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The Ghost of Noobdom Past.Follow

#1 Dec 04 2004 at 4:31 PM Rating: Good
I was reading a post on the red mage forum earlier today; the topic was about red mages wearing inappropriate gear, but for some reason it got me thinking about the funny things I thought and did when I was still new.

I'm also curious about the things some of the venerable old scholars on this board did, back in the day. ;)

Here are some of my good ones:

--I was a RDM/THF until level 25. I bought all the Evasion+ gear I could afford, and had an argument with someone who sent me a /t suggesting a mage sub instead.

--I skipped Qufim. I did levels 20-25 solo or with my boyfriend Gailen. We thought we were quite teh uber. MAN was it slow. ;)

--I thought monsters were tougher at night. When I first started playing, I managed to kill one orc in West Ron, then as it got dark in-game I wandered further south and got whupped by a tougher one. Didn't learn about the /check system for quite a while (I think I was in La Theine by the time I started using it.)

--I thought the Auction House was like Ebay, where a bunch of people had to bid on your item and you got the payment from the highest bidder. Figuring that would take too long, I skipped the AH and bought most of my stuff from the NPCs.

--I thought the bazaar icon meant that the player was a THF. I remember thinking 'dang, there's a lot of thieves in this game...' then assuming they must know something I didn't, my first job was THF. Hence my later sub. ;)

--I thought /anon players were Japanese.

Other moments from noobdom:

--Gailen and I thought we were teh **** when we managed to get to Selbina...ALL ALONE. We were probably level 18 or so. Smiley: laugh

--I remember being a lowly level 18-19 RDM and watching a RDM in AF solo Marchelute. He had been trained to Selbina. Man, that was awesome. ;) That played a big part in making me decide to stick with this job all the way.

If you have any stories to share, please do ^^
#2 Dec 04 2004 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
I started out as a RDM in this game, didn't realize that you could get armor from the Auction House or NPC's to wear. I thought everyone else with different armor paid a lot more for their game and that was why they had better gear. Thus causing me to wear my starting armor till lv 9, by that time I was kindly mentor'd by Hiest (r.i.p.) and educated in the ways of the Auction House and what farming meant ^^b

I too also thought all /anon people were either Japanese or uBer high levels

I thought the M icon by people's names meant that they had lost their moogle and were trying to flag him down O.0

I remember going to my first ever Linkshells homepage and seeing pictures of Tahrongi Canyon and thinking that was a place only Lv 60+ players could go...

Ahhh the memories ...
#3 Dec 04 2004 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
--I just got the game and I was given the Adv. Coupon. I wasn't paying attention to the guy that gave it to me so I didn't know what to do with it. I asked people but everyone ignored me...I kept the coupon in my mog and I finally found the NPC to trade it to on my map after like a month.

--I was leveling in W.Ron and I didn't know about emotes. So this guy runs up to me and does /em steals x gil from <t>. I only had like 100 gil (would have had more if I turned that damn coupon in) so I ran like hell...
#4 Dec 04 2004 at 4:59 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Well, I started out the game as a Warrior a while back. I figured it would be an easy class to get through the early part of the game as. Of course, wandering around in South Gustaberg, I occasionally fought a Rock Lizard ... and invariably died of Plaguebreath. Well, I'm a bit stubborn at times, so this happened a lot. Well, maybe more than a lot.

Finally, after my 50th death or so, I decided I needed some way to survive that stupid move. So I started looking into antidote prices, and promptly decided that buying antidotes wasn't the best idea. And of course this was pre-subjob. So then I looked at Poisona, and {Hmmm.} WHM only.

That's right, I changed to a WHM/nothing, so that I could solo lizards in South Gustaberg better. Then again, by the time I got back to playing as WAR, I had learned enough about the game that I knew what I was doing. So I guess there's a good side to every stupid noobish decision we make. Or at least, I can pretend there is. ^^
#5 Dec 04 2004 at 5:18 PM Rating: Good
73 posts
When I was a wee lad I would run around the mobs in a futile effort to dodge their blows.

I win the noob award I think.
#6 Dec 04 2004 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
SigmundBismark wrote:
When I was a wee lad I would run around the mobs in a futile effort to dodge their blows.

I win the noob award I think.

Actually sir you win the Honorable Mention Award for kiting the mob (or attempting to at least)
I still employ this technique when I am soloing certain jobs. Keeps the mob claimed so no one else can take if from you and lets you regain some health and still whoop it and send it home crying to mommy ^^
#7 Dec 04 2004 at 5:53 PM Rating: Good
73 posts
Im such a noob I didn't know I was employing advanced techniques. Thanks for the honerable mention award tho (story of my life).
#8 Dec 04 2004 at 6:39 PM Rating: Excellent
471 posts
Ah... Noobdom..

-I too was a Rdm/Thf.. though I never did get any flak about not subbing a mage job till after my 30s when I started subbing Drk ^^;

-I got lost in Windy for three hours trying to find the exit to fight. Yep... three hours.

-Welcome to the Yughott Grotto Orc Train. All aboard. We're at least 30 orcs strong and growing. First stop, poor party that was in the way while I was lost trying to escape >.<

-Hey, let's accidentally Dia a leech and not say it was me >.<;

-Soo... what does touching this thing do?...

-This doesn't look important. *toss* *checks out AH two hours later* It was worth how much?!

#9 Dec 04 2004 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
716 posts

63 levels and still going, and I'm still a noob.
#10 Dec 04 2004 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Wow, Rdm/Thf is some popular combination. Add me to the list as well! =)

-- As a Rdm I had only dia until lv 6. After dying to the 10th rabbit I gave off one PO'ed shout in town. then someone showed me how to get to the magic store to buy cure (and stone!).

-- 30 inventory space is not enough for stupid rabbit hides!..whats that? you can stack/sort them out in your inventory? oh.

-- Selling stacks of fire crystals for the going AH FEE and then getting 10 bux back in the MH.

-- Also thinking the AH was like ebay I looked at the price history and "outbidded" people for such items.

-- /anon = japanese players =P

Edited, Sat Dec 4 19:21:28 2004 by Haoooooo
#11 Dec 04 2004 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
416 posts
When I was a wee lad I would run around the mobs in a futile effort to dodge their blows.

I win the noob award I think.

I did that as well..^^

I would run around ther mob in a circle thinking I wouldn't get hit as

Though of a few more to add..^^

I as well would throw away beast coins.. (only cause I didn't know to stack them and they kept taking up space)

I had just met someone who ended up asking me to join tha LS I am in now, and we were in the tomb in outside of Sandy. Him being a higher level then me wanted to go for the Spook Me being WAR for my first job was learning how to voke. So He told me to set up a voke macro..

"What's a macro I asked???"

Only to take like over an hour to get it right and still keep getting it wrong..

I only sold NCP's my crystals, and did even know you could make over a Million gil!!

I remember I bought this ring (DRK) and paid every penny of Gil I had for it, and couldn't even use the damn thing.. did know stuff was job specfic..

Edited, Tue Dec 28 18:31:45 2004 by RdmKelton
#12 Dec 04 2004 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
I remembered when i thought West ronf was the only place i can go as a lowly blm and that all other places were scary. I remembered going to selbina at level 8 with a crazy party and got killed.. Then got raise by a 50blm/25whm and i continued on my path. I also thought fire spell was a cool spell when i was level 13.. Ahh the memories!
#13 Dec 04 2004 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
Geez, such a loooooong list (this is my very first MMORPG ><;;)

-Selling crystals to NPCs, because I didnt understand the AH concept at all

-Buying gear from NPCs, again a lack of AH knowledge

-OH KILL THAT RABBIT! HOLY CRAP IT'S SMACKING ME AROUND...why is it called Jaggedy Eared Jack?

-You can check things!!?!??!

Those are my!
#14 Dec 04 2004 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
179 posts
Hmmmmmm lets see...
-Sold all of my crystals and stuff to NPCs
-Not knowing what the AH was.
-Thinking the AH was like Ebay.
-Didn't get my first weapon til I was around level 5(started out as a monk).
-Thinking that getting to level 20 would take forever (I wanted that damn chocobo license).
#15 Dec 05 2004 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
450 posts
I'll post mine so here goes my fun start lol. Well i was lucky sorta since i merodi teach me most of the stuff at least what little she know at the time.

1: Well i lvled MNK/WAR(my first job) with WAR only at 10. lol

2: I went into Palborough Mines 3rd floor at 15 trying to solo the Bastok Mission thing...The name escapes me lol

3: I thought pulling with Voke was the best way lol.

4: I didn't know Crystals were any good until about 20 once i started trading them for rank points lol.

5: I thought making trains of 10+ EP-EM mobs and then Hundred Fists was a good idea.

6: once in the Highlands i saw a Ghost con T so i thought ok i can Hundred Fists it lol. well it started fine until i got cursed.

7: i soloed 60% of 28-29 and all of 29-30 in Qufim on Giants.

8: My Favorite ever, I thought 100K was a ton of gil rofl.

9: I also did the running around mobs in hopes of less damage.

10: I was the one who started the Orc train that merodi finished and it was at about 30 by the time i dropped but merodi added about 20 more at least before she dropped infront of a low lvl PT lol.

All i can think of for now....
#16 Dec 05 2004 at 1:33 AM Rating: Good
-I was a Rdm/Thf too :D
I still AM!! (but only when I'm farming or soloing, LOL)

-I'm guilty of thinking I could make Thf/Rdm work.

-I got lost in Windy for three hours trying to find the exit to fight. Yep... three hours.

That's highly amusing. I did the same thing, but not quite as long. Finally finding my way out to an exit, I died in a few fights, and wound up back where I started.

-It took me weeks to figure out what all those colored dots above people meant.

-Having never played any MMORPG before, I had no idea how a macro worked, or how to make one, until I was at least in the dunes, the first time.

-I came into FFXI expecting Rdm to be something like the one from FF1. I was very wrong. It is still always going to be my favorite job. The first time I ever saw a Rdm in full artifact (Asheron, I never forgot), I was permanently hooked.

-"How do they get those cool red and green arrows around their words?"

-<Teleport Holla> "WTF getto, even in Final Fantasy" :/

-(I'm stealing Laurelen's line hehehe) "What's a Tom Tit Tat?"

-I did NOT know how to /heal for my first several levels. LOL
#17 Dec 05 2004 at 1:50 AM Rating: Decent
996 posts
I know many Windurstians have done something like this -

I got killed by a Yagudo Votary while trying to do 1-3. I didn't see any altars to put the offerings on... >.> And yes, I made it that far back. O.o

Here's another classic n00b mistake - "I can't sell these Beastman Seals, and they don't seem to have any function. I think I'd rather get another Crawler Calculus than this Beastman Seal..."

ANOTHER classic n00b mistake - Me and my wife just got finished farming crawlers on our way to Giddeus, and got a bunch of silk drops. And then we both zoned. >.<
#18 Dec 05 2004 at 3:19 AM Rating: Good
I nearly pissed my pants the first time I heard the noises in Gusgen Mines (trying to find someone to help me get my skull).

And then a train of roughly 40 bones came charging at me.

Speaking of which, I didn't know you could get the skull from the dunes.

I didn't find out about the <stpc>, <stnpc>, and <lastst> dependant commands until very recently. It's a good thing I wasn't leveling WHM. /blush

I threw my first crap apron away, because I didn't know what it was.

I also have thrown away Beastman Seals.

And run around mobs trying to dodge them.

I very very nearly bought an onion swd before realizing I had started the game with one, it just wasn't equiped.

Asked an LS I was in what BCNM was like 5 times because I kept forgetting.

DIDN'T claim Leaping Lizzy the only time I've ever seen her, because I was in a hurry to somewhere else and didn't know she dropped... well, you know what she drops.

I thought 10k was a lot of money, and 100k only something level 70+ players could ever hope to accumulate.

My first pt was an alliance in Palborough with levels ranging from 3 to 7. 11 ppl total. Trying to get fetich pieces. We went to the basement... (this was actually a lot of fun)

Didn't understand linking for the longest time, and didn't have a good understanding of how to avoid links when you pull for even longer. I killed (or nearly killed, can't remember) Eleusynia this way.

I used a shell shield. on an Elvaan. Yes. I know. I didn't know at the time.

I was terrified of going to the dunes to pt.

It took a long time for it to occur to me that spamming voke every 30 would lead to better hate control. I was almost out of the dunes before I thought of this.

I was so eager to get my choco license that I stared at the screen doing nothing but waiting for each day to pass.

Tried to melee an EP slime. Died a HORRIBLE death.

Tried to solo my Kahzam keys at level 24. Died many many horrible deaths.

Attacked what I thought was a sheep at level 17 on Konschtat. It was a Ram. It ate me.

I could go on and on. In fact I think I just did go on and on, so I'll stop going on for now. Smiley: tongue
#19 Dec 05 2004 at 3:22 AM Rating: Default
nataraja the Puissant wrote:
I threw my first crap apron away, because I didn't know what it was.

Crap Apron? lmao.

Maybe it's just cuz I'm really tired, but I find this funny enough to leave as is, for the amusement of everyone else (or at least, everyone as tired as me.
#20 Dec 05 2004 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
292 posts
For the longest time i thought that when you input your auction sell price it was instead to pay for your put up for auction tax. >.>

I still miss those 3 gold ores that sold for 300 gil each. ;_;
#21 Dec 05 2004 at 4:16 AM Rating: Good
The <lastst> thing reminded me of this:

I started a Taru WHM character when Sioux was around level 20. I took her into the dunes, learned to make a macro RIGHT fast, and set them up like this:

1- /ma "Cure" <p1>
2- /ma "Cure" <p2>


Then I set <alt> with Cure II when I hit 11.

The character (Kublakhan) used these macros right up to level 30. She still has 'em like that. ^^

Boy, I ran out of macro room quick. ;)

(I also only recently learned about <lastst>, like in the last two months. o.o)
#22 Dec 05 2004 at 4:18 AM Rating: Decent
155 posts
God, I subbed THF to 30...

I got in a fight with a real life friend too. He kept yelling at me to level black mage, but I just wouldn't listen. When I finally hit thirty, I whipped out sneak attack for the first time.

It did fifteen damage.

I left the party shortly thereafter to level black mage.
#23 Dec 05 2004 at 5:50 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Suprisingly, I knew what AF was at level 15. I just thought that you had to buy it.

I also remember seeing someone in a Brigandine and thinking that said person was one of the highest levels on the server. -_-;;

Uhm...I didn't know I had Provoke as a WAR until I started leveling WHM? -_-;;;;

I didn't know what tanking was, so in my first party (as WAR) I never Provoked and wondered why everyone else was getting the crap kicked out of them. >.>
#24 Dec 05 2004 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,113 posts
heh... i was never really a newb, i played my friends game with him for a while XD

but i ran around monsters to evade their attacks..

threw away beastmen seals...

couldnt do mission 1-1 for windy cause i couldnt find the right tower...

was a thf/rdm, and still am a rdm/thf, suckas...

Aaaaand, thought the "M" mentor symbol meant like, master. and that the bazaar symbol meant they had a linkpearl sack

#25 Dec 06 2004 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent
345 posts
Started out with fighting everything with my fists and finding out that I had a weapon in my inventory after someone explained it to me ^^;;

First time sata going off on me, I needed it explained a few times, but if I look at it right now, it's damn easy :D

First time I entered this game I was escorted from sanny to windy, I have to admit it was quite a sight to see, seeing all those zones for the very first time makes it look so different if I look at the same zones now since they are so known ^^
#26 Dec 06 2004 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
259 posts
Well I started as a WHM and happened across a very good first party in the dunes, so partying was never a problem for me. BUT:

--I too thought bazaar icons were pearlsacks. I also insisted on my boyfriend buying an LS because I thought "good" players were in linkshells.

--I knew the AH existed but thought it was too complicated to learn, I could get by without it....but wait?! monsters don't drop gil????

--I ran around to try and dodge during fights as well.

--Tried to avoid macros as long as possible. Thought the format was confusing. To this day, when I level whm, I just have one CureII and one CureIII macro, I use F1-F6 to target. Has just always been the way I've done it...well, in the beginning I spammed Tab...but that got obnoxious in more crowded areas.

--My very first character was on Titan, she lasted for 2 days and 1 level, allowing me to run to Jeuno, set my homepoint, and realize I was stuck. Since I had no money, I ran the warehouse quest in Sandy, swearing to do it over and over until I made enough gil (before the fateful Jeuno run, of course).

I did "grow up" very quickly in game. Having been a game nerd for a long time, I catch on pretty fast. I read the websites, did my homework, and was able to get pretty decent at the game before needing to get my subjob.
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