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Why there are no Astral Rings.Follow

#127 Dec 20 2004 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
446 posts
nataraja the Puissant wrote:
I finally bothered to figure out exactly what your current avatar is Zander.

Spider Jerusalem

/salute Zander

Smiley: grin

Was wondering when you were going to finially figure that out ^^)d
#128 Dec 20 2004 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
to read RTFT just too stupid not gonna bother. I never leave myself open, if i do i just couter. Why do ppl gotta be @#%^s? Did i insult u zander? if i did go ahead and slap urself. I bet u do that alot irl for the fact you feel great slapping ppl around in the server. Stop attacking ppl zander, no wonder why hiptaru have soooo many ppl hating him. I always see the same ppl talking sh*t, whats up with that? stop messing around in the forums and play the god damn game, lets all be happy ^^ Hijack my *** RTFT my ***, its useless when the thread is going on. If you want to stop someone plz lock this thread. If it isnt and i c it ont he first page then its not over.

Got me cooked now.

Nija wtf ur name is go level, Alauce go to hell, Zander stfu i liked you cuz ur evil friend, you pl me and you cured me when i got aggroed in my rdm, dont make this stupid.

Tsetuo wtf is it, why do u have to expose Hiptaru plan? Why do you insult him? Maybe if you leave him alone and play the god damn game, we all can be happy. But instead you wanna attack hiptaru, make his name bad. If you didnt mean too, bullsh*t.

HIjack? ITS OVER? its not over damn not. What did we prove? Hiptaru is a prick. Still is, why? cuz some idiot posted a pic of him buying it.

Im not saying this cuz of hiptaru, Im saying this cuz most of you ppl have no lives, i dont have a life, but i dont go ruin ppl fun in game by going off the game and make a rally against someone.

So, lets all stfu for once and leave each other alone. When i said i wanted someone to flame me, i was jk, but i didnt expect to see this many @#%^s calling ppl names and insulting others. OMG no wonder Hip has alot of ppl hating him, you just go insult others w/o reason.

God damn, why so much hate? do ur lives suck in real life? so you feel better insulting ppl over the computer? thats just too bad.

Now i expect nothing after this post. -.-


since this has pretty much turned into flaming lol

**** ur Casinos even Though your Not doing them Anymore!

and also,

You ******* Left my Party with No warning while We were Xping in Yhoator. Just got Up and Warped out!!

WTF is Up with That?


oh btw

Now i expect nothing after this post. -.-

*********** THAT![/quote]
#129 Dec 20 2004 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
#130 Dec 20 2004 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
Good dog!

w00t! Spider! Been a LONG time since I read Transmetropolitan, does it still exist?

oh and wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesplat
#131 Dec 20 2004 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
346 posts
The Transmetropolitan series ended like a year ago, unfortunatley. They've been putting the story arcs into paperback format and releasing em.

/sidenote 2 years ago I heard that there were going to be two spinoffs from Transmet series, a series on Spider's early days before going up the mountain. Other would be a bit of sequel. Haven't been able to confirm it since then. Names I heard for em were "Transoceanic" and "Transcontinential."

/end sidenote.
#132 Dec 21 2004 at 5:02 AM Rating: Good

The last issue was 60, and the entire series is now collected in a run of 10 TPB.

One of my favorites, though not the favorite. The Invisibles by Grant Morrison and the fairly obvious choice of Sandman by Neil Gaiman being tied for 1st IMO (disregarding actual Graphic Novels such as The Watchmen, From Hell, Channel Zero, etc.)

There's been talk for over 2 years about a possible Transmet film, but it still seems as though it may never see the light of day.

Patrick Stewart wants to play Spidey. Honest. He's a huge fan of the series.

But the rights haven't yet been optioned.

Transoceanic is a myth, as far as I've heard. Probably a misinterpretation or something of one of Warren Ellis's current projects, Ocean.

Haven't heard anything whatsoever about Transcontinental, but I would conjecture that someone (not you szandor ^^) is making sh[/b]it up.

Incidentally Spider made an odd cameo in Planetary #7 (another series by Ellis) that I [b]still
haven't made sense of.

An interesting and in-depth take on that issue (though with little opinion of Spider's presense) can be found here though be warned that if you have not read Planetary this will 1) make no sense, and 2) spoil some stuff for you.

I highly recommend Planetary. Highly.

Didn't know we had other comic fans in here besides myself.

/em raises a glass of fine whiskey in salutations.
#133 Dec 21 2004 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Ugh, Yukio...I have a horizontal scroll bar because of that.

Someone ask an admin to have this closed or something. Or tell me where I can go to do that.
#134 Dec 21 2004 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
seraphimhunter wrote:
Ugh, Yukio...I have a horizontal scroll bar because of that.

Someone ask an admin to have this closed or something. Or tell me where I can go to do that.

Isn't H-break fun? I have my resolutions set to something around a bajillion, so it's no longer a problem for me. ^^

Here would be an appropriate place to request a lock. If you do so, I'd recommend being clear as to why you want it locked.

I don't know that it's entirely necessary though. The flame-war got mostly squashed by flagrant hijacking (us thread pirates love to hijack. yar. Pirates are frickin' awesome) so I think it's unlikely that they will lock the thread for flames. Had it gotten just out-of-control horrendously offensive in here I could see a complete Nuke possibly being justified.

As it stands now it's just become a Hijack playground until we tire of it, which should be any day now. Then, barring any further late-coming necro-posted flames, it will sink down the list into obscurity and eventual thread-death.

If you do decide to post a lock request, keep in mind that most, if not all of the almighty admins have day jobs, so it might be a while before one responds.

But again, I don't see it as particularly necessary. Smiley: smile
#135 Dec 21 2004 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
446 posts
*Hijacks thread back from Nataraja*

So.... who's up for some excitement in ......... Valkurm Dunes!!!!
#136 Dec 21 2004 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
diregard this post lol...

Edited, Tue Dec 21 08:09:18 2004 by Ladyrikku
#137 Dec 21 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Tue Dec 21 15:45:23 2004 by BronxBoy
#138 Dec 21 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Tue Dec 21 15:44:33 2004 by BronxBoy
#139 Dec 21 2004 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
wow u mages are bein pwned!
#140 Dec 22 2004 at 1:05 AM Rating: Good
346 posts
Actually, Nataraja, 11 Trade paperbacks. The 11th is a combo of two comics published of SJ articles in the News. Both very funny and very worth it. They're written slightly into the series, so don't pick em up if you don't want spoilers.

I've heard about the Spidey film/anime idea. Which I'd love to see done, especially if PAtrick Stewart plays Spider. I think he could definitely pull it off well. Plus the fact that he's a fan doesn't hurt.

That explains the complete lack of Transoceanic then. Due to work and other factors taking up almost all of my time, I no longer hit the comic stores even monthly. I'll have to look into Ellis's other works. Now, as for comic book cameo's I'm not surprised by SJ's cameo. It happens every so often, especially in Vertigo. (DC and Marvel seem to do the whole razoo and fanfare type bit.)

Now, as for people making sh[b][/b]it up on the comic grapevine, what else is new?

As for other comic books, Vertigo is my line now. (Used to be Marvel). Started out with Hellblazer, which looks like it's jumped the shark (especially with the movie coming out). Moved onto Transmet at the behest of a friend. I'm now getting into the Invisables and Sandman, and so far, they look excellent, if a bit off kilter.
#141 Dec 22 2004 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
I had seen something on that but wasn't able to figure out what it was, since "One More Time" concluded the story.

Counting those kinds of deals then there are two other TPB floating around similar to that 11th one, though I can't remember for the life of me what they're called.

Unless book 11 is a combination of those two, which would explain why they seem to have disappeared.

Invisibles is very very strange (that's Grant Morrison for you. He's my favorite author Smiley: tongue). It goes from just plain strange to penultimate (my highest commendation), though still strange, by the time you get to Kissing Mister Quimper.

Sandman is the pop-rock of comics. Neil Gaiman really is more or less a rock-star now, as far as the comic-community is concerned. (Check out his actual books too though, they are quite good. Best being "American Gods").

After you finish all 11 books of The Sandman I highly recommend you check out Lucifer by Mike Carey. It's the best spin-off I've ever read (still going strong at issue 57, though I think it's about to come to a close).

Lucifer is the only comic I bother going to pick up anymore, as it takes me a freaking hour to get to a comic book shop, living in the boondocks, as I do.
#142 Dec 22 2004 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
I apologize for bringing this thread back on track, but i am curious to know if Hiptaruu did turn a profit from his risk?
#143 Dec 22 2004 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
762 posts
I joined the Anti-Astral movement a while back. We use Electrum rings and have to wait a little longer, but ya know what, we sitll get the job done :)

(just realized what a totally random thought this was at this point in the post, but would have made sense like 100 posts back ^^)

Edited, Wed Dec 22 13:34:58 2004 by Clerico
#144 Dec 22 2004 at 1:45 PM Rating: Default
TseTsuo the Wise wrote:
I apologize for bringing this thread back on track, but i am curious to know if Hiptaruu did turn a profit from his risk?

Smiley: wink2 I suppose we'll forgive you this time Tset.

I actually asked Hip about this yesterday, and it apparently didn't work out all that great. He made a slight profit.

I want to stress that any sort of gloating or further bitching at this point would be entirely futile. Give it up.

Not you tset, just wanted to point out that there's really no purpose in any flaming prompted by this slight divergence into the realm of on-topic. Smiley: tongue

Back to your regularly scheduled squashing. Smiley: grin
#145 Dec 22 2004 at 1:53 PM Rating: Default
1,002 posts
TseTsuo the Wise wrote:
I apologize for bringing this thread back on track, but i am curious to know if Hiptaruu did turn a profit from his risk?

no apologies needed at all my friend.. here are the figures so far..

i bought 11 of the damn astral Rings..

250,0000 x11 = 2,750,000 investment..

on the first day.. somebody bought one from me for 750,000
then 2 of them sold at the AH for 400,000 each = 800,000
then i sold 2 of them to somebody for 750,000
and i sold 1 of them in the AH in sandy couple days ago = 400k

so if you add all that up..

750,000 - 1 ring
800,000 - 2 rings
750,000 - 2 rings
400,000 - 1 ring

2,700,000 Gil i have made so far, and i still have 5 more rings in my Inventory..

I could sell each of the remaining rings for 10,000 each, and break even..

So i would have to say i will prolly profit about 1 million from this if everything falls into place...

Not as much profit as i wanted, but never the less, its still profit, and i guess i will be happy with what i got..

Thanks for asking.
#146 Dec 22 2004 at 4:36 PM Rating: Good
94 posts
I just wanted to drop a quick line. I've read the thread almost entirely, but it just mind boggles me that people keep doing things like this. Sure, you can play the game however you want, but buying up all of one item is kind of rude and unfair to the other players who could benefit from it. Granted, I'm glad Hiptaru lowered the price in your bazaar...I just didn't think buying up all the Astral Rings to resell for 2x+ as much would be very dignified...yet lots of you jumped to his defense...

Soooo, can someone give me the bottom line on the Astral Ring situation?
#147 Dec 22 2004 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
First of all, The astral ring is over.. Get over it..

The thread was dead, then it got Hijacked by Pirates, and now lets just kill it.. Or keep it goin, either way i dont care, just wanted to give a big middle finger to the people who rated down my Response to Tsetsuo..

I answered his question, and then i get rated down for it..

lol I know why i got rated down.. because people are jealous..
Its funny to.. No matter how much i get rated down, for some reason my Karma is just steadily increasing!!! wierd huh

Thanks to all the People in game that have sent me /tell about the whole Post here in the Forums, This post has only boosted my fame with the general public, and of course crashed it into the ground for alot of other people.. It was funny, i was in a party the other day with my Buddy Haquej, and some of the people in the party started asking about the Astral Ring thing..

They said something like 40% of this Server hates you!!
We were like yeah, we get hated on... but the other 60% of the server loves us.. It doesnt matter who you are in game, even on these boards, we might get at each others throat, and flame each other.. But i just want to go on record.. If anybody needs help from me.. And i am not busy.. Dont be afraid to ask.. I recently hit level 70 with my BLM.. almost to 75.. and i dont mind helping anybody out.. with Advanced jobs, or Limit breaks..

If i am not busy i will help out. So yeah, Hijack the damn thread again, post pics of cats and dogs, doesnt matter.. I am pretty sure now, that 80% of the server including the JP players i party with and talk about stuff.. Oh And btw, most JP players i have spoken with this about say they thought it was risky idea, but funny also.. and they said that many people look down on me for it, but not all..

I can take the bad with the good.. Thats life, and you just gotta play with the Cards you are dealt.. Bottom line.. We all play this game, and i for one, love to get Experience points, and make lots of gil.. I mean, who doesnt like gil. When i was just a level 15 with no subjob and saw how hard it was to get gil unless you put alot of time and effort into the game, with Farming, or Crafting i made it my mission to make as much gil as possible.. Dont know why, thats jut how my Brain think..

Anyways, i am just gonna spend all my gil on spells and armor and stuff, and maybe take up some Goldsmithing again.. idk..
But once again, i think it is ridiculous how blown out of proportion this whole "Astral Ring Incedent" has gotten. Who freakin cares.. I answered Tsetsuo in honesty with his question, and i get rated down for it.. Sock puppets are all you are.. oops, i called somebody a name!!! anyways.

#148 Dec 22 2004 at 7:14 PM Rating: Excellent
883 posts
Well, this is the only opinion i'm throwing in here, for what little it's worth. You obviously can't take the bad with the good, Hip. What I really don't get is why you're so shocked that people think you're a jerk for this. You had to know that people were going to say things about it, because intelligent or not, it's profiteering. You're notorious on this board for being unable to take criticism so I guess none of us should be surprised. I would just advise, as someone with no particular opinion of you either way, that you not be so stunned when people don't like your more mercenary activities.
#149 Dec 22 2004 at 10:33 PM Rating: Good
446 posts
I think you we all failed to see the purpose of this thread.

It was pretty much started (as I'm under the impression) to show
that someone was aquiring a monopoly on a certain item.
Read from the beginning and if you still don't understand read it again. The fact of the matter is that

1. Hiptaru never had a monopoly on anything, other than probably
owning the board game.
2. This thread was posted as it seems that someone had a veiw and wanted others to share their opinion as they knew others would, even though it was not stated we all knew what it was.
3. It was proven that Hiptaru never aquired a monopoly on the
item in question, it is still proven now as people are still
buying and selling the item in question.
4. You cannot control what people are willing to pay for an
item, Hiptaru did not go into the homes of other players
and coerce them in to purchasing his wares, they did it of their own accord.

[Orange]Therefore I am requesting an admin lock this thread on the basis that it's continuation (even though we attempted to side-track it to no avail) would further deface the reputation of the person in question and could also be considered harassment
should the subject matter continue.

As a side note please remember that this is just a game and
should not be constituted as life although there may be
various similarities in the end we are all here to have fun
however we should encounter it. Be it by making a profit in
game or by helping other people in game.[/White]

*edited to add nuke request

Edited, Wed Dec 22 22:55:45 2004 by zandertheredmage
#150 Dec 22 2004 at 10:44 PM Rating: Good
346 posts
Amen Zander! Let's drop the flaming e-wang fight for 7th graders. If you're that desperate to bi[/u]tch moan and complain, go to the official flame thread. Otherwise, get your asse[u]s back into Vanadiel. /grin
#151 Dec 22 2004 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
Byaina the Tulip wrote:
Well, this is the only opinion i'm throwing in here, for what little it's worth. You obviously can't take the bad with the good, Hip. What I really don't get is why you're so shocked that people think you're a jerk for this. You had to know that people were going to say things about it, because intelligent or not, it's profiteering. You're notorious on this board for being unable to take criticism so I guess none of us should be surprised. I would just advise, as someone with no particular opinion of you either way, that you not be so stunned when people don't like your more mercenary activities.

i take stuff like this from people like you all the time.. i think that shows i take the bad with the good..
i have taken lots of crap from people here, and i will admit, i have not handled it well in the past... but people learn, and evolve. so, thanks for your post.. I think that everybody sees whats going on in thier own eyes..

Of course people are gonna get upset when the Forum Police make posts about me.. Its only natural.. they just want to kiss butt so they can get rate ups.. me myself, i dont like getting rated down, i am sure lots of people dont like that.. that is why when i post something, its usually thought out, and doesnt have any spelling errors.. i make them sometimes, but hey, i am human..

Thanks for showing your true colors to me.. I guess you are one of the Forum Police too..

P.S.. Thank you Zander!

Edited, Wed Dec 22 22:49:01 2004 by Hiptaruu
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