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Questions to any ps2'ers out thereFollow

#1 Dec 07 2004 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
64 posts
Looks like I may need a new PS2. My current Ps2 will not read any discs. Does anyone know if it is possible to transfer all my data onto a new ps2.

Will I need to buy a new Hard Drive?

Can I used the current discs I have now to Install FFXI? Or do I have to buy new ones?

Can I run 2 PS2's on under the same Content ID?

If someone has done this before can you please let me know what steps you took to get FFXI onto a new PS2.

#2 Dec 07 2004 at 10:01 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
Since the hard drive is removable, can't you just pull it out of the busted PS2 and put it in a new PS2 without any problems?

It might be that simple, but knowing how life is, I doubt it.
#3 Dec 07 2004 at 10:01 AM Rating: Excellent
649 posts
There is a disk read error that is common to alot of earlier models of the PS2. The repair is not covered under Sony warranty (go figure). It's $200 CDN, don't know about the states. However there is a DIY fix to the problem.

Try this link here. I have a couple of friends that have done this with great success.

Good Luck!
#4 Dec 07 2004 at 10:03 AM Rating: Good
64 posts
POL Techy sais thats not an option. He said that hard drive was installed to my ps2 and will not work in any others.
#5 Dec 07 2004 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
64 posts
That does sound like a good idea...But when I start ripping **** apart it never ends up back together. I think I want to go the new PS2 road to play it safe. Does anyone know if I can transfer data to a new PS2?
#6 Dec 07 2004 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
292 posts
I'd think you could just use your current install disks to install FFXI onto a new hard drive, same as you could with the PC version.

If the disk read error isn't affecting anything else, though, (and I can't think of any reason why it would) I don't see why you couldn't just get a new one for disks and use your other one for FFXI.
#7 Dec 07 2004 at 10:21 AM Rating: Good
64 posts
Jesus christ why is it always the most stupidest answer always the right one??? No offense I like your answer but god damn why didn't I think of that. LOL Only prob I see what happens when a new Update come out like CoP? I wount beable to use it. But I'm sure that not going to be for a while.

Thanks Zylle
#8 Dec 07 2004 at 10:21 AM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
I think Zylle is right Verd. you will just have to buy a new Hard drive AND PS2. When it gets to registration, you can enter your user name and password and it should work ok (theoretically). I also had that problem of disk reading for my PS2. I did take it apart and cleaned the laser (probably got cancer doing it too). Now it works fine. Don't know if you want to attempt that, but if you're last option is to buy a new one, why not give the Tim-the-tool man go at it take 'er apart.
#9 Dec 07 2004 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
1,477 posts
I've tweaked the laser pot on a PS2 more than my share of times, and it can often do the trick. However, think of it more as squeezing the last bit of life out of the drive rather than fixing it for good. When the diode starts to burn out you'll need a stronger laser, but that's only going to burn the diode even more. It's quite temporary. It's also a very sensitive adjustment, so I used a digital multimeter when checking the resistence of the potentiometer (not decreasing the resistence more than 10%); I don't know if using a marker and "guesstimating" how much to turn the pot is prudent.

You can always just buy a replacement DVD-ROM drive off of eBay or another place that sells PS2 parts. Identify the version of your PS2 and make sure to get a drive that was pulled from that version. Replacing the PS2 DVD-ROM drive requires no soldering - just removing and replacing a handful of increasingly small screws, so have a precision set handy.

Good luck.

EDIT: Ack, forgot to mention you could replace the PS2 laser lens, too.

This is the BEST way to fix your problem! For $30-$50 you can have your PS2 working as good as new with the LEAST amount of work. THIS is the method I highly recommend. You only have to take the top cover off the PS2, then the lid off the DVD-ROM drive. MINIMAL (DIS)ASSEMBLY REQUIRED.

I order mine from here:

*******Consider this.

Edited, Tue Dec 7 10:33:10 2004 by Dryhus

Edited, Tue Dec 7 10:34:46 2004 by Dryhus
#10 Dec 07 2004 at 11:04 AM Rating: Good
Before doing all this Verd, are you getting the disk read error?

If so, my PS2 does that all the time, I just run a DVD cleaner disk through it and it works again. It happens with Blue Discs as well as the regular disks. You'd only be out $15 to get the cleaner, mine is maxell and has a tiny brush on it.

Just something to try before you buy a new system.

Also, I thought the HDD bound itself to the Network Adapter, not the PS2 itself? If so couldn't you just get a new HDD and use the same NA?

Edit: Thought I might add that my PS2 is one of the older ones, but every time I've had a disc read error I've just cleaned it once and all is well. I bought Dark Cloud 2 (blue disc) got the error, cleaned, and was able to play again ^^

Edited, Tue Dec 7 11:06:17 2004 by Wintaru
#11 Dec 07 2004 at 11:04 AM Rating: Good
Damn screwy boards...

Edited, Tue Dec 7 11:06:39 2004 by Wintaru
#12 Dec 07 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
64 posts
Also, I thought the HDD bound itself to the Network Adapter, not the PS2 itself? If so couldn't you just get a new HDD and use the same NA?

But it will still be in the same worn out PS2. I'm not sure what you meant here.

Edited, Tue Dec 7 11:48:55 2004 by VerdigoA
#13 Dec 07 2004 at 11:54 AM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
i can answer that one Verd. When you buy the HDD, the plugs are actually attached to the Network adaptor which in turn is attached to the PS2 (from what i remember). There's no running your game anyway without the Network adaptor (duh). Anyway, just unscrew the Network adaptor, remove it, remove the HDD and presto, you can slip it into a new PS2 (but not the slim one :)) and ***** your network adaptor back in.

geez, I don't know why i'm helping you after you black-balled me in the lottery thread :p
#14 Dec 07 2004 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
64 posts
The guy from POL said a new PS2 wouldn't work due to when everything was installed the first time it was installed to only work for that PS2. I guess it's something in the install not sure. Like I said the guy was a Monkey so who knows.... They upgraded my request to a higher techy or whatever you call them, and they would call me back in a few days. Hopefully this guy knows something.

Yah I've been watching the Prices Right a little too much

Edited, Tue Dec 7 12:03:44 2004 by VerdigoA
#15 Dec 07 2004 at 12:22 PM Rating: Good
446 posts
Hopefully this will clear the air some.

1. Yes you can move your HDD to another PS2 no problem there, I have done that repeatedly as I take my HDD with me to my brother's house to play this game. (He also has the game as well)

2. DRE or Disk Read Error. One very very little known peice (sp) of information. If you call Sony and inform them that you are now receiving that error on your PS2 they will give you the most common answer. Replace your PS2. Don't give up press the matter they will offer to fix it for you for free, but, and yes there is a but here. You cannot tell them that you were informed that they fix DRE's because publicly they do not. It is not a typical service that they offer. You must not have ever at any point in time have opened your PS2 other than to insert a game disk or HDD into it.

3. Yes you can use your current FFXI disks to install FFXI onto another PS2, but when you go to register the game when you enter in the registration code it may require you to enter a new one. That would be the problem that the POL technical support was referring to.

And just one additional peice of information. Since the game is installed on the HDD you really should not have to re-install the game onto another PS2. All you really should have to do is just pluck the HDD into the PS2 no?
#16 Dec 07 2004 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
I'd still be curious to see if the DVD cleaner wouldn't fix it.

Zander hit on what I meant though, the HDD is bound to the Network Adapter, not the PS2. Zander, do you use the NA from your PS2 when you move it? Otherwise that blows that rumor out of the water too :)
#17 Dec 07 2004 at 12:52 PM Rating: Excellent
230 posts
I came across this, after I replaced my old PS2 that had the DRE. (though it was before FFXI, so I dont know anything about that) I dont know if its bs or anything but the guide has been there for quite a while so I doubt it.
#18 Dec 07 2004 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
Word to the wise, POL tech support consistantly gives the exact, EXACT opposite of a correct answer, every time.

So I guess they get points for consistancy.

/slap the POL techies.

Anyway, providing that your PS2 is shot, you will only need to replace your PS2. You can slide that HDD right into the new one (providing that you don't get one of those ultra-slim new PS2's).

Speaking of which, you might have to buy a refurbished PS2. Many stores are phasing out the old-style PS2's in favor of the new slim ones.

Which they sell on shelves right next to the FFXI - HDD package, no less. -_-
#19 Dec 07 2004 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
617 posts
The guy from POL said a new PS2 wouldn't work due to when everything was installed the first time it was installed to only work for that PS2.

Wha....? So...he's saying that when you plop the install disk in...the PS2 magically encodes the disc to only work for that PS2? Maybe I'm misunderstanding. But I call bullcrap if that's what they mean.

Do NOT rely on POLs tech crew. They are the most absolutely useless group of tech people (even worse than EB! O_o) that you will ever work with. Their answer to everything is "Throw that away, and buy a new one of these." To everything.

OK. First things first. Get that DVD cleaning kit. It's cheap and for all you know that's the problem. Try that.

No dice? Maybe your PS2's getting a few grey hairs. I'm looking over my HDD and network adapter, and I see no reason why you can't remove it. The only thing you do when you "install" it is slide it in and ***** it in. It doesn't attach to anything at all. So I don't see why you can't put it into another PS2, unless it's a clever marketing ploy (not like they even promote the HDD anyway. Looks like Xenosaga and FFXI may be the only games to ever support it).

If you want to run an experiment, and have a friend with a PS2 (hopefully not with the first model, those things cause all sorts of problems apparently), see if you can transfer the HDD over and run FFXI or not.

Oh, and as far as registration codes go, they are tied to the account, nothing else. So, when FFXI is first installed onto the computer/PS2, all you have to do is set up your account and you're good to go. If anyone tries to tell you that PC and PS2 codes aren't interchangeable or won't work on the other platform if created on another, you tell them you know someone (me) that runs his account that he created with his PC codes on BOTH PC and PS2 with absolutely no problems whatsoever. ...not to mention it even says in the manual that they are interchangeable.

I'm looking for my HDD manual, I don't remember where I put it. I don't see any reason why you can't take it out and put in into another PS2. I mean, all I did was slide it, ***** it, and restart the PS2. ANd it was ready to go. Not like it was complicated...

Edited, Tue Dec 7 15:01:54 2004 by seraphimhunter
#20 Dec 07 2004 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
64 posts
Thanks! you've all been great. I do specificaly remember the guys saying the Hard Drive WILL NOT work in any other PS2. Like I said the guy was a Monkey who probably didn't know his *** from his elbow. Well thanks again hopefully the POL tech calls back tonight so I could tear him a new a$$hole.

Edited, Tue Dec 7 15:16:24 2004 by VerdigoA
#21 Dec 07 2004 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
1,477 posts
Why worry about whether you can use the HDD in a new PS2? That's a $150.00 expense when replacing the laser costs around $40.00. Let POL think they're right and leave the current HDD in the current PS2.
#22 Dec 07 2004 at 6:53 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Not to be a cynic, but...I'm the king of the cynics.

POL is a division of SE, right? Well, sounds to me like they're just trying to sell more HDDs by giving you that BS line about having to buy a new HDD if the PS2 gets busted. Hell, if I remember correctly, there are directions on how to remove the HDD from the PS2 in the installation manual.

I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that he's telling you that you have to buy a new HDD as a marketing ploy. There should be directions on how to remove the HDD from both the PS2 as well as the NA in that manual.
#23 Dec 07 2004 at 11:02 PM Rating: Good
61 posts
I read the original problem, and just from personal experiences I decided to reply. Sorry I didn't check through each individual post. However, I did see most of this mentioned.

1. I have used my HDD on another PS2 so I know for a fact that it works. No problem there.

2. When my PS2 had the disk read error problem I took it over a friends house, he had been suffering the same problem. He opened
the PS2 from the bottom, and cleaned the lense with a Q-tip and rubbing alcohol I believe. The PS2 worked perfectly.

*Caution* Taking your PS2 apart violates their whole agreement. And the Sony will no longer fix your PS2 becuase it has been opened.
#24 Dec 07 2004 at 11:21 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
As far as i know the HDD will work fine on another PS2. Do you have an original PS2? I know my DVD drive died within 6 months of buying it.

You should be able to switch the HDD, give it a try and good luck! ^^
#25 Dec 08 2004 at 2:37 AM Rating: Good
145 posts
The only way occording to POL is to redo install if moving HDD to another PS2. It shouldnt work otherwise. If it does, you lucky:) Also a little tip, read the manual for FFXI it kinda mentions the whole thing lol redoing the whole format makes you only lose like old messages and your macros, and a couple other small things that most dont worry about. And You canot put FFXI on another HDD due to very specific format that the HDD is under, and each PS2 has their own unique ID number. (which I think is BS, its my game i should be able to use it anywhere lol )
Hope i help a little
Retired July 2009

#26 Dec 08 2004 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
Just a thought but, I run FFXI with out any dics's in my PS2. You could just keep your old ps2 and HDD to play FFXI untill another expansion comes out for FFXI. Ever thought of that?
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