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Why there are no Astral Rings.Follow

#27 Dec 09 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
No, anti-trust lawyer (ATL) is a new advanced job they're presently working on for the next expansion. ~.^
#28 Dec 09 2004 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
175 posts
I really have to agree with the last couple of posts. Hiptaru isn't doing anything wrong. He is playing the game, plain and simple. The prices will come back down eventually and Hip will probably be pretty well off because he had the good sense to take advantage of it.

I mean, look at the prices of tomatoes in the SE US right now. The hurricanes put tomatoes in very short supply. So guess what, they are extremely expensive. They are so expensive that many restaurants either simply don't have any, or they charge you extra for a slice of tomato on your hamburger. Now, the growers that invested in expensive drainage and covered fields and whatnot took a gamble, since those were things they didn't really need. The other growers had less overhead and made better money, but when the hurricanes came and destroyed their crops, the guys that made the investment and took the risk shot the prices up since they had all the tomatoes.

In the end, there were consumers willing to pay and consumers that were not willing to pay. When the latter surpasses the former, then the prices will fall again. If the latter never surpasses the former then the items truly are worth the amount being paid for them.
#29 Dec 09 2004 at 1:57 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
In my OP i never stated whether it was bad or good, i simply stated what happened.

As i posted before i think it could be a smart move on his part, financially.

However. It is not against the rules for me to farm lizards in Dunes, or any mob for that matter in a populated XP zone. It is not against the rules for me to steal peoples mining points.

Can I do it? sure. Would i be a **** if i did? Sure.

Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD. If he had camped his own coffer's and stocked up and then sold them i would have less of a problem. the fact that he is basically exploiting a momentary lapse in the stability of the economy to make a quick buck is what is annoying.

Then to sit and shout in jeuno about it just added to the annoyance.

The best part was when i asked about it in tells his response was basically "Too bad you aren't rich then you wouldn't have this problem"

I guess i wish I had more gil but not by recieving handouts from stupid players who don't know better. [read casino operator]
#30 Dec 09 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Excellent
1,315 posts
I'm civil with Hiptaru when I see him, but alas a rarely agree with any of his Greedalox-ness....

But this does kinda take the cake. A casino where someone stupid enough to throw away money on is simply annoying, but it isn't REALLY hurting anyone I guess except for the moron losing his money.

However, for someone who has benefited so fully from others' stupidity to purchase actual items that other players need and use in this game for FUN and hike the price up in an attempt to fatten his/her pockets is kinda just mean. Sorry Mr. Galka who wants to try a mage job, go fu[/b]ck yourself, or pay over 1 million gil for a friggin' ring. Unreal.

And any of you defend his actions, shame on you. You might be a nice person to party with or even IRL, I don't know. But this is going a little too far and you know it. Don't give me the "business man" crap either, last I looked on the screen you were a Taru midget in-game, wearing a stupid looking hat and casting spells, not a "man" at all. Get over your self and your wad of cash and sh[b]
it, I don't know, craft, fish do SOMETHING other than stuff like this. I wanted to like you more than Drebond (which isn't too hard cause that guy is a tool) but you just don't quit. If you think stunts like this are "Ok" and "I don't see where he's doing anything wrong" then your just as bad as a gilseller. Some people want to just have fun playing this game and get the best equipment they can to make up for lacking racial stats on certain jobs. They should not have to farm and do nothing but farm for 2 months to buy one fu[b][/b]cking ring. This is exactly what drives people to buy gil online, then we come full circle.

#31 Dec 09 2004 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
251 posts
TseTsuo wrote:
Can I do it? sure. Would i be a @#%^ if i did? Sure.

Exactly my point.

Is lumping Hip with the gilsellers exactly fair? Maybe, maybe not - but in the respect I'm doing it, I feel its entirely accurate. Clearly the goal is to control the supply in hopes of making more off it, even if that control is only for a short time.

Is it as bad in the long run? No. He can't camp the AH 24/7 forever, and keep the price up indefinitely. He can't get every Astral ever popped out of a coffer. He'd probably run out of money before Astrals started selling regularly at his price.

Oh, and he was /shouting about it in Jeuno? Heh. Glad I'll never have to hear that.

Edit: Taking out an extra 't' in TseTsuo's name.

And adding that Trizz has it right as well, I think.

Edited, Thu Dec 9 14:21:23 2004 by Velfire
#32 Dec 09 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
Hello! its me again.. Hiptaru..

You know what TseTsuo.. Get over it, i bought a few Astral Rings, and i am going to sell them for profit if i can.. You sit there whine and ***** about it, and you know what.. nobody cares.. If i run a Casino.. you cry... If i run a raffle.. you cry.. If i do anything that makes people think hmm why didnt i think of that, or i do something and then people say hmmm thats a good idea, good for him... You just have to get your panties in a bunch again...

Its getting old, no matter what i do, you just have to be a big cry baby about it.. I mean, is it really the end of the world that i bought some astral rings for the Regualar price at the AH when i knew that they were gonna be hard to get ahold of, and now i am gonna sell them for a profit..

I dont expect to get 1 million gil for each of them, but i can try if i want.. People are gonna buy them.. And you get all pissy and say that you hope it comes back to bite me in my ***..
What kind of things is that to say to somebody.. thats like me saying that i hope that something you do that will make you a bit of money or something.. i hope it bites you in the ***..

I dont want that to happen to anybody.. I wish you nothing but the best of luck in you journeys thru vanadiel, and hope you make more gil than it says you had in your screenshot.. 1.7million gil is a good chunk of change for you to have, alot of people dream of having that.. I hope you find a way to double your money over night, that way you can have more gil to skill up your crafts..

I have no idea why you choose to target me and talk all your ****** but get over it.. It really is just a video game, and i think that you take it a bit to seriously.. You made this thread to make people get upset at me, but look at the responses.. Sure some people dont like what i did, but it looks like most of the posts on this thread are getting my back and saying there is nothing wrong with what i did..

And all you can do is Complain... Well best of luck to you.. and as for me being on peoples /blist.. boo fricken hoo i dont need you and you dont need me.. darn another person that hates on me.. you know what they say about getting hated on..

You know your Famous when people start hating you.. or however it goes.. I dont wish for anybody to have thier Gil making ideas turn around and bite them in the ***.. I made a buisness Decision, and you are jealous of it.. plain and simple.. stop acting like a 5 year old running to his mommy because the other kid stole his candy cane..


#33 Dec 09 2004 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts

Can you all please leave Hiptaru alone. Please do not impose your ethics on others.

He's playing the game his own way. There are those of us that level up high to endgame, and there are some that stop leveling and enjoy the economic aspect of the game, just let him play the way he wants, be it casino, or price speculation. Plus if you didn't know, this type of things happens all the time.

AD got control of Cassie for a whole week once and got a bunch of earings. We cornered the market, did we try to raise the price? you bet we did. Several HNM ls obtained TOD of monsters at obscured hours basically can control price over certain items and yet they do raise prices. Before recipes were leaked, a small circle of people control the whole elemental ore market. **** like this happen. Its basic economy. This isn't happy happy village. By constantly complaining, it made me think that you all are jealous that you couldn't bought out the supply before he does.
#34 Dec 09 2004 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
According to what I have found, they come from Dec of Rancor coffers now.

And, Hiptaru is annoying, shadey and a very easy target as if you **** him off too much he goes into self destruct mode calling everyone 12 year old names and threatening to leave allakhazam's community (I wish this would come true one of these times). If he is going to continue to do shadey things, people are going to continue to expose him for it, that is their right just as it is his right to continue his anti-social business practices.

Hiptaru there is a difference between being "famous" and "infamous."


#35 Dec 09 2004 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
624 posts
Man, tweed, I just got finished reading the posts in this thread, you took the words right outta my mouth, overall, what he did, I don't consider to be "wrong" mostly because I don't think of things as "wrong" or "right" because I think of those as extremes, and we all know there's a gray area... but anyways, I still don't like what Hiptaru did, i'm not in need of astral rings, and never will be, mage jobs ain't my style, but I do know that my dad (yeah, he plays FFXI) is a galka, he wanted to try out whm, he said he wouldn't take it past 10 still he got some astrals, and has been trying to make money since, he doesn't have alot of playtime due to work, etc... so in a way for him at least, it's become like a second job... not the FUN GAME he used to play
#36 Dec 09 2004 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
I was waiting for you to post Tweedius... here is whats up..


You 3 are the people responsible for most of my Karma getting camped.. i know it.. and you 3 have always had negative things to say about me.. So as far as i am concerned.. /blist me and get over it.. You are getting upset over a video game..


Velfire you are one of the new Hiptaru Haters.. Ohh noo, i got another Gamer mad, i suggest that you add me to your blist also if i am not already on it..

So all i gotta say is.. Tweedius Trizzoro TseTsuo Velfire all 4 of you go ahead and rate me down every single chance you get, because you already do... Go ahead and talk all the ***** about me you want, how i am a evil player and a bad player, because everbody else knows that i am not a bad person..

As far as i am concerned, none of your Stupid Accusations, and Arguments really mean anything to me, so i am pointing all 4 of you out now.. You 4 are just gonna have to get over it.. I hope that all 4 of you have good luck and are successful in your journeys in Vanadiel, and i hope you keep playing the game and having fun with it for as long as you can, until a better game comes out..

You all have nothing positive to say about me at all, and all i am gonna do is sit here and /wave /smile and move on with my life.. Its very entertaining for me to come check up on the posts here a work from time to time, so thanks for giving me a smile on my face today.. At least you 4 are happy griping and moaning about things you have no control over.. I bet you even think about me at night while you lay in bed.. all the horrible things you would love to do the Evil Hiptaru, because i am such a big A-hole and ruin the game for everybody else..

Anyways.. now i am gonna go sell a Cell phone and make some Commision.. peace.
#37 Dec 09 2004 at 6:41 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
You know what TseTsuo.. Get over it, i bought a few Astral Rings,

All of them

and i am going to sell them for profit if i can.. You sit there whine and ***** about it,

I will
and you know what.. nobody cares.. If i run a Casino.. you cry...

If i run a raffle.. you cry..

If i do anything that makes people think hmm why didnt i think of that,
I have been buying and reselling items for some time. I don't buy out the stock and i don't resell for over 5 times the original price?

or i do something and then people say hmmm thats a good idea, good for him... You just have to get your panties in a bunch again...

Read both my posts I agree it is a good financial Idea, it is a poor one socially. You know, some people actually think about others not just themselves

Its getting old, no matter what i do, you just have to be a big cry baby about it..
I'm pretty sure this is the first time that I really responded and even then my OP was simply to inform anyone who was hoping/planning on buying them soon that they would be unable to.

I mean, is it really the end of the world that i bought some astral rings

for the Regualar price at the AH when i knew that they were gonna be hard to get ahold of, and now i am gonna sell them for a profit..
And obviously I hope you fail since in doing so the price would go back to normal.

I dont expect to get 1 million gil for each of them, but i can try if i want.. People are gonna buy them.. And you get all pissy and say that you hope it comes back to bite me in my ***..
/sigh as i have said before, financially it was a GOOD idea, you can stop trying to imply the opposite.

What kind of things is that to say to somebody..
The Truth, I DO hope this backfires on you, as stated above, so the rings can be purchased at a reasonable price.

thats like me saying that i hope that something you do that will make you a bit of money or something.. i hope it bites you in the ***..
If what i was doing impacted you in a negative way you would want me to succeed?

I dont want that to happen to anybody.. I wish you nothing but the best of luck in you journeys thru vanadiel, and hope you make more gil than it says you had in your screenshot..
1.7million gil is a good chunk of change for you to have, alot of people dream of having that.. I hope you find a way to double your money over night, that way you can have more gil to skill up your crafts..
I also wish you luck in all that you do that is not exploitative orpreying on the ignorance and stupidity of other players.

I have no idea why you choose to target me and talk all your sh*te, but get over it..
I think it's fairly obvious why I brought this up to the public

It really is just a video game, and i think that you take it a bit to seriously..
I try to enjoy something that I, as we all, Invested a great deal of time as well as a monthly fee to use. When some greedy asshat comes along and starts interfereing with what i am trying to do I don't let it slide.

Some people who posted here said they supported you, some said they didn't which is why i posted no Opinion in the original post. This was not something you were trying to hide you were shouting in jeuno about it. So why should you care that I simply informed more people?

You made this thread to make people get upset at me, but look at the responses.. Sure some people dont like what i did, but it looks like most of the posts on this thread are getting my back and saying there is nothing wrong with what i did..
Then that is the opinion of the public, like i said i posted no opinion in the original.

And all you can do is Complain... Well best of luck to you.. and as for me being on peoples /blist.. boo fricken hoo i dont need you and you dont need me.. darn another person that hates on me.. you know what they say about getting hated on..
I didnt blacklist you

You know your Famous when people start hating you.. or however it goes..
you've been famous for a while, it's not always a good thing.
I dont wish for anybody to have thier Gil making ideas turn around and bite them in the ***.. I made a buisness Decision, and you are jealous of it..
ehhh no not really.
plain and simple..
stop acting like a 5 year old running to his mommy because the other kid stole his candy cane..
hmmm stole is an interesting word to use, that would imply the person being "complained" about did something wrong.

I will stress this again. you're Idea to exploit the market at a time when it was vulnerable to profit in ridiculous numbers was a good one, assuming it works. The action itself i find underhanded and selfish.

Edited, Thu Dec 9 18:43:51 2004 by TseTsuo
#38 Dec 09 2004 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
Do you really like to argue that much man?? Geez you must take Debate in School or something...

Look if you just want to have a pissing contest we can go on all day.. but i dont feel like wasting anymore of my time saying things back and forth..

Your the one getting upset and calling me names now..
Your the one who wants the last word so after this post, i am done with this stupid thread.. Thanks for the Free press, its cool to log onto Alla and see Screenshots of my Astral Rings up..

Now stop beating a Deadhorse.. all 4 of you have been pointed out and new everybody knows that the little gang of Trizzoro Tweedius TseTsuo and Velfire are just 4 little crybabies..

Get over it.. goodbye.

Lmao this is just so funny.
#39 Dec 09 2004 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
#40 Dec 09 2004 at 9:02 PM Rating: Good
205 posts
Ah, unfortunately my opinion on the subject at hand has been expressed very well, by the four people that you have called out Hiptaru. I thinks you need to add a fifth member to the society of people who would like everyone to be able to enjoy this game as much as we do. That would be me, as I've rated down all your posts in this thread. Why? Because your a greedy douchebag, who is easily irritated by people calling him out on his detrimental effects of what is supposed to be an enjoyable experience.
Anyways.. now i am gonna go sell a Cell phone and make some Commision

Wow coool! Do you work in that little stand in the center of the mall or do you have one of those cushy jobs at the Sprint store???
Please just let me play my video game.

I'm not stopping you, but I'm sure as h[b][/b]ell not supporting you. This is my game too.

Edited, Thu Dec 9 21:02:15 2004 by AutechreBlm
#41 Dec 10 2004 at 12:01 AM Rating: Good
145 posts
lol I love it i got rated down for stating it was within hip's rights to sell the rings for as much as he wanted lol...Also in the same subject i stated i didnt even think it was worth even close to the amount it sells for now...owell lol
Retired July 2009

#42 Dec 10 2004 at 12:14 AM Rating: Good
374 posts
I am going to just throw my two cents out here...

1) I've meet Hiptaru in game and, well besides the spam casino shouting (and that was just annoying is all) he was a nice and congenial guy

2) He is working the economy, and while it might be considered a monopoly to grab all of something and resell it for a huge is basic economics and capitalism

3) Why worry about it really? SE has made the rings available elsewhere and eventually I will get one, Enjoy the game and let people do what they want (except gillsellers, those bastards, but I'm trying to do what I can to stop them and thats for another thread entirely)

4) Everyone has opinions on what is right and what is wrong, and thats what makes this game and this world will

So thats it, sorry it was four cents instead of the two I promised ><;; lol. Well I hope everyone enjoys the game and I hope to see you all around sometime soon ^^

Take care and good luck to all
#43 Dec 10 2004 at 1:21 AM Rating: Default
50 posts
Hiptaru, you are trash. That's all there is to it, anybody that exploits a situation, hurting others for their own benefit is trash. Everybody else can over-intellectualize it all they want, but that's how it is.
#44 Dec 10 2004 at 2:11 AM Rating: Good
617 posts
To anyone who says "I play the game I want to."

...why am I not allowed to play it the way *I* want to?

I really do expect an answer to that.


That was directed towards the "Let me play my video game" post, but applies to anyone who uses that argument. Personally, I'm indifferent to the casinos and Hiptaru's, or anyone's, playing methods. But what irks me is when they say "I'll play the way I want." because apparently no one else is allowed to play the way *they* want.

Edited, Fri Dec 10 02:15:18 2004 by seraphimhunter
#45 Dec 10 2004 at 2:14 AM Rating: Decent
282 posts

Cause Hiptaru isn't ******** about the way you're playing, you are infringing on his right to play the way he wants to. He probably could careless how you spend your days in vana'diel. Give him the same courtesy prease.

#46 Dec 10 2004 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
I didn't say he was. But thanks for the rate down anyway. I think we found our Karma troll.

Edited, Fri Dec 10 02:18:13 2004 by seraphimhunter
#47 Dec 10 2004 at 4:06 AM Rating: Excellent
At first I thought to myself wow Hiptaru is gonna triple his gil. Looking at the ah tonight about 20 minutes ago I see than after his buying of the rings 3 or 4 other people have sold rings for 250k. Than hiptaru bought another 2 for 249k. It all came clear to me even if the supple got slowed its already almost back to normal by now, even if not there are way to may floating around for him to ever hope to corner the market on them. Granted I was hoping he wouldnt make much of a profit out of this I now feel fairly certian hes digging his hole deeper and deeper the price on them seems far to stable and he wont be making any profit out of his lust for gil. SO chill out everyone^^. No need to argue hes getting no where. With the new tax imposed and a good supply up on the AH people likely wont wanna try to hick up the price and since he can never get all of them he cant hick it alone so hes screwed. LOL OWNED

EDIT my broken english

Edited, Fri Dec 10 04:29:33 2004 by Ladyrikku
#48 Dec 10 2004 at 4:23 AM Rating: Good
510 posts
I've always routed for Hip and his 'scams' as most of you are liking to call them. I even hung around his Casino thing for awhile just watching, The numbers are there. You win, You win. you lose, You lose. Simple as that. And, The buying of the astral rings in bulk was one of the best, if not THE best business techniques done in this game. That's commendable in itself.

But, He did it. Stop whining. And, He did say himself it will either be good or bad, when he bought the rings he understood the outcomes for both scenarios, so just quit the ***********

And, Bring on the rate downs. I know they're coming for defending Hip.
#49 Dec 10 2004 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
i thought this would be sorta funny to add to the whole thing..

Btw, I want to thank the people who have /tell me in game about this, and i also want to thank all the people who spoke up for me in this thread, you know who you are, i really appreciate that!!

The link above is something i thought would be funny, and is not directed to any particualar person, but just to all the ones who seem to have a problem with my so-called "Scams" that Ruin the game for everybody..

I know i am gonna get so much ***** for this, but oh well so be it.. Some of you will think its funny, and some of you will think its not.. And then somebody will talk about how i am a hypocrite for posting in this thread again.. But i just could not help it, i hope a few of you get a laugh out of it..

#50 Dec 10 2004 at 8:33 AM Rating: Good
609 posts
you're lucky i'm not leveling a mage any time soon. or you'd have one more customer NOT BUYING your ridiculously priced sh[b][/b]it.

good luck to you, i'm sure you'll sell them all to all those rich people who don't know how to check the AH before buying from bazaars (exactly 0, btw).

clever picture, too. Who would've guessed you're a douche irl as well?
#51 Dec 10 2004 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
You 3 are the people responsible for most of my Karma getting camped

This was a broad assumption, 3 people cannot dramatically affect someone's karma , unless possibly they have very few posts, even if we went and found all of your posts and rated all of them down.

You're karma sucks because in all likelyhood your posts do.

Like here for example, you start calling people whiners and cry baby's and start ******** about how your karma was camped isntead of staying on topic.

In response to your earlier question "do you like to argue?" my response is absolutely. Especially when the other person continues to think they are right but can never truly validate it so they resort to petty namecalling and bold statements like "I'm not going to post on this again" then goes ahead and does it anyway. It simply shows their weakness and inability to control themselves.

I also love how you brought your personal life into this, posting pics of yourself and talking of your job selling cell phones. I take that to mean you simply ran out of intelligent on-topic things to say?

Real mature picture, is there a point?

^^edit- And for the record i didn't rate your posts here either way.

oh yea ... Word.

Edited, Fri Dec 10 08:52:50 2004 by TseTsuo
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