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Why there are no Astral Rings.Follow

#102 Dec 19 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
Haquej wrote:
i just saw this thread and skipped everything and gonna to my point.

#103 Dec 19 2004 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
Haquej wrote:

In conclusion, i didnt post this to defend hiptaru. I posted cuz i was bored and i wanted to get flamed so i could have a argument with some of u.

Flame Thread Anyone?
#104 Dec 19 2004 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
nataraja i hope RTFT doesnt means read the ?????? thread. But im going to assume u did.

First of all i saw ur sig thingy, ur highest is level 29, you shouldnt give a damn if hip is selling them high, 1mil is not alot, if u think 1mil is alot, just quit and shut up, and go to hell. You polly make 10k in 1 day, me i make 100k+ if i cared enough and when hip stop bugging me to xp so hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, so in 10 days i think i can buy a astral ring, while it takes u 100days, if thats the case stop flaming hip about the rings. Astral rings are rich items, if ur not rich get the eletcrum ring.

Now if RTFT doesnt mean read the ?????? thread, just ignore me d^^ happy ^^
#105 Dec 19 2004 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
Isnt this thread done yet? Come on let it go...

Im done, I already posted my four cents on this...

^^ to all
#106 Dec 19 2004 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
it does mean "read the fuc[i][/i]kin' thread. the subject at hand has already been resolved and has been closed for discussion. you just further prove how big of an idiot you are by talking.

oh, and great way to bring somebody's level into this. means jack **** pal <3
#107 Dec 19 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmm levels and money makes a diffenence. And the disscussion is not over. <3 People still dont like Hiptaru is this over? <3
Am i a idiot? <3 dont think so <3

Alauce <3 no name calling ^^
nataraja <3 no F words ^^

Now lets leave Hiptaru evil plans alone and buy his astrals, and btw, this thread was still in first page so im damn sure it wasnt over Alauce <3 i dont go pass page 2 <3

Ok everyone <3
#108 Dec 19 2004 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
haquej, haquej, haquej..

They have always hated on me.. not all of them.. just alot of them.. they hated on me with my casino.. ohh how they hated one me..

I have pretty much come to the conclusion that people are gonna get upset, point fingers, try to make moral points, and do whatver the can.. I used to get sooooooooooo mad at the fact that people were having different opinions than me, and i would get all pissy and threaten to leave..

Then i realized.. (with the help of alot of people sending me private messages) I rock!! i am loved in many ways, and i dont need people being nice to me in a forum to prove that..

I think its funny you are getting everybodys feathers all up in the air and stuff.. so i will see you tonight when i log on.. but i gotta go to the Secret Santa party first..

aight peace... btw, you can borrow my Astrals anytime you want.
#109 Dec 19 2004 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
Haquej wrote:
nataraja i hope RTFT doesnt means read the ?????? thread. But im going to assume u did.

First of all i saw ur sig thingy, ur highest is level 29, you shouldnt give a damn if hip is selling them high, 1mil is not alot, if u think 1mil is alot, just quit and shut up, and go to hell. You polly make 10k in 1 day, me i make 100k+ if i cared enough and when hip stop bugging me to xp so hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, so in 10 days i think i can buy a astral ring, while it takes u 100days, if thats the case stop flaming hip about the rings. Astral rings are rich items, if ur not rich get the eletcrum ring.

Now if RTFT doesnt mean read the ?????? thread, just ignore me d^^ happy ^^


/ja Dismiss Haquej
#110 Dec 19 2004 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
;) /ma warp <me>
#111 Dec 19 2004 at 8:25 PM Rating: Default
446 posts
Haquej wrote:
nataraja i hope RTFT doesnt means read the ?????? thread. But im going to assume u did.

First of all i saw ur sig thingy, ur highest is level 29, you shouldnt give a damn if hip is selling them high, 1mil is not alot, if u think 1mil is alot, just quit and shut up, and go to hell. You polly make 10k in 1 day, me i make 100k+ if i cared enough and when hip stop bugging me to xp so hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, so in 10 days i think i can buy a astral ring, while it takes u 100days, if thats the case stop flaming hip about the rings. Astral rings are rich items, if ur not rich get the eletcrum ring.

Now if RTFT doesnt mean read the ?????? thread, just ignore me d^^ happy ^^

You set yourself wide open for that one I bet you didn't even read the RTFT Post did you? If you had you would have noticed that this thread had been hijacked a long time ago and we were all swept into a very titalating conversation regarding Wintaru's fascinating felines......

Damn people rehijacked my hijack

Nataraja quit being a bit[b][/b]ch and Dismissing people.

#112 Dec 19 2004 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
mmm. yes.

I am teh uber sexhay dubble postorz.

Edited, Sun Dec 19 20:36:46 2004 by nataraja
#113 Dec 19 2004 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
Sir zandertheredmage wrote:
Nataraja quit being a bit[/b]ch and Dismissing people.


Bah! Go warp yourself.

Come [b]on
Wintaru. Where are those kitty pictures? >.<
#114 Dec 19 2004 at 8:35 PM Rating: Good
194 posts
*Stabs the thread numerous times*

The thread is dead. Let it die.

On a side note:
#115 Dec 19 2004 at 8:38 PM Rating: Decent
But it's now the kitty thread. We can't let it die!

Besides, it's fun squashing it.

As to the side note, that's freakin' fantastic. Did someone put the cat there or did it get there all by itself? Smiley: grin
#116 Dec 19 2004 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
No idea. I got the pic in an email from my aunt in one of those "cute pet pictures" things. Here's another that's a little less "awww cute" and a little more "whoa how'd that happen" >.>
#117 Dec 19 2004 at 8:50 PM Rating: Default
to read RTFT just too stupid not gonna bother. I never leave myself open, if i do i just couter. Why do ppl gotta be ********? Did i insult u zander? if i did go ahead and slap urself. I bet u do that alot irl for the fact you feel great slapping ppl around in the server. Stop attacking ppl zander, no wonder why hiptaru have soooo many ppl hating him. I always see the same ppl talking ****, whats up with that? stop messing around in the forums and play the god damn game, lets all be happy ^^ Hijack my *** RTFT my ***, its useless when the thread is going on. If you want to stop someone plz lock this thread. If it isnt and i c it ont he first page then its not over.

Got me cooked now.

Nija wtf ur name is go level, Alauce go to hell, Zander stfu i liked you cuz ur evil friend, you pl me and you cured me when i got aggroed in my rdm, dont make this stupid.

Tsetuo wtf is it, why do u have to expose Hiptaru plan? Why do you insult him? Maybe if you leave him alone and play the god damn game, we all can be happy. But instead you wanna attack hiptaru, make his name bad. If you didnt mean too, *********

HIjack? ITS OVER? its not over damn not. What did we prove? Hiptaru is a prick. Still is, why? cuz some idiot posted a pic of him buying it.

Im not saying this cuz of hiptaru, Im saying this cuz most of you ppl have no lives, i dont have a life, but i dont go ruin ppl fun in game by going off the game and make a rally against someone.

So, lets all stfu for once and leave each other alone. When i said i wanted someone to flame me, i was jk, but i didnt expect to see this many ******** calling ppl names and insulting others. OMG no wonder Hip has alot of ppl hating him, you just go insult others w/o reason.

God damn, why so much hate? do ur lives suck in real life? so you feel better insulting ppl over the computer? thats just too bad.

Now i expect nothing after this post. -.-
#118 Dec 19 2004 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
I can't understand anything you just said. o.o Rants are generally more effective when they're... y'know. Coherent. But hey! If it makes you feel better, glad you got it all off your chest! ^^
#119 Dec 19 2004 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
lol 3 post came in before i click on mine ^^

Ok post dead

Hugs everyone
#120 Dec 19 2004 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
lol, the cat looks comfortable in the toilet, which is the odd part. In actuality I think it's a photoshop-edited pic of a toilet with a curled-up cat overlayed. Either that or the toilet doesn't function, as no cat would consign itself to reside in any area with standing water, given drier options.

Haq, you might actually benefit from reading the entire thread. For example you would learn tsetsuo's actual intentions with this thread; intentions on which I had previously called him out. They differ from your own impression of events in a number of key areas, and I will vouch for the man insofar as to state that I have never known him to lie.

Your intentions of defending your friend are admirable, and I commend you, but the manner in which you have chosen to do so has thus far left me underwhelmed.

To say the least.
#121 Dec 19 2004 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
!!!!! Hey Wintaru can i use that as my avatar? Pretty pleaseeeeeee?

#122 Dec 19 2004 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
Sir zandertheredmage wrote:
!!!!! Hey Wintaru can i use that as my avatar? Pretty pleaseeeeeee?


uh, that wasn't wintaru who posted the pic. It was Femme.

RTFT zander! RTFT!!!!

^^ Smiley: tongue
#123 Dec 19 2004 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
OMG FEMME CAN I USE THAT AS MY AVATAR!?!?!?! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3

heh heh heh
#124 Dec 20 2004 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
194 posts
I hold no rights to that pic, so use away :P
#125 Dec 20 2004 at 12:51 AM Rating: Good
I finally bothered to figure out exactly what your current avatar is Zander.

Spider Jerusalem

/salute Zander

Smiley: grin
#126 Dec 20 2004 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
I wanna see pic of Merodi kitty pictures ; ;
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