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The Ghost of Noobdom Past.Follow

#27 Dec 06 2004 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Wow, where do I begin!

- I was a war/whm until level 30. Now if that isn't bad enough, I didn't even manage to get my subjob til level 21, chocobo license at level 22.

- I refused to tank as a warrior because I didn't want to die

- I didn't know how to sort my inventory until level 15

- I soloed or levelled with my boyfriend til level 18 in La Theine, Valkurm Dunes was a hellhole as I had heard so many times, so soloing off of crabs seemed like a good, but slow way to level up.

- I sold all of my items to NPCs and wondered why people sold them for so much more in bazaars

- I did about 20 missions in Sandy on my first day playing because I couldn't figure out how to get outside of the city, but man were those NPCs friendly, and they have me gil!

- I didn't learn the wonders of the Auction House until I actually found my way to Valkurm at level 18 when people kept talking about the AH

- I didn't know that walking into your mog house would fill up you HP and MP until Kazham, with my white mage

- I never knew that those pretty colored circles next to people's names were Linkshells. I always thought the different color showed how experienced you were in the game

- I didn't learn about macros until I was a level 30 white mage and had already levelled a warrior to 30 and a summoner to 20, I wondered how so many people said the same thing over and over as they did an action..I just thought they typed fast.

Edited, Mon Dec 6 08:12:58 2004 by Yekan
#28 Dec 06 2004 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
Run around mobs - guilty

Made it to level 3 without a weapon (thought it was already equipped, never occured to me that swords and bare hands look nothing alike)

Sold three stacks of Fire crystals for 10gil. Thought I was paying for the auction service, not setting reserve. Was so mad I started searching for the guy that bought them, was gonna give him a stern finger waggling, lucky I didn't find him. ><

Little baggy beside name, "Wow thief is popular!" - Guilty

Spells en-, -ga, -ra, -na. Refused to buy them until I saw them used by someone else, because I didn't know what they did.

Set my char up for all-night bazaar and every morning for two weeks I would come back to "POL-???? Timed-out" Didn't know about idle time setting, so my bazaars lasted 20 minutes. ><

Threw away my adventurer's certificate - Guilty

Threw away, hmmmm, DOZEN'S of beastman seals. - Guilty

Sold everything to NPC's - Guilty

Bought all my gear upto level 9 from NPC's

At level 4 thought, "Oh c'mon really how tough could a sheep be."

At level 9 in La Theine actually yelled after almost dyin to a sapling, "IS EVERYTHING THIS FRIGGIN TOUGH????"

Thought Ronfaure was challenging, thought La Theine was tough, thought the Dunes were impossible, SELBINA?!?! who the hell wants to go there? My god the mobs in there must be pure hell. ><

And then there's all the noob **** I still do.....
#29 Dec 06 2004 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
Hyla wrote:
My very first character was on Titan, she lasted for 2 days and 1 level, allowing me to run to Jeuno, set my homepoint, and realize I was stuck. Since I had no money, I ran the warehouse quest in Sandy, swearing to do it over and over until I made enough gil (before the fateful Jeuno run, of course).

My first character was on Titan too. How did I end up on Bismarck?

I did another quest before turning in my adventurer's coupon.

I went to the NPC for the coupon and couldn't get him to take it. (I didn't know I had to TRADE it to the NPC)

Thought I had screwed up my chances of completing that quest by doing another first.

Deleted my character on Titan, started a new one and found myself on Bismarck.

Realized what I had been doing wrong.

And felt like a COMPLETE moron.

But that's ok, I'd rather be on Bismarck anyway. Smiley: grin
#30 Dec 06 2004 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
My absolute favorite:

"How hard can it be to kill a Sheep?"

-famous last words of 2nd level Red Mage Yukio to 2nd level Warrior friend Blucan

so yeah ><;;

Thats from another thread, but actually ah the memories...
#31 Dec 06 2004 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
259 posts
Oooh I just remembered:

I thought there was a "catch" to healing because it seemed like a copout to not have to use potions or cure/ethers to solely gain back HP/MP (I'm a veteran FF player). I actually avoided it for awhile until I realized that its disadvantages show up later on as a mage. O.o
#32 Dec 06 2004 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
510 posts
Wandered around windurst for five hours, then finally learned my way around.

Used Macro's from level 1 on, Couldn't tank worth a damn.

Did NOT throw out BMS'

You know, I was never really a horrible newb like some of you people...

Though, I did play WAR/RDM in one party. I was brought to this game by a level 75 friend, He taught me everything.
#33 Dec 07 2004 at 9:07 AM Rating: Good
Ah, I see so many things I used to do lol.

My contribution is when I would go out and kill crawlers and trade 3 silks to the NPC for a whole 600 GIL!!! Woot I'm rich!!

Then a friend who had been playing forever took me out to Giddeus to level one of his side jobs with my main and after getting a silk from a crawler he says "Sell that on AH, they're 700 apiece" Smiley: banghead
#34 Dec 07 2004 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
194 posts
I don't feel like reading this thread in its entirety so excuse me if this is a repeat but:

I wandered around in the Metalworks for *forever* trying to find the presidents office for a mission. Sent random people tells asking them how to get to it. They told me it was upstairs. So I ran around *forever* looking for a set of stairs, finally got irritated that I couldn't find it, and glanced over and saw someone get on the giant elevator things >.> Somehow it just didn't occur to me that you could ride those things :P

Edit: I also didn't realize I started with a spell. I was a WHM and thought that Benediction was the only way I could heal people and I thought WTF I can only heal people every 2 hours -_- I'm never gonna get a party.

Edited, Tue Dec 7 10:17:55 2004 by Apocpink
#35 Dec 07 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
-didn't know i could HP in Selbina or anywhere's in the dunes till i was probably lvl 17-18. So my HP stayed at the zone of West Ron and Latheine for the LONGEST time
-threw away a good chunk of BS. I would say close to 60-70 of them ><
-took me 2 hours to figure out how to exit Sandy
-didn't know how to invite someone without them having the ! lfg sign up. I actually didn't realize i could /sea all until my late 20's.
-speaking of lfg, I had my flag up almost all the time when I was lvl 1-4. Wonder why no one invited me ^^. I had no clue what that meant.
and every other dumb thing already mentioned here.
#36 Dec 07 2004 at 7:21 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
I think I was fairly lucky to have run into Dissectional and Tabian early on in my gaming days. Both of them taught me various things about the game. One of them taught me what tanking was and how to not let the mages get hit, ever.

(Meanwhile, the other day, I was partying in the Dunes on my PLD. The RDM was nuke happy as all hell, and I gave him sh[/i]it about it. He said he didn't care because we had a PL. The PL was even getting pissed off at him. So, I simply told the PL that I was sooner or later going to stop tanking and let the mob kill the RDM, giving him the vital lesson about hate control. heh heh heh)

Let's see...I never tossed my beastman's seals. I still have them all in storage. I have about 250 of them now. Saving them for a rainy day. I think Stormchaser or someone told me not to toss them.

I did buy my first great sword, the Claymore, from a NPC. That was pretty dumb. I might have bought a piece of furniture from a NPC as well.

I remember running around pissed off about having that damn ? next to my name, and no idea on how to shut it off. Basically though, I'm a game geek, and as soon as I could find websites about FFXI, I was on them, devouring all the information I could.

[i]Edited, Tue Dec 7 19:56:28 2004 by Xanoxonax
#37 Dec 16 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
517 posts
Haha, wow... ok here goes my turn.

-When I first started the game, I walked into a wall in Bastok for 20 min straight and then used Manafont. I thought it was a completely worthless Job Abilitiy since it did

-The first moment I went out to exp, there were two gobbies at the Bastok Markets gates that were trained from Zeigham Hill. As I promptly died, I started wondering if choosing Bastok as a starting town was too advanced for me ><.

-I leveled to 4 bare handed, and nekkid, as a taru BLM...

-I was about ready to quit the game for the first time when I found out you could de level. I was level 8, then died and became lvl 7... I was like "OMG WTF???"... lol XD.

-I once forgot to change my home point when I started leveling RDM as sub for BLM, so when I died in South Gustaberg, I respawned at the outpost in Valkurm Dunes when I was leveling BLM... I was a lvl 1 RDM... That was fun ^^.

That's all I can think of for now =:D
#38 Dec 16 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good

I subbed THF on RDM because of the annoyingness of having my spells interrupted by getting hit. Hey, I thought, if I stock up on Evasion and sub THF, the mobs miss me more. Dang, I might go back to that. ;)

I thought for the longest time that exp from a mob was based on how long it took you to kill it, and how many HP/MP you lost fighting it. I was really dumb when it came to that /check function. ^^

I thought Chainspell was worthless to. I was convinced for 40 levels that Chainspell was the most idiotic two-hour in the game.
I'm still a bit ambivalent about it; things aren't dire till I'm out of MP, and if I'm out of MP, lot of good Chainspell will do. ;)

#39 Dec 16 2004 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent
I remember when i started i didnt know how to equip my sword. I tried everything i thought. i dont know how but i sent it to someone i didnt even know. A few days later i found out how to leave town. About an hour or so later i see this little green thing pop up over my name in the corner. I thought it ment i was posioned. I found out, thanks to Nataraja, that it was a invite to join a party. It took awhile but i figured out how to accept it. I dont think either of us understood the party thing cause he was like lv 7ish and i was lv 1. I also used rdm/thf once i got a sub til lv 34, then i went rdm/drk. So many people complained >.>. O and i didnt realize how important Dispel was til lv 50 -_-.
#40 Dec 17 2004 at 1:35 AM Rating: Good
Sioux the Silent wrote:
I thought Chainspell was worthless to. I was convinced for 40 levels that Chainspell was the most idiotic two-hour in the game.
I'm still a bit ambivalent about it; things aren't dire till I'm out of MP, and if I'm out of MP, lot of good Chainspell will do. ;)

That's been my opinion of it too.

I could see you getting some use out of it if you end up in a really crappy party, where things go bad before you're out of MP.

I can also see it as being fairly useful if you (follow this, it's fun)

1) Get silenced, and can't shake it because
2) The healers are just too busy frantically healing to remove it, such that
3) Once it falls off, all magic users are getting dangerously low on MP,
4) Creating a situation where I suppose you might consider wanting to catch up on your Refresh cycle a little quicker than normal.


Sephriothsky wrote:
I remember when i started i didnt know how to equip my sword. I tried everything i thought. i dont know how but i sent it to someone i didnt even know. A few days later i found out how to leave town. About an hour or so later i see this little green thing pop up over my name in the corner. I thought it ment i was posioned. I found out, thanks to Nataraja, that it was a invite to join a party. It took awhile but i figured out how to accept it. I dont think either of us understood the party thing cause he was like lv 7ish and i was lv 1. I also used rdm/thf once i got a sub til lv 34, then i went rdm/drk. So many people complained >.>. O and i didnt realize how important Dispel was til lv 50 -_-.

lmao Yeah I remember that party. Alliance actually, of about 9 ppl or so.

I remember Leurana, ******** Fayle and Vimes were there. (Members of StercusApperuit, yes that Vimes.) I wanna say Nylin was there, but I'm not certain. I believe he's still playing. Can't remember anyone else...

Ars switched to another server, Fayle quit by lvl 15 or so. I think Leurana's quit by now too. Vimes is still alive and kicking.

And you and me.

That was a great time though. Smiley: grin What amazes me is that we got in and out with only a coupla deaths, even with going down into the basement. Smiley: smile

And yes, we really were uber-loser-noobs. Smiley: tongue

[Edit: I mangled the [quote[b][/b]] tags in a manner too brutal to describe in polite company.]

Edited, Fri Dec 17 01:36:20 2004 by nataraja

[Edit: Twice. Smiley: banghead]

Edited, Fri Dec 17 01:38:00 2004 by nataraja

[Edit: Also, I cleverly switched the word "manner" with the less appropriate (not to mention explicable) "banner".

Someone just f*cking shoot me. Please.]

Edited, Fri Dec 17 01:39:17 2004 by nataraja
#41 Dec 17 2004 at 4:46 AM Rating: Good
(Members of StercusApperuit, yes that Vimes.)

It's funny you should mention Vimes. ;)

I had the pleasure of facing off with Vimes in Ballista not too long ago. It was my first time, oh god it was fun; I think if more people tried that it would be more popular. It needs to be more convenient somehow.

But anyway, he was good; I killed him once, he killed me once ^^ Also had a nasty way of sneaking up and Silencing me just as I was about to get my long-awaited faceoff with a DRK who shall remain nameless. ;)

(heehee, I nuked Theophany to death...after he two houred me. He more than paid me back for that one though, he must have killed me 3-4 times ^^)
#42 Dec 17 2004 at 6:10 AM Rating: Excellent

Where do I begin?

I started this game out with a rw friend who seems to have her head on a lot tighter than I ever will.


"Hey Nights, meet me at the werehouses at Port."

I look for about an hour in Waters, Walls, and Woods trying to find this "Port" and these "werehouses".

No luck for about an hour and a half. She eventually gave up, and met me at the Home Point.
"Hey Nights, lets go level."

(She was thf at the time) And I wondered why in the world she was always able to do more damage than me as a white mage...

And then after fighting, I would still not be able to find the town gates back to Windurst. (Totally inept when it comes to map reading).
Wanted to tank as a white mage at level 1, and still couldn't figure out why those things hit so DANG hard.
I beared/bulled by a LARGE amount several things in the Windurstian market when I first began. Examples: early June, I shoved the yaggie necklace market down to 20 gil, and the fire crystal market up to I think it was 5k?
"Hey Nights, lets do missions."

Well...lvl five is NOT the right lvl to go down into the ruins to do mission one-one. Luckily, we happened upon this very nice taru (Anubus) who kept raising us everytime we died. We died several times.

And we still did not finish the d*** mission.

Why? Because we were in the wrong tower, and were looking for the crack in the wall on the main map.
Getting bored, so sitting and shouting in Windurst for three hours straight, holding convos with people.

Boy did I learn about the /blist add function.

Was blisted by I think around 30? people that day.
Writing macros that were in /sh mode only.

Its a quiet day in sabrutabaruta, when all the sudden, a rabbit hears a voice BOOMING across the landscape:


Nightsintodream uses Banish.

Ding, another 5 people added me to their blist i think everytime i used that spell.
Wondering where the pheonix down was in the game. (I still think there should be some).
Attempting to pay for one of my earliest friend's wedding (that later fell through).

Now that was fun.

Farming crystals, selling them to the NPC, then sending the poor mithra five, six k a time. Yes, I farmed that many crystal stacks.

When I add it all up, I could have had erase by the time I was level ten.
Going to the Maze (when it was cool to level there), and having almost my entire pt die. Asking very nicely a white mage to please raise my party. She comes to the enterance of the cave, gets off her Chocobo, enters the cave, raises the pt, stays around till they are unweakened, and escorts them to the enterance.

At that point, I am wowed. A white mage who actually helps people???? (All the white mages I had run into before demanded gil for a raise). So promptly, I kneel, and what do I say?

"Please teach me to be a better white mage like you. Please be my teacher."

Later on, when I was added to the ls that she was in I was greeted with "OMG, its FQ's pupil!!" by fifteen different people.

I found out later on that when I asked her that, she had no idea what in the h*** I was talking about, since there was no such thing as a "teaching" thing in the game.

She just agreed because I her ls said that she might as well and I seemed desperate enough.

I felt like an idiot.

But Fairyqueen still is my teacher :D
Still trying to do some serious tank battle damage at level 15 white mage.

And on some respects, suceeding better than the tanks with the spell banish and my trusty ash pole. I could keep the hate on me like you wouldn't believe.
Thought for the better part of 20 lvls that the Goddess of the Dawn WAS the Star Sibyl.
Okay, time to ride a chicken!

Get to the stable, spend all my gil on feeding the stupid bird, and then finding I am too poor to afford a simple godd*** ride.

Kestra, thank you for financing my first ride.

Wearing my level one armour.

Somehow, I lived to tell the tell.

Oh yes, and I was subbing warrior at that time, because I still could not figure out how the h*** I was dying so much faster than anyone else. I figured the extra hp would come in use. (It didnt).
Made the mistake the first time I tried to build a pt in qufim of inviting a lvl 75 character in Jueno to pt with me.

Didn't know he was a lvl 75 character, misread the 7 for a 2.

Somehow, the rank 10 next to his nation flag didn't mean anything to me.

Talked to him for a while, still not knowing he was lvl 75. It wasn't until he said something about Scorpion Harness, and needing 6 million gil for it that I began to suspect something was amiss.

My jaw dropped when I found out what level he was.

I walked into La Theine Plateau.

With a map.

Got lost there for two hours.

Still get lost there in fact.


Most people saw the yakata as a cheap temporary accessory.

What did I see it as?

Free armour.

Glorious, free armour.

Glorioius, free armour that was better than the crap I was wearing now.

Nightfallsfavor probably remembers me raving on and on about that^^.
Level 26, time for Kazham.

Wooohooooo!!!!!!! My first airship ride!!!!!

What happens?

I see a tarutaru get up on the railing, and jump off.

My screams that the tarutaru committed suicide was probably heard clear from Jueno to Kazham.
In Kazham, now what?

I walk into the jungle wearing my yakata.

Still trying to fight the mob, while doing my job as main healer.

And somewhat succeeding in it.

At this point, I had switched my subjob to blm.

Lvl one blm. (Blm is currently at lvl four)
Hmmm...what is this volcano?

It sure is pretty...

I walked to the pit.


Bomb explodes and does 600 damage to me.

Die, and delevel.
I got aggroed (I think it was a glitch) by a Goblin Weaver more than once as a lvl thirty two white mage in the beginners area.

I felt like crying.

When the h*** am I going to stop being attacked by these idiots????
<Easy prey> my a**.

<Too weak> my a**.

More like <Impossible to gauge, let me decimate you with one hit please in such a way that your grandchildren will feel it everytime they tries to bend over to tie their boots>.

Amazingly, it took several times for this lesson to sink in when I tried to do buburimu at lvl 32.
First time I ever saw pirates was at level 34.


I walk out onto the deck.

Nightsintodream gets hit for 200 damage.


Nightsitnodream dies and delevels.

I am going to kill those miserable bastards one of these days.
W00t, time for citadel!

I am finally starting to get used to the looks from a pt going "WTF is he doing with a bard sub???" phrase that I keep getting everytime I open my mouth and start to sing.

I was NOT ready for when I first fell through the floor, and screamed my head off...

I thought I was a goner.

I was. Stupid undead mages...
Just a week ago, I got my way to Rabao thanks to a person I met trying to camp the Goblin Archeologist at the Holla crystal.

Neither of us could figure out how long it would take to make it appear, so we just wound up going to Rabao to try to get Teleport-Altrepa. (I still need to get that spell).

Well anyway, what happens?

I set my hp there.

And I dont change it.

Later on, I die, and I hp.

I promptly start freaking out because I am stranded in Rabao, with my hp there, and no map of the desert.

And no white mage to tele...


Im a white mage. I can teleport myself out!!!

It took me a whole of I think a day of logging in and out of the game trying to find a way out that I remembered my job.

My ls had a good laugh at that one.
The dice man in Rabao.

While I was stranded there, I happened upon him.

"Roll the dice, get above four hundred, and win!" he said.

I am thinking it is like a normal /random roll. Piece of cake i think.

I rolled a four.

The total of the day was 55.

I felt like an idiot when I realized it was a six sided dice.
I still haven't figured out outpost warping.

Okay...those are a few of my n00b experiances.

Lol, I still think of myself as a noob, and probably with good reason.

So be nice to us^^
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#43 Dec 18 2004 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts
1) I too ran circles around enemy because I thought that meant they couldn't hit me. Not only that, I was so proud of myself when my evasion kept going up, because I'm doing that, right?

2) I didn't mess with the AH...sold back many fire crystals for 30g or so to an NPC.

3) Decided to try a yew pole and some lugworms (they're more expensive than little worms so they're obviously better, right?) and stood in Bastok Markets, catching nothing. And not understanding why I could've leave the line in the water until I caught something. I figured I kept hitting a button on accident.

4) I had no idea about synthing. When I saw people losing items from failed synths, I deduced that thfs could still from people.

5) I decided that entire looking for group thing took too much time entirely and soloed up to 16 before I ever went to the Dunes.

6) "Link? What do you mean, li- uh oh."
#44 Dec 28 2004 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
So many memories.. I miss bein a noob >.<
One more thing to add... I thought that all the ppl in
Iron Musketeer armor where all Paladin -.-

Edited, Tue Dec 28 17:04:00 2004 by Sephriothsky
#45 Dec 29 2004 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
512 posts
+ ring around the rabbit
+ uBer macros skills: <p1>, <p2>, <p3>... TO LEVEL 23.
+ adventurer coupon <i>still</i> in the old mog, i reckon.
+ soloed three classes to level 8 on bunnies in w. ron; then learned about signet, AH.
+continued to think selling crystals was a <i>great</i> way to make money for the next 20 levels.

honestly, there are so many awful things i did, and will probably still do, that are listed here already. but i should say that i had some good teachers on leviathan that i will always remember, and i really didn't get a lot of hassle for being so bad.

also honestly, the reason for that is that even though i'm a grown *** man IRL, i was playing as the cutest, smallest hume femme possible. i never claimed i was femme, but i never claimed otherwise. i learned A LOT about genderpolitik, and got cut LOADS of unneccessary slack.

tack on major n00bishness for that tacky move on my part, but i assure you no conversation with me in game will ever transgress as follows:

>>so... r u a girl?
/wait 30
>>r u a girl?
/wait 30
>>hey... u have a b/f?
/wait 15
ad nauseum.

and it's for this not so subtle lesson that i am thankful for my days of ignorance.

the end.
#46 Dec 29 2004 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
195 posts
>.< My ghost of Noobdom past came back to haunt me this week with the moogle vs. goblin quest. I spent several days blessing out moogles over what I thought was a glitched mandy belt (and too stubborn to ask anyone for advice) when suddenly I discovered that I had to select the belt in my inventory and select "Use" after the casting timer was up XD

#47 Dec 29 2004 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
320 posts
heh... i was never really a newb, i played my friends game with him for a while XD

but i ran around monsters to evade their attacks..

threw away beastmen seals...

couldnt do mission 1-1 for windy cause i couldnt find the right tower...

was a thf/rdm, and still am a rdm/thf, suckas...

Aaaaand, thought the "M" mentor symbol meant like, master. and that the bazaar symbol meant they had a linkpearl sack

Lvl 16 rng/thf
Bismarck, Rank 3
LS': EliteTaruCollective and RadicalDreamers

Yeah... you lucky *******, you got to play mine and not make dumb mistakes like the rest of us (though you'll always be a n00b to me)

I did a lot of stupid stuff when I used my first few characters..

-Just some things I did-
~Ran around creatures hoping they'd miss

~Didn't equip a weapon for a long, long time. (With all my characters, at the beginning)

~Didn't know about the Adventurer's Coupon.

~Threw away many, many beastmen's seals.

~Threw away an equal amount of crystals (Thought they were only for crafters, and I had no use for them ; ;)

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