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Why there are no Astral Rings.Follow

#52 Dec 10 2004 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts

You 3 are the people responsible for most of my Karma getting camped.. i know it.. and you 3 have always had negative things to say about me.. So as far as i am concerned.. /blist me and get over it.. You are getting upset over a video game..

Hiptaru you are absolutely retarded. I RARELY get on these boards anymore, I just happened to stop in yesterday to look up WAR AF crap. So, if your karma is getting "camped" lately it sure as hell isn't from me. And you say "You are getting all upset over a video game" well you're getting all upset over karma, which is weaker?

Look, buy your rings, price them at 4 mill then cram them up your midget a[/b]ss, I could care less, I don't play mages anyhow. The thing that bugs me about you is that whenever you do something slimey like this your first response is to "kill them with kindness" in your posts and if you were intelligent as you claim you are, you would stop right there. However, you soon show your true side by calling people names and getting all pissed off and threatening to "leave the boards" , *shudder.*

What I found out about your little /shouting in Jeuno after you bought the rings that made it bad was you said "Anyone want to buy an Astral ring, hehe" Now if you are so smart don't play dumba[b]
ss on this one. You wouldn't put "hehe" in your fu[/b]ckin' shouts if you didn't think you were trying to be "clever" or doing something slimey.

Like I said, run your casino, that only hurts the dumba[b]
sses who play them, just don't /shout. But don't start buying up items that other people have been working hard to save for, only to run up to the AH to get their long awaited prize to find out they are about 900k short today because some little di[/b]ck decided to be "clever" that day. That sh[b]it ruins people's day, and if none of you see that then you are no better than selfish little Hiptaru. Good day.
#53 Dec 10 2004 at 2:04 PM Rating: Excellent
172 posts
Think for a moment what would happen if the gil sellers finally got smart enough to realize that they could not only monopolize NM claims.. but monopolize the auction house as well. Say, for example, that Jerryz was the one buying all of the Astral Rings. Everyone on the server would jump all over it and claim foul play, demanding that the GMs would do something about it. They could do this with any luxury item, fortunately they haven't yet.

In this situation though, at least Hiptaru is a legit player. However, what's going to happen if more people start following this trend? Hmm.. I have about 4.5 mil on me, I think I'll just go buy out all of the Fuma Kyahan and Jujitsu Gis and resell them at 500,000 each.

Oh wait.. along comes 10 more people with a ton of gil to blow. They see what I did with the Gi and Kyahan, so they decide to clean out their armor of choice and resell at a 1000% markup. Damn.. now every piece of equipment is 10 times what it used to cost.

To sum it all up, I don't like this tactic. It's not against the ToS at all, but I don't think it's going to lead to anything good. I can picture AH item-clearing and reselling as the new problem that FFXI will have. This could be a problem in any MMORPG, but this is the only one I've ever played.
#54 Dec 10 2004 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
anyone wanna buy an astral ring?

#55 Dec 10 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
With the yuletide season approaching, didn't anyone think that maybe Hiptaru is going to treat his LS mates and closest friends to some nice gifts for christmas?

Anyway, I think this thread has reached the typical Tse oh my god I can't believe their flaming me threshhold, it's probably time to call an admin to nuke it, right Tse?
#56 Dec 10 2004 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
Adding my opinion.

It is worth noting that Hip put the rings up in his bazaar rather than up on AH.

Regardless of your opinions on whether his actions were in poor form or not, I should think that at the very least his choice of how he's selling them is worth a small commendation.

Once he is done making what profit he can, there is a much smaller chance of his inflated prices sticking on the market due to the AH sales list.

Now then, this arguement is getting way out of hand. On both sides. Regardless of who started it this has progressed beyond the scope of the OP, becoming more of a personal battle based on many prior incidences. It reflects poorly on those partaking.

Just thought I'd point that out.

Hip, I do have to agree that overall this Astral Ring deal, while smart, was a pretty dirty thing to do. Understand however that in GENERAL I have absolutely no problem with you otherwise. Even your much-hated casino.

Tsetsuo, whether you believe it or not, I have a great deal of respect for you based on what posts of yours I have read. However I think this thread was in poor form. You have been here long enough to know what sort of thread would result from that OP, and I can't help but wonder if that was what you were hoping for. It makes me rather sad.

That's all I have say regarding this thread.
#57 Dec 10 2004 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
Tsetsuo, whether you believe it or not, I have a great deal of respect for you based on what posts of yours I have read. However I think this thread was in poor form. You have been here long enough to know what sort of thread would result from that OP, and I can't help but wonder if that was what you were hoping for. It makes me rather sad.

I posted it without posting my opinion at first to see what other people felt, and as i stated People posted both pro and con.

Again i will say this. The idea, if it works, is a good one financially, i question the morals of it though.

I posted a topic that would bring about discussion on morals/economy and for the most part it did. Until some people started in with name calling etc.
#58 Dec 10 2004 at 4:06 PM Rating: Excellent
175 posts
for the record, this:


GilSellers will go away GreedyBastards will take over.

was the first bit of namecalling that I saw in this thread. Just something to ponder.
#59 Dec 10 2004 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
bleh.. i drank alot of vodka, and smoked alot of cigarettes...

The whole fact of the matter is, that rings will be pushed up to about 400-500k each.. Den of Rancor is a bit harder to camp then the Castle of Oztroja..

All the other Servers are handling the change quite well, but on the otherhand, Bismarck is having some birth pangs.. It will be ok.. Once again, the only name i shouted out was Crybaby if i can remember at this point and time..

FFXI will still be able to be played on our Server, and it looks like I am not gonna make a big profit out of the whole "Why there are no Astral Rings.:" Incindent.. All i gotta say is you better be glad it was me.. and not some other Japanese player who has a faster connection, and gets your NM before you do.. Or be glad one of the Chinese Gilsellers you all love to hate so much didnt get the tipoff from one of his Best Friends in game to buy all the Astral Rings you can because They will be sorta hard to get now(and whos name will be left out of the post..)

My LS HipnotikNation Will all reap the benefits of "Why there are no Astral Rings.:" because they have been with me every single step of they way, and given me moral support. Hell even the people who have actually got a sense of humor.. they will get some sort of compensation.. It is very funny to me how you really do get YOUR PANTIES IN A BUNCH about stuff like this..

Hell, let the Flame Wars continue.. I wanted to make a joke and post a pic, and see what happened.. well this is what i get, a whole boatload of ljkgh[osd0-31weknml;f and a bit more of it.. The rings are being sold.. and the price will be a bit more for the rings, just like it is for ever other server, I was just smart enough to do it before the others..

Sue me.
#60 Dec 10 2004 at 5:10 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
was the first bit of namecalling that I saw in this thread. Just something to ponder.

you're right, i was thinking in broader terms though i can see how it could be taken as a direct insult.

Edited, Fri Dec 10 17:23:14 2004 by TseTsuo
#61 Dec 10 2004 at 5:22 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
With the yuletide season approaching, didn't anyone think that maybe Hiptaru is going to treat his LS mates and closest friends to some nice gifts for christmas?

dunno, he certainly never said he was. If i kill 10 people for someone and he pays me 1 million dollars and i donate that money to the Salvation Army does that make it ok? Extreme exmaple i know but i hope my point is taken.

Anyway, I think this thread has reached the typical Tse oh my god I can't believe their flaming me threshhold, it's probably time to call an admin to nuke it, right Tse?

I had the other thread nuked for your LS's benefit because it was unfair to the non-involved members that their reputations should be tainted by your actions. If you really feel the need to rehash this i can post it again?

You also make it sound like my M.O. when in reality it has happened 1 time.

Try to stay on one topic OK, i know it's tough.

Hiptaruu wrote:
Hell even the people who have actually got a sense of humor.. they will get some sort of compensation..

Still buying things i see.

Edited, Fri Dec 10 17:25:41 2004 by TseTsuo
#62 Dec 10 2004 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
I can't believe that people are getting mad at Hiptaru for this. He was very smart to take advantage of the situation so he could make some money.

For those of you that are freaking out about this, stop acting like little kids. Its not Hiptaru's fault that he's so much smarter than you and happens to know how to make gil...
#63 Dec 10 2004 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
280 posts
You know why i'm not a cry baby but this is just low Hiptaru... i hope whatever you do in life fails :) good day
#64 Dec 10 2004 at 10:54 PM Rating: Excellent
996 posts
iamblueman wrote:
For those of you that are freaking out about this, stop acting like little kids. Its not Hiptaru's fault that he's so much smarter than you and happens to know how to make gil...
Last time I checked, kindness to others was not representative of a lack of intelligence.
#65 Dec 10 2004 at 11:21 PM Rating: Good
30 posts
Nothing wrong with gambling a bit with the AH.

I very much doubt anyone will buy Astral Rings for more than the usual 250k though. ^^
#66 Dec 11 2004 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
716 posts
This isn't very yuletide-y...

You all do realize that money-grubbing in a fictional universe is slightly less productive than banging your head against a spikestrip repeatedly right?

Morals play no part in this. You guys can be high and mighty all you want and say there is, for certain, a set sense of good and bad installed in every person and it's universal. Buuuut ya know what, oh wise one? It ain't universal. Your morals aren't his. His aren't yours. Different people have different views on life.

Two people know something about a flaw or glitch in a game that could possibly get them ahead. Person A doesn't exploit it because he thinks it sits unwell with him and/or others. Person B, however, has no qualms over such things, and takes full advantage of it. Is either person a bad person? That's all relative. You have no right to call morals into play here, because, to put it simply you don't dictate what is moral or immoral.

Now, I know Hiptaru to be a great guy. He can be brash at times, a bit dense at times, but no more than the rest of us. He's as equally nice and equally ruthless as everybody else I've had the pleasure of knowing in this game. He may do things that may not sit well with others. Hell, he may do things that downright disgust other people. But you've absolutely no right whatsoever to call his morality into play. It's a low, dirty tactic to use. Almost as low as, say.. exploiting a flaw or possible business opportunity, perhaps?
#67 Dec 11 2004 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
446 posts

Hiptaru did something that as much as you all are moaning, ******** and whining about you would have done as well had
you the resources. The fact of the matter is you didn't and he did. What he did has absolutely nothing to do with the season and how you feel when you wake up in the morning. Like I already said get over it. Hell if I had the money I would have done the same damn thing he did except I didn't he made what he saw to be a sound financial investment and I applaud him for that.
And seriously if gilfarmers were that smart they would have done this a long time ago with the higher priced items. It was already done by them so to the person who said "What if the gilfarmers start doing this?" Look at the Auction House history you will see them buying from eachother and selling at a higher rate to puch prices up.
And you know what if you have been farming long enough to save up for a high priced item whats a few more days of farming? I have done this repeatedly only to find the item I was saving up for went up in price. But did I blame Hiptaru? Did I blame any of you people in here who are all guilty of selling an item on the Auction House for more than it's worth? And don't you damn dare deny it. We have all done what Hiptaru did at one time or another. I know I have. He just was able to do it on a much larger scale.
Another thing to that is pissing me off is the fact that I forgot to gas up my car this morning!?!?!!?!?!?! GODDAMNWTFOMGYOUSUCK was that Hiptaru's fault too?

Stop it now. He did it you've done it too end of story.



Edited, Sat Dec 11 11:16:03 2004 by zandertheredmage
#68 Dec 11 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
For the 1 billionth time i am not disputing his intelligence, IT IS A GOOD FINANCIAL MOVE.

Stop it now. He did it you've done it too end of story.

I'm fairly certain that is a false statement.

Edited, Sat Dec 11 11:39:18 2004 by TseTsuo
#69 Dec 11 2004 at 11:38 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
double post ^^

Edited, Sat Dec 11 11:38:25 2004 by TseTsuo
#70 Dec 11 2004 at 11:44 AM Rating: Default
446 posts
TseTsuo the Wise wrote:
I'm fairly certain that is a false statement.

Edited, Sat Dec 11 11:39:18 2004 by TseTsuo

You mean to tell me you have never ever in your entire VanA'Diel life ever sold something for more than it was worth or more than you bought it for? That I do find hard to believe.
#71 Dec 11 2004 at 11:57 AM Rating: Excellent
1,477 posts
zandertheredmage the Wise wrote:
TseTsuo the Wise wrote:
I'm fairly certain that is a false statement.

Edited, Sat Dec 11 11:39:18 2004 by TseTsuo

You mean to tell me you have never ever in your entire VanA'Diel life ever sold something for more than it was worth or more than you bought it for? That I do find hard to believe.

I'm going to regret even posting in this thread, but I will all the same.

TseTsuo already said he has sold something for more than it's worth, specifically when there is only one of the item or no items at AH. He also said that he has never bought out the entire stock to gain a temporary monopoly only to mark it up 300%. His belief is that the two practices are not the same and, karma trolls be damned, I happen to agree with him.

I'm only stating my observation of what TseTsuo already said; I'm not trying to involve myself in an argument. I really don't want to post in this thread again. :*-(
#72 Dec 11 2004 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
446 posts
If he had bought out the entire Auction House of Astral Rings then why on that day and several days after that did I see more than 7 rings total sell at 300-400k on the Auction House?

He never did monopolize anything. Jealousy maybe? Ignorance on our part for reading a post and not bothering to check the Auction House history on sales? Everyone was just crying wolf when there really never was one.

Yet again I reiterate...


Dead Horse Topic no? {Yes please}

Edited, Sat Dec 11 12:17:23 2004 by zandertheredmage
#73 Dec 11 2004 at 3:30 PM Rating: Excellent
205 posts
And seriously if gilfarmers were that smart they would have done this a long time ago with the higher priced items.

Soooo, It's not ok in the case of leaping boots and hairpins, but it's ok in this case because you know Hiptaru and maybe he'll buy you something for sticking up for him because he's uber rich? lol
Jealousy maybe?

Sorry but nope. It actually sounds like you're the jealous one. Wierd huh?

You first buddy.
#74 Dec 11 2004 at 3:57 PM Rating: Good
446 posts
AutechreBlm wrote:
And seriously if gilfarmers were that smart they would have done this a long time ago with the higher priced items.

Soooo, It's not ok in the case of leaping boots and hairpins, but it's ok in this case because you know Hiptaru and maybe he'll buy you something for sticking up for him because he's uber rich? lol
Jealousy maybe?

Sorry but nope. It actually sounds like you're the jealous one. Wierd huh?

You first buddy.

If you are going to quote me I suggest you re-read my original response on this page, you will see that I did state the gilfarmers were already doing it. And as far as needing Hiptaru to buy me anything .... please far from it. Some people actually spend as much time as they can farming. And as far as getting over it? It seems that the phrase is working a bit. And what I did say earlier is true. Hiptaru never had a monopoly on the rings. Not even for one good second. However I think everyone's
/ja "Exxagerate"
must have gone up by 6 whole levels in this thread. Next time I suggest someone check the sales history in the Auction House before someone starts assuming that someone is monopolizing on a particular item. And no Tsetsuo I am not referring to you because all you did was post the information which lead me to believe you were non-biased in the whole scheme of things. I direct this towards everyone else who like I said earlier was crying wolf where there was really a small little kitten saying "mew." (And no I am not calling Hiptaru a kitten, nor am I directly calling anyone any sort of mammal other than human being, however I am stating that we all exxagerated a bit too much on this topic, much like the many times a day I die when I play >.< )

edited because i can't spell

Edited, Sat Dec 11 15:58:54 2004 by zandertheredmage
#75 Dec 11 2004 at 4:27 PM Rating: Good
415 posts
ok I just have one thing to say about this...
I am pretty sure that a majority of the people who post on these threads have done things such as selling items for more then they are worth, if not as extreme as what Hiptaruu is doing.
A lot of people are saying, It's not a business, its a game, or something like that.
Well, yeah... it is a game.... and maybe your way of having fun in this game has nothing to do with gil. But maybe Hiptaruu just wants to make tons of gil, (who knows what he is going to do with it), but also, as some people said, people are still selling them for 250k, so if you're planning on buying them, you may still be able to buy them for 250k, who knows.
Maybe Hiptaruu just happened to think of something that will make him a hell of a lot richer, maybe he will get screwed, but I guess Hiptaruu likes gil, and instead of buying gil online, which some people rely on to make their fortune, he decided to gamble with the AH
O and did anyone notice the number of rate downs for the people defending Hiptaruu?
and the number of rate-ups for the people against him?
again... lol...

Edited, Sat Dec 11 16:30:24 2004 by aerweny
#76 Dec 11 2004 at 5:06 PM Rating: Good
15 posts
meh, this Astral Rings issue isnt all that bad, just let hip have them, until price gets back to normal, if u do have 1mil to spend in some bling, its cool, if u dont, not a big deal, u can live w/o them, i feel bad for that Galka guy who wanted to try whm tho.
Overall i think as tse, a wise economic move, but very antisocial, if i had the gil, i wouldnt buy any of hips rings, just cuz i think its stupid paying 1mil for 250k rings, but there is lots of stupid/gil buyers out there and hips knows that and exploit it and there is the part i really hate, GIL BUYERS.
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