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#1 Dec 09 2004 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
374 posts
I am seeing an awful lot of "I cant believe SE is ******** everyone over..." and am curious as to why. If the game is so horrible now, why do people keep paying to play it?

Yes it is imho the absolute BEST MMORPG I have EVER played, but complaining about what the parent company is doing doesn't help, right?

If you arent having fun anymore, just dont play. Plain and simple. Yes gillsellers are ******** the chances of a lot of people in game, but dont blame that on SE. They have done their damnedest to keep this game good, and I for one think they have done a good job. Given the situation I think the changes they have made will help, especially with bots.

I am now realizing I should have probably posted this on the main forum, but I value the opinions of the people on this forum (GO BISMARCK!) the most...

So let me know what you guys and gals think, but lets not go into "SE is totally ******** us over...blahblahblah..." try to be specific in what makes you stay if you think the game is screwed up so bad.

And remember this is my opinion, Im not telling people they are wrong ^^

#2 Dec 09 2004 at 1:06 AM Rating: Good
883 posts
Well... I am a little sick of them making it harder for the legitimate player as a means of ******** up the bots and gilsellers. But for the most part I still love this game. At least they're trying. ^^
#3 Dec 09 2004 at 1:07 AM Rating: Good
I dont blame the game, but I wish SE would do more when they have patches, hell I would play an extra fee to just support a mirror web page where I could download the patch to a zip, or whatever. Its been 8 hours and ever time I get to the download screen it tells the server isnt responding, so 8 hours and 100/789 files complete, that is just a joke.
#4 Dec 09 2004 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
Its true, Gilsellers are messing up Bismarks economy. But why let them stop you? Ok if your bored give up the game but if you want to keep playing then dont let loser like those stop you.

SE could try and do something but until they can work around it just do something else to have fun guys.
#5 Dec 09 2004 at 2:09 AM Rating: Good
I dont think you can blmae SE for trying. The problem is there will always be something else. I know a thf that is upset that his farming of astral rings in now nerfed. Not that he controled the market, but a couple hours brought in 500K.

The things the gill sellers are doing are things anyone could do, if they wanted too. I know people that before the gill sellers were in full force that control certain markets on items, but they could not camp items 24/7 so yes others had a chance at item, and a chance to undercut on the AH. The problem is the gill sellers arent just one person, but shifts of people that stay in one area and never leave. I just hope the changes will not punish the true players, but I am sure we will all have some adjusting to do.
#6 Dec 09 2004 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
194 posts
I've never felt aggravated enough to quit this game... until this last patch.

The tax thing *really* bothers me, but I do still love playing this game, so I'm just going to give it a few weeks and hope things settle down.

I'm approaching a point where I need to spend millions of gil on my end game gear, and this crazy hyper inflation caused by the patch has tacked on at least another mil to my equipment/spells.

So I totally see what you are saying, but for once I've actually reached that point where I may be more aggravated with the game than is good for me, but if I reach that point I'd just quit, I wouldn't come here and complain every day about it ;)

I'm just hoping SE knew what they were doing with this patch and things calm down for the better, because right now, they only seem worse >_<
#7 Dec 09 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
Its just alittle aggrivating when you have been using Apple Pies for 28 lvls of Bst and you log on to find out Apple Pies only last for like 10 mins now and you have to find a compltley new food. I agree updates are fine and all but SE should leave some stuff alone. WHY ONLY 10 MINs?!
#8 Dec 09 2004 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
It seems that all people complain about are the parts of the patch that effect not only gil sellers, but us as well. The root of this problem is very clear. i shall explain...

A while, i recall a thread in the Bismark forums (as well as the main and others) that was a bash on gil sellers, as well as a protest to make them stop. In this thread, which i deem the "Death To Gil Sellers" thread, there was a letter that everyone could send out to SE, other major gaming companies, and a few puvlishing companies. Many people decided to take part in this (and i am definately not saything that it was a bad thing, i myself wanted to take part in this thread) and get something done... well, something has been done and now we all pay for it.

So you see, it isnt SE that started this problem. We, all Vana'diel citizens against gil sellers, started the problem... SE just gave it to us.

Enough with the rant and rave though... am i displeased with the things that the new patch addressed, yeah. But am i pissed about it all, absolutely not. There are so many more benficial things that came out of this patch (/hurray to dragoons!)

The food issue never really bothered me, i hardly ever have the need to have a drink on hand (melee galka...) nor do i ever have any kabobs on hand either (i know, "shame shame"), so in that aspect it really doesnt affect me greatly.

Sorry all for the long post, just throwing out some ideas and opinions. its all just trivial in the end...
#9 Dec 09 2004 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Apocpink, the good that will come out of the AH tax is that people who are selling expensive luxury items won't be able to afford to put them up very long with the prices they'll pay at AH. So, HOPEFULLY, the price of those things will start to come down.

#10 Dec 09 2004 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
510 posts
I still can't get on! I'm getting a stupid Network busy ******** message, and every since I downloaded the fonging update my computer has been going ********
#11 Dec 09 2004 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
510 posts
Edit: omg...double post. >.>

Edited, Thu Dec 9 12:27:14 2004 by Zariko
#12 Dec 09 2004 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
649 posts
no more gilsellers OR barney!!! WAY TO GO SE! YOU THE ROCKERZ!


In truth I feel your pain.
#13 Dec 09 2004 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
This AH tax is one of the greatest thing that could've happened. It is *impossible* to create inflation if you *remove* money from the economy on such a large scale. Prices can only go down, really.

If you put something up on the AH for a large amount, the economy will lose a proportionnate amount of gil, thus leaving less money to buy that same item you just put on the AH.

Anyways, that's how I see it with my basic knowledge of economy.
#14 Dec 09 2004 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
You guys helped me realize a good point. I myself have been guilty of this along with many other that i know.

How many time have you tried to buy an item on the AH and it is set well above the average going price? i know i have bought many items that way, as well as sold many items that way...

We all try to get that little extra boost for our buck, er.. gil, and if you have ever tried too hard you will get the infamous delivery box message "Sender: AH (item trying to get sold over the last 2 weeks)"

What this will go for those who like to set priced way high... /cough gil sellers and others /cough... is make everyone think about how much they sell items for. I for know that i will most definately think about selling an item for 10k when it will cost me 2k just to put it in AH (i cant remember what the tax is off hand). So for ever 3 days that go by that i cant sell, its another 2k in the tax brackets... this will become VERY costly in the end.

So the only result of this will be a more reasonable price for EVERYTHING. nobody likes loosing more gil than they have to, especially when its Leaping Boots or Sniper Rings!
#15 Dec 09 2004 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
247 posts
I think the update will work out in the end. I am not high enough level to worry about overly expensive gear really, and I find that someone with the normal load out of equip can be just as effective most of the time as that dude with all +1 gear and high dollar stuff.

What bothers me is now that the update is in place, the Holy Phial that I mined, logged, synthed, scraped and farmed (yes, farmed as a isn't pretty) to buy for 50k will only net me about 35k when I sell it at level 37. That kind of stings.

(anyone interested in Holy Phial and Devotee's Mitts send me a /tell..)

Now to do something about the insane crystal prices...oy.

Most will disagree with me when I say I like the mining and logging fix. I usually only mine one stack of pickaxes or until I have a full INV. So, I am never in for over an hour. So, nothing has changed for me, except for that fact that I have as good or even better chance of hitting the rare ores or logs on one trip.
#16 Dec 09 2004 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
YukioOfBismarck wrote:
I am seeing an awful lot of "I cant believe SE is ******** everyone over..." and am curious as to why. If the game is so horrible now, why do people keep paying to play it?

Yes it is imho the absolute BEST MMORPG I have EVER played, but complaining about what the parent company is doing doesn't help, right?

If you arent having fun anymore, just dont play. Plain and simple. Yes gillsellers are ******** the chances of a lot of people in game, but dont blame that on SE. They have done their damnedest to keep this game good, and I for one think they have done a good job. Given the situation I think the changes they have made will help, especially with bots.

I am now realizing I should have probably posted this on the main forum, but I value the opinions of the people on this forum (GO BISMARCK!) the most...

So let me know what you guys and gals think, but lets not go into "SE is totally ******** us over...blahblahblah..." try to be specific in what makes you stay if you think the game is screwed up so bad.

And remember this is my opinion, Im not telling people they are wrong ^^

Ehhh, people have a tendancy to panic when change happens. I've been guilty of it myself more times than I can count.

AH prices are all over the place right now, but that won't stay that way for too long. They SHOULD drop in general.

Here are some GOOD things that I've noticed:

From what I'm seeing it looks like many NM's have had their pops tweaked to block voke-botters, and that's an infinitely good thing.

THF got Assassin, which I would presume will work to the effect of making SATA more effective for Main job THF than someone subbing THF (not sure what level it is, but I'm willing to guess it's over 37. Can anyone confirm or deny?)

More boosts to DRG. I'd be interested to learn how well their wyvern's elemental breath attacks work as a burst.

The only thing I can't fathom is the shortened duration of some food effects. o.O
#17 Dec 09 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
I've gotta say that I love the new patch. Everything they put in is awesome and is going to help the game tremendously. I'm excessively happy that everyone is now paying a set portion of their profit to put stuff on auction, instead of having to pay 500 gil to put a stack of arrowwood up on auction. I also like the change they made to the gods and the santa hat they added in for christmas. I just can't wait for the celebration to start! ^^
#18 Dec 09 2004 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
I'm loving the patch too. I make my money selling small, in-demand crafting consumables, so the cost isn't much.

I have to say I was a lit tle disgusted last night though.

Kublakhan, my little crafter mule, sat down to make herself a stack of mithkabobs....and for the first time EVER made only 6 out of a synth, instead of 12. -_-

Is this part of the patch? Or was Kubla just below her game?

#19 Dec 09 2004 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
They changed mithkabobs.... 1 set of ingredients only makes 6.

What REALLY makes me mad, is that Mithkabobs no longer affect Ranged Attack. There goes some of your customer base ; ;
#20 Dec 09 2004 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
They're diversifying the market. Now you have choices on foods to craft *other* than Mithkabobs. *EVERYONE* used Mithkabobs up until now. Now people will pick foods more suited to their job level. I've been using Mithkabobs since I was Lv. 10. Now I see that there are other choices in food, and thanks to the patch, Roast/Boiled Pipira are actually viable (once I can catch them).

Now then, my feelings are still mixed on this patch. I think the Jeuno tax should have been *purely* sliding scale. There is now no reason to put up *anything* on the Jeuno AH that's under 500G.

My chat filters are now broken. I don't care if Noobusplayer hits a Wild Rabbit for 2 DMG while I'm fishing, and there's nothing I can do about it.

I still don't see a point in Ballista, and Square seems to be putting more effort into rounding it out than fighting gilsellers. There needs to be more to PvP than this game, or a better incentive for playing it.

I'd probably feel better about this patch if it weren't for the grueling ordeal of trying to get it. Square needs to rethink its patch distribution method, build better infrastructure, or start assigning lottery numbers to PlayOnline IDs for people to get the patch so as to avoid the congestion.
#21 Dec 09 2004 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Roast Pipira has been around for quite a while and been totally viable. I actually know a few thfs who have preferred them for a while lol.

The reason that most people use Mithkabobs is Cost VS benefits. You get great bonuses from a food that's relatively cheap to make.

The fact that Mithkabobs no longer effect ranged accuracy wouldn't really bug me if there was a good suitable replacement. The only thing that I can find thats even close is Yellow Curry, which doesn't stack and costs ~3K per dish.

If you know of a good replacement with close to the same amount of R.Attack as mithkabobs please, let me know ^^;
#22 Dec 10 2004 at 12:27 AM Rating: Decent
374 posts
I really am appreciating the feedback to my question and am glad to see not a whole lot of complaining is working its way in

I cant wait to get back ingame and see how things are working for myself

*sighs* hopefully soon...
#23 Dec 10 2004 at 1:14 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
The only things that bother me about this update is the Food and Mining patches. I think 10 mins for pies is insanely stupid. It wasn't breaking anything at all, and it's not like prices on them have come down to reflect it (yet anyway). Though I guess I'm Taru and I don't have to worry about it, but not the point. I've already found my alternative to them for Warrior (roast mutton) that I can synth myself, but Mithkabobs are nicer. Which just makes it an inconvenience, nothing to pick up and leave the game for, but I really don't see the logic. That's really the one thing that frustrates me, my inability to discern their logic.

Considering I put in well over two hours worth of time in Gusgen normally (ironically because Toms camp Mining Points), zoning in and out is an inconvenience, but at least it's not Ifrit's Cauldron (good luck to you guys). If they nerf mining anymore, you'd probably break 10 picks for one pebble. And think about it, these gilseller characters are probably played in shifts and they do this almost 24/ exactly is this going to hurt them? Especially considering all they have to do too is zone in and out.

I know it's all to stop botters and gilsellers, but because of those people, the rest of us who play legitimately are penalized. This is why I quit PSO. I don't know what I expect them to do as an alternative, but we're paying this guys to figure it out. :p

Overall, the patch was pretty good and beneficial, but they just went around some things the wrong way. I guess some people are going to have to accept the fact that Food just won't help as much as it used to though.
#24 Dec 10 2004 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,502 posts
My chat filters are now broken. I don't care if Noobusplayer hits a Wild Rabbit for 2 DMG while I'm fishing, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Mine are shagged also, I was levelling in the ******** last night with a party either side of me. I gave up even attempting to chat with my LS due to the constant stream of crap going through my log. If I so much as blinked, I'd miss the TP calls.
#25 Dec 10 2004 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
302 posts
They changed mithkabobs.... 1 set of ingredients only makes 6.

I dunno...I just saw someone synth 12 meat mithkabobs a couple of times on the airship. The meat chiefkabobs were only synthed by stacks of 6.
#26 Dec 10 2004 at 9:15 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
According to what I've been reading all over Alla, the regular synth for the mithkabobs now are 6. HQ1 is 12 and HQ2 is 6 chiefkabobs.
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