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Was I wrong?Follow

#1 Dec 01 2004 at 3:01 AM Rating: Excellent
70 posts
Okay, not going to name any names, but I have a story to tell about a blantantly bad party I was in last night. I got a tele there from Jeuno, and went to party as the whm. We had tanks, another rdm, etc.

Immediately, I get killed by a goblin which was too strong that was pulled, and then I remembered-DOH! I had forgotten to set homepoint. So I went back to Jeuno, no big deal. I had a teleport to Holla already waiting for me when I zoned there. Then the leader asks me to disband while he gets someone to replace while I'm on my way walking there from La Theine. I didn't see the sense in it, as I would be there in just a minute, but alright, I did what was said.

I get there, set my homepoint...then he says "Hey, the whm is going to stay. Our RDM is leaving in 15 mins...can you power level us till then and then you can come back in?"

At this point, I'm getting kind of iffy. Here I've sacrificed my life to save the party, as well as lost exp. And then they're asking me to help them stay alive by powerleveling them thus also giving them xp after they had told me I could get right back in?

So I finally got back in the party. First off, one of our tanks d/cs mid battle. No biggy, we have another voker. Then I get hate...voker doesn't voke. -.- So I start to run...then the leader /tells me off for running, telling me I'm supposed to sacrifice myself. (I had already DONE that, difference was, the voker was actually VOKING that tie) So next up, we're getting 50 exp off tough crabs which they have a hell of a time fighting anyway. The puller runs out, pulls, then gets a gob train and zones. Comes out of zones, gobs attack again, he goes back to zone. Then he comes out again...drops dead. Goes back to home point, comes back to party. SO we're finally going again...we take on a vt crab...and we have HELL getting through it...I and the other whm are having to spam cures to keep them alive...finally, THEY die and we get...115 exp. Not worth it...took way too long.

And then, finally, I tell the leader I'm getting tired, and I'll be logging in about 10-15 mins, to just let me know when he found a replacement. (I COULDN'T look for a replacement, they were pulling repetitively, and I was having a hard enough time trying to keep them alive. BESIDES, it's not my JOB to find a replacement, and even if it were, as much trouble as I had been through with the party already you'd think they'd have cut me some slack)Oh no. That was it. I had had it. I LEFT. Logged out.

Was I wrong to do this? I can't see how I was, because honestly, I had already sacrificed myself, and I was having hell. What's next? I'm slightly worried that people are going to be spreading the word that "Dreamar is a bad white age who quits parties without warning" or "DREAMAR IS A HORRID WHM". Just to set the record straight, this is what happened...and I'm...peeved. -.- *huff puff*

Edited, Wed Dec 1 07:15:58 2004 by Dremar
#2 Dec 01 2004 at 3:22 AM Rating: Excellent
From what I'm seeing, you had more patience with them than I might have in the same situation.

I can't really comment on whether it was "right" or "wrong". But you showed tenacity and preserverance, and for that I'm rating you up.
#3 Dec 01 2004 at 3:52 AM Rating: Good
70 posts
Thank you! :D I don't really think the party was bad, and I'm not going to say that players were bad because that's the only experience I've ever had. I think it was a bit of a mix up between bad luck and a poorly put together party. And then add rising tempers to that list and I think that's what caused this.

But to be honest, I am glad I left. If I had died one more time that night I don't know what I would have done.

And also, to combat that devil who's tearing down your ratings, you get a rating up too, as I'm doing in all of your threads. ^_^
#4 Dec 01 2004 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
446 posts
You are a God among Mortals if you waited that long to leave a ****** party. I would have 86'd that within 5 minutes of being in the party. I personally don't like to waste my time with parties I know i won't go anywhere especially when I have 19k TNL O_0

So no you weren't in the wrong by doing what you did.
#5 Dec 01 2004 at 4:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Well don't spam me with rate ups. If you appreciate a post I've made in some way, rate it up. Just don't rate me up for the really pointless ones (I recently posted the words "Me too" and that's it, for crying out loud.)

I'm a post *****, I admit, but I'm no Karma *****. Smiley: tongue

I just feel rather harrassed and insulted.

Nevertheless I thank you. ^^

/bow Dreamar
#6 Dec 01 2004 at 4:04 AM Rating: Good
70 posts
Thanks you two ^^. /em is a mortal God now :D

But yes, I stayed in it for about 45 minutes. I even got an offer from many others on my way back from Jeuno, but nooo, I had to "stay with my party" because I had "told them I would." -.-

No more Mr. Nice Guy. I'm not doing that anymore. x.x
#7 Dec 01 2004 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
83 posts
*raises hand*

Umm. when did it become the or a whm's job to sacrifice himself for the pt, last I checked it's the tanks job to do that.

I really hate to say it, but chalk it up to "the dunes", and really bad luck. I was extremly fourtunate to get some awesome pt's in the dunes as pld and on my other char, blm.

Were the rest of the pt member new players and just had no clue or were they on adv jobs. I personally think that the dunes and sometimes even qufim have an aura around them that make people stupid. I have seen some pretty dumb stuff done in these 2 zones by people who have been in both at least once and in the case of the dunes twice, manin and sub jobs. It's like they walk into the zone and totally forget what they have learned in the past 30 or so levels, well what they have "hopefully" learned.
#8 Dec 01 2004 at 4:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Squire Varawyn wrote:
*raises hand*

Umm. when did it become the or a whm's job to sacrifice himself for the pt, last I checked it's the tanks job to do that.

Generally speaking, at that low a level, a Benediction drop will get the WHM eaten alive in short order.

Not sure if Dreamar dropped his 2hr, but frenetic cure spamming could do it too, depending on the tank.

I know that you know this. Just bringing it up.

More to the point of your actual question, I applaud anyone who dies for their party.

It is no small thing to sacrafice your life so that others might live.

As such.

/clap Dreamar
#9 Dec 01 2004 at 4:19 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
I would've left when they asked me to PL them. That pretty much counts as an insult to me. You invite me, I die for you, then you don't let me back in. No, way.

Personally I would've told them how I felt before I left. I'm not a big fan of the /logout tactic. If I'm upset with a party, they hear about it. Obviously it's normally not well-received. I usually do leave a bad party if there's nothing that can be done to "make it better." I'm in this game to have fun and get levels. Can't do that when I'm stuck with a party that would rather argue about stupid crap and refuse to work together.

Anyway, simply logging out or disbanding without telling the party why is not solving anything. Sure, you've escaped, but they learned nothing, and just write you off as "an arrogant WHM." I know to some it means little since WHMs generally get invites rather quickly, but that's just being ignorant (<- with ignorant being used correctly, mind you). That group of people you left will do the same thing they did with you on the next hapless party member. I know some parties just don't seem "worth it" to try and set straight, but I'm not saying you have to be civil about it. >_>

This applies to all jobs too. Don't just run away from a party that's going bad, tell them WHY you're leaving. Maybe, just maybe, they'll learn. can hope anyway.
#10 Dec 01 2004 at 4:25 AM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Yeah, forgot about benicide. I guess I also have it drilled into my head that at all cost my whm does not die.

I just hate to see anyone die in a pt when I was avoidable. While lvl mnk a bit past 15, had been playing pld for 30 or so lvls so kinda had the "main tank" mentality, voked once when I shouldn't have :o After being raised by a pld, apologiezed to the pt and told the pld "I'm a 30'ish pld, guess its still in my system" which got some good laughs from all.
#11 Dec 01 2004 at 4:29 AM Rating: Excellent
I gather that he didn't just suddenly log out, but informed them that he was leaving in 15 minutes.

Regarding not letting anyone die, I understand. Nataraja is a born and bread tank, it's all I use him for. And I hate it when others die on my watch. Smiley: banghead
#12 Dec 01 2004 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
I'm going to address some of the things you guys have said. :p

Dying for one's party: I am more than happy to, more than WILLING to die for a party by using benedict or spamming in order to save them. In fact, when I'm in a good party, with good, respectful, nice players, I am actually happy to die in order to save them. But when I'm in a party full of people who don't appreciate the sacrifice, don't provoke, and then tell me I shouldn't have run to zone...

Logging out: I didn't. I told the leader that I was a bit annoyed at him for wanting me to stay out of the party and power level them and give THEM EXP and keep them ALIVE after I had died and lost exp to save them. He pretty much ignored it.

Later, I told them I was going to log in 15 minutes, and to go ahead and be searching for a replacement. I also told him that I would wait to log until he found one, and would log when he did if he wanted. Then he tells me I'm supposed to find the replacement. Right then, I go out of healing mode, go to log out, and as I'm logging, I explain to him why I'm logging and even give a "Goodbye" emote. So I did warn them...but alas, even after I told them I was logging right then and there, they pulled a damselfly...don't know what happened after that...
#13 Dec 01 2004 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Dying for a pt is, in certain circumstances, the absolute right thing to do. Just in my case, if my whm dies I feel that I have not done my job.

I have been in a few pt's where people are "there" and go afk w/o saying anything, fall asleep at the keyboard or whatever. When something like this happens it's, cya all, sorry this isnt working.

As far as you being right or wrong, that is something that only you can decide. I have just made up an excuse or 2 here and there to get out of a bad pt and sometimes have regretted it and sometimes not.

And we all have runs of bad luck, for me it's been the past few days. Sitting lfg w/o any invites or luck in getting a pt together. Several hours last night trying to get mold with only 1 drop :/ Getting paper and coal went a lot quicker.
#14 Dec 01 2004 at 5:08 AM Rating: Good
70 posts
Personally I don't think what I did was wrong, but I more or less wanted to set the record straight before I got a bad name and also wanted to see what other people thought of the situation. ^^
#15 Dec 01 2004 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
1,477 posts
Dremar wrote:
I more or less wanted to set the record straight before I got a bad name

Sometimes if I've been in a bad party and got into a disagreement with one or more members (Say, tank isn't voking off me as WHM even though he hasn't voked in 3 battles and timer is up, then blames me for spamming cures and pulling hate), I've had this worry. More and more, though, I've found that in general (though with exceptions) really bad players don't frequent these boards enough to add anyone to the bad player's list. If someone is in the dunes and does not know enough to voke the mob frequently and especially when it goes after the WHM and then thinks it's the WHM's fault, they sure as hell aren't going to be posting here in any level of respectable detail.
#16 Dec 01 2004 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
Just be blunt about it. Don't beat around the bush. Come out and say, "Hey look, this party isn't working out for me. I'm not feeling the vibe, I think I am leaving now."

If I'm in a party where the tank blows and can't hit the mob, I cast an enfeeble spell and pull hate, I'm out. ***** that, it's not worth my time. Sure a few people will get mad but they have to learn they are ******** up some time or another. If they don't know their faults, they will never learn, and that's why we have 46 War/Nin with Greatsword at level 50 trying to tank.
#17 Dec 01 2004 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
194 posts
Staying in a party you hate is probably one of the worst things you can do for yourself and for the people in the party. I'd much rather have a person leave for whatever reason, than stay and act out against people in the group or make rude comments or not play their job right just because they are annoyed with the party.

Not to say that you did any of that. My point is merely, if you're not having a good time and start to feel that irritation bubble boil up, just bow out, you'll be doing yourself and those around you a favor.

And don't worry about getting a "bad name" or anything. There are over 2000 people on the server at any given time. It's not like one little cruddy dunes party is going to make the whole server boycott you.
#18 Dec 01 2004 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
Gotta love valkrum.. lol

I would of left the min they asked me to be replaced and then... ask me to powerlevel them.. I would of been F U guys
#19 Dec 01 2004 at 11:40 AM Rating: Excellent
Heh Dremar, you have the same patience that I do. I find myself staying in bad parties for a long time simply because I said I would pt ><

And I have a NASTY lil habit finding bad pts lol. That is why I stock up on shihei and meat mithkabobs before I go into battle anymore as a white mage. The tanks always seem to forget theirs, and thus have to either run back to Jueno or beg other parties to please sell him or her some.

And then there was that time just recently where I and one other had to give the tank a crash course in how to Skillchain...

That sucked ; ;

Anyway...while you should have told the pt calmly what was wrong with them (as I do after three hours of bad pting), you behaved rather well under the circumstances.

My congradulations.
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#20 Dec 01 2004 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
163 posts
I try not to stay in parties if I feel like we just aren't connecting.

Sometimes I can be in a great party, and things are going well, and everyone works together, but someting bad might happen that will result in a death. It's no ones fault, shrug it off and get back into the rythmn. At least you're having fun. ^^

Then there's parties like the one you decribe. You just... weren't feeling it. There is nothing wrong with leaving a group that you're not having a good time in, no point in helping leveling become anymore more of a grueling task that it already is. I've left groups that were pulling in good xp just because I didn't feel like I was connecting with the other members.

But like Omniscient mentioned, be straight forward, I for one prefer it over the "Oh, my ls is ummm... going to do something."

Glad you tried sticking it out as long as you could though

*raises hand*

Umm. when did it become the or a whm's job to sacrifice himself for the pt, last I checked it's the tanks job to do that.

I've always thought that it's everyone's job to do whatever they can to ensure everyone lives in a party, so no one has to sacrifice their lives.

If I can Barrage to pull the hate from the blm that's alittle to burst happy and the tank can't get it off him, I will. Though I like to wait until the last second for dramatic effect *grins*
#21 Dec 01 2004 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
I think I would have left when they said they were gonna replace you in the time it took to get back, because that would tell me right there they were more interested in self gain than anything else. (Eh, nothing wrong with self gain until it makes you go back on promises, and principles.)

And asking for a PL after you've died and trekked ALL the way back just to stay in a party because you said you would is flat out rude.

So, bad playing aside on their part, the party lead was also not a terribly awesome person.

Reminds me of one of my very very first parties (ever) way back when -- when I got an invite (at 13 thf with no sub, I was quite pleased) and about 30 minutes into the party, in /p the leader said his RL friend wanted in the party and would Ixa mind very much leaving to make room for him.

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