtain by me. However, even if I didn't give her these items, she would have still helped me as she is a truly wonderful person.

Leeluu and I have been declined for marriage at least 3 times but as soon as were accepted, I intend to hold on to that Taru for dear life. If you haven’t noticed by now, I am truly taken by Leeluu, she is by far the best “Good Player” on this list. Without her company, I would have long since quit.

I doubt she will ever read this, but I was hoping those of you that do could do me a favor. When you see leeluu, just /smile or /bow. Don't tell her why, but let happyness and smiles follow her everywhere!

Edited, Mon Dec 13 15:04:53 2004 by SingBismark
#22 Dec 14 2004 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
374 posts
Since I fourthed (i think) I would like to nominate a great person on Bismarck and my LS second in command.

Not only is he always willing to help people, but he did the following:

He even sat around for two nights trying to help me grab Ge'Dha Evileye (spelling?) so I could get a Holy Phial (we never got him, there were campers...) but he never complained and talked me out of giving up at one point ^^

I thus raise a cup of fine warm sake to my friend Silverbane!

He will always help out and thus I believe he deserves recognition!

Edit: Doh, I should probably make it easier to see his name ><

Edited, Tue Dec 14 01:03:19 2004 by YukioOfBismarck
#23 Dec 14 2004 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
919 posts
I would like to nominate the tens of hundreds of random Jpn players that i have /tell bugging about helping me get my rank up because i dont have any friends in this FFXI world.

Edited, Tue Dec 14 12:04:01 2004 by Moshiiii
#24 Dec 14 2004 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
727 posts
I would like to nominate Ikihasi. H has many acts of kindness to me and others but i will only go into his most vallant action.

It started off with me trying to lvl my THF in the dunes. I got a party of 5 together but no WHM. Ikihasi asks me how things were going over our LS, and i told him i didn't have a WHM, so he tells me to getanother DD and he will heal us. So things are going great , we are getting good xp and then night falls over the valkrum. A Bogy appears and starts to head towards another party. He see this happenening and tells me to stop pulling, he is going to engage and save the party. He starts to fight it and everything is going well. all of the parties leveling around the area gathered around(the worst thing anyone could do) he gets the bogy down to half hp and he is still at 75%. The bogy uses drain, drain drained everyone around him, which gave the bogy full HP, so Ikihasi keeps on fighting it and cureing himself he gets the bogy down to near death, but the bogy uses drain again. Now things start looking grim they are at about the same HP, but the bogy has a little more. Ikihasi gets the Bogy to a sliver of hP and dies, but 2 black mages from another party finish it off.

I thought this was a selfless act. he gave his own life to save about 30 people from dieing.
#25 Dec 16 2004 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
415 posts
I would like to nominate Gazoo.
He has helped me with everything that I needed help with, and asked for nothing in return. He helped me get my fame in various cities, and helped me with getting my rank up. One day when I had like no gil at all and needed it badly, I decided to go logging, but I didn't even have enough money to buy the hatchets. Gazoo wondered what was wrong, and came to San'doria to buy me some hatchets and go logging with me. We went to Jugner for a couple of hours, and made a good bit of money, so I thought that we should split it up, but he said that I should keep them, and gave me all of the logs he had chopped down.
When I needed money for anything, he sent it to me, and told me that he didn't want anything back. When I was poor and had almost no gil at all, he helped me with about everything that I could hope for. He spends a lot of his time in valkurm dunes raising people, and he powerlevels anyone in the linkshell whenever he has time to. He does so many things for everyone, and doesn't ask for anything in return. I really think he deserves to be called the most selfless player on Bismarck.

Edited, Thu Dec 16 20:01:53 2004 by aerweny
#26 Dec 16 2004 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
Sir Moshiiii wrote:
I would like to nominate the tens of hundreds of random Jpn players that i have /tell bugging about helping me get my rank up because i dont have any friends in this FFXI world.

Edited, Tue Dec 14 12:04:01 2004 by Moshiiii

O.o! I don't have that kind of gil , lol
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